m irf I r t i o i 5 Mr f I- 9 n t V X With 1904 Our new spring goods began to arrive and they will continue coming for some time yet This has necessi tated the rearranging of our stock to put these goods in place In so doing we have found a few broken lines of some of our best selling footwear in the past year These we have placed on our bargain table and marked them at greatly reduced prices Call early and get the best selections on the table or from the- new stock THfc MODEL SHOE STORE A E PETTY Proprietor McCook Nebraska vWSaiS2rvSNJBHNSNJsJBr mfSmawam lapel mMSmny El wim hu fiflnuiiiiiiiis FOR SALE BY c 1 PIANOS AND ORGANS ON EASY TERHS Carry in stock the Famous Mathushek and Story Clark Pianos and the best makes of organs Also general line of music goods Come and see Get my prices and terms Blue Front a jiXJfti lA Fine Turnouts Either Single or Double Phone 36 Kenr Palmer House McCook Nebraska W H ACKERMAN Prop Congratulations Mr John H Cullora editor of the Garland Texas News has written a letter of congratulations to the manu facturers of Chamberlains Cough Rem edy as follows Sixteen yoars ago when our first child was a baby he was subject to croupy spells and we would be very uneasy about him We began using Chamberlains Cough Remedy in 1887 and finding itsuch a reliable remedy for colds and croup we have never been without it in the house since that timo We have 5 children and have given it to all of them with good results One good feature of this remedy is that it is not disagreeable to take and our babies really like it Another is that it is not dangerous and there is no risk from giving an overdose I congratulate vou upon the success of your remedy For sale by all druggists When bilious try a dose of Chamber lains Stomach and Liver Tablets and realize for once how quickly a first class up-to-date medicine will correct the dis order For sale by all druggists Time Card McCook Net IBP illli MAIN LINE EAST DEPART No C Central Timo 1115 pm 2 620am 12 820am 14 055PM No 5 arrives from cast at 8 p in MAIN MNE WEHT DEPAUT No 1 Mountain Timo 1154 A M 3 1155PM 5 750PM 1 845AM IMPERIAL LINE No 170 arrives Mountain Time 5 40 P M No 175 departs 700am Sleopinp dininff and reclining clinir cars seats freo on through trains Tickets sold and baggage checked to any pointin the United States or Canada For information timo tables maps and tick etb call on or write George Scott Agent Mc Cook Nebraska or J Francis General Passen ger Agent Omaha Nebraska D ANBURY Mrs U S Leisure has been very sick with heart trouble Miss Nettie Oblingcr is ou tho sick list with a bad case of grippe There is quite an acreage of corn to gather yet in our territory James Robinson purchased two lots north of Web Dowlers for building pur poses Messis Axfcoll Irwin are fitting up a corn sheller and expect to do a smash ing business J L Sims will ship hogs to his son-in-law in about 18 years A baby girl ar rived last Friday Mrs Annie Stilgcbouer and Mrs Dr DoMay conducted Mrs Whittaker to her home in McCook Monday The meetings out at the Miller school house by the comeouters resulted in warming over a few cracklings Schneiders butchershop is in full blast and there seems to be plenty of natural gas in that part of town I would like to reply to an article in the World Herald but it would be too much like throwing mud at a skunk Too many cases of mumps to enumer ate Suflice it to say that nearly all the kids and a few of tho goats have them J L Sims has a buggy sale Saturday at Lebanon and had a sale last Saturday at Ilerndon Lookout for that peddling law Jim Lew Sargent sold and delivered a fine Whitney Holmes organ to Herman Wentjeu today Prosperity reigns Let well enough alone Hon Jerome Shoup of Hill City Kan sas bought four registered Jersey hogs of E B Stilgebouer our lino hog breed er and made his sister Mis W R Bur bridge a present of one of them When that Bartley correspondent mentions Foster Stilgebouers name we get hot for we consider that they robbed us of one of our best business men church workers and a staunch republi can F P Eno our county assessor went to the county seat Monday to perfect the appointment of precinct assessors If wo could fill the offices from president down with men of such sterling integ rity as Frank there would bo no call for a show down Another Excursion to Florida via Bur lington Route An excellent opportunity for a visit to the Sunny Southland is afforded by the personally conducted excursion leaving Lincoln at 210 p m and Omaha 525 p m January 14 1904 Through stan nard and tourist sleeping cars will run to Jacksouville Florida via Burlington Route to St Louis thence through Nashville Tenn and Atlanta Ga over the route made forever historic by the dramatic incidents of the civil war You travel in special cars on fast trains do not have to worry about sleep ing car reservations baggage or the hundred other little details that detract so much from the perfect enjoyment of a trip the excursion manager attends to all these matters You escape the most unpleasant and trying part of a winter in the north and reach Florida when everything is at its best where fishing is excellent the orange and lemon trees in bearing the bathing superb and the climate as soft and balmy as a Nebraska day in May The itinerary provides for a 12 hour stopover at St Louis for a visit to the Worlds Fair grounds which are practic ally in shape for the opening with the exception of the installation of exhibits and a great many exhibits are in place The party will return individuallyand liberal stopover privileges are given on your tickets It is especially urged that you give us early advice if you desire to join this ex cursion in order that proper reservation may be made for you For further details ask the Burlington agent or write J Francis General Passenger Agent Omaha Neb Cured After Suffering 10 Years B F Hare superintendent of the Miami Cycle Manufacturing Co Mid dleton O suffered for 10 years with dyspepsia He spent hundreds of dol lars for medicine and with doctors with out receiving any permanent benefit He