i I UM I - ifc i I VlAt I 1 f i BJi k 4 Your Tongue If its coated your stomach is bad your liver is out of order Aycrs Pills will clean your tongue cure your dys pepsia make your liver right Easy to take easy to operate 25c All drugjjIatB Wnittjoitr iiHiuiulio or lip ird a beautiful urown or i irii kick Alien use BUCKINGHAMS DYEUftU 11 CJ tfps C n P HllU CO NASHUA N H Cured Hemorrhages of the Lungs Sovcral years since my lungs were so badly affected that I had many hemor rhages writes A M Akoof Wood Ind I took treatment with several physi cians without any benefit I then start cd to take Foleys Honey and Tar and my lungs are now as sound as a bullet I recommend it in advanced stages of lung trouble Foleys Honey and Tar stops tho cough and heals the lungs and provents serious results from a cold Refuse substitutes Sold by A Mc Millon Best Remedy For Constipation Tho linest remedy for constipation I over used is Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tablets says Eli Butler of Frank ville N Y They act gently and with out any unpleasant effect and leave the bowels in a perfectly natural condition Sold by all druggists Reconstructs your whole body makes rich red blood Drives out impurities that have collected during the winter IJollisters Rocky Mountain Tea is a family tonic 33 cents L W McConnell Tea or tablets 7 J - Do You Want Strength If you want to increase your strength you must add lo and not take from the physical In other words the food that you oat must be digested ussimilated and appropriated by the nerves blood and tissues before boing expelled from the intestines Kodol Dyspepsia Cure adds to the physical It gives strength to and builds up strength in the human system It is pleasant to the taste and palatnblo and the only combination of digebtants that will digest thefood and enable the system to appropriate all of its health and strength giving qualities SoldbyLW McConnell So Sweet and Pleasing in Taste MrsC Peterson G2 Lake St Topeka Kan speaking of Mallards Ilorehound Syrup says It has never failed to give entire satisfaction and of all cough remedies it is my favorite and I must confess to my many friends that it will do and has done what is claimed for it to speedily cure a cough or a cold and it is so sweet and pleasing in taste 25c f0c and 81 bottle at A McMillens Working Overtime Eight hour lawh are ignored by those tireless little workers Dr Kings New Life Pills Millions are always at work night and day curing indigestion bili ousness constipation sick headache and all stomach liver and bowel troubles Easy pleasant safe sure Only 23 cents atL W McConnells drug store Happy Healthy Children Any child can take Little Early Risers wilh perfect safety They are harmless never gripe or sicken and yet they are so certain in results that robust constitu tions requiring drastic means are never disappointed They cannot fail to per form their mission and every one who uses DeWittsLittle Early Risers prefers them to all other pills They cure bili ousness Sold by L V McConnell vsdBsarNarNaiNiw5vNSssrvm a We Extend A cordial invitation to all our friends and the public gener ally to call and see our newline Spring Footwear For comfort lit and style they are unsurpassed and our prices for goods of the best quality are the most reasonable in fact as low as others ask for an inferior grade THE MODEL SHOE STORE A E PETTY Proprietor McCook Nebraska SWVvWVaNBKSSNK3VBNars5F2Fs 5SS33S25g3aW The Test of Time 53 YEARS OF IT STAMPS THEM THE MOST Satisfactory Economics Polk BrOS Agents McCook Pheips Boa fman Commissi on Go Only Strictly Wholesale Commission Merchants in McCook No deviation from this rule Vegetables and Fruits Corner Main and Dennison Sts flcCOOK NEB If you lose a cow hog or horse that might have been saved youre out from io to 300 arent you Our Veterinary Department tells what to do for sick live stock in an emergency THE Twentieth Century Farmer made this man 275 why not you JULIA KAN Twentieth Century Fanner Omaha Xeb Gentlemen Your paper seems to cover about every condition that is likely to arise on the farm from raisimr horses cattle hojis and sheep down to earden truck I have kept every copy of your paper and because I did I saved a valuablo Hereford cow worth 275 because when she was taken sick I turned to tho veterinary columns and found a remedy for her trouble If I had had to wait to get a doctor she would have died Its a urard cood paper Yours truly J C REVAEW Send 25c for 3 months subscription we will send a sam ple copy and handsome booklet free if you write for it Spier did prizes for getting new subscribers premium list free Address THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER 2051 Farnam St Omaha Neb - - See the B - si 1 iViO Onana MM Time Card mm No McCook Neb mm MAIN MNK EAST DHPAKT No 