The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 11, 1904, Image 3

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Latest Novelties -in the Shops
The shift waist boxes in cretonne
which come fitted snugly away like
bureau drawee into a case covered
with the material are now imitated
in miniature affairs Borne Tour or five
inches in height These are designed
f or a biibys boudoir use One firawer
VUULUlilD OUIULJ JJillO UUUlill kJiv w w i
or bib holders and other silver trin
lcets a third the wee socks etc The
imitations too are covered with cre
tonne Each smafl ornament is top
ped off with a bow of satin ribbon
The incoming styles in rattan
and wicker furniture for the porclf
are altogether fascinating These sets
include reading table tea stand and
hamper in addition to the usnzQ com
plement of chairs rockers and
Many eff the French sets come in
a mixture of pale colorings which
catch the eye at once as something
extremely new Other lovely
are stained or enameled in the palest
of lints df lavender pink blue and
the like
A Pretty Linen Frock
Uinen fabrics are sbown in almost
numberless varieties and are both
durable and smart This pretty dress
for a young -girl is made of etamine
in pale blue and is trimmed -with
white embroidery and novelty band
ing -the yoke being made of tucking
and insertion combined The waist
is a simple one and is made over a
fitted lining that can be cut away be
neath the yoke when a transparent
effect is desired while the skirt is
straight and tmfkefl in groups the
fullness providing flare where the
tucks fall free To malic the dress
for a girl of ten years of age will be
4440 Girls Tucfced Drees S to 14 years
required 5 yards of material 27 4
yards 32 or 3 yards 44 inches wide
with yard of fancy tucking for yoke
and 4 yards of embroidery for frill
A May Manton pattern No 4440
sizes S to 14 years will be mailed to
any address on receipt of ten cents
How to Clean Jewels
Every little while all brooches rings
and such things that are in constant
use should be brushed with a tooth
brush that has been dipped in eau de
cologne If the setting is open it must
be done from the back and be care
ful not to loosen tho stones Then
lay the things in a box of jewelers
sawdust which has been slightly heat
r beforehand and leave for an hour
Gold chains may be washed in warm
seapsuds drying them on a soft towel
by pulling back and forward They
may also be dried in sawdust and the
particles can be blown or dusted out
afterward Ee sure and get them dry
as they will be apt to become worn
between the links if any dampness re
Party Gown for a Girl
An attractive party gown for a girl
of fourteen is of blue voile with full
skirt shirred half a dozen times at
the Waist and again half way to the
knees The shirred waist has fancy
reveres of white cloth embroidered in
blue silk the shade of the voile and
the sleeves deeply shirred at the top
have fancy cuffs like the reveres fin
ishing them just below the elbow A
soft white sash with long streamer
ends completes a chic costume
When the small maid shows a ten
dency to outgrow clothes instead of
letting out the hem of the skirt when
making the dress cut the waist two
or three inches longer then lengthen
the frock by changing the belt
Coquetry in Fur Stoles
Stoles in every sort of fur still con
tinue to encircle fair slender throats
It makes little difference from what
animal the soft delicate covering is
taken and Avhether it be black gray
brown or white Neither does it seem
to be a matter of great import wheth
er the stole is long or short broad
or narrow if it be of the circle form
that is the chief thing in regard to
this bJt or motTisuncss for the fair
ones toilet
The next thing considered Is the
way that it shall be worn Twice
about the swan like throat is the stole
wound and then
coquetishly one end
is thrown over the loft shoulder
Homely Refreshments
Perhaps it is because this is lo e
an economical season and many are
not entertaining as elaborately as in
