The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, January 29, 1904, Image 3

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malitm i 1
Miss Gannon Secy Detroit
Amateur Art Association tells
oung women what to do to
oid pain and suffering caused-
y lemaie irouoies
Deat Mr3 Pikkham I can con
cntiously recommend Jliydia E
I iikhams Vegetable Compound
to those of my sisters suffering with
female -weakness and the troubles
which so often befall women I suf
fered for months with gcncril weak
ness and felt so weary that I had hard
work to keep up I had shooting1 pains
and was utterly miserable In my dis
tress I was advised to use Ijyttia B
Pkikhains Vegetable Com
pound and it was a red letter day to
ne when I took the first dose for at
that time my restoration began In
six weeks I was a changed woman
perfectly well in every respect I felt
co elated and happy that I want all
women who suffer to get well as I did
MiS3 Gula Gascon 359 Jones St
Detroit Alich Secretary Amateur Art
Association 5000 forfeit If original of above
letter proving genuineness cannot be produced
When one considers that Miss
Gannons letter is only one of the
countless hundreds which wo
are continually publishing in the news
papers of this country the great virtue
of Mrs Pinkhams medicine must ba
admitted by all
Few men are appreciated until they
take up their residence in a cemetery
If a man who falls in love at sight
is wise he will take a second look be
fore proposing
Defiance Siarcn is guaranteed big
gest and best or money refunded 1G
ounces 10 cents Try it now
It is impossible to patch up a repu
tation so that the patches wont show
Chaffees Shoulder Straps
The first shoulder straps with the
three stars of the lieutenant general
that General Chaffee will wear after
the senate confirms him in his new
grade will be a pair presented to him
by Lieutenant General Young who
retired recently With the straps
General Young sent this note Pri
vate Young Company K Twelfth
Pennsylvania volunteer infantry pre
sents his compliments to Private
Chaffee Troop K Sixth United States
cavalry and asks him to accept this
pair of lieutenant generals shoulder
Financier and Mirthmaker
American financiers who when in
London have had occasion to meet
the urbane yet extremely business
like secretary of the Bank of England
were surprised to learn the other day
that in his leisure he wrote stories
that fairly bubbled over with the spirit
of childhood Between Mr K Gra
hame important factor in the manage
ment of The Old Lady of Thread
needle Street and Kennth Grahame
author of The Golden Age and
Dream Days there would seem to
be the wido gulf existing between poet
and banker always excepting my old
friend Edmund Clarence Stedman If
the attempt cf a lunatic to assassinate
the bank secretary had not drawn wide
attention to that financial factotum
with consequent publication of his bi
ography the fact that mirthmaker and
money handler were one person would
have been known only to a chosen few
Found the Food that Saved His Life
A good old family physician with a
lifetime experience in saving people
finally found himself sick unto death
Medicines failed and but let
him tell his own story For the first
time in my life of sixty one
to publicly
years I am impelled
licly testify to the value of a largely
advertised article and I certainly
would not pen these lines except that
what seems to me a direct act of
Providence saved my life and I am
impressed that it is a bounden duty
to make it known
For 3 years I kept failing with
stomach and liver disorders until I
was reduced 70 lbs from my nor
mal weight When I got too low to
treat myself 3 of my associate physi
cians advised me to put my house in
order for I would be quickly going the
way of all mankind Just about that
time I was put on a diet of Grape
Nuts predigested food Curiously
enough it quickly began to build me
up appetite returned and In 15 days
I gained 0 lbs That started my re-
turn to health and really saved my
A physician is naturally prejudiced
against writing such a letter but in
this case I am willing to declare it
from the housetops that the multi
plied thousands who are now suffering
as I did can find relief and health as
easily and promptly by Grape Nuts If
they only knew what to do Sincerely
and Fraternally yours Name of this
prominent physician furnished by Pos
tum Co Battle Creek Mich
Look in each package for a copy of
the famous little book The Road to
Testimony GIvn at Manila Regarding
MANILA Manager Jours of tho
Hong Kong Shanghai bank during
the public -discussion now going on
declared that prior to the passage of
tho supplemental currency act- the
banks had a letter from General Mer
ritt upon the strength of which tho
importation of Mexican dollars was
resumed after twenty years prohibi
The importation of this coin was
not voluntary upon the part of tho
banks he said but was forced upon
them by the military authorities prac
tically at the point of the bayonet
American soldiers entered the banks
demanding local currency for gold
some even going to the length of en
