11 i r IX 2s 9 V lrMfcC WOMEN BREAK DOWN ijJi Sometimes women MWk kW drIft Int0 a condition vs va s r MADE nils rr i - Sold Everywhere mum i u ii j u u i uu tired out run down backache nerves shat tered headache tcrrl hlc pain no appetite poor digestion In nine casc3 out of ten its be cause the kidneya fall to do their work of filtering the poisonous system waste from the blood The kidneys arc wealc and need the strengthening help of Doans Kidney Pills Read how these pills repair a weakened physical con dition when this condition is caused by sick kidneys Mrs Sadie Mettles of 394 W 4th Ave Columbus Ohio says Prior to the year 189S I suffered considerably from backache pain In the head lan guor and depression and weakness of the action of the kidneys The pain was always worse in the morning and I felt miserable 1 was induced to procure a box of Doans Kidney Pills and I began their use They proved prompt and effective They cured mo and there has been -no return of the trouble since taking them- I owe all the credit to Doans Kidney Pills A FREE TRIAL of this great kid ney medicine which cured Mr3 Met tles will be mailed on application to any part of the United States - Ad dress Foster Milburn Co Buffalo N Y For sale by all druggists price 50 cents per box That which is within ones grasp yet unobtainable makes our greatest sorrows ATtE Tiltm CtOTnCS FADED tTse Red Cross Ball Blre and make them white again Largo 2 oz package cents Few men can argue about religion and keep cool Superior quality ana extra quantity must win This is why Defiance Starch is taking the place of all others One way to dodge the divorce courts is to stay single Wrs VFinhiows JsoolUlncr Jyjrnp For children teethlnc sof tons tho guras rodncesir flammatiua allays pain cures wind colic lacobDttlc If a man is satisfied with one meal a day he can afford to write poetry Wo L DOUGLAi 408 8S5G S309 UKIOrJ thi eacmju oWc WATP9flfiP OIlEDCWTHIMJStf Made m Mck or ydlcw fcr all kinds cf wtt worK On sue evcmvTers Look for the 5n ct iht Ft5htnl the nunc TOWER on thi buttons A J TOXta COOOJTOMS1U4 TM IXlHkX Catl TJC8MT3CAU V Vh rtiO shapeiitbettervveai D longed and have 8i greater intrinsic V value than any other shoes pi aJuViJ nrer in XL2 TMC WCKLD wL Douglas snoe are worn by more men than any other make The reason is they hold their j v Pi m 5 fits C csj r it atzfcjaAW sci rtwu TooTc Tor name rim itrice m bottom Douglas uses Coronii OollsJtin ivliicH is everywhere cwiociltMlloljetlie finest Patent Zeat her jet produced Fat Co or Eijclctsusccl Shots lv cents ctra Write Tor CntaloR V i JDOITtJI A i Urocktou Zttass t w yr JIK Lkiig for a Home Then why not keep in view the fact that the farming lands of fsfjpjj Western Hi Ganada are sufficient to support a population of SOCOO000 or over The immigration for the past six jears has been phenomena FREE Honstoad Lands easily accessible while other lands may be pur chased from Railway and Land Companies The crain and Brazing lands of Western Canada are the best on the continent prodacinc the best srain and cattle fed on srau alone ready for market Markets Schools KaiUvay and nil other conditions make IVchtern Canada an envi nhle spot for tho settler Write to Superintendent for a descriptive Atlas and other information or to the authorized Canadian Government Acent V V Hennett SOI New York Life Buiidicz Omaha Nc THE BEST DUALITY STiAl6ril5C6AR always reliable Iour Jauuer or alrect irom factory leorla 111 Kites as Scapegoats Everybody knows the fondness of the adult Cnincse for kite Hying The Korean however puis this pastime to a use altogether novel When tho time of good resolutions comes around at the now year tho Korean writes on a kite all his faults Evil disposi tion impatience bad words street lights etc It was so dark says one American residing in Korea re lating such an instance that no kito could bo seen but when he had run the string out to its full length he cut it and let it go Imagining that so he had rid himself of his enemies and could begin the new year with new courage A California senator who recently returned to his home from a European tour has been telling a story of his adventures which redounds to the credit of the London bus conductor On a very rainy day the senator got into an omnibus Very soon he no ticed that dvops of water were patter ing down upon his head from the roof At that moment tho conductor entered to collect the fares Whats the mat er with the roof said the damp sen ator does it do this always No sir replied the sensible conductor only when it rains Prophet Joseph Smith of the Mor mon church says that for a man to live with but one wife is as bad as to be an infidel as polygamy was com manded by God direct If a man has a wife and she objects direct to a second or a third she will be de stroyed Now will the woman be good Death is one thing that never fails to come to the man who waits It is the interest of every member of the STATE FARMERS MUTUAL INSURANCE CO to help it along The Company belongs to the members The officers are their servants Each member is only liable for his share of losses and expenses according to the amount of insurance he carries Members are assessed at