J I IU Official Paper of Redwillow County By F M KIMMELL Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co Subscription 1 a Year in Advance TiiKiii has been sonio public moro private discission of possibilities for the mayoralty this week II P Waite II II Tartsch L W McConnoll and others have been mentioned in this con nection Ui to date Thk Tkibune has heard of no good and sufficient reasons why Governor Mickey should have any con siderable opposition for ronomination It has never been claimed for the gov ernor that he is a brilliant follow or that his administration has been marked by the extraordinary or remarkable But it has been decent businesslike and cflicient so far as the governor is con cerned CITY CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS Catholic Order of services Mass 8 a m Mass and sermon 1030 a m Evening service at 8 oclock Sunday school 2J0 p m Fvery Sunday J J Lough UAN Pastor Chuistian Bible school at 10 a m Sermons at 11 a m and 8 p m Prayer mopting every Wednesday evening at 8 p m Good music All invited W O German Pastor Congkkgational Sunday school 1 0 a m Y P S C E at 7 p m Sermons at 11 a m and 8 p m Morning subject The Great Teacher Evening A Remarkable Conversion Good music George A Comcad Pastor EriscoPAL Services m St Albans church as follows Every Sunday in the month Sunday school at 10 oclock a m Morning prayer at 11 andevening prayer and sermon at 8 The third Sunday in the month Holy Communion at 730 a m All are welcome E K Eakle Rector Fiiist Baptist Chukch Sermons at 11 a m and 715 p m Bible school at 915 a m Junior society at 3 p m B Y P U at 7 15 p m Prayer meeting Wednesday evening S p m Evange listic sermons at both morning and even ing services Excellent music All wel come Doors of church will be open morning and evening to receive new members C R Betts Pastor Methodist Sunday school at 10 am Class mooting at 12 J AWilcox leader Junior League at 3 p m Epworth Lea gue at 7 i in Prayer meeting every Wednesday evening at 8 p m Preach ing at 11 a in and S p m Brother Got will preach in South McCook next Saturday evening Sunday school at 2 and preaching at 3 oclocknext Sunday Revival meetings will begin next new moon M U Uakjian Pastor Rev G A Conrad of the Congrega tional church has been in Indianola part of the week assisting the pastor there in holding services lie will re turn home this evening A specialty of office supplies The Tribune When the butter wont come put a penny in the churn is an old time dairy proverb It often seems to work though no one has ever told why When mothers are worried because the children do not gain strength and flesh we say give them Scotts Emul sion It is like the penny in the milk because it works and because there is something astonishing about it Scotts Emulsion is simply a milk of pure cod liver oil with some hypophosphites especially prepared for delicate stomachs Children take to it naturally because they like the taste and the remedy takes just as naturally to the children be cause it is so perfectly adapted to their wants For all weak and pale and thin children Scotts Emulsion is the mosc satisfactory treat ment We will send yoa the penny c a sample free Be sure that this picture in the form of a label is on the wrapper of every bottle of Emulsion you buy 5C0TT BOWNE Chemists 409 Pearl St N Y 50a and 100 all druggists ITISAMMTER OF HEALTH rTTTAWil rif fMA EaJrB fossil Abscissae PuvQ WERE IS NQ SUBSTITUTE PUBLIC FREE LIBRARY NOTES One of the most romantic tales of west ern enterprise is the story of Astoria In the early part of the nineteenth cen tury the fur trade was an important branch of commorce The broad prair ies and vast wilderness of the west and the northwest swarmed with all manner of fur bearing animals and large part of the rather meagre population of these regions was engaged in hunting and trapping That part of our country ly ing west of the Mississippi river was an unknown land and almost unclaimed Especially was this true of that part of the Pacific coast now included within the states of Oregon and Washington John Jacob Astor a resident of New York City conceived the idea of estab lishing a chain of trading posts across this country for the purpose of carrying on a trade in furs The Northwest Pur Company had a monopoly of the fur trade in Canada The boundary be tween the