The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 26, 1904, Image 6

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McCook Tribune BILLS IN SIGH
F M KIMMELL Publisher
Brief Telegrams
Italy is favorable to the note of Sec
retary Hay
Mormon colonies are to be estab
lished in Tobasco Mex
Secretary Shaw inspected the new
postoffleo building at Chicago
Of the seven presidents Franco ban
had only one has served a full term
Charles Kratz the alleged St Louis
briber has asked for a change oi
Paul W Bartletts heroic statue 01
General Joseph Waren is being exhib
7 ited in New York
Both branches of the legislaturf
adopted resolutions of regret on th
death of Senator Hanna
Sergeant James Reardon the noted
soldier mathematician has just died at
Fort Leavenworth Kan
The Lathrop Publishing companj
of Boston assigned The capital is
5145 and liabilities are estimated a
Colonel C M Wheldon one of Gen
eral B F Butlers staff during the CiviJ
war is S3 years of age He lives a
Newton Mass
Savings deposits in Chicago banks
have passed the 100000000 mark In
he last year they have increased more
than 22000000
Governor Alexander O Brodie of
Arizona went to West Point in 18GG
Ho became a mining engineer after
serving several years in the army
It is officially announced that Ad
miral Alexieff has been appointed to
the supreme command of the Russian
land and sea forces in the far east
The steel like grass from the vol
canic slopes of Oran Algeria is so elas
tic that it can be used instead of
springs in the manufacture of furni
Copious rains have fallen over South
ern California during the past few
days relieving the apprehension of
Xarmers and fruit growers as to the
Dr A J Magnin the American phy
sician who has charge ofthe Ameri
can hospital in Paris has been decor
ated with the cross of the Legion of
Assistant Secretary Oliver who only
recently returned to the War depart
ment after a severe attack of the grip
has had a relapse and is now confined
to his bed
The Austro Hungarian cruiser As
pern has been ordered to leave her
winter station as Hongkong and pro
ceed to Chefoo so as to be nearer the
scene of war
- A receiver has been appointed for the
Peabody Fire Insurance company of
Baltimore The company lost 700000
hy reason of tjhe fire and it had assets
of only 3000i0
In Dutch Guiana the women carry
upon their persons all the family sav
ings in the shape of heavy bracelets
anklets necklaces and even crowns of
gold and silver
Walter Wellman says that in the
opinion of experts the personnel of
the navy is more valuable than the
type of ship used The United States
is strong at sea
Cardiff exports 12000000 tons of coal
a year Newcastle about four million
Newport and Sunderland each ship
abroad about two million five hundred
thousand tons a year
Dr William Foster of the Depart
ment of Chemistry at Princeton Uni
versity has discovered a new acid
hereafter to be labelled with the inter
esting name trisulphoxyarsenic acid
Representative Warner in Washing
ton refuses either to affirm or dney
the story that he is to succeed Cullom
in the Senate and that Lowden is to
become the Republican nominee for
Colombia is reported to be menaced
with a new rebellion in Bolivar Gen
eral De Castro deposed for aggressive
partisanship in support of Reyes is
raising a force to take the old post at
Senator Ankeny understands the In
dian language perfectly and acted as
interpreter the other day in Washing
ton when a crop of Yakima Indians
were presented to the president at the
White House
Reinsurance of the Baltimore fire
companies is already under way Man
agers are confident rates on conflagra
tion hazard risks throughout the coun
try will be high as a result of the Bal
timore calamity
A London paper the Chronicle says
that in the matter of clothes the House
of Commons is the most correct as
sembly of legislators in the world and
the American house of representatives
the most astonishing
It was announced after the cabinet
meeting Tuesday that W Cameron
Forbes of Boston had accepted the of
fice of Philippine commissioner ra
cated by the resignation of Governor
Taft and the promotion to the gov
ernorship of General Luke Wright
The report that Russia is attempt
ing to arange with Turkey to permit
Hie lack Sea fleet to pass through the
Dardanelles is revived and it is added
that Russia is trying to secure Great
Britains consent There is no confir
mation of the report in authoritative
The Standard Oil company of New
Jersey has declared a dividend for the
