The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 22, 1904, Image 6

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    H MH
McCook Tribune
F M KIMMELL Publisher
J - AW-
Brief Telegrams
Rosa Beckett once a famous bal
let dancer was found dead in her
New York home It is believed to tfo
a case of murder
Secretary Cortelyou delivered the
annual address at the annual meeting
of the American Academy of Political
and Social Science at Philadelphia
Tho Oregon state republican con
vention selected four delegates to the
national convention and instructed for
Theodore Roosevelt for nomination
for president
Archbishop of Milwaukee
has iust issued a Mtcr to the clerrv
In his Archdiocese in which he for
bids them taking an active part ir
party politics
Walter Wellman says that Ameri
can publishers are almost frantic in
their quest for an author who will
write a novel that will command an
enormous sale
A dispatch to the London Times
from Giantze Tibet indicates that tho
local officers are suing with the Brit
ish mission under Colonel Younghus
band for peace
Albert A Ames former mayor of
Minneapolis was arrested Thursday
on an indictment charging him with
accepting a bribe December 15 1001
from Bessie Lee
Great Britain and France have sign
ed the colonial treaty Political sit
uation in Morocco and Egypt is un
changed while the republic obtains
three African concessions
The operators and miners of the
Ohio sub district embracing the Pan
handle companies of West Virginia
adjourned after a fruitless conference
of ten days over the wage scale
R M Snyder a capitalist has
formed a corporation to pipe natural
gas from Independence Kas to Kan
sas City furnishing the towns along
the route a distance of 1G0 miles
Professor Borden P Bowne was ac
quitted of the charges of heresy by
the New York East conference which
also refuses to consider new charges
filed against the Boston philosopher
Nine candidates for the Cecil
Rhodes scholarships from Nebraska
universities and colleges completed
their examinations at the University
of Nebraska looking to admission to
Tho resolution asking the General
Conference to restore the time limit
for pastorates was defeated in the
New York Conference of the Metho
dist Episcopal Church by a vote of
105 to 100
Professor Bliss of the department
of mechanical engineering of the New
York University has been delegated
to go to St Louis i his month to hi
rall the university exhibit at the
Worlds Fair
The house committee on military
affairs authorized a favorable report
on a bill appropriating 00000 to pur
chase a temporary home in the Dis
trict of Columbia for disabled volun
teer soldiers
Prince Cetewayo grandson of the
famous -Zulu King who was captured
by the British in South Africa twenty
two years ago is a student in Lon
don and devoting much of his time tc
law and history
The house committee on industrial
arts and expositions has decided tc
postpone further consideration of the
Jamestown Va exposition appropria
tion of 3000000 until the next ses
sion of congress
President Roosevelt has spent c
total of forty hours aboard the nava
steam yacht Mayflower and always
paid the expenses incurred by him
self and guests according to a re
port of Secretary Moody
The Baltimore Equitable Life In
surance company went into the hands
of a receiver upon the application oi
State Insurance Commissioner Wilk
inson and upon an answer filed by the
company in which the appointment
of receivers was consented to
Mr Leishman informs the Depart
ment of State that in obedience to its
instructions he has requested the Im
perial Ottoman Government to exert
every possible means to prevent an
asylum being given to the murderers
of Missionary Laboree in Turkey
Judge Benton in the circuit court
ot Richmond Ky has thrown out on
perempLoiy instructions of mental in
capacity all the various wills left by
the late Gen Cassius M Clay This
leaves the generals property to his
natural heirs and cuts off Dora Clay
Brcck who at one time received con
siderable notoriety as the youthful
wife cf the noted aged statesman
Senator Frye has introduced a bill
providing for the retirement of letter
carriers who have reached the age of
05 years and who have served for
thirty five years The bill gives the
retired carriers nay at 30 per cent of
the salaries they were receiving at
the time of retirement
The House passed the Philippine
shipping bill amending it so that it
goes into operation July 1 190G
William E Curtis writes of the bet
tered condition of the women of In
dia more of whom are now being
educated than ever before in the his
tory of the country
Rear Admiral Uriu Announces the
Great Japanese Victory Says that
in the Engagement the Iclanders
Sustained No Losses
ST PETERSBURG Forty five offi
ers and men perished on board the
orpedo boat destroyer Bezstrashni
vhose destruction by the Japanese
las been announced
TOKIO A brief report from Rear
dmiral Uriu of Wednesdays fight
cg off Port Arthur reach the navy
lepartment Thursday afternoon It
says Vice Admiral Togos fleet at
acked Port Arthur in the monring
