- Fie ffljtfotk ftm Official Paper of Redwillow County By F M KIMMELL f Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co Subscription 1 a Year in Advance REPUBLICAN TICKET COUNTY REPRESENTATIVE - Philip GliemDanbury COUNTY ATTORNEY C E Eldred MeCook COMMISSIONER James Hatfield MeCook Fifth Congressional District Convention - Tlio Republicans of tlio Fiftli Congressional District of tlio state of Nebraska nro hereby called to moot in convention at tlio Kerr opera liouso in the city of Hastings on May 12 1901 nt throe oclock in tlio afternoon for tlio purpose of placing in nomination ono congressman from said district for tlio seloction of ono president ial elector And to elect two delegates and two alternates to the Republican National Convention to bo held in Chicago 111 on Tuesday the 21st dav of Juno 1004 and for the transaction of such other business as may regularly come boforo said convention Tlio apportionment hased on tlio state ap portionment entitles the several counties in said district to the following representation in said convention Adams 17 Chase I Clay 17 Dundy 4 Franklin 10 Frontier 8 Furnas 11 Gosper 5 Hall 19 Harlan 9 Hayes 4 Hitchcock 5 Kearney 10 Nuckolls 13 Perkins 3 Phelps 11 Red Willowll Webster 13 It is recommended that no proxies bo allowed in said convention but that the delegates pres ent thorcat bo authorized to cast the full voto of the county represented by them By order of tho congressional committee Hastings Nebraska March 17 1904 J E Kelley Hjsnbt Fox Jr Socrotary Chairman Thomas Boyd has bpen appointed and confirmed as postmaster at Beaver City vice Postmaster Acer Congress unexpectedly closed yester day after agreeing ou some measures which threatened to lengthen the ses sion or make an extraordinary session necessary County Clerk Wilcox spent the close of last week out over the district in his behalf Hastings Grand Island and other salient points were visited and much encouragement received His candidacy is being well received wherever t he goes or his friends suggest his name One of the greatest annoyances and troubles of the states educational de partment are the itinerant school book agents who are ever excessively and perniciously active over the state Many of these peregrinating peddlers are fakirs and the number of school direct ors victimized by them is somewhat startling as well as are the methods employed frequently coarse and sim ple School directors and school boards may well be constantly on guard against these individuals The Tribune is credibly informed that some irregular work is now being done in this section of the stater Does a full fare railroad ticket expire by limitation or is it valid until traveled out This question came before the Pennsylvania court in a suit some time ago brought against the Erie railroad for damages Six years ago a woman bought a round trip ticket for a certain station and return for which she paid 1 She did not use the return part of the ticket until recently The conductor refused to accept the ticket and put her off the train She sued and recovered 82000 The case was carried to the United States court and the court below affirmed although since the ticket was bought the railroad changed hands even its name The court holds that the purchaser of the ticket paid regular fare for a ride for the distance called for by the ticket and was entitled to the ride at her own convenience We would be very glad to impress upon our brothers of the country about the great dangers that lie in wait for the multitude of young girls that are flock ing to St Louis and notably at this time The country press is a tremendous power for good and if they could keep this matter before their readers constantly warning as to the open door to ruin many might be saved who else were lost Me o of oai Timbers of oak keep the old homestead standing through the years It pays to use the right stuff Men of oak are men in rugged health men whose bodies are made of the sound est materials Childhood is the time to lay the foundation for a sturdy will last for years Scotts Emulsion is the right stuff Scotts Emulsion stimulates the growing powers of children helps them build a firm foundation for a sturdy consti tution Send for free sample SCOTT BOWNE Chemists 409 41 5 Pearl Street New York 50Ct and SIOOz all druggists Fifty Years the Standard 1 Wo cr Improves the flavor and adds to the healfhfulness of the food PRICE BAKING POWDER CO CHICAGO The gateway to St Louis is the great union depot which is beset with a thous and snares for unwary feot Any young girl who comes through tho gate into the midway is