I b h li c A V fe i imHWWt TWENTY SECOND YEAR he First Annual Great Success It looked like old times the first an nual ball and banquet of the Brother hood of Locomotive Engineers No 023 in the opera house Tuesday evening There was the big crowd and largo time of the days before the memorable 1888 The boys of No 023 wore intent upon making the first annual something nota ble and commemorative and they suc ceeded in ovory detail and particular giving their guests of the evening an old timo time of pleasure Tho hall decorations in a marked de gree set forth the colors emblmsmotto 3tc of tho order red white and green being everywhere in evidence Var colored lanterns hung on the walls a locomotive headlight was in position on the stage arcs and incandescents illum inated tho hall proper in vari colors 13 L E was electrically emblazoned on the wall in rod white and green all combining to make a distinctive and brilliant illumination no highly credit able to tho order At nine oclock tho formation was completed for tho grand inarch and at the completion of its evolutions tho reg ular order of dances continued according to Time Card No 1 a characteristic pro duction which attracted no small atten tion and part of which is hereto append ed TIME CARD RULES All engineers will protect against faster hats and spring jackets between VanDepoel and Menard Junction In case of sudden or severe storms around home engineers wiirgetintho clear and stay there till storm is over Run slow over bad track botween Walsh Siding and Lewiston After the ball is over engineers will iny up for 8 hours rest Ladies of 31 will bo regarded same as those of 19 Engineers not in the pool must not register at Bennett Eucineors will wait until 12 oclock midnight for partners and run 35 miles an hour to supper Engineers seeing washout on the lino at Homo will stop until they receive signal to come ahead The Pythian orchestra of six pieces a musical organization which is coming into more than local fame gave the music programme of the evening in their most inspiring style The banquet at the Palmer house was made and served according to the high est art and best traditions of the hotel being a source of congratulation to both guests and hostess and very satisfactory -all around The boys of 623 have every reason for congratulation and satisfaction upon the success of the function and not one rea son for regret for any untoward incident A Simple Matter of Business It is perhaps not known to some that The Tribunes business rules- make a charge for every local reading notice put in the paper by societies churches or others advertising anything for which a price is charged In a word if the ad vertiser charges The Tribune charges regardless of whether the advertiser is a business man a society or a church Simple items of news will be thankfully received as before Resolutions card of of thanks etc will be charged for also This is a simple matter of business and just as essential to our success and pros perity as the charges made by business and professional men for their services and goods B M Depot Damaged Wednesday afternoon while the switching crew in the yards of the B M were attempting to throw a refrigera tor car filled with eggs into position for loading at the west end of the depotthe the car got away from the crew made a running jump over the ash pile at the end of the switch and crashed into the depot caving in the whole west end of building The furniture and fixtures in the telegraph office were badly shaken up even the clock being shocked iuto silence The car was nearly filled with cased eggs which were badly smashed by the collision Red Cloud Chief Deweys Got Off Easy Topeka Kan April 14 CP Dewey and Chauncey Dewey today pleaded guilty in the United States district court to tho fencing of government land in Rawlins and contiguous counties They were each fined S150 and costs and a sentence of one day in the Shawnee county jail The troubles arising over the fencing of these lands had much to 3o with the bringing about of the Berry feud and killing For Rent A very pleasant parlor with bed room and closet adjoining east and south front veranda fine lawn and shade Also barn room for one or two horses and buggy Apply to M V Sheldon at the place third block north of the Catholic church M V Sheldon That display of harness at W T Cole mans is attracting no little attention If you want a good able price you will article at a reason- do well to gate his stock first Warrens featherbone collar frames are the best For sale in all