The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 08, 1904, Image 4

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    Hpuwi -
Official Paper of Redwillow County
Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co
Subscription 1 a Year in Advance
Fifth Congressional District Convention
Tito RopublicnnH of tlio Fifth CoriRrcsionnl
District of tho statu of Nobniskn aro lioroby
cullcil to inont in convention nt tliu Knrr uporii
liouso in tho city of Hustings on May 12 lK4ut
tlirco oclock iu the afternoon for tho pnrpos o
of placing in noniinntion ono congressman from
said district for tho selection of ono president
ial elector
And to oloct two delegates and two alternates
to the Republican National Convention to bo
hold in Chicago 111 on Tuesday tho 21st dav
of June 1001 and for the trnncaction of such
other business as may regularly come before
said convention
The apportionment based on tho statfl ap
portionment entitles the several counties in
said district to tho following representation in
paid convention
Adams 17 Chase 1 Clay 17
Dundy 4 Franklin 10 Frontier 8
Furnas 11 Gopor 5 Hall in
Harlan 9 Haye 4 Hitchcock 5
Konrnoy 10 Nuckolls W Perkins 3
Phelps 11 Red Villowll Webster 13
It is recommended that no proxies bo allowed
in said convention but that tho delegates pres
ent thereat bo authorized to cast the full vote
of tho county represented by them
By order of tlio congressional committeo
Hastings Nebraska March 17 1904
J E KnirrY Hknuy Fox Jr
Secretary Chairman
Congressman Nonius has secured S8
pension and S200 back pay for Mrs
Augusta Burrows of Upland
Congressman Nouris has recommen
ded Delia M Funk for postmistress at
Atlanta Phelps county vice Noah John
son resigned
While Hon James W Dolan of In
dianola is perhaps not an announced
candidate for the honor it seems to
The Tribune that it would be but a
fitting recognition of an honorable and
stalwart career as a Republican to name
him as one of the Nebraska delegates to
the national convention Nebraska has
no citizen who would more honor the
place and none more deserving It
would be a pleasing act to manv West
ern Nebraskan should he be placed in
the list of national delegates
Although it has been but a little
over a week since the launching of
County Clerk E J Wilcoxs campaign
for secretary of state it must be very
highly gratifying to him and his friends
to note tho strength he has already
gained in his quest Voluntary offers of
support have been coming to him daily
from various sections of the state and
tho present indications are that he will
enter the state convention in Lincoln
with a most gratifying following not
only from Southwestern Nebraska
wheie he is popularly known but from
different parts of Nebraska where
friends are enthusiastic in his support
And Southwestern Nebraska has the
reputation of getting what she goes
after in the state convection
Resources of Western Nebraska
The western part of the state found a
vigorous champion Monday night in H
O Barber who read before the Candle
Light club a paper on The Resources
of Western Nebraska Mr Barber de
scribed the conditions that led up to the
collapse of the western counties in the
dry years following 1890 and then told
of the things that have in recent times
contributed to the prosperity and happi
ness of the people living there His be
lief in the future of the western counties
is not based on the old theory that the
rainfall is increasing but upon his
knowledge that the people have learned
to farm to advantage in a comparatively
dry climate and that they have learned
how to use stock raising dairying
poultry raising to their own enrichment
Lincoln Journal
Men Past Sixty in Danger
More than half of mankind over sixty
years of ago suffer frbni kidney and
bladder disorders usually enlargement
of prostrate gland This is both painful
and dangerous and Foleys Kidney Cure
should be taken at the first sign of dan
ger as it corrects irregularities and has
cured many old men of this disease
Rodney Burnett Rockport Mo writes
I suffered with enlarged prostrate
gland and kidney trouble for years and
after taking two bottles of Foleys Kid
