The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 25, 1904, Image 3

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Sift3IKftEittn2zr c
If I
W W for
70 nuircrmc mora
hc en than kidney su
lerlns Sick kid
neys make bad blood
cause weak stiff and
aching backs cause
blind sick and diz
zy headaches lack of
appetite and loss of
sleep keep you all
tired out and spoil
To have perfect
health you must
cure the kidneys
Read how one man
was cured by Doans
Kidney Pills after eight years of tor
Henry Soule of Pultney St
raondsport N Y says For eight
years I suffered constant agony from
kidney complaint I endured the
worst torture from gravel and the
kidney secretions were excessive and
contained sediment like brick dust I
had to get out of bed from ten to
twenty times a nlglt and the loss of
sleep wore me out Indigestion came
on and the distress after eating was
terrible Doans Kidney Pills effected
a complete and lasting cure and after
the symptoms of kidney trouble were
gone my stomach began to work as
it should This lasting cure espe
cially in a person of my age proves the
great value of Doans Kidney Pills
more convincingly than could any
words of mine
Doans Kidney Pils sold by all drug
gists price 50 certs per box or mail
ed on receipt of price by Foster-Mil-burn
Co Buffalo N Y Write for
free trial
- There is just as much worry over
money as over the lack of it
The Saskatchewan Valley Very Highly
An interesting feature of Western
Canada is its climate Those who
have made a study of it speak highly
of it The Canadian Government
Agents are sending out an Atlas and
at the same time giving valuable in
formation concerning railway rates
etc to those interested in the country
As has been said the climate is ex
cellent The elevation of this part of
Canada is about 1SC0 feet above the
sea about twice that of the average
for Minnesota It is a very desirable
altitude The country has a very
equable climate taking the seasons
through The winters are bright and
the summers are pleasantly warm R
F Stupart director of the meteorologi
cal service for Canada says
The salient features of the climate
of the Canadian northwest territories
are a clear brccing atmosphere dur
ing the greater part of the year and a
medium rainfall and snowfall The
mean temperature for July at Winni
peg is 6G and Prince Albert G2 The
former temperature is higher than at
any part of England and the latter is
very similar to that found in many
parts of the southern countries
At Prince Albrt the average daily
maximum in July is VC and the mini
mum 48 Owing to this high day tem
perature with much sunshine tho
crops come to maturity quickly
Moisture is ample in the Saskatche
wan valley being about IS inches an
nually It is notable that about 73
per cent of the moisture falls during
tho crop months Thus Western Can
ada gets as much moisture when it is
needed and with several hours more
sunshine daily than land further south
gets during the growing season it is
not difficult to understand why crops
mature quickly and yield bountifully
Winter ends quickly sowing is dono
during April and sometimes in March
Harvest comes in August about the
middle Cyclones blizzards dust and
sand storms are unknown
There is more in being worthy of
great place than there is winning it
Secrecy is the Lest soil for the
worst sins
Mother Grays Sweet Powders for Children
Successfully uaed by Mother Gray nurse
in the Childrens Home in New York cure
Constipation Fevcrishneis Bad Stomach
Teething Disorders move and regulate the
Bowels and Destroy Worms Over 30000
testimonials At all druggists 25c Sample
FREE Address A S Olmsted Le RoyNY
Considerng -a duty is often ex
plaining it away Robertson
It is sometimes better to stay whore
you are than to jump at conclusions
Tiros Cure lor Consumption is an infallible
medicine for cougli md colds 3 AV Samuei
Ocean Grove N J Feb 17 1000
Endurance is nobler than strenr
and patience than beauty Ruskin
You cannot make clouds for others
and live in the clear ligat yourself
Keep them white with Red Cross Ball Blue
All grocers sell largo 11 oz package 5 cents
Out of suffering have emerged the
strongest souis E H Clapin
Meekness is simply the silence of
We must be as careful to keep
Triends as to iuaice them Lord Ave
Depones Starch
should b in every household none so
sood besides oz more for 10 cents than
