Ik i A m i i i iff k ft rv Jf i Young women may avoid tTirK the ami iuiiy vuararucca by tirMflPTHFFHH AJTOWERCO TOWER CANAKAN CO SIGN Or InC rljn summslia iBmtTMCNTocM Sold Everywhere f H fall Cri S3VV Vfc g 400 350 300 250 UNION QIUSffcESCi BEST IN MADE xSErllCO THE WORLD WL Douglas shoes are worn by more men than any other make The reason is they hold their shapefifchetteiyvvcar longer and have greater intrinsic value than any other shoes 5s JSftv W1 - EUnS Ja ps - 5SEi xis m 1 fetS Tronic Car name anil mice ii bottom Douglas uses Corona ColtsJcln is everywhere conceded toliotlie finest Patent Xntlier vet iirod uocl Fast Coor Eyelets used Shoes liv uiail2 routs extra Write Tor Catalog IV I DOUGLAS Brockton Mass Lawn Fence Iron or wire many styles forresidence church school cemetery poultry and hatr fciief term jrates Send for catalogue Chercpicn Iron ard Wre Works OMAHA NEB vt7 Thompsons Eyo Wator much sickness and pain says Miss Alma Pratt if they will only nave faith in the use of Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound Judging from the letters Ehe fa receiving1 from so many young- girls Mrs Pinkhatn believes that our girls are often pushed altogether too near the limit of their endurance now adays in our public schools and semin aries Nothing1 is allowed to interfere -with Btudies the girl must be pushed to the front and graduated with honor often physical collapse follows and it takes years to recover the lost vitality often it is never recovered Miss Pratt cays Dear Mns Pixkham I feel it my duty to tell all voung women how much Xiydia E Pinlclmms -wonderful Vegetable Compound has done for me I -was completely run down unable to attend school and did not care for any kind of society but now I feel like a new person and have gained seven pounds of flesh in three months I recommend it to all young women who suffer from female weak ness Miss Alma Pijatt Holly Mich 5000 forfeit If original of above lettsf proving genuineness cannot bo produced McClures for April McClures for April is fairly stun ning in its effect The first of a se ries of articles on The Enemies of the Republic by Lincoln Steffens which will consider the misgovern ment of states takes up Missouri and gives the reader a shock he will not soon forget It is almost paralyzing in its relentless array of fact and logic concerning corruption as a cus tom a system a revolution in gov ernment It is tliCj bribe giver not the bribe taker who is really respon sihle for the bad government Mr Steffens points out Insist on Getting It Some grocers say they dont koop De fiance Starch because they have a stock In hand of 12 oz brands which they know cannot bo sold to a customer who has onco usod the 10 oz pkg Defiance Starch for camo money Old Sofas Backs of Chairs etc can be dyed with PUTNAM FADELESS DYES A man seldom lets himself loose until he gets tight Why It Is the Best Is because made by en entirely different process Defiance Starch is unliko any other bettor and one third more for 10 cents Lots of men get religion when they jet sicJc lViggIeStick liAUNDKr blue Wont spiii break freeze nor spot clothes Costs 10 cents and equals 20 cents worth of any other bluing If your gvocer does not keep it send 10c for sainnle to The Laundrv Blue Co 14 Mulligan Street Chicago Any work is easy enough after you onco get down to it unwMjwmm A THE BST I SOCIO m THE W0KLD TOfl WssVl JS J f f f r I V f SS OMwm wlMmM YmwM L W WA 7 r j f5BWS bke allourivaferjrcof coat5 3jiti and hats for all kinds of wet worlt it ib often imitated but RELIABLE PEALER5 iln bC cK OelfOW Laboucheres Numerous Libel Suits Henry Labouehere the stormy pe trol of British journalism has just fought his forty fourth action for libel and he lost being condemned to pay 5000 damages for saying that a cer tain physician was not duly qualified and that he was a quack This is the heaviest verdict every brought against the editor of Truth but as he is a very rich man it is -possible he thinks the run worth the money Of the forty four suits he won nineteen lost eight in two the juries failed to agree five were settled out of court and ten were withdrawn by plaintiffs who did not care to face trial Tho April Atlantic Following are among contents of the Atlantic Monthly for April Chris tian Science The Frenchwomans Son An American Primer Lifes Tav ern The Sicilian Highlands Thc Com mon Lot The Ethics of Business In vocation Lugging