ney Cure I feel better than I have for
twenty 3ears although 1 am now 91
years old Sold by A McMillen
Buy your garden tools at Waites
The only kind of consump
tion to fear is neglected
People are learning that con-
sumption is a curable disease
It is neglected consumption
that is so often incurable
At the faintest suspicion of
consumption get a bottle of
Scotts Emulsion and begin
regular doses
The use of Scotts Emulsion
at once has in thousands of
cases turned the balance in
favor of health
Neglected consumption does
not exist where Scotts Emul
sion is
Prompt use of Scotts Emul
sion checks the disease while it
can be checked
Send for free sample
f SCOTT BOWNE Chemists
409 415 Pearl Street New York
50c and 100 all druggists
fev msmdsmjm
i j
js m m m g
were is kg simsnmm
Lovers of romance will find a book to their
liking in Sir Mortimor tho serial publication o
which has just been completed in Harpors
magazine This latest of Miss Johnstons books
is said to bo the best she has written It may
bo remembered tho Harpers announced the
publication of this work several months before
tho first installment appeared tho authors il
health having delayed its completion
Tho chief merit of Miss Johnstons stories is
that they give us what is probably tho best pic
tures wo can find of the customs of the days in
which the scenes aro laid those most romantic
days of American history This author has a
style that is distinctively her own beautiful in
its way but with a tendency to monotony after
a time Sho is a worshiper of nature and her
descriptions of tho woods and fields of tho sun
shine and storms are among tho best bits of
writing sho does Many of her people are his
torical characters and one wonders how nearly
she approaches tho originals in her portrajals
Of course it is impossible to know though be
ing a romanticist it is her privilege to idealize
and idealism being what tho majority of read
ers desire her books are widely read It is
right and proper that they should be This life
is suiliciently materialistic It does not harm
to dream day dreams This passion for roman
ticism is it a species of Iiypocracj Or is it
prompted by a better motive desire for some
thing worthier aspiration for what seems high
er than an tiling that wo know of on earth
The question is academic discussion of which
will result iu no practical benefit
To return to our book This is tho story of
tho love of au Elizabethan knight Sir Mortimer
for tho lady Dainaris Through a terrible mis
take the hero of the talo is believed to have
been guilty of some dishonorable act Even he
believes that ho is disgraced Ho joins an ex
pedition fitted out for a vojago to the Spanish
Indies There the author leads us through a
series of startling adventures fully equal to
any that befell Stephensons people iu the
courr o of which the nistery shrouding Sir
Moi timers disgrace is revealed 1 he hero re
turns from the voyage cleared of every imputa
tion against his character to find that the lady
has been true to him throughout the dark dajs
and ho is welcomed homo in tho manner usual
in books of this sort
This briefly is tho story It is not unlike a
thousand others that have been w r i t
teu though of its class it is probably very near
ly if not quite as good as tho best much bet
ter certainly than the majority Romanticism
is not the highest form of art and it is doubt
ful oven whether wo can become as interested
in a book of this school as we can in one of the
impressionist or realistic type We soon tire of
looking at purely fanciful pictures Portraits
of real human beings alwajs appeal more
strongly to us Few things attract closer at
tention than a photographers window though
we may know none of the people whose like
nesses aro displajed We do know that they
once lived or perhaps live now and that they
belong to the same species as ourselves Per
haps after all that is what make5 the
historical novel popular the fact that tho
characters were once active in the affairs of hu
man life The fact that their portraits are seen
through a glass that distorts tho features is a
matter of no consequence so long as they were
once real
