IH Official Paper of Redwillow County By F M KIMMELL Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co Subscription 1 a Year in Advance Fifth Congressional District Convention Tho Republicans of the Fifth CongrcSHionnl District of tho state of Nebraska are Iioroby called to meet in convention nttlio Kerr opera house in the city of Hastings on May 12 1904 nt three oclock in tho nfterrmon for tlm purpose of placing in nomination one congressman from sniil district for tho selection or one president ial elector And to olect two dolesntea nnd two alternates to tho Republican National Convention to bo held in Chicago 111 on Tuesday the 21st dav of Juno 1904 and for tho transaction of such other business as may regularly come boforo said convention Tho apportionment based on the state ap portionment entitles the sovoral counties in hnid district to tho following representation in said convention - Adams 17 Chaso 4 Clay 17 Dundy 4 Franklin 10 Frontier 8 Furnas 11 Gosper 5 Hall 19 Harlan 9 Hayes 4 Hitchcock 5 Kearney 10 Nuckolls 13 Perkins 3 Tlwla 11 Itnd Willovll Webster i It is recommend pd thntno proxies bo nllowcdJ in 8U1U convention out unifc iiju uoirnniw ent thereat bo nnthorizod to cast tho full voto of tho county represented by them Hy ordor of tho congressional committee Hastings Nebraska March 17 1904 J E Khlmsy Henry Fox Jr - Secretary Chairman Even tho dear good people themselves would be surprised if fhoy could really realize how little they have to say in the average run of political affairs nomina tions especially The announced candidacy of Hon W E Andrews for the United States sena torship is meeting with prompt and hearty response from the western part of tho state especially and indeod from all over the state A man of tho finest ability and with a record that any man may envy he is a particularly desirable candidate for the position It is immensely amusing to observe how many candidates for the guberna torial nomination heard the other fellows call Harrison Kobertson et cetera were each and all misled Mickey was the only one who had a bona fide call The strange thing about the matter is that the other fellows failed to note tho facts sooner They were just as evident as the sun at noonday It never ought to be possible to chisel a man out of a deserved renomination just be cause he is too good CITY CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS The Knights Templar will hold their annual service at the Baptist church at 3 p m Sunday Sermon by the pastor subject EasterDay and Modern Pro gress Catholic Order of services Mass 8 a m Mass and sermou 1030 a m Evening service at 8 oclock Sunday school 230 p m Every Sunday J J Loughran Pastor Congregational- Sunday school 1 0 a m Y P S C E at 7 p m Sermons at 11 a m and 8 p m Morning subject If Christ Be Not Risen Evening subject Resurrection to a New Life Good music All welcome George A Conkad Pastor Episcopal Services in St Albans church as follows Every Sunday in the month Sunday school at 10 oclock a m Morning prayer at 11 and evening prayer and sermon at S The third Sunday in the month Holy Communion at 730 a m All are welcome E R Earle Rector First Baptist Church Sermons at 11 a m and 745 p m Bible school at 945 a m Junior society at 3 p m B Y P U at 7 45 p m Prayer meeting Wednesday evening 8 p m Morning subject Easter Study Evening sub ject First Commandment Excell entmusic All welcome G R Betts Pastor Methodist Sunday school at 10 am Class meeting at 12 Junior League at 3 p m Epworth League at 7 p m Prayer meeting every Wednesday even ing at 8 pm Preaching at 11 amand S pm Morning sermonandSunday school program in the evening Mr John dis trict Junior League supt will speak to the children next Sunday M B Carman Pastor Beauty and Strength Are desirable You are strong and vigorous when your blood is pure Many nay most women fail to prop erly digest their food and so become pale sallow thin and weak while the brightness freshness and beauty of the skin and complexion depart Remedy this unpleasant evil by eating nourish ing food and taking a small dose of Herbine after each meal to digest what you have eaten 50c a bottle at A Mo Millens JS8I Everybody will want hose when the lawn season opens lou had better see the grades at W T Colemans at once i miim finwrii iii ii 1 1 i e Amgmm i 111 ggj ITISANATTER OFHEMIH P AbsoBasS ely Par were is m SUBSnTIHA PUBLIC FREE LIBRARY NOTES Tho Century magazine for April contains an articlo entitled Tho Fights of the Fur Com panies which dealing as