Boat on Sowadne hunk Part of a Mans Life Some Re cent Aspects of Darwinism Notes on the Scarlet Letter The New Ameri can Type The Age Limit An Odd Sort of Popular Book When I Prac ticed Medicine Books New and Old Byways of Literature More Flexible and Lasting wont shake out or blow out by using Defiance Starch you obtain better results than possible with any other brand and one third ruoro for same money The Only Parlor Left Here is a story from the veldt When Joseph Chamberlain traveled to De La Iteys country he found that the only hall available was verv small for the audience he wished to address and accepted De La Reys offer of his parlor When he reached the ruins of De La Re s house however he found a platform built out on to the open veldt But where is the parlor asked the statesman That is the only parlor you have left me replied the sol dier With a decent supply of good will any man can be honest on a desert island otate op Omo City or Toledo I Lucas County f CQ Fraxk J Cheney makes oath that he is senior partner of the firm of F J Cheney Co dutnB business in thc City of Toledo County and State aforesaid and that said firm will nay the sum of OXE IIUNDKEI UOMAKS for each and every ease of CATAnnii that ctnuot he cured by tho use of Halls Catakkm Cuke FRANK J CIIEXET Sv orn to before mo anil subscribed In my pres ence this Cth day of December A D 16SC i A W GLEASOX j 1 1 Notary Public Halls Catarrh Cure is taken internally and acts directly on thc blood and mucous surfaces of the system Send for testimonials free F J CHENEY CO Toledo O Sold brail Drupelets 73c Take Halls Family Pills for constipation Oh yes theres any amount of hon esty on earth Honesty that hasnt been used It is the interest of every member of the STATE FARMERS MUTUAL INSURANCE CO to help it along The Company belongs to the members The officers are their servants Each member is only liable for his share of losses and expenses according to the amount of insurance he carries Members are assessed at the end of two years after the insurance was first written upon all their policies for the time insured and assessment follows every two years We have paid our members over 00000 in losses Cannot you help some of your neighbors to its bene fits B R STOUFFER Secy South Omaha Nebr It is with tears that wives water the sometimes sickly plants of their lords generosity In the April Century There will be four color pictures in the April Century The Easter Hymn frontispiece by Violet Oak ley The Easter Bonnet by Anna Whelan Betts and drawings by Max field Parrish of the famous Villa dEste at Tivoli and the pool of the Villa dEste These last two will il lustrate with other drawings in black and white by Mr Parrish Edith Whartons paper on Villas Near Rome The woodcut in Timothy Coles Old Spanish Masters series will be Morales exquisite Madonna of the Little Bird Another notable feature of the issue will be a double page drawing by Jules Guerin of Easter in Greeley Square New York City showing the flower market iu its Easter array A similarity of tastes in jokes is a great assistant to marital felicity The United Mutual Hail Ins Assn is the oldest is the strongest is thQ best has paid 15900000 more fo losses than the combined payments of all other companies Paid 53 59610 in 1903 Has paid 200911SO for losses since its organization Wants good representatives in every precinct Address Home Office 116 South 10th Street Lincoln Neb It is sometimes better to stay where you are than to jump at conclusions Mrs TTinsiows Sootblne Syrup For children tcethlnjr softens the puras reduces fi Ilammatlon allays pain cures wind colic 25c a botUa The spilled milk of human kindness is worth crying over Lewis Single Binder straigl it 5c cigar JNo other- brand of cigars is so popular with the smoker He has learned to rely upon its uniform high quality Lewis Factory 1 eona 111 There is just as much worry over money as over the lack of it NEBRASKA STATE NEWS BANKS MAKE GOOD SHOWING Have Million and Three Quarters More Deposits Than November Reports of 508 banks of Nebrasica compiled by thc State Banking board show an increase in deposits of over 1700000 over the report of last No vember the number of depositors has increased over 3000 and the per cent of reserve has increased from 29 to 32 per cent The loans and discounts in the present statements are 34 95219403 while for the November call they were 3453032929 The