The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, January 15, 1904, Image 2

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The mid and immediate effect of Dr
Kilmers Swamp Root the great kidney
and bladder remedy is soon realised It
stands the highest fcr its wonderful cures
of the most distressing cases Swamp
Koot will fcet your whole system right
aud the Lest proof of this is a trial
14 sr St Kew YonnCirY
Dkah Sir Oct ISth 1902
I had bjpn sufferinc severely from Kidney
rouble All sjiriuoitu were oi hand my former
Elienclh nitd power had lttc me I could hardly
drac msclf dorr I vcu my mantcil capacitj was
civiue out aid often 1 wished to di It was then
I saw an cctvcrtiscmriit of 30111s ii a New York
paper bat would not have raid snj attention to it
had it not prociiied j worn Kuarautco with every
bottleof our medicine aLsertins that your Swatnn
Root is purely cetable and doej not contain any
harmful ilrrES I am seventv 3 ears and lour months
olJ and with a good conscience I can recommend
Swainp RoGt to all ralfcrers lrora Sidney troubles
lrour inaiiibcrs of my family have been nsins
Swami Ktot lot four difieicnt kidney discacss
with the sune uood iaidts
With icany thanks to you I remain
Very truly 011rs
You may Lave a sample bottle of this
famous kidney remedy Swamp Root
sent free by mail postpaid by which you
may test its virtues for such disorders as
kidney bladder and uric acid diseases
poor digestion being obliged to pass
have the slightest symptoms of kidney or
bladder Iroube or if there is a trace of it
in your family histor send at once to Dr
Kilmer Co Bicghamton N Y who will
gladly send yoa by mail immediately with
out cost to you a sample bottle of Swamp
Root and a book containing many of the
thousands upon thousands of testimonial
letters received from men and women cured
In writing be sure to say that you read
tbii generous offer in this paper
Early in the morning late at
night or wherrver used Defiance
Starch wiii be found always the
same always the best
Insist on having it the most for
your money
Satisfaction cr money back
guaranteed It is manufactured
under thi latest improved condi
tions It is up-to-date It is the
best We give no premiums
W sell 16 ounces of the best
starch made for 10 cents Other
brands arc 12 ounces for 10 cents
with a an whistle
Manufactured by
Omaha Neb
t v
mi wium iwuiw wm m i inwiiiin wir ir rrrr i rn
I 1 I I II f ilHI 1
To Prove what Swamp Root the Great Kidney Remedy
Will Bo for YOU Every Reader of this paper May
Have a Sample Bottle Sent Free by Mail
Wcalc and unhealthy kidneys are responsible for more
sickness and suiTcring than any other disease therefore when
through neglect or other causes kidney trouble is permitted to
continue fatal results are sure to follow
Your other organs may need attention but your kidneys most
because- they do most and need attention first
If you are sick or feel badly begin taking Dr Kilmers
SwampVRoot the great kidney liver and bladder remedy because
as soon as your kidneys bejrm to get better they will help all the
other organs to health A trial will convince anyone
SKS Thompsons Eya Water
H ilukta whm all tTMts ttmSi
UgJ Best Cough Syrup isates Good TJso HI
raj In tlaie Sold by druggists 81
your water frequently night and day
smarting or irritation in passing brick
dust or sediment in the uriue headache
backache lame back dizziness sleepless
ness net vottsness heart disturbance due
to bad kidney tiouble skin eruptions from
bad blood neuralgia rheumatism diabetes
bloating irritability wornout feeling lack
of ambition loss of flesh sallow com
plexion or Brights disease
If your water when allowed to remain
i undisturbed in a glass or bottle for
Iwenty icur hours forms a sediment or
settling or has a cloudy appearance it is
evidence that your kidneys and bladder
need immediate attention
Swamp Root is the great discovery of
Dr Kilmer the eminent kidney and blad
der specialist Hospitals use it with won
derful success in both slight and severe
cases Doclors recommend it to their
patients and use it in their own families
because they recognize in Swamp Root
the greatest and most successful remedy
Swamp Rt is pleasant to take and is
for sale at drug stores the world over in
bottles of two sizes and two prices fifty
cents and one dollar Remember the
vame Srcanj Aoot Dr Kilmers
Swamp Root ad the address Hing
hamlon N J on every bottle
Please write or fill in this coupon with your
name and address and Dr Kilmer Co will send
j on a t rcc Sample Bottle of Swamp Root tha
Great Kidney Remedy
St End No
City or Town
Mention this paper
few Club
Shot Gsri Shells
Are Crow XJ51e
Nitro Club and Arrow Shells
are factory loaded with smoke
less powder and reduce the
amount of smoke noise and
