M U f 8 M la time Sold by druggists Looking for a Horn Then why not keep in view the fact that the farming lands of HP1D Western WM Canada arc sufficient to support a population of 50000000 or over The immigration for the past sis years has bceu phenomenal FREE Homestead Lands easily accessible while other lands may be pur chased from Railway and Land Companies The Krain and crazing lauds of Western Canada arc the best on the continent producing the best grain mid cattle fed on cass alone ready for market Markets Schools Railways nnd all other conditions make Western Canada aa envi ulilu spot for the settler Write to Superintendent ImmisrationOttawa Can ada for a descriptive Atlas and other information or to the authorized Canadian Government Acent W V Bennett 801 New York Life Buildine Omaha Neb W N Uv Omaha No 101904 When Answering Advertisements Kindly Mention This Paper CURES WHfHf ALL USE AILS Best Conch Syrup tJe e - - -- JMwswwsfti3waiaflyfcsj5 f - fern - H Hv fy D H H Miss Nellie Holmes treasurer of the Young Womans Temperance Association of Buffalo N Y strongly advises all suf fering women to rely as she did upon Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound Deah Mrs Pikkham Your medicine is indeed an ideal womans medicine and by far the best I know to restore lost health and strength I Buffered misery for several years being troubled with menorrhagia My back ached I had bearing down pains and frequent headaches I would often wake from restful sleep and in such pain that I suffered for hours before I could go to sleep again I dreaded the long nights as much as the weary days I consulted two different physicians hoping to get relief but finding that their medicine did not seem to cure me I tned your Vegetable Compound on the recommendation of a friend from the East who was visiting me I am glad that I followed her advice for every ache and pain is gone and not only this but my general health is much improved 1 have a fino appetite and have gained in llesh My earnest advice to suffering women is to put away all other medicines and to take Ijydia E Pinkhams Vege table Compound Miss Kellie Holiies 540 No Division St Buffalo N Y Hiss Irene Crosby prominent in Social Life in East Savanah Qa3 adds her testimonial to the value of Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound mm 4- W I fff fti Ji J r Deau Mbs Pixkiiaji It always gives ma pleasure to find an article of real value and unquestioned merit I have found Uydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Com pound well calculated to relieve and cure the various troubles arising from irregulari ties and menstrual pains Much suffering could be spared if we only paid more attention to proper living and diet but as long as women do net do this your Vegetable Compound has come to the front as a true friend in need I have been very pleased indeed with the relief it has brought me I find that I have perfect health now and that my mind is also more clear and active since I used your Vege table Compound It has been of great benefit to me and I gladly recommend it J t M VKiLJ JfUUl3 XI LAkJ AuA VUVWU V j i w 313 East Charlton St East Savannah lia Remember that every woman is cordially invited to write to Mrs Pinkham if there is anything about her case or symptoms she does not understand Mrs Pinkhams address is Lynn Mass Her advice is free and is cheerfully given to any ailing woman who asks for it FORFEITS wo cannot forthwith prodnco the original letters and signatures of above testimonials which will prove their absolute genuineness Lydia E Pinkham Died Co Lynn Mass mmm Vre can saTe you niuidlcumns prollt by havinR our iwti warehouses rnd feeding yards and rarius Ulsliest possible prices for vour grain and stock Send for our FBEK Booklbt FarmTs Grain and Live Stock Commission Co M Ooiony Building Chicago 111 SSPSICOM SSEL9SJ pct up in coti ArsinLH TrnEs A substitute for and superior to mustard or any other plaster and will not blister the most delicate skin The pain allayins and curative Qualities of this article are wonderful It will stop tho toothache at once and relieve head ache and sciatica We recommend it as the best md safest external counter irritant known also ns an externa remedy for pains in the chest and stomach and all rheumatic neuralgic and gouty complaints A trial will prove what we claim for it and it will be found to be invalu able in the household Many people say it is ho best ot all your preparations Price 1C cents at all druggists or other dealers or by ssndinc this amount to us in postasestamps we wrill send you a tube by mail No article snould bo accepted by the public unless the same carries our label as otherwise it is not genuine CHESCBROUQH MFG CO li Mate street New Yoric Cjty elaBmC Sold under S i3EjSjJLP3 tees Catalogue rrea J J H CRECORY SON Marblohead Mass m FiRiD i9CUiCCIMAIP nimnrn 5Cigar better