Official Paper of Redwillow County a KIMMELL Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co Subscription l a Year in Advance HERE AND HEREABOUTS The lndianola Catholic church has now windows at a cost of 300 J C Ltiflerty is circulating a petition for a rural free delivery route out of Marion south of this city Petitions are being circulated for the establishment of a rural free delivery route out of Bartley north William Greenway of Danbury is building a dwolling on the land recently purchased from Mitchell Young R P High of near Lebanon had a closing out sale on his farm February 25th W S Campbell has leased his farm Lawrenco Fostlor over the line in Redwillow county southwest of this village is building a new frame house 16x24 feet on his farm Wilsonville Review Percy Catlett and Carrie Stevens were married February 17th at the homo of the bride near Freedom Frontier coun ty They will reside on the Bentloy farm just north of Bartley The wail goes up from every town trade at home but still the mail order fellows flourish For the most part loo the goods could be secured at homo just as cheaply if quality is con sidered An effort is being made to have a tele phone line built from Danbury to In dianola Also from lndianola to Cam bridge Likewise from lndianola to the Rozell ranch half way to Curtis with the expectation of finally extending same on to Curtis These are all indopend ent projects Real Estate Transfers The following real estate transfers have bet n made since our last issue Reported by C F Lohn real estate loans insurance McCook Neb L M Warren to W A Burnett lots 7 and 8 block r First McCook 250 C F Custer to M V Sheldon lot Ij block 15 Second add to McCook 1G00 Lincoln Land Co to J Costclle lot 3 block 7 Lebanon 60 JW Collicott to B FMaxwoll e lif 11-1-25 Sa00 L M Warren to C F Lchn lot 1 block 25 Second add to McCook V J M Hughes to A L Barnes lot 14 block S McCook m II W Kcj os to J C Puckett lot 10 block lndianola 7A C F Lehn to W P Kedifcr lot 1 block 8 and lot 2 block 1 South McCook MXI C M Boyl to A C Wood se to U 12 1 21 IX J Robins to J A Malmborg nw l4 2200 W F Cumiuings to J Adams lot l block 2 Lebanon 200 C F Lehn to Christ Sollin siv Ji 1 lUO An Early Riser A healthy active constitution depends largely on the condition of the liver The famous little pills known as De Witts Little Early Risers not only cleause the system but they strengthen the action of the liver and rebuild the tissues supporting that organ Little Early Risers are easy to act they never gripe and yet they are absolutely certain to pioduce results that are satisfactory in all cases Sold by L W McConnell ft M fc 1 0 1 ffl B 0 Ml Salt pork is a famous old fashioned remedy for con sumption Eat plenty of pork was the advice to the consumptive 50 and 100 years ago Salt pork is good if a man can stomach it The idea behind it is that fat is the food the consumptive needs most ScottsEmulsionis the mod ern method of feeding fat to the consumptive Pork is too rough for sensitive stomachs Scotts Emulsion is the most refined of fats especially prepared for easy digestion Feeding him fat in this way which is often the only vay is half the battle but Scotts Emulsion does more than that There is some thing about the combination of cod liver oil and hypophon phites in Scotts Emulsion that puts new life into the weak parts and has a special action on the diseased lunp AS eftifi fit A samplo viil be sent free upon request Re sure tmt tMs pcturi i the form cf a hbI is on t - wrapper Emuliop 01 c try boitlj a Luy SCOTT BOWNE CHEMISTS 409 Pearl St N Y 50c and 1 all druggists ITISAHATTER OF HEALTH W rfi GCtS WERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE PUBLIC FREE LIBRARY NOTES As the inhabitants of a country must conform to certain rules of conduct called laws so nations in their inter course with one another must govern themselves by principles that have come to bo more or less firmly established and well recognized There is in the great system of jurisprudence that prevails among all English speaking peoples a vast volume of rules known as the com mon Jaw which though unwritten or rather uncodified is well understood In such state though not nearly so clearly formulated the rules of interna tional law exist Generally speaking might makes right among the nations No country that does not chose to do so need obey the international code The more powerful nations usually re spect one anothers rights because it is to their interests to recognize them The