- 4 E H r ffe H4aak jVnp Zitkr i v KIMMKLI Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co Subscription 1 a Year in Advance Vegetable Seeds For Distribution Thk Tribune bos a fow vegetable soedsfor distribution the sarro arriving from Washington this week under Senator Dietrichs frank Bo prompt in calling as they wont last long The Republicans of MuUook are for Roosevelt and in earnest of that fact they have organized a league for the promotion of his inomination Red willow county is just as enthusiastic for his nomination and we look for tho or ganization of leagues all over tho county McCook Republicans are warm ad heronts of Congressman Norris and it was proper thnt tho Roosevelt club should place itself on record as enthusi astically favoring his renomination This is a close second to the desire for tho nomination of President Roosevelt Thruk is nothing of special interest going concerning the Russo Japanese war The Japs so far have had it all -their way on sea and the work of mass ing large bodies of tioops in Korea and Manchiuia is now progressing on tho part of tho Japs and Cossacks Tho next airair of importance will likely cccur on land and it promises to bo something fierce The death of Unitd Scat Senator Marcus A ILuini which occurred in t Washington D C Moinlnv r i iing of this week removes a coMiinnding figure from the stage of action As a captain of industry who ripidly i limbrd tho heights of success nnd wealth fiom small beginning as a politician and publicist he quickly took a foremost place in Re publican national councils perfoice of hisgieat ability and marvelous industry As a man ho was much beloved by his friends and highly respected by those who differed from him in politics and in business Though not of the greatest mold his place in American history is secure and honorable The body was placed at rest in Cleveland Thursday Holdrege Schools Closed Iloldrege Neb Feb 16 At a special meeting of tho board of education held yestordav it was decided to close the city schools for a week on account of diphtheria four cases of which have de veloped here during the past week and are now quarantined One death has resulted here from diphtheria the two-year-old son of Allen Anderson though antitoxin was administered All pre cautions possible are being taken and it is not thought that the disease will spread seriously An Early Riser A healthy active constitution depends largely on the condition of the liver The famous little pills known as De Witts Little Early Risers not only cleanse the system but they strengthen the action of the liver and rebuild the tissues supporting that organ Little Earl Risers are easy to act they neyer gripe and yet they are absolutely certain to produce results that are sitisfactory in all cases Sold by L W McConnell m KB L Dont forget the old man with the fish on his back For nearly thirty years he has been traveling around the world and is still traveling bringing health and comfort wherever he goes To the consumptive he brings the strength and flesh he so much needs To all weak and sickly children he gives rich and strengthening food To thin and pale persons he gives new firm flesh and rich red blood Children who first saw the old man with the fish are now grown up and have children of their own He stands for Scotts Emul sion of pure cod liver oil a delightful food and a natural tonic for children for old folks and for all who need flesh and strength SCOTT BOVNE Chemists 409 415 Pearl Street -New York 50c and SlOO all druggists ITISAMAITER OF HEALTH Absolutely Pass THEMIS ND suBsarum PUBLIC PREE LIBRARY NOTES However much we may deplore nrmed hostilities war has a wonderfully broad ening influence Our own brief conflict- with Spain added materially to our store of learning The present affair between Japan and Russia will result in the dis semination of information about remote lands of which we now know little or nothing No one thing that has to do with men is so terribly fascinating as war Tho accounts of the battles fought arouse our liveliest interest and in read ing of them we acquire a diversity of knowledge We want to know what the belligerent nations are fighting for and to understand this we must inquire into the history and politics not only of the combatants but of non combatants as well To comprehend the descriptions we must know the geography of the countries in which the war is being waged and the situation of the coun tries with relation to each other We inquire also as to climate products and population the habits and customs of the people tho relative szes and stieugth of the armies and navies in short to tlioiougbly understand the war we must go into a host of collateral issues and so gather whether we will or not a vast volume of facts that we would otherwise not take the trouble to learn The war between Japan and Russia by the way is unique in the annals of tho world Never before probably certainly not in modern times have two nations whose inhabitants were members of different races fought on an equal basis as Japan and Russia are doing in this war There have been in numerable wars of extermination be tween -the whites and the Indians in this country between the Europeans and the blacks in Africa between the Caucasians and the Malays in the South Sea Islands and between the trained soldiers of the civilized nations and the barbarian hordes of Mongolian China in 1900 but never