The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 15, 1904, Image 5

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Brownie Cameras
Pocket Kodaks
CONE BROS Druggists
Ar full stock of hose hose fittings and
nnd sprinklers ut W T Colemans
Tjik TitmuNB 52 wooks for 8100
Pm mites and
-cheapest thiug I have over found
A Thousand Dollarss Worth of Good
I have been afllicted with kidney
and bladder trouble for years passing
gravel or stones with excruciating pain
sajs A II Th times a well known coal
operator of Buffalo O I got no relief
frotn medicine until began taking Foleys
Kidney Cure then the result was sur
prising A few doses started the
substance and now I have no
pain across my kidneys and I feel like a
now man It has done mo 1000 worth
of good Foleys Kidney Cure will euro
every form of kidney or bladder disease
Sold by A McMillen
The Best Family Salve
DoWitts Witch Hazel gives instant
relief from burns cures cuts bruises
sores eczema tetter and all abrasions
of the skin In buying Witch Hazel
Salvo it is only necessary to see that you
get the genuine DeWitts and a cure is
certain There are many cheap coun
terfeits on the market all of which are
worthless and quite a few are danger
ous while DeWitts Witch Hazel Salve
is perfectly harmless and cures Sold by
L W McConnell
Our line of Oxfords for this season is
unsurpassed We have the latest styles
they are in new designs neat ser-
viceable comfortable Come and
v Great New
A E PETTY Proprietor McCook Nebraska
f Mk9
Offer in the Number of
Paid Admissions to the St Louis
Worlds Fair on July 4 1904
Contest Opens- March 1 Closes June 30 1904
No guesses will be received after that date
Conditions of the Contest SniZ
from one of our regular dealers or where we have no dealer remitting di
rect to the Company will be entitled to one guess on the number of people
that will pass through the gates paid admissions of the St Louis Worlds
Fair on Jul 4 1904 iR those who purchase a gallon can four guesses
will bo allowed a five gallon can 23 guesses No limit to the number of
guesses allowed on persons complying with these terms Fill out the
coupon given below have your dealer sign ifc and he will send them to
the company at tho end of each month If there is no dealer in your town
mail them direct to the Company This contest will positively close at
midnight June 30 1901 after which time no guesses will be received In
case of a tie the prizes will be divided equally During this contest where
wo have no dealer orders will be sent prepaid and cash must accompany
them Money on deposit at the Union Bank Sheldon Iowa to pay these
For the nearest correct estimate or guess 200 00
For the second nearest correct estimate or guess 10000
Here IS the FT tno third nearest correct estimate or guess 000
For the fourth nearest correct estimate or guess 2500
LlSt Of For tho fifth nearest correct estimate or guess ir00
j For the sixth nearest correct estimate or guess 1000
1 RIjS For tho next 20 nearest correct estimates or guesses each 500
Total 50000
Special Prizes
For first nearest correct estimate or guess received in March 150 lbs National
Stock Food and 10 gallou can Liquid Koal value 1000
For first nearest correct estimate or guess received in April one 10 gallon can
Liquid Coal value 2500
For the first nearest correct estimate or guess received in May one 5 gallon can
Liquid Koal value 1IS75
Valuable Information To aid in fX miKI IK furnisir
Total paid admissions during May to tho ChicagoWorlds Fair were 1050057 Total paid
admissions during May to the Pan American Exposition at Buffalo were 399430 What
will be tho total number of paid admissions to the St Louis World Fair July 4 Fig
ure it out or guess at it and give in your estimato as indicated above
Town State Date T 1904
Adv Dept National Medical Co Sheldon Iowa My estimate on the number of
paid admissions to the StLouis Worlds Fair on July 4 1904 is
Countersigned by Dealer
Taken from the McCook Tribune
Keeps hogs healthv kills lice on all kinds
of animals cures tho pink eo nnd distem
per nnd is the greatest remedy for germ
diseases of animals known to modern sci
ence Sold on its merits Your money back
if not satisfied Write the Company en
closing stamp for free advice ou all germ
diseases of animals
One quart can 100 One gallon can
300 One fivo gallon can 1375
Wausa Neb Dec IS 1902
I consider Liquid Koal one of tho best articles for all around purposes on the market
lice m chicken houses ana lor lice on caives ana nores it is tue best ana
Liquid Koal ought to be on every farm Chas
JTfd by National Medical Co Sheldon Iowa
2 Phone No 20 Up
to Date Flour and Feed Store McCook Neb
Time Card
McCook Neb
No 0 Central Timo 1115 p m
2 020 a ii
12 820 AM
14 955i M
No 5 arrives from oast nt 8 p m
No 1 Mountain Timo 1151 A M
S 11V5pm
5 750P m
13 850am
imperial ltne
No 170 arrives Mountain Tinio 5 40 p m
No 175 departs 700 a m
Slcoping dining nnd reclining chair cars
peats froo on through trains Tickots f old