quarter of 16 a share a reduction of
4 a share from the rate paid at this
time- last year The previous dividend
paid on December 15 last was 12 a
share Thedividend is payable iltrcb
WASHINGTON The house has the i
naval bill under debate and at the i
proper time it is probable that a rule i
will be brought in making the item
providing for a training station on the j
great lakes in order It is expected
that a contest will ensue over the
location of the station
Notice has been given by Mr Hitch
cock Neb that he will propose an
amendment to the naval bill providing
for the construction of a government
armor plate factory The Indian and
district appropriation bills will follow
ihe naval bill and there is some ex
pectation that all of them will be
passed this week by the house
At the first lull during the week
the bill providing for a committee to
investigate and report on the shipping
industry may be called up under a rule
limiting debate to a few hours Fol
lowing the Indian and district bills
will come the postoffice appropriation
bill but it may not be ready for con
sideration before next week If the
appropriation bills are all out of the
way by Friday the private claims or
pensions may have a show
Mr Williams the minority leader
served notice that he would endeavor
to secure the reading of Washingtons
farewell address and then have an im
mediate adjournment
The Panama canal question will con
tinue to hold exclusive attention of
the senate until Tuesday when vot
ing will begin on the treaty It is
probable that the doors of the senate
chamber will be closed the greater
part of the Ame the treaty is under
cqnsideration Monday and Tuesday
Senator Morcan nrepared a number
of amendments and if offered they j
will be presented in executive session j
Mr Morgan probably will speak on j
some of his amendments but the pros- j
pect is that very few other senators
will desire further to discuss the j
treaty or any amendments to it All
amendments will be voted down There
will be only sixteen or seventeen
Votes or pairs against the ratification
of the convention Senator Hoar prob
ably will make another speech before
the vote is taken
With the Panama question disposed
of the senate will take up appropria
tion bills giving precedent to the agri
cultural bill There are features in
this measure which will arouse op
position and it is expected that it will
be debated at some length By the
time the agricultural bill shall be
passed the legislative executive and
judicial appropriation bill will have
been reported to be soon followed by
the naval pension and army bills
Omaha Man Shoots a Woman
ST LOUIS F A Sigler a carpenter j
of Omaha and Mrs Julia A Smith a j
widow of ibis city arc at the city hos
pital badly wounded it is believed
that Sigler will die Sigler came to
this city for the avowed purpose of
lulling Mrs Smith whom he charged
with trifling with his affections Er
nest WoodSj the successful suitor was I gC01
then in the presence of her son Al
bert shot Mrs Smith who was sick
in bed twice in the head Ke then
put a bullet through his own head
Both were removed to the city hospi
Dominican Government Troops Com
pletely Overthrow Insurgents
WASHINGTON Late Sunday night
the state department received a cable
gram from Minister Powell dated San
Domingo February 16 saying
A decisive battle has been fought
between the government forces and
the insurgents It extended over two
days and resulted in a victory for the
government The siege has been ra
ed and the insurgents are in retreat
Mrs Langtry Buya Trotter
CHICAGO Mrs Langtry tne Eng
lish actress has purchased of Will J
Davis owner of Willowdale farm at
Crown Point Ind three trotters and
two brcod marcs The horses will be i
shipped to her b eodhig farm in Eng
land Mrs Langtry intends to go into
the breeding of light harness horses
as well as thoroughbreds The price
was not made public
Elephant Funerals in Siam
Curious ceremonies are witnessed in
Siam when one of the sacred white
elephants does It is given a funeral
grander than that accorded to princes
of royal blood Buddhist priests offi
ciate and thousands of devoted Sia
mese men and women follow the de
ceased animal to the grave Jewels
and offerings representing some thou
sands of pounds are buried wiih the
America Got the Honors
NEW YORK The official report of
the French government relating to the j
Paris exposition of 1900 shows that
this country carried off the honors
The awards accorded to exhibitors of
the United States were 2379
many 1981 Great Britain 1S65
