The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 15, 1904, Image 6

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    McCook Tribune
F M KIMMELL Publisher
News in Brief
John Mitchell will not take charge
of the strike in Colorado
Martin D Wood who fqr thirty five
- fears was local manager of the West
ern Union Telegraph company at Kan
las City Mo died of paralysis aged
50 years
Another ministerial crisis is immi
aent in Chile and the present coali
tion of parties in the cabinet will prob
ably give way to a new party formed
of the liberal element
Reports have beenreeeived at To
kio from Ping Yang to the effect that
when the Japaneso scouts entered
Wiju on Sunday last they found the
town deserted by the Russians
At Schenectady N Y eight hun
5red employes of tlie General Electric
company struck because the company
refused to discharge a union man who
had been fined for violation of a union
Major John L Bittinger former con
Bui general to Montreal is seriously
ill at a hospital in St Joseph Mo He
underwent a surgical operation a few
days ago which has left him in a
greatly exhausted condition
The secretary of war has directed
that permission be granted to the
army Young Mens Christian associa
tion to establish its work at the vari
ous posts of the army in the United
States and in the Philippine islands
Burton H Mattoon formerly state
senator and ex treasurer of the Water
ton Savings bank pleaded guilty in
the supreme court at Wihsted Conn
to four charges of making false eri
tries in the books of the savings bank
The supreme court of Ohio has af
firmed the verdicts of the Lucas coun
ty court in the cases of Albert and
Ben Wade brothers who are under
sentence of death for the murder of
Kate Sullivan at Toledo several years
Already Alton B Parker has 233
delegates to the New York state con
vention to select delegates to the na
tional democratic convention This
is a majority of the state convention
which will be composed of 450 dele
In the course of the budget discus
nion in Calcutta the viceroy Lord
Curzon of Kedleston in an effective
speech reviewed the last five years of
Indian administration and declared it
was his express intention to return to
Dr Dowies Zion City is profiting
by the strike now going on in the big
printing and publishing houses of Chi
cago The employers are sending
their bookbinding work to outside
towns and a great quantity is going
to Zion
The result of the vote in the vari
ous Michigan locals of the United
Mine Workers of America show that
he proposition of the operators won
out by a large majority The result
Insures harmony in the Michigan dis
trict for two years
Senator Simons introduced a bill to
create a permanent commission to in
vestigate the several executive depart
ments of the government It provides
for a commission of five persons not
more than three to be members of the
same political party
Among the many generous responses
which are coming to the Countess Cas
sini for the fair to be held in Wash
ington on May 6 for the benefit of
the Russian Red Cross were two
checks which came from New York
one for 1000 and the other for 500
President Roosevelt and Representa
tive Hull chairman of the military af
fairs committee of the house discuss
ed a bill which provides a higher rank
for army chaplains in which the pres
ident is interested It is urged that
sufficient provision Is not made in the
present law for rewarding any army
chaplains for meritorious services
A letter was received by Mayor
Wells of St Louis from Commander
John Hubbard of the gunboat Nash
ville now at Pensacola Fla saying
that he had been authorized to an
nounce to the authorities of St Louis
that the navy department had decided
to send a torpedo boat destroyer to
St Louis under escort of the Nash
ville The warships will reach St
Louis about April 23
The president has pardoned Leonard
Alverson Walter Hoffman and Will
iam Waderman convicted in New Mex
ico of postoffice robbery and sentenc
ed to ten years imprisonment ot
which they have served all but nine
months These pardons are granted
on the earnest recommendation of the
governor of New Mexico the warden
of the penitentiary and the district at
torneyjand trial judge because of the
unusually good conduct of the prison
At San Francisco George Darton
surrendered himself to the police say
ing that he was wanted in Lucas coun
ty Ohio on a charge of embezzlement
of 1100 of the countys funds He
was formerly county clerk and says he
left Toledo on October 27 coming di
rect to San Francisco
John P White president of the Iowa
Mine Workers and Charles H Morris
president of the Iowa Operators asso
ciation iave called a second confer
ence The conference was asked for
by the miners and is taken to mean
that the strikers will submit and the
strike be settled soon
The Committee in Charge Issues a
Public Statement A Proper Ob
servance of the Signing of the Kansas-Nebraska
Bill in 1854
The committee ot citizens charged
with the work of arranging for the
semi centennial of Nebraska May 31
have Issued the following
To the People of the State of Ne
braska On May 30 1854 the presi
dent of the United States approved
what is known as the Kansas-Nebraska
bill the most important legislative
and executive action in the history of