total deposits shown by this state ment are 3877730098 while the No vember statement shows the total de posits to be 3707388224 The num ber of banks over the last statement has increased seven the number of depositors at this time is 119075 and the November statements show the number to be 116484 The report is a statement of the condition of the hanks at the close of business March 17 It follows in detail RESOURCES Loans and discounts se cured by real estate see schedule 425815920 Other loans and discounts see schedule 3003403477 Total 3490219403 Overdrafts see schedule 30333417 Bonds stocks securities judgments claims etc see schedule 01477878 Due from national state and private banks and bankers see schedule 970932002 Banking house furniture and fixtures 148870041 Other real estate 30057033 Current expenses and taxes paid 43281004 Premiums on U S and other bonds and securi ties Cash items not to be in cluded in estimating re serve K XS XX 388555 soosog 253373001 Total 5055529352 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in 812310000 Surplus fund 152352300 Undivided profits 102435001 Dividends unpaid 707000 Total deposits 3S7773009S Notes and bills discounted 14599209 Bills payable 35334912 Total 5055529352 BODY FOUND IN RUINS OF BARN Some Suspicion Victim May Have Been Murdered GORDON Ira C Diamond a ranchman living eighteen miles south east of Gordon was found burned to a crisp in the ashes of his burned barn Coroner Lewis of Valentine was notified and an inquest was held the verdict being that he came to his j THE STATE IN BRIEF death by accidental burning in his j tradition warrant for own barn The deceased was a man about GO years of age quiet and peaceable and has resided in this vi cinity about three years He was a widower with two grown sons and lived alone upon the ranch There is some suspicion of foul play as it was known that Diamond had fears that his life was in danger and it is said that a short time ago he was in Gordon consulting an attorney concerning threats that had been made against him Both Hands Shot Off AINSWORTH Sherman Eddy the fifteen-year-old son of Chris Eddy liv ing three miles south of here lost both hands by the accidental dis charge of a shotgun He was rest ing both hands on the barrel when it was discharged Find Forger in Canada YORK A message reached Sheriff Brott that Frank Sheldon wanted in this county for forgery is under ar rest at Petersboro Ontario Deputy Sheriff Afterbaugh started for that place for the prisoner Methodist Semi Centennial The Methodist State Historical so ciety is making arrangements for the celebration of the semi centennial of Methodism in Nebraska to be held in St Paul s church here June S and 9 The program includes Dr C B Mitch ell of Cleveland who will talk on The Achievements of the Methodist Circuit Rider and it is expected that Bishop McCabe will be here to speak on the Debt of the Church to Her Veteran Preachers A portion of the time will be devoted to a discussion of the experience of the old time preachers Fortune for Beatrice Woman BEATRICE Mrs Mary Sisson of this city widow of the late Dr Wil liam Sisson received word from New York City that she had fallen heir to 2000000 in Scotland Finds an Old Coin COLUMBUS While counting his cash a few evenings ago George J Hagel found 3 silver dollar of the vintage of 1799 It is well preserved Keeping Within Appropriation The cash report of the Hastings in sane asylum was filed with the secre tary of state The report shows that out of the appropriation for the iiium a considerable over half of it still remains unexpended The super intendent has spent for salary bqard and clothing to date 15150659 and he has on hand 1SS1S841 During March he spent 1079G02 The ap propriation for this month was 14 15396 For repairs since the begin ning of the biennium there has been spent S9920 leaving- 7 0 S9 Lincoln jobbers have effected an or ganizatlon The new Y M C A building in Chadron has been dedicated The village of Virginia in Gage county is seeking incorporation Geneva is taking steps toward a public park which is to be one of the most beautiful in the state Sherman Eddy the 15-year-old son of Chris Eddy living three miles south of Ainsworth lost both hands by the accidental discharge of a shot gun Farmers of York county are won dering if the recent cold weather and storm damaged earljisown oats There is a difference of opinion some con tending