IV MV m V l v 1 R yK I lift TWENTY -SECOND YEAR jy 3ttiBHE Republican County Convention The Republicans of Red Willow coun ty held their convention in the court house last Saturday transacting all the business of tho call J W Dolan and P M Kimmoll were the respective chairman and secretary of tho gathering In tho absence of contests the secretary served as com mitteo on credentials All tho precincts of tho county were represented in tho convention but Missouri Ridge and the delegates thus accredited were accepted as delegates of tho convention Tho chair appointed L R Corbiu J E Kelloy and J E Hathorn as tho com mittee on resolutions It being quite evident tho convention was not ready to proceed to the business of tho convention an adjournment from the morning session was finally secured until 130 in the afternoon After tho convention had been called to order tho chair announced the ap pointment of W A McCool F M Rathbun and J E Hathorn as a com mittee to report the names to the con vention for a congressional delegation This committee reported tho names of W A McKecbnio II E Waugh Char les Skalla Alex Strain Jacob Korb Frank Moore D C Baker George Plumleigh Stephen Bolles and JRMc Oarl J E Kelley Charles Skalla and J C Moore were named as tho committee to report to tho convention names for a senatorial delegation They announced tho following names J W Dolan J E Kelley W A McCool D A Water man H 1 Peterson U G Jitherton h M Rathbun O L Thompson C E El dred C H Uarman E P Eno Both of these delegations were ratified by tho convention Tho convention delegated to County Clerk E JWilcox who is to be a candi date for secretary of state before tho next state convention tho privilege of namimr the state delegates He named J E Kelley W S Morlan CWBarnes J A Wilcox IT P Sutton C B Gray J E Hathorn J B Cumminc W T Henton I II Wasson J W Dolan as such committee and the convention ac cepted the same The committeemen resolutions then made the following report which was adopted by tho convention after some discussion and opposition to the para graph endorsing the candidacy of Hon E J Burkett for United States senator RESOLUTIONS The Republicans of Red Willow county in convention assembled most heartily endorso tho wise courageous and patriotic administra tion of President Theodore Roosevelt We heartily approve of his efforts to bring us an inter oceanic commerce throuuh the Panama canal and are hoartily in accord with his efforts iii behalf of the industrial interests of tho coun try and tho patriotic protection of American in terests abroad Wo do hereby declare for his re nomination for president of tho United States of America -and the delegates to tho state and district con ventions are hereby instructed to work and Tote only for delegates to tho national conven tion who will pledge themselves to work and vote for Theodore Roosevelts nomination as tho worthy successor of William McKinloy Wo endorse tho proposed nomination of a -candidate for the United States senate by the Republican state convention and instruct tho delegates to the state convention to support that action We heartily endorse the candidacy of Hon E Burkett for that nomination Wo take pride in tho character of our able energetic member of congress George WNorris He has been tho friend and champion of tho oldier veterans and has shown himself capable and forceful in looking after tho interests of his district and can bo of more value to the dis trict by a re election and in recognition of his high personal character as well as his fitness and ability we instruct tho delegates elected to the congressional convention to exert their best efforts for his re nomination Resolved that E J Wilcox our efficient and accommodating county clerk we have an ideal and able candidate for secretary of state a man eminently fitted for tho position and one who would be elected if nominated We therefore recommend that ho bo accorded the privilege by this convention of naming tho delegates to the Republican state convention Respectrully submitted L R Cokbix J E Kelley J E Hathoex The convention then passed to the nomination of candidates C EEldred was unanimously renominated for the office of county attorney Philip Gliem was placed in nomina tion for representative of the 65th dis trict On motion an informal ballot was taken It resulted in the following vote Philip Gliem 76 J E Hathorn 31 O L Thompson 10 On motion the informal was made a formal ballot and Philip Gliem was made the nominee of the convention He responded with a speech of much eloquence and feeling surprising the convention with his ready words and enthusiasm In the contest for commissioner of the Second district James Hatfield C H Harman and Stephen Bolles were named A call of the precincts composing the commissioner district namely Willow Grove