sizes and col ors at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos Rev Betts baby has been very ill this week but is better at this writing and its complete recovery is expected Use McConnells sarsaparilla for all blood and skin diseases Go to DeGroffs for laces embroideries and lace curtains Plenty oc calicoes at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos Garden and field seeds at Waites Get Onto This Three packages of fresh seeds at W T Colemans for only five cents Just like finding them Maybe Trouve Overlooked This The next time you have occasion to look over your mail order house cata logue just observe what they pay for produce Then investigate their terms of credit in case you dont happon to have the ready cash in hand Make a note of how much they pay in taxes to maintain your schools Observe their gifts to the city and country churches and other benevolences of your commu nities Take into account bow many of the school houses and churches of your county they have assisted in building Total their presents to tho poor See how thoy impn vo your cities with solid business houses and cosy dwellings Sum up tho trees they plant the lawns they maintain the walks they lay tho public libraries they encourage Then perhaps the difference in price between your home merchants and the mailorder houses will not be so great Th Two nf lh Plolrt 1c M itic 1 Iff In accordance with a custom that has been honored for more than thirty years in this state and in harmony with the proclamation of his excellency Gov J II Mickey I hereby urge upon the citi zens of McCook a due observance of Friday April 22d 1901 as Arbor Day Not only by individuals generally but by societies and especially public schools that the children may remember their homesby tho green trees upon the high hills P M Rathhun Mayor Real Estate Transfers The following real estate transfers have been made since our last issue Reported by C F Lehn real estate loans insurance McCook Neb LJ Sliippo to J Farrellw M sw qr 20-2-26 500 W Siiudon to S L Sims part s hf 18-1-27 4300 Lincoln Land Co to C B Gray lots 8 9 block 3 McCook 300 C C Monroo to O E Robinson C in 5 Danbury 140 M M Glovor to J Farroll block 6 Spring Dale Bartloy COO Eleven Innings Score ll to 11 The firemen and brakemon played a fierce and strenuous game of baseball Monday afternoon After battling for eleven innings the game was finally called with the score standing 11 to 11 Among the features of the game were the fielding of Si Perkins Ed Smiths mouth work and Coppams slide for first Fireman Zajicek was hit on the head by a ball and had to be taken off the field Attention Comrades All members of the G A R are urgently requested to meet with the Ladies Circle G A R on Saturday May 7 1904 at 2 oclock p m for the purpose of completing arrangements for Decoration Day services WS Fitch Commander Lose Their Two Weeks Old Baby Mr and Mrs L P Forsman of South McCook have much tender sympathy in the death of their infant son Martin aged two weeks who died on Wednes day The remains were laid away in Riverview cemeteryThursday afternoon after brief services at the home Notice to Clean Up The property owners of tho city are hereby notified to promptly clean up all refuse matter and debris on and about their properties in the city C B Gray Street Commissioner Mayor Rathbun has commenced an inquiry into the matter of the legality of the doors exits in tho several public buildings of the city churches etc As this is a matter to which little or no at tention has been paid in the past but few only the those built later have complied with the law having the exit doors swing out The marriage of George T Smith of Fort Morgan Colo and Agnes Hester worth of -our city was consummated by Rev J J Loughran in the Catholic church Wednesday morning They will make their home in Fort Morgan The Wray Colo Telephone Co ex pects soon to build a line into Trenton from the west and the people of Benkel man think the line will run through their town of course Ideal waists are all the name im plies We show them in silk linen lawns and other wash fabrics Perfect in style and fit The Thompson Dry Goods Co The teachers of the county meet in Indianola tomorrow and the indications point to a profitable session well attend ed Details next week After the rain when the sun reap pears you will want a sunbounet All kinds at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos Thursday Rev Betts spoke the words uniting in marriage John Ferree and Rosa Lee Banks It is a deservedly popular article