The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 26, 1904, Image 8

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We I Jis
our pJ
Start Right
iiow nntl Kill ct oiu iirst clnss butcher
3ive him nil your trado Tho plnn of
chopping uround for your meat supplies
with the object of siivinginotioy doesnt
work out iu practice If you have i
regular hutclior anything that is un
satisfactory is promptly and pleasantly
right thats our way
Come Here
Wed like to serve you iu this capacity
A customer has never left us because of
bad treatment or misrepresented good
Youll fatten your bank book too If
you dont know how far a dollar will go
at our meat market just come and
trado here for one week
Harry Paine has erected a now wind
inill on his placo
Ed McKillip was in town posting
bills for a big sale of Hereford cattle on
March 10
Mr Sheets is still confined to his bed
His recent attack of lagrippo having left
him very weak
The senior class high school social and
entertainment was a success The net
receipts were 23
Will Ault and another socialist held
forth in Banlham hall Tuesday night
pleading their cause
S R Grissel is in high glee because a
Hno boy came to his home Monday
knight Mother and child are doing well
Guy Curlee came up from Holbraok
Tuesday evening to take charge of the
Perry and Bee lumber yard here until
Mr Sheets health improves
Mrs W B Downs returned home
Monday night after an absence of several
weeks in the eastern part of the state
Hvhere she was called by the sickness of
Married Wednesday evening Feb 24
JSlmer Oxley and Miss Pearl Williams at
the home of the brides parents Rev
Crippen of Indianola officiating Miss
Williams has resided in this vicinity
-nearly all her life and is a most estima
ble young lady honored by all her ac
quaintances Mr Oxley is a young
farmer highly respected by all They
went to Curtis Thursday to visit rela
tives We join with their many friends
in wishing them a pleasant and prosper
ous life
Will buy hogs Tuesdays and Sat
urdays F S Wilcox
A Cure For Eczema
My baby had eczema so bad that its
thead was a solid mass of scabs and its
-hair all came out I tried many reme
dies but none seemed to do any perman
ent good until I used De Witts Witch
Hazel Salve The eczema is cured the
-scabs are gone and the little ones scalp
is perfectly clean and healthy and its
hair is growing beautifully again I
cannot give too much praise to De Witts
Witch Hazel Salve Frank Farmer
Bluff City Ky In buyingWitch Hazel
-Salve look out for counterfeits De Witts
5s the original and the only one contain
ing pure Witch Hazel The name E C
DeWitt Co is on every box Sold bv
X W McConnell
Nearly Forfeits His Life
A runaway almost ending fatallystart
ecl a horrible ulcer on the leg of J B Or
ner Frankliu Grove III For four years
it defied all doctors and all remedies
But Bucklens Arnica Salve had no
trouble to cure him Equally good for
burns bruises skin eruptions and piles
25centsatL W McConnells drugstore
I had a terrible cold and could
hardly breaJhe I then tried Ayers
Cherry Pectoral and it gave me im
mediate relief
W C Layton Sidell 111
How will your cough
be tonight Worse prob
ably For its first a cold
then a cough then bron
chitis or pneumonia and
at last consumption
Coughs always tend
downward Stop this
downward tendency by
taking Ayers Cherry Pec
Three sizes 25c SOcSl All druggists
Cnnsnlt vonr doctor
ilion do as ne says ir lie you not
Co take it then dont take It He knows
Leave it with him We are willing
1 f J C ATER CO Lowell Mass
News of the St Francis Branch
Burlington survoyors havo been at
Ludell and Atwood Kansas making
L W Gliddon railway postal clerk
who has been visiting his parents for tho
last two weeks will run two weeks en
the St Francis branch relieving Otto
Renwanz and H C Fairchild com
mencing February 25th
Tho masque ball at the auditorium at
Orleans on February 22d Washingtons
birthday was a groat success financially
and socially The costumes of the mas
quers were unique and picturesque The
function whs highly enjojed by tho
many who were present
Otto Kosanderour good friend is now
roadmasler from McCook to Akron
Colo He has been a resident of Orleans
ever since ho was appointed roadmaster
or the bt h rancis branch lie is mov
ing his family to McCook and will buy
property at that place What will be
Orleans los s will be McCooks gain
Windell P Pierce who was Republi
