ft I it X J X GOVERNOR OF OREGON Uses For Gold jS 0 ftlfiw The success of an amateur gardener often depends upon the number and the appetite of his neighbors chick ens RED CROSS BALL BLUE Should be in every home Ask your grocer for it Large 2 oz package only 5 cents No marriage ceremony has ever been gone through without a hitch of bride and groom CITO permanently enrcu 3o fiornerTongnes3tef rl 1 O first day use of Dr Great Nerveltestor ir Send for FREE 8300 trial Dotte and treatise DEKH KLINE Ltd 931Anil Street rhiladelDhia The heartache or many a widow has been tempered by the reflection that she looks her best in black These Who Have Tried It will use no other Defiance Cold Water Sturch hasnoequal in Quantity or Qual ity IS oz for 30 cents Other braeds con lain only 12 oz Friend A person who will lend you five dollars Cat An animal with nine lives and a pair of lungs for each life No muss or failures made with PUTNAM FADELESS DYES Rubber A material of which shoes and necks are made If you fear God you will cot fear man Insist on Getting It Some grocers say they dont keep De fiance Starch because they have a stock In hand of 32 oz brands which they know cannot be sold to i customer who has once used the JG oz package De llance Starch for same money Conversation The idle mans busi ness and Ihe busines mans recrea tion 10000 Plante for 10c This is a remarkable offer the John A Salzer Seed Co La Crosse Wis makes They will send you their big plant and seed catalog together with enough seed to grow 1000 fine solid Cabbages 2000 -delicious -Carrots-- 2000 blatichlng nutty Celery 2000 rich buttery Lettuce 1000 splendid Onions 4 1 000 rare luscious Radishes 1000 gloriously brilliant Flowers This great offer is mane in order to Induce you to try their warranted seeds for when you once plant them you will grow no others and ALI FOi BUT 16e IOSTAGE providing you will return this notice and If you will send them 20c in post age they will add to the above a pack age of the famous Berliner Cauliflower W N U TJo not emphasize your own virtues by enlarging on the failings of others I am sure Plsos Cure for Consumption saYed my life three years aga Mrs Thos Robbies iUplo Street Norwich N Y Feb 17 1900 Lady A woman who wears good clothes in His Family and Grip CaMj5aBaWBBBBBMiMMESJjJBfesHll CAPITOL BUILDING SALEM OREGON A Letter From The Governor of Oregon Peruna is known from the Atlantic to the Pacific Letters of congratulation and com mendation testifying to the merits of Pe runa as a catarrh remedy are pouring in from every State in the Union Dr FrJ raan is receiving hundreds ol such letters J ily Allclaises write these letters from the hjghestfannB lowsr T5e outdoor laborer the indoor artisan io cleric the editor the statesman the 1- acljsr all agree that Peruna is the ca tarrh remedy of the age The stage and rostrum recognizing catarrh as their great est enemy are especially enthusiastic ig theirpraise and testimony Any man who wishes perfect health must be entirely free from catarrh Catarrh is well nigh universal almost omnipresent Peruna is the only absolute safeguard known A cold is the beginning oE catarrh To prevent colds to cure colds is to cheat catarrh out of its victims Peruna not only cures catarrh but prevents it Every household should be supplied with this prcai remedy for coughs colds and so forth The Governor of Oregon is an ardent admirer of Peruna He kesps it continu ally in the house In a recent letter to Dr llartman he says I State of Oregon EXECUTIVS DEPARTMENT f The Peruna Medicine Co Columbus O Dear Sirs -I have had occasion to use your Peruna medicine In my family for colds and It proved to be an excel lent remedy hsvs nt bd occasion to use it tor other aliments Yours very tuly W M Lord It will be noticed thai tTie Governor says he has not had ocision to use Peruna lor other ailments The reason for this is most other ailments begin with a cold Using Peruna to promptly cure colds he protects his family against other ailments This is ex actly what every other family in the United States should do Keep Peruna in the house Use it for coughs cold3 lagrippe and other climatic affections of winter and there will be no other ailments in the hous Such families should provide themselves with a copy of Dr Hartmans free book entitled Winter Catarrh Address Dr Columbus Ohio Ask Your Druggist for a free Peruna Almanac for 1904 Jsck London No writer today has interest for a wider circle of readers than Jack Lon don only cwenty seven now unheard of by the reading world three years ago But these three years have been fruitful First there was The Son of the Wolf in the spring of 1900 a col lection of short stories then The -God of His Fathers Children of the Frost The Cruise of the Dazzler A Daughter of the Snow People of the Abyss The Call of the Wild and now beginning in the