at once spotted and if it bo possible the snare will be so spreqd in her path that she cannot escape No girJ should come unless absolutely cer tain as to her course The many tempt ing advertisements are often mere baits for ignorance and innocence And if she comes to tho city ready to enter the first carriago whose driver proposes to take her to a good cheap boarding place or to accept the first position offered where no experience is required she may as well bid adieu to innocence and hope when she leaves her home As a matter of course the young man is al most equally exposed as far as moral or even physical safety is concerned If the country papers will only keep these things before the readers they will serve God and humanity StLouis Advocate Finds Fences in Good Condition Washington April 26 Representa tive Norris who returned to Washington the other day from a brief visit to his district in Nebraska reports that the republicans in tho Fifth district have everything lined up for a sweeping vic tory in the fall elections Mr Norris visit was occasioned by pressing business at MeCook Mr Norris states that the republican complexion of the Fifth district is deep ening The Fifth it will be remember ed several years ago was the stronghold of populism and for a number of years the majority of voters in that section of the state seemed inseparably wedded to the populistic idea in politics Populism is a thing of the past in the Fifth district said Mr Norris and all indications In that part of the state point to republican victory next Novem ber Mr Norris will be detained here about a week following the adjournment of the present session He has a large amount of work for his constituents before the various departments to attend to before leaving for the vacation Colonist Rates During March and April the Burling ton will sell one way tickets to the Paci fic coast at very low rates Here are some of them S25 to San Francisco and Los Angeles 25 to Portland Tacoma and Seattle 2250 to Spokane 20 to Salt Lake City Butte Helena 1675 to Big Horn Basin Wyo Proportionately low rates to hundreds of other points These rates offer an excellent oppor tunity to see the great northwest which presents unusual attractions to the homeseeker It possesses the iron and lumber of Michigan the wheat of Min nesota the wool of Ohio the fisheries of New England and seaboard rivaling the Atlantic coast If you will tell me where you are go ing I shall be glad to give you full in formation about rates train service sleeping car service and send you ad vertising matter descriptive of these wonderful sections J Francis General Passenger Agent Omaha Neb 2-26-4-29 Good Spirits Good spirits dont all come from Ken tucky Their main source is the liver and all the fine spirits ever made in the Blue Grass State could not remedy a bad liver or the effects it produces You cant have good spirits and a bad liver at the same time Your liver must be in fine condition if you would feel buoyant happy and hopeful bright of eye light of step vigorous and successful in your pursuits You can put your liver in fine condition by using Greens August Flower the greatest of all medicines for the liver arid stomach and a certain cure for dyspepsia or indi gestion It has been a favorite house hold remedy for over thirty five years August Flower will make your liver healthy and active and thus insure you n liViarnl Qiinnlv nf iirmnA anipifa Trial bottles 25c regular size 75c L W McConnell Worlds Fair St Louis April 30 to Decl Reduced rates as follows Season tickets on sale April 15 to Nov 15 inclusive final limit Dec 15 round trip 2980 Sixty day ticket on sale April 25 to Nov 20 inclusive 2480 Ten day ticket on sale April 27 to Nov 30 inclusive 2235 Scale books Typewriter papers Thk Tribune MwnnmirrnrvtrvrrriHmit utonnr PUBLIC FREE LIBRARY NOTES A little story that will appeal to all who have lived in the west and are fa miliar with the life here is A Wagner Matinee found in the March number of Everybodys magazine Tho story is of especial interest to us in this vicinity because the scene is laid in Red Willow county Nebraska although so far as that is concerned there is nothing dis tinctively local about it and the scene might haye been laid in any other por tion cf the agricultural west Tho au thors name Willa Sibert Cather is one not known in this locality It would be interesting to know whether she has lived here at any time in the past or whether she selected the name by chance The story is similar to one that might be told by many a pioneer The heroine is a cultured New England woman one who had enjoyed superior