forcing their demands at the muzzle of
a revolver There were 23000 troops
landed within three months to pay
whom the quartermaster and paymas
ter drew letters of credit for 500000
which Jours on his part found himself
unable to convert into coin and con
sequently closed the bank General
Greene then issued an order that un
less the bankers changed these drafts
into money for the troops he would
place Jours under guard and threat
ened to lock him up The discussion
will be continued
Heads of Departments at St Peters
burg Against War
strong indication that through the
czars personal acts the peace party
is completely in the ascendant M
Bezobrazoff the head of the war
party has gone abroad Foreign
Minister Lamsdorf who from the be
ginning has favored peace is now
completely rehabilitated and Viceroy
Alexieff has been made subservient o
the foreign office in the
negotiations His extensive pow
ers are curtailed and he can make
no move without the czars personal
approval In fact the fresh instances
conveyed through Ambassador Cassini
to the authorities at Washington of
the recognition of the rights acquired
by the Chinese treaty is largely at
tributed to Count Lamsdorfs in
Diplomatic circles consider Count
Lamsdorfs accession of power as a
hopeful sign M Witte council of
state has been counseling peace At
the recent council of state M Witte
with his old time eloquence pleaded
the cause of peace pointing out the
disastrous consequences of Avar say
ing Russia had everything to lose and
nothing to gain It is thought if peace
prevails M Witte will again become
a great power in the goverunient
Brilliant but Erratic Genius Succumbs
to Attack of Heart Disease
NEW YORK George Francis Train
died Monday night at Mills hotel No
1 where he has lived for some years
Heart disease was the cause of his
George Francis Train was born in
Boston March 24 1829 He was or
phaned in 1832 his father mother am
three sisters dying at New Orleans of
ellow fever He organized the firm
of Train Co shipping agents with
offices in this country and in Austra
lia and started the first clipper ships
to California in 1849 He promote
sevo al railroads and made an iude
pendent race for president in 1872 He
was noted as a prolific writer and for
his eccentricities
He has a career which has carried
him to all parts of the world and left
his impress in many lands He has
beon prominent as a promoter lec
turer political speaker and author
Minister Powell Gives Recognition of
CAN DOMINGO United States
Minister Powell recognized the pro
visional government of General Mo
rales as the de facto government of
Santo Domingo and he has informed
the members of the diplomatic and
consular corps to this end
The officers of the United States
cruiser Columbia paid an official visit
to the palace and were received with
militar3 honors Subsequently they
were anowed to view the relics of
Columbus which are kept in the ca
thedral here and they then visited
the forts and places of interest There
is still no change in the political sit
uation An attack on San Ledro de
Macoris is expected and the United
States gunboat Newport has proceed
ed there to protect American inter
Until the End of the World
KANSAS CITY By the probating
of the will of William Worth Kendall
who died here January 7 a fund was
created the income of which is to be
devoted to establishing a memorial
fund to be called The William W
Kendall Fund of the Methodist- Epis
copal Church The amount is stated
to be a quarter of a million dollars
The clause pertaining to the fund
reads It is my will that this fund
shall continue until the end of this
world when Jesus comes
Bank President Convicted
Twining former president of the de
funct First National bank of Asbury
Park was convicted in the United
States district court on Friday on the
charge of making false certificates to
the comptroller of the currency as to
the banks condition A number of
other indictments are still hanging
pvor Twining The minimum penalty
for the charge for which Twininrr
has been found guilty is five years
and the maximum is ten years im
w 1W yir vx n u jv
Hall Seebers grocery store of
Ericson has been closed by creditors
Baptists of Beatrice are holding a
series of successful revival meetings
Otto Bauman one of West Points
most prominent citizens died suddenly
last week
While Albert Goetschalg was chop-
I ping in the timber near Elm creek his
ax slipped and cleaved his toot cutting
an artery
The Infant son of Mr and Mrs
Marsh Horstman living near Webster
was badly burned The childs clothes
caught fire
A rural free delivery route will be
established at Panama Lancaster
county on March 1 It is twenty and
one half miles long and serves a popu
lation of 410
The citizens of Holdrege have voted
9000 bonds for the purpose of im
proving their water system and put
ting down new wells
There were fifty two accessions to
the Christian church during the reviv
al meetings under the direction of Do
Forrest Austin at Humboldt
D E Thompson United States min
ister to Brazil is expected to arrive
in Lincoln February 8 He sailed from
