IWARNINC It inere is no iinbuying l inlenorf MFATTJ - iS2 V Healthy Children Dont Eat loo much meat provided it is thn nutii iive digestible kind Such is the nient we will take pleasure in cutting for you Take Good Care vi the growing ones and tho grown m s too by getting your niPHt frum a butcher you can trust implicitly Wo have all the best meats constantly on hand Poultry too tender healthy wholesome fowls Dressed or alive MARION We had a good rain Today is the last day of school Pew Bros are trying to shear sheep John Matson and wife are visiting on Driftwood Haun Bros were hauling hay from II C Plumbs D H Steel is still nursing his dislocr ted shoulder J C Lafferty is having a hard time to get his incubator to set W EWhite was helping D IIRitten Iiouse build fence Monday Mr Powell was not here this week to see to getting his stock to the yards Mrs J H Wicks was visiting with ter mother Mrs E J Bull last Sunday Manford Steel is working on the Powell ranch while his father is laid up This is the week Powell ships his fat cattle There are four cars of cattle and three of hogs The alfalfa is looking fine siccg the Tain and the farmers think they will get one crop of hay any haw Jim Foster who has been working for D H Rittenhouse quit last Saturday and now Mr Rittenhouse is looking for another man I know a jolly old maiden lady A lady of high degree Who never goes to bed without A drink of Rocky Mountain Tea Sensible woman L W JVlcCONJJKLL CEDAR BLUFFS KANSAS Mabel Rothmayer is working at the Sotel Blanche Henderson is working for Will Minor Born to Willie and Cassie Minor Wed nesday April 13 a boy Cora Patterson of Danbury spent Sunday at I A Rushtons A surprise party was given on the Misses Berndts Thursday evening J W Wicks and Mr Dolph of Danbury were business callers here Saturday JW Minor sold H S Kennedy 400 bushels of corn Monday at 50 cents per iushel H S Kennedy shipped six cars of cattle Monday two to St Joe and four to Kansas City A young lad of the north ran away from home last week but was not swift enough for his fathers surrey team Poor fellow surely punctured his wheel as he road home with his father Boys how foolish Garden and field seeds at Waites oon For two years I suffered ter ribly from dyspepsia with great depression and was always feeling poorly I then tried Ayers Sarsa parilla and in one week I was a new man John McDonald Philadelphia Pa Dont forget that its Ayers Sarsaparilla that will make you strong and hopeful Dont waste your time and money by trying some other kind Use the old tested tried and true Ayers Sarsapa rilla 100 a bottle All druggists a ir nnr rinntnr what lie thinks of Ayers tIr kiinTM nil about this grand old family medicine Follow lilt advice and we will be satisfied l U AYEIl W uincii i - - R r - v A tjl - -- tftA i w -- - 4 3Yiii jjMii g INDIANOLA Dr Iluthorn of Bartley was in town Tuesday on business Lotou Duckworth of Havana was a town visitor Saturday Rev Hawkins went down to Franklin Tuesday morning on business Fred Sheets has sold his restaurant to a Mr Robinson of near Bartley A nice rain fell here Saturday which was very much appreciated by all Fred Vering was called to Indiana the latter part of last week by the death of his brother The Missed Walker of Culbertson spent Sunday and Monday with their sister Mrs P Spons W H Smith is having a new porch built which will add greatly to the ap pearance of his residence The infapb child of Tom Taylor and wife is still very ill and small hopes are entertained for its recovery Luke Ha den and family moved down from McCook this week and now oc cupy the house vacated by George Cra mer Mrs Mary Baldwin returned to her home in Trenton last Friday evening after a few days visit with her sister Mrs Anni Price Harry T Sutton under the auspices of the teachers association delivered the play of Macbeth last Saturday evening to a full house I M Brown departed Monday morn ing to his home in Dodge City Kansas after a short visit with his brother-in-law W H Smith and family The eight months old baby of August Lehn of the Beaver died last Friday of the fever and was buried Tuesday morning from the Catholic chuich The Happy Go -Lucky club gave a farewell reception to Miss Alice Cramer last Friday evening at the home of Miss Emma Howard The club presented