Russia 1754 Hungary 1351 Japan
1307 Austria S75 and a number of
smaller nations of lesser importance j
The awards of the United States com
prised 221 grand prizes 503 gold med
als and 729 silver 529 bronze and 341
honorable mentions
Only Small Part of Business Carried
on Under American Flag
WASHINGTON Tho development
of the Philippines commercially and
industrially for the first nine months
AN ARMOR PLATE FACTORY ft1903 e or a special
letin by the bureau of insular affairs
It ia clinivn Mi fit lintfi in imnnric nn1
Hitchcock of Nebraska Will Pro- V -
pose an Amendment to the Naval I
Bill to Provide for Government
Flant Program in the Senate
exports tnerj was an increase com
pared with a corresponding period in
the precoding year Heavy exports in
hemp and copra offsetting heavy
i poits of rice explained the increase
During the period named the im
ports were 251 03U01 against 24
338322 for 1902 The exports amount
ed to 23503128 an increase of near
ly 4500000 The rice imports were
the only ones that increased and there
was a falling oft in the general trade
the United States losing 10 per cent
and the United Kingdom 10 per cent
while Spain has only two thirds of the
amount of its trade in 1902
United States exports increased
from 7232411 to 938035 and the
trade with Spain was practically the
same But a small part of the United
States business is carried under the
American flag and all but 5 per cent
of the general trade of the islands is
done in foreign bottoms
General Pflug bends a Report to
Pflug chief of staff to Viceroy Alex
ieff has sent bin the following tele
gram from Port Arthur
Our scouts report that no Japanese
have been seen at Tsen Chu or at
Ping Yang Korea The population is
indifferent toward us The ice on the
Yalti river is beginning to go out Na
tives say that if a high tide comes
within five days the ice will begin to
drift The coast o the Liao Tung
peninsula is covered with ice for a
mile and a half to the sea None of
the enemys ships has been seen late
ly There have been no fresh at
tempts to destroy the railroad
Paul Lessar Russian minister at
Pekin has telegraphed that Yuan Shai
Kai commander-in-chief of the Chi
nese army intend to send 10000 men
from Pao Ting to Shang Hai Kwang
Shafroth Scys Influence of
Suffrage is Good
WASHINGTON Former Congress
man John L Shafroth of Colorado
who resigned his seat uccausc of elec
tion frauds in Denver denies that
these frauds were committed mainly
by women In an interview Fridav
Mr Shafroth sd
Of the persons implicated very
few were women not more than one
in ten at the outside Frauds were
committed in the lowest parts of Den
ver where not many women live The
incident was not characteristic of the
women voting in Colorado and it was
preposterous to make it an argument
against female suffrage Everybody
knows there are bad women as well
as bad men but what would any good
man think if it were proposed to take
his vote away from his because some
bad men had cheated at an election
In Colorado the women vote as gen
erally as the men and fraud is more
rare among them As a rule their
election methods are honorable and
the influence of woman suffrage on
me state lias been distinctly for the
present at the house when bigier can 1
ed on Mrs Smith Sigler ran Woods ALEXIEFF NO
out at the point of a revolver and
Sending cf Commander for Army Was
at His Suggestion
PARIS The Echo de Paris St
Petersburg correspondent says with
regard to rumors in circulation that
the appointment of General Kuropal
kin to the command of the Russian
army in Manchuria meant that Vice
roy Alerieff was losing favor and that
the truth is as follows When the war
broke out the czar asked Viceroy
Alexieff whether he deemed it neces
sary to send a general to command
the troops and if so whom he pre
ferred The viceroy replied that he
considered it necessary to have a chief
commander of the land troops but
that he had no preference as to who
should be selected The czar there
upon asked him whether General Ku
ropatkin would be agreeable and the
admiral replied Absolutely but I
beg your majesty to discharge me
from all responsibility for the land
operations leaving these to General
Viceroy Alexieff retains the viceroy
ship but General Kuropatkin is em
ployed to coninnmicate directly with
the czar
Bird was Released on a Writ
NEW YORK In an address to tho
Associated Press from San Juan P
R under date of October 25 1903 the
fact was announced that Mr Hobart
S Bird editor of the News hid been
sentenced to two months in jail for