md succeeded in sinking a battleship
f the Potropavlovsk class arid one
orpedo boat destroyer The Japa
iese sustained no losses One Japa
nese was wounded
A detailed report of the engage
ment is expected hourly
The first intimation of the result
f Vice Admiral Togos seventh at
ack off Port Artnur reached Toirio
it 8 oclock Thursday morning It
vas received with intense satisfac
ion particularly the reported de
struction of the battleship Petropav
ovsk There was a note of regret
lowever upon the reported death of
Admiral Makaroff for the Russian
idmiral commanded the respect of
lis opponents and the Japanese ad
nired the manner in which he had
ehabilitated the fleet after the first
ittacks upon Port Arthur and the
splendid fight he was making against
odds Tne navy department expects
advices from Vice Admiral Togo by
night It is known that he left in
the vicinity of Port Arthur Thursday
to return to an unknown base and
it is oxiected that he Avill reach tele
graphic communication by night
minister has received a dispatch from
his government embodying an official
report from Admiral Uriu regarding
the engagement off Port Arthur as
According to the report of the tor
pedo destroyer flotilla No 3 our
fleet approached Port A thur on the
13th of April and sunk one battleship
of the enemy of the Petropavlovsk
type and one torpedo boat destroyer
No damage to our fleet No report
yet from Admiral Togo
Stark formerly in command of the
Russian fleet at Port Arthur in an
interview is quoted as saying
In my opinion the Petropavlovsk
struck one of the contact mines laid
off Cape Liao Shan but which had
been torn from its moorings by the
terrible storms prevailing last weeiv
and which drifted under the stress of
the south gales into the roadstead
It could not have bean a mine laid
near the entrance of the harbor be
cause the latter are not contact
mines DUt are fired by an electric
wire from the shore
This is What Austen Chamberlain
Tells Anxious Petitioners
LONDON The combined efforts of
the coal owners exporters ship own
ers and miners have failed to induce
Austen Chamberlain the chancellor
of the exchequer to repeal the coal
duty A deputation representing all
the above interests laid the case be
fore the chancellor Tuesday and
pleaded that the duty was disastrous
to every industry connected with the
coal trade and enabled their German
and other rivals to displace British
coal Mr Chamberlain in reply
lengthily crmpared the arguments of
the petitioners with the facts in his
possession pnd said there was no
reason for the abolition of the duty
He said that the fact that the ex
ports for the last year were the larg
est on record disproved the gloomy
forebodings of the deputation
New York Bank Gees Down
NEW YORK The federal hank a
state institution in this city was
closed and officials of the state bank
ng department are in charge David
Rothschild was president of the insti
tution until a few weeks ago when
having come into circulation
that the bank was connected with thfi
Globe Securities company which
loaned money 6n salaries he resigned
and was succeeded by William
Wrrods who with Doolittle had se
cmed control of the bank
banks capital is 250000
-1 jt M l
An Explosion on the Battleship
PENSACOLA Fla By the explo
sion of 2000 pounds of powder in the
after twelve inch turret and the hand
ling room of the battleship Missouri
Captain William S Cowles command
ing twenty nine men were instantly
killed and five injured of whom two
will die The Missouri was on the
target range with the Texas and
Brooklyn at practice about noon when
a charge or powder in the twelve inch
left hand gun ignited from gases ex
ploded and dropping below ignited
four charges of powder in the handling
room and all exploded
Only one man of the entire turret
and handling crew survives But for
Lio prompt and efficient action of Cap
tain Cowles in flooding the handling
room and magazine with water one of
the magazines would haxe exploded
and the ship would have been destroy
Captain Cowles completely over
come by the disaster referred all
newspaper men to Lieutenant Ham
mer the ordnance officer The latter
gave out a statement of the explo
sion and its probable cause Accord
ing to him about noon after the first
pointer of the aft twelve inch piece
had fired his string and the second
pointer had fired the third shot of his
string the charge Ignited The
fourth shot was being loaded and
frou all indications the first half of
the charge had been rammed home
and the second section was being
rammed home when gases from the
shots previously fired or portions of
the cloth cover ignited the powder
The breech was open and a dull
thud gave notice of something un
usual No loud report was made but
flames were seen to leap from everv
A Russian Black Sea Battleship
portion of the turret A few seconds
later another explosion somewhat
more fierce occurred This was in
the handling room below where 1000
pounds of powder or four charges
ready to be hoisted above had ignit
ed Fire quarters were sounded and
in less than five seconds after the