before have the men of an inferior race waged war against the armies of civilization with the weap ons that civilization taught them how to use Another strange feature about this war is that the sympathies of Ameri cans at least and probably those of some of the European nations are with the Japanese a people of a different race having a different religion and different traditions than ourselves a people with whom we have little in com mon and a people who have emerged only within the last fifty years from a condition that we consider but little better than barbarism What have we to hope for from the success of Japanese arms Will not victory for Japan mean danger to the very existence of our race Orientalists have warned us to beware of the sleeping giant have even pre dicted that the time will come when the Mongol will rule the world When we realize how adaptable the yellow man is when we recall that the smaller of the two branches of the race has been trans formed in the brief period of half a cen tury from one of the most benighted to one of the most enlightened of nations we are not without reason for fear and we may well inquire whether it will be a good thing for Japan to win WEAK AND LOW SPIRITED A Correspondent Thus Describes His Experience I can strongly recommend Herbine as a medicine of remarkable efficiency for indigestion loss of appetite sour taste in the mouth palpitation head ache drowsiness after meals with dis tressing mental depressions and low spirits Herbine must be a unique prep aration for cases such as mine for a few doses entirely lemoved my complaint I wonder at people going on sufferingor spending tneir money on worthless things when Herbine is procurable and so cheap oOc a bottle at A McMillen Belter Than Gold I was troubled for several years with chronic indigestion and nervous debil ity writes FJ Green of Lancaster N H No remedy helped me until I be gan using Electric Bitters which did me more good than all the medicine I ever used They have also kept my wife in excellent health for years She says Electric Bitters are just splendid for fe male troubles that they are a grand tonic and invigorator for weak run down women No other medicine can take its place in our family Try them Only 50 cents Satisfaction guaranteed bv L W McConnell Will buy hogs Tuesdays and Sat urdays F S Wilcox itmTOiBiTiBltfMyiffpgsjw o AMI lUKALL fi S THF WORTB fi a 1 vWt n w wgg5zmm ffi 8 NSnlisP i a nVfCymm I 1 2igPr Ww 1 S Tho t i -21 a g new i h 1 IILIt1lliT I sIilMRill I M srr M g H 1 I 9 JjLJeL lSl ai S I NONE BETTER MADE 1 ASK YOUR DEALER I III R 1 m hi an- - ibj - jfiMftlll iv - iflTBP News of the St Francis Branch Traer Kansas has erected a new church of good dimensions Uncle Billy Childressfather of Remus Childress of McCook is very low with complications of the intestines His life is despaired of Marion Nebr is working for a rural route from that place in a northwestern course towards McCook Tho requisite number of signers have signed the peti tion The department has established a R F D route at Beaver City taking in Spring Green postofllce Spring Green will be sipplied from Beaver City in stead of Hendley Tho Bank of Lebanon is building a brick block It will be completed some time next month The four other new bricksare ready for occupancy Three more will be erected in tho spring Peter Backus of Orleans and Fay Harrison of Stamford were married last week Their many friends gave them a reception at the opera house The wed ding presents bestowed on the happy pair were many and useful In the eve ning a ball was given at the auditorium in their honor Stamford and Lebanon are to have R F D routes and Wilsonville and Dan- bury are anxious to have routes estab lished and the farmers are subscribingfor dailies and other papers along tho routes When the telephone connections are made connecting every town on the branch When the people have a round trip daily mail train tho St Francis branch will be a factor of importance The branch has long been conspicuous in furnishing thousands of car loads of hoes cattle wheat eggs butter and various supplies for tho markets will be doubly valuable in case of a protracted war in the orient In view of the mark ed progress of improvements develop ment of resources and great increase of production and population the branch richly deserves improved mail service and traffic facilities Some time ago horse thieves one night stole a valuable Arabian mare of James Austins and a buggy horse of Dr Ban wells at Orleans Neb Austins and Dr Banwells stables are several blocks apart and the thieves stole Dr Ban wells horse and then Austins with the latters harness and phaeton Austin was at that time absent in Illinois and some time elapsed before he returned at Orleans Telegrams and notices were sent to the sheriffs to many of the coun ties of western and northwestern Kansas and the horses were traced to Phillips burg Kansas and lost sight of The officials were unable to locate or find the stolen property Mr Austin believing that he would locate and reclaim the missing horses never despaired and established a thorough search covering every postoffice in Western Kansas with in a radious of lw miles writing de scriptions of the property to the police officials of the towns star routes and R F D postoffices and mailing hundreds of cards A ray of hope came forth tfrom Great Bend Kansas wirine that the supposed horses were at