her with a gold ring The teachers association meeting held in the opera house last Saturday after noon was quite largely attended The fine program which was rendered was instructive as well as entertaining George and family departed on No 5 Monday evening for their new home in Los Augeles California The family have lived here for the past 23 years and it is with regret that we see them go Quite a number of the friends of Mrs Rankin treated her to a surprise last Saturday evening as a reminder of her sixtieth birthday Refreshments con sisting of ice cream and cake furnished by the crowd were served She was the recipient of a handsome rocker and a fine rug Robbed The Grave A startling incident is narrated by John Oliver of Philadelphia as follows I was in an awful condition My skin was almost yellow eyes sunken tongue coated pain continually in back and sides no appetite growing weaker day by day Then I was advised to use Electric Bitters to ray great joy the first bottle made a decided improvement I continued their use for three weeks and am now a well man I know they robbed the grave of another victim No one should fail to try them Only 50 cents guaranteed at L W McConnells drug store BUX ELDER Most of the farmers in this vicinity are listing corn The cement was brought out one day this week for S D Bolles new house George Harrison sold his team this week to H T Church of Spring Creek Mrs S D Bolles spent a couple of days last week with homefolks in Mc Cook Mrs Edward Shepherds brother was down from Spring Creek and visited her over Sunday Dr Harlan was called out Monday to see MrsW Y Johnson who is having a siege with the grippe The Millers wno have had a bunch of cattle at D B Doyles for the past month moved west Tuesday George Younger and I C Foye are at the Willow this week working on a store building for J F Helm Charley Mundy and George Harrison and Daisy Chinn and Maude Stone cajled on W A Stotfe and wife Tuesday evening T M Campbells team got tired standing still last Saturday while Leigh Atkinson was building fence so they took aspin but did no damage Last Friday afternoon the remains of Mrs Angeline Johnson the mother of Mrs F G Lytlewere laid to rest by the Side of her husband in the cemetery here Rev Carman of McCook preach ed the funeral at the church Grandma Johnson was a good Christian woman and one whose example was worthy of a copy Thoros no such thing as death lis but the blossom spray Sinking before the common fruit That seeks the summer ray Tis but the bud displaced As comes the perfect flower Tis faith exchanged for sight And weariness for power Sciatic Rheumatism Cured I have been subject to sciatic rheu matism for years says E H Waldron of Wilton Junction Iowa My joints were stiff and gave me much pain and discomfort My joints would crack whenl straightened up I used Cham berlains Pain Balm and have been thoroughly cured Have not had a pain or ache from the old trouble for many months It is certainlv a most wonder ful linimonf TTnr an In txr nil Irntrnriafa l mkmn V mC Jill I 2ffoMfc s WC 1 IV vV 1 eautiful THotiKts The sweet pure breath of the babe is suggestive of innocence and health A mothers yearning for children is in separable from a love of the beautiful and it behooves every woman to bring the sweetest and best influence to bear on the subject of her maternity To relieve pain and make easy that period when life is born again Mothers Friend is popularly used It is a liniment easily administered and for externalise only Pregnant women sh auld try this remedy it being undeniably a friend to her during natures term of suspense and anticipation flothers Friend if used throughout gestation will soften the breasts thereby preventing cracked and sore nipples All muscles straining with the burden will relax become supple and elastic from its continued application All fibres in the abdominal region will respond readily to the expanding cover containing the embryo if riothersFriend is applied externally during pregnancy Of all reliable druggists ioo per bottle Write for free book on flotherhood THE BRADFIGLD REGULATOR CO ATLANTA GA NORTH SIDE Jay Carter and lady attended the dance Friday night John Brady attended a party in Mc Cook Saturday night John Brady is contemplating a trip to Denver in the near