any other brand of cold water starch
Righteousness is the only recom
mendation that goes to heaven
One who loves right cannot be in
different to wrong or wrong doing
The Beet Rrsuts in Starching
can he obtained only by using Detlance
Starch besides petting 4 oz more for
lame money no cooking required
In Dodge county winter wheat is re
ported somewhat damaged by high
At a meeting of the Stctllng Library
club it was voted to make Sterling a
permanent station for the traveling li
Dr Kerr president of Bellcvue col
lege is slow recovering from his re
cent serioiiB illness He is gaining
strength gradually
Harry Stock 18 years old was shot
and instantly killed by Carl Selby near
Wauneta while handling a gun that
was not loaded
A man named Thorp who was ar
rested in York as a suspeicious char
acter was found to have over two
thousand dollars on his person
Mrs John C Eswein wife of a prom
inent farmer living two miles south of
Stanton has committed suicide by
hanging herself to a clothes press in
her bed room She was 4f years old
and the mother of nine children
The action or Chancellor Andrews
in accepting the Rockefeller gift was
endorsed by Farragut post Grand
Army Lincoln in a resolution which
stated the chancellor was of the high
est type as a citizen and a patriot
Mrs Anna Twyford wife of John
Twyford of Bancroft in Cuming coun
ty was arrested on a charge of insan
ity Alter an examination by the
board she was declared insane and
was taken to the hospital at Lincoln
The champion sheep shearer of
Dodge county is Bud Ashley of Ames
who clipped the wool of twenty three
animals in one hour and made a days
record of 380 At 8 cents per sheep
Mr Asnleys wages for the day
amounted to 1140
The sale of registered Hereford cat
lie at Schuyler forty five head of
which were advertised for sale was
not as largely attended as sales of its
Kind usually are and the stock sold
did not bring high prices The herd
was made up in part from the State
university herd
Sheriff Adams of Adams county was
notified by E B Eighmy a liveryman
of Kenesaw that a team was stolen
from him A man representing him
self to be a collector came to the barn
and hired a team to drive into the
country saying he would return by
midnight He has failed to return
The Tecumseh Building and Loan
association has been organized A
board of nine directors was chosen
and power given the board to elect of
ficers of the association Accordingly
P A Brundage was chosen president
A O Shaw vice president Roscoe An
derson secretary and F E Bodie treas
The jury which listened to the evi
dence in the case of the state against
William T Turley at Grand Island
on the charge of the murder of Nor
man T Bliss on the latters farm near
Shelton went to its room with the in
struction of the court and in two hours
was back with a verdict finding the
defendant guilty of murder in the sec
ond degree
A span of fine horses was stolen
from the stables of Charles Lemen
living near Steele City in Jefferson
county The thief led the horses to
Steele City and there appropriated a
buggy belonging to John Reynolds and
escaped with the outfit The horses
weighed about 1150 pounds each one
an iron gray six years old and the
other a bay five years old
Deputy Labor Commissioner Bush
has started out again on his fire es
cape crusade and other matters and
this time he will inspect the colleges
of the state to see whether they are
properly equipped with means of es
cape in case of fire He will visit
these towns Bellevue Bethany Cen
tral City Crete Fremont Grand Island
Hastings Lincoln Omaha University
Place Wayne and York
Fire at Osmond destroyed ten build
ings and their contents causing a loss
of 65000 with about 40000 insur
ance The fire started in a meat
market and before it burned out de
stroyed the Farmers State bank
building Maine hotel general mer
chandise store drug store and other
Clarence th 15-year-old son of Ri
ley Jones of Plattsmouth was instant
ly killed by being crushed under a pi
ano The instrument was being haul
ed from Sattler Fosbenders furni
ture store to the opera house Jones
was riding on the rear of the wagon
when one of the wheels struck a rock
causing the piano to topple over and
fall to the ground carrying the boy
with it and pinioning him underneath
V7ill Xeimitz an boy
while shooting ducks in Platte county
received part of a charge of shot in
