fh IMIoafc Jxibnt 1v P M KIMMELL Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co Subscription 1 a Year in Advance Fraternal Insurance Order Cards R C 1 P A -Lodge No 612 meots first and third Thursdays of each month McConnolls hnll830p m E B Huheb Prosidont W S Gdter Secretary ROYAL HIGHLANDERS McCook lodgo No 807 mentu on second and fourth Mon day overlings of oncli month at eight oclock in McConnoll liull R W Devoe Illustrious Pro tector J C Mitchell Secretary ROYAL NEIGH BORS Noblo camp No 802 moots Hecond nnd fourth Thnrsdnv after noons tit 330 oclock In McConnolls hull Mils TnA Sueiiieud OracloMns Augusta Anton Recordor The thirty second annual meeting of the Nebraska Press Association will be hold in Lincoln Nebraska Tuesday nnd Wednesday January 2Gth and 27th The Indianola Independent recently advertised for suggestions as to how to improve tho paper nnd one unfeeling wretch who couldnt tell a lie wrote him as follows Dear Randolph Jack up the head ing nnd put an entire new paper under it Then discharge tho editor and black smiths and hire someone to edit and print It may not be known but it ia a fact that the Republican Valley shipped more beets to tho two sugar beet factories of the state last season thau did tho Platte Valley where the industry had its birth in this state The Republican Valley shipped 14000 tons and the Platte Valley 12000 tons There is no place on earth where they can pro duce more and better beets than can bo raised with honest toil together with in telligent culture in the Republican Val ley The industry should not be allow ed to languish The activity in behalf of President Roosevelt in certain localities of the state indicates to The Tribune in par ticular two facts namely that there is fear of a secret and powerful opposition to his renomiuntion and reelection in corporate and allied circles or that there are numerous boosters over tho state looking to the future and its possibilities at tho public crib But the real fact that appeals to The Tribune is that the rank and file of Republicans in Ne braska are for Roosevelt first last and all the time and there is no danger to the Republican party of Nebraska other than that the plain will of the people shall not be respected in the matter Found a Cure for Indigestion I use Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tablets for indigestion and find that they suit my case better than any dyspepsia remedy I have ever tried and I have used many different remedies I am nearly 51 years of age and have suf fered a great deal from indigestion I can eat almost anything I want to now Geo WEmory Rock MillsMiss For sale by all druggists Wm S Crane of California Md suffered for years from rheumatism and lumbago He was finally advised to try Chamberlains Pain Balm which he did and it effected a complete cure For sale by all druggists When you cant cat break fast take Scotts Emulsion When you cant eat bread and butter take Scotts Emulsion When you have been living on a milk diet and want something a little more nourishing take Scotts Emulsion To get fat you must eat fat Scotts Emulsion is a -great fattener a great strength giver Those who have lost flesh want to increase all body tissues not only fat Scotts Emulsion increases them all bone flesh blood and nerve for invalids for con valescents for consumptives for weak children for all who need flesh Scotts Emulsion Is a rich and com fortable food and a natural tonic Scotts Emulsion for bone flesh blood and nerve HLJMNSfldX We will send you a free sample Be sure that this picture in the form of a label i on the wrapper of every bottle of Emulsion you buy SCOn BOWNfe CHEMISTS 409 Pearl St NY 50c and 1 all druggists Fifty Years the Standard BAKING POWDIR Improves fhe flavor and adds to the heallhfulness of the food PRICE BAKING POWDER CO CHICAGO PUBLIC FREE LIBRARY NOTES Of all tho books that have been written about the west of late none probablyis so well worth reading as The Autobio graphy of a Prairie Girl One seldom rends a book that meets all his ideas of what a book should bo This book within its limitations seem to approach perfection for to each man that is per fect which he believes to be perfect The book is well written and it is inter esting because it is intensely humnn Ruskin tells us to search for knowledge in tho fields with which we are least familiar to try to learn something new every day In this age of the world is it not better to learn the old things better to become proficient in just one thing rather than to have a scattering know ledge of many And how if we study our lives through shall we know what I there is to know about ourselves To know ourselves we must know others and there is no better means of studying others than by reading what others say about themselves Wo who live in the west especially those of us who lived here in the early days can read this book with deeper interest and keener appreciation than can the easterner who does not know what pioneering means This story is that of a