first explosion two streams of water
were being played in the rooms and
when volunteers were called for ev
ery man of the ship responded
Captain Cowles gave his commands
and but for his presence of mind and
that of the officers of the ship the
Missouri would have gone down The
second explosion occurred near one
0 the magazines and so hot was the
fire that the brass work of the maga
zines was melted
Smoke and the fumes of the burned
powder made it almost impossible to
eater either the turret or handling
room Every officer and man in the
port and all but three in the hand
ling room were killed
Three minutes after the explosion
all the dead had been brought on deck
and the surgeons from the Missouri
Texas and Brooklyn were attending
to those not dead
Thf twenty five men of the turret
vere found lying in a heap They
had started from the exit when the
first explosion occurred and had just
reached there when the more terrible
explosion in the handling room oc
curred which burned a ad strangled
them to death Lieutenant Davidson
the officer in charge of the turret evi
dently had given some command to
the men as he was on top of the
heap of men
The accident is the most serious
that has occurred in the American
navy since to blowing up of tho
Maine in Havana narbor in 189S
The bodies of the dead were hard
ly recognizable the terrible and quick
fire having burned clothing from the
bodies of the men and the flesh hung
to them in shreds The faces were
mutilated by the smoke and flames
only Only one man was breathing
when the turret crew was rescued and
he died a moment after he reached
the deck
Senate Confirms Baxter
WASHINGTON The senate on
Tuesday confirmed the nomination of
Irving F Baxter as United States at
torney for the district of Nebraska
Pension Deficiency of 1500000
sioner Ware of the pension bureau
was before the sub committee of tie
appropriations committee which is
preparing the general deficiency o
propriation bill asking for 1500000
to meet the amount required for pen
sions under order CS the age pension
order The amount was to cover tho
expenditures up to July 1 this year
The amount has been included in the
bill but the democrats have given
The notice of a minority report and a con
test over this item
Probate Judge Says He Can Remain M
PRESENT WEEK nying in effect the application for the THOSE
Appropriation Bills to the Front in the
Senate Pension Measure to Be
Given Consideration Other Matters
In Both Houses
WASHINGTON Statehood and ship
subsidy will be the feature of the
house proceedings this week with con
ference reports and minor bills to fill
in the gaps The committee on rules
on Monday morning will decide on a
program for the statehood bill The
rule on this matter which will be
brought in for adoption Monday will
call for consideration of the bill Tues
day with debate limited probably to
four hours It is now the intention
o dispose of this bill entirely on
The rule making a special order fon
the Gardiner bill providing for a joint
commission of members of the house
and senate to investigate the whole
Question of ship subsidy during the
recess of congress will be brought
forward by Mr Grosvenor on Wednes
day Debate on this measure will
consume probably six hours The
Alaska delegate bill will remain the
continuing order and receive con
sideration whenever there is nothing
else before the house
The present plan of the leaders con
templates final adjournment April 28
There will be an effort to keep ap
propriation bills to the front all the
time during the present week in the
senate and to this end the sundry
civil bill will be taken up on conven
ing Monday When it is disposed of
the pension appropriation bill will be
pressed and it is hoped that that bill
will in turn be immediately followed
by the general deficiency bill The
senate leaders are apprehensive of the
Offect of the considration of various
bills on the calendar and are exercis
ing their ingenuity to keep them in
the background
There are some features of the
sundry civil bill which will cause dis
cussion and it is believed that it will
hold attention during Monday and
Tuesday The pension bill usually
goes through without debate but it is
probable there will be quite a little
discussion on the pending bill
If opportunity is offered Senator
Hansbrough -will endeavor to obtain
consideration of the Indian agreement
Senator Fairbanks also stands ready
to seize the first chance that offers to
press his bill for a new executive
building in Washington
Russians Believe JaDS Will Be Driven
PARIS A dispatch to the Matin
from its St Petersburg correspondent
sa ys
The Russians have tho fullest confi
dence that General Kuropatkin will
soon drive the Japanese out of Korea
While a strong army blockades
Ping Yang another army corps will
advance ot Seoul these being the only
points wherein serious resistance is
The empress was so shocked by
the disaster to the Petropavlovsk that
she has been obliged lo keep to her
bed She got up a few hours Satur
The emperor is working hard ana
is not receiving anyone not even the
high court officials
