WARHINOljiS flhereistin Ar feeonomy V 1 fmleriorl vlv 3 D Healthy Children Dont Eat too much meat provided it is the tive digestible kind Such is tbe meat we will take pleasure in cutting for you Take Good Care of the growing ones and the grown ups too by getting your meat from a butcher you can trust implicitly We have all the best meats constantly on hand Poultry too tender healthy wholesome fowls Dresed or alive vr MARION And still it rains Corn is being planted rainor shine H G Miller is going to work for DH Rittenhouse WVMiller thinks that assessing so far from home is not a snap Andrew Smalberger thinks ho will have to list his wheat all into corn John Matson has returned from the Driftwood and reports it dry up there D H Steele is somewhat sore yet but lie is out and doing light one hand work Cora Haun who has been working for Tom Harrisons has left for parts un known Ernest Galusha is at home now as the rush of mason work is over He thinks he can do a little of the much needed Work that has been neglected F E Lafferty has a phone now and and he thinks that all he lacks now of being ready to keep house is some good looking woman to come and stay with him Pew Bros shipped the last of their 3000 head of sheep this week There were three car loads and the boys say that this is their profit and pay for their work Maud Sovern closed her school last Friday with a very nice program and a fine dinner Although it rained in the morning there was a house full and they all report a good time Quick Arrest J A Gulledge of Verbena Ala was twice in the hospital from a severe case of piles causing 24 tumors After doc tors and all remedies failed Bucklens Arnica Salve quickly arrested further Inflammation and cured him It con quers aches and kills pain 25 cents at LW McConnells druggist BUX ELDER George Harrison bought a team of horses of Mr Penny A W Campbell visited his son at Spring Creek Sunday Walter Hickling visited his sister Mrs WY Johnson Sunday Frank Lakin and wife are caring for a little daughter nowadays J L Campbell and wife of Osburn were visitors here Monday There was about two inches of rain in this locality Tuesday night No complaint heard now of the dry weather everybody busy with their farming W B Wolfe and wife visited their daughter Mrs Will Stone Sunday afternoon Next Friday being the last day of school in this district Miss Chinn the teacher and the- pupils are making ar rangements for a picnic in Bolles grove Sick headache results from a disor dered stomach and is quickly cured by Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tab lets For sale by all druggists fe Hi ea Ith For 25 years I have never missed taking Ayers Sarsaparilla every spring It cleanses my blood makes me feel strong and does me good in every way John P Hodnette Brooklyn NY Pure and rich blood carries new life to every part of the body You are invigorated refreshed You feel anxious to be active You become strong steadycourageous Thats what Ayers Sarsaparilla will do for you SI00 a bottle Alt drurglsts AakTonr doctor Tvbatlio thinks of Avars RargaDarilla He Unows all anoutthlagrand SdSKy medicine Follow bis advlceand ne will bo tuned JA1 i w - - NORTH SIDE The fall wheat generally speaking is not very good Grandma Carter is visiting with her son Fred Carter Mrs J M Brady came out to the homo ranch Saturday Lee Carter visited with Mart and Frank Kennedy Sunday This neighborhood has been having some very nice rains lately William Hamraell attended advent meeting in McCook Saturday Jay Carter has a new kind of a lister He calls it the flying dutchman E H Doan and family of McCook were driving out our way Sunday William Doyle is hauling lumber from McCook to his ranch on the Willow Grandma Kennedy is visitincr with her sbn Martin Kennedy and family George Henderson and wife visited with Clyde Marriotts folks Sunday William Heinz of Smoky Hollow was over our way Tuesday buying hogs Henry Pate and George Cain of Mc Cook were visiting with Mr Marriotts folks Sunday John Cnshen from Oelwein Iowa is visiting with his mother brothers and sister this week Glenn and Pete Modrell are running two listers and are going to put out a large acreage of corn Tom Chamberlain bought a fine team of high steppers and a three seated car riage one day last week x And now comes Tom Chamberlain who says he cut 175 posts in two hours and talked with Jim Doyle all the time Next Joe Snider has the best fall wheat we have seen this spring He is a good farmer and good farming pays out here just as well as it does farther east The writer of these lines is in favor of Ed Wilcox for Secretary of State We voted for Ed twice and want to vote for him this fall again and weare no Re publican either - A Sure Thing Tf q snirl thnf nnfViinrr iu nuro ftvponf death and taxes but that is not alto gether true Dr Kings New Discovery for Consumption is a sure cure forall lung and throat troubles Thousands can testify to that MrsCBVanMetre of ShepherdtownWVa says I had a severe case of bronchitis and for a year tried everything I heard of but got no relief One bottle of Dr Kings New Discovery then