libelling Judge Pamos and hd begun
to serve his sentence Jr Bird made
an appeal for a writ of habeas corpus
before the supreme court which was
granted on the day following his ar
rest and he was released from arrest
by order of the court
Bryan on Hanna
Eryan when informed of the death of
Seu itor Hrnna said
He was one of the mos forceful
figures in American politics He
won the position as the head f
the party in the senate and in the
nation by his extraordinary execu
tive ability and by his skill in or
ganizing the forces that contral that
party Even his political oppo
nents realized the strength of his
personality and many admirable qual
Throngs Are Too Large tor All to
Sec the Body Lying in State Strik
ing Marks of Recpect to the De
CLEVELAND O Cleveland was
rgam a city of mourning on Friday
Business was practically suspended
and a large proportion of the popu
lation paid homage to the memory of
their distinguished fellow citizen Sen
ator Marcus A Hanna
Just as dawn began to break over
the city the doors of the chamber of
commerce auditorium where the body
lay were reopened to a vast throng
of people who desired to view the
face of tho dead senator The long
lines of people stretched away until
they exceeded in length the live blocks
reached during Thursday afternoon
The early hours of opening the doors
to the chamber brought thousands of
men with their dinner pails on their
way to their daily toil In such grrat
numbers did they come however that
many were unable to remain in line
Early morning trains brought many
excursionists from surrounding towns
and they too helped to swell the long
The funeral was held in the after
noon at St Pauls Episcopal church
During the service Cleveland was
a silent city Nearly all business was
suspended Street railway and steam
road traffic on every line in the city
was stopped for five minutes from 1
to 1 05 oclock
At noon the funeral cortege left tho
chamber of commerce building pre
ceded by a platoon of police for tho
Following tie police came troop A
as guard of honor then came car
riages with the pall bearers the
Washington delegation the governor
staff chamber of commerce commit
tee Loyal Legion committee and del
egations representing various civic so
The church was filled long before
the hour for the services io commence
and thousands lined the street about
tho edifice
The choir chanted the 30th am
19th Psalms President Pierce o
Gambier college an institution o
which Mr Hanna was a benefactor
read the lesson which was from 1st
Coilnthians loth chapter from th
twentieth verse to the end of the chap
The choir under the direction o
Prof C E Clemens then sang the
hymn Lead Kindly Light Bishoj
Leonard then delivered a eulogy
The choir sang the hymn Forevei
with tho Lord Amen So ict It Be
Dr II G MeGrew rector of St Pauls
church followed with the creed and
prayer The anthem I Heard a
Voice from Heaven Say was sung
by the choir
Bishop Leonard then read the com
mittal service and pronounced the
At the cemetery where a final fare
well of the dead was taken in Wade
Memorial chapel the service consist
ed r mply of a prayer by the bishop
The body was deposited in a crypt
in the chapel to await burial at the
pleasure of the family
On the way to the cemetery two
striking marks of respect were shown
the dead senator At Adelhert college
the students drew up in line in front
of Hatch library and stood with un
covered heads as the cortege passed
Again at the Euclid avenue car barns
near the entrance of the cemetery
several hundred employes were drawn
up in line and with bared and bowed
heads paid their last respects to the
During the time that the body lay
in ctate from 130 to 930 oclock p
m Thursday and from G to 11
oclock Friday it is estimated that
not less than GO 000 people gazed
upon the features of the dead senator
Matter cf Annexation Not Considered
at Washington
WASHINGTON Close attention is
being given by administration officials
to affairs in Santo Domingo A num
ber of warships are being kept in the
waters of that country so that Amer
ican interests may be zealously pro
tected in case of trouble between tho
regular government and the in
surgents Forcible interference in the
affairs of the country have been avoid
ed up to this time so far as news re
ceived by the department is con
It is authoritatively stated that the
question of the annexing of Santo Do
mingo to the United States never has
received the slightest consideration on
the part of the administration and
