MBaMMMHHIHMHnHI GOOD it 1 1 T 1 tV Jf 1 - TJ T fro ftl t UKtir J tafcanfia the1 ixp7K I I Grind qf Experience Be Cause wo give you jjood meat at a fair price not cheap meat at a ny old price This is why our prices attract tho careful trade and thats the only trade were looking for Chuck aLuck Steaks arc not on our bill of fare You dont want to feed your mon folks and growing children on meac that is lack ing in nutrition do you Youre safe always with 1 J D ANBURY Mrs Richard Lum is very sick II V Lord is suffering with a sore throat Miss Switeser left for Denver Wed nesday Mrs Evors has gone on an extended visit to Lincoln A girl baby was born to Mr and Mrs Albert Musgrave Tuesday George Fishers child died Tuesday Rev Pogue preached the funeral Sam Bastians store room is being put in shape for his now spring stock Charles Gentry cut his hand badly Sunday and consequently has a lay off this week George B Morgan and Alex Strain have put up water tanks 20 feet high so as to perfect their irrigation plants W T Henton shipped five cars of cattle and one of hogs to St Joe this week J E Dolph W A Minniearand James Sims also shipped one car each A good house greeted the Wesleyan Quartette at the hall Tuesday night Brother Pogue deserves great credit for giving our people an opportunity to hear this company Makes A Clean Sweep Theres nothing like doing a thing thoroughly Of all the salves you ever heard of Bucklens Arnica Salve is the best It sweeps away and cures burns Bores bruises cuts boils ulcers skin eruptions and piles Its only 25 cents and guaranteed to give satisfaction by L W McConnell druggist MARION The wheat is looking rather sick Wind wind wind and no rain yet J H Wicks is painting his wood shed Clinton Pew is building a wagon shed Powell fc Nilsson shipped one car of hogs from this place this week Frank Hauu has moved onto the farm that his brother Jim lived on last year D H Rittenhouse and wife were visiting at Mr Thompsons east of Dan bury Sunday W EWhite planted his potatoes last week expecting it to rain on Sundaybut I guesshe got left Ernest Galusha has purchased fenc ing to fence in his lots to keep the rab bits away from his fruit trees WEWhite thinks this is fine weather to raise chickens and turkeys without an old hen but he does not know about the feed for them for ho thinks it is a little too dry for the grass hoppers to do very well Detroit vapor stoves at Waites I first used Ayers Sarsaparilla in the fall of 1848 Since then I have taken it every spring as a blood - purifying and nerve strengthening medicine S T Jones Wichita Kans If you feel run down are easily tired if your nerves are weak and your blood is thin then begin to take the good old stand ard family medicine Ayers Sarsaparilla Its a regular nerve lifter a perfect blood builder SlOOnbollIe All drurtists Ask Tour doctor what he thinks of Ayers Sarsaparilla He knows all about this grand old family medicine Follow his advice and we will ue sansneu J C ATXB CO Lowoli Mass BARTLEY Dr Lewis of Lincoln was in town Monday looking for a location George Wolfe delivered several loads of hogs to this market Monday Dot and Delia Gregory were visiting here with friends last Saturday A team belonging to Myron Hart took a spin around town one day this week Mrs H L Burton Lucy Peako and Etta Burton were Cambridge visitors last week Tho poles for tho new tolephono lina are here and will be sot for the wire in a short time James Finnegan killed a dog here this week that showed strong symptoms of hydrophobia While exhibiting his horse last Satur day it became unmanageable and broke J B Hainings arm The Hoover livery firm opened up last week They have fine turnouts and business begins well Mrs G W Jones and sons John and Howard are now residents of this place again after several months looking for a better place which they failed to find Mr Robins and family moved in this week from Missouri and are occupying tho James Farrel property They have a farm near here which they intend to improve and will locate there next spring Mr Shugoro shipped a car of hogs to St Joe Tuesday morning He has several car loads of cattle ready for ship ment He is one of Red Willow countys prosperous farmers who has made all his wealth farming and stock raising in this county since 1892 and has strong faith that he could do no better by mov ing to any other state Con Burkhard and Jake Benner and their families left here Monday evening on No 5 for Loveland Colorado The former will go on a farm and the latter will work in the beet fields We regret to have these families move from our village During tho years Mr Burkhard has been section foreman here he has made friends of everyone by his honor able business life Mrs WT