The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 25, 1904, Image 2

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wo would teach the lady
who bays
JLobsoii numbor on
Starch i3 an extraction
of vheat used to stif
fen clothes when
laundered Host
Marches in timo
Wil rot the
goods thoy
lare ussd to
T1W m cnfitsrfi
vuvjr h
Defiance Starch
is absolutely pure
It cives new life to
linen It gives
or money bach It
sells 16 ounces for 10 cents
at all erocers It is tho
very best
As soon as a man is good enougu
lie is no longer any good
Hope for Apple Growers
Apple grovers in recent years have
noticed largely increased damage by
the codling moth This pest appears
in the form of a small brownish moth
soon after the young apples have set
Its eggs laid on the side of the fruit
or even on the leaves give rise to
tiny worms which enter the young
apples and develop into full grown
apple worms
The annual loss to apple growers
in the United States from this pest
alone is enormous Such a pest could
not long escape attention from the
scientific sleuths of the Experiment
Stations These workers have tracked
tho beast to its lair watched its hab
its of life and devised weapons for
its destruction
A recent bulletin by the Dela
ware Experiment Station shows that
nearly all damage by the codling
moth can be checked by spraying
with a certain arsenical spray called
Disparcne soon after the blossoms fall
from the trees Applied to trees
it poisons the young insects in
infancy and prevents further damage
to the cop It has also been found a
complete and effective remedy for the
canker worm curculio and other in
sects that attack orchards and work
great havoc therewith
In hi8 bulletin- Entomologist
of the Delaware Station gives
the result or a careful series of ex
periments in which he says Dispa
rene proved to be very much superior
ta pads green and destroyed a larger
percentage of codling moth larvae
than has ever been done ire any simi
lar experiment One thing wfrich1
seems to me to make Dlsparene of
special value is its adhesive quali
ties in spite of very heavy rains it
remained on the trees all summer
The results which we secured from
Disparene were both surprising and
Professor J B Smith Entomologist
of the New Jersey Experiment Sta
tion adds nis endorsement in these
words Disparene has proved thor
oughly satisfactory and safe wher
ever used My experience with it
has been so satisfactory this year I
have recommended it widely
Fruit growers are to be congratu
lated that at last a clieap and effec
tive remedy for the codling mpth has
been found The free illustrated
pamphlet on Disparene put out by the
Bowker Insecticide Company of Bos
tou and Cincinnati is a mine of use
ful information and should be in the
hands ot every progressive fruit grow
er We understand the Missouri Val
ley Seed Company St Joseph Mo
ace in a position to supply the
western trade with the
outlook is that through the general use
ot I his insectiefde the apple crop of
the middle west will be much larger
and of a better quality this year than
tor several years past
People who borrow trouble are al
ways reaoy to lend advice
Lincoln Nebraska
German Coach
MM Stiirp
WM Frendi Draft
WtfW1 f
and Belgians
The LARGEST importers of FIRST-
CLASS stallions of conctm in all the X
FROM- On arriving in Lincoln take the q
Sriie Harm street car which runs directly to -
i i w
Our Ddnit miuic auu u jr wn
DMiss Alice M Smiifa of Mia-
neapolis Minn tells how wo
man monthly suffering may
be permanently relieved by Lydia
Dear Mrs Pikkham I have
never before given my endorsement
for any medicine but Lydia E
Pinkhams Vegetable Compound
has added so much to my life and
happiness that I feel like making1 an
exception in this case For two years
every month I would have two days of
severe pain and could find no relief but
one day when visiting- a friend I ran
across Lydia E Pinkhams Vege
table Compound she had used
it with the best results and advised
me to try it I found that it worked
wonders with me I now experience
no pain and only had to rise a few
bottles to bring1 about this wonderful
change I use it occasionally now
when I am exceptionally tired or worn
out Miss Alice M Smith 804 Third
Ave South Minneapolis Minn Chair
man Executive Committee Minneapolis
Study Club 5000 forfeit if original of above
Isttcr proving genuineness cannot be produced
Lydia E PinkLams Vegetable
Compound carries women safely
through the various natural
crises and is tbe safe guard of
womans health
The truth about this great
medicine is told in the letters
from women being published in
this paper constantly
Sin is always a greater wrong to
the sinner than to any other
Get Red Cross Ball Blue the best Ball Blue
Large 2 on package only 5 cents
No man fully realizes how much
noise he makes when he comes home
about 2 a m
Do Your Clothes Look Yellow
Then use Defiance Starch It will keep
them white 1C oz for 10 cents
Let grace and goodness be the prin
cipal loadstone of thy affections
Mrs Winsiows SooCtilnfr syrup
For children teething softens the gums reduces to
