n Miiiiinwiwiirnw3MJwaiMgataBiiBttwiiouiwliBiwi REACH THE SPOT To cure an acu Tt - -- r1 E uo run r cci u v lng back The pains of rheumatism The tired out feelings You must reach the spot get at the cause In most cases tis the kidneys D o a ns Kidney Pills are for tho kidneys Chas Bierbach stono contractor living at 2 G 2 5 Chestnut St Erie Pa says For two years I had kid ney trouble and there was such a severe pain through my loins and limbs that I could not stoop or straighten up without great pain had difficulty in getting about and was unable to rest at night arising in the morning tired and worn out The kidney secretions were Irregular and deposited a heavy sediment Doctors treated me for rheumatism but failed to help mo I lost all confidence in medicine and began to feel as if life were not worth living Doans Kidney Pills however relieved me so quickly and so thoroughly that I gladly made a statement to that effect for publica tion This was in 1898 and during the six years which have elapsed I have never known Deans Kidney Pills to fail They cured my wife of a severe case of backache in the same thor ough manner A FREE TRIAL of this great kid ney medicine which cured Mr Bier bach will bo mailed on application to any part of the United States Ad dress Foster Mi lburn Co Buffalo N Y For sale by all druggists price 50 cents per box Tho confidence a woman has in her husband may be the result of his very boldness ABk Tonr Dealer For Alloas JToot EnflO A powder It rests the feet Cures Corns Bunions Swollen Sore Hot Callous Aching Sweating Feet and Ingrowing Nails Allens Foot Ease makes newortight shoes easy At all Druggists and Shoe stores 25 cents Ac cept no substitute Sample mailed Free Address Allen S Olmsted Le Roy N Y The man who resists a tendency will never have to regret a habit Denance Starcn is guaranteed big gest and best or money refunded 1G ounces 10 cents Try it now An Asiatic Dowie John Alexander Dowie the Chicago prophet has his counterpart in In dia Indeed the Oriental product in some ways outdoes the man who ac cording to all accounts has made a good thing out of it in Chicago The Hindoos name is Mirza Ghcelan Ah mad head of a distinct sect of Mo hammedans and he lives in the Pun iaub In fine appearance denuncia tion and propnecies he more than equals Dowio but so far he does not seem to have developed the sound business sense of John Alexander He lives humbly and only attracted official attention when he began to foretell the death of certain oppo nents Mirza was induced lo aban don this feature of his performance as it contravened a section of the penal code He is G5 years old and has about 10000 followers God the eternal light of mercy the blessing scattered through all the in finitudes the hope that vibrates the music of the spheres the love that woos to life the humble flowers of the world and rolls the stone from sor rows sepulcher Florida Times-Union When a woman too frequently enters upon her household duties with an air 3i resignation her husband is likely to give up his job also with an air of resignation -New York Telegraph EMPTY NOW How One Woman Quit Medicine While a coffee user my stomach troubled me for years says a lady of Columbus O and I had to take medi cine all the time I had what I thought was the best stomach medicine I could get had to keep getting it filled all the time at 40 cents a bottle I did not know what the cause of my trou ble was but just dragged along from day to day suffering and taking medi cine all the time About six months ago I quit tea and coffee and began drinking Postum and I have not had my prescription filled since which is a great surprise to me for it proves that coffee was the cause of all my trouble although I nev er suspected it When my friends ask me how I feel since I have been taking Postum I say To tell the truth I dont feel at all only that I get hungry and eat everything I want and lots of it and it never hurts me and I am happy and well and contented all the time I could not get my family to drink Postum for a while until I mixed it in a little coffee and kept on reducing the amount of coffee until I got it ail Pos turn Now they all like it and the never belch it up like coffee We all know that Postum Is a sun shine maker I nna it helps one great ly for we do not have to think of aches and pains all the time and can use our minds for other things Name given by Postum Co Battle Creek Mich The one who has to bother with coffee aches and pains Is badly handi capped in the race for fame and for tune Postum is a wonderful rebuild er Theres a reason Lool in each package for the fam ous little book The Road to Well ville JijSN Utilizing Coal Dust There has recently been a mimber of experiments made to find a fuel which should be not only much clean er than coal but which should also increase tho number of heat units for a given bulk of material says the Philadelphia Public Ledger The ele ments of cost of manufacture and shipment must also enter into all these calculations so that what will meet requirements in one locality i3 totally unfitted for another To pre vent the waste of the sawdust from the large mills which are cutting down our forests a sawdust and petroleum briquette lias been produced and other seemingly waste products have been combined