can candidate for county treasurer of
Furnas county at the late election has
moved from Wilsonville and will make
his homo at Orleans He is cashier of
tho new bank at Orleans of which M
Holland is president Wilsonville losses
a valuable citizen and Orleans gains a
useful member to her townsmen
Tho Farmers Elevator Co of Ludell
Kansas will remove their large elevator
situated now some distance from tho
track is the right-of-way of the Bur
lington between Coopers and the Cen
tral Granary Cos elevators The exca
vation has been dug and the foundation
built and the Burlington will pay the
expense of moving tho elevator on its
new site granttd by the railroad com
Lebanon Neb is the most enterpris
ing energetic and ambitious town of its
size not only on the branch but can give
trumps to stations of her size on the
main line In the spring and summer
of 1901 she will have nine new brick
business stores continuous in a row on
the ruins of the fire last autumn The
latest is the brick bank of the State
Bank of Lebanon the old bank being
demolished by road agents a few months
ago by a charge of nitro glycerine
Lebanon has one rural route established
is working to establish another and con
templating running a star route to the
main line to connect Bartley Other
towns of the St Francis branch and
even the county seats may do well to
make Lebanon their example and show
the world what material they are made
of This will encourage the best class of
citizens to invest and settle on the
branch and in time will come better
mail service and various improvements
that make a countn substantial and
Wm Childress died at Orleans Neb
February 18th last of cancer of the
bowels The funeral was held at the
family residence many friends and rela
tives attended the last sad rites of the
deceased He was greatly loved by his
neighbors and his friends were legion
blessed with a gentle loving disposition
he was liked by all who knew him He
was born 67 years ago at Spencer Owen
county Indiana and was married in
1859 and is the father of five children
two dead and three living a daughter
died in 1864 and Emery Childress died
in 1900 at Orleans The living children
are Harvey Charles and Remus the
latter a conductor at McCook Mrs
Childress who survives him is staying
with Remus at McCook Mr Childress
removed to Lincoln in 1878 thence to
Long Island Kansas and Orleans Neb
where he has resided for a number of
years He was an old soldier and served
his country faithfully and honorably
throughout the civil war was a mem
ber of Co E 57th Indiana infantry At
Orleans he was a familiar figure and
will be greatly missed by all
Relief In One Minute
One Minute Cough Cure gives relief
in one minute because it kills the mi
crobe which tickles the mucous mem
brane causing the cough and at the
same time clears the phlegm draws out
the inflammation and heals and soothes
the affected parts One Minute Cough
Cure strengthens the lungs wards of
pneumonia and is a harmless and never
failing cure in all curable cases of coughs
colds and croup One Minute Cough
Cure is pleasant to take harmless and
good alike for young and old Sold by
Li W McConnell
Ella Johnson is better
Bertha Wolfe and Daisy Chinn drove
to Indianola last Friday evening
Rev Crago is holding a protracted
meeting at Spring Creek this week
Maude Stone closes a successful term
of school this week up near Saint Ann
George Shields bought a span of two-year-old
mules of T M Campbell a few
days ago
A man by the name of Crance has
purchased the J H Stephens farm and
moved on it last week
Elizali Beebe and wife of Saint Ann
spent Sunday and Monday with rela
tives and old acquaintances at this place
The Mitchell sheller is in this neigh
borhood again this week and is shell
ing corn for Fred Satchell Will Stone
and Fred Rang
There was a good turnout at Sunday
sohool last Sunday morning Everyone
remember Sunday school every Sunday
morning from now on
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mmmmutt niZnimiQJ4jrf
wirtanrti iirinifi ii i 1 1 r m fitisBBaaaJwaJ
1 1Piiy n bird isnt caught With H
B jSnDffl chaff and a Wise man isnt I
I tfBJis tempted With a cracker bag after - I
I JfSS The kind that come in an air tight IjM
rf Vi7wSZJLJi l
Pi ul St ne V M JS and
J A Aiodrell llviiii the R P Lakin
salt- Tliiii Mlay or lii t week each bought
a cow aiid Paul Stone bought eight
dozii rl irkens
On Wi nedny oveniiiir February 17
