The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 15, 1904, Image 8

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iGtrind of Experience
J A Modrells baby is better
Bessie Montgomery is working for
Mrs Stephen Bolles
We are sorry to learn that Mrs W Y
Johnson i3 no better
There will be a basket supper at the
church next Friday evening
We are glad to note that Ida Modrell
is improving a little in health
Charles Foye and George Younger are
doing the carpenter work on SDBolles
During the gale of last Friday the
boards were blown from the roof of A
W Campbells house
Rev Satchell and wife were visiting
friends and relatives in this locality
Wednesday of last week
W Y Johnson and daughters Ella
and Debbie visited friends in Frontier
county Wednesday of last week
A W Campbell A T Wilson and
family T M Campbell and family Ed
ward Shepherd and wife Harry Arthur
and Flora Shepherd of this place attend
ed the Shepherd Campbell wedding at
Osburn Wednesday of last week
Seeds both farm and garden seeds all
kinds too at W T Colemans
I suffered terribly and was ex
tremely weak for 12 years The
doctors said my blood was all
turning to water At last I tried
Ayers Sarsaparilla and was soon
feeling all right again
Mrs J V Fiala Hadlyme Ut
No matter how long you
have been ill nor how
poorly you may be today
Ayers Sarsaparilla is the
best medicine you can
take for purifying and en
riching the blood
Dont doubt it put your
whole trust in it throw
away everything else
5100 a bottle AH druggists
Ask your doctor what he thinks of Ayers
Sarsaparilla He knowsall about this grand
old family jnodiclne Follow his advico and
we will bo satisfied
J U Ater Co LbwellMass
Wo give you Rood meat at a fair price
not cheap meat at any old price This
is why our prices attract the careful
trade and thats the only trade were
looking for
steaks are not on our bill of fare You
dont want to feed your men folks and
growing children on meat that is lack
ing in nutrition do you Youre safe
always with
Milford Pew went to St Joe with
their sheep
Joe Weyenoth has purchased a new
buggy Now look out girls
James Haun has left for Washington
His stock sold well at his sale
Mrs Jake Rouche of Hamburg was
Visiting at W E Whites Tuesday
W V Miller is very busy tliese days
repairing the bridges of this road district
Marion Powell was here last Saturday
looking after his iuterests on the ranch
Wo have a new time card on the Burlington-
now and dont like it very well
Mrs May Pew and her mother Mrs
Jesse Ashton were McCook visitors this
Mrs Milford Pew stayed with her
folks at Danbury while Milford was in
St Joe
We had the hardest wind of the sea
son here last Friday It blew Ben
Murphys windmill off the tower
J C Laffertys wheat that he shipped
Was sold at 79 cents Wheat tested 57
pounds instead of 59 pounds as was re
ported week before last
Elmer Austin who has been working
for the Pew- Bros quit last week and
went home He intends to move his
family from Beaver City to Danbury
Boon and then work for Wm Eifert
The Smith boys lost a horse this week
Ida Modrell is reported much better
Frank Brady spent vacution looking
over the farm v
J S Modrell is hnuling lumber to
build a new barn
S O Houge is putting oirt some
maccaroni wheat
Hubert Beach transacted business in
McCook Monday
Oraer Hale put upa new wiriHmill for
Martin Kennedy Wednesday
Mat Uhren spent Saturday and Sun
day visiting friendsjat Indianola
Fred Carter and wife were visiting
with Bain Kinzer and wife Sunday
George Henderson and wife were visit
ing with Martin Kennedy and wife Sun
John Brady is busy these days break
ing young horses assisted by his hired
J M Brady arrived home fore part of
the week well pleased with his visit to
Steltzer Bros received a large tent
Monday to be used as a show tent next
jZh Harrison hauled out a load of
lumber from McCook Tuesday He is
building a barn
At this writing our friend and neigh
bor Pat Cashen is very sick It is
hoped by his friends and neighbors that
he will get well soon
G W Dillon the road supervisor of
Willow Grove had a plow and scraper
taken away from the high bridge south
of Snyders If the parties borrowed
them Mr Dillon would like them to
bring them back
Walks Without Crutches
I was much afflicted with sciatica
writes Ed C Nud Iowaville Sedgwick