with chemicals to fit them for use as fuel Thus the im mense piles of culm dust to be seen around the mouths of the coal mines have come In for their share of at tention One of the newest chemical combinations which utilizes this ma terial in large proportion comes from Kentucky and consists in melting res in and oil together until they fuse adding to this while the mass is heat ed to 150 degrees Fahrenheit diluted sulphuric acid The resulting com pound is combined with a mixture of coal dust and black oxide of mangan ese which has been heated for about an hour at a temperature of 200 de grees This whole mass is then sub jected to pressure to compress it into bricks of any desired shape and size Filler for Fountain Pens Lyman Fisk of Woodcliffe New York has invented a convenient de vice for filling fountain pens There are two pipes which lead from the source of supply into the pen one to carry the ink and the other to feed air into tne bottle to relieve the vacuum caused by the removal of the ink As the air to supply this vacuum is taken from inside the pen reservoir it is obvious that when the ink has risen to a certain height a return flow of the ink will supplant the movement of air continuing as long as ink is pumped from one holder to the other A Plan for heating Trains Considerable difficulty has been ex perienced in heating long trains of railway cars in Europe owing to the condensation of the steam and to the presence of water in the pipes By a system devised by M Laucrenon and about to be installed on the Eastern railway cf France this is obviated by employing compressed air which is mixed with the steam and carries along an- condensed water to suitable traps The condensed air also en ables smaller pipes to be used and where ten or twelve cars were for merly the limit now twenty or more can be heated satisfactorily The air used amounts to about ten per cent of the steam supply and when a slight amount is used to raise the pressure at the portion of the train near the engine the effect is felt through the line of pipes In one in stance where steam was admitted to the heating system at a pressure of fifty seven pounds per square inch the pressure at the end of the train was but ten pounds Using sufficient air to make the pressure sixty pounds per square inch twenty eight and a half pounds at the end of the train were obtained which fell to twenty one and a third pounds after the steam was admitted to the traps With trains of unusual length the results were equally satisfactory Pepsin in Cheese Making From experiments made at the New York Agricultural Experiment Sta tion at Geneva with pepsin in cheese making one conclusion drawn is that it is the pepsin contained in the ren net that causes the changes noticed in the ripening process Prof Dean of the Ontario Agricultural College Dairy School says that if this be true it has been suggested that pure pepsin be used instead of rennet for coagulating milk in the making of Cheddar cheese A sample lot of pepsin was got from Chicago and some cheese have been made at the Guelph Dairy School While the coagulation did not appear to be normal as with rennet the curds after dipping seemed very nice Prof Dean says it will be some time before the cheese can be reported on Ice Bicycle All the pleasures of sleighing and of bicycling might have been combin ed in a curious freak ice wheel had it been wholly successful The odd look ing vehicle which was contrived years ago was mounted on runners which were intended to glide over the ice or snow swiftly and smoothly iike an ordinary sleigh The motive power was supplied by an ordinary veloci pede or bicycle mechanism The revo lution of the wheel forced a series of sprockets to dig rapidly into the snow or ice thus propelling the con trivance Volcano Fertilizes Soil There are upward of 80000 inhabi tants on the slopes and skirts of Ve suvius If it were not for the fertiliz ing effect of the volcanic products rot more than one tenth of that number would be able to find means of sub sistence there sneirsrvfTvSrIii f SILO FOR FIFTEEN COWS Concrete Structure in Round Form That Will Give Satisfaction T E Will you please give me plan of octagonal silo or of the one you consider the best for supplying fifteen cows from Nov 1 to May 15 feeding thirty live pounds per day to eacli animal Of the different kinds of silos In use the round form gives the best satisfaction Silos used to be built square with the corners cut off and also octagonal but of late nearly all are built round whether of wood or concrete To build a round concrete silo is very simple after the moulds are set The moulds consist of two circles one for the inside and one for tho outside Xz Q Hhffl Form for Building Round Concrete Silo A inch boards making form 13 half inch bolts C concrete wall D bolt vuh four nuts E band iron in Ade and three eijjhtb inch thick and each circle is divided into four sections see plan The sections consist of six inch boards two feet and a half long bolted with small bolts on two bands of 2 inch iron the top band is within four inches of top of the boards and the other two four inches from bottom The ends of the band iron should turn out where they join each ether in order that they may bo bolted together The bolts should have a continuous thread cut