the country west of the Missouri river
since the Louisiana purchase was
made under the direction of Thomas
Jefferson The fifty years that have
since elapsed have been prolific in
great events but none are more wor
thy of note than the development that
has come during the half century to
the Trans Missouri section of the re
public and especially to the states of
Kansas and Nebraska
The undersigned a committee of
citizens have been charged with the
duty of arranging for a semi-centennial
celebration of this event
By both federal and state law the
COth day of May of each year is de
voted to memorial observances of the
gallant spirits who in their lives serv
ed their country during the great war
of 1S61 G5 That day being thus de
voted to holy purpose it has been
thought best to hold the exercises
properly incident to the semi-centennial
on Tuesday the 31st day of May
Thus will come a proper recognition
ot Memorial day and also of the im
portant fact that the state of
The Grand Army of the Republic
which has had direction of the me
morial observances has been in the
Jiabit for years of detailing members
of the organization to address the
scholars of all schools throughout the
state on the last school day prior to
the 30th day of May and it has re
quested that on the Sunday preceding
that date in all the churches of the
state the clergy should make fitting
reference to the incidents of note
proper to the day and inculcate pat
riotism and fitting sacrifice for the
The committee suggests to the
Grand Army and to the clergy that it
would be most fitting in the schools
and in the churches to call attention
to the fifty years of growth and pros
perity that have come not only to
the United States but especially to
the part of it in which our lot has
been cast and on Memorial day it
certainly will be appropriate that all
who address the people while giving
fitting tribute to those who served the
country and have passed away should
make like reference to the progress
that has been made during the half
c ntury that will close upon that day
On the 31st day of May in the city
of Omaha there will be proper ob
servance of the signing of the Kansas-Nebraska
bill by the president of
the United States The detail of the
exercises will shortly be published
and the city of Omaha invites all citi
zens of the state to join in this cele
bration by local ceremonial if they
wish but preferably within the limits
of the metropolis of the state
The committee takes pleasure in an
nouncing that a son of Nebraska who
has achieved great distinction and
prominence by reason of his ability
and eoquence Hon Henry D Esta
brook now of New York will deliver
the oration of the day befitting the
occasion It is expected that other
speakers of worth and prominence
will recount the interesting events of
the fifty years that have passed since
the birthdar of the state of Nebraska
Military and civil parades will also
be an incident and the latehstring of
Omaha will be out in hearty welcom
ing to all who wish to glorify the
event of May 30 1S54
Guarantee Railroad Investments
WASHINGTON senator Lodge re
ported favorably from the senate com
mittee on the Philippines the Lodge
Cooper bill to amend the Philippines
civil government act by allowing the
issuance of bonds for municipal im
provements and guaranteeing a 5 per
cent Income on the cost of railroads
Senate Confirms Baxter
WASHINGTON The senate on
Tuesday confirmed the nomination of
Irving F Baxter as United States at
torney -for the district of Nebraska
ka received after the great var a was a light day car It was
larger proportion of ex soldiers than
any other state in the west and these
soldier citizens have added greatly to
its development
Rosfbud Sioux Killed in a Railroad
CHICAGO Two passenger trains on
the Chicago Northwestern railway
collided between luelrose park and
Maywood Thursdaj
According to reports received at tho
general superintendents office in Chi
cago the wreck was caused by tho
fog Trains os G and 10 were in
tho wreck
The trains which collided were the
Oregon express and the fast mail on
the Chicago Northwestern railway
The express train was run into by
the mail train Both trains were east
Physicians were promptly hurried to
the scene As soon as possible the
injured were taken to Maywood and
All the victims of the wreck were
Indians Tho dead are
Killed Head skull crushed Philip
Irontail Jr body crushed Thomas
Come Last bodv crushed
The injured are
Big Chief Whitehorse body crushed
and legs broken will die Luther
Standing Bear crushed about body and
head will die Annie Gooseface crush
ed aoout bodv will die Mrs Thomas
Come Last wife of one of the killed
cut about head and shoulders Tom
mie Come Last G years old son of
the dead head bumped and believed
to have been made temporarily insane
from fright Sammy Lone Bear head
cut and body bruised Abraham Good
crow cut about head Blind Eagle
cut about head by flying glass Little
Elk head cut and bruised Charge the
Enemy head cut and body bruised
Head Chief High Bear at the head or
the delegation of Sioux severely
crushed about the body William Sit
ting Bull son of Chief Sitting Bull 27
years old seriously injured
The containing tlie Indian
Japanese Eoldiere Ready to Start for the Frcnt
pletely wrecked The rear end of the