county Kansas going about on
crutches and suffering a deal of pain I
was induced to try Ballards Snow Lini
ment which relieved mo I used three
bottles It is the greatest liniment I
ever used have recommended it to a
number of personsall express themselves
as being benefitted by it I now walk
without crutches able to perform a
great deal of light labor on the farm
25c 50c and SI bottle at A McMillens
A fire north of town caused consider
able excitement last Friday
Arnold Wheeler has a new hack for
service in the Bartley Lebanon star
Rev Crippen and wife of Indianola
visited with J A Curlee rtd family last
The ladies of the M E church gave a
social last Saturday evening from which
they cleared 1G
Sol Premers
dangerously sick
sister who has been
for some time is some
better at present
W B Downs and wife
Frontier county Sundaj
visited in
with their
daughter Mrs Ora Stevens
County Supt Quick visited the
schools here Thursday of last week and
found the school work going on nicely
Perry Kennison and NoraPremer were
united in marriage last week They
are highly respected residents of Alli
ance precinct
Arnold Wheeler and Lizzie Adair were
married last Sunday afternoon at the
home of the brides grandmother Mrs
E A Wilson Rev Crippen of Indianola
officiating We wish them a pleasant
and prosperous future
A prairie fire last Sunday approached
dangerously near Mr Gregorys resi
dence northeast of here Only the girls
were at home and but for the timely as
sistance of the neighbors all their prop
erty would have been destroyed
G W Jones came in from Crete
Tuesday evening Since selling out here
he has visited several places looking for
a location in California Kansas Iowa
and other parts of Nebraska and has
concluded that Bartley is preferable to
any place he has visited He will rent
or board until he can put up a building
and will again become a resident of
Bartley We are glad to have him re
Good Spirits
Good spirits dont all come from Ken
tucky Their main source is the liver
and all the fine spirits ever made in the
Blue Grass State could not remedy a bad
liver or the hundred-and-one ill effects it
produces You cant have good spirits
and a bad liver at the same time Your
liver must be in fine condition if you
would feel buoyant happy and hopeful
bright of eye light of step vigorous and
successful in your pursuits You can put
your liver in fine condition by using
Greens August Flower the greatest of
all medicines for the liver -and stomach
and a certain cure for dyspepsia or indi
gestion It has been a favorito house
hold remedy for over thirty five years
August Flower will make your liver
healthy and active and thus insure you
a liberal supply of good spirits
Trial bottles 25c regular size 75c L
W McConnell
Robbed The Grave
A startling incident is narrated by
John Oliver of Philadelphia as follows
I was in an awful condition My skiu
was almost yellow eyes sunken tongue
coated pain continually in back and
sides no appetite growing weaker day
by day Then I was advised to use
Electric Bitters to my great joy the
first bottle made a decided improvement
I continued their use for three weeks
and am now a well man I know they
robbed the grave of another victim
No one should fail to trylhem Only 50
cents guaranteed at L W McConnells
drug store
Greenways house is looming up
Jim Sims shipped a car of hogs to St
Joe this week
Dan Cashen was called to the bedside
of his sick father
Mr Adams has the foundation of his
house finished and ready for the carpen
Frank Eno the county assessor left
us for the county seat to keep his depu
ties in line
Ed Smith of McCook is visiting rela
tives here Ed pot scratched a little
with a hand corn sheller Sunday
Robert Green moves onto his farm
four east of town E B Stilgobouer
moves into the house vacated bv him
Dr DeMay reports the following un
der his care Ed Havens Ed Eno and
Rollo DeMay with a relapse of mumps
E B Stilgebouer bought Nutt Bros
grocery and meat market also ice house
and Sniders butcher business including
ice etc
The Congregational people have em
ployed a preacher for full time a young
man graduate of Harvard college Girls
there is the chance of your lives You
made us say two weeks ago rather see
the town go like Sandon Say Sodom
Boys if you are really going to shoot
