The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 22, 1904, Image 4

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Official Paper of Redwillow County
Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co
Subscription 1 a Year in Advance
Philip Gliom Danbury
C E Eldred McCook
James Ilatliold McCook
Fifth Congressional District Convention
Tho Republicans of Hip Fiftli Congressional
District of tlio stnto or Nebraska nro lioreby
called to meet in convention attlio Korr opera
houso in the city of Ilaftinfcs on May 12 lJXIiat
threo oclock in tlio afternoon for tlic purposo
of plncitiK in nomination one congressman from
said district for tlio selection of ono president
ial doctor i
And to oloct two dnlogntvs and two alternates
to the Republican National Convention to be
hold in CbicnRo 111 on Tuesday tlio 21st dav
of Jnno 1904 and for the transaction of such
other businoss as may regularly como before
said convention
The apportionment based on tlio stntn ap
portionment entitles the several counties in
said district to tlio following representation in
said convention
Adams 17 Chase 4 Clay 17
Dundy 4 Franklin 10 Frontier 8
Furnas 11 Oonpor 5 Hall 1
Harlan 9 Hayes- 4 Hitchcock 5
Koarnuy 10 Nuckolls Vi Perkins 3
Phelps 11 Red Villovll Wohstor 13
It is recommended that no proxies be allowed
in said convention but that tho delegates pres
ent thoreat bo authorized to cast tho full vote
of tho county represented by them
By order of tho congressional committee
Hastings Nebraska March 17 1911
J E Kellry Hknry Fox Jr
Secretary Chairman
And President Roosevelt insists that
those fences must come down this time
Under tho new law Oklahoma and
Indian Territory will become a state
and Arizona and New Mexico another
The Cos3acks are gradually acquiring
the finest submarine navy ever with
the aid and consent of the Yankees of
the Orient
In the latest legal controversy between
Jim Hill and E II Harriman Jim came
out first best and will distribute the
stock of the Northern Securities Co to
suit his own taste even- if it is distaste
ful to Harriman And the people pay
the freight as before
As Well Make It Unanimous
It seems that Red Willows candidate
for Secretary of State E J Wilcox will
not bo low man in tho convention
Stock villo Republican
Furnas county Republicans say Ed
Wilcox of McCook is their first choice
for Secretary of State Then Eds all
right Might as well make it unanim
ous Arapahoo Mirror
Ed Wilcoxour present popular county
clerk is having quite a boom for Secre
tary of State on the Republican ticket
Heres hoping that you may be able to
ride the old g o p nag right in at the
front door Ed Indianola Reporter
E J Wilcox will make an ideal Secre
tary of State Let us have a western
man or two to give tone and vim to the
ticket and show the eastern Republi
cans that their efforts in the past against
great odds are appreciated Trenton
The Republicans of Red Willow coun
ty have indorsed Burkett for U S
Senator G W Norris for congress and
have brought out E J Wilcox present
county clerk of Red Willow county for
Secretary of State Mr Wilcox will go
into tho convention with considerable
strength back of him Hastings Tri
The Best Family Salve
DeWitts Witch Hazel gives instant
relief from burns cures cuts bruises
sores eczema tetter and all abrasions
of tho skin In buying Witch Hazel
Salve it is only necessary to see that you 4
get the genumo DeWitt s anda cure is
certain There are many cheap coun
terfeits on tho market all of which are
worthless and quite a few are danger
ous while DoWitrs Witch Hazel Salve
is perfectly harmless and cures Sold by
L W McConnell
Timbers of oak keep the old
homestead standing through
the years It pays to use the
right stuff
Men of oak are men in
health men whose
bodies are made of the sound
est materials
Childhood is the time to lay
the foundation for a sturdy con
stitution that will last for years
Scotts Emulsion is the right
Scotts Emulsion stimulates
the growing powers of children
helps them build a firm
foundation for a sturdy consti
Send for free sample
5 Pearl Street New York
50c and 51 OO all druggists-
Absolutely Pap
THEMIS m suBsmtns
Friends of Mr Spearman will bo glad to know
that his new novel Tho Close of tho Day is
moating with tho heartiest reception at tho
hands of tho critics Although tho book has
been out only a few weeks it is already in its
fifth edition and it bids fair to bo ono of tho
successful novels of tho teafeon However
largo or small its sales may bo it is a success
artistically perhaps even more of a success
than is Doctor Rryson It is safe to say at any
rate that the theme of the newer book will ap
peal to a largo circle of readers than does that
