The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 19, 1904, Image 7

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By A L Hnrrla Author of Mine Own Familiar Friend etc
VojVriff1 1801 oy uastell Pub li b hln g 0 omp any
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One member of the household was
soon to discover this Miss Perkins
came upon him unexpectedly as ho
was stooping with his back toward
her and apparently engaged in close
ly examining the keyhole of the door
belonging to his masters private
Whats that youre doing she
cried sharply
The individual thus addressed start
ed violently and something fell to the
ground with a chink something
which he immediately covered with
his foot before he turned and faced
her without making any reply
Youve changed your ways lately
she said seeing he made no answer
and always hanging about this door
Whats your game I should like to
know Anyhow you arent up to no
good People a3 gets into respectable
Jiouses under false names very seldom
is up to any good1
With this Parthian shaft she turned
away and left him looking back once
over her shoulder Avith that same
malicious smile as she marked the
effectit had produced What did she
mean by that remark of hers about a
false name How could she have
found it out The shot was too near
the bulls eye to have been fired at
random Good heavens Was- it pos
sible she could have any suspicion of
the real truth
There was no source whatever from
which she might have obtained this in
formation Ah
He flew upstairs at a tremendous
rate flight after flight to the top of
the house to his own room burst the
door open and entered
There was a modest looking box
in the corner of the room a box
which contained his few belongings
Had he remembered to relock this
on the last time when he had occasion
to resort to it
No the lid offered no resistance to
his hand
Ho began to turn over the articles
which it contained but could not hit
t A
ment she stood motionless holding the
magazine in one hand while she look-
ed at the individual before her with a
puzzled searching expression npon
her countenance Then a sudden light
seemed to break in upon her she
gave a gasp her expression changed
from curiosity to amazement and ut
tering a little cry she turned sharply
round and ran rapidly up the stair
case leaving the other a prey to the
liveliest astonishment What other
remarkable incidents was the day to
bring forth
Meanwhile the young lady had re
gained the stronghold of her own
apartment locked the door and
throwing the now despised magazine
into a corner sat down to confide the
state of her feelings to the keeping of
her faithful diary
A most extraordinary thing has
happened she wrote My head is
in a whirl and I hardly know what I
am writing or what to do or think
To imagine that I have so often puz
zled myself over that young mans
likeness to someone else a likeness
which I could never quite fix though
I have often seemed just on the joint
of doing so Very likely I should
never have hit upon it but for that
apparently utterly insignificant action
of mine in dropping the book I was
carrying He rushed forward to pick
it up and returned it to me and all
at once it struck me like a flash
where I had seen him before It was
the same circumstance the same
action and the same young man
It is a most extraordinary thing
and takes my breath away even while
I write but there is no mistake about
it There could not possibly be two
people so exactly alike and with pre
cisely the same manner unless this
is a twin brother of the ether But
if so how is it that one is a gentleman
and the other only a servant
Was there ever such a combination
met with before and what oh what
is the reason for his extraordinary
conduct unless unless He is the
Prince in Disguise after all
Whats that youre doing
upon the thing he was in search of
The little shabby prayer book contain
ing his real name in his fathers own
handwriting was gone Gone Stolen
That hateful woman with her sly
cat like step and hypocritical ways
had taken advantage of his one act of
carelessness in leaving the box un
locked to pry into its contents and
carry off the most compromising
article of all
Well the damage was done and
could not be repaired The only thing
off the discovery
now was to try and stave
covery of the double part he had
been playing a little while longer
After a time he rose from his grov
eling attitude with his mind fully
made up There was only one course
to pursue and he would pursue it
He must appear totally ignorant of
the theft and receive every allusion or
insinuation with an affected utter lack
of comprehension Let her suspect
what she might let her act and talk
as she would he must keep up the
delusion and try to baflle her for at
least one more day Or else if she
seemed inclined to show her teeth if
she appeared disposed to be danger
ous he must hurry on the matter