somebody dont shoot your mouths so
loud as you did Saturday night on the
west side In the first place nobody but
a coward will carry a revolver Again
it should bo made a felony with a 20
years term in the pen
Sam Bostian will repair his store
room vacated by Nutt Bros and will
put in a general store giving Danbury
five general stores three restaurants a
hotel and two drug stores two hardware
and furniture stores and still they say
there is no one to look after the poor
A furious fight occurred at the livery
stable last Saturday over a stolen or
borrowed overcoat belonging to Bert
Kincaid Bert met his man Macafee
and made a vicious swing for the solar
plexus failed to land and hit a horse in
the ribs which jumped and threw a by
stander into a tub of water Macafee
took stage fright and skipped to Kansas
Heroine Cures
Fever and ague A dose will usually
stop a chill a continuance always cures
MrsWm M Stroud Midlothian Texas
May 31 1903 writes We have used
Herbine in our family for eight years
and found it the best medicine we have
ever used for lagrippe bilious fever and
malaria 50c a bottle at A McMillens
Is Captured by
Bradfields Regulator
Thousands of young women are awaking
to the fact that inherited comliness has
been stolen and instead of glowing
cheeks and bright eyes the tell tale
wrinkles of pain have taken their place
These are the warning feelings Weak
and tired in the morning no life to enter
upon their former pleasures irritable
cross dull neadaches general dispirited
feeling sleepless nights cold feet bear
ing down pains All these symptoms
indicata deranged and weakened organs
and exhausted energies follow the weak
ened condition of the female organs as
Burely as night follows day Save your
self from worse results by taking
Female Regulator
Themost invigorating menstrualregulatoi
in the world It relieves painful profuse
obstructed or suppressed menstruation
nervousness headaches et cetera Beauty
of face and symmetry of form are the re
sults of its use Of druggists 1 Our book
Perfect Health for Women free
Myrtle Galloway is on the sick list
Mamie Mann spent Sunday withher
sister in Bartley
Tom Duncan started last weok for a
tour through Oklahoma
Rev Crippen and family visited with
friends in Bartley Sunday
Mrs Mary Collings of McCook visited
here this week with relatives
George Sheppard of Cambridge was
in town Wednesday on business
William McCallum and wife drove to
the county seat last Saturday
Nellie Boyor of Danbury spent Sun
day and Monday with May Neel
Mrs Peter Spohns visited this week
with her parents at Culbertson
Pearl Zint of McCook was here last
Saturday selling millinery goods
Wm Gotshall and son Clyde of Dan
bury were town visitors Tuesday
Ned Eaton of Idaho Springs Colo is
here visiting friends and relacives
Etta Crippen conducted the services
at the M E church Sunday evening
James Harris of McCook was in town
Monday in the interest of the M W of A
Pearl Rogers of near McCook visited
this week with John Broomfield and
Pearl Lyman of Gartley visited a few
days this week with her friend Edna
Mr Ellsworth and wife went to Oma
ha last week on business returning
Sunday evening
Lena Hill arrived here last Friday
morning from Denver for a short visit
with her parents
Fred Duckworth and son Howard
went to Benkelman Monday evening
for a short visit with relatives
Robert Fisher played with the famous
Pythian orchestra cf McCook at the big
Pythian ball in Red Cloud Wednesday
night It was a swell affair and the or
chestra won laurels
Henry Rayner and Lottie Crocker of
near McCook were united in marriage
at the Catholic church here Wednesday
morning at 730 oclock Father Lutz
of Orleans performed the ceremony
F W Ellsworth of Chicago the vocal
teacher assisted by thirty of the young
people of the town who have been tak
ing lessons under him gave an enter
tainment at the Congregational church
Tuesday evening to a large crowd
A Great Sensation
There was a big sensation in Lees
ville Ind when W H Brown of that
place who was expected to die had his
life saved by Dr Kings New Discovery
for Consumption He writes I endur
ed insufferable agonies from asthma but
your New Discovery gave me immediate
relief and soon thereafter effected a
complete cure Similar curps of con
sumption pneumonia bronchitis and