it docs with ono of tho most romnntic periods of Amorican history is of more than ordinary interest It contains a brief account not only of Astoria which was mentioned a few weeks ago but ofothor ven tures in what was then tho wilderness Tho story of tho relentless warfare waged for years by tho employes of thodifferentcompnniesupon one another is ono of absorbing interest Tho Spaniards always foremost in the field of adventure were the first to witness tho marvels of tho unknown west In tho early part of lfc07 Manuol Lisa a Spaniard residing in St Louis fitted out an expedition thnt made its way up tho Missouri and Yellowstone rivers to tho mouth of tho Big Horn Military discipline was maintained among tho men Scouts reconnpit ored ahead of tho main body of adventurers At night camps were established and sentinels wore posted A deserter was shot down without trial as are deserters from an army Tho route lay through a country populous with savages and the way was besot with almost insuperable dif ficulties and dangers ThcTparty returned after establishing a fort among the mountains richly laden with furs and tho adventure resulted in the organization of the Missouri Fur Company which sent yearly expeditious into tho interior for many years Lisas venture anti dated Astoria which was set on foot in 1811 The former was commer cially buccessful and continued to carry on the traffic until tho fur bearing animals wore prac tically exterminated Astoria ended in disaster duo partially to inexperience and mismanage ment though the ojposition of tho Northwest company had as much to do with its failure as any other cause Jn thoso dys the ownership of the country now included within tho states of Oregon and Washington was disputed being claimed by both Great Britian and tho United States The Northwest company claimed ex clusive privileges in tho territoryand eventually captured Astoria ovor which the British flag was raised to replace tho stars and stripes which Aster had planted there Those were days in which there was no law in tho wilder ness Tho few white inhabitants of the region west of tho Mississippi recognized no sovereign authority save tho might of arms More savage than tho savages Englishmen and Americans fell upon ono another and killed and robbed with impunity Tho furs that had been gath ered for Astor amounting in value to more than a million dollars were taken by the Canadians carried off to the Canadian possessions and oluding the American men of war stationed in the great lakes to intercept them were trans ported to Montreal The conflicts among the companies were armed wars in which hundreds of lives were lost and thousands even millions of dollars worth of property were stolen and destroyed Not only did the white men fight the Indians but the white employes of the different companies fought ono another and tho battles that were won and lost wers worthy of tho days of chival ry In lbl t foreign companies were lorbitl den to traffic south of tho Canadian line but that did not deter the Hudsons Bay company from sending their men as far as the Missouri river Tho two great Canadian companies tho Northwest and the Hudsons Bay waged war upon each other until both were on tho verge of ruin when a compromise and consolidation was effected that gave tho amalgamated company a monopoly of tho fur trado in tho British posses sions As long as the game was worth fighting over tho American and Hudsons Bay compan ies continued tho conflict oa American soil The story of tho warfare reads like a chapter from the chronicles of the border wars of Scotland Men Past Sixty in Danger More than half of mankind over sixty years of age suffer from kidney and bladder disorders usually enlargement of prostrate gland This is both painful and dangerous and Foleys Kidney Cure should be taken at the first sign of dan ger as it corrects irregularities and has cured many old men of this disease Rodney Burnett Rockport Mo writes I suffered with enlarged prostrate gland and kidney trouble for years and after taking two bottles of Foleys Kid ney Cure I feel better than I have for twenty years although I am now 91 years old Sold by A McMillen Advertised Letters The following letters were advertised by the McCook postofficeMarch 301901 Anderson Anna Kidder Clj do Crane George J Little Roy Green Mary J Loft Win Howard J L McKinzie Mr If arrison J V Selimer Chae Hill Madge Vincent H M When calling for these letters please say they were advertised F M Kimmell Postmaster A Cure for Headache