l V4 ft A ft r t A K i i tf V gh B SBfiaaWSXasS3gsaSa u wm wrwww - r i I Miss Hapcood fells how she - escaped an awful operation by using Lydia E Pinkhams Vege table Compound DeahMrs PfifKHAsi I suffered for four years with what the doctors called Salpingitis inflammation of tho fallopian tubes and ovaritis which is a most distressing and painful ailment affecting all the surrounding parts undermining the constitution and Bap ping the life forces If you had seen me a year ago before I betran taking Iiydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound and had noticed the sunken eyes sallow complexion and general emaciated condition and com pared that person with me as I am to day robust hearty and well you would not wonder that I feel thankful to you and your wonderful medicine which restored me to new life and health in five months and saved me from an awful operation Miss Irene IIapgood 1022 Sandwich St Windsor Ont 5000 forfeit If original of above letter proving genuineness cannot bo produced Ovaritis or inflammation of the ovaries or fallopian tubes which adjoin tho ovaries may result from sudden stopping of the monthly flow from inflammation of the womb and many other cruises The slightest indication of trouble with the ovaries indicated by dull throbbing pain in the side ac companied by heat and shooting pains should claim your instant attention It will not cure itself and a hospital operation with all its terrors may easily result from neglect The simpering dudelet in white flan nels and the pugilistic lady in a sweater will soon be among the har rowing sights of seaside hotel piazzas Mother Grays Sweet Powders for Chlldron Successfully used by Mother Gray nurse in the Childrens Home in New York cure Constipation Feverishness Bad Stomach Teething Disorders move and regulate the Bowels and Destroy Worms Over 30000 testimonials At all druggists 25c Sample FREE Address A S Olmsted Le Roy N Y When a man undertakes to discuss love he winds up by pronouncing it a form of insanity Teosinte and Billion Dollar Grass The two greatest fodder plants or earth one good for 14 tons hay and the other 80 tons green fodder per acre Grows everywhere so does Victoria Rape yielding 60000 lbs sheep and swine food per acre JUST SDXD 10C IN STAMPS TO TUE John A Salzer Seed Co La Crosse Wis and receive in return their big catalog and lots of farm seed samples XW N U Your criticism oi another is your verdict on yourself Defiance Starch is put up 1G ounces in a package 10 cents One third more starch for the same money It is no use sinking sunshine il your life is all moonshine To Cure a Cold in One day Tako Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets All druggists refundmouey if itfailstocuro 25c The cooks duties are bound to cov er a wide range Fruit acids will not stain goods dyed With PUTNAM FADELESS DYES The true man never lets his living stand in the wav or his life Mr VTinglows soothlnjr Syrnp For children teething softens tho gums reduces n Ilammatlon allays pain cures wind colic 25c a bottle A rich mans autograph always looks best on the bottom of a check xs THERE IS NO UCKffi LIE Forty years ago and after many years of use on the eastern coast l ower s IVbterproof Oiled Ccats were introduced in lhc West and were called Slickers by the Dioneers and cowboys lhis graphic mene has ccme into such general use that it is frequently though wrongfully applied to nviny substitutes you want the qznmz Mffis l oox tor voz oign or ue nsnana X c ineTcyer on the buttons fflV MADEWKAC1CAN3YIUOWAKD Swi D BY KtrKtacN i Al JVC IKAUC ba lrfllll II f 11IM1I LTII 111 1VWIMV VVIru III Mk k J TOWER COEOST0KMASSUSA TOWER CANADIAN COUmttiUOi0HIOCAH MEXICAN Mustang Liniment is a positive cure for l iles IT A DUCDO If EST ON EAKTH rA It m L 11 O i Harness Collars and Saddles r s rs With BB trade nrk arc niadc from th koJ faihioncd tamed California leather With care will Iut a lifetime Ait vcur i kilcr if thev do not handle our roods Send 2 ccnt stamp for Catalog of our Harnesx and Saddles which ahow you a way to buy them BUCKSTAFF 1JKOS The Harness Men Lincoln Nebraska HO LOUDER FAIAt CORES ait mir own iomt wiu El if IP El RADIUM without rain rluter I or mfc also poitfrev cure 1 