grip are numerous Its the peerless
remedy for all throat and lung troubles
Price 50 cents and 81 Guaranteed by
LW McConnell druggist Trial bottles
We are longing for rain
Jake Wesch and wife are home from
their visit to Northwest Nebraska
Uncle John Rowland was over to the
old place to see how Harve was getting
along at farming
Wm Relph has a nephew John Relph
from Oklahoma visiting with him who
wears the blue and has been soldiering
in the Philippines
George Maisell has been sojourning
with Charlie Lee for the past month
helping him fix up the ranch and Frank
Cain is putting down a well for him
Josh Rowland and family and W H
Hartman and family were visitors with
B W Benjamin Sunday and Mr
Hartmans mother accompanied them
Ira Elliott and wife are the happy pa
rents of a girl baby born Friday the 8th
inst and they said Ira got so excited
he couldnt see the barn and run up
against it bodily
Makes A Clean Sweep
Theres nothing like doing a thing
thoroughly Of all the salves you ever
heard of Bucklens Arnica Salve is the
best It sweeps away and cures burns
sores bruises cuts boils ulcers skin
eruptions and piles Its only 25 cents
and guaranteed to give satisfaction by
L W McConnell druggist
Alva Simmerman is able to be around
While that horse kick was a bad one he
is getting over it
Sadie Coleman of Iowa was in this
township Thursday She called on
Mrs Griffith and made a short stay
DeWitt Griffith has planted out some
plum trees He will plant out an or
chard next week and a lot of shade
W M Rozell is hauling out lumber
for a new house It will be 26x23 feet
16 foot posts W M Sharp does the
Good for Children
The pleasant to take and harmless
One Minute Cough Cure gives immedi
ate relief in all cases of cough croup
and lagrippe because it does not pass
immediately into the stomach but takes
effect right at the seat of the trouble
It draws out the inflammation heals
and soothes- and cures permanently by
enabling the lungs to contribute pure
life giving and life sustaining oxygen to
the blood and tissues One Minute
Cough Cure is pleasant to take andit is
good alike for young and old Sold by
L W McConnell
Ifind Thedfords Blaci Dranght
g good medicine for livor disease
It cared my on after ho had spent
100 with doctors It is all the med
icine I take MRS CAROLINE
MARTIN Parkersburg W Va
TC your liver does not act reg
ularly go to your druggist and
rr iro a package of Thedfords
Biuck Draueht and take a dose
tonight This great family
medicine frees the constipated
bowcla stirs up the torpid liver
and causes a healthy secretion
of bile
Thedfords Black - Draught
will cleanse the bowels of im
purities and strengthen the kid
neys A torpid liver invite3
colds biliousness chills and
fever and all manner of sick
ness and contagion Weak kid
neys result inBrights disease
which claims as many victims
as consumption A 25 cent
Sackage of Thedfords Black-
draught should always be kept
in the house
I need Thedfords Black
Draught for livor and kidney com
plaints and found nothine to excel
blehead 111
8MWfflrgffMiiififtniii Mn
Celluloid Paper
and Rubber
are useful articles but dont
make dressy collars and cuffs
Wear linen and have it
laundered at the McCook
Laundry and yoi will always
look dressy Phone 35
Are You a Dyspeptic
If you are a dyspeptic you owe it fljfc
yourself and friends to get well JJys
pepsia annoys the dyspeptics friends
because his disease sours his disposition
as well as his stomach Kodol Dyspep
sia Cure will not only cure dyspepsia
indigestion and sour stomach but this
palatable reconstructive tonic digestaut
strengthens the whole digestive appara
tus and sweetens the life as well as the
stomach When you take Kodol Dys
pepsia Cure the food you eat is enjoyed
It is digested assimilated aud its nutri
ent properties appropriated by the
blood and tissues Health is the result
Sold by L W McConnell
Indianola Xeb April 15 190
Notice is hereby iven that A L Haley has
filed in tho city clerks oflico his petition and
application for a licenso to sell malt spirituous
and vinous liquors in the building on lot 21
block in the Second ward ordinal citv of In
dianola from May li904 to April J0 1901
A L Haley Applicant
McCook Nebraska April 13 1901
Notice is hereby Riven that L Cone fc Bro
have iiled in the city clerks office their bond
