The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 08, 1904, Image 5

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Nan better
nTwriifiiiiiinntinrrnririgtvnmrftii rn ni t tt t n Mini iiHiirifriimjinvmnnurmm
L ww iUnniL i JvAW jJjUi iHV BEjiF8BvB5y
Ask your Hatter
I 111 W Well Its
to Ml
Those Oxfords you have been asking
about are here
The largest and finest assortment
ever shown in McCook They are beau
ties Patent colt and patent vici are
the most stylish and the leaders for both
ladies and gentlemen
Why not get a pair for Easter
A E PETTY Proprietor McCook Nebraska f
Great New Offer in the Number of
Paid Admissions to the St Louis
Worlds Fair on July 4 1904
Contest Opens March 1 Closes June 30 1904
No guesses will bo received after that date
Conditions of the Contest Every iurchasei of a quart can
LUllUlUUlld Ul U1V IU1111M
of Liquid Koal buying either
from one of our regular dealers or where we have no dealer remitting di
rect to the Company Avill be entitled to one guess on the number of people
that will pass through the gates paid admissions of the St Louis Worlds
Fair on July 4 1904 To those who purchase a gallon can four guesses
will be allowed a five gallon can 25 guesses No limit to the number of
guesses allowed on persons complying with these terms Fill out the
coupon given below have your dealer sign it and he will send them to
the company at the end of each month If there is no dealer in your town
mail them direct to the Company This contest will positively close at
midnight June 30 1901 after which time no guesses will be received In
case of a tie the prizes will be divided equally During this contest where
wo have no dealer orders will be sent prepaid and cash must accompany
them Money on deposit at the Union Bank Sheldon Iowa to pay these
For tho nearest correct estimate or guess 20000
For the second nearest correct estimate or fjness 10000
liere IS tile Fr t10 third nearest correct estimate or guess f000
1 For tlio fourth nearest correct estimate or guess 200
LlSt OT For the fifth nearest correct estimato or guess 1500
1 For tho sixth nearest correct estimate or guess 1000
ircliLtlo f For tho next 20 nearest correct estimates or guessea each i00
Total 50000
Special Prizes
For first nearest correct estimate or guess received in March 150 lbs National
Stock Food and 10 galloncan Liquid Koal value 1000 A
For first nearest correct estimate or guess received in April one 10 gallon can
Liquid Coal value 2500
For the first nearest correct estimate or guess received in May one 5 gallon can
Liquid Koal value 1375
Valuable Information To aid in XS we fmish
Total paid admissions during May to the Chicago Worlds Fair were 1050037 Total paid
admissions during May to the Pan American Exposition at Buffalo were IJMMIW What
willbe the total number of paid admissions to the St Louis Worlds Fair July 4 Fig
ure it out or guess at it and give in your ostimato as indicated above
Town State Date 1901
Adv Dept National Medical Co Sheldon Iowa My estimato on the number of
paid admissions to the St Louis Worlds Fair on July 4 1004 is
Countersigned by Dealer
Taken from the McCook Tribune
Keeps hogs healthy kills lice on all kinds
of animals cures the pink ejo and distem
per and is the greatest remedy for germ
diseases of animals known to modern sci
ence Sold ou its merits Your money back
if not satisfied Write the Company en
closing stamp for free advice on all germ
diseases of animals
One quart can 100 One gallon can
300 One five gallon can i75
Wansa Neb Dec 13 1ft02
I consider Liquid Koal ono of tho best articles for all around purposes on the market
Foi mites and lice in chicken house and for lice on calves and horses it is the best and
cheapest thing I have over found Liquid Koal ought to be on every farm Chas Ber
flfd by National Medical Co Sheldon Iowa
t KTrt on Tin fnnotA T3lnit irirt EAflH Cfnfa ATfrtrtlr Mak
rilUUC u u C iiuu u a www tjiuiv iuuua HtUi
4 iys
Engine 3703 is in Havelock for repairs
W A Colling is a now addition to the
paint gang
13 A Nash retired from tho paint
gang last Saturday
Guy Toinlinson was out from Omaha
Sunday to visit tho family
Engineer F A Richoy is visiting his
family in Denver this week
Dan Lucas was up from Havolock
Saturday and Sunday on a visit
O C lliggins is in Lincoln on com
pany business part of this week
Fireman G V Perkins visited rela
tives in Denver first of the week
J Fred Zell is down from Denver
guest of Supt Campbell this week
Paul Zeiler of tho black smith shop
had an eye badly injured last Saturday
Conductor R M Douglass has tho 36
temporarily vice Conductor C J Snell
Engineer J M Trammell entertained
his brother the hotel man of Oxford
Sam Newton who has been numbered
