m i A i I I V j gcatSflfcgr WV l McCOOK Kodaks are not the only good thing we handle Come to us for Fine Station ery Perfumes Rubber Goods Toilet Articles Soap Brushes etc etc CONE BROS Druggists to to to to tf to YourBanking No matter how small no matter how large The First National Bank will give it careful atten tion This message ap plies to the men and the women alike OFFICERS A Campbell President B M Frees V President F A Pennell Cashier fc L Thokgrimson Asst Cashier WVV H P SUTTON V JEWELER MUSICAL GOODS NEBRASKA 1 COURT HOUSE NEWS DISTRICT COORT Tho record for filing divorce suits in the district court of Red Willow county was established this week In ono day seven suits of that chnracter were filed in the district clerks office Louisu Lee vs Arthur R Lee Ella EVinson vs Mortimer WVinson Katie Bateman vs Edward BatemanEdna C Nelson vs James P Nelson Mary Schneider vs Henry Schneider Martha E Harris vs Charles F Harris Ella E Duncan also filed a petition praying for a revival of tho divorce suit of Dr C M Duncan vs Ella E Duncan and that she bo granted support for their minor children Charles E Pierce vs Catherine C Egger et al equity COUNTY COURT Marriage licenses issued since last re port Thomas Z Wallace 53 and Minerva E Smith 30 both of McCook Brown Fortney 21 and Eva Hilton 18 both of Oborlin Kansas Married by tho county judge April 2Gth Special Daily News Offer Tho Omaha Daily News will be mailed six days in tho week from now until January 1 1905 for 1 money to ac company the order This will carry you through the presidential campaign and possibly all of the Japanese Russian war ThoDaily News receives the complete Scripps McRae cable and telegraph re ports the full Newspaper Enterprise Association service and has four special correspondents at the seat of war thus enabling it to give you accurate news promptly Remember it is an indepen dent paper giving all the news without fear or favor This offer is good only during April Send order to this office or direct to Omaha Daily News Omaha Neb A Great Sensation There was a big sensation in Lees ville Ind when W II Brown of that place who was expected to die had his life saved by Dr Kings New Discovery for Consumptiou He writes I endur ed insufferable agonies from asthma but your New Discovery gave me immediate relief and soon thereafter effected u complete cure Similar euros of con sumption pneumonia bronchitis and grip aro numerous Its the peerless remedy for all throat and lung troubles Price 50 cents and SI Guaranteed by LW McConnell druggist Trial bottles free Pirating- Foleys Honey and Tar Foley Co Chicago originated Honey and Tar as a throat and lung remedy and on account of the great merit and popularity of Foleys Honey and Tar many imitations are offered for the genuine Ask for Foleys Honey and Tar and refuse any substitute offer ed as no other preparation will give the same satisfaction It is mildly laxative It contains no opiates and is safest for children and delicate persons Sold by A McMiJlen IOC will dry clean that necktie that has been discarded on account of being soiled and make it look like 50c 50c will steam clean that pair oLpants that has been thrown to one side on account of a few grease spots and make them look like 400 100 will clean and thoroughly reno vate that feather tick and make it as soft and fluffy as new IOC a square yard will wash that rag carpet brighten the colors and make it sweet and clean We have the facilities and know how to do these things and do them right McCOOK LAUNDRY Phono three five - ylL llJ 1 111 J LiAiijjULM JLIIj 1 1 Every Baby Bon in 1904 j j To every child born in this vicinity during 1904 The Model Shoe Store will give a 2 ei Solid Gold Ring FREE No other condition except that you bring the child in to the store We measure the finger you wish the ring for and give you a certificate You can come i n the following week and get the ring A new and special line of Bootees for the baby just received Our spring and summer stock of Ladies and Gentlemens Footwear is now complete THE MODEL SHOE STORE AE PETTY Proprietor - McCook Nebraska irr if- IHMiIIIimI i Time Card McCook Neb MAIN LINK KA8T DEPAET No 0 Central Time 1115 pm 2 C20a M 12 820aM 14 N 955 rM No 5 arrives from east ut 8 p in MAIN LINE WEST DEPAUT No 1 Mountain Timo 1151 A M 3 HOT p si 5 750 pm 13 850am isipekial line No 176 urrivns Mountain Time 540 pm No 175dopurts 700 a m Slooping dininc and reclining chair cars boats free on through trains Tickets sold and baggage chocked