that place Mr Austin went to Great Bend found and identified all stolen property and returned to Orleans This was the re sult of untiring energy of intelligent re search and able system of covering every part of available territory Mr Austin deserves much credit for his victory and systematic research He drives today the swellest and most valuable team of Arabians in Harlan county Good Spirits Good spirits dont all come from Ken tucky Their main source is the liver and all the fine spirits ever made in the Blue Grass State could not remedy a bad liver or the hundred and one ill effects it produces You cant have good spirits and a bad liver at the same time Your liver must be in fine condition if you would feel buoyant happy and hopeful bright of eye light of step vigorous and successful in your pursuits You can put your liver in fine condition by using Greens August Flower the greatest of all medicines for the liver and stomach and a certain cure for dyspepsia or indi gestion It has been a favorite house hold remedy for over thirty five years August Flower will make your liver healthy and active and thus insure you a liberal supply of good spirits Trial bottles 2oc regular size 75c L W McConnell DANBURY Mr Hayes is indisposed has typhoid symptoms For the community we will say mumps galore Mrs Millie Billings is suffering with a badly swollen neck Peter Lebn lays tho foundation for Mr Greenways house this week The revival meetings closed Sunday night with twenty six conversions Dr DoMay whilo traveling contin ually is sick enough to bo in bed And his wifo has tho mumps Rev Satchell of Culbertson and our Brother Pogue begin revival meetings at Lebanon Thursday night Jim Sims shipped three cars of hogs to St Joseph Jim has closed out his buggy business to Mr Evers Wm Eifert is finishing a fine residence for Milford Pew Look out Milford the eye of the tin can brigade is upon you The Russians say tho bear and the whale are fighting Look out bear since tho days of Jonah the whale hasnt been very desirable company Mrs Jacob Roesch is very sick with relapse of mumps J Siburnzt with erysipelas Thielbars boy is very sick also Otto Puelzs little girl bowel trou ble Mrs Ella Mack nee Stilgebouer leaves us this week for Bartley to visit with her brother Foster for a few days From there she goes to her home in Wheaton Illinois George Woods of Omaha pulled in Saturday night to visit his parents and old schoolmates He represents the Dunn collection agency May success attend all his efforts C P Underwood of Sycamore 111 is with us for a few days Cal was one of our citizens in years gone by but is now working in tho interest of the Board of Trade of Chicago Mr Garten the best looking man in Danbury and Sam Messner a close sec ond are recuperating at the Hot Springs in Arkansas Remember boys what the traveler said when he knelt down and drank the hot water The greatest social event of the Beav er country occurred Saturday night at the residence of Otto Puelz The occa sion was the golden wedding of Charles Puelz and his estimable wife Mr Puelz and wife were married at Leipsic Saxony 50 years ago Saturday evening on the field where Napoleon was de feated and in sight of the battle field where Gustavous Adolphus gained his celebrated victory for religious liberty at the expense of his life Mr Puelz immigrated to this country in time to take a hand in the civil war and after wards settled on the Beaver 24 years ago and has been noted all these years for attending strictly to his own busi ness The neighbors to the number of about 175 gathered at the home of their son Saturday evening and presented them with a purse of 85 in gold with the good will of the entire community The entire concourse suped bountifully of a sumptuous repast after which the good night was spoken and the guests returned to their homes feeling that it was good to be honored by two people who have not one onemy May we all live to imitate their worthy example Mysterious Circumstance One was pale and sallow and the other fresh and rosy Whence the difference She who is blushing with health uses Dr Kings New Life Pills to maintain it By gently arousing the lazy organs they compel good digestion and head off con stipation Try them Only 25 cents at L W McConnells druggist BOX ELDER Fred Rang is on the sick list A W Campbell spent Sunday in Mc Cook The protracted meetings at this place closed last Friday night D C Little is putting a stone founda tion under J S Doyles barn Maude Wilson helped Mrs I H Harrison with her work last week We are sorry to learn that W Y Johnsons daughter Ella is no better The postoffice at this place has been designated a separating office and is allowed 60 a year for the extra work As soon as George Younger completes the addition to R H Harrisons house he will build a house on the Bogle place Moving time is nearly here then J A Modrell will move on the place which he recently purchased of Mrs CL Reeves Paul Stone will move on the Piper place now occupied by J A Modrell Will Stone will move on the Moritz Mohler place now occupied by D C Little who will move on a place which he bought not long ago and Mr Uhren will move on the farm which F G Lytle just vacated Cancer Cured W W Prickett Smithfield 111 writes Sept 10th 1901 I had been suffering several years with a cancer on my face which gave me great annoyance and un bearable itching J was using Ballard s Snow Liniment for a