usually respect the rights of weaker states because the other strong nations will uot permit infractions It should lc observed however that this system of law is supposed to be binding only upon civilized nations and does not contrul when a civilized nation is deal ing with a barbarous country Even war which seems to approach as near to anarchy as anything well can must be waged according to certain well recognized regulations For instance a civilized nation that is about to begin hostilities against another civilized na tion must declare her intention of so do ing If however the people against whom war is to be begun are savage or barbarous no declaration of war is nec essary Before our late war with Spain President McKinley Issued a proclama tion setting fourth our grievances and fixing the time when a state of war might be deemed to exist No such formality is required when for example we go to war with a tribe of Indians Japau has been severely criticized in some quarters for having begun the fight against Russia without issuing a formal declaration of war and Russia has made an appeal to the powers for sympathy on that score Russia has also called attention to an alleged viola tion of the rules of war in the destruc tion of certain of her vessels by Japan under circumstances which she insists were not justified Japan occupies an tinomolous position in the family of na tions She can scarcely be considered a barbarous country though her people be long to a different race and worship at a different shrine than do the people of the civilized nations of the world Un der these circumstances it may be doubt ed whether Russia had she fired the first shot would have considered a dec laration of war a prerequisite to the be ginning of hostilities The purpose of a declaration of war is to permit all citizens of either country who may bo in the other country to withdraw and to fix the status of prop erty that may be affected As soon as war begins all intercourse between the inhabitants of the two warng nations must be stopped All traflicmust cease The vessels of the merchant marine of one country that may be in the ports of the other must depart within a certain time If they do not they are subject to seizure as prizes of war All fighting ships of the enemy are of course legiti mate prey All merchant vessels found on the high seas may be captured and sold Enemys property on land is subject ro different rules It may be confiscated if necessary to the sustenance of the in vaders but it must not be unnecessarily destroyed If it can not be made use of by the enemy it must be left in the pos session of the owners Non combatanrs must not be molested Firing must not be directed toward field hospitals The object of war is not to kill or to cause unnecessary suffering but merely to disable In modern warfare the use of soft nosed or poisoned bullets is forbid den It may be remembered that the Spanish soldiery was accused of violat ing this rule of war It is not lawful either to poison wells or springs It will be interesting to note whether Japan will conform to the usages of civilized werfare in this her first real conflict with the armies of civilization Mysterious Circumstance One was pale and sallow and the other fresh and rosy Whence the difference She who is blushing with health uses Dr Kings New Life Pills to maintain it By gently arousing the lazy organs thev compel goodjdigestion and head off con stipation Try them Only 25 cents at L W McConnells druggist DANBURY Mrs Dowler is under the doctors care Davo Boyer of lndianola was in town Tuesday Two of Mr Godowus children are very sick Elvin Woods daughter is sick with a relapse of the mumps J E Dolph is shipping 250 tons of al falfa hay to Kansas City Miss Yalis of Wilsonville has arrived and is clerking for Mr Stone Lew Sargent is having a hard time with relapso in the mumps business John Grovert of McCook and Miss Phillips Sundayed at Lew Sargents Burnett Dolph is giving Philip Gliems storehouse a much needed coat of paint Mrs E B Stilgebouer is visiting her parents at Hebron Neb for a couple of months Brother Pogue informs us that his Lebanon meeting started off with flatter ing prospects Jim Sims shipped two cars of hogs to St Joe and one car of horses and mules to Knoxville Iowa Pete Lehn returned from Orleans The specialist informed him that the sight of his eye was entirely destroyed There was a fruit vendor on the streets Wednesday Did the marshal make him take out a license If not why not PeteJLehn