previous years or perhaps because
fashions change a great deal in -a
short time but many of the dainties
served now at dinners are of simple
and homely description
One or the most populzrr 3s tlie
school girl delicacy lenown as fudge
Brokcnuip fudge and cream candy are
frequently served in place of French
Table- decorations are very simple
and green and silver are the favorite
combinations There is very little
show of elaborateness in any of the
entertainments The predilection for
home sweets has wrought bavoc
among the confectioners and caterers
Smart Trimmings
Fringe trimmings are considered the
smartest mode of dress embellishment
this seaeyn Particularly effective are
the fine silk fringes made to order
with knotted headings those of tho
sewing silk and twist variety are also
greatly in vogue Large fringed tas
sels are seen on many of the new
model skirts and are a popular means
this season of garnishing the elabor
ate evening wiap Narrow strips of
fringe insertion are attractively em
ployed as piping at the edge of large
tucks and aiso in adorning the cors
age This style of trimming is com
monly known as the Tom Thumb
fringe and when in white or delicate
shade is especially chic and pretty
for the embellishment of evening
Worth Knowing
A good housewife will never allow
anything to go to waste Instead of
buying dusters or window cloths she
will make use of her discarded pocket
handkerchiefs scarfs and silk petti
coats and will find she has some
thing better than she could buy any
There is very apt to be a draft at
the head of a brass or iron bed and
a little curtain of some pretty cre
tonne and will add to your comfort
and improve the appearance of your
Use dark green blinds in a bedroom
It will prevent the glare so trying to
your eyes
Bedroom Hangings
Nothing is prettier or more dainty
for bedroom decoration than the up
holstery dimities in the old English
style They can be got in many pat
terns and launder beautifully so are
more durable than a flimsy fabric
They may be used in the entire decor-
ation of the room for bedspread can
opy window hangings and dressing
table covers
At the windows it is prettiest to
hang the curtains straight down each
side with a full vallance across the
top Cushions for chairs and corner
seats can be made to match too
Wear of Wedding Veils
Wedding veils must be put on now
so that nearly all of the hair shows
and give a long narrow look instead
of spreading at the sides One of the
most effective lately seen was a scarf
about a yard wide and three and one
half yards long edged with a little
real lace One yard of it was turned
back at the top to make a short veil
with a long one under it This was
caught on to a half wreath of orange
blossoms which is now the proper
finish Two very small ostrich tips
are sometimes seen
Butter for a Bump
While mothers kisses are supposed
to take the soreness out of all sorts
of hurts and bruises even this sov
ereign specific will not keep a bump
from turning black and blue If a
bump is well buttered soon after it is
made the skin it is said will not
change color A woman who did not
believe it but tried it all tho same
says her children have been saved
many ugly marks by means of this
simple and inexpensive remedy
headers of this paper can secure any May
Manton pattern illustrated above by fill ins out
all Wanks in coupon and mailing 10 cents
to E E Harrison Co 03 Plymouth Place Chi
cago Pattern will be mailed promptly
Pattern No
Waist Measure if for skirt
Bust Measure if for -waist
Age if childs or misss pattern
Write plainly Fill out all blanks Enclose J J
ice Mail to E E Harrison Co
Place Chicago
Girl Justly Angry at Her rivals Joy
Over Ghost Story
What a horrid- creature Milly
Smith isT said tho girl in the blue
She Is assented the girl in gray
but now
How did I find it out said the girl
n the blue blouse Why we spent
our holidays at the same house1 Tho
vay T came to grief with her wrs this
We decided to give a ghost party one
night Yon sit in a dark room and tell