Box Elder Coleman and Perry resulted in the selection of James Hat field by the following vote Hatfield 31 Harman 13 and Bolles 9 This result was afterwards ratified and endorsed by the entire convention The following county central commit tee was then chosen each precinct an nouncing its choice as the name of the precinct was called COOXTX CEXTEAL COMMITTEE Alliance David Beaman Bartley Beaver William Hiersekorn Lebanon Bondvillo Charles Skalla Indianola Box Elder Stephen Bolles Box Elder Coleman Danbury Driftwood -East Valley Gerver Grant Indianola Lebanon Missouri Ridge North Valley E B Osbaugh McCook W V Miller Marion W S Fritch McCook TJG Ethorton Bartley CM Goben Indianola F S Lofton Cedar Bluffs Ks H I Poterson McCook F B Hardesty Indianola 12 E Devoo Lebanon AH McElroy Bartley The chance of sale at Ludwicks Sherwin Williams nells 4 Perry C H Harmon McCook Red Willow E A Sexson Indianola Tyrone J C Moore Cambridgo Valley Grange A D Johnston McCook WILLOW GEOVE First ward 1st procinct A Barnett McCook First ward 2d precinct C B Gray McCook Second ward 1st precinct Lon Cone McCook Second ward 2d precinct C G CoglizorMcCook By motion the nominees of the con vention were accorded the privilege of selecting the chairman and secretary of the committee The nominees selected Lon Cono and C B 2uontly fray both of McCook for chairman and secretary respectively By motion the central committee was empowered to fill all vacancies which may occur on tho committee or on the ticket Although J C Moore of Tyrone was a member of one of the committees to select names to report to the convention as delegates to the convention he in open convention opposed the plan adopt ed by this convention in which he was supported by the chair and others It was tho expressed idea that delegates should be selected by the convention in order to secure the best expression of the convention and not by a few politi cal leaders A motion was made that the county central committee prepare and submit to tho next countj conven tion a better plan for selecting such delegates in future Adjourned The City Election The city election occurred Tuesday without incident or special interest The non partisan ticket nominated in tho Republican caucus a few weeks since being elected throughout with but slight opposition The race be tween C I Hall and J G Schobel who was placed on the ticket by petition was fairly close considering the latter had no organization and that no special effort was made in his behalf John Cordeals name was written on a few tickets and a few favored E II Doan for councilman in the First ward in place of C J Ryan the Democrat on the regular ticket but the efforts all lacked organization head or enthusiasm and caused but a slight ripple on the otherwise calm political waters F M Rathbun will be the new mayor C J Ryan and C A Ward the new council men and Dr S C Beach the city en gineer The old clerk treasurer and councilman in the First ward W S Perry were reelected R B Archibald and E H Doan were both reelected to tho school board without opposition Feel Badly It dont pay to feel half sick when you can feel wholly well In thespringmany suffer from biliousness indigestion and headache These ailments are duo to a sluggish condition of the system What is needed is something to purify the blood and increase the activity of the liver and stomach McConnelPs Sarsaparilla makes rich blood and restores vitality and energy Price 100 McConnell druggist Entertained the Visiting Knights The visiting Templars from Holdrege and Oxford were entertained at dinner at the Burlington dining hall immediate ly after the arrival of delayed No 1 Sunday afternoon by the members of St John Commandery Similar hospi tality was extended at the supper hour The visitors left for home Sunday night on No b This joint celebration was doubtless a shared pleasure Wall Paper Paints and Oils We kindly invite you to visit our store and see the new line of wall paper the latest designs in one or two room exclusive patterns In mixed paints we handle the Lincoln guaranteed In enamels varnish stains buggy paints etc a large assortment A McMillen druggist Mrs L F Griggs begs to annonnce that she has accepted the local agency for the celebrated Chas A Stevens Bros ladies tailor made suits dress patterns and ladies furnishing goods and solicits your patronage Many persons have signified a desire to see the two headed calf owned by Ed Flitcraft and he lias decided to give them the opportunity Saturday of next week in the William Doyle building Admission 10c That display of harness at W T Cole mans is attracting no little attention If you want a good article at a reason able price you will do well to investi gate his stock first Notwithstanding the dry weather Coleman has been selling the popular Western Bell