0 Central Timo 1115pm 2 02IA M 12 U20 A M II 055 1 M No 5 arrives from east at 8 p 111 MAIN LINK WEBT DBPAKT 1 Mountain Time 11 54 A M 3 11 13 5 i 7 50 p LINK No 170 arrives Mountain Time 540 p M No 175 departs 700 a m Sleeping dining and recliniiiK chair cars s eatH free nu through trains Ticket1 Mild and Ivakrhkh chocked to any iointin the United States or Canada For information time tables maps and tick ets cull on or write ipotko Scott Atcetit Mc Cook Nebraska or J Francis General Awent Omaha Nebraska NURSERY IN TIBET In the ForcHtn of IIiIn OliNvurc Country Our first meeting with the Sifuns pre sented many ludicrous features Wo were plunging through the gloom of the forest when our ears were assailed with a concourse of yells which echoed through the supernatural silence with ghostly weirdness In this forbidding wilderness we had not looked for signs of human habitation so hastily arrang ing ourselves in position we prepared ourselves for what seemed an inevita ble hostile attack Long and anxiously we awaited tho onslaught of our sup posed hidden assailants when again the peace disturbing sound echoed al most it seemed over our very heads Glancing upward the mystery was soon explained for in the lower branch es of the tree we could descry numerous small bundles each too large for an eyrie and too small for a windfall Both my Kiangsi and Gharlkauese escort with their superstitious natures roused by these ghostlike sounds visi bly paled beneath their dusky skins and gazed furtively round in order to seek means of escape from this enchanted spot Even I was not little puzzled and awed until peering more closely I be came aware of the fact that the dis turbing elements which had caused us so much concern arose from the fact that we had unwittingly stumbled upon an aboriginal nursery and that the weird and ghostlike sounds emanated from several hungry and lusty lunged infants Then the solemn stillness was broken by our hearty laughter the Si fans and Gharlkauese as if to make amends for their credulous fears mak ing the woods ring with their forced guffaws The Sifan Tibetans as we subsequently learned place their chil dren in skin cradles and hang these from the trees in the forests the first from a belief that they will be instruct ed by the deities the second that their full existence may not be endangered by the abominable filth and squalor of the settled regions Several times in the day they are visited by their moth ers who provide them with food and remain with them during the night and in the forest home the child remains until it is two or three years old and has grown strong and health enough to stand the rigors of hardship and dis ease YV C Jameson Ileid in Colliers Weekly FRUITS AND FLOWERS High and gravelly soil is the best for fruit trees Mildew is the worst enemy of the gooseberry Pruning is the best rem edy Rosin and tallow in equal parts is an excellent covering for wounds in fruit and other trees To cultivate among trees use a whif fletree as short as the horse can walk with Turn the hooks in The weeds must be kept down around the small fruit trees and vines if the fruit is to mature and ripen rightly Look over the orchard occasionally to see that no suckers are growing from the roots of the trees to sap the strength from the main tree Plants in windows should be turned once or twice a week A fine form which is half the beauty of a plant cannot be attained without this Wood ashes not only help to keep borers from the roots of trees but the trees make a healthier and more vigor ous growth and bear much sounder fruit when they are used The Begrsars Siprn Smith seeing beggar bearing sign reading Deaf and Dumb Id like to help this poor fellow but I dont know how to tell whether he is really deaf and dumb Beggar softly Read the sign mis ter read the sign Indianapolis Jour nal He Knew This is rather an unusual hour for you to be going to lunch Not hungry eo early are you No but I will be by the time the waiter condescends to notice me Ex change Childrens Coughs and Colds Mrs Joe McGrath 327 E 1st St Hutchinson Kan writes I have given Ballards Hurehound Syrup to my chil dren for coughs and colds for the past four years and find it the best medicine I ever used Unlike many cough syrups it contains no opium but will soothe and heal any disease of the throat or luncrs quicker than any other remedy 2oc oOc and SI For sale by A McMillen jP T1 I INDIAN0LA The infant child of Fred Burt is ser iously ill Old man Walker is lying very low with lagrippo Fred Voring drovo to McCook Mon day on business Charlie Walls moved his family to Ox ford first of the week Joe Amsdem went to Denver Tuesday morning with a stock car Little Walter Caine who has been seriously ill is improving Will Gotschall and wife of Danbury were town callers Monday