The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, January 22, 1904, Image 1

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James Madison Records was born in
Brown county Ohio September 20 1829
Diod in McCook Neb January 14
1904 He was married September 5
1856 to Josephine B Rickards Eight
children were boru to them four of
whom survive him Emmett J Records
of McCook Arthur H Records of Coun
cil Bluffs Iowa Mrs J H Wade of
McCook and Mrs Wm Sues3 of Los
Angeles California
He moved to Missouri in 1865 from
there to Frontier county Neb in 1886
and to Red Willow county in 1888 and to
Buchanan county Missouri in 1894 re
siding there until 1902 when he return
ed to McCook Mr Records was of a
genial disposition always having a
pleasant word to soy to everyone and
was respected by all who knew him
Funeral services were held at the M
E church in this city Friday January
15 at 2 p m Rev M B Carman offi
To the friends and neighbors we wish
to express our heartfelt thanks for the
thoughtful kindness shown us during
the sickness and after the death of our
beloved husband and father also for the
flowers sent
Mrs J B Records
E J Records
A H Records
Mr and Mrs J II Wade
Mr and Mrs Wm Suess
Mrs George M Reed Dies
Mrs George M Reed who came to
the city about sis weeks ago from Pue
blo Colorado for her health passed
away at the home of her daughter Mrs
George LeHew last Friday morning
about 11 oclock with dropsy and com
plications Her husband and another
daughter from Colorado were with her
at the end The remains were at once
prepared for shipment and were taken on
Friday nights train to Pueblo for Inter
ment no services of any kind being had
The deceased was fifty years of age
and spent many years of her life on a
farm south of McCook but recently be
coming a resident of Pueblo Colorado
Tho husband and younger daughter
accompanied the body to Pueblo
The bereaved family has the sympa
thy of many oldtime friends in this city
and vicinity
A Citizens League to be Organized
A meeting of Christian people of the
city was held in the Congregational
church last Sunday afternoon for the
purpose of organizing a citizens league
for the purpose of better enforcing the
laws and to secure certain reforms
The matter waspretty thoroughly talk
ed over and a committee appointed to
draft by laws and rules for the govern
ment of the movement Rev Betts is
provsional president and Mrs Conrad
temporary secretary The committee
on by laws and constitution is composed
of the pastor of the several city churches
and a layman from each church A
music committee was named as follows
J W Selby L H Lindemann W A
James The next meeting of the league
will be held in the Congregational
church next Sunday aweek
Is Right at Home
The pleased customer is right at home
at Marshs meat market You can see
him there any day And its all because
of tho quality of the meats sold and of
prompt and courteous treatment accord
ed all Everything seasonable all the
time at the right prices
Look Up Your Numbers
on Cone Bros free Xmas picture draw
ing The winning numbers are 16 1902
S2 1902 43 1903 48 1904 95 1904 The
first winning number presented gets first
choice Cone Bros druggist
Mortgage Record for 1903
Farm mortgages filed 170 14315727
released 270 S16701537 City mort
gages filed 121 SS10S096 released 95
5849772 Chattel mortgages filed 1127
34345850 released 464 14978670
Speaking of spooks and such like it
requires a pretty abnormal imagination
to do the subject justice We are too
short the quality to keep in sight of the
rumors this week
Ladies SI eiderdown dressing sacques
69c at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos
clearing sale
Meat smoked in an instant with
McConnells Concentrated Smoke
25c bottles
The Catholic brethren have resumed
their evening services after a long sus
225 electric seal muffs now 139 at
The Thompson Dry Goods Cos clearing
Mens blanket lined coats 79c at The
Thompson Dry Goods Cos clearing sale
McConnells Balsam Cures Coughs
The Tribune Only 100 per year
nijigtiuiininniwnwiwui1UU VT
ifrr -
Mrs Dan Kraft is very ill
-Myron Kief brother-in-law of Dr H
L Prevost has returned to the city
Mrs W S Morlan arrived home
Monday night from her Alliance visit
Harlow W Keyes of Indianola had
legal business in the city Wednesday
Miss Eva Thompson of Trenton is
visiting her sister Mrs Frances Barclay
this week
Ben Gossard went down to Lincoln
Monday night to see some of the great
state hen show
W T Coleman will bo absent for a
week or so taking in Kansas City St