coach ahead was also damaged After
the collision the passengers in the
other coaches of the two trains
ried to the rescue and after a hard
struggle pulled them from beneath the
Chief Yhitehorse in charge of tho
Indians on the train was fatally in
jured The bodies of the Indians who
had been kille outright were laid on
the prairie beside- the track Chief
Whitehorse being carried with them
He said he knew that death was near
and requested that he be placed near
his dead companions The chief was
propped up and sat stoically while
physicians worked over his injuries
He smoked a pipe quietly and showed
no signs of the pain he must have
been suffering One by one the other
injured Indians were slowly taken
from the splintered car anc placed
on the ground near their dying chief
and dead comrades The physicians
hurried from one to another of the
injured administering to the wants of
all while arangements were being
made to take them to the nearest
The Indians were from the reserva
tion near Rushvillc Neb and their
journey east was primarily for show
purposes in Europe
Persons who were on the train said
that the collision unquestionably was
the -result of the dense fog which
stretched from Lake Michigan many
miles westward
Egypts Word Pieases Russia
ST PETERSBURG Russia has re
ceived satisfactory assurances from
the government of Egypt regarding
the passage of ships through the Suez
canal The inquiries on the subject
were prompted by reports that the
Egyptian government contemplated
adopting measures contrary to the in
ternational canal regulations which
might embarrass Russia in sending
colliers and supply ships to the far
east when the Baltic fleet sails for
the Pacific at the end of June
Mere Boot- Than Ever
GRAND ISLAND The factory o
the American Beet Sugar company has
begun the work of exracting sugar
from the remaining syrups through
the Osmose process About forty
men will be employed for thirty days
at this process
Annual Mormon Conference
SALT LAKE CITY Thanksgiving
for the prosperity and growth of the
church marked the second day of the
annual conference of the Mormon
church in this city It must be dis
couraging to the enemies of this peo
ple declared Apostle A O Wood
ruff where they look over the past
and see that all -they have done to
crush this church has only tended to
strengthen the church and increase
the faith of the saints The clouds on
the horizon do rot shake the faith of
the saints
Work on Appropriation Bills Well in
Hand Four Days Discuscion Look
ed for on the Postoffice Appropria
tion Measure
WASHINCTON April 28 has been
discussed in committee rooms and
among senators and representatives as
not at all an improbable date for the
termination of the present session of
congress The pension appropriation
bill has been received from the house
and reported from the senate commit
tee with an amendment Discussion
of service pension legislation it is be
lieved will be exhausted before the
bill is placed on its passage and this
measure therefore is not considered a
barrier to early adjournment
The army appropriation is agreed
upon except as to four amendments
which are in conference and it is
thought there amendments will not re
sult in much further discussion in
either body of congress The confer
ence report of the agricultural bill has
been agreed to in the senate but no
action has been taken by the house A
second conference has been ordered on
the fortification bill on the senate
amendments for the purchase of a sub
marine boat for instruction in coast
defense and making an appropriation
for the completion for a certain type
of disappearing gun cariage Both the
naval and the district appropriation
bills are in conference The confer
ence report on the Indian appropria
tion bill has been made and is likely
to cause debate for one or two days
Four days additional discussion is
looked for on the postoffice appropria
tion bill The amendments that have
been adopted are not of a character
that will tie the bill up in conference
for more than two or three days It
it expected that the sundry civil bill
will be reported from tho senate com
mittee on appropriations on Tuesday
and the military academy bill will be
ready by the time the sundry civil bill
is passed It is expected that the gen
eral deficiency bill will be reported
to the house not later than Tuesday
No call has yet been issued but re
publicans leaders of the senate antici
pate holding a meeting of the steering
committee early next week to agree on
a general program for the remaining
day of the session
Unexpected Difficulties Trcountcrcd
in ooine Localities
YASHINGTON The progress
made in the irrigation work of the
government is reviewed in a publica
tion issued by the geological survey
which points out the necessity of
great caution and conservatism in
the extension of the reclamation
It says that of the irrigation pro
jects favorab reported in 1903
which include i those on the Truckee
river in Nevada on the Salt river in
Arizona on the Milk river in Mon
tana on the Sweetwater river in Wy
oming and on the Gunnison river in
Colorado the Nevada and Arizona
projects have been found feasible and
construction of the engineering works
along the Truckee and Salt rivers
has progressed to a reasonable ex