of Doctor Hryson It matters little how mas
terly or how lacking in grace an authors treat
ment of a tubject may bo tho popularity of his
work depends holely on whother or not tho pub
lic is interested in tho topics with which he
deals While individual tastes differ and
while every reader may want to draw his own
conclusions it is of interest to know what men
who are well equipped lo judge of the merits of
tho wares in which they traffic think of the
The Syracuse Herald says of it that it is
fatcinating in plot easily tho best thing Mr
Spearman has done Wo aro always glad when
a special opportunity comes to congratulate
our readers upon having in waiting for them a
book like this clean strong well adjusted
It deserves to become ono of the great suc
cesses of the J ear sajs the Boston Times Tho
Chicago Tribune asserts that Durant was of
the ttult of which they make heroes ho was a
gentleman Durant It must bo remembered
is tho hero of the tale The Louisville Courier
Journal sajs of tho t ame character that he has
a dignity about him that silences criticism
that he is a man holding his manhood high
above Life itself Tho Outlook which is ono
of tho most conservative of all tho reviews says
tho book is a distinct advance in art over Mr
Spearmans former novels
These are the utterances of men not given to
flattery the sincore opinions of men who know
tho most current literature The critics nat
ural inclination is to criticise adversely and
when we find such an unanimity of view as to
the merits of a book wo may feel confident that
it is indeed worthy
A littlo book from which the seriously in
clined can derivo an evenings reading of tho
most enjoyable sort is Letters from a Chinese
Official The letters are offered without ex
planation and ono wonders whether they aro
authentic The doubt does not detract from tho
pleasure their consideration affords Tho old
adage that familiarity breeds contempt has
a deeper significance than the words import
We become so accustomed to the conditions
that prevail that we are unable to see what is
instantly apparent to a stranger To be seen
through tho eyes of an Oriental is an unique ex
perience and we can if we will profit hugely
from tho advice bestowed by our critic The
Letters is one of thoso rare books that the
reader wishe was much longer than it is
Do It Today
The time worn injunction Never put
off til tomorrow what you can do today
is now generally presented in this form
Do it today That is the terse advice
we want to give you about that hacking
cough or demoralizing cold with which
you have been struggling for several
days perhaps weeks Take some reliable
remedy for it today and let that rem
edy be Dr Botchees German Syrup
which lias been in use for over thirty
five years A few doses of it will un
doubtedly relieve your cough or cold
and its continued use for a few days will
cure you completely No matter how
deep seated your cough even if dread
consumption has attacked your lungs
German Syrup will surely effect a cure
as it has done before in thousands of ap
parently hopeless cases of lung trouble
New trial bottles 25c regular size 75c
L W McConnell
45 to California and Back
April 2 to May 1 inclusive tickets
on sale via Burlington Route to San
Francisco and Los Angeles and return
at 45 This is less than the regular one
way rate
No more delightful outing can be
imagined The trip is made at the time
of year when traveling is a pleasure and
the climate of California at its best
Attractive diverse routes are offered as
weli as liberal stopover privileges and
return limit
Folder giving details mailed free on
request Our agent can give you any
further information that may be desired
J Francis General Passenger Agent
Omaha 4 22 2t
Men Past Sixty in Danger
More than half of mankind over sixty
years of age suffer from kidney and
bladder disorders usually enlargement
of prostrate gland This is both painful
and dangerous and Foleys Kidney Cure
should be taken at the first sign of dan
ger as it corrects irregularities and has
cured many old men of this disease
Rodney Burnett Rockport Mo writes
I suffered with enlarged prostrate
gland and kidney trouble for years and
after taking two bottles of Foleys Kid
ney Cure I feel better than I have for
twentv vears although I am now 91
years old Sold by A McMillen
Pirating Foleys Honey and Tar
Foley Co Chicago originated
noney and Tar as a throat and lung
remedy and on account of the great
merit and popularity of Foleys Honey
and Tar many imitations are offered for
tho genuine Ask for Foleys Honey
and Tar and refuse any substitute offer
ed as no other preparation will give the
same satisfaction It ismildlv laxative
It contains no opiates and is safest for