the Y B 10c cigar Made and sold on honor Smoke just one Our price for all table oil cloths is only 15c yard Tho Thompson Dry Goods Co Scale books The Y B cigar smoke purchasable Typewriter papers The Tribune A full stock of hose hose fittings and and sprinklers at W T Colemans Local news of importance on every home page of The Tribune Use McConnells sarsaparilla for all blood and skin diseases is the greatest 10c Floor lac all colors at McConnells Garden and field seeds at Waites Go to Waites for garden hose MOVEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE B A Nash has gone to Steele City Nebraska Charlie Beardslhe is making the homefolks n visit Mrs S E Callen was an Omaha visitor first of week Miss Jennie Erickson of Holdrege is a guest of Mrs Ernest Pearson F L Enlow is still wrestling with his painful old enemy rheumatism JW Harrison of Indianola is visiting O C Teel in Red Cloud this week Mrs W W Archibald is assisting in the clerical work in J E Kelleys ollice Miss Aimee Menard entertained the young ladies of tho Awl Os club Wed nesday evening Mrs Harriet E Bishop of Franklin has been a guest of Mrs C E Eldred part of the week Ray McCarl and Stewart McLean will spend Saturday and Sunday in Ex celsior Springs Mo WS Coleman has bought land in the neighborhood of Indianola and has moved onto the same Mus E E Stayner and mother Mrs Stratton have been to Palmer Nebraska- on a visit to relatives Mrs J L Biddlecom of Crete has been the guest of Mrs I D Moore for tho past week or two Mrs Charles A Mowry of Holyoke is in tho city visiting her parents Mr and Mrs S M Spencer Mr and Mrs William Zint left on 13 Tuesday for Denver to be absent a few weeks visiting relatives Mr and Mrs C R Liggett have gone over to Hamburg Iowa to spend a few weoks with relatives Miss Celia A Gorby principal of the high school has been ill all week and unable to be at her post of duty Mr and Mrs J W Reese are here from Clariton Iowa guests of their daughter Mrs Lee I Culbertson Mrs JW Line and Mrs George Mar tin went up to Denver Wednesday on 13 on a little shopping expedition Mr and Mrs Sam Pickard are the fond parents of a fine eleven pound girl born to them on Tuesday of this week Mrs G C Hill of Cripple Creek Colorado has been a guest of her par- ents Mr and Mrs I M Beardslee this week County Treasurer Ben Gossard has commenced the erection of a neat new residence near his Broadmoor poultry yards Julius Kunert will add to and im prove his North McCook residence this spring to the extent of several hundred dollars Mr and Mrs Frank Real and child ren have been spending part of the week visiting the Caffreys at Stamford and Orleans Miss Pearl Williams returned to her home in Jamestown Colo close of the week She has been visiting her sister Mrs Rufus Harp this winter Mrs Ralph Foe is visiting her mother in Red Cloud for a week or two She is just recovering from an attack of the measles Miss Ollie Houchin of Holdrege came up to enjoy the dance Tuesday evening She was a guest of her sister Mrs Arthur Richardson Mrs Vina Wood and Mrs Lottie Brewer have both been quite sick this week Mrs Wood is still suffering from a relapse but Mrs Brewer is better Miss Florence Reynolds of the Wil sonville Review force arrived in the city Sunday night on No 5 and has been the guest of her sister Mrs George E Denton Mrs Viola Ballew has the disagree able information that her son Fred W Peterson is ill in Arizonia with an at tack of small pox though his condition is not at all alarming Mrs McBride who has been in Hol drege the past few days the guest of Mrs Li O Green will return to her home at McCook on No 1 Friday morn ing Holdrege Progress T J Robertson local representative is in Lincoln this week attending the meeting of the employes of the Beatrice Creamery Co Between three and four hundred employes of the company are attending this great gathering R D Druliner who recently moved from McCook to Benkelman is an an nounced candidate for the nomination as county attorney of Dundy county subject to the decision of the Republi can convention to be held on May 7th Clifford Naden was up from Dan bury Friday evening and Saturday He is working up business for the Danbur independent phone company They hope in due time to secure connection with McCook thus giving the Beaver Valley people a chance to say hello to J To rightly paper nowadays means more than choosing an attractive side wall border and ceiling modern decorative ideas are involved Rooms should be papered with a view to their furnishings and use and in harmony