to any point in the United States or Canuda For information time tables maps and tick ets call on or write George Scott Agent Mc Cook Nebraska or J Francis General Passen ger Agent Omaha Nebraska RAILROAD NEWS ITEMS B E Ilagler has gone to Hastings Thero were throe sections of No 3 last night D L McKillip is a new helper in round house John Amen is a new helper in tho round house Herbert Ploussard is a now member of the boiler gang I W Davisjof round house force re signed Monday William Gannell is a new machinist in tho back shop J F Carroll of round house force re signed first of week A new shingle roof to the porch about the depot this week M E Wells chief Doiler inspector is in the city this week Engineer and Mrs Hugh Brown are in Cheyenne Wyoming Night Chief Simmons is adding to tho north side of his cosy home Engine 3330 has been transferred from Alliance to McCook this week C TWatson car distributer has been visiting his mother in LafayotteIhdiana Peter Kern of boiler gang resigned Monday Ho left for Oregon Wednesday night Wm Poh who has been on sick list for a few weeks returned to work on Monday Supt A Campbell arrived home Thursday on 13 from Excelsior Springs Missouri The new order of things will go into effect in the dispatchers office Sunday morning Fifteen passengers Russians left McCook Wednesday night bound for Portland Oregon A number of boys from here attended the funeral of C A Garner at Red Cloud last Saturday Fred Hill of round house gang re signed last Saturday Fred left for Oregon Wednesday night Conductor H R Childress returned to the city early in the week from visit ing his mother at Orleans Mr and Mrs Charles McCurdy are parents of a fine 8 pound boy born on last Saturday the 23d inst Conductor R M Douglass returned on 3 Wednesday night from visiting his parents at Bloomington Trainmaster J F Kenyon and Dis patcher W B Mills were in Lincoln Sunday on company business Rrakeman C M Kent was called home from Hastings Wednesday by sickness in his family G W Beard went down to take his place Joe Kubick and wife left on No 14 Tuesday night for Guide Rock called there by the serious illness of his mother The rest of his family followed him on Wednesday evening The precipitation at Red Cloud Sun day as measured at the Burlington de pot amounted to 227 inches They had a high wind which blew three cars off the track at that point Brakeman G C Walters was bumped off of train No 164 at Orleans Wednes day One of his hips was pretty severe ly bruised and in addition he was gener ally pretty badly shaken up by tho fall O R Amick an old time conductor on trie main lineis now running opposite Frank Quigley on the Oberlin branch His first trip was made Monday Mr Amick expects to live at Republican Oberlin Eye Storekeeper Britt has been visiting the several branch storehouses over the Western division this week in company with General Purchasing Agent Jossel lyn of Omaha in the latters private car Mrs Britt accompanied him Brakeman J E Rider fell off of the end of a car at ArapahoeSaturday and was considerably jarred up by his ex perience He was taken to Oxford on 12 and brought here on 1 He went up to Denver Wednesday and will visit his mother until ready to resume work Five suits were instituted before Liver Pills Thats what you need some thing to cure your bilious ness and give you a good digestion Ayers Pills are liver pills They cure con stipation and biliousness Gently laxative Aiid rant your moustache or beard a beautiful brown or rich black Thenuae BUCKINGHAMS DYEfcllSSSr OU CT OF URUGGI3TS UH K V nwiw n o tico Berry against John Newberry and Hugh Holder this week in attachment and garnishment Tho early birds in this case got tho worms as tho boys checks didnt hold out long enough to pay out all df tho accounts sued on Both of the boys have resigned from tho service of tho company Tuesday wbilo at tho shops cleaning the frame of a locomotive preparatory to painting tho waste saturated with ben zine in the hands of J M Colo caught fire from a torch inside the fire box burning his hands quite badly especially the right ono It might not have been so serious had not Mr Coles hands been incased in cotton glovps which had become soaked with the oil at tho time Havelock Times Engineer Jack Henderson has resign ed from tho Burlington sorviceand with Mrs Henderson expects on next Monday to leave for California where he will again go into tho engine service on tho Santa Fe They will go by way of St Louis Expect to visit the Bulgers in