the end of two years after the insurance was first written upon all their policies for the time insured and assessment follows every two years We have paid our members over G0000 in losses Cannot you help some of your neighbors to its bene fits B R STOUFFER Sccy South Omaha Nebr A womans idea of mutual pleasure is to scnd the money her husband earns by the sweat of his brow To the housewife who has not yst become acquainted with the new things of everyday use in the market and who is reasonably satisfied with the old we would suggest that a trial or Defiance Cold Water Starch be mndc at once Not alone because it is guaranteed by the manufacturers to be superior to any other brand but because each 10c package con tains 1G ozs while ail the other kinds contain but 12 ozs It is safe to say that the lady who once uses Defiance Starch wiil use no other Qualitj and quantity must win How many things one could do if conditions were different TJand Power Cay Tress S2800 Greatest simplest best invention of the age A boy can make regular sized 14xlSx4S in bales like fun and two boys can bale three tons per day easily SEK3 THIS KOTICE TO DAT to the John A Salzer Seed Co La Crosse Wis with ac stamps for mail ing and get their big catalog fullj de scribing this great Hay Press so also hundreds of tools and thousands of va rieties of Farm and Vegetable Seeds W N U Sardou represents a distinct type of the drama which he originated said a pupil in Brander Matthews dramatic literature class at Columbia university What description of that type do you offer asked Professor Matthews Theatrical plays closely packed with interest mark the Sardine drama replied the young man promptly and earnestly Young man laughed the professor with a can opener you may yet evolve the great American play No chromos or cheap premiums but a better quality and one third more of Defiance Starch for the same price of other starches At an at home a young man came in and made his way to the hostess greeting her and apologzing for his lateness Awfully glad to see you Mr Blank said the hostess so good of you to ccme But where is your brother I am commissioned tc tender his regrets You see we are so busy just now that is is impossible for both of us to get away so we tossed up to see which of us should come How nice Such an original idea And you won No said the young man absently I lost Waiting for chances js apt to pro duce indifference to opoprtunity A Bad Fix I I When crs wakes up achln e from head to f oct and with B B the fjesh tender to the touch when i Soreness and Stiffhess V makes every motion cf the body painful the surest j R sad quickest way out of the trouble Is to use 3 I -St Jacobs Oil- I I prsmytly It warms relaxes cures Price 25c and 60c H v am - - - - -ii M i i i i i NEBRASKA STATE NEWS LOOK TO GOOD INSURANCE Complaints Pcuring in from Nebraska Policy Holders LINCOLN Complaints from Ne braska policy holders have been pour ing into the office of Deputy Auditor Pierce at a lively rate during the last few days and as a result he 1ms de clared war on wildcat concerns These are companies not authorized to do business in the state They solicit policies by mail and their tempting offers have led many farm ers to oite Mr Pierce has notified the public 4 in a statement that the Mercantile Fire Insurance company of Chicago which has been flooding the state with circulars i3 not authorized to do business in Nebraska The American Underwriters of Chicago is in the same shape also R A Potter Co of Chicago and the Union Fire of Chicago None of these companies are authorized to solicit in Nebraska or Illinois The following other com panies are not authorized to do busi ness in this state Security Fire of Chicago and the Firemens Fire of Chicago Policies in wildcat companies are void in Nebraska but a policy in an unauthorized insurance company which has complied with the provi sions of the -insurance brokerage sec tion of uie laws may be recovered on None of tho companies named have complied with either the insurance or brokerage sections of the lav con sequently their- policies are void un der the statute which reads as fol lows All fire insurance policies issued to residents of this state or upon property situated in whole or in part in this state by companies corpora tions associations partnerships or persons who have not complied with the laws of the state1 unless procur ed under and by the provisions of this act are hereby declared void WIFE DESERTER SENTENCED Hunter Gets Six Months in the Peni tentiary NEBRASKA CITY John L Hun ter who was arrested and brought back here from Carbon la charged with wife desertion was taken before Judge Jessen and pleaded guilty He could not give bond for the support of his wife and children so he was sen tenced to the penitentiary for si mouths This is the first conviction in this county for this crime although it is the second case that has been in the courts here The county assessor has returned neirly all of the schedules to his dep uties in the country precincts to be corrected and the value of live stock raised Promised to Be Good DAKOTA CITY Upon promise to the court that he would provide for Ins wife and