on them and four nuts on each two between the band iron and one on each end of the bolts These nuts are to tighten or loosen the form when desired There must also be half inch bolts put through the wall three in the bottom and three in the top of each section and through the band iron When the form is raised these bolts are taken out and the form loosened by slacking the nuts on the bolts where the sections join At the joints where the sections meet there must be one eighth inch plate of iron twelve inches wide screwed on to the form letting the ether side lap under the form this holds the concrete to its place and al lows the form to loosen or tighten as desired To raise the form stand four up rights on the inside of the silo where the sections meet and about six or seven feet above the wall nail on a plank allowing the plank to project over the wall fasten a small pair of blocks to the ends of these planks There must be four of these planks so as to raise the form up on all sides alike Take a short whiffletree and fasten the hooks to both the out er and inner form and the lower block to this whiffletree A man at each rope will raise the form easily then tighten up the bolts again If care be taken any one can build a silo as true and smooth as a crock There are about fifty feet of unset tled ensilage or forty feet of well set tled ensilage in a ton therefore it would require a silo ten feet in diame ter and thirty feet high to supply your cattle feeding them thirty five pounds per day for the housing season Inflammation of the Lungs J H N Hens kept in a rather cold house and fed oats mangles and but termilk are rapidly dying off The lungs of a number cf the birds which died were filled with blood and frothy matter Ans The hens evidently died from inflammation of the lungs due proba bly to their cold and draughty house Hens can stand a fairly cold house during the day provided they take plenty of exercise at scratching for their feed in deep litter They should however hae a fairly warm place to roost A poultry house to be health ful should be dry and draughtproof it shoud receive abundance of sunlight and be kept clean Without these conditions it is difficult to maintain the flock in a healthy condition Weasel in a Poultry House Mrs M I nave lost a number of fowls through their blood being sucked during the night by some animal which leaves no track or trail I have set traps and shut a cat in with the hens but the loss continues even in the presence of these precautions The poultry house is floored Please tell me how to get rid of the depredator Ans It is probable that the enemy is a weasel a blood sucking animal that can travel through a very small opening and is very difficult to entrap In addition to the precautionary measures which have been adopted it would be well to tack very fine mesh wire poultry netting over all holes which would admit even a large mouse The Reception Hed Get Hes coming to ask for my hand papa said the beautiful girl May I hide behind the portiers and hear how he does it I think youd better not replied the father considerately I would prefer that you shouldnt hear me use t violent language I I i urilEB O 1 i i Walking Suits There is nothing smarter for a walk ing or traveling suit than black and white shepherds tartan It does not show wear or dust and always looks trim and neat This little suit is made with a full plaited skirt that clears the ground by several inches It is laid in deep plaits that are stitched down a little way from the waist It is finished at the bottom with a deep hem The jacket is a short box coat with collar and cuffs of white broadcloth strapped with half inch wide bands of black velvet ribbon There are three pockets on the coat piped around with black velvet and the flaps decorated with cloth covered buttons The ones which fasten the coat are very large and have black velvet ribbon on them in a cross de sign Tho jaunty air of this costume is very striking and it would be a use ful suit to any one Pretty Weddings Color effect is greatly studied nowa days at wedding ceremonies and the result is often delightful Red and white weddings have been much in vogue during the dull winter months with desirable result and the little pages with bright hued cloaks slung over the shoulder or tiny bride maidens in mob caps flowered frocks and muslin aprons scattering pink and red roses nave lent a charming picturesqueness to the bride and her surroundings Considering the number of fashion able weddings which have taken place recently the variety introduced into the functions has been little short of surprising One of the prettiest re sults was achieved at a recent cere mony when the snowy gowned bride was accompanied by a train of brides maids attired in every shade of pink ranging from the most delicate wild rose tone to that of the deepest crim son r or Fair Golfers J i iA - jVVfW wl Golfing costume of green and white White cloth strappings and green pipings White hat with green velvet band Pale Tints to Have Vogue As one notes carefully the various new fabrics and modes in spring dis plays it becomes a noticeable fact that the all white fad is being pressed hard for first place by the beautiful pale tints now so artistically presented in dainty stuffs for miladis inspection In the