sore leg and through an accident I rubbed some of the liniment on the cancer and it gave me almost instant reiier 1 decided to continue to use the liniment on the can cer in a snort time tne cancer came out my face healed up and there is not the slighest scar left I have implicit faith in the merits of this preparation and it cannot be too highly recommend ed 25c 50c and 1 For sale by A McMillen - - rfttltlWlTliftrTT Escaped An Awful Fate H Ilaggins of Melbourne Fla writes My doctor told me I had consumption and nothing could be done for me I was given up to die The offer of a free trial bottle of Dr Kings New Discovery for Consumption induced me to try it Results wore startling I am now on the road to recovery and owe all to Dr Kings New Discovery It surely saved my life This great cure is guaranteed for ail throat and lung diseases by LW McConnell druggist Price 50 cents and 81 Trial bottles free Chamberlains Stomach And Liver Tablets Unequalled For Con stipation A R Kane a prominent druggist of Baxter Springs Kansas says Uham berlains Stomach and Liver Tablets are in my judgment the most superior prepa ration of anything in uso today for con stipation They are sure in action and with no tendency to nauseato or gripe For sale by all druggists Perfect Confidence Where there used to bo a feeling of uneasiness and worry in the household when a child showed symptons of croup there is now perfect confidence This is owing to tho uniform success of Cham berlains Cough Remedy in tho treat ment of that disease Mrs M I Bas ford of Poolesvillp Md in speaking of her experienco in tho use of that remedy says I have a world of confidence in Chamberlains Cough Remedy for I have used it with perfect success My child Garland is subject to severe attacks of croup and it always gives him prompt relief For sale by all druggists Put Your Cash in a Stock Certificate of McCook Co Operative Building Savings Assn No better or safer investment is open to you An investment of 100 per month for 120 months will earn SS0 nearly 9 per cent compound annually Dont delay but see the secretary today Subscriptions received at any time for the new stock just opened 3iRiiBfftfwtrrtrffitnittfauwi r 1 a- 3 reiiTiarawiiiTayia 3 Stock and poultry have few troubles which are not bowel and liver irregularities Black Draught Stock and Poultry Medi cine is a bowel and liver remedy for stock It puts the organs of digestion in a perfect condition Prominent American breeders and farmers keep their herds and flocks healthy by giving them an occa sional dose or Black Draught Stock and Poultry Medicine m their food Any stock raiser may buy a 25 cent half pound air tight can of this medicine from his dealer and keep his stock in vigorous health for weeks Dealers gener ally keep Black Draught Stock and Poultry Medicine If yours does not send 25 cents for a sample can to the manufacturers The Chattanooga Medicine Co Chat tanooga Tenn Rocheixe Ga Jan 30 1902 Black Draught Stock and Poultry Medicine is tho best I evcrtried Our stock -was looking bad when you sent me tho medicine and now they are getting so fine They are looking 20 per cent better S P BROCKIKGTON SHSOHESTERS EiHGLSSH Safe A 1 1 a reliable ILL tes ICKSTEK S KiiSl ln Keu and Take no other Uan eroun ubsti utionHand imitation Uuyof xourUru rfst or send -Jo in namps for JarJiciilars TvStl uomalH and KelJer Tor IttU in Utter SK5 fcomg CHICHESTER CHEMICAL CO Hadinon Square - PUIIA IA ilention thU paper New Firm Old Stand ANTON MAGNER PROPRIETORS B and M Meat Market David Magner has gone into the firm which seeks a continuance of public patronage guaranteeing the best of everything sea sonable at the most rea sonable prices Anton Magner Blue Front m rraPPrSrlfliiS Urn 11 nHSHHEtts riuraL I SliPMP mi jgj maw Fine Turnouts if M Either Single or Double Phone 16 Rear Palmer House 1 IJ T IF McCook Nebraska m r nLTTn W H ACKERMAN Prop Is I ill 0 ii i S5E I Martm com Co DEALERS IN Fruits and Produce Car Lots a Specialty Local and Long Distance Phono 10 1 We Want Your Eggs and Poultry Highest Cash Prices Paid Come in and talk with us One door south of the Tribune Office flcCOOK NEBRASKA JAMES CAIN McCOOK NEB Sells and Recommends j3 A jnmiijii fafc fJJUff The Great Germ and Insect Destroyer for all Germ Diseases of Animals Xow used throughout the United States for tho prevention and cure of hog cholera swine plague corn stalk disease pink eye foot and mouth disease etc A sure removerof worms in animals The cheapest and best lice killer on the market Kearnej Countj Nursery G A Strand Prop Grower of choice nursery stock Minden Neb Dec 5 1902 NationallMedical Co York Neb About two weeks at o many of the farmers around here lo t very heavily by hog cholera I do not wish to write jou a long flattering stavment anout your medicine but will say that I bought a quart can of Liquid Koal and the improvement was so marked that I bought a giIon can and used it with the that iiij hogs ail recovered and I did not loe on- Mj herd of over 200 are in line condition and jou may put me down as a constant usf r of Liquid Koal G A Stbaji d Your money refunded if not thor oughly satisfied with results Manufactured by National Medical Co Sheldon Iowa Expert advice given free on all germ diseases of animals Address the company at Sheldon Iowa en closing stamp For ale and guaranteed bv ames Cain Up-lo-Date Hour and Feed Store Phone No 20 JIcCooK Keo i r k J t i P a f t V Z t