chronic Moot dtarue and Con rremptlnn Trrt l rmumi bltni wnt free Physicians Home Cure 1818 Oirard ate PhlUrti Pa SSceteaeThcmpsons Eye Wate NEBRASKA STATE NEWS NEWS IN BRIEF A new savings bank is about to be organized at Fremont The democratic state central com mittee will meet in Lincoln June 1 Citizens of Dale are taking active interest toward securing a new depot The board of directors of the Beat rice Commercial club elected H V Itiesen secretary to succeed A L Green resigned Mrs Havens an elderly lady of Minden while crossing the B M track was hit by train No 2 and diea within a short tine The congregation of St James Epis copal church Fremont has received with regret a communication for Rev H T Moore now at San Anotnio Tex resigning the charge at this place At a special meeting of the voters of the Syracuse school district it wa3 decided to add tweltth grade work to the course of study and make Syra cuse a fully accredited school in the state university Elmer Jackson a boilermaker at Harvard took his two small sons out hunting west of Havelock and suc ceeded in shooting two of his own toes He was sitting on a bank waiting for ducks when the gun went off The Lang broom factory at Beatrice is turning out about seventeen dozen brooms per day at present These are all made by hand but as soon as the new machinery arrives the output will be increased to over 100 dozen per day Servants of Uncle Sam in Lincoln will petition for two shower baths for the postoffice help and will ask that such a provision be made in the new federal building Federal authorities there think granted the request will be At a nreliminary hearing before Justic Gladwish at Seward Burt Meyers was bound over to the May term of the district court in the sum of 1000 on the charge of rape pre ferred by Miss Livonia Egolf of Cor dova Neb The retail clerks of Norfolk have organized themselves and have ap plied to the officials in Omaha to be admtited to the union This action on their part is caused by their dis like to the prevalent Sunday trading which is carried on in Norfolk Sixty farmers assembled at the court house in Wayne and passed res olutions requesting that restrictions be placed upon the automobile of Dr Leisenring whom it is said has caused many of the farmers much uneasiness when passing a team with his new auto A test case will be had Dr J H Crabbs the oldest practic ing physician in Dodge county and one of the oldest in the state is se riously ill with a complication of dis eases and his recovery is doubtful He is 77 years of age and has been engaged in his profession for fifty years and for thirty live years in Ne braska The Odd Fellow and Itcbekah lodges of Table Rock are making ar rangements for tho celebration on April 2G of the eighty fifth anniver sary of the American Odd Fellowship Committees have been appointed from each of the lodges to complete the arrangements for its proper ob servance In the county court at Seward Chas Watgeh was bound over to the May term of the district court on the charge of wife abandonment The section of the criminal code under which this prosecution was broughtt is a new one being passed at the last session of the legislature and known as house roll No 329 Deputy Food Commissioner Thomp son has ordered returned to the wholesale merchants sixty five barrels of vinegar that analysis proved to be adulterated The vinegar was dis covered in stores in these towns Co lumbus Madison Norfolk Wayne Emerson Pender Bancroft Lyons Oakland and Tekamah The Indian Bureau is engaged in pre paration of plans and specifications for the improvement or the water suppb at the Indian school at Genoa and will advertise for proposals for the work It is estimated that the neces sary work can be accomplished for 4000 This school is now drawing its water supply from the city of Genoa The proposed water system contem plates the sinking of several wells the erection of tanks and a water tower Evangelist Sunday who has been holding meetings in Sterling the last six weeks has had a remarkable re vival about 1056 people being con verted The collection for the minis ter the last Sunday amounted to the sum of 3000 and the women made up a purse of G0 for his wife The team of mules harness