British and American posses sions was not marked and the agents of the Canadian company did not scruple to comr nor was there anything to pre vent their coming into American terri tory to carry on their traffic The Mis souri Fur Company an American or ganization covered the country as far as the Rocky mountains but west of the mountains Americans had not gone though agents of the Northwest com pany occasionally went into the trans mountain country With the object then of setting on foot an enterprise of a similar character Mr Astor in the year 1810 sent out two expeditions One went by sea around Cape Horn and finally after an event ful voyage landed at the mouth of the Columbia river where a town was foun ded which was named in honor of its sponsor Astoria The other expedition went over land or rather by the interior water ways so far as that was possible The pioneers of a century ago realized far more keenly than we can that the lakes and streams were the natural high ways to the interior of the continent The leader of the land forces was Wilson Prince Hunt St Louis was then the western out post of civilization in the United States To reach that place Mr Hunt voyaged through the great lakes Green Bay the Fox and Wisconsin rivers and making a short portage to the Mississippifloated down that stream to its confluence with the Missouri Arriving at St Louis in the fall of 1810 he finally set out in the early spring of the following year with a large party of frontiersmen trappers and Canadian half breeds in four boats fitted with sails and mounted with swivel guns The party made their way by slow de grees up the Missouri river They reached the mouth of the Platte or Ne braska river in the latter part of April For several weeks they drifted along camping at night on the banks of the stream by day encountering the Indian tribes dwelling in what is now eastern Nebraska the Omahas the Ottoes the Poncas the Pawnees The story of this venture is graphical ly told in Irvings Astoria The entire book is interesting The chapters that tell of the partys adventures as they skirted the borders of our state are par ticularly so They form a bit of our earliest history Our chronicles are all too slender at best The record of ev ery incident of the old days should be familiar to us all Irving was a lover of the west and of things western and this story is told with all the charm for which that greatest of early American authors was so justly famed The Name Witch Hazel The name Witch Hazel is much abus ed E C DeWitt Co Chicago are the inventors of the original and only genuine Witch Hazel Salve A certain euro for cuts burns bruises eczema tetter piles etc There are many coun terfeits of this salve some of which are dangerous while thev are all worthless In buying Witch Hazel Salve see that the name E C DeWitt Co Chicago is on the box and a cure is certain Sold by L W McConnel Death Rate in New York and Chicago During November and December1903 one fifth of the deaths in New York and Chicago were from pneumonia Foleys Honey and Tar not only stops the cough but heals and strengthens the lungs and prevents pneumonia so do not take chances on a cold wearing away when Foleys Honey and Tar will cure you quickly and prevent serious results Sold by A McMillen If troubled with weak digestion belch ing or sour stomach use Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tablets and 3011 will get quick relief For sale by all druggists Our Sugar Crisis The Nebraska sugar beot is passing through a crisis For two years the crop has failed to make a satisfactory profit and the growers are looking askance at their beot fields and thinking of wheat and corn and alfalfa Meetings of grow ers are being hold where beot culture is an important industry and negotiations with the factories and with the labor forces that are depended upon to care for the crop have been in progress to de termine whether methods might not be adopted that would make the growing of beets less of a risk The factories have as much at stake as the farmers for they cannot operate without beets They have shown a willingness to make con cessions in the way of increased prices and fairer weighing regulations and if desirable arrangements for help can be made a fair trial will be made again next vniip Tf nnnfriAr fniliirn Kfinnlrl rpmilfc the business