and John Deere listers right along The best made wrappers obtainable are at the Thompson Dry Goods Cos Also long and short kimonos and dress ing sacques The marriage of J B Wade and Mrs Lulu McGillin is said to have taken place in Denver shortly after her recent divorce See the double headed calf in the Doyle building Saturday of next week It will cost you only 10c See the nice brussels rugssize 83x106 feet that Ludwick is going to sell next week for 1250 Ferris children Cos waists for ladies misses and at the Thompson Dry Goods Mens fine worsted suits S10 to 1350 at the Thomson Dry Goods Cos Seeds both farm and garden seeds all kinds too at W T Colemans the season the rug paint at Ludwicks carpet sale next week -Garden and field seeds at Waites waists in white and in lawn linen and oxford cloth now showing in good variety at the Thomson Dry Goods Cos A lady was seen working in her gar den without a sun bonnet Sun bonnets 15c to 35c at tho Thompson Dry Goods Cos Very attractive lace collars and shoul der capes with stoll ends just received at the Thompson Dry Goods Cos Kid gloves in white black and colors at 1 and 150 at the Thompson Dry Goods Cos Carpets and rugs Special sale at Ludwicks April 11th to 21st Go to Cone Bros for wall paper Detroit vapor stoves at Waites XsXsXsXsXsXS Buys Cream From Any Separator Say my friend where are you selling your cream Remember that W T Coleman buys cream from any separator His test is satisfactory Try the Hygeia Creamery Co a monthand you be come a permanent patron wwwssxsi 5- - Jllc00k awwamaaiBS S W Nebraska Teachers Meet The annual meeting of tho Southwest Nebraska Teachers association held in McCook Friday and Saturday of last week exceeded highest anticipations in attendance and all around satisfactori ness The total enrollment was 320 of which number about 60 worecomplimen tary memberships issued to high school pupils and musicians for valued services rendered The program as given in full in last weeks Tribune was carried out in its entirety Tho papers discussions lec tures etc hold the close attention of the members and visitors and were uniform ly worthwhile stimulating and in structive After the business of the opening day the reception by tho McCook teachers and citizens in the court house was a welcome and appreciated diversion at which the visiting teachers and others became acquainted with each other and with tho people of the city This func tion attracted an attendance of about 300 persons and was a s cial delight to every participant The court room was simply but prettily decorated for the oc casion The K of P orchestra of six pieces rendered music throughout the evening A punch booth occupied tho center of the large room and Miss Emma Perry and a committee of high school girls served the guests therefrom Ices cake etc were served in another part of the room each guest receiving a red carnation at refreshments It being All Fools day evening tho April fool joke was not lacking in the proceedings Name cards were worn by everybody and few escaped the back card and the suggestions intended to assist the wearer in guessing whom the wearer represented Miss Mabel Wilcox was chairman of the teachers committee having the reception in charge The Stetson lecture on Saturday eve ning was one of the chief attractions of tho sessions In his vigorous and elo quent style State Supt Fowler intro duced the speaker William Wallace Stetson state supt of Maine whose home is at Augusta Subject of the ad dress was Lives of Great Men I Have Known It was handled in an enter taining instructive graceful manner The following program was arranged for this evening Invocation Rev M B Carman Euphonium Solo Mr F A Pcnnoll Vocal Solo Mrs C W Britt Clarinet Solo John Gaardo Benediction Rev C R Botts There were musical numbers at var ious sessions of the association in which the following persons appeared bly iano duet Misses Bessie and Carrio Peterson ocal solo Miss Ruth Wiehe Piano and violin d uets two Mrs W B Mills MrW J McGillin Vocal solo Miss Bertha Graham To these must be added tho three worthy and well rendered choruses by twenty five girls and boys of the high school This chorus was under the direction of Miss Carrie Budlong of the city schools The Tribune lacks space to adequate ly mention each pleasing feature of the sessions so the reader will have to be satisfied with such expression as we may be able to give A noteworthy fact about the sessions and social affairs is tho harmonious co operation of the city teachers high school girls and boys friends and pat- rons in tne city And acram that all teachers from the district asked to par ticipate sent a prompt acceptance and made good at the meeting Eleven counties were represented and nine of the counties were in evidence through their superintendents namely Miss