future Martin Kennedy is enjoying a visit from his mother and brother Fred Carter and family were visiting with William Johnson and family Sun day Mr and Mrs Martin Kennedy visited with Mr and Mrs Robert Moore Sun day Mike Steltzer has gone on the road with his show Uere is success to you Mike Mr and Mrs D C Little from the Brushio were shopping in McCook Sat urday Martin Kennedy and S O Hogue at tended the sale on the Oscar Russell ranch Friday The young folks held adance at George Hendersons Friday night All present report a good time Matt Uhren made his regular trip to Indianola Sunday Must have a little Dutch girl down there Patrick Cashen died Monday April 25th at 3 oclock in the afternoon after suffering about four weeks with dropsy He was buried from St Patricks Cath olic church Wednesday morning Father Loughran officiating Patrick Cashen was born in Ireland May 6th 1838 At the age of twelve years he came to Amer ica settling in Iowa where he lived with his parents until he was married to Eliz abeth Murphy January 26 1864 They came to McCook in 1893 where he re sided until the time of his death Mr Cashen was a good man a fine neighbor and kind father His many friends and neighbors join with the family in their sorrow in the loss of a loving father and husband May his soul rest in peace Makes A Clean Sweep Theres nothing like doing a thing thoroughly Of all the salves you ever heard of Bucklens Arnica Salve is the best It sweeps away and cures burns sores bruises cuts boils ulcers skin eruptions and piles Its only 25 cents and guaranteed to give satisfaction by L W McConnell druggist BANKSVILLE The rainfall measured one inch here Sunday Everybody is happy and busy since the rain A M Benjamin made a trip Tuesday to Cedar Bluffs Kansas J H Relph and wife were at Cedar Bluffs Kansas Tuesday BWBenjamin was transacting busi ness in McCook Wednesday Jake Crocker was in this vicinity Monday hunting his cattle that strayed away during the storm Sunday MrsW E Knobbs and two children were here from Pueblo Colorado the past ten days and returned to McCook Wednesday August Wesch and I S Elliott each had thirty acres of corn listed Saturday and J A Hoffman and Fred Wesch commenced listing corn Monday School closed at the Pleasant Prairie school house last Friday The excellent work of the teacher Miss Plumb is highly appreciated by both pupils and patrons of district No 35 A game of base ball between a picked up nine and Fairview resulted in a victory for the latter with scores galore I have used Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tablets with most satisfac tory results says Mrs F L Phelps Houston Texas For indigestion bili ousness and constipation these tablets are most excellent Sold by all druggists ayT3 Ma Wfamwg W rJSreZ BARTLEY Joe Burton went up northwesr of In dianola to work Monday Mrs Lee and Mary Peake of Indianola were visitors here Friday afternoon 53 of an inch of rain last Sunday was cheering to all We need much more Several of the young people enjoyed a pleasant party at Harts Saturday even ing Mr Moons house was moved onto his lots in the southwest part of town Wed nesday Mrs Rittenburg who has been in Illi nois for several weeks returned homo Friday evening Milan Beeson moved into the residence in town lately occupied by Mr Burk hard and family this week Sol Stilgobouer and wife of Danbury visited with F G Stilgebouer and fam ily here Friday and Saturday of last week A team belonging to Bob George were frightened by an engine Monday evening and ran away But little damage was done Dr Brown and daughter MrsW T Wood of Alderson I T visited in In dianola Wednesday with J B Hillers and wife Cone Bros Success Cone Bros the enterprising druggists rather than await the ordinary methods of introduction urged the Dr Howard Co to secure a quick sale for their cele brated specific for the cure of constipa tioc and dyspepsia by offering the regu lar 50c bottle at half price The wonderful success of this plan was a great surprise even to Cone Bros and today there are scores of people heie in McCook who are using and praising this remarkable remedy So much talk has been caused by this offerand so many new friends have been made for the specific that the Dr How ard Co have authorized Druggists ConeBros to contince this