and luggy which was stolen from Lois mgiversonrin Cass county have not been found They were traced to Weeping Water then to the wagon bridge which crosses the Platte river at Louisville Ingiverson valued the team end harness at 500 While engaged in hauling wood for William Foreman a farmer living northeast of Beatrice John Rhinehart fell from his wagon which passed over him brenning three ribs and bruising his body badly The attend ing physician think he will get along all right ARBOR DAY APRIL 22 Governor Mickey Issues His Proclama tion Relative Thereto Governor Mickey has issued a proc lamation setting aside Friday April lz as Arbor day The proclamation follows The most sublime object in the vegetable kingdom is a beautiful tree It commands our admiration not be cause of its practical value alone but because it typifies sturdiness persist ency and progress For many years perchance it has defied the fury ci the winds the rush of the torrents the extreme of summers heat and winters cold and it stands as if in conscious pride of the vigorous bat tle with the elements which it has fought and won From the standpoint of sentiment we can all appreciate the thought which a well known poet has expressed in the following verse Woodman spare that tree Touch not a single bow In youth it sheltered me And Ill protect it now Twas my forefathers hand That placed it near his cot There woodman let it stand Thy ax shall harm it not It is a well known fact that our nat ural forests have been denuded until serious climatic changes are threat ened It is to correct this evil as well as to encourage the systematic planting of trees in a prairie country to embellish our public and private properties and to inculcate a love for both the practical and sentimental features of forestry that Arbor day has been established in nearly every state in the union Nebraska takes more than ordinary pride in the day because the idea originated here and probably no other state has received so much benefit from it In harmony with this honored cus tom I John H Mickey governor of the state of Nebraska do hereby ap point and set apart Friday April 22 1004 as Arbor day and request that the true spirit of forestry be observed in our public schools by appropriate exercises and the planting of trees and that all societies and individuals assist in general recognition of the day GRAIN DEALERS IN ERROR Stats Board Insists Law Does Not Provide for Double Taxation LINCOLN The charge that Sect ion 6 of the new revenue law provid ing for the assessment of grain brok ers is double taxation in the opinion of the State Board of Equalization will not be sustained by the courts should an attempt be made to pre vent its enforcement This section provides that grain brokers shall un der oath at the time required by the act determine the average amount of capital invested during the year ex clusive of real estate or other tangible property upon which the broker shall be taxed A number of elevator and grain men have for some time contended that this act enforced a double taxa tion and it has been rumored for some time that it would be tested in the courts So many inquiries have been received by Secretary Bennett from country assessors that today he sent out this explanation which he thinks shows conclusively that the section does not impose double taxation For example the elevator that be gins business with Cash 5000 value of elevator 3500 the average capi tal invested during the year 8500 He returns to the assessor his tang ible property as follows Elevator 3500 cash in bank 500 grain on hand 2000 toal 6000 Kicked to Death by a Horse LEIGH Sunday afternoon Emiel the 12-year-old son of Mr and Mrs George Nitz who live seven miles south of here met with an accident which caused his death He was lead ing a horse home from a neighbors and in some manner it kicked the boy in the left temple from the effects of which lie died Both Horses Killed BEATRICE Two horses hitched to a disc pulverizer on the farm of Milt Zimmerman ran away and were so badly cut by getting tangled in the machine that they had to be shot Waugh Gets Four Years LINCOLN Edgar Waugh pleaded guilty to embezzling 2000 of the mon ey belonging to the county and