Quality than most 10 Cigar3 Tour Jobber or direct from Factoiy Peoria II ORTRAIT AGENTS Seal Direct -with manufacturers find Sari Mnnpv Ourpoods the best Trices the lowest Prompt ship ments Delivery of all portraits cuaranteed Klegant samples aDd rolls free Send for cntaloirue Address ADAM J KKOLL CO New Era Building Chicago W L DOUGLAS s3is3 SHOES S W Ii Douglas shoes have by their excellent style easy fitting and superior -wearing qualities achieved tho largest salo of any shoes in the world They are just as good as those that cost you 1 to 5 tho only difference is the price Soli Everywhere Look for name nrica on hot rnm Douirlas uses Corona wAYrassSaz - - - -WW uoiiiii iviiiU is everywhere conceded to be the finest Patent Jather yet produced ast Color Eyelets used Shops bymallSoreslra irritefor Catalog WLDouglas Brockton Mass ONLY 2 CHANCES MARCH 1st and 15th TEXIS BKUIOIU ai HD TEBBI1UT From St Loui9 and Kansas City SIS 00 From Chicago S2500 From Des Moines SI995 From Cincinnati S2940 From Indianapolis S268S Tickets are first class and pqrmit stop overs on coins trip south of Windsor Mo within transit limit of 15 days final Unit 21 days from date of sale Never befor has there been such a chance to see the Southwest in all U iiPtrosperity 0ne way second class tickets W1 oespld same days at a reduced rate Never lis acam will the rates be so low GO NOW For particulars write or call on GEORGE MORTON a r a Katy Bids St Louis Mo 3EGGS BLOOD PURIFIER CURES catarrh of the stomach niimti i i ii i wmm ii i i ill h Worn When Away The selection of traveling gowns is frequently found to be a difficult mat ter for they must bo becoming and above all things practical and useful One worthy of attention was carried out in reseda green cloth its dominant note in all particulars being simplic ity The neat little coat was cut double breasted and prettily strapped and embellished with a touch of fine silver embroidery This when worn open displayed a daintily tucked lawn shirt with linen collar and dark green velvet tie both being feminine in style yet of irreproachable neatness Tho skirt was gracefully plaited and cut walking length and designed to wear with this costume was a warm green cloth wrap and a pretty felt hat trimmed with ivy leaves and berries White Linen and Lace Gowns of coarse white linen much trimmed with heavy laces are to be worn even more than during the last hot season Some of these are fashioned on quite elaborate models as for in stance one which has a Directoire coat entirely of neavy white lace with small hip panels of the linen overlap ping the lace The skirt is long and sweepingly graceful for this is in tended for a dressy gown and bands of the lace are run up and down it The new buttonhole embroideries and Uie button laces whereon dangle countless little crocheted balls are extremely effective on these coarse white linens Fashionable Loose Coat Loose coats make ideally comfort able wraps and are in the height of style This one can be made Avith the smart little shoulder capes or without and can be buttoned over or rolled back to form revers The model is made of tan colored broad cloth the revers of satin in the same color edged with Persian braid but all cloaking materials are appropriate 443B Womans Coat 32 to 40 bu3t The triple capes fit snugly and give the drooping line without fulness and the sleeves are wide and ample allow ing of wearing the puffed ones be neath without danger of rumpling To make the coat for a woman of medium size will be required z yards 27 2 yards 44 or 52 inches wide A May Manton pattern No 4436 sizes 32 to 40 will be mailed to any address on receipt of ten cents Her bridal Outfit Silk muslin crepe de chine or one of the newer weaves liberty or duchesse satin taffeta or peau de cygne is an excellent choice for the wedding dress If of a thin fabric nothing could be more charming than the new old 1830 skirt gathered at the belt and having graduated tucks interspersed with bands of filmy lace running around the foot of the skirt to just above the knees A full blouse wide girdle deep yoke and bertha of lace and immense tucked sleeves with lingeries undersleeves of lace com plete the costume A modish traveling costume is of mixed tweed the coat in sort or three quarters length and with a jaunty skirt just clearing the ground Pretty Curtains for a Set of Shelves One of the prettiest curtains seen for a set of shelves was of brown bur lap with trimmings of red The cur tain was thrown over the brass rod in such a way as to form a deep lambre quin at the top The burlap was lined throughout with red Red felt was used for the border The top and bot tom was feather stitched to the bur lap with red worsted in clusters of six quite long stitches the middle one longest and the others graduated toward each end The clusters of stitches were about an inch apart Bedroom Hangings