says One night while feeling ex ceptionally bad I was about to throw down the evening paper when I saw an item in the paper regarding the merits of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure I concluded to try it and while I had no faith in it I felt better after the second dose After using two bottles I am stronger and better than I have been in years and I recommend Kodol Dyspepsia Cure to my friends and acquaintances suffering from stomach trouble Sold by L W McConnell A Very Close Call I stuck to my engine although every joint ached and every nerve was racked with pain writes C W Bellamy a lo comotive fireman1 of Burlington Iowa I was weak and pale without any ap petite and all run down As I was about to give up I got a bottle of Elec tric Bitters and after taking it I felt as well as I ever did in my life Weak sickly run down people always gain new life strength and vigor from their use Try them Satisfaction guaranteed by L W McConnell Prica 50 cents jiimi t - l - liffliESfS MIS Killed By A Blow Wilson villeleb Jan 14 WestShu mnke living eight miles south of Wil sonville in Norton county Knn was struck on the face by George Callaway at 4 p m yesterday and died at 10 a m today Shumake and Callaway were quarreling about stock when Callaway struck Shumake Callaway is a promi nent stock shipper wealthy and 30 years old Shumake was 55 years old The coroners inquest is being held today Callawaj has not been arrested at this hour Special to Lincoln Star A Cough Or A Quarter Which A 25 cent bottle of McConnells Bal sam is almost certain to euro an ordin ary cough It is one of those remedies that begins to help from the first dose and tho quicker you take this dose after the cough starts tho quicker will the euro bo performed If you are not in every way satisfied with the remedy we shall be glad to return tho quarter L W McConnell Druggist WomanH Cruelty to Woman Another illustration of how mean a woman can be was given the other night when a young lady was calling on an elderly spinster who dresses and acts with unbecoming youthfulness The spinster showed her visitor a beau tiful handmade lace collar and said proudly This Is over fifty years old It is beautiful purred the girl Did you make it dear New York Press Atlvnneeil Ancestral Pride So Woodby is very rich now When I knew him lie was poor His only treasure in those days was the musket his great grandfather carried in the Revolution Oh his great grandfather has been promoted since Woodby exhibits his sword now Philadelphia Tress Cutting Mrs Talkyerblind can say some ot the most cutting things Yes If she could only keep her mouth closed for five minutes you could have her arrested for carrying con cealed weapons Life Vieions Susie Now when Im asked to sing I never say Oh I cant I always sit down at the piano Jennie And let the audience find it out for themselves Illustrated Bits Cacao is grown in Cuba in connection with the coffee plant as the latter re quires shade whicli is furnished by the former at the same time yielding a profitable crop Best Liniment on Earth Henry D Baldwin supt city water works ShullsburgVis writes I have tried many kinds of liniment but have never received much benefit until I used Ballards Snow Liniment for rheumatism and pains I think it tho best liniment on earth 25c 50c and 1 bottles at A McMillens Wanted A young man or young lady at McCook to address envelopes and mail catalogs circulars etc for our mail order department Local work during evenings or spare time Permanent position and good pay References re quired For application blank write enclosing stamp for reply Lincoln Manufacturing Co 15th and O streets Lincoln Neb i Positively Jlrutal Grace Just see how much your lit tle wifie loves you She made this cake for you all by herself Arthur Yes my darling And now if you will eat it all by yourself I shall possess indisputable proof of your de- otion Pittsburg Press She Met It He If I should kiss you what would you do She I never meet an emergency until it arises But if it should arise Id meet it face to face Yale Rec ferd The First Step Young Woman before milliners win dow to her maid That hat is perfect ly lovely I must have it Marie be cure to remind me to kiss my husband when 1 get home Womans Home Companion Easy Shes made a fool of that young fel low Weli she didnt have to economize on the raw material Baltimore Amer ican I J o Mother rvxmiimUk u hi juim5SP My mother was troubled with consumption for many years At last she was given up to die Then she tried Ayers Cherry Pectoral and was speedily cured D P Jollv Avoca N Y No matter how hard your cough or how long you have had it Ayers Cherry Pectoral is the best thing you can take Its too risky to wait until you have consump tion If you are coughing today get a bottle of Cherry Pectoral at once Three sizes 25 50c St All drajgists Consult your doctor If lie says tike It then do as lie says If he tells you not to take it then dont take it He knows Leave it with hiin Wo are wlllmp J U A ViSK uu Lowell Mass Our ear in Sale will only last a few days longer Have you taken ad vantage of the LOW prices made on seasonable goods io to 50 per cent discount on Dress Goods Furs Cloaks Clothing Ladies Suits and Skirts Underwear etc etc It Will Pay You to Stock Up rTBHiffiTirfrvr ynffrwnrrr ffr wwyary 1 i mim rvifrt vxw7m McCook Neb VmX19KKZWumtt ASOTli vijciJSNvfi v jSSgrrAfrJA iTtJagMST TO SUBSCRIBERS FOR We beg to announce that our Boxes have been received and keys will be delivered to patrons any time after this date Call at the Bank and get your receipt and key THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK flcCook Neb iMBSEMj PaaajyoTs iaCTigprTijfagic V FRANKLIN President 7 A C EBERT Cashier 9 CITIZENS BANK I OF MeCOOK NEB b h a Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 5000 V FRANKLIN a b a b DIRECTORS Zl WFMcFARLAND A C EBERT W B WOLFE C H WILLARD trA AriVArRrsVAriAfrIiiSriTlfifTlQcrkj liJ4LjjifjtiXCjttjLjjgiw Suppose you try The Tribune Job Rooms when you need printing A little better than youve had before is what you will get