The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, January 29, 1904, Image 8

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A Cough
I have made a most thorough
trial of Ayers Cherry Pectoral and
am prepared to say that for all dis
eases of the lungs it never disap
J Early Finley fronton O
Ayers Cherry Pectoral
wont cure rheumatism
we never said it would
It wont cure dyspepsia
we never claimed it But
it will cure coughs and
colds of all kinds We
first said this sixty years
ago weve been saying it
ever since
Three sizes 25c 50c SI All druzilsts
Consult your doctor
If lie ears take It
than do ns lie siyn If lie tells you not
iu iaise u men nun c mice it lie Knows
Icito it with lilni We are willing
J C AVEIt CO Lowell Mass
R II Harrison has erected a new
R E Hatcher has just completed a
oev barn It is 40 by 60 feet in size
Mrs Will Sexson will operate a 100
egg Sure Hatch incubator this Spring
R H Harrison has the lumber on the
ground for a three room addition to his
Cort Yeardsley is hunting a carpenter
to build him a new frame dwelling--house
this Spring
Tho children of James Doyle Will
JSexson and Nathan Tubbs have been
having a siego with tonsilitis
Mr Bogle will build a new six room
dwelling for his renter Nelson Wolfe
just as soon as carpenters can be secured
to do tho work
As the years go by Thh Tribune cov
ers the count more widely and thor
oughly and becomes more nearly the
ideal county newspaper It is getting
to bo harder every year to keep house
without it And it is only one dollar
lyear at that
Saved From Terrible Death
The family of Mrs M L Bobbitt of
Bargeton Tenn saw her dying and
were powerless to savo her The most
tskillful physicians and every remedy
used failed while consumption was
slowly but surely taking her life In
this terrible hour Dr Kings New Dis
covery for Consumption turnpd despaii
into joy The first bottle brought im
mediate relief and its continued use
completely cured her Its the most
certain cure in the world for all throat
and lung troubles Guaranteed bottles
50c and 81 Trial bottles free at L W
drug store
The Baker man is in this commuuity
Clarence Stowe is husking corn for
George Harrison
W Y Johnson purchased a horse
last week for his mother and sister
Rev Crago began a series of meetings
at the church last Tuesday evening
Thurston Doyle has purchased a
piece of land of his father and is build
ing a house on it
Daisy Chinn and Maxwell Wolfe
spent Monday evening with Charles
blasters and wife
James Piper a former resident of this
Community is here visiting relatives
and old acquaintances
Mrs Bolles purchased the carpet last
week for the aisle of the church and it
will be put down by next Sunday
A few of the neighbors and friends
gathered at the home of George Younger
and wife last Saturday evening and
-spent a few hours socially
If Unwell
try a 50c bottle of Herbine notice the
improvement speedily effected in your
appetite energy strength and vigor
Watch how it brightens the spirits gives
freedom from indigestion and debility
Isaac Story Ava Mo writes SeptlOtb
1900 I was in bad health I had stom
ach trouble for 12 months also dumb
-chills Dr JW Morey prescribed Her
bino it cured me in two weeks I can
mot recommend it too highly it will do
-all 3ou claim for it -Sold by A Mc
Corn is about all husked up here
Two Indiana men viewed these ends
of the earth last Friday
B F Wilson butchered a hog that
weighed 423 pounds dressed
J Heinlein took two shoats to Mc
Cook that weighed 1100 pounds
Harry Cole assisted W T Coleman in
She store at McCook last Saturday
At our old home in Indiana it rained
all day last Thursday and all night and
all day Friday The mud is half knee
Ernest Cross lived in this town from
18S1 to 1890 with his uncle Wm Cole
man He has lived in California for
several years On December 16th last
he and a bright California girl were mar
ried Wo wish them a long and pros
perous life
May they always live happy
And not in hot water
And tho first child a boy
And tho nest ono a daughter
Will buy hogs Tuesdays and Sat
urdays F S Wilcox
W II Smith is on the sick list
Mrs Lawritson visited inHolbrook
ono day last week
Patty Anderson is numbered among
tho sick this week
A daughter was born to Mrs William
Thomas Saturday the 23rd
W Dolan and family have gone to
southeastern Kansas for a short stay
Murray Brothers have moved their
barber shop in theMcClung building
Carl Bloom and wife of Ludell Kan
sas are hero visiting Mart Akers and
J Kerns returned from his trip to
Omaha and other points last Friday
Ruby Wheeler who has been visiting
friends here returned to Hartley Moi -day
Mrs W Thomas of Lincoln is visiting
with her parents Mr and Mrs A Mann
of this place
The ice men aro taking advautago of
the late freeze and aro putting up their
harvest of ice
Will Sheets has sold his dray and out
fit to a Mr Galloway and will retire
from the business
Carl Korns came over from Lebanon
Wednesday evening and will remain at
home for a period
Mrs Kern and children arrived on No
