BSl r rPpft I liV wJ Mrs Elizabeth H Thompson TIMELY CALLING of Lillydale NY Grand Worthy Wise Templar and Member of WCTU tells how she recov ered by the use of Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound Deah Mrs PixirnAar I am ono of the many of your grateful friends who have been cured through the use of Tjydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound and who can to day thank you for the fine health I enjoy When I was thirty five years old I suffered severe backache and frequent bearing down pains in fact 1 lmd womb trouble I was very anxious to get well and reading- of the cures your Compound had made I decided to try it I took only ixbottlesbut it built inc up andcurcd mc entirely of my troubles My family end relatives were naturally as gratified as I was My niece had herrfc trouble and nervous prostration and was considered incur able She took your Vegetable Com pound and it cured her in a short time and she became well and strong and her home to her great joy and her hus bands delight was blessed with a baby I know of a number of others who have been cured of different kinds of female trouble and am satisfied that your Compound is the best medicine for sick women Mia Elizabeth II Thompson Box 20 Lillydale NY 5000 forfeit If orlninal of abovs tetter prcting genuineness carrot be produced Disorder in a political meeting sel dom begins until after it is called to crtler In Winter Use Allens Foot Case A pov der Your feet feel uncomfort able nervous and often cold and damp If you have sweating sore feet or tight shoes try Allens Foot Ease Sold by all druggists and shoe stores 25 cents Sample sent free Address Allen S Olm sted JLe Roy N Y The man who buys and smokes cigars evidently has money to burn Experience takes dreadfully higl wages but it is the best teacher srom totjr clothes Tjbo Rod CrobK Ball Blue and keep them white as baow Allgrocors 5c a packaga The world will forgive a man almost anything except failure Was Officially Dead A curious incident occurred in ten English police court recently where a man named Travis was sentenced -to a months imprisonment for obtaining a postal order by false pretenses He pleaded that he was officially de 2 and his stcry was that when with the British army in South Africa he deserted ootrined some clothes from the Kaffirs made his way to the coast and worked his passage home He then -discovered that he was reported dead and though he subsequently gave liiniself up as a deserter the war office gave an official assurance that he had died at the front and would not rrcst him He Was From New York Rev George C Lorimer when no was pastor of Tremont temple in Boston entered one evening a Boston hall where a lecture was in progress Mr Lorimer stood in the vestibue a little while listening to the lecture and the janitor a colored man ap proached him respectfully A fair lecture sah said the janitor Oh mere than lair dont you think de murred Mr Lorimer I would call this lecturer a brilliant man Scacely a brilliant njsn sah said the janitor Ah tink hes -a fair man sah hut not o de prima facie class Hes a good man sah a well meanin man but not a talented man Hes a Nov York man sah Hew the Paster Saved a Life A man near Fort Gay W Ya made an entire failure in getting strength from the kind of food he ate and not knowing that the trouble was with the food kept on losing health until the doctors gave him up to die It was supposed to be consumption because he was wasting away stead ily and slowly dying His minister called from lime to time and one day brought along a package of Grape Jsuts thinking from what he knew of the famous food that perhaps it might help him The sick man took to it at once and from that day began to get well In Avriting he says I walked to town to day 3- miles Have gained over 40 pounds in about 2 months and my neighbors dont know what io say I frequently am told it was as if I am raised from the dead Everybody here knows of my case you can tell people to write to the Postmaster or Rev L D Bryan I will make a sworn statement that Grape Nuts saved my life Name given by Postum Co Battle Creek Mich This is another illustration that where all other food fails one can be brought back to health and strength on Grape Nuts Theres a reason Look in each pkg for the famous little book The Road to Wellville NEBRASKA STATE NEWS NEBRASKAS GAMBLING LAWS Defects That May Render Them Un constitutional LINCOLN Defects in Nebraskas gambling laws may render them un constitutional and then the state would be a paradise for gamesters An examination of the records at the office of the secretary of state has revealed the fact that an amendment to the title of the act of 1S87 was not copied in the journal of the proceed ings probably rendering the amend ments void There are no gamblers in the penitentiary at present but should one he sent there habeas corpus pro ceedings would at