James Betbiaml Miss Florence Younger
ttiic uiiiiotl in marriage Rev Crago
A host of frienis wish them happiness
and pm HMity on their
voage through
Do t Today
The time worn injunction Never put
off til tomoirow what ou can do today
is now generally piOM nted in this form
Do it today That is the terse advice
we want to give you about that hacking
couglr or demoralizing cold with which
you have been xtrujiirliiifr for several
days perhaps weeks Take some reliable
remedy for it today and let that rem
edy be Dr Botchees German Syrup
which has been in use for over thirty
five years A few doses of it will un
doubtedly relieve jour cough or cold
and its continued use for a few davs will
cuie you completely No matter how
deep seated your cough even if dread
consumption has attacked your lungs
German Svrup will surely effect a cure
as it has done before in thousands of ap
parently hopeless cases of lung trouble
New trial bottles 25c regular size 75c
L W McConnell
New Orleans Grand
Colored Concert Company
i v - i
2 f
Mitf uaou the contralto with
this excellent organization is posesseel
of a wajderfa voice often some of
the auuirce thinking that a man a
2oncealedeomewhere in the wings
doing the singing for her
Opera house McCook Tuesday even
ing March 1 Price 50 cents no extra
for reserved seats children 25 cents
Seats on sale at McConnells drug store
Escaped An Awful Fate
H Haggins of Melbourne Fla writes
My doctor told me I had consumption
and nothing could be done for me I
was given up to die The offer of a free
trial bottle of Dr Kings New Discovery
for Consumption induced me to try it
Results were startling I am now on
the road to recovery and owe all to Dr
Kings New Discovery It surely saved
my life This great cure is guaranteed
for all throat and lung diseases by LW
McConnell druggist Price 50 cents
and 81 Trial bottles free
Have You Indigestion
you nave indigestion ivodol
pensia Cure will cure vou It has cured
thousands It is curing people every
day every hour You owe it to your
self to give it a trial You will continue
to suffer until you do try it There is
no other combination of digestants that
digest and rebuild at the same time
Kodol does both Kodel cures strength
ens and rebuilds Sold by L W Mc
When You Have A Cold
The first action when you have a cold
should be to relieve tho lungs This is
best accomplished bv the free use of
Chamberlains Cough Remedy This
Remedy liquefies the tough mucus and
causes its expulsion from the air cells of
the lungs produces a free expectoration
and opens the secretions A complete
cure so n follows This remedy will
cure a severe c dd in less time than any
other treatment and it leaves the sstem
in a natural and healthy condition It
counteracts any tendency toward pneu
monia For sale by all druggists
Chamberlains Stomach And Liver
Tablets Unequalled For Con
A R Kane a prominent druggist of
Baxter Springs Kansas says Cham
berlains Stomach and Liver Tablets are
in my judgment the most superior prepa
ration of anything in use today for con
stipation They are sure in action and
with no tendency to nauseate or gripe
For sale by all druggists
1 f -
1 - s V X
Its MoftJraer is Vyell
The baby is healthy because during the
period of gestation its mother used the
popular and purely vegetable liuiment
Mothers Friend is a soothing softening
relaxing liniment a muscle maker invig
orator and freshener It puts new power
into the back and hips of a coming mother
It is applied externally only there is
no dosing and swallowing of nasty drugs
no inward treatment at all
The state of the mother during gestation
may influence the disposition and future
of the child that is one reason why moth
ers should watch their condition and
avoid pain Her health that of the child
and their lives depend on keeping free
from pain worry and melancholy Be of
good cheer strong of heart and peaceful
mind Mothers Friend can and will
make you so Bearing down pains morn
ing sickness sore breast and insomnia are
all relieved by this wonderful remedy
Of druggists at ioo per bottle
Send for our book riotherhood free
Indigestion Causes
Catarrh of the
For many years it has been supposed that
Catarrh of the Stomach caused indigestion
and dyspepsia but the truth is exactly tha
opposite Indigestion causes catarrh Re
peated attacks of indigestion inflames the
mucous membranes lining the stomach and