will sulFer a setback that will require a long time to overcome It would be a telling loss to the state to have to give up sugar making and all true patriots will hope for a big crop of beets this year with 20 per cent of sugar in it Sugar beet culture will bo the making of whole townships of Nebraska land if it can be kept on a paying basis The cultivation of the crop has barely begun There is material for air castles innumerable in tho possibilities in sugar beets in Nebraska and many of these dreams can be made to come true Plans that are now under consideration for the development of tho valley of the North Platte undt r irrigation if carried out will open up enough sugar beet bind to supply the whole state with sugar and that is no small undertaking There is more than a hundred miles of North Platte valley subject to irrigation that will produce sugar beets and when the whole region is placed under a ditch with reservoirs enough to hold a sum mers supply of water and a railroad built down the valley from Bridgeport to North Platte a country large and rich enough for a medium sized empire will be opened to cultivation North Platte is already arranging for a factory under an offer of So a ton flat for beets 50 cents a ton better than any factory has here tofore offered Lincoln Journal Proper Treatment of Pneumonia Pneumonia is too dangerous a disease for anyone to attempt to doctor himself although ho may have the proper reme dies at hand A physician should al ways be called It should be borne in mind however that pneumonia always results from a cold or from an attack of the grip and that by giving Chamber Iains Cough Remedy the threatened at tack of pneumonia may he warded ofF This remedy is also used by physicians in the treatment of pneumonia with the best results Dr W J Smith of San ders Ala who is also a druggist says of it I have been selling Chamber Iains Cough Remedy and prescribing it in mv practice for the past six years I use it in cases of pneumonia and have always gotten the best results Sold by all druggists Real Estate Transfers The following real estate transfers have been made since our last issue Reported by C F Lehn real estate loans insurance McCook Neb Mary Ebheke to Thornton P Sliiveley mv qr 1200 01 J W Hupp to F D Hurse s hits 5 and 0 blk 9 First Ad to McCook 00 00 C McKay to S E Gripes lots 1 and 2 blk West McCook 1200 CO A E Donovan to J E Nelms lot 12 blk 1 First Ail to McCook 1450 00 M C Stephens to F R Anderson so qr 1200 00 J Elmendorf to J W Dolan mv 2G 2CXI X J Harrison to E Price i acres in C00 CO C F Lehn to Lee I Culbcrtson lot 1 23 Second Ad to McCook M0 00 Cheap Rates to the Pacific Coast From March 1st until April 30th the Burlington is offering very low rates to the Pacific coast and intermediate points Full particulars can be obtained by call ing on the agent 1 r HI mi feBuya WSmWi A I Ifrn U li JLflSv A Once a I easu res of moving day of ripping up carpets and stair rods of breaking in a new house and fitting stove pipe of eating your meals on the kitchen stairs and waiting for the plumbers and the gas man Theres a joy thats unconfined about all this and ave Year but do you want it Wouldnt you give a pretty penny to escape it There is only one way viz to own instead of forever moving If you are thinking of the better way see the Secretary of the McCook Co Operative Building Savings Assn IDEOGRAPHIC FIGURES A LeMHon In ISiikHnIi Thnt and you write S7 No A B C no many A DRAMATIC LAWYER Effective Climax Tlmt Ilesnltetf TVn Tuufrjtt by n Chinaman That wo have partially adopted the Chinese method in our written lan guage was a new thought to me and one that I got from the proprietos of a Park avenue laundry when in the nat ural Caucasian fashion I referred to his written language as being very in ferior John I said why do your people use those chicken tracks Instead of having an alphabet as we have A B C too much trouble he an swered quickly Why you use chick en tracks too sometimes We dont use them I replied Yes you use them very good 1 show you Then he dipped his con venient brush in the Ink and made the number SO on a sheet of brown pa per That name of street over there he continued pointing You say eighty nine you dont write it with A B C That Chinee One mark is one thing you say idea yes idea You dont put down ind here his brush