The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 19, 1904, Image 8

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n nr m
Bnby Stilgobouor is having n siege
with tbo mumps
Mrs W B Downs is expected home
tho lust of the week
Hoovers have bought tho dray lino
from Charles McCallum
Mr Lincoln spent Sunday ut homo
With hio wife and daughter
Ruby Wheeler gave an oyster supper
to some of her friends Saturday night
Joseph Hoovers little boy has been
sick with the grip for a number of days
J M Brown has been very sick with
catarrh of the stomach but is some
bettor now
Mr McCordand daughter Elfie and
llona Epperly were Cambridge visitors
Mrs Ora Stevons and children return
ed from their visit in tho eastern part of
the stato last week
Art Stovons and wife visited here with
her parents parents Mr and Mrs
Fletcher first of wek
Tho eleventh grade of the high school
will give an entertainment in tho school
building Saturday night
Tho meeting at the M E church
will be continued another week Sev
eral persons have joined the church
Mr and Mrs George pave a party at
their home Saturday night in honor of
their daughter Elmas seventeenth
birthday Flinch pit panic and other
igaines furnished amusement for all
Bountiful refreshments were served and
a very pleasant time is reported by alj
who were present
Saturday afternoon fire from smolder
ing strawstacks destroyed Dave Bee
mans stable and all of his feed He was
in town with a load of wheat when the
fire got under headway but a neighbor
saved his harness and other things
which were in tho barn No further
damage was done
Percy Catlutt of this place and Miss
Carrie Stevens of Freedom were married
Wednesday at the home of the brides
parents Elder Evans of Arapahoo offi
ciating Both of the young people are
well known and highly respected here
They will reside near this place We
wish them a full realization of all their
future happiness and prosperity
Nearly Forfeits His Life
A runaway almost ending fatallystart
lod a horrible ulcer on the leg of J B Or
nor Franklin Grove III For four years
it defied all doctors and all remedies
But Bucklens Arnica Salve had no
trouble to cure him Equally good for
turns bruises skin eruptions and piles
-25 cents atL W McCounells drugstore
Relief In One Minute
One Minute Cough Cure gives relief
in one minute because it kills the mi
crobe which tickles the mucous mem
brane causing the cough and at the
same time clears the phlegm draws out
the inflammation and heals and soothes
the affected parts One Minute Cough
Cure strengthens the lungs wards of
pneumonia and is a harmless and never
failing cure in all curable cases of coughs
colds and croup One Minute Cough
Cure is pleasant to take harmless and
rood alike for voung and old Sold by
W McCounell
A M Benjamin made a business trip
to McCook Thursday
Jacob Weeks of Sewal Iowa was
visiting his brother A Weeks last week
Harvey Rowland was over Sunday and
Tuesday nights watching with his sick
father Did not learn whether he was
better or not
The present weather calls for more
coal and the coal barons and railroads
have the cinch on us the people Its a
pity we cant convert our own gas to
Will buy hogs Tuesdays and Sat
urdays F S Wilcox
Start Right
now and select one first class butcher
Give him all your trade The plan of
shopping around for your meat supplies
with the object of saving money doesnt
work out in practice If you have a
regular butcher anything that is un
satisfactory is promptly and pleasantly
made right thats our way
Come Here
Wed like to serve you in this capacity
A customer has never left us because of
bad treatment or misrepresented goods
Toull fatten your bank book too If
you dont know how far a dollar will go
at our meat market just come and
trade here for one week
t T
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Dr Niel entertained a friend from the
east this week
Rev Earle preached in the Masonic
Temple Tuesday
A H Reynolds went to McCook
Tuesday on business
Quite a number attended the sale at
Mr Broomfields Tuesday
Ollie Murray of Cambridge was in
town between trains Tuesday
Etta Crippen is visiting this week
with her brother at Benkelman
C S Quick shipped a couple of cars
of cattle to St Joe Wednesday
Mra Williams and daughter Pearl of
Bartley were visitors here Monday
