The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 26, 1904, Image 5

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    mff 5
SBfSSB3g X834i
rrrrW mi-
We Extend
A cordial Invitation to all our
friends and the public gener
ally to call and see our new line
Spring Footwear
For comfort lit and style tinw
are unsurpassed and our prices
for g oods of the best quality
are the most reasonable -in
fact as low as others ask for
an inferior grade
A E PETTY Proprietor McCook Nebraska
The Test of Time
Set isf ectory g Eooooiuioi
Polk BrOS Agents McCook
PiiBlps Boatman Commission Co
Only Strictly Wholesale Commission Merchants in McCook
No deviation from this rule
Vegetables and Fruits
Corner Main and Dennison Sts
If you lose a cow hog or horse that might have been
saved youre out from io to 300 arent you Our
Veterinary Department tells what to do for sick live stock
in an emergency
Twentieth Century
made this man 275 why not you
Twentieth Century Farmer Omaha Xeb
Gentlemen Your paper seems to cover about eerj condition
that is likely to aris e on tho farm from raising hores cattle lions
and sheep down to carden truck I hae kept ever copj of jour
paper and because I did I saved a valuable Hereford cow worth
275 because when she was taken sick I turned to the veterinary
columns and found a remedy for her trouble If I had had to
wait to pet a doctor she would haedied Its a grand coort paper
Yours truly J C BKVAEW
Send 25c for 3 months subscription we will send a sam
ple copy and handsome booklet free if you write for it
Splendid prizes for getting new subscribers premium list free
20rl Farnam St Omaha Xeb
I - -- -- - - I
Mike Walsh
and EGGS
Old Rubber Copper and Brass
Highest Market Price Paid in Cash
Block West of Citizens Bank
I ncCook Nebraska
See the
Perfect Confidence
Where there used to be a feeling of
uneasiness and wony in tbo household
when a child showed s mptons of croup
there is now perfect confidence This
is owing to the uniform success of Cham
berlains Cough Remedy in the treat
ment of that disease Mrs M I Bas
ford of Poolesville Md in speaking of
her experience in the use of that remedy
says I have a world of confidence in
Chamberlains Cough Remedy for I have
used it with perfect success My child
Garland is subject to severe attacks of
croup and it always gives him prompt
relief For sale by all druggists
Gather tho roses of health for your cheeks
While the parks are shining with dew
Get out in the morning early and bright
By taking Rocky Mountain Tea at night
L W McConnell
Ed Smith visited on Missouri Ridge
Albert Chessmore is very low with
lung fever
J Kern was at the county heat Satur
day on business
Floyd Welborn of Denver visited over
Sunday with his parents
Joe Vering is now clerking in Fied
Duckworths drug store
Rena Epperley of Bartley visited with
her sister Mrs McCord Monday
Beitha Wolfe of Box Elder spent Sun
day with her friend Daisy Chinn
Mr Lawritson of McCook is spending
this week with his son and family
I M Beardslee and wife of McCook
visited with relatives here Monday
I M Smith of McCook visited Mon
day with his brother W II and family
Mrs Green of Sutton visited the first
of the week with her siter Mrs JKern
W II Smith has so far recovered from
his recent illness as to be able to walk to
his store
Tho public school celebrated Wash
ingtons biithday Monday by having a
half holiday
Arch Mann and wife visited in Bart
ley Sunday with their daughter Mrs
Harry Payne
Giace Andiews has been unable to at
tend to store duties this week on ac
count of sickness
Mr Lawritson wife and Glenn went
to Ilolbrook last Sunday and spent the
day with relatives
Katie Vering who has been teaching
north of town closed a successful term
of school last Friday
Rosa Alters returned to her home in
McCook Saturday evening after two
weeks visit hero with friends
A II Bells new house is nearing
completion and when finished will be
one of the neatest residences in town
The Epworth League merabeis met at
Irving Andrews last Friday evening
and elected oflicers for the coming year
Mr Ilosford delivered his lecture on
Alaska Tuesday evening at Beardslees
opera houseto an appreciative audience
A part of the south river bridge was
badly damaged and a portion of it was
carried away Wednesday by water and
II S Ferrar superintendent and Au
gust Ilaegge fieldman of Grand Island
were in town Saturday making eon
tracts for beets
George Mick and wife of California
who have been visiting her parents for
the past few weeks went to their new
home at McCook Sunday evening
Ralph White formerly of this place
but now of Chickasha I T brought
the body of his six months old child
here for burial Wednesday The child
died of measles
Dr Iloyts have their goods packed
preparatory to moving to their new home
at Germanlown Neb We are sorry to
lose them Tho town loses a good phy
sician and an upright citizen
A merry party of youngsters gathered
at the home of Miss Georgia Short last
Friday evening and proceeded to have
a good time in playing games A boun
tiful lunch was served and all had a fine
Will buy hogs Tuesdays and Sat
urdays F S Wilcox
Better Than Gold
I was troubled for several years with
chronic indigestion and nervous debil
ity writes F J Green of Lancaster N
H No remedy helped me until I be
gan using Electric Bitterswhich did me
more good than all the medicine I ever
used They have also kept mv wife in