cured me absolutely Its infallible for croup whooping cough grip pneumonia and consumption Try it Price 50 cents and 1 Guaranteed by LW McConnell druggist Trial bottles free Mrs week Myrtle Keys is in Indianola this John Jones is painting Mr Finnegans residence Mr Talcot returned to his home in Crete Sunday - - A F McCord and wife visited in In dianola Sunday Mrs W T Wood left Monday even ing for Lewiston Idaho Mrs I W Stevens of Freedom visited her daughter MrsPercy CatlettSunday Guy Curlee was up from Holbrook over Sunday to visit his parents and her E E Smith shipped five carloads of cattle last week and four carloads this week Heber yickrey with Logan Pharmacy of Stockville visited with his -sister here Sunday Mrs W T Wood and her father Dr Brown visited with M D Hobbs and family Sunday Several canines have been taking the faith cure lately with fatal results The marshal reports about a dozen inter ments Eugene Dutcher has completed the Burton residence and is now assisting the large force of carpenters to complete the mill Henry Burton has sold his harness business to George Carr who is now in possession Clarence Bush is doing the harness repairing and shoe mending J B Hainings two sons have come home to look after the home affairs until their father recovers from the in jury received about two weeks since Elder C P Evans of Arapahoe will preach the memorial sermon in the M E church May 29 Rev E B Crippen of Indianola will make the memorial address May 30 The fine rains have produced smiling countenances on all faces since last writing 185 inches of rain has fallen which with that previously reported makes nearly 250 inches Grass and small grain is growing rapidly Corn is being planted some farmers having in over 100 acres We look for a large crop of corn this year Do It Today The time worn injunction Never put off til tomorrow what you can do today is now generally presented in this form Do it today That is the terse advice we want to give you about that hacking cough or demoralizing cold with which you have been struggling for several days perhaps weeks Take some reliable remedy for it today and let that rem edy be Dr Botchees German Syrup which has been in use for over thirty live years A few doses of it will un doubtedly relieve your cough or cold and its continued use for a few days will cure you completely No matter how deep seated your cough even if dread consumption has attacked your lungs German Syrup will surely effect a cure as it has done before in thousands of ap parently hopeless cases of vlung trouble New trial bottles 25c regular size 75c L W McConnell One of the greatest blessings a modest man can wish for is a good reliable set of bowels If you are not the happy possessor of such an outfit you can greatly improve the efficiency of those you have by the judicious use of Cham berlains Stomach and Liver Tablets They are pleasant to take and agreeable in effect For sale by all druggists INDIANOLA Delia Andrews was a McCook visitor Saturday Grandpa Russell who has been quite sick is slowly mending Polk Uros the tinners of McCook were in town Monday doing work Mrs Frank Hardesty is entertaining her father from Kansas this week Nettie Endsley of McCook visited a few days this week with Nettie McCool Mabel Mlddleton of McCook spent Sunday with John Broomfield and iiy Harry Whitmore and wife aro the proud parents of a baby girl born Mon day James Dolau and wife departed Sun day morning for a short visit withrela tives in California Ilarry Paine and wife of Bartley Sun daved with the latter s Daren ts Arch Mann and family James Cosgro and wife went down to Lincoln Sunday morning The former to receive treatment Henry Shouse came in from Mr Gregorys Wednesday where he has been doing carpenter work Frank Howe is putting the roof on Hardestys drug store this week which blew off during the wind storm Mrs P Spobn who has been visiting for the past week with her parentsn Culbertson returned home Wednesday morning The two yonr old child of Mat Colling and wife died Wednesday morning after a short illness and was buried Thurs day from the Catholic church The infant child of Tom Taylor and wife who has been suffering for a long time with whoopiner cough died and was buried Saturday afternoon Tuesday night the city council ap pointed Henry Ough as sexton of the cemetery to fill the vacancy made by George Cramers removal to California Wesley Harrison and family moved to Oak Nuckolls county Nebraska this week where they will make their future home He will engage in the mercantile business The Christian Endeavor society held their monthly social last Friday evening at the home of Rev Hawkins Owing to the inclemency of the weather a very small crowd was in attendance The Epworth League gave an ice cream social at the Woodman hall Mon day evening A short literary program was rendered after which the band favored the crowd with a few selections The proceeds will be used toward paint ing the M E church Do Not Be Imposed Upon Foley Co Chicago originated Honey and Tar as a throat and lung remedy and on account of the great merit and popularity