host stories in turn The person that
lcIIs the most blood curdling one gets
i prize Of course the incidents are
11 supposed to have happened to you
personally but
Why goodness how delightfully
So it is Of course 1 wanted to
create u good impression especially
as Harry was there that week and
that Smith girl was fairly baunting
Ids footsteps Somehow 1 couldnt
manage to think or to dream of a good
one Finally the day of the party I
went to sec my laundress about my
dress we were all to wear white you
know To my joy I found on her man
telpiece an old dog eared book of
ghost stories I borrowed it at once
and took it home in triumpn and that
evening I told one of the stories from
it of course malting myself tlie
heroine It began with my arriving
at the country house late at night you
lcnow and being given a bed in a
haunted room
And waking up conscious that
something was in the room I know
Yes WeH it was a great success
and I felt that the prize was mine
when that Smith girl stopped talking
to Harry and began to applaud And
what do yon think she said 2
Something awful of course
Clasping her hands she said Oh
how delightful And did it all really
happen to you Of course it did 1
said How perfectly charming she
cried My old nurse used to tell me
that story when I was a very little
girl and I shall enjoy it so much more
now that I know you were the he-
Just His Luck
I had never had any luck on the
races said Mr J H Jonah nor in
games of chance In fact my num
ber is all wrong one way or another
and if anybody proposes a scheme
where its win or Iose you can betsky
that it is little Jimmy Jonah to lose
Just now I am referring to Tivoli
pool Ever lay it In that game you
know the table slants and is stud
ded with little prongs projecting
about two inches There are three
holes through which if the ball
drops you are enabled to make large
scores The object of the projections
is to embarrass the ball and to pre
vent it from going into the holes
But there is no need to particularize
since what I am talking about Is bad
Tuck The other evening I met up
with three South Side friends and
we had several games with Tivoli
pool 25 cents each in the pot high
est score to win Well sir you shoot
six times each during a game and in
sixteen games I held the lowest
score Then I got mad I offered to
go into a pot at a dollar each winner
to be the person who made the lowest
score They jumped at it Need I
say what happened Try as I would
not to score I rolled the highest that
anybody had made in any game that
evening Luck I cant figure it out
His Prayer
Cuplain Hale no longer asks
Z join with him in repeating the
Iorcfs prayer at the morning devo
tions This arises from the fact that
when he did make the request there
was no response This circumstance
was the basis of a report printed in
some newspapers that none of the
senators knew the prayer The report
in turn became the source of no little
anxiety to Dr Hale
Can it be possible that such a de
plorable condition of affairs exists
he asked more than one senator and
he was apparently much relieved by
the assurance given him that the
newspaper report was without founda
Id just like to see the test made
said Senator Tillman when he heard
the story I fear theyd all be like
two fellows they tell about down in
South Carolina They were in peril
of losing their lives by drowning
when one of them insisted the other
should pray notwithstanding his com
panion remonstrated that he did not
know how to pray
Must pray anyhow said the other
whereupon the one said
Lord make us thankful for what
we are about to receive Washing
ton Post
Faithful to His Friends
One thought had he to live his life
To link with joy its utmost ends
But in the thickest of the strife
He was faithful to his friends
Carea not he for right nor wrong
Honors call nor dutys way
He but lived among the throng
Lived among them for a day
Thus he lived and thus he died
Yet each one now his life defends
For we saw the rule applied
He was faithful to his friends