A little later in the day as he was
absently staring out of a window in
the hall he heard a faint rustling
sound and looking up saw Miss Fer
rers descending the staircase He
allowed his eyes to rest upon her for
an instant telling himself that his op
portunities for doing so would soon
be at an end novi
She must have felt his glance for
a certain air of embarrassment seem
ed to fall upon her and the color rose
in her face
Then she gave herself an impatient
twitch as though she said to herself
Stand upon your dignity and do not
allow the impertinent gaze of a mere
menial to discompose you
The young man who iiad picked up
my catalogue at the Royal Academy
One of the effects of the twitch was
that it caused her to drop a magazine
which she was carrying just as her
foot was upon the last step
Before she could stoop to reclaim
it there was a hurried dart across the
hall on the part of the menial in
question and the article was retored
to her with what was not so much the
respectful deference of an inferior as
the ordinary and natural courtesy of
an equal
The effect of this simple act of
politeness upon its recipient was as
eipgular as unexpected For a mo-
How the girls at school would envy
me I am living in the same house
with a real live Mystery
Perkins Revenge
Friday morning came bringing with
it about eleven oclock a message
which struck a feeling of chill fore
boding to the heart of the individual
whom it concerned
The master of the house desired to
speak with the young man Edwards
at once in the dining room What did
it mean Was it merely some matter
of small importance in connection
with his household duties to which he
wished to draw his attention person
ally or
Mr Ferrers was sitting in his place
at the head of the table There was
something judicial looking in his at
titude and expression and standing at
a short distance from him was the
housemaid Perkins
Come in and shut the door was
the first sentence addressed to him
He obeyed noiselessly and care
fully more than ever mindful of his
assumed position and grateful for
each seconds delay which allowed
him the opportunity of searching his
brain for some way out of the dilem
Edwards it was the voice of his
master and enemy addressing him
I have one or two very serious ques
tions to put to you
The young man bent his head defer
entially and seemed to intimate his
entire readiness to answer all inquir
It has been brought to my notice
that is I have reason to believe the
voice continued as its owner seemed
to experience some difficulty in open
ing up the subject that I have been
deceived in you and in fact that the
name under which you are at present
passing is not your own Is that so
Ted answered respectfully Begging
your pardon sir but the name I am
going under is my own Might I be
allowed to ask who says anything to
the contrary
You mean to maintain that your
name is Edwards after all he in
quired bending his brows upon Miss
Perkins whose as he now thought
fit to describe it unwarrantable inter
ference in the matter had subjected
him to this annoyance
Iy name is Edward sir An s at
the end makes it sound better and I
iSt fi m in w iiiiiiini
thought there was no objection to my
adding the letter
Then your name according to your
own statement is Edward and you
have merely added the final letter If
so I am sorry I
This was more than the woman
could stand and she broke in uncere
moniously upon her masters speech
Edward Edward what I should like
to know Hes deceiving you sir in
trying to make out as thats his sur
name Ask him what the other is and
why hes had to drop it
Mr Ferrers turned toward him
wearily la the woman right in as
sorting that the name you havogiven
is only your Christian name In
which case it would seem that you
have added the other letter for the
purpose of making it do duty as a sur
There was a seconds hesitation
during which the housemaid nit her
up viih impatience before the answer
came slowly
My Christian name is Edward it
did not seem to me to be of any im
portance which I gave
Perkins sniffed triumphantly So
youre going to try and get out of it
that way she thought but it wont
Something in this last answer had
helped to raise him in his masters
I must insist upon your giving me
your right name he said authorita
Shall I answer him with a lie
was the thought which passed through
the others mind Surely one more
need not weigh very heavily upon my
conscience And in such a cause
But in the same instant the face of
this mans daughter rose up before
him How she would despise him
if she knew he thought with a sud
den reaction and a sense of self-contempt
as he answered still respect
fully enough
I should prefer not to mention it
Oh you would prefer not to men
tion it would you And what have
you done to make you ashamed to
own it exclaimed Perkins the house
maid who was carried away by her
feelings at this point in a tone of