The Montana project however has
presented unexpected engineering aif
ficulties as well as complications e-
garding water rights so that prog
ress is slow It has been found nec
essary to modify the first plans in or
der to achieve early results
The Wyoming project as at first
outlined has been found impractica
ble A better reservoir site than that
on the Sweetwater river however
has been discovered on the North
Platte so that a larger scheme of de
velopment may be worked out there
in the future
Very great engineering difficulties
are encountered in the accomplish
ment of the Colorado project The
amount of arid land thereby reclaim
able is less too than was antici
Wont Open Sunday Again
ST LOUIS Mo Sunday was the
last Sunday at the Worlds fair
grounds as on April 15 the grounds
will be closed to all visitors until
the fair opens formally and there
after will be closed on Sunday More
than 25000 persons took advantage of
the fair weather and visited the
grounds Sunday Tlie private car of
E H Harriman of the Southern Pa
r fie road was switched into the fair
grounds and remained all night being
occupied by President harriman and
ins party
Woman Enrolled as a Cossack
istry has granted the petition of Mme
Pousch daughter of Colonel Maxiow
condorow who desired to be enrolled
in a Cossack regiment The minis
try has ordered her enrollment
Beet Sugar Made in 1903
NEW YORK The annual meeting
of the stockholders of the American
Beet Sugar company was held Tues
day in Jersey City The old directors
were elected with tlie exception that
L Rieman Duval was chosen to suc
ceed J Archibald Murray The re
port of President Henry to Oxnard
showed that during the season of
1903 04 the company produced 81053
100 pounds of refined sugar The
company owns factories in California
Colorado and Nebraska and is capi
talized at 20000000
i i
graves- a mm at rfl
Three Men Drowned While Returning
from a Hunting Trip
OMAHA J W Pennell W M
Haskins and Smiley Baxter all of
Council Bluffs were drowned in Lake
Manawa Friday evening by the over
turning of the row boat in which they
had spent the afternoon hunting
They wore returning to the pavilion
when their boat was caught In the
trough of the high waves raised by
tho terrific wind that swept across the
The drowning occurred a short
fnniA rc v t rP ln1 nnnncftp
the pavilion Robert Brown who
live at Manawa park and who saw
tho men in the water put off with
a boat to their rescue He found Pin
nell and Baxter clinging to their over
turned boat Haskins had been swept
away by the waves Brown found it
impossible to get either into the boat
without danger of swan ng and be
gan towing Pinnell to shore Pinncll
clinging to the stern of Browns boat
About forty feet from the landing
Pinnell chilled by the icy waters
slipped from the boat and sank He
did not rise and after a short search
Brown rowed back after Baxter He
too had disappeared
Iowa Railroads Are Laying Off Train-
DES MOINES la On account of
the coal strike the railways announc
ed Tuesday that at least 500 men will
be laid off at once Seventeen switch
ing crews and nineteen full train
crews running out of Des Moines and
Valley Junction quit work Tuesday
Similar action by railways centering
at Boone Beele Plaine Oskaloosa Ot
tumwa and Albia will mean the loss
of work to about 1000 men
Churches here are closed on account
of the strike and the schools have
been closed for a week until coal can
be secured Only one school room in
the city is open
A call reconvening the joint confer
ence at Des Moines in v few days at
which a settlement is looked for will
bo issued
Captured and Promptly Executed
When Identity is Discovered
vesi who has been icr five years at
the head o the Yaqui rebels in So
nora and who in that timn 1ms in
stigated many uprisings first in one
section and then in another is dead
Guavesi was discovered among the
prisoners taken by Captain Barron iif
an engagement with a band of sav
ages near Batamote and was immedi
ately taken out and shot as Captain
Barron was not prepared to take any
cnances His prisoners numbered al
most as raanv men as those cf his
Guavesi met death bravely He had
expected to be executed when his
identity was discovered It was Gua
vesi who was in command ot the Ya
qui force which ambushed and almost
annihilated a whole company of the
Twentieth battalion near Zamroata in
the rebellion of two years ago Both
Captain Ce so Gomez and Lieutenant
Jose Vallejo were killed in the am
Indicts Pueblo City Officials
PUEBLO COLO Eighteen indict
ments were returned by the grand
jury Charles Walkder alderman is
charged with bribery in one count
John L Kirkland street commissioner
is indicted on four counts and ex
City Clerk W L Smith has thirteen
charges preferred against him In the
charge against Kirtland larceny and
false pretenses are alleged and
against Smith are charges of uttering
false instruments All three men were
arested and furnished bond
Panama Wants Recognition
PANAMA It has been decreed by
the government that all the consular
representatives of nations who have
not formally recognized the republic
of Panama will be unable to continue
official relations with the government
until such recognition has taken place
Tibetans Attack English
LONDON A dispatch received at
the Indian office says tnat General