with adjoining rooms Inexpensive papers rightly used will often yield better results than more costly w ones wrongly applied thts is where we can help We keep posted as to the latest ideas and we have the paper to carry out these ideas Call and talk over your spring papering and see our line McConnell druggist CXS3 3i J JTl l0Tl1llfllflh McCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA FRIDAY EVENING APRIL 22 1904 the court house officials when necessary Heres hoping ho may succeed Mrs S L Green was tho delighted object of a surprise party Thursday af ternoon at three oclock by a company of old timo friends and neighbors Among those in tho party were Mes dames A Campbell ALKnowlandW S Morlan W D Burnett Adele Phelan Anna Colfer Albert McMillen S P Hart Harry Barbazett and W S Perry Refreshments wore served and the oc casion was made a very happy one Just Received at the Greenhouse Over two hundred tea roses hardy perpetual blooming roses crimson ram bler etc honeysuckle and clamentis vines and an unlimited quantity of dahlia and gladiola bulbs Will have plenty of bedding plants for lawn decora tions such as pansies verbinas daisies geraniums coleus hydrangea lantana and all other imagineable kinds We are proud to say that tho people of Mc Cook appreciate our efforts and by their promised support we intend to increase our plant at once by adding another greenhouse for carnations alone This will give us over 1500 square feet of glass surface Six blocks east of First National Bank Jasper and the Pound of Flesh Jasper Phillips of the Indianola Re porter cannot entirely repress expres sions of satisfaction when McCook gets a poke under the ribs but subdues the exuberance of his sensations with the following wise and not untimely remark Yet it is not exictly an occasion for a regular upheaval of exhalation Inci dentally wo also get it in the neck In dianola is not likely to do bettor in the long run because the heart is carved out of McCook All of which is just as true as holy writ And it is further true that up to tho present time McCooks injuries are far less serious than some imagine Child Killed in an Accident G F Kinghorn left on No 2 Monday morning for Buda Illinois in response to a telegram announcing tho death of one his children the little girl so we understand The other child is said to nave seen injured but is recovering The Tribune is unable to get any of the particulars Tho family seems to be fated a number of terrible accidents having befallen them in the past few years We extend profoundest sympathy in this latest tragedy and sorrow Farewell Surprise on Mrs Traver The ladies of the W C T U perpe trated a surprise on Mrs M V Traver Wednesday night of this week As Mrs Traver is shortly to leave the city for Red Cloud the surprise was also in the nature of a farewell as well as in recog nition of Mrs Travers splendid services in the work of the W C T U A set of solid silver spoons was presented Mrs Traver by her admiring fellow workers in the great cause A Happy Family Gathering The Farrell family is indulging in the joys of a family reunion in this city this week Ed Farrell is here from San Francisco Calif and Mrs B J Doyle from Sheridan Wyoming Dinner par ties have been had at the homes of Peter Carty and Ed Fitzgerald this week at which were present other members of tho family from this county It has been a gladsome family event COURT HOUSE NEWS COUNTY COURT Following marriage licenses have been issued by Judgo Green during the week John G Munson and Nellie N Bice both of McCook George T Smith of Fort Morgan Colorado and Agnes Hesterworth of McCook John Ferree and Rosa Lee Banksboth of McCook Buy Lime and Sulpher Dip Ready Made Safer and better Endorsed by gov ernment Used by largest ranchmen of this country Doesnt burn the eyes Saves boiling vats Boiling of lime eats them out quickly 48 gallon barrel S12 Also have 2 horse steam boiler 35 3 horse 810 for heating water Rex Stock Food Co Dept A Omaha Neb Death of an Aged Woman Mrs Johnson the aged mother of Isaac S Johnson of north of the city died about three oclock Thursday morning from an attack of grip at an advanced age The funeral will be held in the Box Elder Methodist church this afternoon and the remains will be bur ied in the Box Elder cemetery Wall Paper Paints and Oils We kindly invite you to visit our store and see the now line of wall paper the latest designs in one or two room exclusive patterns In mixed paints we handle the Lincoln guaranteed In enamels varnish stains buggy paints etc a large assortment