Any man wvman or child suffering from headache biliousness or a dull drowsy feeling should take one or two of De Witts Little Early Risers night and morning These famous little pills are famous because thev are a tonic as well as a pill While they cleanse the system tney and rebuild it by their tonic effect upon the liver and bowels Sold byL W McConnell Are You a Dyspeptic If you are a dyspeptic you owe it to yourself and friends to get well Dys pepsia annoys the dyspeptics friends because his disease sours his disposition as well as his stomach Kodol Dyspep sia Cure will not only cure dyspepsia indigestion and sour stomach but this palatable reconstructive tonic digestant strengthens the whole digestive appara tus and sweetens the life as well as the stomach When you take Kodol Dys pepsia Cure the food you eat is enjoyed It is digested assimilated and its nutri ent properties appropriated by the blood and tissues Health is the result Sold by L W McConnell SHfew Cone Bros Success Cone Bros the enterprising druggists rather than await the ordinary methods of introduction urged tho Dr Howard Co to secure a quick sale for their cele brated specific for the cure of constipa tion and dyspepsia by offering tho regu lar 50c bottle at half price The wonderful success of this plan was a great surprise even to Cone Bros and today there are scores of people here in McCook who are using and praising this remarkable remedy So much talk has been caused by this offerand so many new friends have been made for the specific that tho Dr How ard Co have authorized Druggists Cone Bros to continco this special half price sale for a limited tfmo longer In addition to selling a 50c boltle of Dr Howards specific fo25c Cone Bros have so much faith in the remedy that they will refund the monoy to anyone whom it does not cure When your head aches your stomach does not digest food easily and naturally when there is constipation specks be fore the eyes tired feeling giddiness bad taste in mouthcoated burn sour stomach roaring or ringing in the ears melancholy and liver trou bles Dr Howards specific will cure you If it does not it will not cost you a cent i Special Daily News Offer The Omaha Daily News will be mailed six days in the week from now until January 1 1905 for 81 money to ac company tho order This will carry you through the presidential campaign and possibly all of the Japanese Russian war Tho Daily News receives the complete Scripps McRae cable and telegraph re ports the full Newspaper Enterprise Association service and has four special correspondents at the seat of war thus enabling it to give you accurate news promptly Remember it is an indepen dent paper giving all the news without fear or favor This offer is good only during April Send order to this office or direct to Omaha Daily News Omaha Neb Good for Children The pleasant to take and harmless One Minute Cough Cure gives immedi ate relief in all cases of cough croup and lagrippe because it does not pass immediately into the stomach but takes effect right at the seat of the trouble It draws out the inflammation heals and soothes and cures permanently by enabling the lungs to contribute pure life giving and life sustaining oxygen to the blood and tissues One -Minute Cough Cure is pleasant to take and it is good alike for young and old Sold by L W McConnell Buy your garden tools at Waites r -ff NAaW ii V7rKwnvn White ii -- tja1 i7vi isorjsb nokzy -x ttFV7 sh ivafAr Hi r COWMCSBPIlTJiTINGFLOOnSSrl 1IS Ie Most Perfect of floor Paints is The Surest GerniHer and Labor Saver ever produced READY FOR USE YOU CAN APPLY IT siade nr fc6VlCfi POT DP IN Quart llalf Galion and Gallon Cans SOLD BY CONE BROS Druggists 15 Eggs for Setting S100 50 Eggs for IsertaiM S200 Wyandottcs -good layers MRS ED LISTER Danbury Neb I fy II All l l A3LJ Cooks to a hungry man but not so the steak chop or piece of roast that is handed out to him If its tough and stringy no one can blame ahungry man for say ing things about the butcher the cook and the meat that wouldnt look nice in print Man Is igry then indeed does quality count highly And if ho has to rely on tidbits and fancy dishes to tempt his appetite he will fully appreciate the meat we send out to our customers JLIfl i THEPPOS i saiiE Good Spirits Good spirits dont all come from Ken tucky Their main source is tho liver and all tho fine spirits ever made in the Blue Grass State could not remedy a bad liver or the hundred aud ono ill effectsit produces You cant have good spirits and a bad