and bapgnKo chocked to any point in the United
States or Canada
For information timo tables maps and tick
ets cnll on or write GoorRO Scott Agent Mc
Cook Nebraska or Francis General Passen
ger Agent Omaha Nebraska
Conductor John Morris is adding to
and improving his residencb extensively
Pay car ran special today being sched
uled for McCook at 430 in the afternoon
Conductor R M Douglass is in charge
of way car 1C1 vice Conductor W II
Conductor W II Brown had the pay
car special over the division Friday and
General Boiler Inspector M E Wells
talked boilers to thoHaveloek shopmen
Monday evening
O W C Sampson returned to duty
Monday after a long lay off accouut of
an injured ankle
Conductor George Willetts took a lay
off Thursday and Conductor V II
Brown had his run
A special trainload of Russians went
through McCookThursday nightbound
for the beet fields of Colorado
J P Burton formerly round house
foreman at Oxford is now running a
hotel in Chandler Oklahoma
C F Heber was on the relief taking
his own medicine as it were first of the
week with an attack of acute indiges
Conductor Eph Benjamin is in Oma
ha in session with tho grievance com
mittee Conductor H R Childress has
his car
Conductor J J Curran arrived home
Thursday on 13 from Excelsior Springs
Mo feeling materially improved in
Conductor H II Miller of Denver
was in charge of the Perkins Holdrege
special over the division from Denver
Supt A Campbell returned to Ex
celsior Springs Mo Monday to con
tinue treatment at the springs where
his health is being benefitted
J G Schobel C B Clark G R
Snyder and F M Dickey were with the
Pythian oichestra in Red Cloud Wed
nesday at the big Pythian ball
Chairman Perkins of the board of
directors aud General Manager Holdrege
were in the city Sunday in consultation
with local officials over railroad matters
Felix Kennedy has been down from
Sheridan Wyoming part of the week
on business of tho company in connec
tion with boilers and the use of the fa
mous lignite coal
D A Lucas returned Sunday from
Green Bay Wisconsin where he had
gone to bury his little daughter who
died in Chicago a few days ago Mis
Lucas and the children will remain in
Wisconsin for several weeks visiting
relatives Lincoln Star
Mrs Gertrude Lyman wife of L B
Lyman a conductor on the Burlington
road died yesterday morning at her
home 1511 S street She was thirty six
years of age and had been ill only a
short time The funeral will be held at
the residence at 230 p m today Tues
days Lincoln Journal
Conductors A L Knowland and Tim
Foley were making some sausage in An
ton Magners meat market Saturday
Now Knowland is on the relief while tho
medic is trying to patch up his badly
lacerated finger and Conductor Fred
Washburn wields his punch the while
Tim contemplates going into retreat
Charles McManigell of Lincoln while
shipping a car of cattle from Atlanta
seven miles west of Holdrege to the
eastern market Monday had a peculiar
accident happen to the car A couple
of miles west of Holdrege the roof of the
car was lifted up and blown off a heavy
wind prevailing in this vicinity all after
noon The stock was transferred to
another car at Holdrege and sent on
For a long time there has been a ru
mor that the force of dispatchers on the
Burlington is to be reduced materially
but no definite announcement of such a
change has been made One story is
that the McCook and Denver dispatch
ers offices are to be consolidated and a
change made by which some of he dis
patching now done at Creston is to be
done at Lincoln No hint has come
from an official source that such is be
ing contemplated but the men have
been talking about it for some time
Lincoln Journal Tuesday
While t has not been officially an
nounced yet the daily papers forecast
and it seems to be pretty generally un
derstood among railroad men that the
dispatchers department of the Burling
ton is to be reorganized to go into effect
May 1st and that quite a number of
changes will be made in officials and in
the personnel of the force It seem to
be quite certain that the Denver office
will be consolidated with the McCook
office which will bring to McCook Chief
Dispatcher Edgar and his force of three
dispatchers namely Calhoun Culbert
son and Chambers
You pay too much I can save you
money on Hamilton and Hampden high
grade watches Chas B Morgan
Holdrege Neb
Go to Waites for garden hose
I know a jolly old maiden lady
A lady of high degree
Who never goes to bed without
A drink of Rocky Mountain Tea
Sensible woman
L W McConnell
Kerapton Komedy Ko
At opera house April 21 22 and
21 This favorite troupe will be at
tho opera house on the above dates
in a now lot of plays Thursday
night they will present A Homespun
Heart Of their performance of this
play tho Denver Post of November 7th
190 says A Homespun Hearfplayed
to a very fair business and gavo univer
sal satisfaction Tho play which is
written by Hal Reid is certainly a
In this play pathos comedy
and tragedy are neatly intermingled just