Nothing is prettier or more dainty for bedroom decorations than the up holstery dimities in the old English style They can be got in may pat terns and launder beautifully so are more durable than a flimsy fabric They may be used in the entire deco ration of the room for bedspread can opy window hangings and dressing table covers At the windows it is prettiest to hang tho curtains straight down each side with a full vallance across tho top Cushions for the chairs and coiv ner seats can be made to match too For Afternoon Teas Tea table cups on a new plan are offered for sale in the large shops this month In nerving any beverage in formally in the drawing room the cup and saucer combination are often found to be an awkward one to manip ulate These new cups are supplied with a metal holder and no saucer is furnished The metal holder consists of two hings of silver which pass re spectively around the upper and lower portion of the cup and terminate in a handle Fringe of Ermine The alliance of lace and fur is an old story though perhaps the tion has never been more originally devised than in the case of an evening dress recently noted where flounces of cream Alencon lace were finished by a fringe of ermine tails A scheme of quaintly attractive character this was carried throughout the corsage which was furthermore enhanced by bows bretelles and sash ends of black velvet passed through buckles of old paste Extravagant Garter Buckles Some of the new garter buckles are extravagant in setting and design One seen recently was of Roman gold set with a fleur de lis design of dia monds Another Roman gold garter buckle had a china medallion set in the frame on which the monogram or favorite flower of the owner could be painted These buckles also come in sterling silver at thrice the price of the pseudo gold A Suggestive Stole A stole which is full of suggestions is made of plain Brussels net with flowers or leaves cut out of cloth and sewed on to the net foundation Tinted flowers would be pretty for the woman with time and trste and velvet could be used instead of the cloth An en tire gown of such work would not be too great an undertaking and would be very handsome Things That Help Use soapy water when making starch It will make the clothes more glossy and easily ironed Line black silk underskirts with flannel to insure warmth Dusty rusty looking jet trim mings can be made quite new looking if soaked for about ten minutes in equal parts vinegar and water Dry in a cool place Fruit a Complexion Beautifier There is no better cosmetic for the skin and no better complexion beauti fier than a large juicy apple eaten at night Some will find perhaps that the skin of the apple gives them indi gestion so it is better to peel it Next to the apple as a blood purifier is the cranberry it is most wholesomp Oranges eaten in the morning are very beneficial The Necessary Trunk Cover A trunk cover is a necessity for the woman who lives in her trunk A green denim cover was attractive with its edge buttonholed in white long and short stitch The monogram of the owner was worked in the center A steamer trunk covered in this fashion when piled with gay colored pillows makes an excellent window or cozy corner seat Novel Bonbonnieres One of the most charming bonbon nieres of the season is of bisque or china in Japanese style It repre sents a little almond eyed maiden car rying in either hand a basket or pan nier Both of these receptacles are filled with bonbons The trinket can be very appropriately applied for table trimming Novel Ideas The more unusual the trimming on costumes this season the better and anything you like is fashionable Sec ond hand shops are the resort of many a fair maiden these days Antique buttons of metallic ornaments queer braidings and quaint meadollions are used as coat trimmings and to trim fur stoles Readers of this paper can secure any Ma7 Manton pattern illustrated above by lillinjjout all blanks in coupon and mailing with lt cents to E E Harrison Co 63 Plymouth Place Chi cago Pattern will be mailed promptly Name Town State Pattern No Waist Measure if for skirt Bust Measure if for waist Age if childs or misss pattern Write plainly Fill out all blanks Enclose 1C Mail to E E Hot rison Co 65 PlymouUj Place Chicago taaafKBjaasafttfaaifc5awti m Tir KiirjjT DOCTORS FALL W LINE PracUcing Physicians tJttr unfailing reliability of DcansiKWnoyPIHsby Pro scribing Hionv for Backache Kidney Bladder and Urinary DIsordcrs satribulo won by no other Proprietary Medicine- Fourcasss cited frojoNotes xUHs Practice By Dr Loland Williamson- 1 Yorktowir Ark YORKTOWNARi Man J 1904 Foster Miuiuiuc Co Buffalo 3S T Gentleoicni I have been engaged in- the practice of medicine inthis - section for ten years This is a very sickly climate on the Bayou Barr tholomew near the Arkansas River It is particularly malarious and miasmatic we meet with