moreover the administration is unable
to take a position or adopt a policy
other than the protection of American
interests in Santo Domingo because
of the absence of satisfactory informa
tion as to conditions there
Americans Would Help Russia
WASHINGTON The Russian em
bassy is being flooded with offers of
assistance from Americans in various
walks of life Letters from twelve
lihysicians arrived on Wednesday
The Russian ambassador has been
obliged to abandon his original inten
tion to answer each of these offers
with a personal letter but a cor
dial letter of thanks is sent by the
embassy to each writer The offers
are declined as Russia does not
stand in need of medical or military
Bend for Hat J MULlIALL Sioux City Iowa
The telephone is not deaf but it is
often hard of hearing
Makes a hit oftener than the actors i
-the stage carpenter
The timekeeper of a factory nccer
sarily has a watch movement
The art of keeping the mouth shut
should be taught in every school
If you had 200000 insurance in the
ANCE CO the past eight years it cost
you 3400 for Fire lightning and
Norways Workingmens Bank
Norway has established a working
mens bank the object of which is to
loan money at a low rate of interest
to workingmen with which to pur
chase homes The plot of ground to
be bought is not to exceed five acres
Many School Children Are Sickly
Mother Grays Sweet powders for Children
used by Mother Gray a nurse in Children3
Home New York break up Colds in 24 hours
cure Feverishness Headache Stomach
Troubles Teething Disorders and Destroy
Worms At all druggists 25c Sample mailed
free Address Allen SOlmsted LcRoyNY
As He Understood It
She Mrs Smith and I have been
exchanging confidences
He Telling each other tilings
which were to have been kept secret j
lOOOO Plants for lCc
This is a remarkable offer the John
A Salzer Seed Co La Crosse Wis
makes They will send you their big
plant and seed catalog together with
enough seed to grow
1000 line solid Cabbage7
2000 delicious Carrots
-000 blanching nutty Celerv
2000 rich buttery Lt ttuce
1000 splendid Onions
3000 rare luscious Radishes
2000 gloriously brilliant Flowers
This great offer is made in order to
induce you to try their warranted seeds
for when you once plant them you
will grow no others and
all Fort bit 10c IOSTACr
providing you will return this notice
and if you ivill send them 20c in post
age they will add to the above a pack
age of the famous Berliner Cauliflowc
Acme of Bliss
Pat An phat would yez do if yez
wor rich
Mike Oid hov wan av thim autv
mobiles thot blows a whistle ivory
block Judge
Hundreds of dealers say tho extra
quantity and superior quality of De
fiance Starch is fast taking place of
all other brands Others say they
cannot sell any other starch
It All
we go
any higher asked
Sensible Housekeepers
will have Defiance Starch not alone
because they get one third more for
the same money but also because of
superior quality
A man dees nor make his ow
of troubles any lighter by burdenin
his friends with them
Mnilips and Si pi for ip Ai in
ADALI J KROLL CO Few Era Buiidicr Chicago
Is erteustrelv used everywhere in the
world where--- the muzzle loader
nas given way to the breech loader
It is made in the largest and bst
equipped cartridge factory in exis
This accounts for the uniforrn tv of
its products
Tell your dealer U M C when
he asks What kind
Catalog free
The Union Metallic Cartridge Co
Aceiicj 3iy Broadway
aew lork CUy X 1
Editorial Correspondence
Moose Jaw Assiniboia
Farmers Review
Chicago July 22 1903
Most of the prairies in the United
Kfnron have ceased to exist Man has-
them with orchards for-
Dealers say that as scon as a j broken up
rr cmo m i i csts and farm buildings But m
possible to sell them any other cold I Western Canada the prairies still
from horizon to hori
water starch It can be used coia
or boiled
stretch grandly
zon as yet unmarred by the hand of
man save where the iron road has
been laid To a city man there is
something deliciously restful about
the vast grassy solitudes
Numerous clumps of trees mark tho
course of the Assiniboine river which
keeps in sight of the railroad for soma
Grass is one of the notable things
about all the landscape of Western
Vnnnln TV - Irnmtr mliit Old Tilin 1- 13 l icuiuinauio juv0 mo
luiliuuu xjj it rvttu uui w
l nnnn1nn
Insurance would have cost you Why lu B CL U1U -
not invest about 4000 of the saving
in live stock and soon buy another
farm Write to the Secretary for in
formation B R Stouffer Secretary
South Omaha Nebr
cific railway from its eastern termi