January Century The Sea Wolf It will be gin in the January Century and run serially through the year Those who have read the manuscript believe that the young writer has wrought Avith the greatest skill and power he has thus far shown in this tale of sea life which he knows so well and in delin eation of the character of the strange Wolf Larsen The January Atlantic The toast master of the the Jan uary Atlantic opens the feast with a genial talk On Catering for the Public the tasks and troubles of a literary purveyor Thomas Wontworth Iligginson re sumes his reminiscent papers with a characteristic account of The Sunny Side of the Transcendental Period full of entertaining description and anec dote Anrew D White contributes a val uable paper the first half on Fra Paolo Sarpi terrible frate the Sixteenth-Century Controversialist and defender of his native Venice against the Vaticrn The first of several papers on a novel subject some phases o contem porary advertising is furnished by Professor Walter D Scott who writes on The Psychology of Advertising Jack London contributes an enter taining paper on The Scab in his va rious relations and goes to prove that everybody all the world is a scab or non scab at intervals or alternately as circumstances may induce More Flexible and Lasting wont shalce out or blow out oy usinp Defiance Starch you obtain better results than possible with any other brand and one third more for same money Y M C A Progress The railroad department of the Young Mens Christian association has issued a pamphlet Progress telling or its growth The railroad branch had 43000 members in 1901 and has now G234S It had two years ago ninety buildings valued at 1300000 and has now 1821000 invested in uuildings Warned Lincoln Agalnstt Booth Bishop Thomas Bowman of East Orange N J the oldest Methodist Episcopal bishop just past his 86th birthday says that he warned Presi dent Lincoln against John Wilkes Booth five days before the emanci pator was slain Mr Lincoln made light of the warning Bishop Bow man then chaplain of the United States senate had observed Booth prowling about the capitol and the White House and at once called on the president with a warning Mr Lincoln smiled kindly and said he did not think anyone wanted to kill him Two days later Mr Bowman started for his home in St Louis and had hardly reacned there when news of the assassination arrived Good News From Minnesota Lakefield Minn Jan 4 Mr Wil liam E Gentry of this place is one of the best known and most highly re spected men in Jackson County For 45 years he has suffered with Kidney Trouble and now at 77 years of age he has found a complete cure and is well His cure is remarkable because of the length of time-he-had been suffer ing Casesof 40 years standing might be considered incurable but the rem edy that cured Mr Gentry seems to know no limit to its curative power Mr Gentry says I have suffered with misery in my back tor about 45 years and had all the troublesome symptoms of Kidney and Urinary disease I tried various kinds of remedies but all to no effect until I tried Doddr Kidney Pills Now I have no pain in my back and feel quite well in every way I am 77 years of age and I fael better than I have for the last 40 years I attribute it all to Dodds Kid ney Pills Some men who take a post graduate course are in the long run glad to become letter carriers frsrgraBawBS Popular Foulards Large figuring and ombre stripes will characterize the foulards for the coming season and a model recently shown which is an imported one shows a scarlet silk with large white flowers and gold braids effectively used for trimming The shaped piece of plain scarlet silk -which outlines the white yoke is heavily embroidered with gold threads and tressed gold cords are draped beneath this and used to form a lattice over the under bloiise of plisse chiffon The skirt has a tunic effect deeply scalloped over the two scant volants this being outlined wth the gold lace braid and a deep pointed belt of gold lace with sash loops and ends in the back make a girlish finish The hat worn with this gown is in white Irish crotchet with a binding of white panne velvet embroidered in gold and a shaded plume in white pink and a little red dropping over the Tde Fashions Latest Monstrosities Some of the new leather suede morocco and silk belts are perfect monstrosities and it is to be hoped that all dainty women will put their stamp of disapproval on them They come in all colors and all widths but the one upon which fashion has set its seal is about four inches wide and undeniably ugly One of the prettiest leather belts is the Japanese which has the drag on embroidered on it in different shades It has a silver or gold dragon mounting The buckles were never handsomer Chinese ones of jadestone and tals set with garnets are taken irom the mens