Japs Use Submarine Boats
manager of the Novoe Vremya says
he has seen a letter dated March 19
from Dr Volkovitch who was drowned
on the Petropavlovsk in which it is
alleged that Vice Admiral Makaroll
and his staff declared that the Japan
ese were using submarine boats ana
that Port Arthur was not aerenaed by
Russian mines
Iowa Man at Head of University
DANVILLE Ky Dr Frederick W
Hinitt of Fairfield la Avho was recent
ly elected president of the Central uni
versity of Kentucky to succeed the
late Dr W C Roberts has announced
his acceptance and will take charge
of the university soon
Give Out No War News
ST PETERSBURG On account of
the holidays the committee on mili
tary censors sat for only an hour
onday leaving their office at 10
oclock Later official dispatches from
the scere of war will not be made
public until Tuesday
Disease Among Jap i roocs
ST PETERSBURG According to
the reports of spies the Japanese
troops in Korea have been ravaged
by various diseases One of these
diseases called imbion is a kind of
intermittent typhus Another called
souda which has not yet been stud
ied by European doctors produces pre
mature senility The patients lose
very prevalent among
the Russians at
removal of William J Bryan as exec
utor of the estate of the late Philo S
Bennett was rendered Saturday by
Judge Cleaveland of the probate court
The application was brought by coun
sel for Mrs Grace Imogene Bennett
the widow and other residuary lega
tees on the ground that Mr Bryan was
acting contrary to the interests of tho
esate The decision sustains a demur
rer filed by Mr Bryans counsel and
practically denies the application as
far as the probate court is concerned
The matter will now go to the higher
court on appeal
s Tho claim of the residuary legatees
that Mr Bryan was acting contrary to
the best interests of the estate was
based on the fact that he appealed as
an individual and as a trustee from
the decree of the probate court refus
ing to incorporate as a part of the will
the sealed letter by which Mr Bennett
expressed a wish that Mr Bryan
should have 50000 It was claimed
by the residuary legatees that this ap
peal is inconsistent with his duties as
executor of the will and that he is un
necessarily delaying the settlement of
the estate
Complaints of Western Ranchmen
CHICAGO Prompted by com
plaints of ranchmen of the northwest
through Representative Martin of
South Dakota that it was their their
belief that a beef trust existed among
the western packers to the restraint
of trade and to the detriment of pro
ducers and consumers the govern
ment has begun its investigation
James A Garfield chief of the bu
reau of corporations of the department
of commerce and labor and assistant
to Secretary Cortelyou is in Chicago
He has come with Inspector Carroll
of the department agriculture pur
posely to make inquiry at the stock
yards Other men have been sent to
Kansas City Omaha and all the large
cattle markets while two representa
tives of the government have been
sent to attend range meetings through
out the northwest among the cattle
raisers All of these men making in
vestigtaions in various cattle centers
are working under Mr Garfields or
ders When they make their final re
port Mr Garfield will compile his re
port to Secretary Cortelyou
France Nearly Ready to Turn Over
Panama Canal
PARIS All the papers necessary
for the transfer of the Panama canal
to the United State are now com
pleted They include lengthy inven
tories and schedules of the nronertv
belonging to the company both m
Panama here and elsewhere These
have been carenuiy goe over ana
cneckea up ny v A Day ana
Charles W Russell the assistant
attorney generals wno came rrom
Washington to assist in the trans
fer of the property and the officers
of the company The most impor
tant paper is the contract tor the
sale juis sets lortn an tne
inary negotiations between the Uni
ted States and the company leading
up to the transfer and the final iati
fication of the transfer by the stock
holders of the
company The con
sideration is stated to be 40000000
The signing of the contract will oc
cur immediately after the meeeting
i ot the stockholders next Saturdav
However as tho meeting probably
will last until late the signing may
go over until Monday President Bo
wl sign for tho company
Dclr in the Slot Will Open
Worlds air Turnstiles
ST LOUIS It has been r nded by
the Worlds fair to install electrical
devices instead of having ticket sellers
and ordinary turnstiles during the ex
position period
The Lindell entrance will be the
main gate to the exposition Thero
thirty two turnstiles are being install
ed and through this entrance alone
it is estimated that at least 50n per
sons can pass every sixty seconds
To gain admission to the grounds
a person must approach the turnstile
and place a half dollar in a slot This
money as it aescenus is stm visime
and reles a lever which unlocks
tho turnp The person can then
pass through the gate and the minute
that he is inside the turnstile is lock
Individual gates are being installed
for children At these turnstiles a