and petition for a drupjrists permit to sell malt
spirituous and vinous liquors on lot 11 block 16
original town in the Second ward of the city of
McCook from May 1 1904 to April 150 1905
M Klt L Cone Buo xVpplicants
State of Nebraska Red Willow county ss At
a county court held at tho county court room
in and for said county April 11 1904 Pres
ent S L Green county judge
In the matter of the estate of John II Lndwick
On rending and filing the petition of James
Earl Ludwick praying that administration of
said estate may be granted to him as adminis
Ordered that May 2 A D 1904 at 1 oclock p
m is assigned for hearing said petition when
all persons interested in said matter may ap
pear at the county court to be held in and for
said county and show cause why the prayer of
petitioner should not be granted and that no
tice of tho pendency of said petition and the
hearing thereof be given to all persons interest
ed in said matter by publishing a copy of this
order in the McCbok Tribune a weekly news
paper printed in said county for three succes
sive weeks prior to said day of hearing
seal S L Green County Judge
J F Cokdeal attorney for petitioner
McCook Nebraska April 1st 1901
Notice is hereby given that M IT Clyde has
filed in tho city clerks office his bond and peti
tion for a license to sell malt spirituous and
vinous liquors in the building on lot 9 block 21
in the Second ward original city of McCook
from May 1 1904 to April 1903
M U Clyde Applicant
McCook Nebraska April hth 1901
Notice is hereby given that Patrick Walsh
has filed in the city clerks office his bond and
petition for a license to sell malt spirituous
and vinous liquors in tho building at No 224
Main avenue in the Second ward of the city of
McCook from May 1 1901 to April 1903
Patrick Walsh Applicant
Notice is hereby given that Dan Cashen has
filed in the village clerks office of the village of
Danbury Nebraska his petition fora license to
sell malt spirituous and vinous liquors in a
building located on the main street of said vil
lage of Danbury Nebraska for the municipal
year ending May 1st 1903 Dated April 8 1904
Dan Cashen Applicant
McCook Nebraska April 8th 1904
Notice is hereby given that L W McConnell
has filed in tho city clerks office his bond and
petition for a druggists permit to sell malt
spirituous and vinous liquorsnn tho building on
lot 7 block 21 in the Second ward of tho city of
McCook from May Y 1904 to April 1905
L W McConnell Applicant
Office over McConnell s drug store
Office Phonk 160
Res Phone 131
Registered Graduate Dentist
Formerly located in At
lanta Georgia All opera
tions pertaining to modern
dentistry performed accord
ing to the latest scientific
methods used in the large
McCook Nebraska
DENTIST phone 112
Office over Grannis store McCook Neb
TJ Jfflja LV1
Fine Turnouts
Either Single or Double
Phone 36 Rear Palmer House
McCook Nebraska
jM i
1 Tv l WjMS
Plumber and
lSESlir I
Iron Lead and Sewer Pipe Brass
Goods Pumps an Boiler Trimmings Z
L Agent for Halliday Waupun hclipse 9
7 Windmills Basement of the Meeker- m
y Phillips Building Z
Osteopathic Physician
Kelley Office Bldg Phone No 13
Consultation free
Graduate of Kansas
City Lental College
Telephone 43
and Surgeon
Oflico over McMillens drug store Hesidence
702 Main Aveune Residence phone 53 Office
phone 28 Calls answered nisrht or day
McCook Nebraska
C3Agent Gf Lincoln Land Co and of McCook
Water Works Oflico in Postofiico building
McCook Nebraska
Office in Court House
Phone 181
McCook Nebraska
Telephone 44 p o Bulldin
Blue Front
Gold metallic befwSJn Ked
Take no other l5taSwUl WUe nbbon
tutionand Imltnfi 5 dnBerou nubtl
or send In oryurIrurei
Samn for p
monlaN and IUJiir TeU
by return Mall oootwh f V tetter
all Druggists luOOTestImouIal3 Sold by
MonUoa thu paor
v McCook Nebraska April 1st I9fti
is hereby given that Louis Fleclmn
has filed in the city clerk nn iman
petition for a license to wlfta U sSSo
and vinous liquors
in tho building
at No
Main avenue in tho First irani A 3
McCook fromMay llfto April tey of
M ate LQDI3 FLEISCnv Tnrifcant
Notice is SfgSnThJtMcM11904
tion fora druggists permit to sell mnlf oSsKr
block 22 in tho First ward nf t Jilt i rS
Cook Red Willow countTsNebraska J
Ska damff tho
year ending May 1st 1905
Mlts A McMillen Applicant
4 1