that early oats are damaged While Fred Martin hired man on the William Gees farm was coming to Papillion from work the neckyokv came down throwing Martin out cf the wagon His collar bone was broken Daniel Geiselman was probably fat ally injured by falling from the freight elevator in his hardware store An arm was broken shoulder crushed and skull fractured While he is conscious his recovery is doubtful A revival meeting is being con ducted at the M E church in Sew ard Evangelist J L Glascock has charge of the services and they are rendered rather novel by the intror duction of instrumental and vocal music by the Beck family who travel with the evangelist Word was received at Leigh that Mr Schultz a prosperous Bohemian farmer living fourteen miles south east had committed suicide by taking arsenic No cause was given for the deed Mr Schultz has lived on the same farm for years and was consid ered as a conservative and substantial man John Puis aged 31 was found drowned in a small creek that trav erses his fathers farm two miles east of Bennington He was subject to epilepsy and is thought to have fallen into the water while in a fit The water where he was found is not over two feet deep and eight feet wide Attorney General Prout has taken a new tack in the Boyd county land case and as a result the supreme court has granted him permission to begin ejectment proceedings in the supreme court against Alexander Blair and others who it is alleged are unlawfully occupying school lands Governor Mickey has issued an ex- the return ol Frank Sheldon from Peterboro Ont to York Neb This is the first inter nation requisition made by a Ne braska governor in twenty years Sheldon is wanted for passing a forged check for 621 on William Otto of Bradshaw Plans for the new administration building were aproved at the meet ing of the board of university regents and it was decided that the building should be placed near the southeast corner of the university campus It was also settled that improvements amounting to about 20000 shall be put in upon the old chemistry build ing At the regular meeting of the board of regents of the state university the following changes were made in the titles of the professors this morning G E Condra from adjunct professor to assistant professor of geology H S Evans from instructor to adjunct professor of electrical engineering Professor F H Frye from assistant professor to associate professor of En- aou laiibiiuoc ill ix A uj uuui as sistant professor to associate profes sor of English writing and speaking H D Nordyke who since 1870 has been a resident of Dakota City was taken to Lincoln to be placed in the state asylum for treatment Colonel John Halladay a veteran showman and for many years owner of Halladays Colored Minstrel com pany is lying ill at the home of his son in Beatrice suffering from a par tial stroke of paralysis He was brought home from Iroquois S D where he was stricken several days ago The reappraisement of school lands as made under the direction of Land Commissioner Foilmer at the request of the Board of Educational Lands and Funds has been completed in forty nine counties and the report filed with the board The total number of acres in these counties is 32320S95 The old value of these was 62373531 new value 177660045 making an increase in valuation of 11565S457 This will increase ihe rentals to the amount of 6939512 The rentals h Knox county were increased more than in any other the amount being 665928 The State Board of Equalization listened to arguments against the tax ation of securities deposited with the insurance department by fraternal in surance companies Head Consul Tal bot of the Modern Woodmen and others spoke The board took the matter under advisement Superintendent B E McProud of the city schools will not tremain in North Bend for another year He has acepted an offer from the uni versity at Paget Sound Wash to fill the chair of Latin He will teach that branch exclusively and will have J charge of a six years course in it t PE fMA TONES UP THE SYSTEM IF TMEN H USE SPRING SAYS THIS BEAUTIFUL YOUNG GIRL MISS MARJORY HAMPTON OF NEW YORK Miss Marjory Hampton 2016 Third Avenue New York City writes Peruna is a fine medicine to take any season of the year CONSUMERS OF SHOES ALWAYS ASK FOR THE BEST WESTERN MADE SHOES These brands will guarantee you a good shoe for men Star and Crescent E Z Walker Comet Cock of Walk Our