excellent health for years She says
Electric Bitters are just splendid for fe
male troubles that they are a grand
tonic and invigorator for weak 1 un down
women No other medicine can take its
place in our family Try them Only
30 cents Satisfaction guaranteed bv
L W McConnell
This spring you will need a nerve food
one that will cleanse and reconstruct
your nerve centers and wasted energies
Hollisters Rocky Mountain Tea will do
it 33 cents Tea or tablets L W
Are You Restless At Night
And harassed by a bad cough U e
Ballards Horehound Syrup it will se
cure you sound sleep and eilect a prompt
and radical cure 25c 50c and 1 bottle
at A McMillens
Does your head ache Pain
back of your eyes Bad
taste in your mouth Its
your liver Ayers Pills are
liver pills They cure consti
pation headache dyspepsia
25c All druggists
1 Want yonr moustache or beard a beautiful
brown or rich black Then i se
Miiftf ifimiJriRKL nuLTor tne
UUUIMNUnftlVi O UI Whiskers
New Orleans Grand
Colored Concert Company
1 MjMsmx
Z7d7t UJfL 2C
3 rt
A better singer than M ss i k is
seldom heard sho is a u o of
the famous Fisk University lairg
studied under M mo Jonnie It
Stewart Tho Uev low of C harlot to
Vi C says Miss Kroxs ingiig was
H surprise to a second encme she
responded with The Last Rose of
Summer as it was never beira
heard by a Charlotte adieneo
Opeia lien McCook Tui di even
ing Match 1 Pri e 30 cent- no extra
for reset ved children 23 cents
Seals on s lie at McCorinrHs drug stoie
Monster Locomotives Building
The Iiiild win Locomotive have
begun work on an ordei fioni the Santa
Fo for fifty locomotives Ten of the
number will be larger than the monsti is
delivered to the same road a few months
agoand it is expected that these engines
will prove the beginning of an epoch in
railroad freighting which may result in
the abolition of smaller and weaker en
gines It is declared that tho new loco
motives will be able to pull 60000 tons of
dead weight on a level The weight of
each engine complete will be about
280000 pounds the tender weighing
200000 pounds making a total of 480
000 pounds
Their speed will be much greater than
freight locomotives now used in pulling
the ore tiains of the Santa Fe and their
cost will he a third more than that of
the best freight engine yet built The
drivers of the new engines will be seventy-nine
inches in diameter the cylinders
fifteen and twenty five inches with
twenty si v inch piston sttoke They
are designed to attain a speed of eighty
miles an hour and to be used exclusive
ly for passenger trains It is expected
that the engines will be delivered in
April Lincoln Journal
Colonist Rates
During March and April the Burling
ton will sell one way tickets to the Paci
fic coast at very low rates
Here are some of them
23 to San Francisco and Los Angeles
S25 to Portland Taeoma and Seattle
82250 to Spokane
620 to Salt Lake City Butte Helena
S1G73 to Big Horn Basin Wyo
Proportionately low Kites to hundreds
of other points
These rates offer an excellent oppor
tunity to see the great northwest which
presents unusual attractions to the
homeseeker It possesses the iron and
lumber of Michigan the wheat of Min
nesota the wool of Ohio tho fisheries
of New England and seaboard rivaling
the Atlantic coast
If you will tell me where you are go
ing 1 shall be glad to give you full in
formation about rates train service
sleeping car service and send you ad
vertising matter descriptive of these
wonderful sections J Francis General
Passenger Agent Omaha Neb 2-26-4-29
Increased Benefits All Around
The Burlington relief department has
got out a new insurance schedule which
goes into effect March 1st 1904 Mem
bers will get a raise of twenty per cent
on their death benefits and they will
also be entitled to half accident and sick
benefits for the second fifty two weeks
in case they are disabled or sick An
additional amount will also be added for
members in case of a loss of leg or arm
The new schedule as a whole is quite an
increase and for which the members
have to pay nothing extra On account
of less accidents in which railroad men
are injured occurring in recent yearsthe
relief department has been able to make
these increases This makes the cheap
est and best insurance a railroad man
can catry Alliance Grip
Cancer Cured
W W Prickett Smithfield 111 writes
Sept 10th 1901 I had been suffering
several j ears with a cancer on my face
which gave me great annoyance ad un
bearable itching I was using Ballards
Snow Liniment for a sore leg and
through an accident I rubbed some of
the liniment on the cancer and it gave
me almost instant relief I decided to
continue to use the liniment on the can
cer In a short time the cancer came
out my face healed up and there is not
the shghest scar left 1 have implicit
faith in tho merits of this preparation
and it cannot be too highly recommend
ed 25c 30c and 1 For sale by A
At the Johnson sale on the old Me
serve ranch Wednesday March 2nd a
lot of thoroughbred Poland China shoats
will be offered for calo
Do Not Miss the Great
ale Muslin
atDeuroff s
vjlm I
His lpprsciattoii
appreciates his checking account
Those who do not keep such an ac
count miss many of its advantages
We are always glad to explain the
workings of a checking account to
those who are not familiar with them
The First National Bank McCook
f V FRANKLIN President
A C EBERT Cashier
h Paid Up Capital 550000 Surplus 5000 I
a b a
Bargain 1 Counter