children and delicate persons Sold bv
Colonist Rates
During March and April the Burling
ton will sell one way tickets to tho Paci
fic coast at very low rates
Hero are some of them
25 to San Francisco and Los Angeles
25 to Portland Tacoma and Seattle
2250 to Spokane
20 to Salt Lake City Butte Helena
1075 to Big Horn Basin Wyo
Proportionately low rates to hundreds
of other points
These rates offer an excellent oppor
tunity to see the great northwest which
presents unusual attractions to the
homeseeker It possesses tho iron and
lumber of Michigan the wheat of Min
nesota the wool of Ohio tho fisheries
of New England and seaboard rivaling
the Atlantic coast
If you will tell mo where you are go
ing I shall bo glad to give you full in
formation about rates train service
sleeping car service and send you ad
vertising matter descriptive of these
wonderful sections J Francis General
Passenger Agent Omaha Neb 2-264-29
Best Cough Medicine for Children
When you buy a cough medicine for
small children you want one in which
you can place implicit confidence You
want one that not only relieves but
cures You want one that is unques
tionably harmless You want one that
is pleasant to take Chamberlains
Cough Remedy meets all of these con
ditions There is nothing fo good for
the coughs and colds incident to child
hood It is also a certain preventive
and cure for croup and there is no dan
ger whatever from whooping cough when
it is given It has been used in many
epidemics of that disease with perfect
success For sale by all druggists
Good for Children
The pleasant to take and harmless
One Minute Cough Cure gives immedi
ate relief in all cases of cough croup
and lagrippo because it does not pass
immediately into the stomach but takes
effect right at tho seat of the trouble
It draws out the inflammation heals
and soothes and cures permanently by
enabling the lungs to contribute pure
life giving and life sustaining oxygen to
the blood and tissues One Minute
Cough Cure is pleasant to take and it is
good alike for young and old Sold by
L W McConnell
Advertised Letters
The following letters were advertised
by the McCook postoilice April 19 1904
Amspoken Mrs Jennio Lacy Mrs George
Bradlinp John Marshall Mrs Ida
Brown II R Morse Herold
Clark J M Simpson CInrenco
Forbes Mrs EUa Slittson S E
Jeffords W W Smith Mrs J
When calling for these letters please
say they were advertised
F M Kimmell Postmaster
A Thousand Dollarss Worth of Good
I have been afflicted with kidney
and bladder trouble for years passing
gravel or stones with excruciating pain
sajs A H Thurnes a well known coal
operator of Buffalo O I got no relief
from medicine until began taking Foleys
Kidney Cure then the result was sur
prising A few doses started the brick-dust-like
substance and now I have no
pain across my kidneys and I feel like a
new man It has done me 1000 worth
of good Foleys Kidney Cure will cure
every form of kidney or bladder disease
Sold by A McMillen
Worlds Fair St Louis April 30 to Deci
Reduced rates as follows
Season tickets on sale April 15 to Nov
15 inclusive final limit Dec 15 round
trip 82980
Sixty dav ticket on sale April 25 to
Nov 20 inclusive S2480
Ten day ticket on sale April 27 to
Nov 30 inclusive 2235
Serious Stomach Trouble Cured
I was troubled with a distress in my
stomach sour stomach and vomiting
spells and can truthfully say that
Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tab
lets cured mo Mrs T V Williams
Laingsburg Mich These tablets are
guaranteed to cure every case of stomach
trouble of this character For sale by
all druggists
A Thoughtful Han
M M Austin of Winchester Ind
knew what to do in the hour of need
His wife had such an unusual cae of
stomach and liver trouble physicians
could not help her He thought of and
tried Dr Kings New Life Pills and she
got relief at once and was finallv cured
Only 25 cents at L W McConnells
drug store
c y
I Willi IH H
fi H w -
b u -v J
A8 B AVrfAi
w if- g r -a w s a mm
W llTTiy L X 9
I WIIMI ff ft fl
1 lm wlmmlmm
Oh the Pleasures
of moving day of ripping up carpets
and stair rods of breaking in a new
house and fitting stove pipe of eating
your meals on the kitchen stairs and
waiting for the plumbers and the gas
man Theres a joy thats unconfined
about all this and
You Can Have
but do you want it Wouldnt you
give a pretty penny to escape it There
is only one way viz to own instead of
forever moving If 3 011 are thinking of
tho better way see the Secretary of the
McCook Co Gperative
When YOU want to give anyone a CUFF
give it to us The way it is returned will
PLEASE YOU Throw in a pair of Lace
Curtains or a Silk Waist to be dry
cleaned a Skirt or Suit to be steam
cleaned We know how to do these things