quarter will operate the mechanism
With a decent supply of good will
any man can be honest on a desert
Death of a Guilty Couple
CHICAGO James H Johnson a
railroad switchman and Mrs Mary
McGrath said to have come to Chi
cago recently from St Lou
found dead in bed Sunday
hotel in avenue The
registered at the
bed Gas was escaping
i tne room
from a jet in
Will Be Known
His Great Endowment
Trust Placed l in
as the riero
of Prom-
the Hands of a Commisson
inent Men rfl
PITTSBURG It was made known
here Friday that Andrew Carnegie has
5000000 for c o
created a fund of
benefit of tho dependents of those
losing their lives in heroic efforts to
or for the victims
save their fellow men
tims themselves - Injured totally
Provision is made for medals to be
given in commemoration of heroic
acts The endowment is to be known
as Tho Hero Fund and consists of
5000000 of first collateral 5 per cent
bonds tne United States Steel cor
The trust is placed in the hands of
a commission composed of the follow
ing rontlemen W L Abbott Edwin
H Andrews W W Blackburn Ed
ward M Bigelow Joseph Buffington
W E Frein J B Jackson Thomas
Lynch Charles C Mellor N Miller
Thomas Morrison Frederick P Per
kins Robert Pitcairn H Kirk Porter
Jame3 F Reed W L Scaife William
Scott W II Stevenson E M Wilmot
The commission held its first meet
ing here Friday and made known the
project It is learned that the scheme
was conceive by Mr Carnegie im
mediately after the Harwick mine dis
aster when he summoned to New
York Mr Taylor chairman and Mr
Wilmot manager to discuss with
them plans for the relief of the suffer
ers from this catastrophe
On this occasion Mr Carnegie an
nounced to Messrs Taylor and Wil
mut his intention to endow a fund for
heroes outlining his plans and asked
that they consider the project and
write him regarding it making such
suggestions and giving such ideas as
might occur to them This they did
and on March 12 just before his de
parture for Europe Mr Carnegie for
warded a letter to Mr Taylor an
nouncing the plan and stating that
the certificate for the bonds had been
placed in his hands
Mr Carnegie warns the commission
against the danger of interference oi
conflict with the pension funds for
municipal employes that exists in
many cities and urges it to act in har
mony with such funds This as is the
case with all the details of the funds
administration is left to the commis
The claims upon the fund for some
years cannot exhaust it After some
years pensioners will become numer
ous Should the commission find al
lowing liberally for this that a sur
plus will remain it has power to
make grants in case of accidents
preferably where a hero has appear
ed to those injured
The field embraced by the fund is
the United States and Canada and the
waters thereof
Proctor Dill to Be Reported Upon Fa
WASHINGTON Senator Proctor
today introduced a bill which will be
favorably reported by the committee
on military affairs to authorize the
president to reward distinguished or
especially meritorious service render
ed by certain officers of the active list
of the army The bill provides for
the creation of a distinguished service
list to include five colonels six lieutenant-colonels
eighteen majors ton
captains and five first lieutenants
Appointments to the distinguished
service list are to be made on the spe
cific recommendation of a beard as
near permanent as may be of fivo
general officers of the active lizt of
the army
Cotton Crop cf India
WASHINGTON The government
of India has issued its final general
memorandum on the cotton crop of
British India for 1903 and 1904 show
ing that the area under cotton of 17
070599 acres is over 1000000 acres
larger than the corrected area cf last
year which was then the highest re
turned The official figures of the es
timated yield is 2S74S93 bales Tho
estimate total yield for this season
excluding the returns from Assam
and Mysore which
did not report las
year is approximately the same a
for the last season
Panama Wants Recognition
PANAMA It has been decreed bv
the government that all the consular
representatives of nations who have
not formally recognized the republic
of Panama will be unable
to conun a
official relations with the
gove nmenr
ntil such iUonhaiTae
Afflicted wth Trachoma
WASrGTCN There was
at Tacoma Wash
fiflv pm
pmos who -ere brought to tho tt
were I States tinder contract to take nart
in a cheap the Philippine island exhioit at the
couple Louis exposition Thirtv nino nf X
- mj
hctel Saturday as i numoer were afflicted with tr
i r I ii - iiiuuj
uuui uiiu uuv aim vcro assigned to a i uizcase ot me eve Tinker
i - uuer a ruiinir
room Esmninsr CP ir tlPir rnnm llV flip atfcey
their teeth become extremely weak started an investigation and when
ana tne nans are twisteu uacic on
the fingers Dysentery is said to be
the door was forced open both bodies
were found lying side by side on the
Hy il1 General natives of
the Philippine islands and PnVtn
are not aliens within the
meaning of
tne immigration act and th
be admitted
will be asked
to meat such
cases arising iiereaftef