She had better have remained silent
Hold your tongue woman was the
angry reprimand she brought upon
herself This is no business of
Woman indeed A crowning insult
And to be told to hold her tongue
Her master turning again to the
young man repeated his question
with the addition of the inquiry sug
gested by the last remark of the
woman Perkins
What have you done that you are
ashamed of your name
Nothing was the proud reply
given with head erect and defiant
and there was something about the
manner and tone by which the other
was obviously impressed
Why then do you refuse to answer
the question I have put to you he
asked in a milder A oice
There are family reasons was
the answer
Family reasons A man servant with
family reasons just as though he were
anyone else instead of being a useful
sort of machine hired out at so much
a year with board and lodging No
wonder there was something incongru
ous in the sound
I have nothing to do with your
reasons was the answer and I must
absolutely decline to retain any one
in my service under a false name
He knew now that it was coming
notice to leave on the spot Or might
there not be a reprieve He was
entitled to a months notice in the
ordinary course of things Oh why
had he procrastinated so long and
wasted such goJaen opportunities A
months warning that was all he
prayed for A month another day
was all he asked
Then you refuse to give me your
proper name I ask for the last
To be continued
Vast Sums Spent by Leading Ameri
can Universities
The impressive totals of universitj
funds invested in athletic equipment
during the present year make the
outlay for developing the sound
body rival for endowment of classi
cal chairs and foundations says Col
liers Weekly The University of
Pennsylvania is completing an ath
letic field and a gymnasium in one
magnificent quadrangle at a cost of
nearly half a million dollars Har
vard has just thrown open a new field
called the Stadium at a cost of
A movement is under way at the
University cf Chicago to endow ath
letics in order to remove certain ob
jectionable features of an admission
fee system to struggles for college
honors and a half million dollars is
the Mnount needed to provide suffi
cient capital to maintain the varied
sporting interests of the Institution
Columbia has recently purchased real
estate valued at 2000000 a part of
which will be used for an athletic
field according to present plans
Princeton is building a gymnasium
which will rival in cost and elaborate
equipment any of her collegiate halls
There are several preparatory schools
whose gymnasiums and fields added
within the last three years represent
an outlay of 50000 each
He Knew Him
Hicks Gayman seems to he very
happy to night He must have money
Wicks Why do you think so
Hicks Because of the way hes
cracking jokes
Wicks Nonsense If he had money
he wouldnt be happy unless he was
cracking bottles Catholic Standard
Japanese Attempt a Landing Near
Bedzero Come Into the Harbor
Flashing Russian Signals as They
CHE FOO Out of the four Japan
ese torpedo boats which made the
first attack on Monday night at Port
Arthur three were sunk with great
loss of life The fourth was a 2C knot
boat and escaped The Japanese
pedo boats effected an entrance into
the outer harbor by using the Rus
sian signal flash lights Consequently
the Russians did not fire on them
The following of the first surprises
is from a Russian naval officer
The battleship Pallada was on the
outside edge of the Russian fleet and
on watch duty that night The chief
artillery officer noticed four torpedo
boats approaching with full lights
and in all respects like Russian tor
pedo boats
The officer informed his captain
that the approaching boats were Jap
anese The captain denied this and
said they were built in Port Arthur
The artillery officer insisted that they
were Japanese and the captain became
angry saying
I am in command of the ship sir
Despite this the artillery officer
gave orders to prepare for action
It is reported now that the Japan
tst attempted a landing near Bedzero
eighty miles north of Port Arthur
but were repulsed with heavy loss
They again tried to effect a landing at
Talienwan under the shelter of the
fleet but owing to the strong fort
firing they were unable to succeed
It is said that one Japanese ship has
been torpedoed
The British merchant ships in Port
Arthur have repeatedly applied for
permission to leave port but this has
been refused
The Tsaravitch was towed into the
harbor here at 3 oclock on Tuesday
afternoon It is said only its outer
bottom was penetrated by the Japan
ese torpedo and the Russians are
now bussy repairing it It can be re
paired in two or three days
The Pallada is still outside and
beached It must be seriously injur
ed but it is now also being repaired
It is the only one of the torpedo ves
sels now outside
A shell struck a hospital ship out