new transparent cottons in the pineapple cloths and the very fine ba tiste and linens the delicate pinks and blues greens and lavenders are most daintily wrought or printed and while of course the all white gown will be a favorite in the summer girls ward robe it will not monopolize her fancy as it did last summer Handsome Street Gown A handsome street gown is of mauve cloth A hip voice formed of stitched bands of cloth fits snugly and fastens with gold buttons a trifle to the left The bodice is fashioned after the same idea the stitched straps giving a short jacket effect closing on the side to correspond with skirt dpcoration The sleeves are similarly treated and the large loose puff which falls from elbow is at tached to a narrow cuff The collar is also made of stitched straps and gold en brown satin the latter being used for the deep girdle and scarf which is finished with brown silk fringe Blouse Problems The difficulties of the blouse prob lem are greater than they used to be for unless of a ery smart order Ave do not seem anxious to have much in the way of collars The hour of the transparent yoke and decollete neck for day wear is happily over though there are still a few women who per sist in showing favor to this most in congruous fashion High collars are de rigeur now and even our capes and ruffles have softening plisso effects brought up high at the back of tho neck held in place by a buckle they are sometimes even finished with a wide Medici collar For Young Girls With one white and one colored evening gown a girl may go to any number of dances through a season and look smartly gowned for chang ing the trimming of the waist with lace bertha chiffon fichu or different artificial flowers makes the gown look like new each time The present fash ion of wide belts of different colors helps immensely too in changing the appearance of a gown a pale blue belt instead of pink and blue flowers on the waist and a lace bertha instead of a fichu work wonders Harpers Bazar Roses for Hat Trimmings A good ostrich fall makes a good flower spring is an old saying with milliners and the spring of 1901 will bear out the truth of this statement Roses promise to take the lead The tiny button variety in single and dou ble garlands edge the brims encircle the crowns or otherwise trim the hats Medium size roses are used as garni ture in single or double wreaths and large roses are often used singly When the large flower is employed tiny green leaves bordering the brims make a charming effect Dainty Maids Stocks A pretty device for keeping the twentieth century girls white stocks and starched collars immaculate when not encircling her fair throat is made of a round basket Line Aith silk of delicate hue with an interlining of wadding sprinkled with sachet pow der A circular piece of pasteboard covered and wadded serves for a lid and also as a convenient resting place for the fancy pins worn at the front and back of the stock collars C Id Fashioned Fancy Revived An old fashioned fancy which lias been revived again is the darned net one A pretty table covfcr was made from a piece of net a yard square A nanow hem was turned up all around the edge and covered with a fiat laca braid Inside the hem was a simple darned border Cushions of darned net are also popular as are center pieces doilies piano scarfs curtains and portierres Smart Little Spring Coats The spring coats are broadcloth or velveteen the long plain sacque style single breasted and without col lars And the hats are moderately low round corners and wide brims and are often gardens of tiny flowers or fields of waving ribbon loops Black chip will be much worn with all colors of dresses and for all occasions Sail ors have the wide ur curving brim and are most often of fine straw Styles in Sleeves The sleeve made of a thin material and differing from that of the gown is seen in the latest imported models This is sometimes the full sleeve of lace in a silk or crepe gown Again it may be of net spangled or plain and of an entirely different color from that of the rest of the costume Hang ing sleeves of chiffon inside others of silk are very stylish and effective for ball costumes Dainty Unlined Waists Very dainty waists of pleated chiffon or erepe de chine are made in the un lined style The pleating is set into a deep yoke which falls well over the top of the shculder Bodices of chiffon also have the pleated part falling loose in bolero style and the lower part of plain chiffon which is almost hidden by the frill Skirts of Many Patterns Skirts are of many patterns Some are smooth fitting round the hips but into others creeps the Victorian full ness Some of these full skirts have the Avidth held in by plaits to the depth of a hip yoke Some ha e a flat yoke and front panel set in the full ness starting on the sides at the lower edge of the yoke A Novel Pen Rack A novel pen rack suited for a hand some library table in a house lighted by electricity is in the shape of a low trough of sienna colored majolica At the back of the trough on its edge are seated two blinking oavIs with luminous eyes the light being sup plied by hidden electric bulbs Shaped and Stitched Bands Shaped and stitched bands of the material make a simple but pretty fin ish for an afternoon suit They out line fronts cuffs