many and various abnormal conditions 1 human family prominent among the cases in which IJiave been called upon to prescribe is kidney disease Manyof these disorders manifest themselves by pains in ihe back often extending to other parts oi the body sometimes headache is presentcausedibyurajmiccorcKronicuric acid poisoning soreness in region of kidneyscloudythickenedand foul smelling urine discharges of pus or corruption inflammation of the kidneys extending to the bladder is caused byOxcessof uric acid and decomposition of the urine Hemorrhage is sometimes jnetyith caused by high state of inflammation or congestion There is no class of diseases a doctor is the variety of kidney diseases in many of whicb the patient will have chills or rigors followed by fever a result o the kidneys failing to the uric acid poison from the system- Suchoasesrequire tho restored to their natural functions therr the poisoirand foreign sub--stances are removed shock to the nervous system avaried and natural1 health restored I have for some time been using Doans ICidneyPlirsinthesemany manifestations and with uniform success curing most cases Ilcan further say that even in hopeless cases where- they have waited tooldng Doans Kidney Pills afford much relief and prolong life Icanrecom mend the pills in conditions of excessive or deficient secretion of urine as also in convalescence from swamp fever and malarial attacks aai verified by the following cases in my practice- CASE 1 Titos Orell Bear Ark ago 60 Pain in back for several weeks then chills irregular sometimes severe rigors followed by fever Gave good purgative of calomel and padoph and Doans Kidney Pills After taking four boxes of the pills patient up and enjoying good health for ono of his age CASE 2 Mrs Smith Tarry Ark age 29 mother of four children Had female complaint and kidney trouble mani fest by pain in back and urine irregu lar sometimes very clear changing to cloudy and with much sediment on standing in chamber Gave Iqcai treatment for female complaint and prescribed Doans Pills after using sis boxes she regards herself as cured CASE 3- Wynne Ark agOi 21 Had severe case oV malarial hoemataria or swamp fever Gave necessary liver medicine calomel and padoph and morph sulph to re lieve and ordered Doans Pills for the- high state of congestion and inflammation of tho kidneys aesultcd in two weeks Pro scribed Daanis Kidney Pills to bo continued until the kidneys wcre thoroughly strengthenedandzdlpaiai in back subsided CASE 4 Elijahi Elliott Tarry Ark- age 34 Pain in back and legs andl headache Uric acid poisoning Pre scribed Doans Kidney PiL boxes pain subsided became normal cr natural and patfent able to resume his work These are a few of the typical cases in which I have used PoansJvid ney Pills In a great many instances I use them alone with curative results while with some others indicated zemedies are associated I believe that by the judicious useo Doans Pills manysirious com plications are arrested and many hopeless and incurable cases ofzBrights disease prevented I have often found that one box of the pills is all that is n quired to effect a cure but in some cases I continue their use until all symptomsare entirely absent and the cure effectual and permanent Your truly Afree trialof this crrat Kidneyanil - -S rier Specific can be obtained FostT Milburn Co liutlalo regular size is SO cents per box If not for V sale by your druccistor dealer will he - ent iiymailcharccj prepaid on receipt of price YOUKTOWN ARE I It is the purest cleanest starch made 9 B 1 it is free of injurious chemicals M mt 1 i St can be used where ordinarily you wouid h cfrcid I If I to use starch of any kind a K h Thats Defiance Your grocer sells it I 1 THE DEFIANCE STARCH CO 1 1 M OMAHA NEB 3 jggllgf f Factory Loaded Smokeless Powder Shells THE SHELLS THE CHAMPIONS S2100T Try me just once ana I am sure to come agaia Defiance Starch Its not sentimexit its not the pr that Kiakss tha most intelligent and successful shots shcot Winchester Factory Loaded Shotgun Shells Its the results they give Its their entire reliability evenness of pattern and unitorm shooting Winchester wLeadcr shells ed with smokeless powder are the best loaded shells on the market Winchester Repeater shells loaded with smokeless powder are cheap in price but not in quality Try either of these brands azd you will be well pleased Ee sure to get Winchester Factory Loaded shells BE Tte ro 1 v 3 w WE SELL TAR z barrel at 1 barrel at OH AH A NEB At the Following Prices Delivered n Ojn ilia S2 0 o barrels at 423 ppr barrel It barrels it Gas Drip sold at same prices OMAHA GAS CO A man cannot go where temptation cannot find him 1 00 per barrel i5 per barrel 20th and Lincoln Ave Be loving and you will never want for love Mrs Craik Face all things even Adversity ia polite to a mans face Josh Blliings 4 V -1 f - J a Jk i f 4- i J J p