CataUvt Frte
CARTRIDGE CO e21ccsokt coiin
Agsncy 313 Eroiivay N Y
1 caaateS
Are the STAR ATTRACTIONS for 1904
Millions of acres of msynificent Grain and Graz
ing lands to be hud as a fiee 11ft or by purchase
from Railway Coiniane ii Lt nd Corpoiations etc
I Good Crops delightful climate splendid
school system iierfoct social conditions
exceptional railway advantages aud wealth
and affluence acquired easily
The population of Western Canada increased
123000 by immirition darins the pas year over
SO COO bcinc Americans
Write to nearest authorized Canadian Govcrjnent
Acent for Canadian Atla and other information
jr address Supt of Inimicrs tiotiOttawaCinada
W V Bennett 801 Net York Life Buildinc
Omaha Neb
When Answering Advertisements
Kindly Mention This Paper
W N U Omaha
No 3 1SC4
Carl Sicmonson ot Crowell is in
durance vile charged with bootleg
A sensational suit was filed In the
district court of Otoe county by L S
Burgess against Fred Zook and wife
and Mary Zook for 510000 for alleg
ed defamation of character
Burglars broke into Kirk Berber
celts saloon at Spalding and obtained
about 7 They also burglarized Sen
ator Webers store and took goods
valued at 50 but got no money
At Osmond in a friendly scuflle in
the main hotel offico between the pro
prietor Louie Johnson and Peter
Becker a clerk in Mareks hardware
store Mr Becker sustained a broken
Attorneys for Prof Ansley former
ly of the State university arc soon to
bring mandamus proceedings against
the auditor to compel him to audit a
bill which the professor has against
the university for 325
The other morning Charles Cox a
resident of Fairmont on opening his
door discovered a box on the steps of
his house He telephoned the mar
shal who found the box to contain a
baby wnich was- nearly frozen
The city of Auburn has passed its
twentieth milestone and during all this
time it is had a steady growth The
last year has been no exception Sev
eral substantial business buildings
have been constructed during the past
The records of the Lincoln fire de
partment show that there have been
1C0 fires within the last year which
aggregate a total loss of 12575102
The value of the property involved is
figured at 217319593 and the insur
ance amounted to 110870921
A number of people gathered at In
dianola to witness the opening and
starting of machinery in the farmers
co operative elevator which has just
been completed there Its capacity is
twelve thousand bushels and its cost
about 3000 and it is modern in all
its equipment
A shipment of 20000 live chickens
ducks and geese destined to New
York was made out of Fremont by
Cheney Bennett a firm operating
there and at Lincoln The fowls
were bought up from all over eastern
Nebraska It took four large poul
try cars to carry them on the jour
The State Teachers association in
session in Lincoln elected these offi
cers E J Bodwcix of Omaha presi
dent Etta Brown of Cherry county
vice president A O Thomas of Kear
ney secretary A L Caviness of Lin
coln treasurer W H Gardiner of
Auburn member of executive com
mittee M R Snodgrass of Wayne
member of reading circle
The county and police officials of
Hall county captured a hog thief nam
ed Saunders and he has been bound
over to the district court for trial
It is alleged that in company with a
Grand Island celebrity by the name ot
Jack Vanney he drove a number of
Mr Tiileys hogs out of his field load
ed them half a mile away and took
them to Central City where they were
A peculiar incident is reported from
the home of M M Sterns a farmer
and stockman living a few miles
north of Humboldt Recently a col
ony of sparrows took refuge in the
farmers hen house which had been
accidentally left open and when
morning came with the assistance bt
his hired man Mr Sterns dispatcher
ninety seven of the intruders Avhich
have become quite a pest in some sec
tions of the state
The annual meeting of the Clay
County Agricultural society was held
at the court house in Clay Center
The officers reported the organization
in good financial condition and elect
ed officers for the ensiling year
Sutton has made a fine growth this
year with a number of new and ele
gant modern residences and business
houses A large number of homes
have been rebuilt and enlarged add
ing much to the tasty appearance of
the city An acetylene gas light plant
has been completed and several burn
ers have been taken by business men
to light their stores A home tele
phone company has been organized
with nearly 100 subscribers
Au effort is going to be put forth by
the citizens of DaKota City to secure
an appropriation by congress for the
protection ot the town site from fur
ther ravages of the Missouri river A
plat of the original town site has
been made and marked to show how