and cape of the bolero and the edges of the skirt and of all flounces Monster Belt Pins Some of the new belt pins show monsters and grotesque heads sug gestive of the Japanese bronzes The drawing is carried out in gold and some color outlined with black or gold Hows This Wo offer One Hundred Dollars reward for nil cue of Catarrh that caouot bo cured by UaUi Catarrh Cure HENEr CO Toledo O ih nnilaralimcd have known F J Cheney or the it I jjwrsnnd bellevo him perfectly honorable and nnnnctally orable n all burincM transactions mode by 11 Arm able to carry out any obligations Wloionle DrtittulM Tolcd O noils Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally ucttutc direct Pmhe bl od and system TesttmonluM sent free irlco u cenu per bottle Sold bv all PriijTsUta Tnfco Halls Family Villa for constipation Anyway old maids dont have to go down stairs at 3 oclock in the morn ing to let in a man who tried to open the front door with a trunk key Itf iggIeStick 3laundkv Biun Wont spill break freeze nor spot clothes Costs 10 cents and equals LO cents worth of any other bluing If your grocer does not keep it send 10c fo sample to The Laundry Blue Co 14 Michigan Street Chicago Hew to the line let the chips fall where they may When the days is done the bookies on the line have ac cumulated most of the chips Lewis Single Binder straight 15c cigar Price to dealers 300 per M They codt some more than other brands but no more than a good 5c cigar should cost Lewis Factor Peoria 111 You have to handle some people with kid gloves other with boxing gloves others with bare fists and the rest with an old fashioned ax handle If you dont get the biggest and best it3 your own fault Defiance Starch is for sale everywhere and there is positively nothing to equal It In quality or quantity The only effective criticism of a poor religion is the creatioin of a bet ter one mi lll n - r t n o rrr great XI1U UJU jJUSLCI UWlJluitij u many stuck up notions in his busi ness When a man is satisfied he made a mistake by marrying he isnt satis tied Goods are among the least of the rewards for goodness The Worlds Greatest Railway Under the title of The Great Si berian Railway Jaipes W Davidson F R G S United States Consul at Antung Manchuria will give much valuable information in the April Cen tury about the greatest railway which the world has ever seen Trav elers on the great Siberian railway will find the many diys on the train wonderfully comfortable For its pas sengers the train de lixe plans to pro vide brass bedsteads private toilet rooms baths gymnasium electric fans and lights steam heat and a hand somely furnished drawing room Mr Davidson estimates that one may enjoy all this luxury from Paris to Dalny or Peking for not ovr 2S0 including sleeper food and all incidental ex penses Before arithmetic was invented peo ple multiplied on the face of the earth Physicians Use Carrier Pigeons Country Physicians in many in stances have ad pted the use of pigeons as messengers A physician raises a left of carriers and when he visits a patient four or five miles away he carries with him a basket contain ing one of his bins If dangerous symptoms arise -in the night or the following day the pigeon is released Avith a message Some physicians Avith long country routes carry half a dozen or more of these pigeons on their rounds and leave one at each place A daily report of tho different cases can thus be obtained by pigeon service This service has also been extended on large Western farms Some farmers receive daily reports of the markets from the city in this way when there are no telephone or tele graph Avires to send the messages All that is required is a trip to the city once a fortnight to carry back the birds and some one in the city to Avrite the reports and release the pigeons How a woman does like to talk about the doings and the sayings of the man of Avhom she is fcd In the Spring Lowndes Mo April 4th Mrs II C Harty of this place says For years I Avas in very bad health Every spring I Avould get so low that I Avas unable to do my own work I seemed to be worse in the spring than any other time of the year I was very weak and miserable and had much pain in my back and head I saAV Dodds Kidney Pills advertised last spring and began treatment of them and they have certainly done me more good than anything I have ever used I was all right last spring and felt better than I have for over ten years I am fifty years of age and am strong er to day than I have been for many years and I give Dodds Kidney Pills credit for the v onderful improve ment The statement of Mrs Karty is only one of a great many Avhere Dodds Kidney Pills have proen themselves to be the very best spring medicine They areunsurpassed as a tonic and are the only medicine used in thou sands of families 1 noticed a woman chewing gum once during the progress of a mile race The race was run in 143 She covered the distance in 140 flat The United Mutual Hail Ins Assn is the oldest is the strongest is the best has paid 15900000 more for losses than the combined payments of all other companies Paid 53 59C10 in 1903 Has paid 200911SO for losses since its organization Wants good representatives in every precinct Address Home Office 116 South 10th Street Lincoln Neb- J 4 I In 4 f 4 r r A V A i r i I- I w