Louis and points east
O D Keith returned to the city first
of the week from the northwest where
he went some time ago to enter business
Mrs Peter Carty accompanied her
niece Mabel Fleming Wednesday night
to Concordia Kansas where Miss Mabel
enters a convent school
Dr and Mrs H J Pratt and Mr
and Mrs F M Kimmell entertained tho
Alphabet High Five club at the home
of the later last Friday evening
Mrs W S Morlan went up to Alli
ance close of week past on a visit of a
few days to her sister Mrs L S Sage
wife of the Burlington agent at that
T J Pate is having a dwelling house
erected on his section a few miles north
east of the city besides other consider
able improvements His sou Delbert is
taking special interest in the improve
ments being made W H Campbell is
on the work
Mr and Mrs T J Evans and son
Jeff of Uhrichsville Ohio arrived first
of the week from Riverside Calif
where they have been spending part of
the winter Mr Evans found it neces
sary for business reasons to proceed
east Thursday night but Mrs Evans
and son will remain a while longer
guests of Mrs Margaret Oyster their
Eli McMillen of Pittsburg an uncle
of the McMillen brothers of our city
spent a few days in the city early in the
week on his way to Los Angeles Calif
where he expects to make his home
Dr Speicher of Salisbury Pa who is
now located in Los Angeles came from
the east later in the week and the gen
tlemen continued their way California
ward together
Congregational Sunday school 1 0
a m Sermons at 11 a m and p m
You are most cordially invited to worship
with us George A Conrad Pastor
Methodist Sunday school at 10 a
m Sermons at 11 am and 8 p m Class
meeting at 12 Junior League at 3 and
Epworth League at 7 Comethe church
will be warm M B Carman Pastor
Catholic Order of services Mass
8 a m Mass and sermon 1030 a m
Evening service at 8 oclock Sunday
school 230 p m Every Sunday
J J Loughran Pastor
Christian Bible school at 10 a m
Sermons at 11 a m and 8 p m Morn
ing subject The Ark a Type of the
Church Evening subject How to
Study the Bible
W C German Pastor
Episcopal Services in St Albans
church as follows Every Sunday in the
month Sunday school at 10 oclock a m
Morning prayer at 11 andevening prayer
and sermon at 8 The third Sunday in
the month Holy Communion at 7 0 a
m All are welcome
E R Earle Rector
First Baptist Church Sermons at
11 a m and 745 p m Bible school at
945 a m Junior society at 3 p m B
Y P U at 645 p m Prayer meeting
Wednesday evening 7 45 Sermon sub
ject Sunday morning Signs of the
Times Evening subject Qualities
in Women Which Men Like Excellent
music All welcome
C R Betts Pastor
Rev C R Betts of the Baptist church
has been holding meetings in Culbertson
all this week preaching each evening in
the Baptist church of that place
The Dorcas society of the Congrega
tional church will meet with Mrs L R
Hileman next Thursday afternoon at
230 oclock in regular session All
members and friends of the church in
Dividend Day ft
All persons collecting blue trad
ing stamps are requested to bring
their books to the Model Shoe
Store TuesdayJanuary 26thwhich
Days and receive free one dollars
w wortn of stamps
S A E Petty Local Manager
100 babies winter coats now 69c at
The Thompson Dry Goods Cos clearing
- t
One Of The Swellest Affairs
The entertainment tendered the ladles
of tho Kappa Sigma Kappa society by
their husbands- Monday evening in
Masonic hall was one of the swellest
affairs ever
The function opened with a banquet
of four courses served by the Dorcas so
ciety in the banquet room at eight
thirty This was a charming feature of
the affair the ladies spreading a fine
feast with the most elegant appoint
ments as to silver cut glass china and
napery obtainable in the city An im
mense boquet of large piuk and white
carnations formed a center decoration
and each of the ladies wore carnations
The ladies were beautifully gowned in
white and the gentlemen appeared in
evening attire
After the banquet dancing progressed
to the music of a four piece orchestra
until a seasonable hour
During tho evening punch was served
in a convenient nook by MissDollie Pen
Those present were Mr and Mrs
F A Pennell Mr and Mrs H H
Tartscb Mr and Mrs W B Mills Mr
and Mis Ray P Vahue Mr and Mrs
Frank S Vahue Mr and Mrs J M
Henderson Jr Mr and Mrs H C
Clapp Mr and Mrs A E Petty Mrs
Marie Mundy
House and Contents Destroyed
Last Saturday afternoon about 430
the dwelling of Scott Odell in West Mc
Cook was entirely destroyed by fire
nothing being saved from the house
Mr Odell was at the store at the time