girl who was born and reared on the prairies of Dakota Everyone who has lived long on the plains of Ne braska will find in its pages parallels to his own experiences What contributes so largely to the merit and the value of the book is the fact that the author is recounting her personal adventures It is so much better than a story told at second or even than one told in the third person which however is the manner in which this book is written though in such a way that the reader knows that the author is talking of her self She tells of the blizzards and the wind storms of the prairie fires and drouths of the ravages committed by the ground squirrels on the growing crops and of the methods employed to exterminate the little animals She tells of the hard times of starving times when the problems of existence were in deed serious Aside from all these incidents which are after all the superficial things of life she tells of herself of her personal pleasures and disappointments of the comedies and tragedies of child life Carlyle says The uttered part of a mans life let us always repeat bears to the unuttered unconscious part a small unknown proportion He himself never knows it much less do others When a man speaks of himself then other men stop to listen As Robert Louis Stevenson puts it the most interest ing story in the world is how the man next door lives Something more than mere curiosity prompts an interest in our neighbors affairs At any rate it will do no harm to take the charitable view Perhaps not even from actual contact with men can we learn more of human nature than Ave can learn from books of the character of this book The men we meet endeavor to conceal their real selves from us The chief purpose of autobiography is to reveal the man to disclose the inmost workings of the mind 1 The Autobiography of a Prairie Girl is a good wholesome story one of the best of the seasons books and well worth tho time required to read it Will huy hogs Tuesdays and Sat urdays F S Wilcox Rev Carlisle P B Martin LL D Waverly Texas writes Of a morning when first arising I often find a trouble some collection of phlegm which pro duces a cough and is very hard to dis lodge but a small guantity of Ballards Horehound Syrup will at once dislodge it and the trouble is over I know of no medicine that is equal to it and it is so pleasant to take I can most cordially recommend it to all persons needing a medicine for throat or lung trouble 25c 50c 1 bottles at AMcMillens 50 Portland Ore and Return On account of the annual convention of the National Wool Growers and Live Stock Association the Burlington will sell tickets to Portland Oregon and re turn at the low rate of 50 on January 7 8 9 and 10 Liberal stopover privi leges attractive diverse routes return limit January 31st You can include San Francisco on the return trip for 1350 additional For information as to sleeping car reservations train ser vice etc ask the agent or write J FrancisGeneral Passenger Agent Oma ha Commissioners Proceedings McCook Nob Jan 1001 Tho board of county commissioners mot pur suant to adjournment Present Mnurico Keddy J H Beuuott and D A Waterman county commissioners C E Eldred county attorney and E J Wilcox county clerk The minutes of previous meeting were read and approved On motion tho board commenced tho examina tion of tho accounts of O L Thompson county treasurer and continued sama throughout tho day On motion board adjourned to meet January 5th 1901 Attest E J Wilcox County Clerk Maubick Reddy Chairman McCook Nob Jan 5 190 The board of county commissioners mot pur suant to adjournment Present Maurice Rod dy J H Bonnett and D A Waterman county commissioners C E Eldred county attorney aud E J Wilcox county clerk The minutes of previous meeting wero road and approved Tho board on motion continued tho examina tion of tho accounts of O LThompson through out tho day The board on motion commenced tho examina tion of tho accounts ofE J Wilcox county clerk and contiuuod same throughout tho day Tho board on motion commenced tho examina tion of tho accounts of G C Boatman clork of tho district court and continued same through out the day On motion board adjourned to meot Januury 0 1904 Attest E J Wilcox County Clork Maurice Reddy Chairman McCook Nob Jan 6 1904 Tho board of county commissioners met pur suant to adjournment Present Maurico Red dy J II Bennett and D A Waterman county commissioners C E Eldred county attorney and E J Wilcox county clerk Tho minutes of previous meeting were read and npproved Tho board on motion continued tho examina tion of tho accounts of O L Thompson county treasurer throughout the day Tho board having mado a careful examina tion of tho accounts of S L Green county judge find that ho has received in fees from January 8 1S03 to January 6 1904 both inclu sive 542808 Tho board having made a careful examination of tho aceounts of A C Crabtree sheriff find that ho has received in fees from January 8th 1903 to January 6th 1904both inr lusivel07386 The board having