special naif price sale for a limited time longer In addition to selling a 50c bottle of Dr Howardsspecific for25c Cone Bros have so much faith in the remedy that they will refund the money to anyone whom it does not cure When your head aches your stomach does not digest food easily and naturally when there is constipation sppeks be fore the eyes tired feeling giddiness bad taste in mouth coated tongueheart burn sour stomach roaring or ringing in the ears melancholy and liver trou bles Dr Howards specific will cure you If it does not it will not cost you a cent j Are You a Dyspeptic If you are a dyspeptic you owo it to yourself and friends to get well Dys pepsia annoys the dyspeptics friends because his disease sours 1m disposition Kodol Dyspepsia as well as his stomach sia Cure will not only cure dyspepsia indigestion and sour stomach but this palatable reconstructive tonic digestant strengthens the whole digestive appara tus and sweetens the life as well as the stomach When you take Kodol Dys pepsia Cure the food you eat isenjoyed It is digested nssimilated aud its nutri ent properities appropriated by the blood and tissues Health is the result Sold by L W McConnell mvxwnz TT mXM POULTRY HED1CINE Stock and poultry have few troubles which are not bowel and liver irregularities Black Draught Stock and Poultry Medi cine is a bowel and liver remedy for stock It puts the organs of ivn iti a Torfert condition Prominent American breeders and farmers keep their herds and flocks healthy by giving them an occa sional dose of Bkick Draught Stock and Poultry Medicine in their food Any stock raiser may buy a 25 cent half pound air tight can of this medicine from his dealer and keep his stock in vigorous health for weeks Dealers gener ally keep Black Draught Stock and Poultry Medicine If yours does not send 25 cents for a sample can to the manufacturers The Chattanooga Medicine Co Chat tanooga Term KoonEiiE Ga Jan SO 1902 Black Draught Stock and Poultry Medicine is the best I ever tried Our stock -was looking bad when you sent me the medicine and now they are getting so fine They are looking 20 per cent better a e ijjtiuunuitrjun tisS n JL1 II IS nnrin lis r JUL JLmtM B Great New Offer in the Number of Paid Admissions to the St Louis Worlds Fair on July 4 1904 Contest Opens March 1 Closes June 30 1904 No guesses will be received after that date Conditions of the Contest fZUZ from one of our regular dealers or where we have no dealer remitting di rect to the Company will be entitled to one guess on the number of people that will pass through the gates paid admissions of the St Louis Worlds Fair on July 4 1901 To those who purchase a gallon can four guesses will be allowed a five gallon can 25 guesses No limit to the number of guesses allowed on persons complying with these terms Fill out the coupon given below have youi dealer sign it and he will send them to the company at the end of each month If there is no dealer in your town mail them direct to the Company This contest will positively close at midnight June 30 1901 after which time no guesses will be received In case of a tie the prizes will be divided equally During this contest where we have no dealer orders will bo sent prepaid and cash must accompany them Money on deposit at the Union Bank Sheldon Iowa to pay these prizes For the nearest correct estimate or guess 2000 r For the second nearest correct estimate or guess 100CO liere IS tile For the third nearest correct estimate or guess 5000 1 For the fourth nearest correct estimate or guess 2500 LlSt Ol For the fifth nearest correct estimate or guess 1500 For the sixth nearest correct estimate or guess 1000 j IJQ I For the nest 20 nearest correct estimates or guesses each 500 N Total 50000 Special Prizes For first nearest correct estimate or guess received in March 150 lbs National Stock Food and 10 galloncan Liquid Koal value 4000 For first nearest correct estimate or guess received in April one 10 gallon can Liquid Coal value 25 00 For the first nearest correct estimate or guess received in May one 3 gallon can Liquid Koal value 1375 Valuable Information To aid in oiiSlflSrel we furni3h Total paid admissions during May to the Chicago Worlds Fair were 1050037 Total paid admissions during May to the Pan American Exposition at Buffalo