exposes the nerves of the stomach thus caus
ing the glands to secrete mucin instead of
the juices of natural digestion This is
called Catarrh of the Stomach
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure
relieves all inflammation of the mucous
membranes lining the stomach protects the
nerves and cures bad breath sour risings a
sense of fullness after eating indigestion
dyspepsia and all stomach troubles
Kodol Digests What You Eat
Make the Stomach Sweet
Bottles only Regular size S 1 00 holding 2H times
the trial size which sells for 50 cents
Prepared by E O DeWITT CO Chicago HI
For Sale by L W McConnell
Cheap Rates to the Pacific Coast
Fiom March 1st unil A j ril 50th the
Burlington is offering very low rates to
the Pacific coast aid intei mediate points
Full particulars can be obtained by call
ing on the agent
To JonnMiaii J Siiiis luriislia Kiiihloe Mvrtio
Miller Tohu Knulfc Sarah A JarvN John
LntiKtirckur Kate Lonpneckcr Ilielw J Tay
lor K IlTajIor Marart A Patterson Noah
Sawjer P A Majnatd and to all whom it
may concern
j The pommi Moner appointed to locate a road
j commenciiiK at northeast cornor of northwest
i quarter of section ii town liip I ranw 2s in
I Fritrh precinct IJed Willow conn tj Nehra ka
runninir tlicnce half line three
utiles to the Miutheast corner of the Miutuwut
quarter of Miction 9 township i rano 2S and
terminating thereat
Also vacate that part of county road No 13
commencing at the northeast corner of section
ii township 4 nuiK 28 thence south two miled
to the southwest corner of section f township 15
ramje 28
And vacate that part ofcountv road number
114 commencing at the northea t corner of sec
tion 9 township raiifi 2s thence south one
mile on section line to the southeast corner of
section 9 township range 2ft t aid vacations
there terminating ha- reported in favor of tho
location thereof and all objections thereto or
claims for damages niii t be filed in the county
clerks ollice on or before noon of the 2ith day
April 1904 or said road will be established with
out reference thereto E J Wilcox
2-20-4 ts ouiity Clerk
In ennntv court within and for Red Willow
count Nebraska In the matter of the estate
of Anna Cunigunda Flohr deceased
1o the creditors of said e tate You are
hereby notified that I will sit at tho county
court room in McCook in said county on the
27thdaj of Jnlj 1WJJ at ten oclock a in to
receiveand examine all claims against said es
tate witli a view to their adjustment and allow
ance The time limited for the presentation of
claims again t said estate is six months from
the 2Gth day of January 1901 and the time lim
ited for payment of debts is one jear from said
2Gth day of January 1901
Witness my hand and the s al of said county
court this 2t5th day of January 1901 2-19-It
seal S L Gueex County Judge
Notice is herebj given that sealed proiosals
will he received by the county commissioners of
Red Willow county Nebraska at the office of
the county clerk on or before noon March 8
1901 for i uch medicines and medicial services
of ph sicians as may be required by the poor of
Red Willow county Propos aN to embrace the
following districts of said countj vi
The first district comprises the six eastern
precincts of the first commissioner district
The second district comprises all of the pre
cincts of the second commissioner district
The third district comprises the eight western
precincts of Red Willow county
The county commi sioners reserve the right to
reject any and all bids
E J Wilcox County Clerk
Dated this id day of February 1901
Notice is hereby given that the county com
missioners of Red Willow county will receive
sealed bids for the completion of the jail room
and corridor according to plans and specifica
tions ou lilo in the countj clerks ollicesaid bids
to bo endorsed Bids for completing jail room
and corridor said bids to be filed with the
county clerk on or before 12 oclock noon
March 8 1904
Commissioners reene the right to reject any
and all bids
Dated this Sd day of February 1901
E J Wilcox County Clerk
Daniel A Bowen will take notice that on the
29th daj of January 1911 J S Lellew a justice
of the peace of Red Willow count Nebraska
issued an order of attachment for the sum of
9940 and summons against garni hee on the
Citizens Bank of McCook and E Potter
in an action ponding before said justice wherein
Charles F Peck is plaintiff and Daniel x Bowen