Rough and tempest tossed the road
Crooked was the path he trod
Oft he staggered neath the load
And swore loudly at his God
But after all his varied years
No reason he to make amends
He left no payment in arrears
He was faithful to his friends
Henry R B Brigs
Deer Make Pretty Picture
A Middlesex Vt farmer while
drawing logs two or three days ago
saw a group of eight deer on a mea
dow about a mile and a half south of
the village He describes the animals
as sleek and in good condition and
says they made a picture well worth
looking at
HOW TW i m
the man who wears
m v v
R XgglV Nkb
Hundreds of Women Cured by
of Annoying Catarrh
kR HARTMAN has probably done
more tnan any otner pnysician
toward popularizing a means ot
escape from tho facial deformities such
as watery eyes twisted nose offensive
breath dry cracked lips due to the rav
aging effects of catarrh
Ho has made chronic catarrh a life long
study His remedy popularly lenown as
Peruna is the most famous remedy for
catarrh in existence
Probably there is not a man or woman
boy or girl within the bounds of the
United States that has not heard of Pe
runa By far the largest majority aave
used Peruna
The multitude of people that have been
cured of chronic catarrh by using Peruaa
can never be known
We can save you middlemans profit hy havlnjj our
awn warehouses and feeding yards and curing
highest possible prices for vour grain and stock
Send for our FliEE JSookfet
Farmers Grain and Live Stock Commission Co
C1J Colony Building Chicago 111
Trustworthy lady or gentleman to manage busi
ness in this County and adjoining territory for well
andfavorably known house of solid financial stand
ing SSJOOO straight cash salary and expenses
paid each Monday by check direct from headquar
ters Expense money advanced position perma
nent Experience not essential Address
T J COOPER Manager
Mystasig Llo5oiesi
is a positive cure for Piles
KAWfEKS Eicclntor
Ilrand Oiled Clothlnir
Rest in the world Will
not crack peel or get
sticky Look for trade
mark If not at dealers
send tor catalogue
East Cambridge 3 n
Lincoln Nebraska
German coach
EnglisD Scire
French Draft
and Belgians
The LARGEST importers of FIRST
CLASS stallion of any concern in all the
FROM On arriving in Lincoln take the
State Farm street car which runs drectly to
our barn Come and see us or vnte
Lg Dist Tel 575 A L Sullivan rigr
Best Coogh Syrup Tastes Good Upe
in time boia Dy arusjjjtets
When Answering Advertisements
Kindly Mention This Paper
O o
500000 BySSELS
largest sted potato tolversin the lrorldl
Elegant stock Tremendous yields
From 400 to 1CC0 bushela per acre
F S0 tSEftiTS
and this notice wo eend you lots of farm
seed samples and big catalogue telling
all about Teoslntc Spcltz Peaoat Aerld
land Barley Uicaronl Wheat Broruua
Earliest Cane etc bend for same today
W L Douglas
shoes Lave by tlieir
excellent stvln
easy fitting and
superior -wearing
qualities achieved
tlie largest salo of
any shoes in tho
They aro just as good
as those that cost you
S4 to o the only
umerence is tlie price
Sold Everywhere
Loolc for namo av
price on cottom
Coltskiii tvhich is everywhere conceded to
Juner yet prolnced
ri ate5
w c
ast Color
Eyelets used Shoe byma25ccxlrc
iTritefor Catalog WLDouglas BrocitonjfaS
When Answering Advertisements
Kindly Mention This Paper
W N U Omaha
No 11 1S04
CURES catarrh of the stomach
Catarrh Robs Women of HeaStSi and Beauty
Perana flakes Women Healthy and Beautf ul
Jliss Amanda Johnson Fairchild Wir writes
I write to tell yon how much Pcmna benefited mo For
a numbor of years I had pnin in my head around my eyes
end I thought it was becauso my cycis needed treatment
so I went to an occuliat and had glasses fitted to my eye
and wore them for somo tunc but felt no relief whatever
In fact I felt worso than beforo and camo to tho conclu
sion that tho troublo was not with my eyes but with my
head and that it must bo catarrh As so many of my
friends had used Peruua with benefit for this troublo I
thought I would try it I was not sorry that I did co for