James Carmichael is building a new barn on his property in town J Kern and family visited a few days this week with relatives in McCook Ed Price of Hartley has purchased tho John Short placo near Coon Creek Mart Nutt and wife and Will Mackey and wife of Danbury spent Sunday with Mart Akers and family Mrs W D Williams and two daugh ters Leva and Mabel of Bartley weie city visitors last Saturday Elmer Oxley and wife of Hartley visit ed with Rev Crippen and family Sun day Joe Harrison moved this week into his new home lately vacated by Charlio Walls Mrs Sslvii Dragoo returned last Sat urday from her visit with relatives near Tarkio Mo Mis Walker Andrews of McCook visited this week with friends in and around town Peter Spors of Culbertson the new section foreman at this point began duty Monday Mrs Schoenbal and two children went up to McCook Wednesday evening for a short visit with friends Mrs Keyes son and daughter of Bar tley visited a few days this week with her sister Mrs McCord I M Brown of Danbury visited with his brother-in-law W II Smith aud family first of the week Mrs Cora Mick came down from Mc Cook Wednesday morning for a short visit with the homefolks Jake Kern has resigned his position as section boss hero and with his family will soon move to Sutton A colored troupe from the east gave an entertanment at the opera house last Monday evening which was largely at tended Mrs Harry Fisher of Denver arrived last Saturday morning for a few weeks visit with her parents Dan Lehn and family Kate Shay returned to her home in Denver Monday evening after a few months visit here with her sister Mrs Dan Harrison John Broomfleld and family moved in from the farm first of week and now occupy the residence lately purchased from Dr Hoyt The Maccabees gave a public installa tion at the Masonic hall last Saturday evening The large crowd present was mostly composed of people from the sur rounding country and neighboring towns During the evening a fine supper was served Will buy hogs Tuesdays and Sat urdays F S Wilcox This spring you will need a nerve food one that will cleanse and reconstruct your nerve centers and wasted energies Hollisters Rocky Mountain Tea will do it 33 cents Tea or tablets L W McConnell Colonist Rates During March and April the Burling ton will sell one way tickets to the Paci fic coast at very low rates Here are some of them 823 to San Francisco and Los Angeles 825 to Portland Tacoma and Seattle 82230 to Spokane 820 to Salt Lake City Butte Helena 81075 to Big Horn Basin Wyo Proportionately low rates to hundreds of other points These rates offer an excellent oppor tunity to see the great northwest which presents unusual attractions to the homeseeker It possesses the iron and lumber of Michigan the wheat of Min nesota the wool of Ohio the fisheries of New England and seaboard rivaling the Atlantic coast If you will tell me where you are go ing I shall be glad to give you full in formation about rates train service sleeping car service and send you ad vertising matter descriptive of these wonderful sections J Francis General Passenger Agent Omaha Xeb 2-26-4-29 Womens Kidneys Women are more often afflicted with kidney disorders than men but attri bute the symptoms to diseases peculiar to their sex while in reality the kidneys are deranged Nervousness headache puffy or dark circles under the eyes pain in the back are signs of kidney trouble that must not be ignored or a serious malady will result Foleys Kidney Cure has restored the health of thousands of weak nervous broken down women It stops irregularities and strengthens the urinary organs It purifies the blood and benefits the whole svstem Sold bv A MeMiUen St ores Onr New Dress Goods ai W m Fabrfes are now in and ready for your inspection Large Line Better Than Ever Right Prices Look the stock over We feel assured that you will sanction our claim fi Iiit of tats foo rn Our No 1100 Girdle None better at 75c We also have a good one at 50c Ng -V Y I m 50c Batiste Girdle A popular number Col ors white pink and blue Long Dip Hip Straight Front Etc We Have Them ftBBHWWWy il m t t j Mpri i iy wa ujj mix a jjl mn Jg Tie Risks of keeping securities about your premises are many and great These risks can be wholly avoided by the use of our Safety Deposit Boxes We have placed with the manufacturers our second order for Boxes which will arrive in a short time Come early if you wish to secure a box 1 per year FIRST NATIONAL BANK McCook Neb V FRANKLIN President A C EBERT Cashier I CITIZENS BANK OF MeCOOK NEB a a a w Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus S5000 a a a a a 0 DIRECTORS rn M Mi If l if tat w mwiwmnimitr a n m r rntintiun nrmcrfltiLanu n u tuttii II W B WOLFE C H WILLARD ft Bargain r1 fi k A r rtr rfW Vj yrcggagcjijLLjiy ryi itLJtLL3cjLjf Viynyiffr y Counter lb m K