is defendant that under said orders issued by
said justice the garnishee Phineas E Potter
and garni hee Citizens Bank of McCook by V
Franklin pre ident on the 2nd day of Febru
ary 1901 the day named in said notice appear
ed anil answered and di closed to the court that
they had in their po esion and under their
control the following property That the said
Phineas E Potter is indebted to said defendant
Daniel A Bowen the sum of HOfJ0 evidenced by
four promissorj notes of SlOu each and the said
Citizens Bank of McCook has in its possession
for collection four promissory notes of 10000
each due and unpaid given by P E Potter and
Mame Potter to the defendantDaniel A Bowen
and the sum of 2065 deposited in said bank by
said Daniel A Bowen and the said Phineas E
Potter and Citizens Bank of McCook have been
ordered bysaid justice to retain said notesmoney
anil nronertv belonging to said Daniel A Bowen
until the further orderof the court Said cause
was continued to the 26th day of March 190J at
10 oclock a m
Dated February 11th 1901 W R Stare
Attorney for Plaintiff
Ofllce over McConnells drug store
Office Phonk 1C0
Res Pjionk 13L
Registered Graduate Dentist
Formerly located in At
lanta Georgia All opera
tions pertaining to modern
dentistry performed accord
ing to the latest scientific
methods used in the large
Iron Lead and Sewer Pipe Brass
Goods Pumps an Boiler Trimmings
Agent for Halliday vVauptin bclipse
Windmils Basement of the Meeker-
Phillips Building
Osteopathic Physician
Kelloy Onice BIdg Phone No 13
Consultation free
Graduate of Kansas
City Lental College
Over Jas McAdams
Telephone 43
McCook Nebraska
a Hi IB
l IIOXE 112
Ollice over Graunis store McCook Nub
and Surgeon
Ollico over McMillona drufj store Resideuca
702 Main Aveuue Residence phono M Oilica
phono 28 Calls answered night or day
McCook Nebraska
Goes anywhere Specialty of Thorough Bred
Stock sales One per cent on sales 1000 and
upward Correspondence solicited
McCook Nebraska
SkoAgentof Lincoln Land Co and of McCook
Water Works OHico in Postoflico building
McCook Nebraska
Office in Court House Phone 181
McCook Nebraska
Telephone 44 p O Building
By virtue of an ordr of from tho
district court of Redwillow count Nelra ka
under a decree in an action whprem J F Cor
deal is plaintiff and Olaf Landgreu et al are
defendants to me directed and delivered I
shall otfer at public ale and sell to the highest
bidder for cah at the front door of tho court
hous in McCook Redwillow county Nebraska
on the 20th day of Febniarj 1001 at the hour of
oue o clock p in the following described real
estate tow it Beginning at a point forty -six feet
of the northeast rnnwr if Vilrnl s
the town of South McCook rnnnimr tiin
south ninet four feet thence west ono hundred
fifty feet thence north ninety four feet thence
east one nunureu any leet to the place of b
ginning and also lot twelve in block three
Hiram C Riders first addition to the town i
South McCook in Redwillow county Nebni k
A Ckautkee Sheriff
J I Cordeal Attorney
Daniel A Bowen will cake notice that on the
20th day of January 1001 J S Lellew a justice
of the peace of Red Willow rrmnrv
i Ul awacnment for the sum of
iD1 summons against garnishee on the
Citizens Bank of McCook and Phinea E Potter
in an action pr nding before said justice where
in Samuel D McClain and Joepl II Stephens
partners doing business under the firm nam
and tle of McClain Stephens are plaintiffs
and Darnel A Bowen is defendant that under
-aid orders issued by aid justice the garnishee
PlnnoasE Potter and garnishee Citizens Bank
of McCook by Franklin president on the
2nd day of February HOI the day named in
said notice appeared and answered and dis
closed to the court that they had in their no
se ion and under their control tho following
property That the wild Phineas E Potter is in
debted to said defendant DanielA Bowen in
theiimof lXevidencedbyfourpromissorynote
of lCOeach and the saidCitizensBankof McCoot
has in its possession for collection four promi
sory notes of 100 eachdue and unpaid given bv
P E Potter and Mame Potter to the defendant
Daniel A Bowen and the sum of S20 63 deb
ited in said bank bv said Daniel A Bowen- ad
the said Phineas E Potter and Citizens Bank
of McCook have beon ordered by said justice tn
retain said notes money and property bolong
5 JV 22iel father
Stoafdvd March 1S01 at fooffl
Dated February 11th 1901 W R StIkI
Attorney for Plaintiff