Rio Janeiro on the steamer Tennyson
January 8th
Several carloads of iron and steel
have been received at Ord for the
new bridge across the North Loup An
eastern contractor has the contract
and work will begin about February 1
The annual meetings of the state
conference of charities will be held in
Lincoln February 2 and 3 The pupils
of the school for the blind will give
an entertainment on the evening of
February 3
Harms Huls a prominent young
German farmer residing in Hanover
township Gage county was seriously
injured in a runaway accident eight
miles northeast of Beatrice Saturday
night The team ran away
County assessors of the state met
in Lincoln and discussed the new rev
enue law J R C Miller of Lancas
ter was elected temporary chairman
and J M Teegarden of Cass county
was selected for secretary Organiza
tion was effected and speeches were
made by Governor Mickey and Auditor
At a meeting of the state board of
agriculture Mr Furnas reported that
the total resources on hand were 4
55752 that the receipts for the year
including appropriations were 43
85923 Of this sum 1400400 was ex
pended for premiums and other ex
penses and 2419871 for printing
judges salaries etc
Alin Low a prominent stockman
was seriously injured in a runaway at
Norfolk and may die He was driving
home when his team became frighten
ed and overturned the carriage down
an embankment Low was dragged
for some distance and had three ribs
broken and torn from the collarbone
and his lungs were seriously injured
Rev J Forrest Marston of Lincoln
will continue to languish in the Cass
county jail for a time He has been
there for the last five weeks awaiting
trial for obtaining money under false
pretenses He has pleaded guilty to
soliciting insurances without a license
and was sentenced to pay a fine of 50
and costs The money not being forth
coming he was remanded to jail
Out in Hooker county the people are
just now making into school districts
that unorganized territory which cov
ers one end of the county This was
done upon the suggestion cf Superin
tendent Fowler who is trying to get
that 6000 square miles of territory
which is not organized into school dis
tricts in such a shape that a school
tax may be levied and the youth of
the territory may be given the advan
tages of schools that is now denied
Word reached Beatrice that during
a storm Emmett Nucter a farmer re
siding near Steele City southwest of
Beatrice lost three head of mules
three head of horses and thirty head
of hogs all killed by one stroke of
lightning It was sleeting and snow
ing when the bolt came The barn
was also destroyed
The State Firemens Association in
session at Fremont elected officers M
Bauer of Nebraska City was chosen
president John McKay of Blair first
vice president Charles Koltz of Wahco
second vice president It was decided
to send an all Nebraska team to St
Louis this year and money to defray
this expense was voted The team
will be picked from all over the state
At the state irrigation conference
at the state farm Henry Lewis of Lin
coln declared that many difficulties at
tended the irrigation of land where
rainfall was partial No difficulties
were encountered where farmers de
pended entirely upon ditches Prof
Stout of the state university describ
ed Nebraskas water supply W P
Wright of Scotts Bluffs told of practi
cal irrigation in the North Platte val
ley F G Hamer of Kearney also ad
dressed the meeting
Dr Hugo E Nelson and Celia M
Schofield were married at the home
of the bride in Tilden The groom
served as captain in the Third Ne
braska during the Spanish American
war and afterward completed a course
at the Creighton medical college in
Grace Barnes the fifteen-year-old
daughter of Henry Barnes of Sterling
has been sent to the reform school for
girls at Geneva She was brought into
court on the charge of incorrigibility
The new term of the Fremont nor
mal school commenced with a larger
attendance than for the previous term
Four Hundred of Them Gather for
j LINCOLN Four hundred members
of the Nebraska Swine Breeders
agreed to forswear patent foods with
tempting labels and put their trust
in the calm prosaic statements of
1 science This took place after Pro-
fessor Avery read a paper pronounc
ing most stock foods a delusion and
a snare The chief ingredient in all
j these preparations was either corn
meal or bran declared the man of
He declared that he had analyzed
a large number of the foods and
found them all the same except the
following exception where he found
a preparation fearfully and wonder
fully made
I imagine it would be highly in
teresting to have been able to watch
the workings of the mind that solved
the problem for this medicinal food
Alter concocting it he was evidently
evidently proud of his work and will
ing that the people should be ad
mitted to the mystery of his medi
cine so he printed on the cover of the
package the various things he had
used The list looked like he had
gone to work much as some of us
would do if we went into a drug store
and asked the pharmacist to mix up
a little of every drug in the store in