with the sick for tho past week or so has
returned to work
Brakeman E J Gillespie has been
over on the farm near Lebanon this
week on business
R B Archibald is in Kansas City at
tending the meeting of tho master me
chanics association
Brakeman W S Ackorman has been
off duty part of the week on account of
sickness in tho family
William Fane has been down from
Sheridan Wyoming this week guest of
his sister Mrs U M Bailey
Beginning with next Sunday morning
passenger train No 12 will depart from
McCook ather old time 820
Conductor J F Utter is in charge of
the pile diver which is working up on
tho Cheyenne line for a few weeks
Conductor T E McCarl was off part
of the week on account of sickness and
Conductor H R Childress had his car
Walter Leach was up from Lincoln
Sunday to visit members of the family
He is in the draughtsmans office there
Supt A Campbell returned on 13
last Friday morning from Excelsior
SpringsMo feeling considerably better
Conductor A G Bump was off on ac
count of sickness a trip or two this
week and Conductor L S Watson was
on No 52 meanwhile
Conductor Frank Keudlen was off
duty a day or two this week on iccount
of tho O R C annual and Conductor
W II Brown had his run
C E McManigal has recently been
promoted from Myford Calif in the
station service of the Santa Fe to North
Cucamonga Calif lie is his friends
will be pleased to learn doing well
Tho Burlington passenger north
bound from Concordia to Wymore
Monday was wrecked at Cuba two
coaches going into the ditch Scarcely
a passenger escaped some injury but
none were hurt severely or seriously
Accident caused by rails spreading
Perhy Stone is heie from LeClaire
Iowa on business connected with his
farm over on the South Side where he
has just moved the fine large herd of
Polled Abordeens recently purchased by
him from Mr Goons of the Upper Willow
The farm is in charge of his sou Guy
Brakeman John Keiffer while switch
ing iu the yards at Curtis Monday was
caught by the wheels and the flesh of
his left leg was torn to shreds from the
ankle to the body lie died the same
night from the effects of his terrible in
juries He resided atMoorefield several
years His parents were notified at
Topeka Kansas
You pay too much I can save you
money on Hamilton and Hampden high
grade watches Chas B Morgan
Holdrege Neb
A Thousand Dollarss Worth of Good
I have been afflicted with kidney
and bladder trouble for years passing
gravel or stones with excruciating pain
says A H Thurnes a well known coal
operator of Buffalo O I got no relief
from medicine until began taking Foleys
Kidney Cure then the result was sur
prising A few doses started the brick-dust-like
substance and now I have no
pain across my kidneys and I feel like a
new man It has done me 81000 worth
of good Foleys Kidney Cure will cure
every form of kidney or bladder disease
Sold by A McMillen
Water Tax Notice
Water tax for the second quarter of
1904 is now due Also the first half of
lawn tax will be due April 13th The
superintendents oflicenextto postoffice
will be open from S oclock a m to 5
oclock p m for the accommodation of
water consumers A ten per con t pen
alty will be added to all amounts not
paid by the 17th of April Special lawn
sprinkling permits will be issued on ap
plication allowing use of watf before
April loth J E Kellfy Supt
Notices will not be sent by mail this
The Best Family Salve
DeWitts Witch Hazel gives instant
relief from burns cures cuts bruises
sores eczema tetter and all abrasions
of tho skin In buying Witch Hazel
Salve it is only necessary to see that you
get the genuine DeWitts and a cure is
certain There are many cheap coun
terfeits on the market all of which are
worthless and quite a few are danger
ous while DeWitts Witch Hazel Salve
is perfectlv harmless and cures Sold bv
L W McConnell
The Curts Dramatic Co Coming
They will appear in the Menard opera
house week after next for three nights
April 7 8 9 There will be a change of
plays each night Prices 15 25 35c
Season tickets SI Reserved seats now
on sale at usual place Get a season
ticket and have your seats reserved for
all three nights
Advertised Letters
The following letters were advertised
by the McCook postoilice April 7 1901
Austin J II Doggett W A
CarapbelltW II Lumpkin J V
Ramey J A
When calling for these letters please
say they were advertised
F M Kimjiell Postmaster
Garden and field seeds at Waites
SSft MMflfiaaHCIE 3
Brownie Cameras
Pocket Kodaks
CONE BROS Druggists
Marriage of Two Estimable Young People
Wednesday evening April 6th at 830
oclock Rev C R Betts joined in mar
riage two very estimable young friends of
our city in tho persons of Mr Burton
Wallace Sheldon and Miss Minta May