El Paso Texas and altogether expect to be a month on tho way to Calfornia Both leave a host of friends behind all of whom will join The Tuihune in the sincere hope that they may be happy and prosperous in their now home RAILROAD EMPLOYEES You pay too much I can save you money on Hamilton and Hampden high grade watches Chas B Mohgan Holdrege Neb Detroit vapor stoves at Waites Garden and Held seeds at Waites Nothiug like it tho Y B 10c cigar A superb smoke for a dime Try one Rex is the coal for summer It makes a nice clean fire no soot Bullard sells it Straight goods rich flavor fit for a king Tho Y B 10c cigar It leads them all Concrete walks improve your property W C Bullard is the man to let your contract to Kemptons Komedy Ko filled a suc cessful and profitable three nights stand in the opera hall last week The rumor that tho Indianola Repor ter and the Indianola Independent are to consolidate lacks confirmation B B non explosive compound made an old stove new for Martin Commission Co See them S D McClain This week William Unger added to his dwelling over on South McForland practically doubling tte size of his little home Obituary Notice Angeline Johnson was born in Sweden March 15 1825 Died at the homo of her son Isaac S Johnson four miles north of McCook Nebraska April 21 1904 Deceased was twice married and was the mother of ten children five of them surviving her Mother Johnson was converted in early girlhood becom ing a member of the Methodist church at the age of fifteen and remaining a faithful Christian to the end The fu neral services were held in the Methodist church in Box Elder Rev MB Carman of McCook conducting the same Bur ial was made in the cemetery at Box Elder CAKD OF THrtNKS Wo desire to render thanks to all the kind and helpful neighbors for assistance and sympathy shown during the illness and after the death of dear mother Isaac S Johnson and Family Mrs Frank Lytle Mrs Benj Lytle Good for Children The pleasant to take and harmless One Minute Cough Cure gives immedi ate relief in all cases of cough croup and lagrippe because it does not pass immediately into the stomach but takes effect right at the seat of the trouble It draws put the inflammation heals and soothes and cures permanently by enabling the lungs to contribute pure life giving and life sustaining oxygen to the blood and tissues One Minute Cough Cure is pleasant to take and it is good alike for voung and old Sold by L W McConnell Real Estate Transfers The following real estate transfers have been made since our last issue Reported by C F Lehn real estate loans insurance McCook Neb G Richmond to J W Jennett lot 3 in blk 3 Lebanon 3 500 00 F Purvis toW Stokes lot 12 blk 1 Mc Cook 1100 00 G W Cramer to J W Dolan se qr 7-2- 26 800 00 Lincoln Land Co to W S Allen lot S blk32 Second ad to McCook 100 00 Will Interest Many Every person should know that good health is impossible if the kidneys are deranged Foleys Kidney Cure will cure kidney and bladder disease in ev ery formand will build up and strength en these organs so they will perform their functions properly No danger of Brights disease or diabetes if Foleys Kidney Cure is taken in time Sold by A McMillen The Assessor Has a List The county assessor has a list of both real and chattel mortgages held by peo ple in this county and those who have failed to mention them in their sched ules of property will have their memo ries refreshed by the county assessor and asked to show causewhy the penalty of 50 per cent shall not be inflicted The Best Family Salve DeWitts Witch Hazel gives instant relief from burns cures cuts bruises sores eczema tetter and all abrasions of the skin In buying Witch Hazel Salve it is only necessary to see that you get the genuine DeWitts and a cure is certain There are many cheap coun terfeits on the market all of which are worthless and quite a few are danger ous wliile DeWitts Witch Hazel Salve is perfectly harmless and cures Sold by L W McConnell T p t Silr v - Lace an ri - LL ii V V FRANKLIN President vH V5 v We are Showing V a Better and Larger Line of m o l Qv Embroideries BmriiiiiiMiiBKJ Curtains This Season Than Ever i I i j ilMlTliill V i J 1 JJuUlUil Xj JJ i I u t ji I 1 hi m - Anafe Combinatioiv C0VHP5M05T -S - SOLD BY CONE BROS Druggists A C EBERT Cashier IciTIZENS BANK OF McCOOK NEB BBS Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 5000 DIRECTORS T W In u rn a nisi m ut atirt n cnroT ut a mm ice n u uiuiMnn T n a njLrc u n niiittnu Jfcri Hi A i r r -Mr fcvcvrvvvw 1viiivi