enough of each quality and not too
much of any one A play that tho most
fastidious can find no fault with A
play with a plot finely concealed and
not too abruptly brought A play that
leaves a lasting and most favorable im
pression upon its audience In fact too
much praise cannot ho given A Homo
spun Heart It is such plays as this
that elevates the stage Tho scenery
carried by the company is entirely in
keeping iyith tho play being very beau
tiful and extremely realistic The cast
was of the best and this was most
clearly evinced by the company being
compelled to give a curtain call after
each of tho four acts
Garden and field seeds at Waites
Will Interest Many
Every peixiu should know that good
health is impossible if the kidneys are
deranged FohVs Kidney Cure will
cure kidney and bladder disease in ev
ery form and will build up and strength
en these organs so they will perform
their functions pioperly No danger of
Brights disease or diabetes if Foleys
Kidney Cure is taken in time Sold by
A McMillen
Colonist Rates
During March and April the Burling
ton will sell one way tickots to the Paci
fic coast at very low rates
Here are some of them
S23 to San Francisco and Los Angeles
25 to Portland Tacoma and Seattle
S2250 to Spokane
820 to Salt Lake City Butte Helena
SH375 to Hig Horn Basin Wyo
Proportionately low rates to hundreds
of other points
Theso lates offer an excellent oppor
tunity to see the great northwest which
presents unusual attractions to tho
homeseeker It possesses the iron and
lumber of Michigan the wheat of Min
nesota the wool of Ohio tho fisheries
of New England and seaboard rivaling
the Atlantic coast
If you will tell me where you are go
ing I shall bo glad to give you full in
formation about rates train service
sleeping car service and send you ad
vertising matter descriptive of these
wonderful sections J Francis General
Passenger Agent Omaha Neb 2-26-1-29
Best Cough Medicine for Children
When you buy a cough medicine for i
small children you want one in which
you can place implicit confidence You
want one that not only relieves but
cures You want one that is unques
tionably harmless You want one that
is pleasant to take
Cough Remedy meets all of- these con
ditions There is nothing fo good for
the coughs and colds incident to child
hood It is also a certain preventive
nnd cure for croup and there is no dan
ger whatever from whooping cough when
it is given It has been used in many
epidemics of that disease with perfect
success For sale by all druggists
Real Estate Transfers
The following real estate transfers
have been made since our last issue
Reported by C F Lehn real estate
loans insurance McCook Neb
J Say to L Lightbody se qr so qr 2-1-26 200 00
J W Harrison to V S Coleman sv
qr nw qr 9-15-27 2000 00
M Kelley to II H Randy nw qr 2000 00
J W Hupp to S King nw qr 950 00
C II Zeigler to J E Xelms lot 11 blk
24 Second McCook 950 00
A C Seoley to D L Wolf sw qr 2-3-27 26oO 00
Beauty and Strength
Aie desirable You are strong and
vigorous when your blood is pure
Many nay most women fail to prop
erly digest their food and so become
pale sallow thin and weak while the
brightness freshness and beauty of the
skin and complexion depart Remedy
this unpleasant evil by eating nourish
ing food and taking a small dose of
Herbine after each meal to digest what
you have eaten 50c a bottle at A Mc
Worlds Fair St Louis April 30 to Decl
Reduced rates as follows
Season tickets on sale April 15 to Nov
15 inclusive final limit Dec 15 round
trip 623 SO
Sixty day ticket on sale April 25 to
Nov 20 inclusive 82180
Ten dav ticket on sale April 27 to
Nov 30 inclusive S2235
Sciatic Rheumatism Cured
I have been subject to sciatic rheu
matism for years says E H Waldron
of Wilton Junction Iowa My joints
were stiff and gave me much pain and
discomfort My joints would crack
when I straightened up I used Cham
berlains Pain Balm and have been
thoroughly cured Have not had a pain
or ache from tho old trouble for many
months It is certainly a most wonder
ful liniment For sale bv all druggists
Your Tongue
If its coated your stomach
is bad your liver is out of
order Ayevs Pills will clean
your tongue cure your dys
pepsia male your liver right
Easy to tae easy to operate
2Ec drazg ists
Wmt your innu a h lit or brnrd a beautiful
brown or rcii blck Then use
PifWM3UflSiiJQ nVC for the
uuuii4tiliriSM uUil
EV cp C ri 3
o n p hai 4 Co nmhlh n h
We wish to again call
your attention to
Our Ladies Suits and Skirts
Up to Date
The line is worthy of your inspection whether
you wish to pay much or little
Boys New Suits
too are in Why not come in and select your
boys spring clothing now The important
question of clothes will then have been settled
for the season
Desires the accounts of banks
firms and individuals It extends
to them every reasonable cour
tesy and facility
V FRANKLIN President
ii J jjijy a jijjji
i in i
A C EBERT Cashier
4 Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 5000