and do them right Our increasing bus
iness is proof Phone 35 we do the rest
McCook Laundry
Our immense stock of Fine Embroideries you can buy FOR
A SHORT TIME ONLY at the following attractive prices
50c fine wide embroideries per yard 43c
45c fine wide embroideries per yard 38c
40c fine wide embroideries yer yard 32c
35c fine wide embroideries per yard 29C
30c fine wide embroideries per yard 24c
25c fine wide embroideries per yard 19C
20c fine wide embroideries per yard 17c
18c 15c and 12ic embroideries per yard 10C
6c 8c and 10c embroideries per yard Sc
These aro all new spring patterns and extreme values even at the
regular prices
w ewaawwijuui a i
Fine White Goods
Our stock of white dress goods and waistings was
never so complete We have made some
Special Selections
for High School Graduates
and we invite all to call and see our display of Dress
Goods and Trimmings in white and colors before making
your purchases
Extreme Bargains in Mens fiats
Those four lots of mens hats contain bargains which
you cannot afford to pass b
5300 and 8350 hats are going for
S200 and 8250 hats are going for
8150 and 8175 hats are going for
75c and 100 hats are goin for
Call in and find jour size before the bet values aie taken
Bomsmiusn iflPlu TSSSSmV K3 yay 1
fc W fW M Prr rx p r
J3 M EH i Sa
Phone 16
fij ra ra
A Cure for Headache
Any man wuiiian or child suffering
from headache biliousness or a dull
drowsy feeling should take one or two
of DeWitts Little Early Hirers nhjtt
and morning These famous little pill
are famous because they are a t jr ie a
well as a pill While they ciean c the
system they strengthen and rebuild ii
by their tonic effect upon the liver and
bowels Sold byL W JMcCounell
Now is the time to clean house
clean your system first drive out the
microbes of winter with IlollisterV
Rocky Mountain Tea It will keep you
well all summer 35 cents Tea or
tablets L V McConnell
I have used Chamberlains Stomach
and Liver Tablets with most satisfac
tory results says Mrs F L Phelps
Ilouston Texas For indigestion bili
ousness iiuu constipation tnese tablets
1111 no 1 e
Kill liny AT aVmy ASS ll1 are most excellent Sold by all druggists
I fc
K ka l 5 kxk U 5KC
m m M mJ
s r sm
W ilvItLBE5Tj
-- S NSWiirii -IV-- Kb-
-v u v
s 1 v j
rew iHT raiTa35Triu ti i ugwrnTy
mmjm experience j
1 WH ftvtjXfsairilxXA
Trade Marks
Copyrights c
Anyone sending n skptob nnd description may
quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an
invention is probably pntennMo Communica
tions strictly nfldentinl HANDBOOK on Patents
sent free oilet aeency for secunnp patents
Patents taken thmuch 3Iunn Co receive
special notice without charse in tho
ienflfie JUnencan
A handsomely illustrated weekly largest cir
culation of any si ientiQc Journal Terms 3 a
year four months J L Sold by all newsdealers
MUNN Co36181 New York
Branch OSlce G23 F bU Washington I C
A specialty of ofnee supplies
The Tribcne
Mike Walsh
Old Rubber Copper and Brass
Highest Market Price Paid in Cash
Block West of Citizens Bank
HcCook - NebrasKa
Marti Com Co
The only reliable wholesale houso
between Depver and Hastings
m m RQh
We Buy in Car Lots
All goods direct from grower that
is why wo can sell cheap Merch
ants headquarters
We Pay Cash for Eggs
Local and Long Distance
Phono 101
One door south of the Tribune Office
New Firm
Old Stand
B and M
Meat Market
David Magncr has gone
into the firm which seeks
a continuance of public
patronage guaranteeing
the best of everything sea
sonable at the most rea
sonable prices
Anton Manner
5K ZaP
Easy to take and easy to act is
that famous little pill DeWitfs
Little Early Risers This is due to
the fact that they tonic the liver in
stead of purging it They never gripe
nor sicken not even the most delicate
lady and yet they are so certain in
results that no one who uses them is
disappointed They cure torpid liver
constipation biliousness jaundice
headache malaria and ward off pneu
monia and fevers
Don1 Forget the Name
For Sale by L W McConnell
-The Toledo Blade
New and Larger Building- New Presses
New Steretype Plant New and
Mdern Appliances n Every
Th Toledo Mart
miilimir vilt itiiui
kj now in tall in its new
-ml fHtil to any nJbS
IM lnl 1
that bn y peopl
th uAiirssiv iii
Tin- neW of tl orI V
AfM -
pn mnFu
in 1 iirrniii iiiiif v -
Iciul editorial m
niado plain in each issue by
atter written from iucention
w i lie only paper piibMwl euVr
tally for people y ho do not read dnih newln
per and j thirst for plain facte T ha this
uw Liiu 1 1 I imiiiu mTi I
yearly subscribers Lan 1 iE T VsIr
parts of th US I addition tothe
now the
Llado publishes Mort and serial storfe
many department of matter suite to 2
TrftTr ltJmih 0nIy
ono dollar a yea