much of the town has been washed
awaj by the Missouri river The plat
shows that about one third of the or
iginal town site has been washed in
the river and that the stream is get
ting dangerously near the business
portion of the town
Members of the Nebraska State
Poultiy association have announced
that the next session will be January
IS to 23 and will be one of the most
successful in the state The exhibit
of the Water Fowl club of America
will form a part of the exhibit this
year v
The body of an unknown man was
found in a sand pit near the B M
depot at Cedar Creek No marks ot
violence were found upon the body
and the supposition is that death was
due to heart failure or some other
natural cause
Nineteenth Annual Meeting Soon to
Be Held
The nineteenth annual meeting oJ
the Nebraska Dairymens association
will be held at Lincoln January 20
and 21 1904 at the University Farm
room 201 Dairy building
Wednesday January 20 930 a m
address of President J K Honeywell
report of secretary and treasurer S
C Bassett appointment of commit
tees How to Care for the Dairy
Cow L D Stillson York Neb
How to Feed the Dairy Cow Henry
C Glissman Omaha Neb 130 p
in Some Things I Have Learned
J A Harris Shickley Neb Select
ing a Dairy Cow Prof O Erf Kansas
Agricultural college
Thursday January 21 930 a m
report of committees election of offi
cers cream testing contest 130 p
m judging dairy cows contest The
Dairy Cows at the University Farm
Their Records Prof A L Haecker
State university
In the cream testing contest the pro
rata premium is 75 total number of
points 100 minimum number of
points 95
The pro rata premium will be di
vided among the contestants scoring
above the stated minimum 95 points
in proportion to the points scored
above the minimum provided no con
testant shall receive of the pro rata
fund to exceed the sum of 25 j
Only members of the association
who are residents of the state can
compete Instructors in cream test
ing including experts employed by
creamery company to instruct their
employes not allowed to compete
Hand separator cream will be used
and tests made by the Babcock meth
od samples to be taken with a pipette
Each contestant permitted to use his
own method as to taking sample re
ducing same with water temperature
etc Each contestant will have the
use of laboratory in dairy building
including all apparatus necessary to
make the test The contest will be
at the state farm on Thursday Jan
uary 21 commencing at 11 a m In
order that facilities for all may be
furnished persons desiring to com
pete must notify the secretary on or
before 10 1904
Institution Ranks Thirteenth in Score
of Attendance
LINCOLN Registrations at the
State university for the first semester
of the present school year number
453 Allowing for the number of
students who will flock in during the
last half of the year the attendance
will probabl reach 2000 Last year
the registration was 2500 The State
university now stands thirteenth in
the roster of colleges in the United
j States in point of attendance accord
ing to the figures of Rudolf Tombo
Jr registrar of Columbia university
The registrations at the State univer
sity have been as follows Industrial
and literary colleges 1332 college of
law 172 college of medicine 139
school of agriculture 102 dental
school 19 srhool of music 320 grad
uate school 8S summer session 191
short course agriculture and dairy
school estimated 1G0 total 2G03 de
duct for repeated names estimated
1G0 total 2453
Favvcett for Commissioner
Judge Jacob Fawcett of Omaha has
been appointed supreme court com
missioner to take the place made va
cant by the elevation of Commission
er Barnes to the supreme bench
Ministers After Mr Smoot
LINCOLN Lincoln ministers ar I
preparing to issue a manifesto against
Senator Smcot of Utah The coming
session of the ministerial association
will he devoted to a general discus
sion of the Smoot ease and resolu
tions will probably be prepared to be
sent to congress The matter has
been assigned to a committee for in
vestigation and two weeks of inquiry
will precede the discussion
Soy Shot by Playmate
GRANT Albert Cockle aged 13
years was accidentally shot by a play
mate The ball a 22 calibre passed
entirely through the knee
Increase in Students
LINCOLN Scientific farmers are
going to be plentiful in Nebraska ac
cording to the records of registration
at the school of agriculture Regis
tration for the new term began on
Tuesday and by G oclock 178 had en
rolled Last year the opening clay
records showed but 132 new students
Another encouraging point is that the
majority of the new comers are regis
tering for- the long course The
faculty is much pleased
Mickey Sends Sympathy
Governor Mickey expressed the sym
pathy of the people of Nebraska or