in a short timo I began to improvo and in four weeks my
eyes wcro in splendid condition my general health waa
much improved and all tho catarrh of tho head was gone
I was glad to get rid of this troublo and am gul to endorao
such a good medicine as Pcruna Miss Amanda Johnson
j Miss Amanda Johnson I V llllS
Miss Flora Hauscr 1032 S New
rec nlaIhipolS I r
JwritS pvp
i 1 think 1 must have been trou A I No J VfP
bled with catarrh ever since I was 5 I Woman P l
very young aggravated each time 5 c s i
S caught a cold This did not 5 J I Alletcd 1 j0
prove sufficiently serious to be ob- With trrp yl
5 noxious until last winter Then 5 i Sr
1 my head and nose were so stopped S Catarrh tr5
up that I felt I must do something i jan jjc - y jgr
5 Peruna was recommended to me by 5 s
a friend I used it for four weeks Either v i
5 and found to my relief that it cured S C Beautiful
or v
me I have not had a bit of trouble J s Sz20
i since My head is clear and I can S I Attractive t 1jllliii
2 safely affirm that Peruna cured
s me Miss Flora Ifauser Wwwwv 2 SrEHp - y
iViiRR WintrPL Mrvrscior
jjljy y
O O C O C00 0 C 0OOCg
Many a girl has regained her faded
beauty many a matron has lengthened
the days of her comely appearance by using
Peruna produces clean mucous mem
branes the base of facial symmetry and a
perfect complexion
The women have not been slow to dis
cover that a course of Peruna will do more
toward restoring youthful beauty than all
the devices known to science
While it is true that Peruna cures ca
tarrh wherever located yet it is advis
able for everyone to use Peruna as a
preventive and not wait until catarrh
has fastened itself in some part of tho
Peruna acts quickly and beneficially
on the inilamcd mucous mpmbrawa
lining the different organs of tho bod
Tims it will cure catarrn wherever
If yon do not derivo prompt and satisfac
tory j esults froin tho use of Peruiu wnto
at once to Dr Ilartinan giving i fiul
statement of your case and ho vill lx
pleased to give you his valuable advico
Address Dr Hartman President of Tho
Hartman Sanitarium Oohimbvs Ohio
These brands will guarantee you a good shce for men-
Star and Crescent
Deal Direct with
and Save Monev
Ourgoods the best Prices the lowest Iromnt
tnerts Delivery of nil portraits guaranteed Elirant
samples and rol free Se il for c a ilocue ldrcs
ADAH J KEOLL CO New Era Building Chicago
E Z Walker
Cock of Walk
uur x rviiaviEv wjlim Jeaas an otners in uomen s ana i nnaren s snoos
Sec that our izamc is on the soes you ruv
ISienufcturod in
rwM n
asJiy iKtfSExEB5I
Tl e- a e cttlr il aim ettr on V in a 1
O iine I nd inl ar jiosjx i irl -
Sir Wilfied Laurer rcciitlv ml A new
Mencnthe lirruoii and it l tcvil it t
eerviriiira it n o the la nl i
to come inl r rlt a lioinf for inriu i i n
turns bis pat Cunjda There
Room for riilions
IKIK Homesteads Kven array Kn
tliurrlic Bsiluaj s 3Iurei Cliuiit
everything to he desired
Tor a de rptjve Atlas and other iitfoririaticu
applj to Superintendent Immigration Ottcvia t
atta oi authorised Canadian Oovernncnt A i
W V Heinttt ffl New York Lde Jiuiid it
Omaha Nfcb
MARCH I3t and I5th
From St Lcui3 and Kansas City SIGOO
From Chicago S2500
From Des Moines SI995
From Cincinnati S2940
From Indianapolis S268S
Tickets are first class ani permit stop
en eoint trip south of Windsor Xio tvitlim
transit limit of 15 days- final liut 21 day
from date of sale Nevrr before has thi ro
been such a chance to see the Sjuthv7 st m al
its prospetj One way seccnd clabs tirkns
will be sold same days at a reciucd rate NrMi
If sfilctcd trltb I
ore c ea me
again trill tee rates be so low
GO NCW For paruculars
wr te or rail on
a p
Katy Bids St Louis Mo
Eya Waic
PA R M P D Q U2ST oy earth
VR II ii L n s i Harncis Collars and Saddles
i l
1 tU I
7ith EB trade mars in srsis from xho
od lashicncd tanned California leather
Ttta care -will Jii a lifetime Aefc
Iater if they c rjy handle ft vooir
Sizd 2 ccn ctemp for Catalog of our
ilzTZizz arU SrJScz t Inch yoo a
way to cuy them
Unsold Nooraslca