nomination allays pain cured wind colic 25c a bottle
Sympathy is the safeguard of the
human soul against selfishness
A faint heart is more apt to win the
fair lady than a faint bank account
A Hard Question
The following tale is told of the
bishop of London Having indulged
that precarious pastime of askrqgany
small Tjoy or girl in the audience to
ask him a question Dr Ingram was
met by the following Please sir
why did the angels walk up and down
Jacobs ladder when they had wings
It is sad to record that eventhe
London was driven to make the
usual humiliating and miserable
cape by returning What little boy
or girl would like to answer this
No Female Angels
A minister on Long Island has de
clared that there are no female angels
in heaven As he does not disclose
the source of his information the
statement may be open to argument
He is reported to have said to his au
Most peoples idea of an angel is
of a beautiful graceful white robed
female figure with a wing on either
shoulder peacefully floating through
the air 1 want to say there are no
female angels
For Growing Girls
West Pembroke Me March 21
Mrs A L Smith of this place says
that Dodds Kidney Pills are the best
remedy for growing girls Mrs
Smith emphasizes her recommenda
tion by the following experience
My daughter was thirteen years
old last November and it is now two
years since she was first taken with
Crazy Spells that would last a week
and would then pass off In a month
she would have the spells again At
these times she would eat very little
and was very yellow even the whites
of her eyes would be yellow
The doctors gave us no encour
agement they all said they could not
help her After taking one box of
Dodds Kidney Pills she has not had
one bad spoil Of course we contin
ued the treatment until she had used
in all about a dozen boxes and we
still give them to her occasionally
when she is not feeling well Dodds
Kidney Pills are certainly the best
medicine for growing girls
Mothers should heed the advice of
Mrs Smith for by so doing they may
save their daughters much pain and
sickness and insure a healthy happy
future for them
The man who is afraid of burning
up his wick need not hope to brighten
the world
1 PI llPtf UMUC Al UMVC uilnc
SI I ff 6 vre hadPlnck enough 15 years ao to put arrabto
ll I- Blutelv mirohouio caintonlhoniarketndltTTon
i 1 1 tnnf I Mfc fAiitA Allina atidwahaTAnlnntr
enough tbguarantee It AKj oUr dealer rorltana
write aa for special color dealgnf or your house-
Lincoln Piint Color Co Lincoln Nebr i
C fv S
-V V-
The Postofficc Military Academy and
Sundry Civil Appropriation Bills in
House Indian and Pension Meas
ures in the Senate
WASHINGTON The postofficc the
military academy and the sundry civil
appropriation bills constitute the work
mapped out for the house this week
On Monday the house will adjourn
early owing to the death of Represent
ative Thompson of Alabama The
postoffice bill is pending and several
knotty questions such as rural free
delivery salaries railway mail subsi
dies and railway mail service are like
ly to prolong its consideration for sev
eral days
The military academy bill is not
likely to consume much time The
sundry civil bill will probably be ready
the latter part of the week and its
consideration will extend into the fol
lowing weolc Present indications are
that no other matters of importance
are likelv to he injected into the week
Postoffice reports will be cared for
hereafter by the McCall committee
which is to sit in open session during
the week
The present week Tn the senate will
be devoted almost entirely to appro
priation bills beginning Tuesday with
that for the District of Columbia and
following with the Indian and pension
jills Neither the District nor the In
dian bill has been reported from com
mittee but both are promised early
in the week and they will take prece
dence over the pension bill notwith
standing tne latter is now on the cal
The pension bill is held for possible
additions made necessary by addition
al legislation but its consideration
will not be long delayed It is not ex
pected there will be any effort to in
crease the amount carried by the bill
on account of the recent executive or
der Whatever may be required to
carry the order into effect will be in
corporated in a general deficiency bill
Unobjected bills on the calendar will
be taken up Monday and further con
sideration may be given Senator Fair
banks bill providing for a new depart
ment building in this city
Forty Thousand Troops Drilled by
Foreigners Ready for Field
PARIS The Figaros correspond
ent in Berlin telegraphs that a Ger
man officer who has just arrived there
from Mancnuria says serious opera
tions in the far east will not be be
gun before the end of June The
principal obstacle to Russian victory
according to this officer is the fact
that 40 000 Chinese troops well
trained and with German and Japan
ese instructors are menacing Russias
lines of communication Russia with
the support of Germany will protest
against this concentration of Chinese
According to the Tokio correspond