of Foleys Honey and Tar many imitations are offered for the genuine Ask for Foleys Honey and Tar and refuse any substitute offered as no other preparation will give the same satisfaction It is mildly laxative It contains no opiates and issafest for children and delicate persons Sold by A McMillen Stops more pain relieves more suffer ing prevents more heart aches and dis eases than any other remedy That is what Hollisters Rocky Mountain Tea will do 35 cents in tea or tablet form LW McConnell DANBURY Mr Adams house is enclosed Ike Nutt purchased the candy store of Dan Clouse Wallace Billings is adding an addition to his residence James Sims shipped two cars of hogs to St Joe this week C A Gentry is building an 16x21 ad dition to nis residence Sam Bastians stock of general mer chandise arrived today Miss Alto Morgan daughter of our popular merchant is having a fine grad uating suit made Dr Robinson has the cellar and foun dation for his fine residence about ready for the carpenters T D Burns shipped eight double deck cars of sheep to Omaha this week A vegetable liquid for governing ot equalizing the flow of womens menses which occur once in every lunar month BRADFIELDS Female Regulator is the essential quality of powerful herbs It is a concentrated essence best adapted for womens delicate organism and put in such form that it is always properly assimilated and taken into the system Stoppages suppression painful or other irregularity of the menses and sickly flows are corrected and cured by the regular use of this superior emmenagogue Menstruation or periodic flows neces sitate a breaking down of cells lining the mucous membrane and a reconstruction after every sickness which is sccompa nied with marked congestion and loss of blood Such changes are very apt to pro duce chronic catarrh Leucorrhea or Whites is the result of these irritating dis charges Regulator cures these troubles and restores to perfect health the patient who suffered the debilitating losses Buy of druggists 100 per bottle Our illustrated book mailed free Perfect Heath for Women fHE BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO Atlanta Ga Ben Smiley and Mr Hundreested did the loading John Boyer bought half of one lot last week and Davo the other half I wonder what the boys are going to do with so much land Six married women all mothers and church members or have been repre senting five denominations signed the petition for a saloon Mr Hulburtonoof Deweys cowboys who has been living here since the trag edy moved to Wilsonvillo Tuesday He is an industrious man and a eood citi zen t W R Starr was over Monday evening assisting Dan Cashen in securing a sa loon license Twenty six lecral petition ers opposed and 19 were in favor The license was granted Wedding James DeLong and Miss Cora Haun They have the good wishes of the entire community And by the way Jim is on ihe track for Lincoln on a different ticket from our Philip Gliem Garden and field seeds at Waites the gluten in and Sold in 2 lb The Richest Man In the World The richest man in the world can not have his kidneys replaced nor live with out them so it is important not to neg lect these organs If Foleys Kidney Cure is taken at tho first sign of danger the symptoms will disappear and your health will bo restored as it strengthens and builds up these organs as nothing else will Oscar Bowman Lebanon Ky writes I have used Foleys Kidney Cure and take great pleasure in stating it cured mo permanently of kidney dis ease which certainly would have cost me my life Sold by A McMHIen Warning- You cannot hnvn pood health unless your kidneys are sound for the kidneys filter the blood of impurities which oth erwise act as irritating poisons and break down tho delicate organs of tbe body and cause serious trouble If you have kidney or bladder trouble and do not use Foleys Kidney Cure you will have only yourself to blame for results as it positively cures all forms of kidney and bladder trouble Sold by A Mc MiHen n 1 JSflJlJIV 1 s 11 h Jim lIP v fe - HEAT0SE All the food elements choicest white wheat in Wheatose the foods Absolutelv 4 Phone No 20 that Nature nuts grown in California is purest and best of all the only wheat food all the indio esrihlr ffk packages by all high class grocers into the combined breakfast with all ire out AjVvV6f n Keep3 hogs healthy kills lice on all kinds of animals cures the pink eye and distem per and is tho greatest remedy for germ diseases of animals known to modern sci ence Sold on its merits Your money back if not satisfied Write tho Company en closing stamp for freo advice on all germ diseases of animals One quart can 100 One gallon can 300 One five gallon can 1375 Wausa Xeb Dec 18 1902 I consider Liquid Koal one of the best articles for all around purposes on the market Foi mites and lice in chicken houses and for lice on calves and horses it is the best and cheapest thing I have ever found Liquid Koal ought to be on every farm Chas Ber ganhager ITfd by National Medical Co Sheldon Iowa FOR SALE AND GUARANTEED BY JAMES CAIN Flour and Feed Store McCook Neb r Great New Offer in the Number of