once be started The law amended is sections 214 and 215 of the code of criminal procedure relating to gambling and the keeping of gaming tables devices and ma chines of any description Previous to 1887 the penalty for gambling was a fine of not exceeding 100 or im prisonment in the county jail not more tnan three months The penalty for keeping a gaming table was a fine of not less than 50 nor more than 100 The legislature of 1SS7 amended this Law the act being known as senate file 18 of that session This bill was introduced under the title of A bill jjr an act to amend sections 214 and 215 of the criminal code Under this title it was read three times and pass ed by the senate No amendment to the title appearing in the records of the proceedings of the senate it was read in the house under the title A bill for an act to amend sections 214 and 215 or fp criminal code and to provide for tTie recovery of money or other propertv lost ii gambling The journals of the house and sen ate fail 1o disclose when this amend ment to the title was made The bill was then read in the house for the third time and passed under the or iginal title It was then presented to the governor under the title A bill for an net to amend sections 214 and 215 of the criminal code and to pro vide lor the recovery of money or other property lost in gambling anf to repeal said original sections The journals of both house and senate fail ed to show where this last clause or iginated Tne law as signed by the governor and as at present on file In the secretarys office bears this latter title Skin Grafted Six Times NEBRASKA CITY Word has been received from Omaha that Miss Ollie Holbrook has undergonethe sixth op eration in skin grafting to have her head covered She had her scaln lorn off on Christmas morning and the -physicians in the hospital where she was taken from here have been trying to cover the head with skin ever since All of the grafts that they have put on from the bodies oT other persons have sloughed off anu now they are grafting from her body cutting the flesh from her limbs Mourn Death of Dr Swenson OAKLAND Dr E J C Sward vt this city received a telegram from A 3 Colson of Omaha now m 7 os An geles Cal stating that Dr Carl Swen son president of Bethany college at Lynchburg Kan died in Ix s Angeles very suddenly of pneumonia Dr Swenson is well and favorably known here as in his connection with the Lutheran church he has visited here frequently and also made several speeches here during presidential cam paigns Saved Boy from Deah NEBRASKA CITY A young son of Mr and Mrs William Clmkenblnvd tried to board a moving train at the B M passenger depot and fell un der the car Yard Master Jack Gir artly chanced to be standing near at hand and rescued the little one just as the wheels of one of the coaches caught his clothing Brief in Lillie Case ITamer Haraer attorneys for Mrn Lillie charged with the murder of her husband nave filed in the supreme court a second brief in defense of their client In it they state there is noth ing to sustain the contention of the state that she killed her husband They contend that Lillie was shot from the west side of the bed and this they claim shows that Mrs Lillie did not do the shooting They claim fur ther that Mrs Lillie was well able to pay all the bills that she had contract ed by her deals on the board of trade and therefore the fact that her hus bands life was insured would not do for a motive for the deed New Mill for Fremont FREMONT Artices of incorpora tion of the Royston Milling company were filed in the office of the county clerk The capital stock is 50000 divided into shares of 100 each Flags rt Half Mast As an expression of sorrow at the death of Senator M A llanna the flag over the state house at Lincoln was hept at half mast for several days Not a Candidate for Senator LINCOLN D E Thompson minis ter to Brazil is not a candidate tor United States senator and in his state ment announcing this published in his paper the Lincoln Star he conies out for an unmentionable Lincoln man Perkins Out for Delegate ST PAUL Clark Perkins editor of the St Paul Republican has announc ed himself as a candidate for delegate from the Sixth congressional district to the national republican convention at Chicago THE STATE AT LARGE iY Jules Lombard the sweet singer of Omaha has been admitted to practico bctore he supreme court Congressman llinshaw has recom mended tne reappointment of Wil liam Royer as postmaster at Seward W A Gourley a sewing machine peddier was arrested at Edgar for in sulting women and lined for the of fense Earl Kluck the son of Gustave Kluck living two miles north or Richland had his hand badly lacer rtcd in tl cogs of a feed grinder The Missouri Pacific Railway com pany have been lmving a great deal of trouble this winter locating the thieves that have been robbing their cars at Nebraska City Captain Bradner D Slaughter