As the story has just appeared in book form
readers will have to content themselves for a
time with reading it from tho back numbers of
the magazine
A full stock of hose hose fittings and
and sprinklers at W T Colemans
Are You a Dyspeptic
If you are a dyspeptic you owe it to
yourself and friends to get well Dys
pepsia annoys the dyspeptics friends
because his disease sours his disposition
as well as his stomach Kodol Dyspep
sia Cure will not only cure dyspepsia
indigestion and sour stomach but this
palatable reconstructive tonic digestant
strengthens the whole digestive appara
tus and sweetens the life as well as the
stomach When you take Kodol Dys
pepsia Cure the food you eat is enjoyed
It is digested assimilated and its nutri
ent properities appropriated by the
blood and tissues Health is the result
Sold by L W McConnell
Special Daily News Offer
The Omaha Daily News will be mailed
six days in the week from now until
January 11905 for SI money to aq
company the order This will carry
you through the presidential campaign
and possibly all of the Japanese Russian
The Daily News receives the complete
Scripps McRae cable and telegraph re
ports the full Newspaper Enterprise
Association service and has four special
correspondents at the seat of war thus
enabling it to give you accurate news
promptly Remember it is an indepen
dent paper giving all the news without
fear or favor This offer is good only
during April
Send order to this office or direct to
Omaha Daily News Omaha Neb
Pirating Foleys Honey and Tar
Foley Co Chicago originated
Honey and Tar as a throat aud lung
remedy and on account of the great
merit and popularity of Foleys Honey
and Tar many imitations are offered for
the genuine Ask for Foleys Honey
and Tar and refuse any substitute offer
ed as no other preparation will give tho
same satisfaction It is mildly laxative
It contains no opiates and is safest for
children and delicate persons Sold by
A McMillen
Now is the time to take a spring tonic
to purify the blood cleanse tho liver and
kidneys of all impurities Hollisters
JRocky Mountain Tea will do the busi
ness 35 cents- Tea or tablets L W
1 wuwgy
3awgw yfrrjtfryftf
iJs - Ve
1 4 i
Easter Observances In McCook
Tho several churches of the city held
special services with the usual decora
tions music sermons etc
Tho morning service was n special
Easter observance with music a ser
mon on the subjectuEaster Studyetc
In the evening the pastor spoke on the
First Commandment the first of a
series of sermons ho will deliver on the
In tho afternoon the members of
Saint John Commandery No 1G of Mc
Cook and of Mount Saint Elias Com
mandery No 19 of Holdrege held their
annual service in the Baptist church
Rev C R Betts addressing them on the
topic Easter Day and Modern Pro
gress The church was filled on this
occasion which is always tho crowning
attraction of Easter Sunday The
church was tastefully decorated with
palms lilies ferns and potted plants
A special printed responsive service was
a special feature of this observance The
choir rendered an appropriate anthem
There were forty three Templars in line
20 from Holdrege and Oxford and 23
from McCook In every respect this
service was a notable one
There were special sermons and music
at both morning and evening services
The church was simply but tastefully
decorated with palms ferns Ejister
lilies and potted plants
Crowded houses characterized both
morning and evening services at the
Methodist church where special ser
mons and appropriate music and custo
mary floral decorations made up the
sum total of special attraction
There were the usual Masses at St
Patricks church for Easter Sunday
One at 7 a second at 830 and High
Mass at 1030 oclock with special music
at the last service These celebrations
of the churchs greatest festival were well
attended and full of over renewed signifi
cance and interest
The members of St Albans church
observed the usual order of the day
Celebration of the Holy Eucharist at 8
in the morning Sunday school at ten
oclock and evening prayer and sermon
by Eector Earle at 8 oclock Tho
chapel was significantly decorated for
the services of the day
No services of any kind were held in