ent of the Petit Parisienne official
confirmation has been received of the
destruction of the Russian torpedo
boat destroyer Skeri at Port Arthur
by the explosion of a submarine mine
Tihe correspondent says that the
mikado yesterday bade adieu to 495
officers who were leaving for the
Cub Lion and Elephants Tusks Safely
at Washington
WASHINGTON In charge of keep
ers from the national zoological park
the cub lion sent to President Roose
velt as a present from King Mcnelik
of Abyssinia arrived Saturday from
New York The keepers also brought
the two fine elephant tusks the other
present from King Menelik and the
hyena which was imported for the col
lection at the zoo It was intended
to take the lion to the White House
in order that the president and fam
ily might see it but it was deemed
advisable not to do so The lion and
hyena were taken therefore directly
to the zoo The tusks were taken
to the White House Later they will
be placed in the national museum
No Nursery at the Fair
ST LOUIS Announcement was
made Monday that the board of lady
managers of the Worlds fair had de
cided to abandon the project of estab
lishing a model day nursery at the ex
position to care for the infants of
visitors The cost was estimated at
50000 and it was decided not to ex
pend that amount
Seligman Gets Five Years
DES MOlNttS Max Seligman a
clever insurance swindler who de
frauded the Equitable Life Insurance
company out of several thousand dol
lars by false representation in secur
ing notes which the company cashed
was sentedced to five years impris
Attempt Made to Raise Vessel
PORTSMOUTH Attempts were
made without success to raise the
British submarine boat No 1 A which
was run down by the Donald Currie
line steamer Berwick Castle Friday
afternoon The principal damage ap
pears to have been done to the con
ning tower which shows the marks
pf- the collision The hull of the ves
sel appears to be intact The J3er
wick castle arrived here undamaged
The officers of the vessel declined
to give any information concerning
the accident
V - Jf i
People Send Messages Showing Pleas
ure Over the Merger Jurors
WASHINGTON Messages or con
gratulation from all parts of the coun
try are being delivered to President
Roosevelt by telegraph by mail ana
in person on the supreme courts de
cision in the Northern Securities case
President Roosevelt personally con
gratulated Attorney General Knox
Tuesday after the announcement of
the decision and at the cabinet meet
ing he renewed his congratulations to
Mr Knox In his cordial expressions
he was joined by the attorney gen
erals fellow cabinet members
The attorney general just before the
cabinet meeting declined to indicate
what action if any he might take in
the future in following up the su
preme courts decision He would not
say whether he had formed any plans
looking to prosecutions of further ac
tions under the Sherman anti trust act
or not Thus far he has not had op
portunity thoroughly to digest the deci
sion of the court and until he has
considered it carefully he will noc de
termine much less indicate what fu
ture action he make take
Information Asked Regarding Recent
Pension Order
WASHINGTON The senate adopt
ed the following resolution offered
by Mr Overman
That the secretary of the interior
bo and he is hereby directed to inform
the senate
First Whether an order has re
cently been issued enlarging the pen
sion act of June 27 1890 and amend
ments as to disabilities of applicants
for pensions and if so to send to the
senate a copy of said order
Second By what amount if any
will said order increase pensions annu
ally particularly when the same shall
become fully operative
The senate passed the house bill
approving the act of the territorial
legislature of Arizona authorizing a
bond issue of 100000 for the enlarge
ment of the insane asylum of the ter
The bill authorizing the incorpora
tion of the American academy in
Rome was passed The senate then
went into executive session and later
adjourned until Monday
No Change in U S District Attorney
at Present
WASHINGTON While at the
White house Senator Millard talked
to the president about the case of Wil
liamson S Summers United States
attorney for Nebraska whose re
moval trom office it is said has been
promised by the president to Edward
Rosewater of Omaha and Senator
Dietrich of Nebraska Senator Mil
lard put the matter to the president
in such a way that no change will be
made in the office for some time at
least and Summers will remain where
he is until Senator Millard is fully
agreed that he ought to bo succeeded
by someone else Senator Millard has
not yet reached the point of assent
to this proposition
It is said there is no question that
Summers will eventually fail of reap
pointment but the president will not
care to hasten his removal until Sen
ator Millard is willing
Bill Introduced in the House Fixing
WASHINGTON Two bills were
nitroduced by Representative Birdsall
of Iowa One authorizes the post
master general to allow to postmas
ters in third class offices out of the
surplus revenue of the respective