Flora B Quick Red WillowJames OConnell Hitchcock Miss Nellie Dick Chase Miss C Estella Goodwin Dundy F G Downing Furnas Mrs Clara L Dobson Frontier E E Larson Phelps P P Bentley Harlan G H Pickett Haye s Miss Anna E Caldwell who appeared several times on the program never failed to leave something with her hear ers of value She will be one of the in structors in the coming session of the McCook Junior Normal school Her work is an earnest of the excellent efforts which may be expected from her this summer State Supt Stetson of Maine State Supt Fowler of Nebraska Deputy State Supt McBrien of Nebraska and High School Inspector Crabtree of the Nebraska university all helped make Saturdays program full and rich Most of the teachers succeeded in get ting to their homes both east and west on Saturday nights trains A business session of the association was held on Saturday afternoon The constitution was amended as to the number of officers and the future meth od of electing them Officers were chosen as follows for ensuing year Supt G H Thomas McCook Presi dent Supt C W McMichael Arapahoe Vice President Supt James OConnell Trentan Treasurer Miss Sadie B Smith Holdrege Secre tary Supt F G Downiag Beaver City Member Executive Committee Saturday afternoon State Supt Fow ler met with the county supts in a short session to discuss the matter of the Mc Cook Junior Normal school While the desire was almost unanim ous to locate the next meeting of the association in April next at McCook it was after some discussion deemed ad visable to refer the question of location to the executive committee which is composed of Supt Thomas Secretary Smith and Supt Downing The following resolutions were adopt ed McCook Neb April 2 1901 We your committee on resolutions beg leave to submit the following report Beit Resolved That we extend onr heart felt appreciation to Supt G H Thomas for his indomitable energy in carrying to successful m n pjf ntmf McCOOK RED WILLOW COUNTY NEBRASKA FRIDAY EVENING APRIL 8 1904 MOVEMENTS OF THE PEOPLE Mrs E M Cox and boyB spent Thursday in Hastings Mb and Mrs A S Palmer have moved back to Danbury Mrs S MCawthra is visiting Arapa hoe relatives this week Dr S C Beach went up to Denver Saturday returning Tuesday morning Mrs R M Douglass went to Lin colnThursday morning on a short visit Supt Thomas is spending tho vaca tion in Harvard and Lincoln this week W I Brooks of Lincoln enjoyed the O R C ball and banquet Wednesday night Mrs Frank Hawksworth is up from Lincoln visiting her mother Mrs M A Hobson Mrs J J Curran and tho children are speeding the vacation with relatives in Mascot Mrs Joseph Kubick and two child ren are visitinjr down on tho farm near Red Cloud M W Vinson a former resident but late of Eagle Nebraska has returned to the city to live Mrs Augusta Anton and two younger children went up to Denver Wednesday on a short visit Ira Dye was over from Curtis close of last week on business and to briefly visit the folks here Miss Ida McCarl came up from the state capital to participate in the O R C ball Wednesday night Mrs Mary Boltjes of Glenville Nebraska is a guest of tho Stulkens of South McCook this week Floyd and Fay Stayner are spend ing their vacation with the grand pa rents at Edgar and Lawrence Mrs Frank Purvis who has been seriously ill for the past week is now re ported as getting along nicely Mrs John Stevens and Ralph were down from Denver Saturday and Sun day guests of McCook friends Mr and Mrs Charles Colson have both been called to tho city by the seri ous condition of his mother Mrs A W Utter Mrs T A Erb was down from Akron to take in tho O R C Wednesday eve ning She was the guest of Mrs Frank Kendlen Bob French is expected to arrive in the city Saturday night on 5 to re main over Sunday on his way up the Imperial line Misses Mary and Lizzie Stevens of Lincoln attended the O R CballWed nesday night They were guests of their sister Mrs Frank Kendlen Mrs C B Sawyer and Kathryn will go down to Lincoln tonight to arrange for Miss Kathryns attendance upon the spring term in the state university Gottlieb Hartner and family of Tripp S D have arrived in the city to make their home here Mr Hartner was in the employ of the Pades some thirteen years ago Miss Millie Slaby was up publican City attending the convention close of last week tho guest of her sister Mrs V day with whom she remained over Sun day Misses Ella and Katie Caffrey of Orleans were guests of Mr and Mrs from Re teachers She was H James Toohey during the teachers as sociation meeting last week Miss Katie has just closed a successful term of school near Stamford Miss Ella has the primary room at Stamford They returned home on No 2 Monday morn ing Attorney Hunger of Lincoln was an interested spectator in the Republican county convention last Saturday and when that Burkett