the fire occurred and Mrs Odell was
out driving consequently nothing but
the clothes they had on their persons
was saved from the home The fire de
partment made the run to that remote
part of the city but the fire had pro
gressed so far that nothing could be
done to save the house or contents As
there was no other property in near
proximity the fire naturally confined it
self to the dwelling house
The house was formerly the property J
of Chris Larsen and was valued at 600
upon which there was 500 insurance
The household goods were valued at be
tween 200 and 300 and upon these
there was no insurance hence a total
loss falls upon Mr Odell in this particu
Nothing definite is known as to the
origin of the fire
Scott Odell feels very grateful for as
sistance and sympathy received in his
loss by fire and takes this means of ex
pressing his thanks to the citizens of the
city who came so nobly to his relief
Osborn Wentz
At the home of the brides parents
Mr and Mrs John Wentz in West Mc
Cook Wednesday evening Miss Agnes
J Wentz and Everest F Osborn were
united in marriage by Elder H H
Berry in the presence of about fifty rela
tives and iuvited guests the ceremony
being performed at eight oclock
The bride is the eldest daughter of
Mr and Mrs Wentz and an estimable
young lady much admired by all who
know her
The groom is a nephew of R M Os
born for whom he has been working for
the past few years
After the ceremony the wedding party
partook of a great feast of goods things
in liberality
The young couple start on their mat
rimonial career with the heartiest well
wishes and warmest congratulations of
a host of friends
Sly Cupids Work
Last Sunday Charles F Peck and
Alice Mann were united in marriage at
the home of C C Calvert Rev C R
Betts officiating Both are well known
to many of our readers who will join
The Tribune in wishing them a full
measure of success and happiness
Wednesday evening of this week in
the Baptist parsonage Rev C R Betts
united in marriage two well known
young people of this community in the
persons of Milton H Hammond and
Anna Goldtrap May their new life be
happy and untroubled
Home Cooking
The ladies of the Baptist church will
have home cooking on sale Saturday
from 10 a m to 4 p m at Grannis store
Prairie Hay
550 per ton delivered Telephone L182
A Y M C A building has some ad
vocates in the city and the matter is
being prospected a little quietly
Ladies warm fleece lined wrappers
59c at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos
clearing sale
Mens warm half wool sox now lie at
The Thompson Dry Goods Cos clearing
The choicest perfumes soap and toilet
articles are to be found Cone Bros
No 289 is about ready for the road
No 37 is in the round house for light
repairs v t
George Schmidt blacksmith resigned
G G Dyer is a new helper in the
back shop
Mr and Mrs R E Foe spent Sunday
in Red Cloud
Engine 219 arrived from Havelock
Monday morning
Jacob Frank machinist helper re
signed first of week
Fireman Eberman is visiting relatives
in Denver this week
Fireman Mungesser ha3 been trans
ferred Dack to Denver
Engineer Roy Dixon was a McCook
visitor close of last week
Way car No 104 is about ready for
service after an overhauling
The carpenters have made a new
draughting table for C C Higgins
Frank Wallace is looking after the car
distribution during Watsons absence
Mr and Mrs G P Roark were in
Denver early days of the week on a
T A Erb of the Akron eating house
was at headquarters yesterday on busi
Conductor Eph Benjamin has gone to
Lincoln to meet with the grievance com
William Ilegenberger has been pro
longing his visit in Herndon Kansas
this week
Roadmaster T A Wilburn of Red
Cloud was at headquarters Monday on
official business
C S Howells a new blacksmith ar
rived from Havelock this morning to
go to work here
Lee Long of McCook has been install
ed as clerk in Trainmaster Wilburns
office at Red Cloud
Fireman W A Weintz returned to
work Monday He has been on the
sick list for some time
Brakeman J W Ridenour has gone
over to Des Moines Iowa to spend a
-reek or two with his parents
Thad Shepherd has secured work on
the Rock Island and left on Wednesday
night for Fairbury Nebraska
Engine 219 a Gl will go to the Akron
yard An extra tank a class A 4000
gallons capacity goes with her
Ruby Kubicek of Red Cloud moved
up to the city close of last week and
has goneto work for the company
Brakeman J E Rider is doing the
pretty with Conductor Curran while
Ridenour is visiting in Des Moines
H E Wootton resigned Friday and