opportunities for acquiring a musical education but who had soon after her marriage left her old home and come to live on the prairies of Red Willow county where for years she lived the slaves life to which the wives of the western farmer have become accustomod Returning to Boston after an absence of several years to secure her share of some prop erty that had been left her by a relative who had died she was taken to a con cert at which the old scores that in her younger days she knew so well were played At first her sensibilities seemed to have become immune to the charm and fascination of music but before the concert was ended her dormant faculties reasserted themselves and her capacity for appreciation was as great as it had ever been The possibilities in such a theme are apparent and the author has utilized them to advantage Her treatment of the subject is skillful The story is un usually meritorious Tho test of worth in fiction is its realism and no resident of Nebraska can read this story without being struck by its fidelity to the facts Even in its superficial details the de scriptions are accurate even to the dish cloths hanging on the ash trees be fore the cabin door 45 to California and Back April 23 to May 1 inclusive tickets on sale via Burlington Route to San Francisco and Los Angeles and return at 45 This is less than the regular one way rate No more delightful outing can be imagined The trip is made at the time of year when traveling is a pleasure and the climate of California at its best Attractive diverse routes are offered as well as liberal stopover privileges and return limit Folder giving details mailed free on request Our agent can give you any further information that may bedesired J Francis General Passenger Agent Omaha 4 22 2t Best Cough Medicine for Children When you buy a cough medicine for small children you want one in which you can place implicit confidence You want one that not only relieves but cures You want one that is unques tionably harmless You want one that is pleasant to take Chamberlains Cough Remedy meets all of these con ditions There is nothing fo good for the coughs and colds incident to child hood It is also a certain preventive and cure for croup and there is no dan ger whatever from whooping cough when it is given It has been used in many epidemics of that disease with perfect success For sale by all druggists Advertised Letters The following letters were advertised by the MeCook postoffice April 25 1904 Boward J E Nelson Co Corlett Anna Perkins Howard Herndon Elijah Robbins John Jones N J Scliratt Mrs O Kennedy Roy Schielder J H Moore Mrs J E Woods Sadie L When calling for these letters please say they were advertised F M Kimmell Postmaster A Cure for Headache Any man woman or child suffering from headache biliousness or a dull drowsy feeling should take one or two of De Witts Little Early Risers night and morning Tnese famous little pills are famous because they are a tonic as well as a pill While they cleanse the system they strengthen and rebuild it by their tonic effect upon the liver and bowels Sold byL W McConnell Now is the time to clean house clean your system first drive out the microbes of winter with Hollisters Rocky Mountain Tea It will keep you wen an summer do cents Tea or tablets L W McConnell The Man Who Toils Is the man who ought to have the best things to eat because his system re quires it Workingmen and everybody else who want the best meat come to our shop We run the best butcher shop in town Our place is clean The meat we sell is tender and fresh The prices we ask are low enough to Buit anybody If you knew how particular we are to give satisfaction youd never buy elsewhere Anton MagneY V trs C1TYXHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS Catholic Order of services Mass 8 a m Mass and sermon 1030 a m Evening service at 8 oclock Sunday school 230 p m Every Sunday J J Loughran Pastor Sunday school 1 0 am YP S CEat 7 p m Sermons at 11 a m and 8 p m Morning subject A Question Answered Evening sub ject Present Day Opportunities Good music All welcome Geo A Conrad Pastor Episcopal Services in St Albans church as follows Every Sunday in the month Sunday school at 10 oclock a m Morning prayer at 11 and evening prayer and sermon at 8 The third Sunday in tho month Holy Communion at 730 a m All are welcome E R Earle Rector Methodist Sunday school at 10 am Class meeting at 12 Junior League at 3 p m Epworth League at 7 p m Prayer meeting every Wednesday even ing at 8 p m Rev L W Chandler will preach both morning and evening Rev Got will preach in South MeCook to night Friday