was sentenced to four years in prison Paid 2000 to Relatives LINCOLN Mrs Margaret Clasen paid over 2 000 to her niece Augusta Pruhs This sum was fixed by a jury for injuries which Augusta who is 15 years of age claims she sustained at the hands ci hei aunt Horsethief Escapes PLATTSMOUTH Louis Ingwer son a farmer residing near Weeping Water reported to Sheriff McBride the other day that a valuable span of mules top buggy and a set of harness were stolen from his premises the preceding night Upon hearing of the robbery the officers at once proceed ed to send out descriptions of the stol en property and extensive use of the telephone w as made in notifying the officers in nearby towns No trace of the thief or stolen property has been obtained A VENERABLE PASTOR ing CU ive disturbances RED BY Peru na is a Catarrhal Tonic Especially Adapted to the De clining Powers of Old Age In old age the mucous membranes become thickened and partly lose their function This leads to partial loss of hear- fl li smeii anu lasie as wen as digest- 7 jmw Peruna corrects all this by its spe cific operation on all the mucous membranes of the body One bottle will convince anyone Once used and Peruna becomes a life Ion sUnd by with old and young PORTRAIT AGENTS raS Our poods the best Prices the lowest Frompc ship ments Delivery of all portraits guaranteed Klegaut iinple and rolls fret Send for catalogue Adaress AHAH I KKOLL CO New Era Building Chicago BEGGS BLOOD PURIFIER CURES catcrrh of the stomach f IrMlk 1 lfffiffl mxrii - n WW ill il The spring is the best time to treat catarrh 1 dfflUEftyinL n m kf 1 lH93TTaHBKMH rial BIHPif wimJKMli irJi n tl WfwMlM Strong and vigorous at the Age of Eighty eight Rev J N Parker TJtica N Y writes In June 1901 I lost my sense of hearing entirely My hearing had been somewhat impaired for several years but not so much affected but that I could hold converse with my friends but in June 1901 my sense of hearing left me so that I could hear no sound whatever I was also trou bled with rheumatic pains in my limbs I commenced taking Peruna and now my hearing is restored as good as it was prior to June 1901 My rheumatic pains are all gone I cannot speak too highly of Peruna and now when 88 years old can say It has invigorated my whole system I cannot but think dear Doctor that you must feel very thankful to the all loving Father that you have been per mitted to live and by your skill be such a blessing as you have been to suffering humanity Rev J n Parker A Bishops Letter T H Lomax D D Bishop 2d Dist A M E of Charlotte N C writes I recommend your Peruna to all who want a strengthening tonic and a very effective remedy for all catarrhal com plaints T H Lomax If you do not receive prompt and satisfactory results from the use of Peruna write at once to Dr Hartman giving a full statement of your case and he will be pleased to give you his valuable advice gratis Address Dr Hartman President of The Hartman Sanitarium Columbus Ohio Nature renews her- self every spring The system is rejuvenated by spring weather This renders medicines more effective A short course of Peruna assisted by the balmy air of spring will cure old stubborn cases of catarrh that have resisted treatment for years Everybody should have a copy of Dr Hartman s latest book on catarrh Address The Peruna Medicine Co Columbus Ohio The FEEE Homestead LANDS OF ppfpgj Western mm Canada Are the STAR ATTRACTIONS for 1904 Millions of acres of masnificent Grain and Graz ing lands to be had as a free cift or by puichase from Railvaj Companies Land Corporations etc THE GREAT ATTRACTIONS Good Crops delijjlitful climate splendid school system perfect sochtl conditions exceptional railu ay advantages and wealth nnd affluence acquired easily The population of Western Canada increased 123000 b immigration during the past jear over 50000 being Americans Write to nearest authorized Canadian Goverment Agent for Canadian Atlas and other information or addreso Supt of ImmisrationOttawaCanaaa W V Bennett S01 New York Life Building Omaha Keb TheLANKFORD HUMANE Horse Gdiar It is cotton Ailed antt chalns it ftlll potltlvely cure and preent galls and Fore shoulders and do away with pads Ask your dealer for them Write for catalogue