those afflicted by the recent theater
fire in Chicago in this telegram
To Hon Carter Harrison Mayor of
J Chicago The people of Nebraska
are inexpressibly shocked on account
of the terrible calamity which has be
fallen your city I extend to you and
to all the bereaved and suffering ones
the heartfelt sympathy of the citizer3
of this state
Advancement in Civilization and Pros
perity One cf the Chief Reasons for
the Decline in the Birth Rate Noted
in So Many Countries
Advancement in civilization and
I prosperity appear to affect the vital
statistics of all nations alike In
modern times France has shown the
most marked decrease in the ratio of
births to deaths From 1815 the last
year of the Napoleonic warSj to 1830
the proportional excess of births over
deaths for every 10000 inhabitants
was 01 Between 1831 and 1850 it
dropped to 41 In the following twen
ty years there was a further decrease
the excess of births numbering only
25 In the decade ending 1900 the ex
cess was reduced to 0 and in the lat
ter year the proportionate excess of
births over deaths in every 10000 in
habitants of the republic was only 3
France entered the nineteenth century
with a population of 20000000 she
closed it with 38000000 But Great
Britain had meantime started with 12
000 000 and ended with 41000000 and
the population of Germany had grown
from 15000000 to- 50000000
During the last forty or fifty years
the people of each of these nations
have enjoyed more luxurious living
than they did before While the death
rate in England throng the introduc
tion of improved sanitation has been
steadily declining since 1801 the vital
statistics of the country show a very
markel decline in the birth rote Now
the minister of public instruction and
medical affairs finds that the vital sta
tistics of Prussia which comprises
three fifths of the population of Ger
many show a steady decrease in the
birth rate there also since 1851 In
the latter year it was 409 now it is
only 355 In the city of Berlin the
birth rate has fallen from 45 in 1SG1
to 2GG this year The latter is only
41 above the rate in France which is
the lowest in the world
The question of race suicide thus
seems to be one that is disturbing all
of the more prosperous of modern na
tions as it did Rome during the Au
gustan age when legislation had to
he enacted in order to encourage the
growth of population France has
been seriously discussing various
methods of arresting the decline of
the birth rate An extra parliamentary
commission has been appointed to
seek means of increasing the number
of births and diminishing mortality
and government bonuses for large
families and heavy taxes on bachelors
and childless couples have been sug
gested It is expected that the Ger
man emperor will take cognizance of
the conditions existing in his realm
and suggest drastic mean1 of arrest
irg there the race suicide which Presi
dent Roosevelt so vigorously attacked
in this country San Francisco Chron
Psrhaps the Chinese Know More
About Medicine Than Ve Do
The Chinese doctor sets up a terri
ble racket when called to treat the
sick This is supposed to drive evil
spirits away and it unquestionably
acts well in a great many cases
Civilization demands rest and quiet
all noise is barred from the sick
room The Chinese have demonstrat
ed unkuowinjVy a great psychologi
cal or psychopathological fact
A patient of mine had received the
last rites of the church the pulse had
ceased at the wrist and he had sunk
into that coma which precedes deaths
Someone in the next house struck up
the Anvil Chorus from II Trova
tore I was very much annoyed and
distressed and tried to stop it
Suddenly the pulsation at the wrist
began again the patient gradually
opened his eyes motioned to his sis
ter She bent low and he whispered
in her ear Te dum te dea that is
my favorite tune says he We
roused him fed him and to day ten
years after the event he weighs 240
The therapeutics of vibration or
noise is yet to be written So I have
discovered that anything that can
arouse the subconscious subliminal
self will cure my -patient wen all
drugs fail and noise is a very cheap
agent Medical Brief
Origin of Spinster
Spinster said the philologist is
the term that the law applies to the
woman who is unmarried The origin
of the word dates bade to the days
when spinning was not done by ma
cniaery but by hand At that time
every girl learned to spin as a matter
of course the same as she now learns
to spell She was obliged to spin a
couple of hours every day and what
she produced belonged to her Thus
every girl by the time she came to
get married owned a great quantity
of linen of her own make that she
brought as a kind of dower to her
husband Every girls leisure up al
most to her wedding day was devoted