MB Carman Pastor First Baptist Church Sermons at 11 a m and 745 p m Bible school at 945 a ra Junior society at 3 p m B Y P U at 7 45 p m Prayer meeting Wednesday evening 8 p in Morning subject Lifes Highest Motive Col 3 17 Evening subject Fifth Com mandment Ex 20 Excellent- music All welcome C R Betts Pastor Rev German was up from Indianola Tuesday on his bike Rev and Mrs C R Betts little babe is now on the way to recovery after quite a severe illness Rev M B Carman will hold quarterly-meeting in Haigler and Benkelman over coming Sunday Elder Burt of Elwood will preach in the Christian church next Sunday morning and evening Rev M E Eversz D D of Chicago Illinois was a guest of Rev Gottlieb Hennkelman this week Mrs Sue Chaso will speak in the Methodist church on next Thursday evening on temperance under auspices of the local W C T U It will be free Presiding Elder W E Hardaway passed through MeCook Tuesday on his way to Los Angeles Calif where the general conference of the Methodist church begins its sessions on May 5th The general conference of the Metho dist church will be held in Los Angeles during the month of May There will be present delegates from all over the world and many great questions will come up for settlement Rev G A Conrad was absent in Franklin early days of che week at tending a meeting of the Republican Valley Association of Congregational churches and incidentally inspecting the work of the academy at that place Rev Carman W T Coleman D C Marsh and J H Moore went down to Minden Wednesday morning to inspect the new Methodist church at that place Rev Carman and Engineer Moore went on to Lincoln to confer with an architect Rev C CWilson pastor of the Min den Methodist church was in MeCook Monday tho guest of the building com mittee of the new Methodist church Rev Wilson built a 10000 church in Minden last yearand an 8000 structure in North Platte four years since hence is certainly a competent person to con sult with DANBURY A son was recently born to Thomas Harrison and vife James Sims shipped two cars of hogs to the St Joe market this week SW Stilgebouer A Wolf Mrs James Liston are among the ailing ones in this vicinity Dr O W Robinson has commenced work on a fine residenee It will be 28x34 as to ground dimensions This spring will witness in this partof the county the planting of the greatest acreage of corn in the history of the count WT Ilenton returned the other day from taking a shipment of stock to Kansas City Bill insists tho Democrats wanted him to stay down there and run for governor of Missouri Mr Steele on leaving the Wesleyan entertainment one evening last week had the misfortune to be thrown from his buggy just west of town dislocating his shoulder The doctors reduced the fracture and he is progressing nicely One Harry Denham from everywhere including Danbury a carpenter and painter left town recently leaving number of citizens in the lurch finan cially to the extent of about S14000 Among the number of creditors were Gene and Albert Dolph and Mr Boss who left hereWednesday on the trail of the scamp with blood in their eyes Take my advice boys Take your county news paper and a few good books read up and keep posted cut out some other things you nan get along without better and you wont be duped by such fellows Men Past Sixty in Danger More than half of mankind over sixty years of age suffer from kidney and bladder disorders usually enlargement of prostrate gland This is both painful and dangerous and Foleys Kidney Cure should be taken at the first sign of dan ger as it corrects irregularities and has cured many old men of this disease Rodney Burnett Rockport Mo writes I suffered with enlarged prostrate gland and kidney trouble for years and after taking two bottles of Foleys Kid ney Cure I feel better than I have for twenty years although I am now 91 years old Sold by A McMillen Now is the time to take a spring tonic to purify the blood cleanse the liver and kidneys of all impurities Hollisters Rocky Mountain Tea will do the busi ness 35cents Tea or tablets Jj W McConnell - - A specialty of office supplies The Tribune A Thousand Dollarss Worth of Good I have been afflicted with kidney and bladder trouble for years passing gravel or stones with excruciating pain bhasA H Thurnes a well known coal operator of Buffalo O I Rpt no relief from medicine until began takmgEoley s Kidnoy Cure then tho result was sur prising A few doses started the substance and now I have no pain across my kidneys and I feel like a new man It has done me 81000 worth of good Foleys Kidnoy Cure will cure eyeryform of kidney or bladder disease Sold