offices an amount for clerk hire in
addition to allowance for separat
ing service as follows
In offices where the salary of the
postmaster is 1900 000 where the
salary is 1S00 500 where the sal
ary is 1700 400 and where the
salary is 1600 300
The other bill authorizes the post
master general to designate offices at
the intersection of mail routes as
distributing or separating offices and
making reasonable allowances for
clerk hire for this work
Propose to Make Two States 0it ot
Four Territories
WASHINGTON The statehood
problem was taker up by the sub
committee of tho house committee- on
territories recently appointed to draft
statehood bills for Arizona New Mex
ico and Oklahoma and Indian Terri
tory The bill making a state of the
first two was practically completed
The difficulty of adjusting the taxa
tion and other questions with regard
to the admission of Oklahoma and
Indian Territory as a state are next to
be -taken un
Three to One Against Strike
SEELEYVILLE Ind The seven lo
cal unions in this vicinity Tuesday
voted against going on a strike The
majority against striking is estimated
at three to one
Pastor Speaks of Progressive Polyga
my cf Divorcees
tures of Our National Life and What
to Do About Them was the subject
of a Lenten sermon Sunday night
by Rev Dr McKim of the Epiphany
church He made a direct forcible
talk against an almost conscience
less extravagance and passion for
display and drew a vivid picture of
the Iprogresive polygamy of of society
Evil Effects of the Great Combinations
Recited Means Already Existing to
Curb Trusts Ourht to Be Rigidly En
tive Hearst of Now York on Friday in
troduced resolutions providing for an
investigation of tho trust cuestlon by
a committee of five members of the
house The resolutions contain ten
clauses reciting the evil effects of
trusts on the country among them be
ing the following
Numerous illegal combinations
known as trusts have been formed to
absorb or eliminate competition and
establish virtual monopolies with a
view to controlling production and
raising the price of their products
Such extortionate trusts as the
beef trust and the coal trust and the
ice trust have arbitrarily increased the
cost of the necessities of life to the
Such snecuative trusts as the ship
yards and the steel trust have inflated
their stock to many times its actual
vaiues and sold to the public transfer
ing the peoples money from banks and
legitimate investments into the pock
ets of trust promoters and speculators
Industrial unrest has been foment
ed by the increased cost of living and
by tho consequent necessary efforts of
labor to make its wages keep pace
with the increased cost of living
Such trusts as the steel trust in
spite of the increased cost of living
have ruthlessly cut down the wages of
hundreds of thousands of employes in
order to pay dividends on watered
stock and other trusts have wholly
collapsed throwing hundreds of thou
sands of workmen out of exployment
The purchasing power of the com
munity has been diminished by the ac
tions of the trusts by unsound methods
which have misled the people swin
dled them and robbed them of their
All classes of the community are
being made to feel the evil effect of
of the unrestrained creed and lawless
practices of the trusts
The committee is directed to inform
the house fully on the trust situation
to the end that more effective laws
may be prepared and passed by con
gress regulating and restrictly com
binations The committee is empow
ered to send for persons and papers
An additional resolution states that
It is the sense of this house and it
does recommend that the laws al
ready existing against the trusts be
in the meanwhile enforced by the ex
ecutive branch of this government and
the legal representatives thereof
The resolutions were referred to the
committee on rules
Is for the Benefit of All Legitimate
WASHINGTON The attorney gen
eral being asked concerning the mer
ger decision said
My views of the decision cannot
be better expressed than in the lan
guage of one of the best known rail
road presidents in the United States
upon the decision in favor of the
government by the court below He
said The decision Is sound law
good and for the benefit of all legiti
mate interests and for the countrys
welfare and it voices the judgment
of probably nine tenths of the most
conservative business men of the
As to the bearing upon other rail
roads I have this to say The gov
ernment has never claimed that the
law is any broader than its language
plainly indicates
During the trial and argument
the government paid no heed to tho
defendants contention that the
makeup of substantially all the great
American systems of railroads was on
trial The governments position was
then that the question before the
court was as to the validity of the
Northern Securities device
Money for the Lewis and Clarke Ex
WASHINGTON The house com
mittee on industrial arts and exposi
tions considered in an all day session
the report of its sub committee on the
senate bill appropriating 1750000
toward the Lewis and Clarke exposi