Sly Tho ceremony was performed at
the home of the brides mother Mrs E
M Sly in the presence of 15 or 10 rela
tives and friends Mr Herbert Watkins
and Miss Laura Miller acting in tho ca
pacity of groomsman and bridesmaid A
splendid supper followed the ceremony
Many beautiful and valuable presents
were received by tho young people
The young couple will start out in the
new life with tho hearty good wishes of
a host of frifiids being greatly admired
by all for their sterling characters Mr
Sheldon has i en ted and stocked a farm
near Perry where they will at once go
to housekeeping
Brick Works Now In Operation
Manager James McAdanis of the com
pany informs us that the AlcCoul Mrick
Co is now operating its btick works in
West McCook The company opens the
seasou with a drying capacity enlarged
one third over last year and they have
also put in a special machine for the
making of sidewalk They are now em
ploying fourteen men and is one of the
plants of growing and considerable im
portance to McCook
When they shut down last fall they
had on hand 80000 bricks which they
considered ample to carry them through
tho winter and well into the spring but
their figures fell down with them badly
Their 80000 were soon gone and they
could have sold 100000 more if they had
had them in stock Hence thev are now
pushing operations at their big yard
over in West McCook with vigor
Best Cough Medicine for Children
When you buy a cough medicine for
small children you want one in which
you can place implicit confidence You
want one that not only relieves but
cures You want one that is unques
tionably harmless You want one that
is pleasant to take Chamberlains
Cough Remedy meets all of these con
ditions There is nothing so good for
the coughs and colds incident to child
hood It is also a certain preventive
and cure for croup and there is no dan
ger whatever from whooping cough when
it is given It has been used in many
epidemics of that disease with perfect
success For sale by all druggists
Shepherd Campbell Wedding
Rev M S Satchell of Culbertson
officiated at the wedding of Elmer Shep
herd and Nannie Campbell both of the
Spring Creek Frontier county neigh
borhood Wednesday of this week The
wedding was witnessed by a large com
pany of relatives neighbors and lriends
and took place at the home of the brides
parents Mr and Mrs James Campbell
A sad feature of the happy event was
tho serious illness of the grooms mother
Mrs H Clay Shepherd The young
friends have the good wishes of all
Bessie Borneman Dead
The very deepest sympathy of many
McCook friends goes out to Mr and
Mrs II G Borneman of Denver in the
death of their daughter Bessie Sunday
Burial was had in Denver Tuesday
Mrs Hanson and Warren and Mrs
Knowland went up on No 1 Monday
to attend the funeral Bessie was a
sweet and accomplished girl their only
remaining child and her sad death is a
stunning blow to tho stricken parents
Buy Lime and Sulpher Dip Ready Made
Safer and better Endorsed by gov
ernment Used by largest ranchmen of
this country Doesnt burn the eyes
Saves boiling vats Boiling of lime eats
them out quickly 18 gallon barrel S12
Also have 2 horse steam boiler 815 3
horse 10 for heating water
I have used Chamberlains Stomach
and Liver Tablets with most satisfac
tory results says Mrs F L Phelps
Houston Texas For indigestion bili
ousness and constipation these tablets
are most excellent Sold bv all druggists
I know a jolly old maiden lady
A lady of high degree
Who never goes to bed without
A drink of Rocky Mountain Tea
Sensible woman
L W McConnell
And Coleman has the old reliable and
ever excellent QuicK Meal gasoline
stoves Nothing equal to them in the
market This years are better than ever
Wanted A girl for general house
work Inquire at No 511 Marshall St
Mrs M S Calhoun
The double headed calf Saturday
Apiil lGth in the Doyle building Ten
Go to Waites for garden hoe
Does your head ache Pain
back of your eyes Bad
taste in your mouth Its
your liver Ayers Pills are
liver pills They cure consti
pation headache dyspepsia
25c AH druggists
Want your moustache or beard a beautiful
liroTvn or rich black Then use
nsmiiRiruinjiflJO nveforthe
DUOtUrcunHm 0 UILWhiskers
We wish to again call
your attention to
Our Ladies Suits and Skirts
Goods lm J
are yli
J New J4j ri
I Up to Date JgJ ll
V FRANKLIN President
The line is worthy of your inspection whether
you wish to pay much or little
Boys New Suits
too are in Why not come in and select your
boys spring clothing now The important
question of clothes will then have been settled
for the season
r i
Desires the accounts of hanks
firms and individuals It extends
to them every reasonable cour
tesy and facility
a o n b
f Paid Up Capital 50000
a a a n
Surplus 5000 ft