A McMillen druggist Light Drizzling Rains This immediate portion of Nebraska has been visited by a heavy mist and light drizzling rain the past few days The precipitation however has been scant Points east of here have been more generously remembered by thejrain maker Our price for the wide nine quarter bleached Peperell sheeting is only 25c yard The Thompson Dry Goods Co The new repousse or seed laces in edgings and bands just received at the Thompson Dry Goods Cos Straight goods king The Y B them all rich flavor fit for a 10c cigar It leads Spices and flavoring extracts strictly pure at McConnells Garden and field seeds at Waites Buy your garden tools at Waites CITY CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS Catholic Order of services Mass 8 a m Mass and sermon 1030 a m Evening scrvico at 8 oclock Sundnv school 230 p m Every Sunday J J Loughran Pastor Methodist Sunday school at 10am Class meeting at 12 Junior League at 3 p in Epworth League at 7 p m Prayer meeting every Wednesday even ing nt 8 pm Preaching at 11 amand 8 p m M B Carman Pastor Congregational Sunday school 1 0 am YP S CEat7 p m Sermons at 11 a m and 8 p m Morning subject Tho Gift of all Things Evening Greater Opportunities Good music All welcome Geo A Conrad Pastor Episcopal Services in St Albans church as follows Every Sunday in the month Sunday school at 10 oclock a m Morning prayer at 11 and evening prayer ana sermon at a The third Sunday in the month Holy Communion at 730 a m All are welcome E R Earle Rector First Baptist Church Sermons at 11 a m and 745 p m Biblo school at 945 a m Junior society at 3 p m B Y P U at 745 n m Praver meetinc Wednesday evening 8 p m Morning subject Tho Church Covenant Evo ing subject Fourth Commandment Excellent music All welcome C R Betts Pastor Rev Hardcastle was a city visitor Thursday The now Catholic church will bo dedi cated on May 17th at 9 30 oclock Rev M B Carman has been attend ing the ministerial association in Arapa hoe part of the week Special Daily News Offer The Omaha Daily News will bo mailed six days in tho week from now until January 11905 for SI money to ac company the order This will carry you through the presidential campaign and possibly all of the Japanese Russian war The Daily News receives the complete Scripps McRae cable and telegraph re ports the full Newspaper Enterprise Association service and has four special correspondents at the seat of war thus enabling it to give you accurate news promptly Remember it is an indepen dent paper giving all the news without fear or favor This offer is good only during April Send order to this office or direct to Omaha Daily News Omaha Neb Buy Lime Sulpher Dip Ready Made It is safer and bettor is made under supervision of a chemist is endorsed by government and state complies fully with the recent state regulations Save trouble and expense and buy it ready made 48 gallon barrel 12 10 gallon can 4 50 1 gallon makes 16 gallons Write to Rex Stock Food Company Dept A Omaha Neb Cheap Irrigated Lands Small Payments For sale or rent between Sterling and Ft Morgan Colo Best water rights Best of soil for sugar beets potatoes and alfalfa Imperial Land and Storage Co 630 17th St Denver Colo It would be well for drivers of wagons to remember that all United States mail carriers have the right of way in public highway when on duty They cannot be driven into tho ditch by heavy loaded wagons without violation of the United States mail law and if a collision is made by so doing and the mail delayed it will not be long thereafter until a deputy United States marshal will be looking for certain parties who will an swer to roll call at a U S court Tho law applies not only when meeting a vehicle but applies to those in front of the mail as well when the mail makes an effort to pass Rural Mail News The Wesleyan Quartette No 2 appear ed before a large audience Monday eve- Lning in the Methodist church and gave a goou account of themselves The Junior League had the matter in hand and the proceeds were for the proposed new church The second edition of the Wesleyans gave a very creditable and enjoyable entertainment Belts with crocheted rings belts with cut steel rosettes belts with gold cord elastic belts crush leather belts crush silk belts white and gold silk belts white and gold kid belts most complete assortment ever shown by us The Thompson Dry Goods Co Do you know That cream testing 35 to 40 will stay sweet longer than cream testing 25 to 30 Well its a fact And this reminds us that it is of first import ance that our patrons