tion to be held at Portland Ore
The sub committee cuts the appro
priation to 3200000 for a government
exhibit 225000 for government
buildings 25000 for an Alaskan ex
hibit 25000 for a Philippine exhibit
and authorizes the coinage of 250000
souvenir dollars These dollars are to
sell at 2 each and the profit will go
to the exhibition company The full
committee will consider the bill again
Miners Vcte to Acceot Scale
INDIANAPOLIS Ind The tellers
completed canvassing the miners vote
this afternoon Total vote cast 1G5
SS7 For accenting the scale 93514
against the scale and in favor of a
strike G7373 Majority against a
strike 31141 Secretary Wilson of
the United Mine Workers said a meet
ing of the joint subscale committee
would in all probability be called for
Indianapolis next Monday when the
scale would be sieved for two years
and arranzements made to meet in
joint convention two years hence
Tho 11 to hat docs no good Is guilty
of much harm
drops to a teMPiwnfu CIIihoy offer one
t euro Sena
t0TTlCchr CO Toledo Obto
Sold by Driicil8tH75c
Take flalU Family IHU for constipation
We Lead in Divorces
The population of the United States
has tor forty years been about twelve
times that of Canada and the number
of divorces in the United States in
that time has been 10000 times tha
number of Canada
East and South
Special rate3 on sale daily to all
Winter resorts of the South Half
fare round trip plus 200 on first and
third Tuesdays each month to many
points South
The only line with its own station
at main entrance of Worlds Fair
grounds The Wabash runs on its own
rails from Omaha Kansas City Dea
Moines St Louis and Chicago to
Toledo Detroit Niagara Falls and
Buffalo with through connections be
All agents can route you via the
Wabash For Worlds Fair descrip
tive matter and all information ad
dress Harry E Moores G A P D
Omaha Nebr
A Friendly Estimate
She has illumined the night of my
life sighs the poet who is descant
ing upon the beaut S u his fiances
to her school chum
Im sure I have often noticed it
but I never would have hinted that
she is moon faced leplied the friend
in a purring voice
But the poet was wandering men
tall3r and wondering wnether high
brow and eyebrow would make a
smooth rhyme Judge
Who does the best nis circum
stances allows does well acts nobly
Disappointment is not a sufficient
reason tor discouragegment
Any old roon m a hotel is good
enough for a bridal ciamber The oc
cupants never look at the furniture
Am I in favor of exransion Every
thing that grows exj ands See how
the State Farmers Mutual Insurance
Company of South Omaha has grown
Jan 1 1S9G we had 5021500
1807 we had 41885000
1898 we had 2G9G1G500
1S99 we had 422437500
1900 we had 753897300
1901 we had 104S048300
1902 we had 1354136700
1903 we had 1G4138G900
1904 we had 1841638832
Dont you think you would like to
belong to a live Company like this
Write the Secretary B R Stouffer
South Omaha Nebr
Small talk often results in big-scandals
The fear of being tound is often
mistaken tor the prickings of con
All Up to Date- Housekeepers
ue Detfance Cod Starch because
it is better and -1 oz mire of it for same
A man seldom forgets a favor he
does another
Its a case of minority rule in a
house wneie theres a baby
Balzora Homo Euilder Corn
So named because 50 acres produced
so heavily that its proceeds built a
lovely horn Oe Salzers catalog
Yielded in 1903 in Lid 157 bu Ohio
160 bu Tenn 9S bu and In Mich 220
bu per acre You i an beat this record
In 1904
TEU A zi
120 bu Beardless Barley per acre
310 bu Salters Xw Nat Oats per A
80 bu Salzer Speltz Macaroni Wheat
1000 bu Pedigree Potatoes per acre
14 tons of rich Billion Dol Grass Hay
00000 lbs Victoria Rape for sheep acre
16000 lb3 Teosinte the fodder wonder
54000 lbs Salzers Superior 1odder
Corn rich juicy fodder per A
Now such yields you can have Mr
Farmer in 1904 ir you will plant Sal
zers seeds
In stamps to John A Salzer Seed Co
La Crosse Wis and receive thir
great catulog and lots of farm sed
samples W N U
About tre time love lets up on a
man rheumatism takes a fall out of
What we have to rain is not one
battle but a weary Lies campaign
Tree to Twenty f ive Ladies
The Defiance Starch Co will give
25 ladies a round t ticket to the
St Louis Exposition to five ladies
in each of the following states Illi
nois Iowa Nebraska Kansas and
Missouri who will send in the largest
number of trade marks cut from aten
cent lG cunce package of Defiance
com warer launur starch This
means from your own home anv
where in the above named states
These trade marks must be mailed to
and received by the Defiance Starch
Co Omaha Nebr before Sentember
1st 1904 October and November
will be the best months to visit the
Exposition Remember that Defiance
is the only starcn
put up 1G oz a
full pound to the package You get
one third more starcn for the same
money than of any other kind and
Defiance never sticks to the iron
The tickets to the Exposition will be
sent by registered mail September
5th Starch tor sale by- all dealers
The span of life was lent for Ioftv
duties not for selfishneis A du