Wooddaughter of DrBrown arrived here Wednesday morning from her home in Alderman I T She had not seen her father for twelve years She will visit here for some time and continue her journey west to Lewiston Idaho where she will visit her brothers H L Brown and family and F T Brown and from there to Portland to visit her grandfather and other relatives Garden and field seeds at Waites A Great Sensation There was a big sensation in Lees- ville Ind when W H Brown of that place who was expected to die had his life saved by Dr Kings New Discovery for Consumption He writes I endur ed insufferable agonies from asthma but your New Discovery gave me immediate relief and soon thereafter effected a complete cure Similar euros of con sumption pneumonia bronchitis and grip are numerous Its the peerless remedy for all throat and lung troubles Price 50 cents and SI Guaranteed by LW McConnell druggist Trial bottles free BOX ELDER Rev W J Crago left first of week to visit with his family at University Place Isaac Shepherd and son Harry left for Oregcn Monday night to visit rela tives The Steltzer brothers had to postpone their show at the Ball school house for a week on account of a break down On account of sickness and cold weather last Friday evening the basket supper at the church was not very well attended but the baskets sold well tho proceeds being 1665 which was turned on the ministers salary A true story of how Bertha Wolfe turned to Stone On Sunday evening April 17th at the home of J K Gordon and wife in the presence of a number of relatives and friends William Stone and Bertha Wolfe two of our estimable young peoplewere united in marriage by Rev W J Crago Their many friends wish them long and prosperous life They were reminded of the occasion on Monday evening by a crowd whogathered in and gave them a charivari GOOD WAY TO DO BUSINESS Cone Bros Sell Reliable Remedy at Half Price and Guarantee a Cure When one can buy gold dollars for 50 cents its a good time to purchase In offering a 50 cent bottle of Dr How ards celebrated specific for tho cure of constipation and dyspepsia at 25 cents Cono Bros are giving one of the greatest trade chances ever offered to the pebple of McCook Even though offered at half price for introductory purposesthe specific is sold under a guarantee to cure or tho money will be refunded If food does not digest well if there is gas or pain in the stomach if the tongue is coated and the breath bad if there is constipation and straining Dr Howards specific will cure you If itrdoes not you have druggists Cone Bros personal guarantee to return your money This remarkable remedy comes in the form of tiny granules and can be carried in the vest pocket or purse It is very popular in New York City and it is not unusual to see someone after a meal at one of the large hotels or restaurants take a dose of this specific knowing that it will prevent the uncomfortable feeling which frequently follows a hearty meal I know a jolly old maiden lady A lady of high degree Who never goes to bed without A drink of Rocky Mountain Tea Sensible woman LW McConnell 111 nuiii i ii nmnnrfrnriTBitTnTirTMiTOf mrmumMwiwrrwi na INDIANOLA Fred Duckworth put up a new wind mill this week Joe Harrison shipped a car load of cattle to Iowa Monday morning Bill Plourd shipped a race horse to Kansas City Saturday evening Rev E B Crippen attended the min isterial association at Arapahoe this week Mrs Henry Folsom is enjoying a visit from her mother and two sisters of Arap ahoe Several of the children of town aro ab sent from school on account of the mumps Sam Ridgley and wife returned on No 2 Tuesday morning from their visit in California The Misses Smith Thorgrimson and Andrews of McCook were Indianola vis itors Sunday Charlie Beardslee of Cripple Creek visited a few days this week with rela tives and friends George Burt and family moved first of the week into their new house which has just been completed Miss Laura Owens was on tha sick list first of the week and unable to at tend to her school duties Mrs Charlie Hoag returned home Monday morning from McCook after a few das visit with relatives George Mick and wife returned to their homo in McCook Sunday evening after a short visit with the hitters parents Nellie and John Boyer of Danbury and their little nephew Guy Sheppard of McCook visited Sunday with Miss May Neel The Misses Lydia Stella and Nettie McCool Edith Smith Flora Hoag and Bertha Hedges were Bartley visitors Sunday Emma Howard Hazel Philips visited the latter part of last week with May Blackson north of returning home Sunday evening The body of Mrs Barton formerly of this place was brought here from Has tings for burial Wednesday The fu neral services were conducted at tho M