had the misfortune of run ning his eye up against a fence stapler and may lose one eye in consequence Fanners say wheat is all right yet We have interrogated about 20 of them this week An early rain or snow will start the plants all right As soon as the rural route is estab lished Mr Iliersekorn will furnish Dan bury with the latest war news over the phone Hirse is a good Republican and therefore energetic Protracted meetings will be held in Congregational church beginning Sun day March 7th so wo hear The Metho dists converted a few of the dancers and drinkers and we hope the Congregation alists will convert all the balance so that Godliness may reign supremo in stead of hellishness Cured Consumption Mrs B W Evans Clearwater Kan writes My husband lay sick for three months the doctors stated he had quick consumption We procured a bottle of Ballards Horehound Syrup and it cured him That was six years ago and since then we always kept a bottle in the house We cannot do without it For coughs and colds it has no equal 2oc oOc and 81 bottle at A McMillens HONEY 1 f tM Vf MB KOl i Jo J fcl fw jr r Put Your Cash in a Stock Certificate of McCook Co Operative Building Savings Assn No better or safer investment is open to you An investment of 8100 per month for 120 months will earn S0 nearly 9 per cent compound annually Dont delay but see the secretary today Subscriptions received at any time for the new stock just opened New C KUEAfJs Grand Colored Concert Company ALBERT MARTIN DAMOPf Violinsl and Harp Zither Soloist Damon as born in Baltimore Md and studied at the Chicago College of Music under Prof Charles Zeigfelt He was soon appointed one of the principals in the music department of the same College for two years uhen he was appointed principal in the Northern Illinois Col lege where he remained five years He has given musical recitals in most of the cities of the East and the South and has appeared with such artists as Jules Levy Carl Lochman Clar ence Eddy and with the Theodore Thomas Orchestra Opera house McCook Tuesday even ing March 1 Price 50 cents no extra for reserved seats children 25 cents Seats on sale at McConnells drug store UP-TO-DATE Sunday April 10th Along with announcement of the en gagement of Mr Clyde C Barker and Miss Edith Phelan a very pretty and unique social affair was given by Mrs P M Broome in honor of the bride to be Tuesday afternoon same being a towel shower Invitations were in the form of two crimson hearts joined with a golden arrow and the decora tions at the Broome home were in har mony with this idea hearts arrows and cupids with red poppies being every where Blinds were drawn and illum inations furnished by means of many candles On descending the stairs the guests found Miss Edith ensconsed in a cosy corner attired Turkish fashion in a costume of towels She was gen erously bombarded with innumerable towels of every description some of them being of extraordinary size beauty and rarity Delicious refreshments and souvenir hearts for the guests completed this extraordinary social affair It is understood that the nuptials will be solemnized on Sunday April 10th when we will take pleasure in extending most sincere congratulations to these deserv ing and popular young people Alliance Times WEAK AND LOW SPIRITED A Correspondent Thus Describes His Experience I can strongly recommend Herbine as a medicine of remarkable efficiency for indigestion loss of appetite sour taste in the mouth palpitation head ache drowsiness after meals with dis tressing mental depressions and low spirits Herbine must be a unique prep aration for cases such as mine for a few doses entirely removed my complaint I wonder at people going on suffering or spending their money on worthless things when Herbine is procurable and so cheap 50c a bottle at A McMillens More News From Outoftown It is rumored that the Burlington man agement will shortly issue instructions that as much of the Pacific coast freight as possiote tnac is now going via weaver 1 j be sent to Billings this to enable the Hill roads and steamship lines to get the entire haul on coast freight A move of this kind would mean a number of addi tional fast freights over the Alliance di vision Alliance Grip Reconstructs your whole body makes rich red blood Drives out impurities that have collected during thf winter Ilollisters Rocky Mountain Tea is a family tonic 5 cents Tea or tablets L V McConnell A specialty of office supplies The Tribute ij lmwii Hfii m Tr -- - Novelties We have received a