pay master has been ordered to Omaha to report to the commanding general of the department of the Missouri for duty in thn city The ladies of Albion gave a leap year euchre party and dance in the opera house The whole affair was managed by the ladies of Albion with out the assistance of a man Gustave Wies of Geneva who has the hallucination that unknown per sons are trying to hypnotize him was adjudged insane by the commissioners and taken to the state asylum Preparations for the meetings to he held March 29 to 31 by the four teach ers associations of the state are about completed and most interesting pro grams have been prepared for each By the turning of a truck at the de pot in Nebraska Ctcy twenty seven cases of eggs that were consigned to the cold storage company there and in charge of the express company were wrecked Henry Orrell who is charged with burglarizing a store at Berlin went before Judge lessen at Nebraska City and pleaded guilty to the charge and was sentenced to one year in the pen itentiary Mayor A M Amk rson of Tekamah has called a mass meeting at the court house to consider the advisability of starting a movement to build a new court house for Burt county in the near future Chairman Hall tf the democratic state central committee has called a meeting of that body at Lincoln March 15 at S oclock p m to con sider the time and place of holding a state convention The smallpox quarantine at the Shelby hotel was raised February 15 Charles DeVant the proprietor Avas the only one that had the disease int six other persons stayed at the hotel all the time ho was sick Robert McCleary fell from a load of hav at Rogers and suffered internal injuries which caused death in a few minutes When picked np he Avas un conscious and could not tell how it happened No one saw him fall A Salida Colo dispaich says S M Allendor and his son Earl arrested for keeping two Nebraska girls for im moral purposes were held for trial In the district court The Ratckin girlV home is in Nebraska City and tin Mtirnhy girls home s in Omaha Word ha just been received iy rho of Burt county that George Keeler Samuel T Bullis and Thomas Gray the parties who It is supposed robbd one of the- Lyons Neb banks a month or so ago bad been arrested in Kansas City and would be held lor tno officials Fegen I Parker K Holbrook of On awa Prof C C Nutting professor of zqology and curator of the museum and Architect Proudfoot will leave soon for the east where they go to observe the museum buildings of the large eastern institutions that the new museum building which the uni versity is soon 1o erect may be built along the lines approved by the great est talent the United States affords John Trimble a well known farmer living several miles south of Hum boldt sustained a severe injury in the overturning of a load of hay upon which he was riding Who he saw the load was slipping he jumped to the ground crushing his loft ankle so that the bones protruded through the flesh W F Jessup a Burlington brake man had a narrow escape from death at Columbus While switching at Pleasant Dale he lost his balance and fell from the top of a car while it was in motion He was so badly stunned by the fall that he was unable to crawl off the track but the engi neer succeeded in stopping the car within a foot of his bodv The Nebraska supreme court has emphatically decided that a wife may testify to the exact age of her hus band even if she were not actually present at his birth This decision was filed in the case of Mrs F Bartes ofs Colfax county against the Ancient Order of United Workmen Her bus band was accused by the order of mis stating his age and the wife was the only witness The district court re fused her testimony but the supreme court reversed Towns or villages must not aid a private person or corporation in the construction of water works The su preme court declared an issue of 4 000 in bonds issued by the village of Grant Perkins county void and I W Shcrrill the purchaser will lose the amount unpaid The Duroc Iersey hog sale by George Briggs Son held at their farm near Harvard is reported to have made an average of a little more than G0 each This is considered one of the best sales had and attracted many buyers from various parts of me state phi a you m m Smk I rt Ih U ib mm In nn I mew la I vi auuna wndwds m cMdrer h v ii L1 II Z ME ST W7 I u winter for our little ones Thanking you for your kindness to us and our j 4JJWtU W44WO VTW t WA444y UUid 1 UIIJUlir SISTERS OF ST JOSEPH o Dr Hurtman receives many letters from Catholic Sister from all over the United States A recommend recently received from a Catholic institution in Detroit Mich read us follows Dr S D Hartman Columbus Ohio Dear Sin The young girl who used the Peruna was suffering from laryngi tlsf and loss of voice The result of the treatment was most satisfactory She found great relief and after farther use of the medicine