to the spinning of linen for use in the
household of her spouse Therefore
every unmarried girl was called a
He Knows
O dear little heart dont worry po
Jod is wu terms ou lie vvili know
How hard- the ioiliiisr how drear the
He will comfort you dear some day
Poor little soul dont mind the pain
Others may garner the ripened tjrain
And the empty husks be all your share
Jod tees all you are in His care
In this solfiah world not one may care
How hard you struggle or how you fare
Hut One there is whose Iom overflows
Dear little Rirl He knows Hi- know
Irene L Deirirtg in Boston Transtnpt
Hows This y
Wo offer Ono Hundred Dollurt K wtni for tiny
caiu of Catarrh ttiut cannot In cured by 1U1
Cuturrli Cure
Wo tlio andtfSnlKnfd have known K 1 Cliuuoy
for t lie la t i5reurund lelevo hint perfectly linn
orable lit all lutnft tranxuetlutm unit finamiUlly
able tu carry out ny otillpitlonx uiwlo by liUflrtu
WAtUIVn KtNXAH ii Maisvik
WIioKmuIc lrugInti Toledo O
Hallo Catnrrli Cure lh Liken lntrnully nctlnx
directly upon Hit bluoil and iiiticotuinrfucfiof th
synicnt TcMtltuunlalit sunt free 1rlcc 73 cunu per
bottle Sold bv Hit lnuxKlsu
Take Halls Fcailiy 1llU for constipation
Parker Becoming a Statesman
Sir Gilbert Parker the author has
achieved a prominent place in the
house of commons in a short time A
good deal cf this is due to the unusual
magnetism of his personality which
always attracts people
Many women are denied the
happiness of children through
derangement of the generative
organs Mrs Beyer advises
women to use Lydia E Pink
hams Vegetable CompoMnd j
Dear Mas Pcmkjiam I Buffered
with stomat h complaint for years 1
yot so bad that I could not carry my
children bat five months tuu would
have a miscarriage The last iinio I
became prcrnant my husband pot me
to take Lydi V Piiililuvil s Vege
table Com pound After taking tha
iirst bottle 1 was relieved of the sick
ness of stomach and bean to feel bet
ter in every wry I coatn rd its use
and v rs enabled to carry mv baby to
maturity I now have a co baby
girl and can work better nl ever
could before I am like a nfx woman
Mns Iturnc Bnvr -- SI Second St
Meridon Conn coco forf it original of
above tetter proving grnuNisnccsccMiut ic pfoduztd
T03ii2 r r
Dont hesitate to write- to Sirs
Pinkliam She will uhj rstund
your ease perfectly ant v 51 treat
you with kindness adviee
Ls ircc and the address is Lynn
Blass No woman ever regretted
ha ving written her and olio ita3
helped thousands
Some men drink to drown their sor
row Of course drink brings more sor
row but then theres more c rinks
Do Your Clothes Look YiHow
Titers use Starch if will keep
thfin white 10 oz for 10 cent
The art of restful corners tfinn con
sists in allowing the other person to
carry the bifc end of the lud
rnrxow ccotiikk ak unsutty
Keep them white with Red Cross Hull Klua
All grocers sell largo IS o package 5 coali
Opportunity conies to many per
persons yot Jiow few recsgiie tho
chary visitor
Mother Grrtya Sweet rowiler for ChUdron
Successfully usrd by Mother draymirsa
in the Childrens Ifoniu in New York euro
Constipation Feverishue liu Stomach
Teething Disorders move and n ulato tha
Bowels and Destroy Worms Over 30000 tes
timonials At all DrusrRisn ai Sample
IltEE Addre3AS Olm UillcRoyNY
Persons who are extremely careful
of their dignity usually have very
little to span
PIsos Cure for Consumption K ai inrslbl
medicine for couichs ami coUs N l Saxcix
Oceia Grove N J Feh IT 13WL
Only a smart man can conceal from
a woman the fact that lie isnt as
smart as he would wish her to think
he is
The Best Results in Starching
ran he obtained only by usinj Defiance
Stiiri h I sies ttirin t oz mere for
same money no cooking required
The grievance of not a few women
against their husbands is thac the lat
ter give them no ground for griev
The Wonderful Cream Separator
Do3 its work in thirty minutes and
leaves less than 1 per c ent butter fat
The pi ice is ridiculously low accord
ing to xif 275 to CC0 each and
whn you hae one you vo iM not part
therewith for fifty times it- co3t
with 3c stamps for postage i the John
A Falzor Sed Co la floase Wis
and ejel their biff catalogue fully de
stnbinSf this renmrkable Cream Sepa
rator and hundred of oihr tools and
farm etL ued by the fanner W X U
Woe unto the politician whose
nerve has become effete
Were t not lor the fools the wise
guys would get left
Economy is the road to wealth
road to economy
Business is a mantel that covers
a multitude of queer transactions
Its a tough turkey that is able to
hold over for another term
When You Buy Starch
buy Defiance ard get the best H oz for
10 cents Once used always used
A man who is looking for trouble
can usually find it without trouble
SYRUP cures coughs and colds
K 11