one huge vessel hoping thereby to
get the drug which would cure our
ailment although we should not know
which one it might he The list of
things which that amateur stock
physician used occupied a whole side
of a large package and I guess he
had almost everything he could think
of written down there Of course
after composing such a mixture he
considered that he had a medicine
that would cure a vast number of
diseases and irregularities
The farmers decided after a short
discussion to rely on science and cut
out fancy goods
Former Convict Said to Have Affidavit
Implicating a Guard
LINCOLN The story or opium be
ing smuggled into the penitentiary
as told by an ex convict and publish
ed some months ago was again
started when it was reported to Gov
ernor Mickey that a former convict
has made affidavit to the effect that
prisoners were getting the drug
through their friends on the outside
who Avorked the smuggling through
some of the guards
At the time of publication the mat
ter was thoroughly investigated and
while it was found that the convicts
were getting the opium no evidence
was found that would warrant the
charge that Warden Beemer or his
employes were implicated The war
den discovered several clever schemes
that were used by the prisoners and
their friends on the outside and re
poited to Governor Mickey who or
dered a strict watch kept and a thor
ough investigation made The gov
ernor stated that he believed the
smuggling had all been stopped and
that the prisoners were not now re
ceiving any drugs
Bank at McLean is Robbed
NORFOLK A special to the Daily
News says that the bank at McLean
Neb was blown up and 500 taken
The robbers came from the south
east No trace of them has been
Dangerously Hurt in Runaway
NORFOLK Alvin Low one of the
most prominent stockmen in northern
Nebraska and a pioneer settler of
Norfolk is in a very critical condi
tion at his home near the city as the
result of a disastrous runaway
Building Activity at Ord
ORD Something like fifty new
residences were completed in Ord in
1903 and yet there is a dearth of
uses It is impossible to find vacant
houses in town and present indications
are that there will be much building
here the coming season There are
a dozen dwellings in course of con
struction at the present time Among
the buildings projected for the com
ing season are a number of brick
blocks on the square There is de
mand for all the building done and
Ord is experiencing a healthy growth
State Fair Has Balance
LINCOLN A meeting of the state
board of agriculture was held here
and the financial condition of the or
ganization discussed Mr Furnas re
ported that the total resources in
cluding balance on hand from last
years report were 455742 that the
receipts for the year including state
appropriations amounted to 43
S5923 From this sum 1466400 had
been expended for premiums and
other expenses such as improve
ments on the grounds printing
judges salaries etc were 2419S71
The balance on hand at the present
time being 499592
Farmer in Hard Luck
NORFOLK Joseph Vlazney of this
city has more than his share of hard
luck Last spring when the Elkhorn
river ran out of its banks it licked
off six acres of his choicest loam
upon his farm The current also
stole his barn and well Later on a
son broke his arm in a scuffle in
school Just as this boy got out of
bed another got it with pneumonia
A third son was stricken a little
later with the same disease and then
Mr Vlazneys father died Now his
wife has a fractured arm
Of the United States Treasury Recommends
mhnr Drnminnn Dhuolftiane lion I M
ana tnaorse
Examiner of the U S Treasury De
partment graduate of Columbia College
and who served three years at West Point
has tho following to say of Peruna
Allow me to express my grati
tude to you for the benefit derived
from your wonderful remedy
One short month has brought
forth a vast change and I now
consider myself a well man after
months of suffering Fellow suf
ferers Peruna will euro you
A constantly increasing number of phy
sicians presenile lJerunn m their practice
It lias proven its merits so thoroughly that
oven tho doctors have overcome their
prejudice against so called patent medi
cines and recommend it to their patients
Peruna occupies a unique position in
medical science It is tho only internal
systemic catarrh remedy known to the
medical profession to day Catarrh as
everyone will admit is tho cause of one
half tho disease which aflliels mankind
Catarrh and catarrhal diseases afilict one
half of tho people of tho United States
9 a m
Robert R Roberts M D Wash-
ington D C writes
Through my own experience
as well as that of many of my
friends and acquaintances who
have been cured or relieved of ca-
tarrh by the use of Hart mans
Peruna I can confidently
mend it to those suffering from such
disorders and have no hesitation in
prescribing it tt my patients
Rob rtR Roberts
o o
Dr R Bobbins Muskogee I T
Peruna is the best medicine I know of
for coughs and to stengthen a weak stom
ach and to give appetite Besides pre
scribing it for catarrh I liav ordered it
for weak and debilitated people and have