we hope to be able to say she Is entirely cured Sisters of Charity This younc Kirl was under the care of the Sisters of Charity and u crl Perun i for catarrh of the throat with good results as the above letter testifies From a Catholic institution in Cen tral Ohio comes the following recom mend from the Sister Superior Pome Tears ago a friend of our insti tution recommended to us Dr Ilrrtmans Peruna jis an excellent remedy for the Influenza of which we tht n bad several cises which threatened to be of a serious character We began to use it sni experienced such vouderful results that since then Exterminating tho Hippopotamus f1233S I KJ It seems that the hippopotamus is U to be exterminated It is hardly fj able that the hippopotamus will enjoy1 this but it will be a good thing for mankind according to tho London i Globe The intelligent nnimals con i stantly attacks boats fields and gar- dens and what he does not oaf says an authority he sits on Nowj he is himself to be sat on Wo trust that those in charge of the campaign will remember the advice of one of our forcmot naturalists and shoot the hippopotamus with bullets made of platinum For if they use the other kind his hide will surely flatte i em j Red Heads Seldom Esld Red headed people are less subject I to baldneso than others A doctor explains the mailer thus The hair of the red leaded is relatively thick i one red hair being almost as thick as five fair or three brown hairs With oOfiOO red hairs the scalp is well thatched whereas with the same number of fair hairs one is compar atively bald It takes nearly 1G000O fair and 105000 brown hairs to cover adequately an ordinary head Cct the Right Kind Gainesville Texas Feb 22nd Mrs j L E Burton of 507 Glad street this nc and very soon was completely cured I took a box up to the Drug Store and showed them that there was such pills and asked them to order some but as I havent needed any more I havent called to see whether or not they got them If a man who falls in love at sight is wise he will take a second look he fore proposing Dont you know tha Defiance Starch besides being absolutely supe rior to any other is put up 16 ounces in packages and sells at same price as 12 ounce packages of other kinds The fellow who would marry for money finds it pretty hard to work Peruna has become our favorite medicine for influenza catarrh cold cough and bronchitis Another recommend from a Catholic institution of one of the Central States written by the Sister Superior reads as follows A number of veam ngo our attention wai called to Dr Hartmans Peruna and since then we have u ed it wth wonderful results for grip coughs colds and catarrhal diseitses of the head and stomach For grip and winter catarrh espe cially it has been of great service to the inmates of this institution SISTERS OF CHARITY All Over the United States Use for Catarrh A recommend recently received from a Catholic institution in the Southwest reads as follows A Prominent Mother Superior Says I can testify from experience to the efficiency of Peruna as one of the very best M J JTJirjM wjtfi Utter benefit and satisfaction good i TTa If mvl Wnctlnrn TTfirms Pn - v Vw - - - nan a sngnt return oi my trouoie writes I have GO acres in Salters Al and I went to tho Drue Store and call- i falfa Clover It is immense I uji m i ii in iimi iiijimiiiji j J ji RELY ON TO FIGHT COUGHS u t v illr rr md A mj SOIV UL aUTTT I MB23s2SsSSsjj 5rV5S3Ss3SSSSSWV 72sJMri4Zs fnxxKeitQitn CuZdijOiE dHHHil iOi i SISTERS 0FST JOSEPH Use for La Grippe and Winter Catarrh N EVERY count i y of the civilized world the Sisteis of Charity are known Not only do they minister to the spiritual and intellectual needs of the charges committed to their care but they also miuibter to their bodily needs Whenever coughs or colds Ia grippe or pueumonia make their appearance among the children the e Sisters arc not disconcerted but kuow exactly the rem edies to apply With so ninny children to take caro of and to protect from climate nnd disease thepo wise and prudent Sisters huvo found Peruna ft never failing safeguard i Mo U- WWSmWm yWLM JimBJwfjffMmMm rjBTfarj S lFIlil l 1 11 tf Attsndina u1 U ioimmni Fisters of St Joseph of the Deaf Mute Institute 1S49 Cass Ave St Louis writes We appreciate Peruna very much It certainly does good work with catarrh and also with colds and la grippe We have faith la Peruna and ha ve inspired many others with the same We do not like to be without it It has certainly kept us from belns very sick It did a world of good last lu77 fjLLlk wufcia medicines and iS gives mu pleasuro to add my praiso to that of thousands who have iis ed it For years 1 suf fered with catarrh of tho stomach ull remedies proving valueless for relief Last spring I went to Colo ladu hoping to bo benefited by n change of anil while there ft friend advised mo in fry Peruna After uung two bottles I found myself very much im proved