5 Friday evening from hor visit with
relatives at Sutton
Will Bloom has quit tho section and
went to his homo in Ludell Kansas
last Thursday morning
I M Beardsleo came down from Mc
Cook Monday morning and returned
home Wednesday morning
Austin Gamsby who has been travel
ing in the interest of some life insurance
company is at home now for a short
James OConnor gave an elocutionary
entertainment in Beardslees opera
house Tuesday evening to a small au
The revival meetings at the M E
church are still going on with unabated
interest Quite a large number of young
converts have been taken in on proba
Mrs Calkins was taken very ill a few
days since and for a while her life was
despaired of but at this writing she is
mucn ueuer iur uaiKins is also in
very poor health
Miss Hager the primary teacher was
unablo on account of sickness to attend
to her school duties Monday morning
and a teacher was supplied from Pro
fessor Casnerj3 room
Orrie Murray and J McClung drove
over to Lebauon Tuesday Mr Murray
has bought a barber shop in Hasting
and will move there soon Frank Bur
bridge of McCook will run the shop
Just One Minute
One Minute Cough Cure gives relief
in one minute because its kills the
microbe which tickles the mucous mem
brane causing the cough and at the
same time clears the phlegm draws out
the inflammation and heals and soothes
tho affected part One Minute Cough
Cure strengthens tho lungs wards of
pneumonia and is a harmless and never
failing cure in all curable cases of
coughs colds and croup One Minute
Cdugh Cure is pleasant to take harm
less and good alike for young and old
Sold by L W McConnell
Wm S Crane of California Md
suffered for years from rheumatism and
lumbago He was finally advised to try
Chamberlains Pain Balm which he did
and it effected a complete cure For
sale by all druggists
Time Jlmm
o most women is a term c
anxiety serious thought I
and sweet anticipation
With the cessation of pain
necessary to childbirth
there comes calm nerves
sleep and recuperation
does diminish the pain accompanying
maternity With its aid mothers can and
do bring healthy sweet dispositioned
and ideal babies into the world
Morning sickness sore breasts and ex
cruciating pains caused by the gradually
expanding organs are relieved by this
penetrating and relaxing liniment
Among the manifold aids to childbirth
Mothers Friend has grown in popularity
and gained a prestige among rich women
as well as poor it is found and welcomed
in the mansion as well as in the cabin
By lessening the mothers agony o mind
and diminishingpain a beautiful influence
is wrought upon the child and instead of
Eeevish ill tempered and sickly forms you
ave healthy laughing humanity remain
ing a blessing ever to you and its country
All Druggists sell Mothers Friend at ioo
Write for our free Book Motherhood
saasi isgaMttifltt
fl i H M MyZu H II I flit sH
w w in tsh tfxm
H I in JTL jTL jtI jtv i IJiyP mlmSJyr S I I
The thermometer markel 3 degrees
below zfro Monday morning
Life Rcwhonir and family were visitors
Sunday at A M Benjamins
Chai Irs Le and wife vvre the happy
recipients of a girl baby the 21st So
mote it bo
A Weeks found his two hend of cuttle
that he thought were stolen Om was
deiid in a straw stack and the other ad
vertised about 11 miles wo t
Harvey Rowland and B W Benjamin
were in McCook tho 2 1 inst to pre
sent tho protest against thee ins ilidu
tiou of school district 51 and school dis
trict 67 The protest was the winner
A writer in the Stale Journal says the
government should remedy thf postal
laws where postmasters sell pustage
stamps to increase their comj cusation
The said writer had better stud the
plan of government concerning post
masters compensation and learn that
their pay is not from the sale of stamps
A postmaster might sell stamps by the
thousands and the government would
get the full amount of the sales
Mr John Ji Cullom editor of the
Garland Texas News has written a
letter of congratulations to tho manu
facturers of Chamberlains Cough Rem
edy as follows Sixteen years ago when
our first child was a baby he was subject
to croupy spells and we would be very
uneasy about him We began using
Chamberlains Cough Remedy in 1887
and finding itsucb a reliable remedy for
colds and croup we have never been
without it in tho house since that timo
We have 5 children and have given it
to all of them with good results One
good featureof this remedy is that it is
not disagreeable to take and our babies
really like it Another is that it is not
dangerous and there is no risk from
giving an overdose I congratulate vou
upon the success of your remedy For
sale by all druggists
Everybody has tho mumps
Sniders ice house is nearing comple
Mett Bros have employed Mr Morgan
not G B to fill their ice house
Sam Messner is able again to be in
town after seven weeks sickness
Lawrence East of Ludell Kansas was
shaking handsTuesday with old friends
Grant Cathcart of the Sappa is haul
ing lumber from here for his fine barn
A girl arrived at Phillip GliemsSatur