his face and neck from a hunter nam
ed Martys They were in blinds on
opposite sides of a small lake and
neither knew of the presence of the
other Alter being shot Neimitz emp
tied his gun at the same flock of ducks
which Martys had fired at and was
successful in bringing down a pair or
the birds
The first suit filed in Beatrice under
the new statute making wife desertion
a felony was instituted in Judge In
mans court by Mrs Medora Smith
against her husband Alexander Smith
Plaintiff alleges desertion and non-support
The defendant was placed un
der arrest
A real estate deal closed at Hum
boldt shows that Richardson county
soil is still in demand as an invest
ment Twenty acres adjoining the
city on the north with no improve
ments at all was sold by Fred Grable
to Roy Leach for 2C00 a rate of 5100
per acre
Ekt w4 - jf - -
- -
yAJ Vifi
The Strenuous Life as Illustrated in
City of Ravenna
Ravenna A romance that perhaps
appeared to border on the tragical tc
the participants marked the celebra
tion of tho nuptials of Miss Effie
Karl and Anton TJres
About ten days ago young Lircs
called at tho home of the young wo
man who was living with her step
lather Jacob Eberle a few miles north
of town and escorted her to a dance
in the neignborhood The hour ol
arrival home was early next morning
and tho stepfather took exceptions
to the hour He characterized his dis
approval by administering or attempt
ing to administer corporal punish
ment to the young woman She im
mediately left and went to a neigh
bors to stay The next day young
Ures who has barely reached his ma
jority heard of the humiliation to
which the young woman had been
subjected He immediately called on
Peter Eberle and when he left Mr
Eberles countenance bore the signs
of much grief The next week the
young people were married
Clever Letter Writing Plan
LINCOLN The students of the
city schools of Ohlowa Neb are en
gaged in the exchange of correspond
ence with the students of the schools
of London England Recently the
board of education of London decided
as a practical method of teaching let
ter writing and to increase the spirit
of friendliness among the English
speaking nations of the wofrld to
recommend the exchange of letters
between the pupils of the public
schools of England Australia Can
ada and the United States
Requests were made of prominent
educators in the United Slates Can
ada and Australia tnat they assist in
the inauguration of the scheme The
Ohiowa teachers were among the first
to adopt the suggestion and for some
time the pupils have been engaged in
corresponding with the students of
Intoxicated Man st Columbus In
stantly Killed
COLUMBUS Felix Kammerquist
a Swede about 2G years old was in
stantly killed here He was intoxi
cated and was apparently bewildered
when he wandered onto the Union
Pacific tracks at the depot directly
in front of No 1 westbound He was
struck and thrown about twenty feet
and fell under the drivers of a mov
ing freight engine on another track
His left arm was cut oft in two places
the whole front and upper part of
his head was crushed and bones were
broken in many places He was dead
when picked up He had lived here
since October and worked at the
tailor trade He had a brother liv
ing at Greeley Colo
Extra Fee Illegal
FREMONT Sportsmen who take
out hunting and fishingg licenses in
Dodge county need not hereafter pay
an extra fee of 25 cents in addition
to the 1 charge imposed by statute
for residents and 10 for non-residents
The board of supervisors pass
ed a resolution to do away with the
additional fee County Clerk Boe
prepared and presented the resolution
which stated that the 25 cents extra
charge was unlawful
Will Vote on Bond Question
TECUMSEH A proposition to
bond the Tecumseh school district
in the sum of 17000 for the purpose
of erecting a new school house will
be voted on at the regular spring
election to be held on April 5
Arland Briggs a Worthy Boy
WEST POINT Arland Briggs ap
pointed by Senator Millard as second
alternate for admission to the naval
academy is a West Point boy borr
and brought up in this city He is the
sen of Judge Briggs late of this place
and has always stood high in scholar
ship His elder brother Zeno Briggs
holds a commission in the navy hav
ing been sent from here to Annapoli
some years ago
Calls in Letter Boxes
HUMBOLDT The regulation lettei
boxes which have graced the cross