E church by Rev Hawkins of the Con gregational church Mrs A E Johnson of Indianola was a pleasant caller at The Signal office Wednesday in company with Mrs Ed gar Davisson Mrs Johnson was here to visit relatives for a week and take her mother Grandma Brown home with her for the summer Mrs Johnson says crops were exceptionally good around Indianola last year Geneva Signal Articles incorporatiugThe Jones Man ufacturing Company of Indianola Ne braska were filed in the office of the county clerk at McCook Friday of last week The company is capitalized at 860000 for the purpose of manufactur ing buying selling for itself or others on royalty commission or other satis factory way any or all kinds of patented or unpatented articles to purchase rent lease and sell real estate build and equip foundries and do various other things for the next 99 years The in corporators are Butler A Jones J Ber nard Hillers S R Smith John C Puckett A J Casuer Jacob Hillers and John Bloomfield all of this place Sciatic Rheumatism Cured I have been subject to sciatic rheu matism for years says E H Waldron of Wilton Junction Iowa My joints were stiff and gave me much pain and discomfort My joints would crack when I straightened up I used Cham berlains Pain Balm and have been thoroughly cured Have not had a pain or aqhe from the old trouble for many months It is certainly a most wonder ful liniment For sale by all druggists - 2 S j I tf v SziR Ji i ii 0 l m i oJLjrM i t u UJjim STORK CT TIME ymm o most women is a term of anxiety serious thought I and sweet anticipation With the cessation of pain necessary t o childbirth there comes calm nerves sleep and recuperation i z ja iy does diminish the pain accompanying maternity With its aid mothers can and do bring healthy sweet dispositioned and ideal babies into the -world Morning sickness sore breasts and ex cruciating pains caused by the gradually expanding organs are relieved by this penetrating and relaxing liniment Among the manifold aids to childbirth Mothers Friend has grown in popularity and gained a prestige among rich women as well as poor it is found and welcomed in the mansion as well as in the cabin By lessening the mothers agony of mind and diminishing pain a beautiful influence is wrought upon the child and instead of peevish ill tempered and sickly forms you have healthy laughing humanity remain ing a blessing ever to you and its country All Druggists sell Mothers Friend at 100 Write for our free Book Motherliooci rHE BRADFIELD REGULATrR CO Atlanta Ga THE CITY OP C0L0B NEW YORK A PICTURE OF PLEASING CONTRASTS IN HUES Tlie AiiHricuii Metropolln In Thl KeHjiect SuriiuMMUK All the Great Monotone Tinted Can J tain of tho Occidental World New York has been written about from almost every possible point of view architectural commercial polit ical and social Yet so far as we know It has never been properly appreciated for the one thing in which It surpasses nil the other great capitals of the occi dental world and that Is for its color Those of us who live here all our lives or who absent ourselves for only brief and inconsiderable periods of time never know how extraordinary Is the environment in which we have been placed It is only the stranger with an artistic sense or the native who has been long away who gets the full ef fect of this city of ours in its unique prismatic loridlty of hue such as vivi fies no other city of its kind If you will think for a moment and visualize from memory the great cities of Europe as a colorist would see them you will be struck by the fact that each one is a monotone London has tho dull dingy smoky hue of its own No vember fogs and as you pass along its miles and miles of streets a welter of unviiriegated facades and homely chim ney pots your Impression will be more and more that London is one great smudge hideous and unrelieved beneath a sky of watery paleness which merely accentuates a little more the dingy hue of everything beneath it Paris equally represents a monotone a delicate gray that is neat and clean and that adds to the symmetry and har moniousness of the whole effect but that is seldom diversilied by warmer tones Berlin is a monotone in buff and Rome like Paris for the most part a monotone in gray One thinks at lirst of Naples as a city brilliant with the hues of the south but a little reflection will show that it is not the city itself which can be rightly so regarded but rather the setting of the city as one perceives it from the ship on which he enters the glorious bay or from the Capo di Posi lipo The intense blue of the sky the emerald of the surrounding hills the snarkle on the waters that lap its crescent shore the huge dun slope of Vesuvius with its golden smoke and Capri in