Jake Kern went to Hastings Monday
on business returning home in the eve
John Neel departed Monday morning
for Creston Iowa for a visit with rela
Marion Powell and Leonard Smith
shipped a couple of carloads of cattle
J L McCafferty visited Monday
with his brother-in-law Elmer Thompson
and family
Mrs Sarah Dragoo left Monday eve
ning for a visit with relatives near
Tarkio Mo
Ethel Middleton of McCook spent
Saturday and Sunday with her friend
Bertha Hedges
The mill is running overtime these
days to fill two carload shipments to
Liverpool England
A brother of George Shepherd was in
town Tuesday in the interest of some
life insurance company
Tom Adams who was called here by
the death of his father returned to his
home in Hastings last Friday
One of the children of E Blake living
northwest of town died Monday and
was buried in the cemetery here
E J Mitchell came down from Mc
Cook last Tuesday to assist Mr Day
in the crying of Mr Broomfields sale
Mr Bloom went to Cambridge Tues
day morning to relieve the operator
there who will bo off duty for a few
Edna and Lois Gardner who have
been visiting here with relatives return
ed to their home in Shelton Neb last
George Burt has commenced to re
model the house lately purchased by
himself and will occupy the same in the
near future
Edith Smith who has been visiting
for the past sis months with her sister
When You Have A Cold
The first action when you have a cold
should be to relieve the lungs This is
best accomplished by tho free use of
Chamberlains Cough Remedy This
Remedy liquefies the tough mucus and
causes its expulsion from the air cells of
the lungs produces a free expectoration
and opens the secretions A complete
cure soon follows This remedy will
cure a severe cold in less time than any
other treatment and it leaves the system
in a natural and healthy condition It
counteracts any tendency toward pneu
monia Fqr sale by all druggists
DeWitt Griffith pulled his pump
T F West was in McCook with nine
loads of hogs They brought over STOO
Mrs M H Cole received a telegram
from Iowa announcing that her mother
was not expected to live She took the
first train and went there Word comes
now that the mother is improving
George Traphagan and Mary E Cor
coran were married Thursday of last
week at the Catholic church in Mc
Cook the Rev Loughran officiating
Quito a number of friends were present
After the ceremony the neighbors and
friends to the number of about thirty
repaired to the home of the bride where
a fine repast was served George and
Mary came here when quite small This
estimable young couple has the best
wishes of a host of friends May their
lives be happy prosperous and long
A Bad Breath
A bad breath means a bad
stomach a bad digestion a
bad liver Ayers Pills are
liver pills They cure con
stipation biliousness dys
pepsia sick headache
25c AM druggists
Want your moustache or beard a beautiful
brown or rich black Then use
A Cure For Eczema
My baby had eczema o bad that its
j head was a bolid mass of scabs and its
hair all came out I tried many reme
dies but noue seemed to do any pei man
en t go id until I used DeWitts Witch
Hazel Salve The eczema is cured the
scabs an fjonp and the little ones scalp
is erfectly clean and healthy and its
hair is growing beautiful again I
cannot give too much praise to DeWitts
Witch Hazel Salve Frank Farmer
Bluff City Ivy In buyingWitch Hazel
Salve look out for counterfeits DeWitts
is the original and tho only one contain
ing pureWitch Hazel The name E C
DeWitt Co is on every box Sold by
L W McConnell
Have You Indigestion
If you have indigestion Kodol Dys
pepsia Cure will cure you It has cured
thousands It is curing people every
day every hour You owe it to your
self to give it a trial You will continue
to suffer until you do try it There is
no other combination of digestants that
digest and rebuild at the same time
Kodol does both Kodel cures strength
ens and rebuilds Sold by L W Mc
m o Ajim
Mothers Friend
Womans greatest dream of beauty and
j glory is when nature has chosen her to
become a mother iivery lacuiry is iieeniy
alert as she foresees the joy ambition
success and the life long satisfaction com
fng nearer day by day in the dear and
innocent being so soon to see light and
the uncertainty whether she shall see a
sweet girl or a brave hoy face beside her