roads over this section of the stat
since the inauguration of the rura
mail delivery have been gathered ur
by the carriers and sent in by ordei
of the department it having been de
cided that the expense oi mainte
nance and outlay necessary overbal
anced the good derived from theii
Meass at Seward
SEWARD This city and vicinity
is having an epidemic of measles
One country school is reported closed
on account of sickness of the pupils
Harmer Leaves Large Fortune
PLATTSMOUTH The heirs of the
late Barton W Harmer are making
arrangements to remove the remains
of their brother to Tabor la Sir
Harmer was an old bacnelor who for
many years lived alone on a farm
near Elmwood It is thought that
the that led to his death
were received in a fall from an apple i
tree he was trimming and that he
was able to crawl to the house but
war unable to help himself further
He left a fortune of over 200000
witfaasiemiimryjc n -
II HI I llll
Pteiscfv I i 1 1 111 f P J
With can will last a lifctfmc Aikyour
isaler if they do not handle our 2Cod
Sena 2 ccnt stamp for Catalo of our
Harness and Saddcs which show you a
way to ouy tir
BUCKSTA1T illtOS Tho Hurness Men
Lincoln Nebraska
Mustang Llfiinesiii
CCSTC3 Sprains and Strains
W N U Omaha
Nro 13 1SC4
UURfcS WlltRE ALL tlit PfiiLS
Scst Jonah Syrup Tastes Good Use g y
in lime soia ov aruncisis
km f
bU I
fe il S F n M n FWU
date of January 10 1897 Dr
UNDER received the following
My wife had been suffering from a com
plication of diseases for the past 25 years
Her case had baffled the skill of some
of the most noted physicians One of her
worst troubles was chronic constipation of
several years standing
She also was passing through that
most critical period in tho life of a woman
change of life In June 1SX I wrote to
you about her case You advised a course
of Peruna and Manalin which we at
once commenced and have to say it com
pletely cured her She firmly believes
that she would have been dead only for
these wonderful remedies
About tho same time I wrote you about
my own case of catarrh which had been of
25 years standing At times I was almost
past going I commenced to use Peruna
according to your instructions and con
tinued its use for about a year and it has
completely cured me
Your remedies do all that you claim
or thorn end even more Catarrh
cannot exist where Peruna is taken
according to directions Success to
you and your remedies
John O Atkinson
In a letter dated January 1 1900 Mr
Atkinson says after live years experience
with Peruna
I will ever continue to speak a good
word for Peruna In my rounds as a
traveling man I am a walking adver
tisement for Peruna and have Induced
many people during the past year to
use Peruna with the most satisfactory
results I am still cured of catarrh
John O Atkinson
Box 272 Independence Mo
When old age comes on catarrhal dis
eases come also Systemic catarrh is al
most universal in old people
This explains why Peruna has become
so indispensable to old people Peruna
is their safe guard Peruna is the only
remedy yet devised that meets these cases
Such cases cannot be treated locally
nothing but an effective systemic remedy
could cure them This is exactly what
Peruna is
If you do not receive prompt and satisfac
tory results from the use of Perun write
at once to Dr ilartman giving a full state
ment of your case and he will be pleased to
give you his valuable advice gratis
Address Dr Ilartman President of The
I Hartmau Sanitarium Columbus O
Laundry Blue
-- - M - -- J - -
i r zi
WianleaStick LAUNDRY BLUE wont spili break freeze nor snot clothes
Costs 10c and canals 20c worth of am other bluincr If vour eroeer docs not keen
P L8
it send 10c for sample to THE LHD7JDRY BLUE GO Vi Michigan St Ghicaao
These brands will guarantee you a good shoe for men
Star and Crescent
All things come to those who wait
but you might save time by going out
to meet them
insist on Getting It
Some grocers cay they dont lccp De
fiance Starch This is because they have
a stock on hand of other brands contain
ing only 12 oz in a package which they
wont be able to pell lirt because De
fiance contains 1G oz for the same monty
Do you want If oz instead of 12 oz for
same money Then buy Defiance Starch
Kequires no cooking
Never judge a mans character by
the high standing of his snk hat
Ask Tonr Denier For Allens root TJaco
A powder It rests the feet Cures Corns