day morning Dr DeMay is in attend
Dr DeMay is putting in a furnace
with all the necessary paraphernalia for
heating his residence
Mr Greenway and Mr Adams are
hauling rock for the foundations of their
respective residences
Married Tuesday Rev R E Pogue of
the M E church officiating Mr Wes
ley Shoop and Miss Gertie Ervin
James Nutt will take Cliff Nadens
place in the bank as soon as he gets over
the mumps And then Cliff and Daisy
Lafe Miller J S Phillips and John
Dutcher of Indianola were visiting the
faithful here A general good time was
Dr DeMay was called in haste this
morning over on the Sappa to see Mr
Playford who was reported in a critical
condition with diphtheria
Joe Boos lost two stacks of millet and
the separator of his threshing out6t
Sunday night Loss 1200 partly in
sured Cause of fire is unknown
Dr DeMay reports John Ruby af
flicted with a very serious sore throat
Also Sidney Dodge with bilious fever
and Mrs Thomas Dresher of Cedar
Bluffs with erysipelas
Public installation of Maccabees Sat
urday night George A Ostrom state
commander was present and gavo an
uplifting addiess to the the members
Mrs Marks lady state commander was
unable to be present on account of sick
EarlPrichard of Rawlins county Kan
sas showed up in time to be in the
drunken row Friday night of last week
Our officers aro now loaded with a
double barrel butcher knife so look out
boys dont monkey with the band
Maccabee lodge Friday night up
stairs in the town hall dance below pro
tracted meeting two doors west in the
M E church saloon in full blast one
block north drunken mob shooting
through the window of tho central office
of the phone system Where were our
peace officers Oh where If you have
some good straight boxelder pleasesend
us a couple of chunks so we we can make
a couple of peace officers that will bo a
terror to evil doers
Found a Cure for Indigestion
I use Chamberlains Stomach and
Liver Tablets for indigestion and find
that they suit my case better than any
dyspepsia remedy I have ever tried and I
have used many different remedies I
am nearly 51 years of age and have suf
fered a great deal from indigestion I
can eat almost anything I want to now
GeoWEmoryRock MillsMiss For
sale by all druggists
Orator Entre Nous Club
17G Warren Avenue
Chicago III Oct 22 1902
For nearly four years I suffered
trom ovarian troubles lne
0 tor insisted on an operation as the j
jd only way to get well I however Kg
kI stronclv objected to an operatio K
A ue3c
lily husband felt disheartened as
well as I for home with a sick
g woman is a disconsolate place at
A rriendly drup gist advised
him to get a bottle of Wino of
Cardui for me to try and he did so
I besan to improve in a few davs and
my recovery was very rapid With- Ey
in eighteen weeks I was another
Mrs Stowes letter shows every
woman how a home i3 saddened by
female weaknes and how completely
Wine of Cardui cures that sick
ness and brings health and happi
ness again Do not go on suffer
ing Go to your druggist today
and secure a 100 bottle of Wine
of Cardui
Rev Carlisle P B Martin LLD
Waverly Texas writes Of a morning
when first arising T often find a trouble
some collection of phlegm which pro
duces a cough and is very hard to dis
lodge but a small guantity if llallards
ITorehound Syrup will at oi re dislodge it
and tho trouble is ov r I luiv of no
medicine that is qiial to it and it is so
pleasant to take J cun nic sr cordially
recommend it to all m sons needing a
medicine for tlncat i r Innir trouble
25c fiOc SI bottles at AMcMillens
No appetite loss of strength nervous
ness headache constipation bad breath
general debility sour risings and catarrh of
the stomach are all due to indigestion Kodol
cures indigestion This new discovery repre
sents the natural juices of digestion as they
exist in a healthy stomach combined with
the greatest known tonic and reconstructive
properties Kodol Dyspepsia Cure does not
only cure indigestion and dyspepsia but this
famous remedy cures all stomach troubles
by cleansing purifying sweetening and
strengthening the mucous membranes lining
the stomach
t Mr S S Ball of Ravenswood W Va says
I was troubled with sour stomach for twenty years
Kodol cured ma and we aro now using It In milk
for baby
Kodol Digests What You Eat
Bottles only 100 Size holding 2 times the trial
size which sells for 50 cents
For Sale by L W McConnell
K3 virtue of an order of salo issued from the
district court of Rcdwillow comity Nebraska
under a decree in an action wherein J F Cor
deal is plaintiff and Olaf Landreu et al aro
defendants to me directed and delivered I
shall offer at public s ale and sell to tho highest
bidder for cash at the front door of tho court
houo in McCook Rcdwillow county Nebraska
on the 29th day of February 1001 at tho hour of
one oclock p in tho following described real
etae tow it Resinning at a point forty -six feet
south of tho northeast comer of block live in
the town of South McCook running thence
south ninetj four feet thence west one hundred