use every method to secure the highest test It pays best W T Coleman New lace curtains in tambour Irish points and corded Arabians just receiv ed Also curtain stuffs in Swisses bobi nets scrims and nets The Thompson Dry Goods Co Notwithstanding the dry weather Coleman has been selling the popular Western Bell and John Deere listers right along The question of sewerage facilities for McCook is being agitated in a mild in quiring manner just now Our price for best apron check ging hams only 6c The Thompson Drv Goods Co Nothing like it the Y B 10c cigar A superb smoke for a dime Try one Use McConnells sarsaparilla for all blood and skin diseases Best values in laces at DeGroffs If you want the place and embroideries drugs McConnells is v oTrt h iinf B If J l 4 1 McCook Market Quotations Corn I - ukj wimat Oats Rjo Hnrloy How f NUMBER 4T ts 71 35 SO Ebrh n GoodHuttor I7tf S n uiuerence You might put brown wrapping papor on your walls and call it wall paper Thoro is a difference bo tween wall papor and wall decora tions Ourpapors aro tho lattorkind tho patterns in our stock have been chosen with reference to their ar tistic beauty both in design and coloring and we show you wall decorations suited to tho room for which you buy it giving duo ro gard to light coloring of carpets rugs furniture otc Wo can please tho most exacting housekeepor and our prLlo is that in our wall paper business our cus tomers get what they want Wo invito you to call and let us show you tho finest assortment and best selected stock of wall decora tions in Western Nebraska sold at prices which saves vou money Conk Bros druggists SX5XSsSX5 MINOR ITEMS OF NEWS Plant a tree today Well I should kiss a cow Jewel gasoline stoves at Waites The Tribune 52 weeks for 100 Garden and field seeds at Waites Everything in drugs McConnell New line of lace curtains at DeGroffs Danbury would bo happier if they had a jeweler Anything you at McConnells need in tho paint lino Alfalfa millet and cane seed in abundance at W T Colemans Have you tried the Y B cigar the ieaumg iuc cigar on the market Wanted Girl for general housework Mrs George Willetts The way tho woather clerk is playing with our feelings these days is no joke Seeds both farm and garden seeds all kinds too at W T Colemans Ladies new percale wrappers for 85c just received at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos Work is progressing on tho jail which is being installed in the basement of tho court house Tn liainfr AT1 illnn run no risk money s cough euro vou refunded if not satisfactory Flitcraft Eikenberry will exhibit their double headed calf in Indianola Saturday next April 23d Wanted Man and wifo with no children to work on farm Frank Stillman The latest in box paper writing tab lets pencil tablets and school supplies A McMillen Druggist The postoflico department has made a lease with J E Kelley for the present postoflico quarters for a term of five years Its about time for a new refrigerator And Coleman has tho best and most up-to-date the market affords Call and see them The bankers now issue what is styled The Bankers Money Order in com petition with tho express and postal money orders You will find the greatest variety of garden and field seeds at Waites Buy early while you have this large assort ment to select from Swifts Pride Soap lessens laundry labors It is the very best possible laundry soap that can be made Order it for Mondays wash Rugs and painted floors are all the style now Sherwin Williams floor fin ishes are the right thing Get color cards from McConnells We are showing a better and larger line of laces embroideries and lace cur tains this season than ever DeGroff Co The new pillow tops now showing by us are the most beautiful novelties pro duced this season Cords and tassels to match The Thompson DryGoods Co And Coleman has the old reliable and ever excellent Quick Meal gasoline stoves Nothing equal to them in the market This years are better than ever Just as stylish equally as handsome as the engraved are The Tribunes calling cards printed from the famous and pretty Tiffany Text See our samples and get our prices The extended hip American Beauty corsets are tho climax of corset making Guaranteed satisfactory or money back after 4 weeks actual wear The Thomp son Dry Goods Co sole agents SXs5X5SsXsKS5SXS5 Buys Cream From Any Separator Say my friend where are you selling your cream Remember that W T Coleman buys cream from any separator His test is satisfactory Try the Hygeia Creamery Co a monthand you be come a permanent patron CS5