by A McMillen Serious Stomach Trouble Cured I was troubled with a distress in my stomach sour stomach and vomiting spells and can truthfully say that Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tab lets cured me Mrs T V Williams Laingsburg Mich These tablets are guaranteed tocure every case of stomach trouble of tnis cnaracier Iorsiiwuj all druggists A Thoughtful Man M M Austin of Winchester Ind knew what to do in the hour of need His wife had such an unusual case of stomach and liver trouble physicians could not help her Ho thought of and tried Dr Kings New Life Pills and she got relief at once and was finally cured Only 25 cents at L W McConnells drug store i r wfflmwmi i l Wmmmml mmnm m mWAmm L SdrSisfKnri SiSSJSSiUSiJirSi KWMwmmi DR 5HWARTZ The footed Eye Specialist tacle venders in all cases OF DENVER WILL BE IN MeCook May 4th At COMMERCIAL HOTEr Dr Shwartz has done more work here than any other eye specialist comes oftener than any other specialist and is too well known to need any introduction His references are his patients your neighbors and friends Difficult cases and school children solicited A large stock of artificial eyes and glasses on hand A large portion of headaches and hysteria St Vitus dance nervous prostration epilepsy and other nervous conditions are caused by eye strain Dont feel discouraged because you have failed to obtain relief from itinerant spec- I guarantee satisfaction Will be at the Commercial Hotel Wednesday May 4th LAMLso6n gpL Duy u jtra HnivfP Oh the Pleasures of moving day of ripping up carpets and stair rods of breaking in a new house and fitting stove pipe of eating your meals on the kitchen stairs and waiting for the plumbers and the gas man Theres a joy thats unconfined about all this and You Can Have It Once a Year but do you want it Wouldnt you give a pretty penny to escape it There is only one way viz to own instead of forever moving If you are thinking of the better way see the Secretary of the MeCook Co Operative -Building Savings Assn I i s Mike Walsh DEAl ER IN POULTRY and Old Rubber Copper and Brass Highest Market Price Paid in Cash Block West of Citizens Bank flcCook - Nebraska EGGS Marl Con Co The only reliable wholesale house between Denver and Hastings JOBBERS IN FruifsandProdyce We Buy in Car Lots All goods direct from grower that is why we can sell cheap Merch ants headquarters We Pay Cash tor Eggs Local and Long Distance Phono 104 One door south of the Tribune Office HcCOOK NEBRASKA JJ Branch Office 625 F St ont rTUbn ia t A 53 fiWWI Fine Turnouts Either Single or Double Phone 3G Rear Palmer House MeCook Nebraska W H ACKERMAX Prop 50 YEARS EXPERIENCE Trade Marks Designs COOVRIRUTC niiJning a skctch and description may quickly ascertain our opinion free whethnr n invention is DrnhnhiTrrnfVKTieuIeieJan mBmxps sent free Oldest aeencrVnr Jprrt Vf Ln ntakenhronKh Mnnn Co receive tptcial notice without charge in tno letelTe Scientific American A handsomely Illustrated weekly Larzest elr culation of any scientlflc Journal TernX 3 - MUNN Go3B1Bfar New York to uIIM J Vl l mauiujcion ju u AMERICAS GREATEST WEEKLY The Toledo Blade TOLEDO OHIO New and Lare er Rniirtjr0 w -S ty rresses New Steretype Plant New and Mdern Appliances n Every Department The Toledo Blade is now installed in its new faulduw ynth modern plant and equipment and facilities equal to any publication between New lork and Chicago It is the only weS newspaper edited statTanJ expressly for every ternary The news of the worldTo ZlTd SJS P u m0r ea9ily comprehend nlr -a of dailies special editorial aU Plainia each issue by matter written from inception down to date The only paper published eswC lally for people who do not read daily Ji pers and yet thirst for plain facts ThatK kind of a newspaper is popular is Pro4nbV fact that the Weekly Blade now hasTer SS TO yearly subscribers and its parte of the TJ S la adfitS A011 U H Blade publishes CKridlT thS many department of matter snftile8 and member of the family OoSSaS every Write for free 9 AHIf1 specimen JBE Blade Toledo Ohio copy Addres9 The I DeWITTS WITCH HAZEL ALVE TUB ORIGINAL A Well Known Cure for Piles Cures obstinate sores chapped hands ec zema skin diseases Makes burns and scalds painless We could not improve the quality if paid double the price The best salve that experience can produce or that money can buy Cures Piles Permanently DeWitts is the original and only pure and genuine Witch Hazel Salve made Look for the name DeWITT on every box All others are counterfeit prepared by E C DeWITT CO CHICAGO For Sale by L W McConnell l lie f HL bri TJSffiSSS BSA M I f XJ I sir V