came into use again you put down 9 Thats very good Chinee We do that all the time That is ideographic I suggested Yes English have much ideograph ic All figures ideographic See And again he used his brush You make and and you say minus plus You dont spell with A B C That is a mark for idea ideographic You make M and say thousand That Chinese way Very good I say How hot All Chinese letters only marks and ideas Fine way English know some fine Chinese ways See You know them Ideas You say ideographic You make many Chinese marks marks for stars for plants for measures for weights and signs for hundred and hundred many things same as Chi nese Good I actually left that laundry wiser than I entered it New York Herald Setting n Murderer Free Lachaud the great French advocate was renowned for deliberate but telling dramatic improvisations as it were upon the original theme At one time for instance he was de fending a murderer on Dec 24 All day long he harassed witnesses re calling them causing delay after de lay before getting his final address to the jury It was well on in the even ing before he commenced Then sud denly at the height of his passionate appeals for the prisoner the slow sol emn bells of the cathedral next door pealed for the midnight mass the first mass of Christmas morning Lnchaud stopped as if overwhelmed by a sud den warning Do you hear he said solemnly after a moments silence and his man ner conveyed that all his own glib i eloquence had been shattered by the divine interruption of Christ himself The Redeemer comos to amend our pitiable endeavors Which of us would dare now on this great day of mercy and forgiveness to condemn another human being and above all to con demn one whose culpability is more than doubtful The prisoner was acquitted without the least difficulty though his death sentence ten minutes before had been regarded as certain The actual sound of the pealing bells had been too much for nerves already strained to snap ping point by the fatigue of a long days sitting But nobody guessed except the few who knew Lnchaud intimately that he had been maneuvering from the time the court opened in the morning to get that one stirring effect The prisoner was a dead man without and saved as certainly if it could be brought off successfully Kansas City Independent Simple Headnclie Cure Ilere is a headache cure that is said to be a marvelous remedy and to re lieve the sufferer when all else fails It is easy to make and easy to apply and it consists simply of black pepper and camphor Take a quantity of black pepper and put it in a handkerchief Then fold the handkerchief over so that the grains cannot fall out and saturate the whole thing with cam phor Bind this plaster on the head and lie down In a very few moments the headache will be relieved and the patient will be asleep When the hand kerchief becomes dry saturate again with the camphor thats all People who have tried everything else say that this home remedy relieves them quickest At any rate it is worth try ing Jnles Perrys Escape From the Mo Jules Ferry had a narrow escape from violence at the hands of the Paris commune to whom he was especially odious He eluded their pursuit through a church letting himself down in a basket our of a rear window while the mob was forcing the outer door The basket fell to the ground with a thud I and up avc its occupant a severe shaking Where Invention Is Necessary Ilave you made any improvements in your invention I have answered the enterprising scientist One of my assistants has just discovered a new way to put stock on the market Washington Star Lifes Surprises Life said the tobacconist to the wooden Indian is for most people a continuous process of getting used to things that they havent been expect ing Syracuse Ilerald 123 years before the Christian era i - - - r T itr I in M1T 1 f EGGS Old Rubber Copper and Brass Jghest Market Price Paid in Cash Block W est of Citizens Bank IcCook Nebraska lf T i lit mm r r Colds Cause Pneumonia One of the most remarkable cases of n cold deep seated on tho lungs causing pneumonia is that of Mrs Gertrude E Fenner Marion Indiana who was en tirely cured by tho use of One Minuto Cough Cure She says Tho coughing and straining so weakened mo that I ran down in weight from 148 to fJ2 pounds I tried a number of remedies to no avail until I used