Paid Admissions to the St Louis Worlds Fair on July 4 1904 Contest Opens March 1 Closes June 30 1904 No guesses will be received after that date Conditions of the Contest 7IJZZ from one of our regular dealers or where we have no dealer remitting di rect to the Company will be entitled to one guess on the number of people that will pass through the gates paid admissions of the St Louis Worlds Fair on July 4 1904 To those who purchase a gallon can four guesses will be allowed a five gallon can 25 guesses No limit to the number of guesses allowed on persons complying with these terms Fill out the coupon given below have your dealer sign it and he will send them to the company at the end of each month If there is no dealer in your town mail them direct to the Company This contest will positively close at midnight June 30 1904 after which time no guesses will be received In case of a tie the prizes will be divided equally During this contest where we have no dealer orders will be sent prepaid and cash must accompany them Money on deposit at the Union Bank Sheldon Iowa to pay these prizes For the nearest correct estimate or guess 200 00 For the second nearest correct estimate or guess 100 00 For the third nearest correct estimate or guess 5000 For the fourth nearest correct estimate or guess 21 00 For tho fifth nearest correct estimate or guess 1500 For the sixth nearest correct estimate or guess 10 00 For the next 20 nearest correct estimates or guesses each 500 TotaI 50000 Special Prizes For first nearest correct estimate or guess received in March 150 lbs National Stock Food and 10 gallon can Liquid Koal value 4000 For first nearest correct estimate or guess received in April one 10 gallon can Liquid Coal value 2500 For tho first nearest correct estimate or guess received in May one 5 gallon can Liquid Koal value 1375 Valuahle iniui uidLiUil To aid in forming your estimates we furnish tho following fisureS Total paid admissions during May to the Chicago Worlds Fair were 1050037 Total paid admissions during May to the Pan American Exposition at Bnffalo were 399430 What will be the total number of paid admissions to the St Louis Worlds Fair July 4 Fig ure it out or guess at it and give in your estimate as indicated above G TTIEJSSinsrGr COTTIFOIfcT Town State Date 1904 Adv Dept National Medical Co Sheldon Iowa My estimate on the number of paid admissions to the St Louis Worlds Fair on July 4 1904 is Countersigned by Dealer Taken from the McCook Tribune t cc mm witnthMalls Loudon April 10 A tab fcl k Tendon covering - 197 minlltPS r x M7noopn KftllWflV Hil i irnn vycohj m the conveyance of records for I sMEarsra American man the distance oi z The last 110 miies in 99 minutes made of he runwas Modern Dentistry HERBERT J PRATT DDS Office over McConnells drug store McCOOK NEBRASKA Office Phone 160 Res Phone 131 Registered Graduate Dentist Formerly located in At lanta Georgia All opera tions pertaining to modern dentistry performed accord ing to the latest scientific methods used in the large cities F D BURGESS Plumber and Steam Fitter Iron Lead and Sewer Pipe Brass Goods Pumps an Boiler Trimmings Agentjfar Halliday Waupun fcclipse Windmills Basement of the Meeker Phillips Building McCOOK NEBRASKA DR H M IRELAND Osteopathic Physician Kelley Office Bldg Phone No 13 McCOOK NEB Consultation free H L PREVOST DELNTIST Graduate of Kansas City Lental College DRi Hi OverJasMcAdams Telephone 43 McCook Nebraska J GUNN DENTIST phone n2 Office over Grannis store McCook Neb DR A P WEJLLES Physician and Surgeon Offico over McMillons drug store Residence 02 Mam Aveuue Residence phone 53v Office phone 28 Calls answered nisht or day McCOOK NEBRASKA JOHN E KELLEY ATTORNEY AT LAW and BONDED ABSTRACTER McCook Nebraska IoAgentof Lincoln Land Co and of McCook Waterworks Offico in Postoffico building C E ELDRED ATTORNEY AT LAW McCook Nebraska Office in Court House Phone 181 C H BOYLE ATTORNEY at LAW McCook Nebraska Telephone 44 H P SUTTON McCOOK P O Building JEWELER MUSICAL GOODS NEBRASKA S ENL9SH PENNYROYAL PILLS GO CrC Always reliable v 9L H Cold mptaiii k n Red and Take no other lSrnild th Wue Tibho tntlonaand Imitation or send 4c In stamps TnriLourIf8i and Rellpf r V aV eI moninlii by return Mall in ooSrwJaf in ucr all Drum sis Testimonials Sold bT Mention tMBjer APPLICATION FOR PERMIT vw - cCook Nebraska April 15 I9fti tion for a dSSS tn and vinous HquoraSthffn MaItSplntu block in tho lf latnDpiIdingoalot21 Cook Red W How colintTNeb0 Cty f McI year ending Mayls oaf Nebraska during the 415 3tS A- MdlMES Applicant APPLICATION FOR PERMIT Notice is herein VwV1 15 W4 t nt i - n -1 cu i uuno a Hi ala buuiiiit i urv a petition for a drugcists APPLICATION FOR LICENSE Bro uvo meum cue city clerks office thvi imjf V u sp ritnous and vinouf Hnuora 2S loti W ti isnotblockl6 original town in th McCook from May 1 1904 To Tpril 30 of Mt L Cone B Aff fl filed In the vlllagecSrk I office hii af application ior a license to saII mif auu and vinous liquors in i tS hniMi spmtuoas block 39 in thesSSnd ward origin loP dianola from May 1 gg f ln A LHalet Applicant I s i r r i a V fvv m