on the pillow adds zest to her expectancy
Mothers Friend applied externally
throughout pregnancy will relieve the
pain of parturition and no mother and
child can fail to be healthy hearty strong
clear complexioned pure blooded and
cheerful in disposition who are mutually
influenced by the continued use of this
great liniment MOTHERS FRIENTX
Buy of druggists ioo per bottle
Our treatise Motherhood mailed free
H Bh wsMji fl fl M fl
h l3 Sir QB lr HK aIh
Mrs I S Walker in Bison Oklahoma
returned home Wednesday
Wm Gotschall of near Danbury ac
companied by his brother and nephew
went down to Lincoln last Saturday
called by the serious illness of their
Dr Mackechnies dog known as Jeff
has gone the way of all good dogs He
feasted from a dead hog on which the
owner had sprinkled a goodly amount of
At the meeting of the M W A Mon
day evening it was decided to stay in
the old Masonic temple having rented
it for one year from the leasor Claience
- t
-- i
5 -
-- - 5
In count court within ami for Red Willow
couutx XobratKii In tlm matter of the estate
of Anna Cuuicnwla Flohr deceased
lo tho creditor of t aid estate ou are
hereby notified that I will sit at the county
court room in McCook in said count on the
i7th daj of Jul 1001 at ten oclock a in to
receive and examine all claims acaiiiht said es
tate with a iew to their adjustment and allow
ance The time limited for the presentation of
claims aain t said estate is ix months from
the 26th day of Jauuarj 1W1 and the time lim
ited for payment of debts is one jear from said
26th da of Januar 1904
Witness mv hand and the cal of said county
court this 26th dav of Januar 1901
seal S L GitEfcA County Judge
Notice is hereby given that tealul proposals
will be received by the count commissioners of
Keu Willow count Nebraska at tho olhco of
the count clerk on or before noon March 8
1904 for such medicines and medicial services
of phusicians as ma be required b the poor of
Red Willow county Proposals to embrace the
following districts of said county viz
The first district comprises the six eastern
precincts of the first commissioner district
The second district comprises all of the pre
cincts of tin second commissioner district
The third district comprises the eight western
precincts of Red Willow county
The count commi ioner3 reserve the right to
reject any and all bids
E J Wilcox County Clerk
Dated this d day of February 1904
In tin- District Court of Red Willow county
state of Nebraska
In tl e matter of the application of Florence H
Parkinson and F U Pratt executors of the
last will and testament of W J Parkinson
deceased for license to sell real estate
Notice is hereb given that in pursuance of an
order of the Hon R C Orr judge of the district
court of Red Willow count Nebraska made on
tho 17th da of August 1005 for the sale of the
real estate hereinafter described there will be
sold at the front door of the court house in the
city of McCook in aid county on the 20th day
Februar 1904 at the hour of one oclock p m
at public vendue to the highest bidder for cash
the following described real estate to wit The
northwest quarter of section number 2H in
township number 1 north range 29 west of the
Sixth PM in Red Willow count Nebraka
Said sale will remain open one hour
Dated this 24th day of Januar 1901
Flokenoe H Parkinson and F IJ Pratt
Executors of the last will and testament of W
J Parkinson deceased
H C E Elijred their attorne
Notice is hereb given that the county com
missioners of Red Willow count will receive
bids for the completion of the jail room
and corridor according to plans and specifica
tions tn file in the count clerks ollicesaid bids
to be endorsed Bids for completing jail room
and corridor said bids to be filed with the
count clerk on or before 12 oclock noon
March b 1901
Commissioners resene the right to reject any
and all biK
Dated this kl da of February 1904
E J Wilcox County Clerk-
Daniel A Bowen will take notice that on the
29th da of Januar 1904 J S LelTew t justice
of the peace of Red Willow count Nebraska
issued an order of attachment for the sum of
9940 and summons against garmhe on the
Citizens Bank of McCook and Phiuets E Potter
in an action pending before aid justice wherein
Charles F Peck is plaintiff and Daniel A Bowen
is defendant that under said order- iued b