wraps and used for buckles Elaborate Afternoon Attire Picture hats are worn which j means that they will be worn with all j kinds of afternoon tailor dress a j low crowned wide brimmed hat heavy with feathers and fur scarfs and jewel buckles The handsomest of after noon furs are in pelerines or kerchiefs with long stole ends and usually cobined with chiffon of the same shade masses of rope chenille and a uorder ot contrasting fur Girls Apron Dainty aprons always are attractive as well as serviceable and are to be commended from the aesthetic as well as the practical point of view This one is made of lawn with trimming of embroidery and gives an effect of epaulettes at the front a bertha at the back As shown it is worn over a frock but it can be used with the guimpc only when desirable All lawns dimities and the like are ap propriate Both front and backs are tucked for a short distance below their upper edges the tucks providing ful ness below and between the groups of tucks at the front pointed bands of trimming are applied The quantity of material for a girl of 4 years of age is I1 yeards 36 inches wide with 4528 Gils Apron 2 4 6 years 3 yards of insertion and 41 yards of embroidery A May Manton pattern No 4528 sizes 2 to 6 years will be mailed to any address on receipt of ten cents Pastel Pink Sicilienne A charming and simple little frock of pastel pink sicilienne is made with emplacements of lace and hand made tucks The corsage fastens in the back and the sleeves are really a se ries of ruffles composed of the sicili enne and chiffon alternating these falling into a tight cuff at the wrist The skirt is tucked in groups to the knee where it is left to flare The ostrich boa and muff are in woodland brown the boa being in three strands and the muff large and of the ex treme pocket shape Cheese Souffle Cheese souffle is a dainty dish and one suitable for the autumn supper table Put two level teaspoonfuls of butter in a frying pan and stir in a heaping tablespoonful of flour Grad ually add half a cup of milk and boil one minute Then add a seasoning of half a teaspoonful of salt and one tenth of a teaspoonful of cayenne Stir in one cup of soft grated cheese and the yolks of three eggs well beaten Pour the mixture into a bowl and set it away to cool When thoroughly cold add the whites of the three eggs whipped to a very light froth Turn the mixture into a buttered baking dish or into individual custard cups Bake the souffle from ten to twelve minutes and serve hot immediately Misses Waist Young girls always look well in waists that include broad collars giv ing a sailor effect This one is 4602 Hisses Waist 12 to IGyrs culiarly desirable and includes be sides that feature tucks which give tapering lines at the back and a box plaited effect at the center front As illustrated it is made of white cordu roy with a collar of silk and trim ming of applique but can be repro duced in almost any of the seasons waist or dress materials with equal success and the collar can be either of the same or contrasting material The waist consists of the fitted lin ing which closes at the center front the smooth back and the full fronts which are arranged over it the clos ing of the waist being made invisibly beneath the edge of the box plait The wide collar is cut with stole ends and arranged over the waist The neck can bo finished either Avith the stock as illustrated or with the col lar alone The sleeves are the favor ite ones of the season that are snug above the elbows and form full puffs at the wrists The quantity of material required lor the medium size is 3 yards 21 3 yards 27 or 2s yards 44 inches wide with yard for collar and 24 yards of applique to trim as illus trated The pattern 4602 is cut in sizes for girls of 12 14 and 16 years of age Cleaning Chamois Trimmings Linings or facings of chamois leath er upon garments may be cleaned by rubbing all over with soft white soap then sponge the leather with warm soapsuds in which a little soda has been dissolved Wash this off with lukewarm water containing a slight percentage of soda and finally dry the lacings between two towels If the chamois leather is not detachable from the rest of tne garment care should be taken that the latter does not become wet also Hang the arti cle to dry in the shade and stretch the leather straight and smooth while it is still damp for it must not he ironed Brown Is the Color Paris modists say that brown is the color of the season not the dull sad tones of brown that our mothers and grandmothers wore but rich deep warm brown with lots of russet and red shades in it For the girl with mahogany tinted hair and bright com- I plexion there is no other color so j charming although brown can be worn by anyone if combined with some other color which is becoming to the wearer For instance the girl 1 with blond hair and