endorsement came he was about the most pleased man in the convention hall It was the first endorsement received by the congress man in the Fifth district and was re garded as particularly valuable and significant The Conquered Who are lifes victors who won the success of a day Tho Martyrs or Nero The Spartans who fell at Thermopoles tryst or the Persians and Xerxes His judges or Socrates Pilate or Christ The ladies of the Baptist church will give a box supper at the Odd Fellows hall over Pettys shoe store Saturday evening April 16th A good program will be rendered and an up-to-date good time will be thrown in The general public invited White silk gloves with 2 clasp and patent double finger tips with white or black stitched backs Also black and colors at the Thompson Dry Goods Cos Ideal silk black also in completion so interesting and instructive a pro gram Bo it Resolved That wo oxtond our thanks to tho citizens and toachors of McCook who re ceived and entertained us in a most cordial manner Bo it Resolved That wo express our thanks to tho McCook High School for their lubors in behalf of pleasant reception Be it Robolved That wo express our upprc cintion of tho efforts of nil who havo furnished tho oxcellont music for tho association Be it Retolved That wo oxtond our thanks to State Supt Fowler Stato Supt Stetson Miss Caldwoll Inspector Crabtree and Deputy J L McBrien who have so ably ussisted in tho furtherance of tho program Beit Resolved That copies of those resolu tions bo presented to the local pupors for publi cation Flora B Quick E A BttlTTENIIAM F J M UNO AT Committee The 0 R C Ball and Banquet The annual ball and banquet of Har vey division No 95 Order of Railway Conductors has come to bo rcgardod ono of tho social functions of the round year and this years affair was no ex ception to the rule years since estab lished although tho attendance this year perforce of tho rain and somewhat threatening weather was not so great as upon other occasions But at tho usual hour Wednesday evening Menard opera hall was well filled with a gay and brilliant gathering lo enjoy tne gooa nmo provided by tne members of No 95 The grand march was started at short ly after 930 headed by the members and wives of Harvey division following which the regular program was given and a varied program of popular and lat est dances it was This year the boys excelled themselves in the beauty of theii decorations The oraer colors red wnite and green were everywhere in tasteful evidence colored bunting galore festooning columns the ceiling stage etc Two arc lights num erous iucandescents and locomotive head lights gavo the scene a gay and attract ive appearance The order emblems and initials ornamented the globes and head lights while the O R C done in white red and green in banner shape made a handsome electric display The banquet at tho Palmer house is pronounced one of the finest from every aspect service menu and setting ever attempted in the city The decorations in colors harmonized with tho order col ors Tho Palmer house management added to its laurels in the exceptional excellence of this feature The Pythian orchestra of six pieces rendered the music for the evening in their most acceptable manner The guests included ladies and gentle men from various points between Den ver and Lincoln The stage decorations embraced some handsome fernspalms and potted plants The stage was well filled with spectators The members of the arrangement com mittee labored long and hard to make the dance the success it was and fairly won the congratulations offered them Walter Bahcock of Cambridge Dead The death of Walter Babcock of Cam bridge last Friday night removes from this life one of the truly great and good men of the Republican valley with which he has been identified for the last quarter of a century lie was closely associated with every eood thintr for Cambridge for 25 years and died beloved by all who knew him While benevolent and public spirited he was one of Cam bridges most successful businessmen His family and brothers Charles and Tiff were at his bedside at tho end He was buried in Cambridge Monday The family has the sincerest sympathy of many McCook friends in this great loss and sorrow Mr and Mrs C F Bab cock of our city are still in Cambridge Buy Lime Sulpher Dip Ready Made It is safer and better is made under supervision of a chemist is endorsed by government and state complies fully with the recent state regulations Save trouble and expense and buy it ready made 48 gallon barrel 12 10 gallon can 450 1 gallon makes 16 gallons Write to Rex Stock Food Company Dept A Omaha Neb For Rent A very pleasant parlor with bed room and closet adjoining east and south front veranda fine lawn and shade Also barn room for one or two horses and buggy Apply to M V Sheldon at