said justice tho garnishee Phineas E Potter
and garni hee Citizpns Bank of McCook b V
Franklin president on the 2nd da of Febru
ary 1904 the day named in said notice appear
ed and answered and di closed to the court that
the had in their po session and under their
control the following property That the said
Phineas E Potter is indebted to said defendant
Daniel A Bowen the sum of 40000 evidenced by
four promi sor note- of SIWI each and the said
Citizens Bank of McCook has in its possession
for collection four promissory note of 510000
each due and unpaid given by P Potter and
Mame Potter to tho defendantDaniel A Bowen
and the sum of 2065 deposited in said bank by
said Daniel A Bowen and the said Phineas E
Potter and Citizens Bank of McCook have been
ordered b said justice to retain said notesmoney
and propert belonging to said Daniel A Bowen
until the further orderof the court Said cause
was continued to the 26th day of March 1901 at
10 oclock a m
Dated Februar 11th 1901 W R Starr
Attorney for Plaintiff
Office ovor McConneUs drug store
Offick Phone 160
Res Phonk 131
Registered Graduate Dentist
Formerly located in At
lanta Georgia All opera
tions pertaining to modern
dentistry performed accord
ing to the latest scientific
methods used in the large
Plumber and
Steam Fitter
Iron Lead and Sewe Pipe Brass
Goods Pumps an Boiler Trimmings
Agent for Halliday Waupun bclipse
Windmills Basement of the Meeker
Phillips Building
Osteopathic Physician
Kelley Olfice BIdg Phono No 1
Consultation free
Graduate of Kansas
City Lental College
Telephone 43
McCook Nebraska
OHice ovor Grannis store McCook Neb
and Surgeon
Office over McMillans drug store Residence
702 Main Avouue Residenco phono SI Otlico
phono 28 Calls answered night or duy
McCook Nebraska
Goes anywhere Specialty of Thorough Bred
Stock sules One per cent on sales 1000 and
upward Correspondence solicited
McCook Nebraska
SAgent of Lincoln Land Co and of McCook
Waterworks Oflico in Postoflice building
McCook Nebraska
Office In Court House Phone 181
McCook Nebraska
Telephone 44 P O Building
By virtue of an order of ale issued from the
district court of Redwillow count Nebraska
under a decree in an action wherein J F Cor
cleal is plaintiff and Olif Landgren et al are
defendants to me directed and delivered I
shall offer at public ale and ell to the highest
bidder for cash at the front door of the court
houe in McCook Redwillow count Nebraska
on the 29th day of February 1WM at the hour of
oue oclock p m the following described real
estate tow it Beginning at a point fort -six feet
outh of the northeast corner of block five in
the town of South McCook running thence
south ninety four feet thenco west one hundred
fifty feet thence north nniet four feet thence
east one hundred fifty feet to the place of be
ginning and also lot twelve in block three iu
Hiram C Riders first addition to the town of
South McCook in Redwillow countv Nebraka
V2 A C Cuabteee Sheriff
J F Cordeal Attorne
Daniel A Bowen wJl take notice that on the
29th da of January 1901 1 S Lellcw a justice
of the peace of Red lllow county Nebraska
an order of attachment for the sum of
mM and summons against garnishee on the
Bank of McCook and Phineas E Potter
in an action pending before said justice where
in Samuel J McClain and Joseph II Stephens
partners doin business under the firm name
and stle of McClain Stephens are plaintiffs
and Daniel A Bowen is defendant that under
said orders issued by said justice the garnishee
Phineas E Potter and garnishee Citizens Bank
of McCook b tranklin president on the
2nd day of Februar 1901 the day named in
said notice appeared and anowered and dis
closed to the court that they had in their pos
session and under their control the followin
propert That the said Phineas E Potter isin
debted to said defendant Daniel A Bowen in
thesumofJJWevidencedbyfourpromis onnotes
of 5100 each and the saidCitizensBankof McCook
has in its pos ession for collection four promis
sory notes of 100 eachdue and unpaid given by
P E Potter and Mame Potter to the defendant
Daniel A Bowen and the sum of 2065deDos
ited in said bank by said Daniel A Bowen- and
of McCook have been ordered by said justice to
uuu property
i ii 1 rr in lumurcner
ordritScoartSad canse was continued
Dated Februarr ll th 1901 w r SiLa m
Attorner for Plnin r
v -- H4