nus to the Rocky Mountains is over
plains where grass grows The sage
brush appears at some points but
never to the exclusion of grass Thero
is thus not a mile of this country that
cannot be used for some agricultural
purpose either for tilling or ranch
Moose Jaw is a town of over 2000
inhabitants and one of the most im
portant places in Assiniboia being tho
center of a very good farming
and the erection of the home thereon j try and a great grain and stock ship-
is not to exceed a total cost of 804
The interest charged is or 4 per
cent Forty two years are allowed in
which to refund the mono
ping point
Near Moose Jaw agriculture and
ranching go hand in hand for near
the town was seen a herd of beef
cattle several hundred in number On
another side was seen a good sized
herd of dairy cows the property of
tho citizens in the town
In riding over the prairies we saw
many good fields of alfalfa The great
need of the country is timber which
grows readily where planted as was
demonstrated by the shelter belts on
some of the farms and the trees on
the residence lots in the town
Stories were told the writer of
men who last year cleared from their
wheat crop more than the land on
which it was grown originally cost
them This is easy to believe in view
of the large crop and high price for
wheat last year Henri F Thurston
By sending your address to any
agent of the Canadian Government
you will have mailed to you a copy of
an atlas railway rates etc giving
fullest information regarding Western
There are two sides to every story
The victory you win means defeat for
the other fellow
It is the man who plays to the gal
lery that gets the cheap applause
Storekeepers report that the extra
quantity together with the superior
quality of Defiance Starclt makes it
next to impossible to sell any other
Sometimes the breaking of an en
gagement enabies the parties to live
happily over alter
PtT X IV Lul f in K TfltT
a A substitute jr and tzri rto mitnl
U other rilaster and will not bl ter
wnlitics of ths artir la arc ivoijiierfsi It villQ
to the t jltharhe t enre and rt lirve head-
arheandsciUf a Wen rorrmejid itns thebtt a
and safest cunrnal counter irritant I novn ako R
t -
i Aiiji icii u iu faille III IPC CIU t r
and stomcli and al rieuniatic nejralsic ard
contv conidaints Aialivill nri vo thoi
js i - -
the facetious guest in the Chicago ho- j g Sbtoinhhoii MirSSW
tel when the elevator stopped at the
twenty fourth floor
Not unless the elevator drops sir
answered the truthful elevator boy
flso tho best Thats why thev buv Red
the bfs or dl yoir preparations Price E
sending th arncmiit to us in g
w wiizm jiiiuuu ihui oyraaii iC article siou id
5 be accepted by the nbKc unls h
carries our lab l asothcrwrc it ibr ctt nuirie S
1 State Street Ni v- Ykc Cty 5
Will BedTne Game j i feWf
Jason- paid twenty five cents for j g Ml 4 H
thet there checker board I gMg W
Samantha Yew spendthrift Yew j fg rgWlf
needed a gcod many other things M miMmmMM
worsen yew did a checker board g jiUmMm
Jason I knowed it but now I i IK mymMMSMk
wont hov time tew think thet I need j jp jj rJ
em Judge fi M Salzcrs iVIon5 Oats 53
jfeg IF j cuts on t i The S
KM 1 1 I iJtr cf Gj
EA I SSff tE2sS cr80tsarttfi W
tM Ilk W oiovcr tour Aurnlrtci
JSfoJTS i 11 iiDit u uy u Una
iiA 5 ju i
It tt
si rta
rraid Ot
ed in Visron m VZ hu Oiio
1st iii rii v
ix r ii iiiu i nil irtiri
f H - - k1
i 3 1V K u rr fc l
H ia
i R m iTiitf you- ryitbiranU t convinced p
n lead i IM fcj
3 W A Fcvj Sivcra to Yields H
43 iFJKn in r ii v- n - pt i ic
3 iulrrV UnriWiKiiV - f ini tvt i -
run I KAI I mm I h sssssss m
OuruIvtheo ir lriir hij S 111 - rlamjand ppalif iare
inents DelHor Of nil imrtr it- m ill up to bii yields
0 B
I -
ai ilflli it vuuuT oi I O atr I la
S t i ratiiirryi ror lr vmr h
5j ttr 1j rntPtxKfioir fc
tariu Jjuiswi llercyvtliere
Salters Million Dollar Grass
Jfost t led f crars on f arth Ed v n d
Collw lTfsr and Atrr Bltnl J eu vis
ha aaa lot oiIt iracre
Salzcrs Teoslntc
Payors Tr iitc produi e3 113 rt h lnir r
ftt 1KI n l j days jlrK fmly ofeeeilH
Grasses and Clovers
On r Irjp crowds cf i miM
ts lr sid in America C
Opemtp oir do arrrs Oar iJlli
uarratc I Rcmih V-
atreat Biwialty f and
tatfsin ri atimcfanilail lillX
uuiis oi capiat f Steila J
For iCc in SZampa
ami t e name of this tinner ir
u j i oi iarm r7ft
- ruujuK tcino ill
of al w tzitlifr villi on- V1
v tase
il W TT5
w r tK twtf a
VHk i fc i n
kVVV jfMt
trauI j iie for yz A SZsrmm
S3 Etair M sRV A llifLm
S3 Send for sarrg CrASadlEI