side the basin during the bombard
ment The captains cabin and the
chart room were blown off but there
was no loss of Jife as the ship was
only recently purchased and was un
Reports of Heavy Firing
TIEN TSIN It is reported from
Ching Wang Tao about 150 miles
northwest of Tien Tsin that heavy
firing has been heard at sea and it
is inferred that another engagement
has taken place
Iowa Man a Big Loser
Reinecker the Webster City million
aire lost a quarter of a million dol
lars in the Baltimore fire He owned
the steel structure next to the Hurst
building in which the fire started
He carried but 4000 insurance
Wants Legation Archives
CARACAS Venezuela The Colom
bian government has sent notice to
W W Russell the American charge
daffaires here who has in his posses
sion the archives safe and books be
longing to the Colombian legatian at
Caracas since diplomatic relations Be
tween Colombia and Venezuela were
severed to transmit this property to
Bogota It has been learned here
that large quantities of provisions re
cently have been bought at Cura
cao and Trinidad to be sent to Sa
vanilla and Cartagena Colombia
They Take Prisoners Two Thousand
LONDON Special dispatch from
Tokio says the Japanese have cap
tured three Russian transports hav
ing on board about 2000 troops
Dispatches to the Daily Mail from
Tokio and Nagasaki dated February
10 report the arrival at Sasbo Japan
of two large Russian steamers One
is the volunteer Fleet association
transport Ekaterinosjav which re
cently landed troops and arms at Port
Arthur and the other Is the steamer
Argun belonging to the Chinese East
ern Railway company Both wero
captured by the Japanese cruisers Soi
Yet and Hei Yen in the neighborhood
of Fusan Corea The Ekaterlnoslav
S fate i f CJft A tit I
e6lte tMfff AW
And Single Men Had Better Take To the Brush
Boston Herald
is of 10000 tons displacement and had
been fitted up as an auxiliary cruis
er It had thirty rifles on board and
was on its way from Vladivostok
The Argun was going to Cladivostok
from Nagasaki The Russian whalers
Clorig Nicelzal Alexander and Mich
ael captured by the Japanese have
also arrived at Sasebo
Official dispatches from Tokio re
ceived by Baron Hayashi says the
Japanese admiral on arriving at
Chemulpo Corea sent in word to the
two Russian cruisers giving them a
time limit in which to leave Shortly
afterward the Rusisans came out and
attacked a Japanese torpedo boat
which replied with a torpedo inef
fectively A general exchange of
shots then followed After a hot fire
the Russians returned to Chemulpo
and sank at the entrance of the har
bor It is not yet known whether
their sinking was due to the Japanese
fire or to the Russians own action
but it is believed to be due to tho
former The crews of both the Rus
sian vessels sought refuge on a French
warship at Chemulpo There were
no casualties among the Japanese
and their vessels sustained no damage
We were slow in negotiation so wo
are making up for lost time by quick
ness in action said Baron Hayashi
this morning The engagements at
Port Arthur and Chemulpo were mere
ly in accordance with plans long ma
tured As soon as our forces are land
ed in Corea look for an important
fleet action at Port Arthur The Rus
sian vessels are not likely to give
up the advantage they gained by be
ing under the cover of their land bat
teries By going to the Chinese side
however the Japanese fleet by high
angle fire can drop in shells which
should make it very uncomfortable for
the Russian ships lying moored close
to one another Thereby it is hoped
to drive out Viceroy Alexieffs forces
Possibly like Admiral Cervera he
may anticipate fate and come into the
open of his own accord The present
events merely go to show the utter
uselessness of Port Arthur from a
strategic view point
Raising Funds for Japan
NEW YORK Consul General Uchi
da presided on Friday at a mass meet
ing -in Carnegie hall attended by sev
eral hundred Japanese and many
American sympathizers for the pur
pose of furthering the plan to raise
a fun for Japan Mr Uchida an
nounced that it was intended to raise
5000000 In view of the presidents
proclamation ot neutrality lie explain
ed that it would only be permissible
for American citizens to contribute
for the support of the Japanese Red
Cross society
Cubas Proposed Loan
HAVANA Bidders for the propos
ed loan of 5350CO000 will submit pro
posals in a very few days In view of
the financial uncertainties caused by
the war in the far east it is not ex
pected however that these proposals
will be absolutely definite President
Palma has issuerd a decree that the
revolutionary bonds of 1896 and 1897
may be presented here after the pres
ent week for examination and recog
nition preliminary to the payment of
accrued interest on the same at that
ran rent or bate
Bend for UiU J MULII ALL Sioux City lows
Lovo can neither be bought nor sold
but it may be exchanged