the distance swimming in a golden mist these things afford an un forgettable dream of perfect coloring But Naples itself The place Is as commonplace and dirty and depress ing as Constantinople which also from a distance cheats you into thinking it a colorists paradise It is New York alone which after delighting the eye with tho beauty of its harbor embraced by the long slopes of billowy green fascinates the eye by the brilliancy and diversity of its color scheme The sky is as blue j as that which is arched above the Mediterranean Its sunshine is as bright and it is sif city like gold dust ish hand But the sky and the sun light merely intensify the vividness of the color contrasts which are visible at every turn Here is no convention no conformity no desire for harmo nious effect The snowy whiteness of marble and the clean gray of granite are everywhere intermingled with the cheerful buff or the warm rich reds of brick Tatches of green appear at the end of every vista The enormous display windows of the shops are a riot of blues and yel lows and pale rose and heliotrope and scarlet Gilding catches and reflects the sunlight at every turn Flags and streamers and multicolored awnings add to the effect so that every street is a veritable spectrum Throughout the whole length and breadth of the island city color abounds in flecks and splashes It is just a bit barbaric possibly but it is also wonderful and striking To the sober dullness of Madrid or Rome or London it is what the Pom peiian wall paintings are to the quiet canvases of Harpignies not art but instinct nevertheless with a sensuous ness and a glow that stir one strange ly If you are a native of New York perhaps you never noticed this Yet nil the same it is set before you every day and if you will only think of it the next time you go out of doors you will perceive it as a revelation and will know that whatever else New York may be it is at any rate a color city and as such it is one that has no rival New York Commercial Adver tiser Sarcastic A young author evidently desirous of benefiting by the experience of an older brother craftsman once asked Richard Henry Stoddard how he had acquired such a tuastery of Anglo Saxon I dont know how I ever did it re plied the poet who after a moments reflection added I think however I must attribute it to the fact that I nev er had any education Scentiiip a New Soliexne Mr Tucker What is it Tommy Toothache Well well go to the den tist tomorrow Even at your age a boy ought to begin to save his teeth Tommy Gee If I save up enough do I git soinethin for em paw Chicago Tribune The Proper War In You sav Grace married into the smart set Gracious no she was divorced into it Baltimore Herald There is a maxim of unfailing truth that nobody ever pries into another mans concerns but with a design to do him mischief South aaaoOBsasSSSi mm am DR 5HWARTZ The Noted Eye Specialist OF DENVER WILL BE IN McCook May 4th At COMMERCIAL HOTEL Dr Shwartz has done more work here than any other eye specialist comes oftener than any other specialist and is too well known to need any introduction His references are his pntients your neighbors and friends Difficult cases and school children solicited A largo stock of artificial eyes and glasses on hand A largo portion of headaches and hysteria St Vitus dance nervous prostration epilepsy and other nervous conditions aro caused by eye strain Dont feel discouraged because you have failed toobtain relief from itinerant spec tacle venders I guarantee satisfaction in ail cases Will be at the Commercial Hotel Wednesday May 4th Are You a Dyspeptic If you are a dyspeptic you owo it to yourself and friends to get well Dys pepsia annoys tho dyspeptics friends because his disease sours his disposition as well as his stomach Kodol Dyspep sia Cure will not ouly cure dyspepsia indigestion and sour stomach but this palatable reconstructive tonic digestant strengthens the whole digestive appara tus and sweetens the life as well as the stomach When you take Kodol Dys pepsia Cure the food you eat is enjoyed It is digested assimilated and its nutri ent properities appropriated by the blood and tissues Health is th9 result Sold by L W McConnell Robbed The Grave A startling incident is narrated by John Oliver of Philadelphia as follows 1 was in an awful condition My skin was almost yellow eyes sunken tongue coated pain continually in back and sides no appetite growing weaker day by day Then I was advised to use Electric Bitters to my great joy the first bottle made a decided improvement I continued their use for three weeks and am now a well man I know they robbed the grave of another victim No one should fail to try them Only 50 cents guaranteed at L W McConnells drug