PRAIRIE QUEEN leads all others in Womens and Children s Shoes Sec that our name is on thc shoes von buy F P0 KIRKENDALL 6 CO VVESE WELCOMED TO DURING LAOT YEAR They are settlpd and settinc on the Grain and Grazics Lands and are prosperous and Sir Wilfred Laurier recently said A new star has risen on the horizon and it is toward it that every immigrant who leaves the land of liis ances tors to come and seek a home for himself now turns his gaze Canada There is Room for Millions - 15EE Homesteads given array Schools Churches Railways Markets Climate Co be desired For a descriptive Atlas and other information apply to Superintendent Immigration Ottawa Can ada or authorized Canadian Government Aeent W V Rennett 801 New York Life Buiidins Omaha Neb FARMERS r lj lj i I M I EST ON EARTH i Harness Collars and Saddles With BB trade mark arc made from th j od fashoncd tarrcd California leather With care will last a lifctmc Ask vcrur haler if they do not handle ojr roois i Scrd 2 ccnt stamp for Cataloj of our i Harness and Saddles which show you i way to buy them j BUCK3TAFF IJKOS The Harness 3Ien JL lnoln Nebraska I IEXICAN CclTCS Sprains anrl Strains VV N U Omaha No 17--1004 J pf rsdlH i i tv jjv - jp mr i j KILWlfri I UUKtK A l d l i I Best Courq Syrup Tastes Good Tfre Manufactured in OMAHA 1 Taken in the spring it tones up the system and acts as a tonic I strengthening me more than a vacation In the fail and winter have found that it cures colds and catarrh and also find that it is invaluable to keep the bowels regular acting as a gentle lant on the system In fact I consider it a whole medicine chest Miss Marjory Hampton PURE BLOOD Blood Impurities of Springtime Cause Prevention and Cure Dr Hartmans medical lectures are eagerly scanned by many thousand readers One of the most timely and interest ing lectures he ever delivered was his recent lecture on the blood impurities of spring The doctor said in substance that every spring the blood is loaded with tho effete accumulations of winter de ranging the digestion producing slug gishness of the liver overtaxing the kidneys interfering with tho action of the bowels and the proper circulation of the blood This condition of things produces what is popularly known as spring fever spring malaria nervous exhaus tion that tired feeling blood thicken ing and many other names Sometimes the victim is bilious dys peptic and constipated sometimes he is weak nervous and depressed and again he may have eruptions spell ings and other blood humors Which ever it is the cause is the same ef fete accumulations in the blood Nothing is more certain within tho whole range of medical science than that a course of Peruna in early spring time will perfectly and effectually pre vent or cure this almost universal af fection Everybody feels it in some degree A great majority are disturbed con siderably while a large per cent of tho human family are made very misera ble by this condition every spring Peruna will prevent it if taken in time Peruna will cure it if taken as di rected Peruna is the ideal spring medicino of the medical profession If you do not derive prompt and sat isfactory results from the use of Pe runa write at once to Dr Hart man giving a full statement of your case and he will be pleased to givo you his valuable advice gratis Address Dr Hartman President of The Hartman Sanitarium Columbus Ohio jiii ii iiii in i m ii it n n i Hi iMim IM t IHii i IN iHill I liii t y - I LI Hit i nlMP II iilt PM Flinfclra TlainHk PLUCK WINS t ALWAYS wins We liatl pluckenough 15 years aco o pntan abso lutely pure flouso paint on mc marKciaiiu u won 1 1 stand tills ttern climate unci we have plurk i TS7y7i ifPTPTTar numu jj ennusfh to guarantee If Apkynirleaierforltanl a JOjgllJA niW1lrlWr wrUo us for special color iealsn for your houae y P free Lincoln Paint Color Co Lincoln Hebr ft mrnm Early in the meming late at night or whenever used Defiance Starch will be found alvays the same always the best Insist on having it the most for your money Satisfaction or money back guaranteed It is manufactured under the latest improved condi tions It is up-to-date It is the best We give no premiums We sell 16 ounces of the best starch made for 10 cents Other brands are 12 ounces for 10 cents with a tin whistle WsmmmMm Manufactured by T2E DEFIANCE STARCH CO Omaha Neb iyvvvKi 37 CJ V Mi l 1 jf3 Jk vdSfeJSSN i Iw m kmmA SS BLOOD PORIFiER ra 1 wtUiiu ui ui jwuiuwu