blue eyes can have a touch of the new soft blue in her hat and about her throat and yet wear a brown suit with splendid ef fect Of Woodland Brown A pretty shade of woodland brown in cloth is effectively relieved with a yoke and vest effect -in tangerine vel vet decorated with mixed brown and gold braid The eton jacket is so cut that the shoulder overhangs the sleeve this latter consisting of a single puff banded into a straight cuff which shows a little of the braid and gilt buttons The skirt is cut in eleven gores which flare at the foot and is finished with stitching Readers of this paper can secure any May Manton pattern illustrated above by filling out all blanks in coupon and mailing with 10 cents to K E Harrison Co 03 Plymouth Place Chi cago Pattern will be mailed promptly Name Town State Pattern No Waist Measure if for skirt Bust Measure if for waist Age if childs or misss pattern Write plainly Fill out all blanks Enclosa lCc Mail to E E Harrison Co 65 Plymouth Place Chicago MmmflimHm MBP32aJ j9mmmmmmmmmmmm1 oHmmmHt vT jy JSH W 1 - I 11 It m II mV hklva i I In s vw Sxl At tg lVllb JL1 clll JJcUliS LCllb ilUW llCglCUL Ul warning symptoms will soon j prostrate a woman She thinks womans safeguard is Lydia EL Pinfehams Vegetable Compound Dear Mrs Pixktiam Ignorance and neglect are the cause of untold female suffering not only with the laws of health but with the chance of a cure I did not heed the warnings of headaches organic Sains and general weariness until I -was well nigh prostrated I knew I ad to do something Happily I did the right thing I took Iiydla E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound faithfully according to directions and was rewarded in a few weeks to find that my aches and pains dis appeared and I again felt the glow of health through my body Since I have been well I have been more careful I have also advised a number of my sick friends to take Lydia E Pinkhams Vegctablo Com pound and they have never had reason to be sorry Yours very truly Mrs May Fairbanks 216 South 7th St Minneapolis Minn Mrs Fair banks is one of the most successful and highest salaried travelling sales women in the West JltttHt J When women are troubled with irregular suppressed or painful menstru ation weakness leucorrhcea displacement or ulceration of the womb that bearing down feeling inflammation of the ovaries backache bloating or flatulence general debility indigebtion and nervous prostration or are beset with such symptoms as dizziness faintness lassitude excitability irri tability nervousness sleeplessness melancholy all gone and want-to-be-left-alone feelings blues and hopelessness they sbSuld remember there is one tried and true remedy Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound at once removes such troubles Kefusc to buy any other medicine for you need the best ANP 000 Dear Mrs Pinkham For over two years I suffered more than tongue can express with kidney and bladder trouble My physician pro nounced my trouble catarrh of the bladder caused rby displacement of the womb Tliada frequent desire to urinate and it was very pain ful and lumps of blood would pass with the urine Also had backache very often After writing to you and receiving your reply to my letter I followed your advice and feel that you and Lydia E PinkbauTs Vege with ease table Compound have cured me Jho medicine drew my womb into its proper place and then I was well I never feel any pain now and can do my housework Mrs Alice Lamon Kincaid Miss No other medicine for female ills in the world lias received Bucb widespread and unqualified endorsement Mrs Pinkliam invites all sick women to write Iier for advice She has guided thousands to health Address Lynn Mass FORFEIT if ive cannot forthwith prodnre the original letters and slgnatorooS above testimonials which will prove their absolute genuineness Xydla Pinkliam Medicino Co 17ns Slasa 9Rw 9AVsBBUB5B8BBHa3Bfi9BsHBBHVsVABV Ry a BJEMgWJMggWswBgWagaWBBHBBJBJgy mJf BKbL 9BaHB9BB9Biai5BBaflaHHKBHBHBBfl jmBffi It is the purest cleanest starch made it is free of injurious chemicals It can be used where ordinarily you would be afraid to use starch of any Kind Thats Defiance Your grocer sells it THE DEFIANCE STARCH CO OMAHA NEB WESTERN SUPPLY CO JOBBEES OF PUMPS WINDMILLS and PLUMB1NS MATERMl BELTING and THRESHER SUPPLIES PACKING and ELEVATOR REPAIRS 820 822 N Street LINCOLN NEBRASKA BEGGS CHERRY COUGH SYRUP cures coughs and colds THRIFTY FARMERS are Invited to nettle In the state of Maryianfi -where they irlil find a delightful sod healthy clfnirtoflrit clais markets for their product mad plenty of lan4 at reasonable prices 21aj and Aexcrfpttve pampb et will be teutfree on application to HBADENHOOPr Seci Slate Board ol Imratoratios BALTW03E HD CURES WHtt AIL iiSti fULS Best Cocsh Syrup TsafcsGeod Vm in time sold or flrnswwta m wBJfflfffc