not had a patient but said it helped him
It is an excellent medicine and it fits so
many cases
I have a largo practice and have a
chance to prescribe your Peruna I hope
you may live long to do good to the sick
and tho suffering
Dr M C Gee writes from 513 Jones St
San Francisco CaL
Peruna has performed so many won
derful cures in San Francisco that I am
convinced that it is a valuable remedy
I have frequently advised its use for
women as I find it insures regular and
painless menstruation cures leucorrhcea
jlJJLJjff I
A man seldom thinks he sees a per
fect man without the aid of a mirror
Lewis Sigle Binder The richest
quality cigar on the market at straight fie
Always reliable You pay 10c for cigars
not so good Lewis Factory Peoria 111
Once there was a man who fell in
love with a womans voice she sel
dom used it
The man of deeds has little time to
waste on words
You never hear any cue complain
about Defiance Starch There is
none to equal it in quality and quan
tity 16 ounces 10 cents Try it now
and save your money
The best cure of a bad habit is the
culture of a good one
What a grand and glorious world
this would be if every man would fol
low the advice he gives to others
Tho U S Doirt of Agriculture
Gives to Salzers Oats its heartiest
endorsement Salzers New National
Oats yielded in 1903 from ISO to 300
bu per acre in 30 different States and
you Mr Farmer can beat this in 19C4
if you will Salzers seeds are pedigree
seeds bred up through careful selec
tion to big yields
Per Acre
Salzers Beardless Barley
yielded 121 bu
Salzers Home Builder Corn 300 bu
Speltz and Macaroni Wheat SO bu
Salzers Victoria Rape GOOOO lbs
Salzers Teosinte the quick
growing fodder wonder 1 60000 lbs
Salzers Billion Dollar Grass 50000 lbs
Salzers Pedigree Potatoes 1000 bu
Now such yields pay and you can
have them Mr Farmer in 1904
and this notice to the John A Salzcr
Seed Co La Crosse Wis and you will
get their big catalog and lots of farm
seed samples free W N U
No ordinary man can love a woman
as much as she thinks he ought to
and attend to his work at the same
uj i iptrwi m
A substitute lor and superior to mustard or anj
other plaster and will not blister the most
delicate skin The pam alayins and curative
qualities of this article are wonderful It will
stop the toothache at once and relieve head
ache and sciatica Wererommenditas thebest
and safest esternal counter rrtant known also
as an erternal remedy for pains in the chest
and stomach and all rheumatic neuralcic and
couty complaints A trial will prove what we
claim for it and it will be found to be invalu
able in the household Many people say it is
the best of all your preparations Price 13
cents at all drusists cr other dealers or by
sending this amount to us in postage stamps we
will send you a tube by mail No article should
be accepted by the public urdess the same
carries our label as otherwise i is not canuine
li State Street New York Cty
Y Dr Llewellyn Jordan T
a Medical Examiner United States
T Treasury T
and ovarian troubles and builds up tho
entire system 1 also consider it ono of
the finest catarrh remedies I know of
M C Gee M D
Catarrh is a systemic disease curablo
only by systemic treatment A remedy
that cures catarrh must aim directly at
the depressed nerve centers This is what
Peruna does
Peruna immediately invigorates tho
nerve centers which give vitality to tho
mucous membranes Then catarrh dis
appears Then catarrh is permanently
If you do not derive prompt and satis
factory results from tho use of Pernna
write at once to Dr Hartnian giving
full statement of your case and ho will
be pleased to give you his valuable ad
vice gratis
Address Dr Hartman President of The
Hartman Sanitarium Columbus Ohio
Its the thoroughly modern and scientific system of load-
ITMT OTtrt 4na tta P stnlr 1 a lt - Vl niilro
r iwu iiiw uo ui uuiy lit c uui IMlCllUIS Wllllll llllkv
wincnester factory Loaded New Kival Shells give bet
ter pattern penetration and more uniform results gener
ally than any other shells The special paper and the Win
chester patent corrugated head used in making New
Rival shells give them strength to withstand reloading
Many things we fail to see because
they are constantly in our sight
It is better to be a strong defendant
than to be a weak plaintiff
Use Red Cross Ball Bice and make them
white again Lurge 2 oz packag 5 cents
Do not let the stream of your life
be a murmuring stream
fast to light and washing
No man thinks of his life as a grind
who has any grist worth grinding
H anyone offered you a good
dollar for an imperfect ona
would you take it
If anyone offered you one gocdj
dollar for 75 cents of bad money
would you take it
We offer you 10 ounces or lhc
very best starch made for 10ct
No other brand is so good yet
all ethers cost 10c for 12 ounces
Ours is a business proposition
and cheapest
We guarantee it satisfactory
Ask your grocer
Omaha Neb
When Answering Advertisement
Kindly Mention This Paper
W N U Omaha
i x -3 reyrw
No 5 1S04
j uemaiMiiivtiiA
iiuncj imcnr ull cin i mlj -
uest cougn syrup Tastes uooa cue
in time sold by druezigw