left Saturday morning for Herington
Kansas where he is going to work
Fireman and Mrs F J Zajicek re
turned home last Saturday from spend
ing a few weeks in Wilber and Lincoln
Dispatcher T B Campbell is conduct
ing an examination of engineers and
firemen on the book of rules this week
Machinist George Enoch who has
been off for a long time on account of
an injured eye returned to work Satur
Conductor T E McCarl is spending
a few days in Lincoln with the mother
and sisters while letting go of a case of
Myron M Fisk and Mrs S V Clark
were married in Hastings first of the
week Wilbur Fisk brother of the
groom went down to witness the happy
Switchman and Mrs M G Stephen
son departed yesterday for Oberlin
Kansas to be gone a few days witness
ing the marriage of his sister at that
Fireman Jacob Schlagel and wife are
visiting friends and relatives in Sutton
this week stopping at Upland before
they return
Engineer E J Tipton resigned Tues
day He leaves in a few days for Saint
Cloud Minn where he intends to farm
from now on
Blacksmith Frank P Green left last
Saturday for Moline Illinois to go to
work at his trade He is one of the
striking blacksmiths
Conductor and Mrs H A Beale ar
rived home last Friday night from
their sad visit to Chicago Mr Beale
returns to work today
McConnells Balsam fails to do
what is expected of it about once in
two hundred times At such times
we desire to refund the money paid
for it On the whole it is the best
cough cure we have ever seen tried
Pleasant to take prompt in results
Equally good for children or adults
25c a bottle
McConnell Druggist
niH itll H if
Fireman George Mickelson who has
been on the relief department for some
time on account of an injured hand re
turned to work Tuesday
Conductor and Mrs E M Cox and
children arrived home close of last
week from their visit of a few weeks in
the vicinity of Boelus this state
The yard forces at Holdrego and Ak
ron have each been reduced ono man
and Switchman EE Staynerand W W
Prall have been returned to McCook for
The sheet iron roller for the boiler
makers is about ready to bo assembled
and placed in commission The carpen
ters completed the big heavy frame for
the roller this week
Car Distributer C T Watson left for
Lincoln last Saturday night on his way
to Alliance where ho has been assigned
to work temporarily in systematizing
the car distributing department at that
The following members of the black
smith shop force resigned last Friday
E McKinzie F P Green I P Dye I
P Dinnell Ira DinnellWm Kilpatrick
D Tirrill H II Huet Warren Traver
Frank Hammell and R M Irwin
This is perhaps the first week in the
history of the McCook shop3 that the
blacksmithshop had all of her fires
banked The company expects to re
sume business in that department with
a new force as soon as the business re
quires it Work is very quiet just now
Pieceworkthatold and strenuous bone
of contention between the company and
its employees was the cause of the resig
nation of the entire blacksmith force
save L P Forsman and his two assist
ants in the flue department last Friday
evening The force almost to a man be
longed to blacksmiths union
J M Hughes who has been for many
years connected with the blacksmith de
partment of the Burlington service at
this place resigned his position as fore
man of the blacksmithshop close of last
week Mack expects to look elsewhere
for employment He is a thoroughly
competent blacksmith and will have no
difficulty in securing a good position at
the trade he has followed so successfully
all these years
A Coming Treat
Too much praise cannot be given the
McCook Public Library for engaging
the Schubert Symphony Club and Lady
Quartette of Chicago to appear here on
Friday evening February 12th This
company is in its tenth year of success
and is acknowledged everywhere to be
the most up-to-date musical company
traveling Everybody likes music and
everybody enjoys a hearty laugh A
delightful blending of pure fun and fine
music is one reason why the above com
pany has won its way to the top notch
of public esteem
A Reception For Pastor And Wife
The members of the Congregational
church will hold a reception in the
church Tuesday evening of next week
to meet the pastor and wife All will be
cordially welcomed
Choice Carnations 75c Per Dozen
McCook Green House phone 91
Rev M I Stritch S J of Creighton
University Omaha Neb will deliver a
lecture in St Patricks new church on
Thursday evening January 28 The
subject of his lecture will be The Holy
Grail or Idealism in Literature This