liver at tho same time Your liver must bo in fine condition if you would feel buoyant happy and hopeful bright of eye light of step vigorous and successful in your pursuits You can put your liver in fine condition by using Grefens August Flower the greatest of all medicines for the liver and stomach and a certain cure for dyspepsia or indi gestion It has been a favorite house hold remedy for over thirty five yoars August Flower will make your liver healthy and active and thus insure you a liberrl supply of good spirits Trial bottles 25c regular size 75c L W McConnelh Now is tho time to clean house clean your system first drive out the microbes of winter with Ilollisters Rocky Mountain Tea It will keep you well all summer 35 cents Tea or tablets- L W McConnell l rfigffiffiliffTSress IsBus isr BSSel it ffz m H d ypa I dosfc think vro conld keop Iicnso without Thedfordn Black Draught Wo havo used it iu the family for over two years with tho best of results I have not had a doctor in the honce for that length of lime It is ii doctor iu itself and always ready to mate a person well aTid happy JAMES HALL Jack sonville 111 Because this great medicine relieves stomach pains frees tho constipated bowels and invigor ates the torpid liver and weak ened kidneys is necessary in the home where Thedfords Black Draught is kept Families living in the country miles from any physi cian have been kept in health for years with this medicine as their only doctor Thedfords Black -Draught cures bilious ness dyspepsia colds chills and fever bad blood headaches diarrhoea constipation colic and almost every other ailment because the stomach bowels liver and kidneys so nearly con trol the health Ejrsassss i rt Art PCD mffffmwi lm iwllil ggggsraafcrjfrj Tapestry Portieres 225 Pair and April up Oriental Portieres 400 Pair and up iSbStXSBSOia enfsf v W LL500N uya HOME innimnui BWWJhJMI it 4 iw ml Oh the Pleasures of pioving day of ripping up carpets and stair rods of breaking in a new house and fitting stove pipe of eating your menls on tho kitchen stairs and waiting for tho plumbers and the gas man Theros a joy thats unconiined about all this and You Can Have It Once a Year but do you want it Wouldnt you give a pretty penny to escape it There is only ono way viz to own instead of forever moving If you are thinking of tho better way see the Secretary of the McCook Co Operative Building Savings Assn Mil ML k The only reliable wholesale house i between Denver and Hastings JOUnEES IN FrostsandProdyce We Buy in Car Lots All goods direct from grower that is why we can sell cheap Merch ants headquarters We Pay Cash for Eggs Local and Long Distance Phono 101 One door south of the Tribune Office flcCOOK NEBRASKA it r GEO SCHMIDT General Blacksmithing - T 1 olinn nnnimitll tho BlllO FrWt Uvcry baru Will do all kinds of work in flrtt clas shape Solicits H share of public patronage dijw Mike Wals g j i MM 1Kj4yflSMWtajJy 11th to 21st - fl C j I Lincoln or Omaha Dont fail to see the Rugs we will have on display TCr3 Z BL rfCja EC E Jg s ROPE PORTIERES ssaoBsss For these ten days we are going to sell Carpets Rugs and Draperies at prices that have never been quoted in McCook Here are some of the prices Ingrain Carpets to 65c Per Yard Tapestry j sels Carpets 60c to 100 Per Yard Velvet Carpets 90c to 125 Per Yard Body Brussels Axminsters and WiltGn Velvets at 15 per cent discount Straw Matting from 14c to 30c Per Yard This is our specialty in this sale We will show the largest line of Room Rugs ever placed on display in the city We will not show samples we will have the Rugs themselves Over ioo different patterns to select from Ingrain Art Squares 295 and up Tapestry Brussels Rugs Size 9x106 1250 Other sizps in proportion Velvet 3 Brussels Rugs Size 9x113 1900 Other sizes in proportion Body Brussels Rugs 9x12 ft 2500 You cant get one nt flfllC TilMrtfk in Wilton Velvet Rugs 9xl2 feet 35 00 Regular price 40 i75 Couch Covers Per Pair - 3 50 and up UP to 1200 LARGE ASSORTMENT OF SMALL RUGS We want you to visit our store DURING THIS SALE if you buy or not hi DEALER IN POULTRY and EGGS Old Rubber Copper and Brass Highest Market Price Paid in Cash Block W est of Citizens BaDk ilcCook - Nebraska New Firm Old Stand ANTON ivlAGNER PROlBIETOKS B and M Meat Market David Magner has gone into the firm which seeks a continuance of public patronage guaranteeing the best of everything sea sonable at the most rea sonable prices Anton Magner M F 1 j J H LUDWICK SONS I Poirtt Annual Garget Si and Dram Sale I 4 - ft VJ