One Minute Cough Cure Four bottles of this won derful remedy cured me entirely of tho cough strengthening my lungs and re stored mo to my normal weight health and strength Sold by LWMcConnell Inflammatory Rheumatism Cured William Shatter a brakeman of Den nison Ohio was confined to his bed for several weeks with inflammatory rheu matism 41 used many remedies ho says Finally I sent to McCaws drug store for a bottle bf Chamberlains Pain Balm at which time I was unable to use hand or foot and in one weeks Time was able to go to work as happy as i clam For salo by all druggists A Physician Writes I am desirous of knowing if the pro fession can obtain llerbine in bulk for prescribing purpose It has been of great use to me in treating cases of dys pepsia brought on by excesses or over work I have never known it to fail in restoring the organs affected to their healthful activity fiOo a bottloatA McMillons b j J Stock and poultry have few troubles which are not bowel and liver irregularities Black Draught Stock and Poultry Medi cine is a bowel and liver remedy for stock It puts the organs of digestion in a perfect condition Prominent American breeders and f armer3 keep their herds and flocks healthy by giving them an occa sional dose of Black Draught Stock and Poultry Medicine in their food Any stock raiser may buy a 25 cent half pound air tight can of this medicine from hi3 dealer and keep his stock in vigorous health for weeks Dealers gener ally keep Black Draucht Stock and Poultry Medicine If yours doea not send 25 ccnt3 for a sample can to the manufacturers The Chattanooga Medicine Co Chat tanooga Tenn Rochelle Ga Jan SO 1902 Black Draught Stock and Poultry Medicine is the best I ever tried Our stock was looking bad when you sent mo the medicine and now they are getting so fine They are looking 20 per cent better S P BROCKTNGTON CHICHESTERS ENGLISH I tjjj -x pya 5JH y rnj fifa Yvy jR K P5 a e B ri v r Tt - I - ask rursst for iii I- ht- fal -v h biue bbn Taiif no tUlier Rrte clnnsrerwiui ulti uiionar imitation Ju of vourDniirKi t sfri l n -ins fur ln iii t ifiouiuU aritl Kolij f fiir Ji i -- m utter oyri turnllail 10000 Testimonials bold by nil TVvr ifn invnnfo1 lvr tho flino ui faSMICAL CO v tn i ii vuwj aiilM jUdiuni Hmi iri iicntlua tixli pajer IMIlui fA New Firm Old Stand ANTON WAGNER rROIIHETORS B and M Meat Market David Magner has gone into the firm which seeks a continuance of public patronage guaranteeing the best of everything sea sonable at the most rea sonable prices Anton Magner Rliitt Front Imim Fine Turnouts f f J0K BlllilR Either Single or Double P fcBEsii trta ft jrrirKfevPffi2 r Ti or tji it I SB 1 McCook Nebraska jgJlp irS W IL ACKERMAN Prop In SS BE3H i 1 11 SOWftgJt NoneBetBj Martin Com Co I AsK YotffilleS i bi Fruits and Prouuce Mike Walsh LEA SR IN POULTRY and Car Lots a Specialty Local and Long Distance Phone 101 We Want Your Eggs and Poultry Highest Cash Prices Paid Come in and talk with us One door south of the Tribune Ofiice flcCOOK NEBRASKA SpsiiiriT I JAMES CAIN ITfflf srnrl I Sells and Recommends it va a r -1 H Osi ITT P ft3mj f 1QOI P a i hiiHiimi Hm muuftrrTqiT i The Great Germ and Insect Destroyer for all GermDiseases of Animals Now used throughout the United States for the prevention and cure of hog cholera swine plague corn stalk disease pink eye foot and mouth disease etc A sure remover of worms in animals The cheapest and best lice killer on the market Kearney County Nursery G AStranrl Prop urowur or choice nursery stock Mintlen Xeb Dec 1002 XationalJMcdical Co York Neb About two weeks aijo many of the farmers around here lost very heavily by liocclinlfm I do not wish to write jou a lontr flattering statement about your medicine bnt will say that I bouRht a quart can of Liquid Koal and the improvement was to marked that I bought a gallon can and used it with the re sult that my Iioks all recovered and I did not lo o one 3Iy herd of over 200 are in fine condition and you may put mo down as a coi tant user of Liquid Koal G A Stkaxd Your money refunded if not thor oughly satisfied with results Manufactured by National Medical Co Sheldon Iowa Expert advice given free on all germ diseases of animals Address j the company at Sheldon Iowa en closing stamp For sale and guaranteed bv am Up-to-Date Flour and Feed Store Phone No 20 McCook Neb W 1 f k 1 v 5 i