family and be a good and true husband the case against William Salisbury in Judge Eimers court was continued for thirty days and Salisbury was released from cus tody on his own recognizance in the sum of 200 Salisbury was arrested and placed in jail on complaint of his wife that he had failed to maintain and support herself and their children and that he had wilfully abandoned them Sustained the Demurrer LINCOLN The district court has sustained the demurrers of the state in the Boyd county land cases The attorneys for the settlers immediately asked leave to file amended petitions and this was granted Attorney Gen eral Prout has returned from Boyd county The cases now go over to the next session THIEVES ON PASSENGER TRAIN Relieve Discharged Soldiers of Eighty Dollars and Decamp NEBRASKA CITY H A Jennings was robbed of 80 near this city on the Missouri Pacific passenger due here at 1240 Jennings and two oth er men were in a game of cards and when they drew near this city one of the men covered Jennings with a gun wlrle the other relieved him of 80 The man with the gun kept Jen nings covered till the other was safely off the train and then he too tcok to the woods Jennings stopped off and reported the matter to the author ities but so far the police have been unable to find the robbers Bin Fire Crrckers Barred GRAND ISLANDtAt the meeting of the cir council an ordinance pro hibiting the sale of fire crackers of greater dimensions than three inches in length and half an inch in diameter the sale of dynamite canes or other dynamite exploding contrivances and of blank cartridge pistols was passed on its first reading Carl Markov Drowned LINCOLN Word has been receiv ed by the Lincoln relatives that Carl Markow second mate of a ocean merchantman was drown ed in the harbor of San Francisco Few details of the accident have as yet been learned Mr Markow was well known in Lincoln having visited in this city at several different times Two brothers and two sisters of tne drowned man are residents of this place Mr Markow had expected to visited his Lincoln relatives during this spring P THE STATE IN BRIEF Farmers about Waverly have decid ed to build an elevator Fairfield changed from dry to vot at tho recent election If deputy assessors in Lancaster county do not list property at full cash value they will lose their jobs W J Willefords residence at To bias was destroyed by fire The loss was about 1200 partially covered by insurance The contract has been let on the new system of water works which will bo constructed in Spencer and work will begin immediately The State Board of Public Lands and Buildings a few days ago awarded the contract for the erection of the hospital at Milford to H T Ward of Tecumseh for18G90 A two headed sheep is the latest ac quisition to the museum of freakish animals in northern Nebraska It came to Norfolk from Emcrick and is being prepared for mounting Detail plans of the normal school to be erected at Kearney are on exhi bition at the office of State Superin tendent Fowler Bids for the erection of the school will be opened April 20 Mrs Sarah L Blair sister of Ezra Rogers of Auburn dropped dead at the home of her nephew Alva Rog ers She was in her usual health having walked from the home of her brother The town of Auburn is much wrought up over the sudden disap pearance of Robert Watson who has left a wife destitute A saloon busi ness which he had is in the hands of creditors A prairie fire started in the eastern part of McPherson county and driven by a hard wind swept the country for thirty miles nearly to the North Platte river No casualties have yet been reported Sunday evening saw the close of a five weeks series of successful evan gelistic meetings in Norfolk under the leadership of Rev Milford II Lyon of Chicago and his singer Mr Coul ter resulting in 450 converts Deputy county assessors in Lancas ter must list property at full value So announced County Assessor Miller He called a meeting to investigate the reports that the officials were following the methods of last year William T Turley the Grand Is land man who was sentenced to sev enteen yoars in the penitentiary for murder in the second degree was granted a stay of sentence pending a hearing on his appeal from the lower court Heroic efforts on the part of Ster lings fire brigade and a heavy rain saved Sterling from what might have been total destruction by fire As it was four store buildings and most of the contents were destroyed entailing a loss of nearly 15000 A petition is being circulated by the W C T U in Grand Island ask ing the city authorities to have all screens removed from saloons to close up promptly at 12 oclock each night and to remove offensive signs from the windows and doorways The Burlington bridge nearly a mile long spanning the Platte river between Grand Island and Phillips was found to be on fire Section men from Grand Island and Aurora were sent and short before noon got the fire under control with the aid of farmers Payson youngest son of John T Marshall was seriously injured on the head with a baseball bat at the school grounds in Panama He was carried to the office of Dr Was who made an examination and found