Tho remains of my old discnso being now so slight I consider myself cured yet for a while 1 intend to con tinue the uso of Peruna 1 am nov treating another patient with your meili cine Hie has been sik with iimlnri and troubled with leuchorrha a I havo no doubt that a euro will bo spcvdily effected These are samples of letters received by Dr Hartman from the various orders of Catholic Sisters throughout the United States Tho names and addresses to these let ters have been withheld from respect to the bister but will be furnished uu rwjucst One half of tho diseases which aflhct mankind are due to some catarrhal de raiigeinent of tho mucous membrane iin inc some organ or passage of the body A itmedy that would act immediately upon the cong sted mucous membrano nMoiiiig it to its normal state would consequently cure all these diseases Catarrh is catarrh wherever laratid whether it be in the head throat lungs stomach kidnevs or pelvio organs A remedy that will cure it in one location will cure it in all loci ions Peruna cun i catarrh wherever located If you do not derive prompt and satis factorv results from the use of Peruna write at once to Dr Hartman riving a full statement of your case and ho taiK be pleasxd to give you his valuable advice unit is Addrpss Dr Hartman President i i The Hartman Sanitarium Ctluubus Ohio 37 CONSUMERS OS 52F J3 4rv OTJ5 ALWAYS ASK FOR THE BEST WESTERN MADE SHOES These Brands v ill guarantee oi a jood shoe for rm n Star nd Crescent E Z Walker Comet Cock of Walk Our PRAIRIE QUEEN leads all in Womens and Children i Sh cs SW lutt our name rc ov the - t fv Fo P KIRKENDALL CO 5amfict ired lm Qr JAHA f ffrTjwi - i ii i inrii i nriT t I I I I oik mm t m y i J j KSV I II MM Ml I Ml IM III Hill I Mill I IIIWII I IT- I II II HI Mil I Tl M Mw I Taf IQ S Le Down Reseating Shotguns t Dont spend from 50 to 2C0 for a gun when for so fc much less money you can buy a Winchester Take- r Down Repeating Shotgun which wiii outFhcot and I outlast the highest priced double barreled gun besides being as safe reliable 2nd handy Ycur i dealer can show you one i hey arc sold everywhere FREE ItO Paac IJStratcdCztalcgcc R WSNCH ESTER REPEAT NG ARMS CO NEW HAVEN CC23N 1 Little white lies live long and pros city writes tho following letter I I have been awfully troubled with Alfalfa clover my Kidneys I was in a bad fix and For 5ear3 the edit0r has on urSir 5 farmers to sow Alfalfa Clover and had been t with the Doctors docioring glafl he is that thousands of wide- but was getting no better I tried a tPVake farmers scattered all over remedy called Dodds Kidney Pills and ica are doins this now to their great I found they did me lots or I MEXICAN stii2it2U tiriS Sprains and Strciirc t b MEGMY9S 70 bu per acre these are all great hog sheep and cattle fatteners and last but not least Salzers Victoria Rape for Fhoep and Srlzers Teosinte good for SO top--of green food for cattle and Salzer Billion Dollar Grass Bromus Inermis for lots and lots of good hay Thesf things make it possible for me to grow live stock by the thousands Have you heard of Earliest cane Gives six mowings a year and A CPr ed for Dodds Kidney Pills They said I thec crops this season and have lots j WsrranSetf eTPTCTns ftga CJ2L of pasture besides L i3J3 there was no such pills I told them Hon H F Hunter S D says Sal- itre ftf muwc Ciiaw frro rrHi there was They said they had the I Northern Grown Alfalfa clover J best pills that were made and per- I cannot be beat I have solved the I question of stock raising here Salzers suaded me to trj a box of another Alfalfa s BOod for 3 musing crops of kind not Dodds As I needed some i hay Salzers Speltz for CO bu of grain medicine I bought a box but thev and 3 tons of hay Salzers Macaroni wheat for 65 bu best hog fattening did me no Ooou o I wont eisevnee wheat an3 Saizers Hanna Barley for anu got tne real uoua s lvianey fins ari3 dry land is good for SSEi te svg h tehz iAUzilZiZit LANDS OF mmm westeog Are the STAR ATTRACTIONS for 1904 Millions f if of niai Tt rrrx Grai n r in lanH aa - r I r u i h sinte the SO ton per acre fodder wonder 10Li Kstt 1i1 J -11 I tst sexd tuis kotice and 10c is THE GREAT ATTRACTIONS j STAMPS Ocmil Crop rii lightrul rliiiitc si1cikIj 1 j to the John A Salzer Seed Co La t rhcoi 8si m per fort comSitioi Crosse Tis and receive their big cat- fxoptloiiarailwavailaijtiKaifl wi alti j alog and lots of farm seed samples am free- W N L TJK pop auon of Wcstrra Canada increase t 32SO b imnnKation dunns the pest lear o ver Too many men are Incapable of do- soooo beirc Americans ing their own thinking j Wnte to nearest authorized Canadian Grffermeiit j Acent for Canadian Atlas and other inlonnation 3Irs finsIows sooihlncr Svtod or address bept or IminicrationOttavvaCan3tta W V Bennett 01 New York Life Beildinr For children teethlup tof tens the Kirras rcdncc3 to- qJL eu EnmmaUon allays pain cures v7tndcoc 2Scsbottlc vu u