Bunions SwollenScre Hot Callous Aching
SweatingFeet and Ingrowing Nails Allens
Foot Ease makes new or tight shoes easy At
all Druggists and Shoe stores 25 cents Ac
cept no substitute Sample mailed Free
Address Allen S Olmsted Le Roy N Y
Slander is the crime of saying what
other people think
PA R A E n Q I I5EST ON earth
I h ft lil L M o i Harness Collars and Saddles
tth BB trade mart arc midc from the
od fashioncd tanrcd California leather
E Z Walker
Cock of Walk
Our PRAIRIE QUEEN leads all others in Womens and Childrens Shoes
Sec that name ts oti the shoes you buy
Manufactured in
65 S3 fz Ki
a riX ax3 a
fcmEz t it
It is made of the best
material in bltcKorjrellow
fully 5dtrartccd and scd by
reliable dealers everywhere
To Oklahoma City siad Guthrie is nowopon
From KunMis City the Katy is the short
linf from Chicago part of the short lino
ana from St Louis lacks but a few milos
of beicc the met direct route to this prrt
of Oklahoma The i ountry traversed is one
of the best arming districts in America
supporting a number of thriving towns
tfhich will proT7 in prominence rapidly with
the advent o the railrwd Hre the pros
pective settler and investor will find ancr
etediuly rich opportunity
For complete map of Oklahoma and
Inliau Torritorv and mter
estinir information wnte
Trustworthy lady or centleman to macaje
in this County and adjoining territory for w U
andfavorably known hote cf solid nncncial stand
ins S2000 straight ccsh salary and expenses
paid eacn Monday by check direct frra headquar
ters Expense money ach anced position perma
nent Experience not essential Address
T J COOPER Mangerl
gmwmwwwwegfiHgr1 SSSZWiMfKa Eyo Wate
Ifrmfc i
To those who have suf
fered long and hopelessly
from Humors of the
Blood Skin and Scalp
and who have lost faith
in doctors medicines and
all things human CUTI
CURA Soap Ointment
and Pills appeal with a
force hardly to be realized
Every hope every expec
tation awakened by them
has been more than ful
filled More great cures
of Simple Scrofulous and
Hereditary Humors are
daily made by them than
by all other Blood and
Skin Remedies combined
a single set costing but
one dollar being often
sufficient to cure the
most distressing cases
when all else fails
EoTd throahout the irorii Cutlrura HuolrDt SOc
n lorm of Ctiwolale Costal Tilli ic per vial 01
Ointment 50 Soap FJpprts London 27
Sq larh 3 Hue c la IhIt Bo ton 137 Columuj
Potter ltni h Cheni Corp So lrop
K Sjad or Ail AUiut tlie 3Ln autl Scaiu
mklm fe a itae
Then why not keep in view the
fact that tne farming lands of
imiwwi w
tfErci fSnfL
AV Tj BoiirIis
shoes hsivc by lucir
excellent style
easy fi tins tt
n grg
TM A MZM P ffk
are sufficient to support a population of 5fCWO
or oer The innniiiration foi the past six
has Leun phenomena
FREE lionesiead Lands
easily accessible while othT lands may lie pnr
chased from Railway and Land CouipMiits Tlio
crain and crazins lands of Western Cnada lh
best on the continent producing the best uraij
and cattle fed on crass alone ready for inaikct
Markets Sr hools Hallways and all otlirr
conditions make Western Canada an nvi
tible sot for the settler
Write to Superintendent Immigration Ottavn Can
ada for a descriptive Atlas and other iiifcmiaii it
or to the authorized Canadian Government Ao nt
W V Bennett 801 New York Life Buiidinc
Omaha NeL
rrsH Etfg as
a tjzxa bW MrjaiaBSa
50 0 SC5
o W t5
qualities cchioveil ISJr
tie largest jaio of fc7
They are just rs 001
as tiiose that cost yon
4 to So tho only
difference is tho price
Sold everywhere
Look for rtrt rrn a nA
price on bottom gx2
Loltrin which isvrvwhere conceded to
aethp finest Psifriit Tpathor yet produced
ast Color Eyslets used Shoes by niailSircxra
FFrito for Catalog WLUouglas Brocbtc jiras
1 SEEBrfOraffOESll
rrA w r
t u r fty vui t jm r 3
Va3SSn ifca a b 1P 1 bvt
1 7-
Tersest seed potato growers in tki korldl
7 rfTI In KVn JirmMMa tm n w SfJ
CjyJ and this notice we endy a lc for farm f
i 5HatKtTecitiePpctz oat Arnd
piS landEarey Ilnccronl Wheat Sroinua UKl
g Earliest Cns etc fctndfcraanietociiy 5
FSfJnTnY ftfrTf Deal ilirecTnth
t vti s ii c l j cr - u a j ucuscjusct
ijpst 1iic tfci I nimci
Dellrrv fa i itraie zuaraatn l Kleirai t
ffttnpf anil iron srtii f r a cm iitiv
ADAH t ESOLi CO Hew Era Cftica0
When Answering Advertisements
Kindly Mention This Paper
siilib dLvistf rdriii ih
CURES catarrh cf the stcniach