fifty feet thence north ninety four feet thence
east ono hundred fifty feet to the place of be
Limiiii and also lot twelve in block three in
Hiram C Riders first addition to the town of
South McCook in Redwillow county Nebraska
A C Ckabtree Sheriff
J I Cordeal Attorney
In the District Court of Red Willow county
state of Nebraska
In the matter of the application of Florence II
Parkinson and F I Pratt executors of the
Jast will and testament of W J Parkinson
deceased for license to sell real estate
Notice hereby eiven that in pursuance of an
order of tho Hon R C Orr judse of the district
court of Red Willow countv Nebraska made on
the 17th day of August 190 for tho tale of the
real e tate hereinafter described there will bo
sold at the front door of the court house in the
city of McCook in aid county on the 20th day
Februarj 1001 at the hour of one oclock p m
at public vendue to the highest bidder forcah
the following de cribed real estate to wit The
northwest quarter of section number 2d in
township number 1 north range 29 west of the
Sixth P M in Red Willow county Nebraska
Said ale will remain open one hour
Dated this 2th day of January 190
Florence II Paukixsox and F B Pratt
Executors of tho last will and testament of W
J Parkinson deceased
liy C E Eidred their attorney
In the district court of Red Willow County Ne
braska In tho matter of the application of
Winnie D William- guardian of the estates
of Mildred L Stoddard a minor and Eva M
Stoddard a minor for leave to sell real estate
Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of an
order of tho Honorable R C Orr judge of the
district court of Red Willow county Nebraska
made on the Kith day of November ltXKJ for the
salo of the real estate hereinafter described
there will be sold at public vendue to the high
est bidder for cash at the front door of the
court house in McCook Red Willow county Ne
braska on the 9th day of February 10O4 at the
hour of ODe oclock pm the following described
real estate Lot eleven in block twenty one in
the First addition to the city of McCook Red
Willow county Nebraska Said sale will re
main open one hour
Dated this 11th day of January 1904
Winnie D Williams guardian of the estates
of Mildred L Stoddard a minor and Eva M
Stoddard a minor
By W S Morlan her attorney 1 lVtts
To Maud H Bronson non resident defendant
You aro herebj notified that Charles W Bron
son plaintiff ha filed his petition in the dis
trict court of Red Willow county Nebraska the
object and prayer of which is to obtain a di
vorce from you on the ground that you have de
serted the plaintiff for more than two years last
past without just cause or provocation
You are required to answer said petition on
or bofore Monday February 29 1904
Dated January 19 1904
Charles W Bronson Plaintiff
By JE Kelley his attorney
Office over McConnells drug store
Office Phonk 160
Res Phonk 131
Registered Graduato Dentist
Formerly located in At
lanta Georgia All opera
tions pertaining to modern
dentistry performed accord
ing to the latest scientific
methods used in the large
m Fitter
Iron Lead and Sewer Pipe Brass
Goods Pumps an Boiler Trimmings
Agent for Hallfday Waupun bclipse
Windmills Basement of the Meeker
Phillips Building
Osteopathic Physician
Kelley Office Bldg Phone No 13
Consultation free
Graduate of Kansas
City Lental College
Telephone 43
McCook Nebraska
DENTIST piose us
Ofiico over Grannis store McCook Nob
Office Over Ludwicks Store
Telephone 126
and Surgeon
Ofiico over McMiilons drug store Residence
702 Main Aveune Residenco phone 5J Office
phone 28 Calls answered mentor duy
McCook Nebraska
Goes anywhere Specialty of Thorough Bred
Stock sales Ono per cent on sales 1000 and
upward Correspondence solicited
McCook Nebraska
gJtcAgent of Lincoln Land Co and of McCook
Water Works Office in Postoflice building
McCook Nebraska
Office in Court House
Phone 181
McCook Nebraska
Telephone 44 p o Building
The Toledo Blade
New and Larger Building New Presses
New Steretype Plant New and
Hdern Appliances n Every
The Toledo Blade ia now installed in its new
building with modern plant and equipment
and facilities equal to any publication between
New York and Chicago It is the only weekly
newspaper edited expressly for every state and
territory The news of the world so arranged
that busy people can more easily comprehend
than by reading cumbersome columns of dailies
All current topics made plain in each issue by
special editorial matter written from inception
down to date The only paper published espec
ially for people who do not read daily newspa
pers and yet thirst for plain facts That this
kind of a newspaper is popular is proven by the
fact that the Weekly Blade now has over 160 000
yearly subscribers and it3 circulation is inali
parts of tho U S In addition to tho news tha
Blade publishes short and serial stories and
many departments of matter suited to every
member of the family Only one dollar a year
Write for free specimen copy Address The
Blade Toledo Ohio
- t