were 399430 What will be the total number of paid admissions to the St Louis Worlds Fair July 4 Fig ure it out or guess at it and give in j our estimate as indicated above 3rCTSSITOr COUPOKT Town State Date 1901 Adv Dept National Medical Co Sheldon Iowa My estimate on the number of paid admissions to the St Louis Worlds Fair on July 4 1901 is Countersigned by Dealer - Taken from thevMcCook Tribune Keeps hogs healthy kills lice on all kinds of animals cures the pink eje and distem per and is the greatest remedy for germ diseases of animals known to modern sci ence Sold on its merits Your money back if not satisfied Write the Company en closing stamp for free advice on all germ diseases of animal One quart can 100 One gallon can 300 One five gallon can 1375 Wausa Neb Dec IS 1902 I consider Liquid Koal one of the best articles for all around purposes on the market Foi mites and lice in chicken houses and for lice on calves and horses it is the best and cheapest thing I have ever found Liquid Koal ought to be on every farm Chas Ber ganbager MTd by National Medical Co Sheldon Iowa FOR SALE AND GUARANTEED BY AMES CAIN Phone No 20 Up-to-Date Flour and Feed Store McCook Neb kmv Modern Dentistry HERBERT J PUATT DDS Office over McConnells drug store McCOOK NEBRASKA Office Phone 160 Res Phone 131 Registered Graduate Dentist Formerly located in At lanta Georgia All opera tions pertaining to modern dentistry performed accord ing to the latest scientific methods used in the large cities F D BURGESS Plumber and Steam Fitter gf3E2 Iron Lead and Sewer Pipe Brass Goods Pumps an Boiler Trimmings Agent for Halliday Waupun hclfpse Windmills Basement of the Meeker Phillips Building McCOOK NEBRASKA DR H M IRELAND Osteopathic Physician Kelley Office Bldg Phone No 13 Mccook neb Consultation free H L PREVOST DElNTIST Graduate of Kansas City Lental College OverJasMcAdams Telephone 43 McCook Nebraska s iii ja GUNN DENTIST phosb n2 Oflice over Grannis store McCook Nob DR A P WEJLLES Physician and Surgeon Office over McMillens drug store Residence 702 Main Aveuue Residence phone 53 Office phone 28 Calls answered niht or day McCOOK NEBRASKA JOHN E KELLEY ATTORNEY AT LAW and BONDED ABSTEACTEB McCook Nebraska ioAgent of Lincoln Land Co and of McCook Waterworks Oflice in Postofllce baildinp C E ELDRED ATTORNEY AT LAW McCook Nebraska Office in Court House Phone 181 C BT BOYLE ATTORNEY at LAW McCook Nebraska Telephone 44 p o Building CHiCHESTERS ENGLISH mm YR0YIL PILL - St fi s TaUo noSKli b0esVfieaed th bbo naioiSaSu iwtfruse BeiM ot SffiS OOOOTnfalk fcofdTy -ion U HSSTBB CHEMICAL CO -100 MadUon Square FMIJLA JA Mention thi paper APPLICATION FOR PERMIT lcCook Nebraska April 15 1901 xt - Notice is hereby Riven that A McMillenhas filed in the city clerks office his bond and peti tion for adrupgists permit to sell malt spiritu s DSovlnous illu in the building on lot 21 block 22 in the First ward of the city of Mel Cook Red Willow county Nebraska daring the j ear ending May 1st 1905 415 its A McMillex Applicant ORDER OF HEARING State of Nebraska Red Willow connty ss At a connty court held at the county court room in and for said countyApril 11190L PrSl ent S L Green county judge dSS Sl f the eStat f Jobn Ldwick pfdiff and 4linS the petition of James Earl Ludwick praying that administration of frafoeratemabe granted - him as adminis Ordered that May 2 A D 1901 at 1 oclock o m is assigned for hearing said petition when all persons interested in said matter aS may Efif rtZVL to be held SSf a0 retitionershouldanot tfnlSiSat ticeof the pendency of said pot tion andtta hearing thereof be given to all intont arsons ed in said matter by publishing nrnrl 3 order in the McCook TKincxa wTeWy paper printed m said connty for three sucr sive weeks prior to said day of hearing CeS J F rJ fa GrEex Connty Jndim Cordeal attorney for petitioner 4 t APPLICATION FOR PERMIT UcClokNeDrasla April 151 1901 Notice is hereby given that Lono Bro have filed in the city clerks office their bond ami petition for a druggists permit to oll milt McCook from May Fi 4I5t L Con e Bho Applicants APPLICATION FOR LICENSE k -S bfa April 15 1901 filjn the viEcferTs 3 foffife block 39 in the Second warf orSl citJT21 dianoha from May 1 1901 toSSiffgSS0 In 4 is dt a L Haibt Applicant M i 4a A j H i r 1 t t f h