made a careful examina tion of the accounts of G C Boatman clerk of tho district court find that ho has received in fees from January 8 1903 to January G 1904 both inclusive 80254 The board having made a careful examina tion of the accounts of E J Wilcox county clerk find tho following to be a true and cor rect account of all fees received and disbursed by him from January 8 1903 to January 6 1901 both inclusive Total fees received 2700 20 Paid county clork 1500 00 Paid deputy clerk 700 0 Paid assistants 201 50 Excess fees paid county treas 238 70 2700 20 2700 20 On motion board adjourned to meet January 71904 Attest EJWilcox County Clerk Maurice Reddy Chairman McCook Neb Jan 7 1904 Tho board of county commissioners met per suant to adjournment Present J H Bennett D A Waterman aud Samuel Premer county commissioners C E Eldred county attorney and E J Wilcox county clerk The minutes of previous meeting wero read aud approved Tho board having made a careful examina tion of the fee book of O L Thompson county treasurer finds that he has received as fees from January S 1903 to January 0 1904 both inclusive Fees and commissions 2575 58 Paid deputy 575 58 Paid county treasurer 2000 00 2Tj 5S 2575 5S The board having mado a careful examina tion of the accounts of O L Thompson county treasurer And tho following to be a true and correct statement of all monies received and disbursed by him as such treasurer from July 1 1903 to January C 19U1 both inclusive in the several funds and the amount on hand at the close of business January C 1901 see statement elsewhere The semi annual report of Eugene S Dutcher was examined and on motion approved Tho following oilicial bonds wero examined and on motion approved A C Crabtree sheriff J S Phillips justice of peace Indianola precinct J E Logue overseer road district 30 GA Richards 32 J V Logan Charles K Leo 37 Annual settlements of the following road overseers wero oxamined and on motion approv ed and tho clerk instructed to draw certificates on road districts in payment thereof as follows NWFough 23 certificate 33S 24 00 J M Miles 34 339 30 00 The following claims were audited and allow ed and on motion clerk was instructed to draw warrants on the county general fund in pay ment thereof as follows N J Uerling mdse paupers claim 18S0 allowed at - 17 25 C G Coglizer work on court house claim 477iO allowed at 421 SO S L Green postnge 2 00 H H Berry justice fees State vs John Dooetal 2 10 McCook Elec Co lights for December 6 79 Andrew Phillipssalary as janitor Dec 4 9 4 20 11 Gale salary as janitor 26 davs 21 67 L S Phillipps printing 3 75 L S Phillipps transcript 1 40 State Journal Co supplies 44 00 Maurico Reddy services com r mileage 21 30 J H Bennett same IS 00 D A Waterman same 21 00 Samuel Premer same 8 50 Samuel Premer asst comrg 9 00 Maurice Reddy same 3 00 Rees Printing Co statutes 12 00 And on the county bridge fund levy of 1903 as follows Frank Cain bridge work 10 50 J M Miles same 8 70 H V Lord spikes 2 25 H P Waite same 19 10 And on the county road fund levy of 1903 as follows Charles Kerst road work 9 00 Elsio Bushsame 12 00 Ral Hodgkin same 9 00 A F McCord same 9 GO W D Bush same 12 00 F A Hodgkin same 9 00 E U Gallatin same 9 00 Mel Young same 4 50 Stephen Bolles same 4 00 J W Harritonsumo 7 50 Robert George same 15 00 E E Shoemaker same 9 09 Hari Meyers same claim 45 allowed at 30 00 The following reports of justices of peace were examined and on motion wero ordered placed on file H H Berry and J S LeHew On motion the board adjourned sine die Attest E J Wilcox County Clerk J H Bennett Chairman Whats In a Name Everything is in the name when it comes to Witch Hazel Salve E C De DeWitt Co of Chicago discovered some years ago how to make a salve from Witch Hazel that is a specific for piles For blind bleeding itching and protruding piles eczema cuts burns bruises and all skin diseases DeWitts Salve has no equal This has given rise to numerous worthless counterfeits Ask for DeWitts the genuine Sold by L W McConnell Challenge From Cone Bros Cone Bros are seeking tho worst case of dyspepsia or constipation in McCook or vicinity to test Dr Howards new specific for the cure of those diseases So confident are they that this re markable medicine will effect a lasting cure in a short time that they offer to refund the money should it not be successful In order to secure the quickot possible introduction Cone Bros will sell a regu lar 50 cent packagoof this medicine at half price 25 cents This specific of Dr Howards will cure sick headache dizzy feelings constipa tion dyspepsia and all forms of malaria and liver trouble It does not simply give relief for a time it makes perma nent and complete cures Take advantage of Cone Bros chal lego and secure a bottle of Dr Howards specific at half price with their personal guarantee to refund your money if it does not help you There is no need of suffering with con stipation dyspepsia or liver disease when you can get 60 doses of a scientific medicine for thoircure like