the Christian church they being at
present without a pastor
The German Congregational people
celebrated the day with their customary
Cone Bros Sell Reliable Remedy at Half
Price and Guarantee a Cure
When one can buy gold dollars for 50
cents its a good time to purchase
In offering a 50 cent bottle of Dr How
ards celebrated specific for the cure of
constipation and dyspepsia at 25 cents
Cone Bros are giving one of the greatest
trade chances ever offered to the people
of McCook
Even though offered at half price for
introductory purposesthe specific is sold
under a guarantee to cure or the money
will be refunded
If food does not digest well if there is
gas or pain in the stomach if the tongue
is coated and the breath bad if there is
constipation and straining Dr Howards
specific will cure you If it does not you
have druggists Cone Bros personal
guarantee to return your money
This remarkable remedy conies in the
form of tiny granules and can be carried
in the vest pocket or purse It is very
popular in New York City and it is not
unusual to see someone after a meal at
ono of the large hotels or restaurants
ate relief in all cases of cough croup
and lagrippe because it does not p iss
immediately into the stomach but takes
effect right at the seat of the trouble
It draws out the inflammation heals
and soothes and cures permanently by
enabling the lungs to contribute pure
life giving and life sustaining oxygen to
the blood and tissues One Minute
Cough Cure is pleasant to take and it is
good alike for young and old Sold bv
L W McConnell
Serious Stomach Trouble Cured
I was troubled with a distress in my
stomach sour stomach and vomiting
spells and can truthfully say that
Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tab
lets cured me Mrs T V Williams
Laingsburg Mich These tablets are
guaranteed to cure every case of stomach
trouble of this character For sale by
all druggists
Will Interest Many
Every person should know that good
health is impossible if the kidneys are
deranged Foleys Kidney Cure will
cure kidney and bladder disease in ev
ery form and will build up andstiength
en these organs so they will perform
their functions properly No danger of
Brights disease or diabetes if Foleys
Kidney Cure is taken in time Sold bv
A McMillen
f Jpfli yu vttt
IlliWIIImll ggi a IL
Oh the Pleasures
of moving day of ripping up carpets
and stair rods of breaking in a new
house and fitting stove pipe of eating
your meals on the kitchen stairs and
waiting for the plumbers and the gas
man Theres a joy thats uncoufined
about all this and
You Can Have It
Once a Year
but do you want it Wouldnt you
give a pretty penny to escape it There
is only ono way viz to own instead of
forever moving If you are thinking of
the better way see the Secretary of tho
McCook Co Operative
Building Savings Assn
Catholic Order of services Mass
8 a m Mass and sermon 1030 a m
Evening service at 8 oclock Sunday
school 230 p m Every Sunday
J J Loughran Pastor
Congregational Sunday school 1 0
a m Y P S C E at 7 p m Sermons
at 11 a m and 8 p m Morning subject
Divine Measurements Evening sub
ject Good Cheer Good music All
welcome Geo A Conrad Pastor
Episcopal Services in St Albans
church as follows Every Sunday in tho
month Sunday school at 10 oclock a in
Morning prayer at 11 and evening prayer
and sermon at 8 The third Sunday in
the month Holy Communion at 730 a
m All are welcome
E R Earle Rector
First Baptist Church Sermons at
11 a m and 745 p m Bible school at
945 a m Junior society at 3 p m B
Y P U at 745 p m Prayer meeting
Wednesday evening 8 p 111 Evening
subject Second Commandment Ex
cellent music All welcome
C R Betts Pastor
Methodist Sunday school at 10 am
Class meeting at 12 Junior League at
i p m Jpwortn Lieairue at p m
Prayer meeting every Wednesday even
ing at 8 pni Preaching at 11 am and 8
p m Evening subject Young Men
I will preach in South McCook next Sun
day at 3 oclock
M B Carman Pastor
Beauty and Strength
Are desirable You are strong and
vigorous when your blood is pure
Many nay most women fail to prop
erly digest their food and so bpcome
pale sallow thin and weak while the