MacDonalds infantry while recon
noitering near Kalapange encounter
ed 300 Tibetans who opened fire
There wee no casualties
Appoints a Circassian General
gan announces the appointment of
Major General Prince Oroeliani a
prominent Circassian nobleman to
the command of the Caucasian cav
alry brigade
Seth Bullock Sees President
WASHINGTON Captain Seth Bul
lock superintendent of the Black
Hills forest reserve called on the
president and later took luncheon with
him at the White house
John C S Harrison Dead
Short Harrison for many years a well
known citizen of Indianapolis strick
en with paralysis Monday April 4
died at -Los Angeles Cal He was
born at Vincennes Ind May 7 1829
the only child of Benjamin and Louisa
Smith Bonner Harrison and grand
son of President William Henry Har
rison He was made a government
director of the Union Pacific railroad
seven years under President Grant
and one year under President Hayes
Believed Japanese Fleet is Covering
Arrangements for a New Landing
British and American Newspaper
Correspondents Held Up
PARIS The St Petersburg corre
spondent of The Echo de Paris says
that Admiral Makaroff went out irom
Port Arthur Saturday morning a Jap
anese squadron having been signalled
as in -the offing It is rumored the
correspondent says that a sea fight
took place -but nothing concerning it
is officially known
Looking for New Landing
LONDON A correspondent of the
Times at Wei Hai Wei cabling under
Fridays date says that the result of
a weeks cruise leads him to believe
that the Japanese fleet is engaged in
covering arrangements for a new land
ing of the troops recently mobilized
A close blockade of Port Arthur is
not maintained presumably because
of information regarding the state of
the channel Certainly up to the pres
ent no Japanese transports have en
tered the gulf of Pe Chi Li
Correspondents Held Up
SEOUL The steamer Sumino e
Maru called in at Chemulpo to take
on board 300 men belonging to the
First division The newspaper corre
spondents on board the Suminoye
Maru were not permitted to land and
a correspondent who was here waiting
to go forward with the Japanese troops
was refused permission to embark on
the steamer
A dispatch from Tokio dated April
1 said the first party of correspond
ents consisting of sixteen men most
ly British and Americans had left
Tokio that day for the front and that
they would sail from Moji Japan on
April 6 for an unknown destination
While the departure of these news
paper men from Moji has not been re
ported possibly because of the Japan
ese censorship it is possible that the
correspondents referred to in the
above dispatch are those who were
to have left Moji last Wednesday
Chemulpo is about a two days run
from Moji
It has been said also that corre
spondents who attempted to go for
ward contrary to the wishes of the
Japanese authorities would not be af
forded the facilities given to writers
who waited until the authorities were
ready to have them move
Preparations to Circumvent Attempt
to Bottle Up Port Arthur
PORT ARTHUR Preparations
have been made to give the Japanese
a warm reception in case they again
attempt to block the harbor Vice
Admirai Togo was right in surmising
that Vice Admiral Makaroff is respon
sible for the change in Russian tac
tics and the inspiration of Russian
A Signalman named Aronkonso
who during the bombardment of Vlad
ivostok remained at a small signal
station on Askold island near the ene
mys ships aiul wired information of
the movements of the enemy to the
fortress has been decorated with the
cross of St George
Girl Who Refused the Hand of James
Younger Expires in Oklahoma
ST PAUL Word has been receiv
ed in this city of the death in Okla
homa of Miss Alice J Muller a wel
known newspaper writer and author
Miss Muller was 29 years of age and
had suffered from consumption for
seme time
At the time of the suicide of James
Younger the former bandit it wal
stated that one of the casuses leading
to the act was his inability to marry
Miss Muller She at one time con
ducted a weekly paper in Los Ange
les and was later on the staff of a
Salt Lake City newspaper She was
the author of several books
President Fires Hawaiian Judg
United States judge of the Second cir-
cult of Honolulu on Thursday was
removed from office bv President
Roosevelt Recently an intimation
was conveyed to Juoge Kahia that on
the expiration of his term on July next
he would not be reappointed a few
days ago the judge practically ex
pended the work of his court by -7
journing all pending criminal cases
unci juae o me ay after ih
piration of his term of office
Hanna Memorial in Ohio
COLUMBUS O The joint legisla
tive committee on the Hanna Memo
rial day exercises has announced 4pril
20 as the date for holdimr
cises Senator Dick will deliver the
memorial oration
Discussing Negro EducaUon
BALTIMORE Md The association
of presidents of land
grant colleges
and principals of normal and
lUdl uuis met m this citv on Tues
day and will continue in session for
three days This association is
posed of the presidents and principals
of various colored educational insti
tutions throughout
the countrv Tres
days proceedings
were opened with
addresses by Prof J x H Waring
and several others
President R R
Wnght of Georgia delivered
nual address