tho place third block north of the Catholic church M V Sheldon Cheap Irrigated Lands Small Payments For sale or rent between Sterling and Ft Morgan Colo Best water rights Best of soil for sugar beets potatoes and alfalfa Imperial Land and Storage Co 630 17th St Denver Colo ARE YOU GOING TO PAINT OR PAPER DO iOU WANT TO SAVE It will be to your interest to see us The goods are right the prices are right McConnell druggist Card of Thanks Russell Loomis and family desire to thank their friends for the kindness and sympathy shown in their bereavement Household Goods For Sale I am offering my household goods for sale at private sale Call at Westland residence George Enoch Alfalfa Hay and Seed For sale Call on phone or write Mrs S E Christian McCook Neb Phone G235 For Sale One 4-year-old horse new top buggy new saddle Enquire at Osburn ranch Ladies white muslin underskirts in all styles just received at the Thompson Dry Goods Cos Corn mm II tliiwmMIUW HMWUIIIIMWIIlIII Ip II k or Mfc TVy NUMBER 45 McCook Market Quotations Corrected Friiluy morning Wheat Oats Rjo linrloy Hogs Eggs Good Butter Sprint Time 3 13 u 4 no rzy 15 This is tho houso cleaning season and we wish to announco that our stock of paints oils varnishes enamels etc is ono of tho best ivor shown in McCook and tho prices tho lowest consistent with good grades Our wall paper stock is also com plete and well assorted and con sists of all grades from 5c per bolt to tne nest fiign grade florals tap- usuries anu crown patterns You will not regret seeing our wall paper stock boforo buying i Cone Bros druggists sxsxsxxssxs MINOR ITEMS OF NEWS Slight rains Sunday Jewel gasoline stoves at Waitos Garden and field seeds at Waites Going to paint See Cono Bros Garden and field seeds at Waitos Everything in drugs McConnell The Curts Dramatic Co April 7 8 9 Did you say wall paper McConnell has a fow Alfalfa millet and cane seed in abundance at W T Colemans Scale books Wanted- Typewriter papers The Triiiune -Girl for general housowork Mus Geokge Willetts 00 0 1 2 3 J all sizes in hooks and eyes at tho Thompson Dry Goods Cos Wanted To buy good carriage horse ono a lady can drive Inquire of II M Tyler 4iot Rugs in any size pattern or weavo at Ludwicks next week Come in and seo them In using McMillens cough cure you run no risk money refunded if not satisfactory Washable half cotton bengaliues in all colors for 20c yard just received at the Thompson Dry Goods Cos April 7 8 9 in the opera house The Curts Dramatic Co Popular prices 15 25 and 35 cents season tickets for 1 For Sale A square piano in good con dition 30 Inquire at 207 Melvin St 4 1 2t M V Tbavkk Wanted Man and wife with no children to work on farm Fkank Stillman The latest in box paper writing tab lets pencil tablets and school supplies A McMillen Druggist Ed Flitcraft will have his two headed calf on exhibition in the Doyle building Saturday April 10th Admission 10c Rooms to Rent Furnished or un furnished three blocks east of Commer cial Hotel Ray Light Swifts Pride Soap is the safest and purest soap you can use in your laundry It protects tho clothes yet cleans them thoroughly Its about time for a new refrigerator And Coleman has the best and most up-to-date the market affords Call and see them You will find the greatest variety of garden and field seeds at Waites Buy early while you havo this large assort ment to select from Pekin Gaze is the name of a very attractive wash fabric in solid colors with nub effect at 12J6C yard at the Thompson Dry Goods Cos The unequalled Mikado cloth a highly mercerized washable dress fabric is to be seen in our stock in eight colore Price 25c yard The Thomp son Drv Goods Co Just as stylish equally as handsome as the engraved are The Tricunes calling cards printed from the famous and pretty Tiffany Text See our samples and get our prices Replating Silverware Such as knives forks and spoons substantially done also sharpening knives scissors lawn mowers and saws Phone 83 M Thorgrimson American Beauty corsets in all kinds colors and sizes are sold with this war ranty of satisfaction money back after 4 weeks wear if unsatisfactory Sold only by the Thompson Dry Goods Cos Do you know That cream testing 35 to 40 will stay sweet longer than cream testing 25 to 30 Well its a fact And this reminds us that it is of first import ance that our patrons use every method to secure the highest test It pays best W T Coleman The American Beet Sugar Co of Kearney announces that their contracts for 1904 are coming in quite satisfactor ily They have already contracted 200 acres more land at Kearney than last year which was a banner year They have already distributed three carloads of seed and have more ready for dis tribution Get Onto This Three packages of fresh seeds at W T Colemans for only five gj cents J ust like finding them g