brightness freshness and beauty of the
skin and complexion depart Remedy
take a dose of this specific knowing that j this unpleasant evil by eating nourish-
it will prevent the uncomfortable feeliug
which frequently follows a hearty meal
Good for Children
The pleasant to take and harmless
One Minute Cough Cure gives immedi
I - I T JSfcr liMT
ZZfV rf
ing iood ana taking a small dose of
Herbine after each meal to digest what
you have eaten 50c a bottle at A Mc
Millen s
Sciatic Rheumatism Cured
I have been subject to sciatic rheu
matism for years savs E II Waldron
of Wilton Junction Iowa My joints
were stiff and gave me much pain and
discomfort My joints would crack
when I straightened up I used Cham
berlains Pain Balm and have been
thoroughly cured Have not had a pain
or ache from the old trouble for nuny
months It is certainly a most wonder
ful liniment For sale by all druggists
A Cure for Headache
Any man wuman or child suffering
from headache biliousness or a dull
drowsy feeling should take one or two
of DeWitts Little Early Risers night
and morning These famous little pills
are famous because they are a tonic as
well as a pill While they cleanse the
system they strengthen and rebuild it
by their tonic effect upon the liver and
bowels Sold by L W McConnell
A Thoughtful Ian
M M Austin of Winchester Ind
knew what to do in the hour of need
His wife had such an unusual cae of
stomach and liver trouble physicians
could not help her He thought of and
tried Dr Kings New Life Pills and she
got relief at once and was finally euied
Only 25 cents at L W McConnells
drug store
wrT 1- IArmv
It Makes Old Furniture New
It Is Fun to Apply It
The Result Is Most Pleasing
Little to Ask
to Have You Call
and see our comilt up-to-date line of
Gods ai
All the newest weaves and latest
patterns in summer goods wool and
cotton can be found in our dry goods
A Till icQA11 wft ask- ur Bakgains
Ask to see our guaranteed 36 in black
Taffeta Silk Our 150 value we are
selling lor 1 25 Those Wash Taffetas
in changeable checks are beauties
Call and make your selections
For Two Weeks
we will have on
will be your opportunity to stock up
on beautiful and serviceable embroid
eries at a very low cost
o tnentsot Waterloo Underskirts
presents some extraordinary values
ranging in price from 100 to 550
eacii It will pay you to see them be
fore buying a petticoat Call and look
us over
i m memmmiwi
Now is the time to clean house
clean 3 our system first drive out the
microbes of winter with llollisters
Rocky Mountain Tea It will keep you
well all summer 35 cents Tea or
tablets L W McConnell
The Tribune 52 weeks for 8100
15 Esse for Seiiiss SI CO
50 Egg fir lactafar S2C0
Wyandottes -good layers
SRichardsori shop opposite the Blue
Front hverj harn Will do all kinds of
work in shape 1 have been
liloyetl in tho H JI shops for five jears
ami solicit a share ol public patronage
i I
i 11 n if i iiiiw a e i gM M3rM bm j M
- W
lIZZTZlTllliike Walsh
ri i I I 1
iff I I H 1 3
S XSJLlil 8 Ill UUJliii UUi I
The only reliable wholesale house
between Denver and Hastings
We Buy in Car Lots
All goods direct from grower that 1
is why we can sell cheap Merch
ants headquarters
ay Cash for Eggs
Local and Long Distance
Phone 101
Ono door south of the Tribune Office
DeVitt Is the rams to look for when
you go to buy Vitch Hazel Saive
DeWitts Vitch Hazel Salve is the
orignal and only Renuire In fact
DeWitfsisthe only Witch Hazel Sale
that Is made from tne unaduterated
All ethers are counterfeits base Imi
tations cheap ard wo thless even
dangerous DeWitt s Witch Hazel Salve
is a specific for Piles Bnd Bieedmg
Itching and Protruding Piles Also Cuts
Bums Bruises Sp ains Lacerations
Contusions Boils Carbunces Eczema
Tetter Salt Rheum and all other Skin
E C DeWitt Co Chicago
For Sale by L W McConnell
and LGGS
Old Rubber Copper and Brass
Highest Market Price Paid in Cash
Block West of Citizens Bank
flcCook Nebraska
New Firm old Stand
Eft llSft S RSAO
uj v10 va liirxui
and M
Meat Market
David Magner has gone
into the firm which seeks
a continuance of public
patronage guaranteeing
the best of everything sea
sonable at the most rea
sonable prices
Anton Magner
Jk r