and receive our memorandum account book tree THE POW ERS MFG CO Waterloo Iowa Blpane Tabuies arc the best dys pepsia medicine eter made A hundred millions of them have been bold In the United States In a single year Constipation heart burn hick headache dlzzlnc bad breath sore throat and every Ill ness arising from a disordered stomach arc relieved or cured by Hipam Tabules One will Kenerally give relief within twentv mln ntes The flve ceni package is enough for ordinary occasions All druggists cell them S OF SHOES ALWAYS ASK FOR THE BEST WESTERN MADE SHOES These brands will guarantee you a good shoe for men Star and Crescent 5C Z Walker Comet Cock of Walk Our PRAIRIE QUEEN leads all others in Womens and Childrens Shoes See that our name is oi the shoes you buy F Po KIRKENDALL CO SiHfl in mm mmmmmtm ONLY PAINTS made solely for tills THE climate They stand It like the smile thatvunt come uff they stay nnd beautify your home while they protect It from the weather Write up for name of neareEt agent anu get a special coiur ucmku whqoui cost LINCOLN PAINT COLOR CO Lincoln Nebr FOR WOMEN A Boston physicians covery which cleanses and heals all inflammation of the mucous membrane wherever located In local treatment of female ills Pax tine is invaluable Used as a douche it is a revelation in cleansing and healing power it kills all disease germs which cause inflammation and discharges Thousands of letters from women prove that it is the greatest cure for leucorrhcea ever discovered Paxtine never fails to care pelvic catarrh nasal catarrh sore throat sore mouth and sore eyes because thee diseases are all caused by inflammation of the mucous membrane For cleansing whitening and pre serving the tcetli we challenge the world to produce its equal Physicians and specialists everywhere prescribe and endorse Paxtine andthou sand5oftestimoniallettersproveits value At druggists or sent postpaid 50 cts A large trial package and book of instructions absolutely free Write The E Paztoa Co Dept 5 Boston Mass Ebb s3Bi3SFSOES W L Douglas shoes have by their excellent style easy fitting and superior wearing qualities achieved the largest tle of any shoes in the world They are just as cood as those that cort you 64 to 3 the only iiffereuce is the price cold Everywhere Look for name av price on bottom Doucrlas tigea nnmno I UNlOt MAO rfaBvFsarv JT s A ra55 ZW izgjEd2zga UOltSkln TVllIeH isnTjavrcv10 n - lt iethe finest Patent Iatlieryct produced Color Eyelets usd Shoes brmailSorextra iFritefor Cataloz lrLDougla Brockton aST I Milk Crust Scaled Heal and Eczema I Instantly Relieved k Speedily Cra MM And gentle anointings with CUTICURA OINTMENT purest and sweetest of emollients and greatest of skin cures It means instant relief and refreshing sleep for tor tured disfigured itching and burning babies and rest for tired fretted mothers when all else fails Sold throughout the Cotlcnm nolTHf We Iu form 01 1 hocolate Coiled 1lln - Vr tn iA Wi Iiiiiit 50c S uap 2Sr ll pot ndon X thrtr kouse Sj laris i Hue iK la Iaii Iluilon 137 Coluiabu 4vr Potter Kruf Si Chem orp Solr Proprietor bend far llow to Cure Jvcry Humor I S Every housewife gloats jl f m over finely starched ggl i B linen and white goods 9 Conceit is justifiable 3 S3 after using Defiance m H Starch It gives a M B stiff glossy white- jj ness to the clothes m M and does not rot H them It is m lutely pure It is Pl h the most economical V w because it goes Ha farthest does more vf W and costs less than ray ffK Others To be had of ail a Ov grocers at 16 oz jw jraW for ioc dgT p p THE DEFIANCE STARCH CO M OMAHA KEB j MftNMiER WAITED Trustworthy lady or eemlemRrj to manage bui oessin this County and adjomine territory for w H andfavorabb known house of soJidnnancialstand mg 2000 straight cash salary and eipenC3 paid each Monday by check direct from headqedr ters Epen money advanced position perma nent Espenence not essential Address T J CCOPER Manager Como BJock CHICAGO ML Lawn Fence fnrHI r V- W N U Omaha Iron or wire many style orrffctdt no churcbxclioo poultry ami hor fi l f rut srau B Send fjr faiaopiif Cbsmtfcn Iron ard Wre WorVj OMAHA NEB No 151904 I Ml m Mm B Br iTM nrlf TIT smjJ IB9 Best Cough Syrup Tasten Good in time Sold brdrnKZlMn feii