Dr Howards specific for the small sum of 25 cents Wonderful Nerve Is displayed by many a man enduring pains of accidental cutswoundsbruises burns scalds sore feet or stiff joints But theres no need for it Bucklens Arnica Salve will kill tho pain and cure the trouble It is the best salve on earth for piles too 25c at L W McConnolls druggist I rs ill III H -4 Hi w o N I J B till lit h I t Ph J I -2 - I - 1 3 O I c iii i J Ill Hi I Wash Easily JIBiU With LUDWICKS Double acting Spring Clothes Washer A practical machine to wash laces blank ets spreads carpets and all wearing ap parel babys napkins etc clean and easily J H LUDWICK Manufacturer McCook Nebraska gijM Msifflm Up k PlPf I h jy ka I IT IS THE QUALITY HIGH AND SO DO MORE THAN HALF A MILLION OTHER PEOPLE BECAUSE BEST PRICE MODERATE ros AGENTS flcCook Nebraska 642 1 2 Congres3 St Poetland Maine Oct 17 1802 I consider Wine of Cardui superior to any doctors medicine I over used and I know whereof I speak I suf fered for nine months with suppressed menstruation which completely pros trated mo Pains would shoot through my back and sides and I would have blinding headaches My limbs would swell up and I would feel so weak I could not stand up I naturally felt discouraged for I seemed to be beyond the help of physicians buj Wine of Cardui came as a Ood send to me I folt a change for the better within o week After nineteen days treatment I menstruated without suffering the agonies I usually did and soon became regular and without pain Wine of Cardui is simply wonderful and I wish that all suffering women knew of its good qualities Treasurer Portland Economic League Periodical headaches tell of fe male weakness Wine of Cardui cures permanently nineteen out of every twenty cases of irregular menses bearing down pains or any female weakness If you are discouraged and doctors have failed that is the best reason in the world you should try Wine of Cardui now Remember that headaches mean female weakness Secure a 100 bottle of Wine of Cardui today 1 More Week is given you in which to take advantage of Mi gun mm m In order to accommodate my many patrons who are B M employes I have extended this GREAT CASH SALE Till Saturday Night Jan y 23rd and will give you anything in my entire stock of DRY GOODS CARPETS SHOES and GENTS FURNISHING GOODS at the extreme reductions I have quoted and actually sold the goods at during the past two weeks None of my goods are old or shelf worn but all NEW STAPLE UP-TO-DATE merchandise which I am cleaning up merely to make room for New Spring Goods Call and get your share of these great BARGAINS I He k n tfTM 1 1 1 I 1 2r5 I - I R Phone 16 I M ike W DEALER IN POULTRY and EGGS Cll l II I I niamamam i n tfMiiniiin ncia Old Rubber Copper and Brass Highest Market Price Paid in Cash Block West of Citizens Bank flcCook Nebraska v DEALERS IN Car Lots a Specialty- Local and Long Distance Phone 101 We Want Your Eggs and Poultry Highest Cash Prices Paid Come in and talk with us One door south of the Tribune Oflice flcCOOK NEBRASKA CHICHESTERS ENGLISH FESf HYROYIL Pit GO Save Alwavs reliable Lail ich ask Ilrumist for CHICKESTEirs EXiISII in Ked and jold metallic boxes sealed with blue ribbon Talic no other IJcfnso dnnseronw substi tutions nnd initiation IJuyof vourllrussist or send in stamps for Particulars Testi monials and Kelier Tor Ladies m letter by return Mail 10000 Testimonials Sold br all Druggists CHICHESTER CHEMICAL CO 2100 Xtadlion Square PHILA PA JUcaUon tM paper McCOOK NEB A specialty of ofllce supplies The Tkibcxk SSI jtwM HBMi mmm Confession is Sweet to the Soul There are difficulties in the treat ment of germ diseases Perhaps you have been tho victim of the inevitable disappointments of trying so called guaranteed remodies Your Hogs Are Full Of Worms Try a quart of Liquid Koal and see what it will do Take notice how it increases the appetite- We will tell you what we want you to do Take a can of Liquid Koal and give it a fair impartial trial in the treatment of hog cholera swine plague pink eye black leg or any of the other germ diseases of animals use accord ing to directions and if it is not sat isfactory when you have used a can Come Back and Get Your Money Read what others say Kearney County Nursery GAStrand Prop Grower of choice nursery stock Minden Neb Dec 5 1902 National Medical Co ork Neb About two weeks aeo many of the farmers around here Ioit very heavily by ho cholera I do not wisli to write yon a lonj flattering statement about your medicine but will say that I bought a quart can of Liquid Koal ami me iiiips ovemeni was to marked that I bought a gallon can and used it with the re sult that my hogs all recovered and 1 did not Io on My herd of over 200 are in fine condition and you may put me down as a constant luer of Liquid Koal G A Strand lie who hesitates goes back For Sale by James Cain Up-to-Date Flour and Feed Store Phone No 20 McCook Neb jklkjf UiJiEL MANUFACTURED BT NATIONAL MEDICAL COMPANY Sheldon Iowa- York Nebraska Oklahoma City O T JJ i 1 vJ y y f n H