handsome line of Crush Leather Belts Military black and gold Belts White Kid Belts White Pique Belts Pearl Shirt Waist Sets Gold -Plated Waist Sets Stylish New Back Combs Large Collar Pins Etc Etc Etc Ask for the EVERTIDY Comb It holds the stray locks neatly and firmly in place putting the hair up to stay up Our Muslin Underwear is a happy surprise to our lady customers for never before have such beautiful and well made garments been offered and sold in McCook at the prices we are asking Be sure and see our stock before purchasing underwear Our Spring Dress Goods consisting of handsome Voiles Sackings 5ang lier Boutonnes Pongees Tussah Silks Shautung Silks Champagne Cloths etc are deserving of your attention Call and see them In Our Grocery Dept we sell seven 7 bars of Laundry Soap for 25c and every thing else at comparative prices Phone No your orders What Are They Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tablets A new remedy for stomach troubles biliousness and constipation and a good one Price 23 cents For sale by all druggists i - dyk aw id ail f isil il m m S 2825 Keeley St Chicago III Oct 2 1902 I suffered with falling and con gestion of the womb with severe pains through the groins I suf fered terribly at the time of men struation had blinding headaches and rushing of blood to the brain What to try I knew not for it seemed that I had tried all and failed but I had never tried Wine of Cardui that blessed remedy for sick women I found it pleasant to take and soon knew that I had the right medicine New blood seemed to course through my veins and after using eleven bottles I was a well woman Mrs Bush is now in perfect health because she took Wine of Cardui for menstrual disorders bearing down pains and blinding headaches when all other remedies failed to bring her relief Any sufferer may secure health by tak ing Wine of Cardui in her home The first bottle convinces the pa tient she is on the road to health For advice in cases requiring special directions addres3 giving symptoms The Ladies Advisory Department Ihe Chattanooga Medicine Co Chattanooga Tenn SHsSHESTERS it w iva K u n HYROYAi kl 3 H 3 u m Fm i e a t i n c to w h rA n r zarn n xrx ao Rfi vahu a k uS3 Guhs rra H 1 h E n 4 - nm a m htW aEW 11 v 5jAe 1 v S feafe A- i luble Iic as Druzsrist To CKICMIISTKSrS KTLISI n Re and mt Liliic hotw ih be c bbor Take no otJier Keftmc uliti tutiontand imitation iluvuf vour Jjnjgit or send Ic in Mnip for Partirular aid Eclier for Iaie m Utter by return Mail 10000 Testimonials fcold by all Druggists CHICHESTER CHEMICAL CO SO I llirtison Square IJIIiuA ileation thU popsr PA yaBESmSr ZlRtetrM I- 1 16 when giving 1 McCOOK NEBRASKA I I New Firm proprietors Old Stand ANTON WAGNER B and M Meat Market David Magner has gone into the firm which seeks a continuance of public patronage guaranteeing the best of everything sea sonable at the most rea sonable prices Anton Magner Blue Front lrSJ BBHB iHkHBI sCthHot Fine Turnouts Either Single or Double Phono 5G Rear Palmer House McCook Nebraska W II ACKERMAN Prop Martin Com Go oils DKAMSRS IN ooproQuc 1 Car Lots a Specialty I Local and Long Distance Phone 101 We Want Your Eggs and Poultry Highest Gash Prices Paid Come in and talk with us One door south of the Tribune Office HcCOOK NEBRASKA s CAIN McCOOK NEB Sells and Recommends oughly satisfied with results The Great Germ and Insect Destroyer for all Germ Diseases of Animals Xow used throughout the United States for the prevention and cure of hog cholera swine plague corn stalk disease pink eye foot and mouth disease etc A sure removerof worms in animals Tho cheapest and best lice killer on the market Kearnpy County NuroryG A Strand Prop Grower of choice nursery stock Minden Xeb Dec 1902 NationallMedical Co York Xeb About two weeks atjo many of the farmery around IifreIo terj heavilj by lion cholera I do not wish to write jou a lonu flattering about jour medicine but will say that I bought a quart can of Liquid Koal md the improvement was to marked that I bought a gallon can and usrd it with the that my hogs all recovered and I did not 1om one My herd of over 2C0 are in lino condition and you may put me down as a con taut user of Liquid Koal ft A Tfivn i i J Your money refunded if not Manufactured by National Medical Co Sheldon Iowa -Expert advice iriven free j J germ diseases of animals i on all ddress the company at Sheldon Iowa en closing stamp For ale and guaranteed by James Cain Up-to-Date Flour and Feed Store Phone No 20 McCook Neb I J 5 r t 4 t 1