JUrs Vintiown Soothing Syrup
For children teetalni Bof tcpa tho nura reduce In
flammation tllays pain cure wind colic nc nbotilo
Take care of your enemies and your
friends will take care of themselves
Get Rod Cross Ball Blue tho best Ball Blue
Lnrgo 2 oz package only 5 coats
A moral sensible and weh bred man
will not affront rat nnd no other
TIsos Curo for Consumption la an infallible
medicine Tor coughs anil colds NAV Samuel
Ocean drove N J Feb 17 1000
It ought to be a pleasure to livo
Discovers Mild Remodlos That Restore
Sight to Blind People
Dr W O Coffee n noted oculist SCO Cood
Block Dcb Moines lown has discovered mild
medicines that people can use in their eves at
home and curo Cataracts Scums Gronulnted
Lids Ulcers on the Eyes Weak Soro Eyes and
any kind of eye trouble
Dr Coffee has just printed 50000 or his
famous 80 pape book tin Eye Diseases and wants
to send a copy free to every reader of this
paper This book tellB how to cure for tho eyes
and prevent blindness and how his mild treat
ment cures nil diseases at home at small ex
pense Write Dr Coffee todav for his book
aonS wait to go blind
The Hour to Dine
Englishmen in Queen Elizabeths
time dined at 11 a m and Shakes
peare rung up the curtain at the Globe
theater at 1 p m the performance
ending between 5 and G oclock By
the time of Charles II dinner had ad
vanced to 1 oclock and the play be
gan at p m as Penys records A
century later Horace Walpole com
plained of dinner being as late as 4
oclock and evening not beginning
until C oclock Up to the middle of
the last century the theaters opened
at CrlO dinner being proportionately
He Asked for Razors
Please send me six razors at once
and charge to militia account of the
state telegraphed Adjutant General
Drain of Washington to the war de
partment How did you get the idea
that the war department furnished
razors to the militia telegraphed
the chief of ordnance to Adjutant
General Drain Then there was a lot
more telegrams and it was discovered
that Adjutant General Drain wanted
sight raisers for guns not imple
ments for shaving
Three Doctors Opinions
Buffalo N Y Feb loth Physi
cians have accepted Dodds Kidney
Pills as the standard remedy for dis
eases of the Kidneys ami kindred
complaints R H Dunaway ai d
of Benton 111 says
Dodds Kidney Pills cured me of
Diabetes after everything else had
failed and I was given up to die I
have since prescribed them in my
regular practice for every form of
Kidney Trouble and have never as yet
known them to fail
Jesse L Limes M D St John
Kansas says
I prescribed Dodds Kidney Pills
for the little daughter of Mr and Mrs
McBride of this place who suffered
from Epileptic fits following Scarlet
ina results were miraculous I have
never seen anything like It
Leland Williamson M D York
town Ark says
Dodds Kidney Pills are the best
medicine I know of for all forms of
Kidney Disease I believe in using
the remedy that relieves and cures my
patients whether ethical or not and
I always prescribe Dodds Kidney
Pills and can testify that they in
variably accomplish a permanent and
perfect cure of all Kidney Com-
Pity the laden one the wandering
woe may visit you or me George
Where to insure my property and
why Losses will occur that is why I
insure The Mutual has only losses
and expenses to pay An Old Lino
Company has losses expenses and divi
dends on its capital stock and the
more capital the more expense A
good Mutual Company is absolutely
secure and the cost is little over one
half the other Then I should insure
INSURANCE CO of South Omaha
Nebr B R STOUFFER Secretary
The woman who poses as a profes
sional beauty must lead a strenuous
life in order to hold her job
What promises to become a most power
ful factor in the produce markets and from
which farmers will reaj immense benefit
tooklifein theorganization of the Farmers
Grain and Live Stock Commission Co at
Chicago 11L This Company will handle
shipments of grain and stock at all the pri
mary markets will have feeding stations
for stock and will operate cle ator etc
The project has a strong backing from in
fluential farmers and business men and will
no doubt receive universal endorsement
I never knew a man in my life who
ould not bear anothers misfortunes
like a Christian
80 J3n Macaroni Wheat Fer A
Introduced by the Ui S Dept of Agr
It is a tremendous cropper yielding in
good land 80 bu per acre and on dry
arid lands such as are found in Mont
Idaho the Dakotas Colo etc it will
yield from 40 to 60 bu This Wheat and
Speltz and Hanna Barley and Bromu3
Inermls and Billion Dollar Grass
makes It possible to grow and fatten
hogs and cattle whprever soil is found
to the John A Salzer Seed Co La
Crosse Wis and they will send you
free a sample of this Wheat and other
farm seeds together with their great
catalog- alone worth 10000 to an7
wldrt awake farmer W N U
When a man is holy he will not
need a certificate to the fact