the skull to be fractured An operation was performed on the head with good results F J McGee of Fremont Ralph Osh ton of ONeil and Milton N Dodds of Omaha have been appointed railway mail clerks Jane Abbott librarian at the Fre mont library has been elected libra rian of the Public library at South Omaha and will probably enter upon iher duties at that place soon Miss Abbott has made a specialty of library work for many years and was at one time acting librarian of the North Carolina State library Edward A Reimcrs died at the Sioux Falls S D penitentiary last week The Reimcrs father and son were sentenced to five years in the Sioux Falls prison by the United States court for wrecking the First National bank of Neligh Neb the elder Reimer C A being the pres ident of the bank and the son the as sistant cashier Alarmed by the numerous capitol fires Representative Sweezy of Webs ter county will have a bill to present to the next legislature to appropriate 125000 for a fire proof wing to the state house This will be used as a library and storage room for state rec ords Lylle Landred and Charles Mentzer of Schuyler havo been fined 5 and costs each for failing eye sight They killed a couple of quail under the im pression that they were ducks and were arrested by Deputy Game War den Hunger The trial was before Judge Allen of Schuyler The Grand Island Board of Educa tion following the intention xf the state law that appliances outside of exterior fire escapes and ladders be provided one to every twenty five persons occupying buildings of two stories or more has purchased six fire escapes that will be put up wm A prominent Southern lady Mrs ft N Cv J r your GET A GRASP ON OUR TRADE MARK GET TO KNOW IT WHEN YOU SEE JT AND THEN NEVER BUY STARCH WITHOUT IT DEFIANCE STARCH IS WITHOUT EQUAL IT IS GOOD IT IS BETTER IT IS THE BEST AND MORE OF IT FOR TEN CENTS THAN ANY OTHER STARCH IT WILL NOT ROT THE CLOTHES YOUR GROCER HAS IT OR WILL GET IT IF YOU ASK FOR IT - r v r a SATISFACTION OR MONEY BACK MANUFACTURED BY The DEFIANCE STARCH CO OMAHA NEB PORTRAIT AGENTS SiSf Ourpoods the best Prices the lowest Prompt Fhlp menta Delivery of all portraits guaranteed Elesrant t ampler apd rolls free 5 enil for catalogue Address ADAH T KROLL CO New Era Building Chicago Blanchard of Nashville Tenn tells how she was cured of backache dizziness pain ful and irregular periods by the use of Lydia E Pirifeams Vegetable Compound Dear Mrs Pinkuam Gratitude compels me to acknowledge the great merit of your Vegetable Compound 1 have suffered for four years with irregular and paintul menstruation also dizziness pains in tho back and lower limbs and fitful sleep I dreaded the time to come which would only mean suffering to me Better health is all I wanted and cure if possible tyd ia E Pink hams Vegetable Compound brought me health and happiness in a few short months I feel like another person now My aches and pains have left me Life seems new and sweet to me and everything seems pleasant and easy Six bottles brought me health and was worth more than months under the doctors care which really did not benefit me at all I am sat isfied there is no medicine so good for sick women as your Vegetable Compound and I advocate it to my lady friends in need of medical help Miis B A Blanohakd 422 Broad St Nashville Tenn When women are troubled with irregular suppressed or painful menatrua tion weakness leucorrhcea dibplacement or ulceration of the womb that bcarmg down feeling inflammation of the ovaries backache blcatin or uujhj gcuci di uuunioy indigestion anu nervous prostration or arc beet wnn sucn symptoms as aii zincss faintuesi las situde excitability irritability nervonness sleeplessness melancholy all gone and feelings- blues and hopelessness they should remember Ihere is one tried and true remedy Iilia E Pinkham3 Verctablo Compound at once removes ueh troubles Refute to buy aoy other medicine for you need the best A Severe Case of Womb Trouble Cured in Philadelphia BrjAit Mrs Pinkiiam I have been cured oi severe female troubles by the use of 3Lyda B Pinkhams Vegetable Compound I was nearlv readv to irivn ur hnt v pptiit advertisement I nun hiyed onn hnitia flf VmiV mPflifina on1 it li l mn rt insl good that I purchased another and the result was so satisfactory that I bought six more bottles and am now feeling like a new woman I shall never be without it I hope that my testimonial will convince women that your Vegetable Compound is the greatest medicine in the world for falling of the womb or any other female complaints Mes TVTav Cody 2880 Birch St Philadelphia Pa 1 Remember ov ery -woman is cordially invited to ivrite to Ulrp Pinkham if there is anything about her symptoms she does not understand Her address is Lynn Mass her advice is free axi4 Ciieexiully given to every ailing woman who asks for it Lawn Fence SySBy mhiii TjtT CURES WHEHE ALL ELSE FAILS fcj BE Best Cough Syrup Tastes Good- Uw HS JS In tine Sola by druggists jg W N U Omaha iron t mto inarv stvls foncii It nc1 i hurch fcchool crirtery poultry ul lojr ft-in-e rm jritos Scml Uir vntnloiru CbJircion Iron ard Wire Works OMAHA NKP No 161904 BEGGS BLOOD PURIFIER CURES catarrh of the stomach