store - Sjsa ted down upon the J Xj g M jjgBff scattered by a 1 hu iivll A s 222 South Peoria St CniCAGO III Oct 7 1902 Eight months ago I was so ill that I was compelled to lie or sit down nearly all the time My stomach was so weak and upset that I could keep nothing on it and I vomited frequently I could not urinate without great pain and I coughed so much that my throat and lungs were raw and sere The doctors pro nounced it Bright s disease and others said it was consumption It mattered little to me what they called it and I had no de sire to live Asister visited me from St Louis and asked me if I had ever tried Wine of Cardui I told her I had not and she bought a bottle I believe that it saved my life I believe many women could save much suffer ing ir they but knew of its value Dont you want freedom from pain Take Wine of Cardui and make one supreme effort to be well You do not need to be a weak helpless sufferer You can have a womans health and do a womans work in life Why not secure a bottle of Wine of Cardui from your druggist to day ORDER OF HEARING State of Nebraska Red Willow county ss At a county court held at the county court room in and for said county April 11 1904 Pres ent S L Green county judge In the matter of the estate of John II Ludwick deceased On reading and filing the petition of James Earl Ludwick praying that administration of said estate may be granted to him as adminis trator Ordered that May 2 A D 1901 at 1 oclock p m is assigned for hearing said petition when all iersons interested in t aid matter may ap pear at the county court to be held in and for said county and fchow cause why the prayer of petitioner should not be granted and that no tice of tho pendency of said petition and the hearing thereof be given to all interest ed in said matter by publishing a copy of this order in the McCook Tkiijlxe a weekly news paper printed in said county for three succes sive weeks prior to said day of hearing seal S L Green County Judge J F Cordeal attorney for petitioner APPLICATION FOR LICENSE Notice is hereby given that Dan Cashen has filed in the village clerks oflice of the village of Danbury Nebraska his petition fora license to sell malt spirituous and vinous liquors in a building located on the main street of said vil lage of Danbury Nebraska for the municipal year ending May 1st 1D0j Dated April 8 1P01 Dan Cashex Applicant APPLICATION FOR PERMIT McCook Nebraska April bth 1P01 Notice is hereby given that L W McConnell has filed in the city clerks office his bond and petition for a druggists permit to sell malt spirituous and vinous liquors in the building on lot 7 block 21 in the Second ward of the city of McCook from May 1 1904 to April 190 L W McCoxxell Applicant Modern Dentistry HERBERT J PRATT DDS Office over McConnells drug store MCCOOK NEBRASKA Office Phone 160 RE3 Phonk 131 Registered Graduate Dentist Formerly located in At lanta Georgia All opera tions pertaining to modern dentistry ing to the latest scien jthods cities tine used in the large D BURGESS ier and m Filter ssssEsssissEa Iron Lead and Sewe Pipe Brass Goods Pumps an Boiler Trimmings Agent for Halliday Waupun hclipse Windmills Basement of the Meeker Phillips Building McCOOK NEBRASKA DR H M IRELAND Osteopathic Physician Kelley Office Bldg Phono No 13 McCOOK NEB Consultation free H L PREVOST DRNTIST Graduate of Kansas City Lental College Over Jas McAdams Telephone 43 McCook Nebraska DENTIST ro E 112 Oflico over Grannis store McCook Nob DR A P WELLES Physician and Surgeon Oflico ovor McMillens drug store Residence 702 Main Aveune Residence phono S3 Office phone 28 Calls answered night or day McCOOK NEBRASKA JOHN E KELLEY ATT0ENEY AT LAW and BONDED ABSTRACTER McCook Nebraska CSStcAKentof Lincoln Land Co and of McCook Waterworks Oflico in Postoflice building C E ELDRED ATTORNEY AT LAV ulcCook Nebraska Office in Court House Phone 181 C H BOYLE ATTORNEY at LAW McCook Nebraska Telephone 44 p o Building Blue Front TsuSifSrESr 1 Fine Turnouts Either Single or Double Phone 36 Rear Palmer House McCook Nebraska W H ACKERMAX Prop 6HCKESTRS ENGLISH raiYROYAl FILLS - fj U V V p 6 iUirar r1 nkrn w 1U metallic boxpTwlS Jn K and Take no oher aSw1Wlh blue ribbo TIUe danrnu lui imoi i nkfi or send Ztoyl monlalH and Huir r reticular Mention thu por - APPLICATION FOR PERMIT -Notice is hiknTStVSfcMlil1S0 filed in the city clirhUiaaandM a McMillex Applicant APPLICATION FOR LICENSE McCof Nebraska April Sth v - im fli1C iereby iven that Patrick wSm has filed in the city clerk nlliiil aish petition for a license to sel malt 8K and and vinous liquors in the fi NSS at Main avenne m the Second ward of fh0 ritff McCook from f May 1 1S0J toAprilSO 1HB 4-8-313 Patbick Waisu Applicant r Hi WM m 1 f V