lecture has pleased hundreds in Lincoln
and Omaha this winter Dont miss it
The same Father Stritch who was here
last winter
Rev Carman of the Methodist church
assisted by Rev Satchell of Culbertson
and Rev Crago of Boxelder has been
holding successful revival services in the
Methodist church during the past two
weeks Good audiences and lively in
terest have characterized the meetings
The death of Mrs George A Hunter
formerly of Indianola is announced
George A Hunter is one of the four first
settlers of Redwillow county Mrs1
Hunter was a sister of Mrs E S Hill
of Indianola January 11th is the date
and Los Angeles Calif the place
If anybody knows anything about the
Carnegie library matter that they care
to give publicity The Tribune is here
to print it
675 very fine large heavy wool
blankets 499 at The Thompson Dry
Goods Cos clearing sale
That Argentine ware at Colemans
cannot fail to capture you See it You
will buy no other
Mens absolutely all wool underwear
84c at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos
clearing sale
175 heavy wool mixed blankets 139
at The Thompson Dry Goods Cos clear
ing sale
For the latest and best books go to
Cone Bros
McCook Market Quotations
Corn UK
V Si
llJO m
Harloy S
How 777 iu
Errs 777 o
GooclBnttor 20
Cronmory flutter 7777777 25
Everything in drugs McConnell
McConnells Balsam Cures Coughs
Universal and Ideal moat choppers at
If you want the best use McConnolPs
vanilla and lemon extracts
Kodaks are the same price the world
over Cone Bros sell thorn
A sure cure for tho blues McCon
nells health granules 25c a bottlo
Will buy hogs Tuesdays and Satur
days p S Wilcox
Scale books
Typewriter papers
The TiunuNE
When you need anything usually
found in a drug store go to Cone Bros
All cloaks at great reductions at The
Thompson Dry Goods Cos clearing sale
125 childrens fur sots now 89c at
Tho Thompson Dry Goods Cos clearing
For the first time in the history of
Redwillow county chickens were assess
ed in 1903
The famous Household and Wheelor
Wilson sewing machines are sold by
W T Coleman
Boys blanket lined school coats with
brass buttons 49c at The Thompson Dry
Goods Cos clearing sale
Just use your phone Call up Marsh
and they will do the rest if its choice
meat of any kind you want
McMillens Cream Lotion for hands
and face dries perfectly and leaves the
skin smooth and soft
Monday morning Dave Magner of
Denver went into the B M meat
market as a partner with Paul Anton
Wanted A horse of medium size
suitable for city delivery Call at store
J H Ludwick Son
It is announced that t Jierican
Beet Sugar people are offering to mako
contracts for beets for coming year at a
flat rate of 475 per ton
The Tribune is still persuing holiday
special advertisements in several of its
esteemed exchanges For the business
sake cut them out boys
The Ocean Wave is a household word
in Redwillow county Coleman has made
it so Those who want the best wash
ing machine
ever wont look at any
McCook Circle No 33 will elect officers
at the regular meeting February 5 1904
if the members vote to continue their
organization All members are request
ed to attend
Wanted Salesman to solicit orders
for a full line of nursery stock Con
veyance will be furnished to reliable
men Payments weekly F H Stan
nard Co Ottawa Kansas
January 1st 1904 Judge Orr promul
gated new rules of practice for the
Fourteen judicial district They will
appear in the bar docket for Redwillow
county for the term commencing March
The father of the girl and tho com
missioners of Hitchcock county offer a
reward of 75 for the arrest of Ortis
Solace charged with rape A photo of
the man can be seen by applying to
Sheriff Crabtree
Marsh is especially fortunate in select
buying and gives his customers a share
in the profits by offering them the choic
est of everything in the meat line just
as cheap as the poorest you get else
Wanted Men who can furnish team
and wagon and sell Dr Masters reme
dies extracts and spices to farmers A
paying business In writing state terri
tory wanted and send references Na
tional Medical Co Sheldon Iowa
Butchering Drugs
Butchering time brings need of spices
herbs saltpetre etc We make a spec
ialty of these buying the best grades
and selling them as low a3 the cheaper
grades can be bought for
McConnell Druggist
Dwelling For Sale Or Rent
Eight room dwelling in South Mc
Cook with 1H acres of land 1000
cash Will rent J C Predmore
Childrens sleeping garments
The Thompson Dry Goods Cos clearing
Childrens fleeced union suits 20c at
The Thompson Dry Goods Cos clearing