1 u vv 1 k r To the Public h it w - m - We wish you A Happy and Prosperous New Year Thanking you for your patronage in the past we will endeavor to merit your good will in the future by courteous and generous treatment giving you the best values for the money obtainable in the markets THE MODEL SHOE STORE A E PETTY Proprietor McCook Nebraska Ask Yoir Dealer For SET M MJS tSMJyMM y W2V kf M NONi McCook Market Quotations Corrected Friday morninff Corn 25 Wheat -56 Oats 25 Rye 35 Barley 30 Hogs 3 85 Eggs 25 Good Butter 20 Creamery Butter 25 Cured After Suffering 10 Years B F Hare superintendent of the Miami Cycle Manufacturing Co Mid dleton O suffered for 10 years with dyspepsia He spent hundreds of dol lars for medicine and with doctors with out receiving any permanent benefit He says One right while feeling ex ceptionally bad I was about to throw down the evening paper when I saw an item in the paper regarding the merits of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure I concluded to try it and while I had no faith in it I felt better after the second dose After using two bottles I am stronger and better than I have been in years and I recommend Kodol Dyspepsia Cure to my friends and acquaintances suffering from stomach trouble Sold by L W McConnell Climatic Cures The influence of climatic conditions in the cure of consumption is very much overdrawn The poor patient too can do much better at home by proper at tention to food digestion and a regular use of German Syrup Free expectora tion in the morning is made certain by German Syrup so is a good nights rest and the absence of that weakening cough and debilitating night cough sweat Restless nights and the exhaus tion due to coughing the greatest dan ger and dread of the consumptive can be prevented or stopped by taking Ger man Syrup liberally and regularly Should you be able to go to a warmer climeyou will find that of the thousands of consumptives the few who are bene fited and regain strength are those who use German Syrup Trial bottles 25c regular size 75c L W McConnell I tried Ayers Hair Vigor to stop my hair from falling One half a bottle cured me J C Baxter Braidwood 111 I Ayers Hair Vigor is certainly the most eco nomical preparation of its kind on the market A little of it goes a long way It doesnt take much of it to stop falling of the hair make the hair grow and restore color to gray hair 51C3 a bottle All drazzisfs jfl II your umijiiab uvf 3ufmj ju K send us ono dollar and we will express you a bottle Bo sure and five the name IP r pTirin nflira Address 3 J C AYER CO Lowell Mass NORTH SIDE Tim Adams is husking corn for Fred Carter Ben Doyle is hauling out lumber to build a new barn Miss Rosa Brady gave her scholars a treat Christmas School in district il closed for a two weeks vacation during the holidays Henry Cochran had three Joads of hogs on the McCook market Wednesday Fred Carter is still running his thresh ing machine Wonder if he will ever get done Henry Schamel and son from Ash Creek were visiting with Martin Ken nedy Wednesday Mrs Martin Kennedy and son Frank went to McCook Thursday to do some shopping for the holiday trade George Henderson and family and Mrs Hendersons mother ate dinner with Mr and Mrs Fred Carter Christmas We were misinformed last week as to Mr Nelms buying the Sam McClain farm The deal fell through and Mr Nelms is at present looking up a location in Oklahoma Mrs Tom Chamberlains sister was married Sunday to a gentleman from Maywood at which place the young couple will reside Mr Chamberlain and wife attended the wedding Thomas Kennedy and family from Utica Seward county Neb are visiting with his brother Martin Kennedy and looking over the county He is well pleased and says he will come to Red willow county to live The writer met three friends Satur day from Friend Nebraska Pat Kelley Charley Friend and E Omstead They are looking over the country and visiting friends and seem to be well pleased with what they have seen The city of Friendwas named after Charley Friend Challenge From Cone Bros Cone Bros are seeking the worst case of dyspepsia or constipation in McCook or vicinity to test Dr Howards new specific for the cure of those diseases So confident are they that this re markable jmedicine will effect a lasting cure in a short time that they offer to refund the money should it not be successful In order to secure the quicket possible introduction Cone Bros will sell a regu lar 50 cent package of this medicine at half price 25 cents This specific of Dp Howards will cure sick headache dizzy feelings constipa tion dyspepsia and all forms of malaria and liver trouble It does not simply give relief for a time it makes perma nent and complete cures Take advantage of Cone Bros chal lege and secure a bottle of Dr Howards specific at half price with their personal guarantee to refund your money if it does not help you There is no need of suffering with con stipation dyspepsia or liver disease when you can get 60 doses of a scientific medicine for their cure like Dr Howards specific for the small sum of 25 cents Time Card McCook Neb MAIN LINE EAST DEPART No C Central Time 1115 p M 2 620 am 12 820 am 14 955PM No 5 arrivos from east at 8 p m 3IAIN LINE WEST DEPAET No 1 Mountain Time 1154 am 3 115p m 5 750pm 13 845 am imperial line No 176 arriros Mountain Time 5 40 p M No 175 departs 700 am Sleeping dining and -reclining chair cars Beats froo on through trains Tickets sold and baggago checked to any pointin the United Statos or Ca inula For information timo tables maps and tick ets call on or writo George Scott Agont Mc Cook Nebraska or J Francis General Passen ger Agent Omnha Nebraska News of the St Francis Branch The holiday passenger travel of the branch has been lioavy Harry Ellison of McCook an old Atwood boy is visiting his parents at Atwood Kansas Miss Mamie Dixon ono of Oxfords fairost daughters is the guest of Mrs Ellison of At wpod Kansas Mrs James Bowman wifo of the agent at Mc Donald Ivan is spending the holidays at Ox ford Nebraska The poultry output of the branch during the holidays is very heavy fairly swamping Swift Cos plant at Orleans Mrs Ethel Lumberry of Oxford and Mrs Charles Kurth of Atchison are guests of Mrs Loono Fairchild of Orleans Mr and Mrs James Richmond of Rngan at tended tho ball of the Muccabees at the audi torium at Orleans on Christmas night Mrs Harry Robertson of Atwood Mrs Lillio Drath of Herndon and Miss Rosio Miller of Lu dell are spending the holidays at Lincoln The mail on the branch during tho holidays has been exceptionally heavy fairly swamping tho postal clerks which is evidence of great prosperity M A Wilson was acquitted by a unanimous jury at St Francis Kansas He was accused of blowing up tho safe of the county tieasurer at Atwood and looting contents The 4 brick stores at Lebanon are nearly com pleted and will soon be ready for occupancy Four more bricks will be erected making a con tinuous brick front of 8 business stores James Egan ono tho best known men of Cheyenne county has returned to St Francis after an absence of several years at St Joseph Mo He was the leading druggist at St Francis during tho nineties The wheat output of tho St Francis branch continues to puzzle the most sanguine Con ductor Arthur Lyman hauled a heavy train lately from Beaver City and last Saturday 11 cars of wheat were picked up at Hendloy Lieutenant McGeachin son of James Mc Geachin one of Orleans leading business men has been promoted to adjutant on the staff of tho commanding officer of the native constabu lary with headquarters at Manila P I Ho was a graduate of tho Nebraska state university and was raised in Harlan county Edward Lumberry is a regular conductor on the St Francis branch lately promoted The other conductors are Wm Cropp Frank Stark and James Larkey The engineers are James Neeliug Jack Cook Tony Clark and Robert Goble The express messengers are Wm Yiesor and Earl Stark Mail clerks are Fairchild Renwanz and Glidden recently appoiuted A grand ball was given by the Sir Knights of the Maccabees at tho auditorium in Orleans Christmas night The music was furnished by Booth brothers In point of attendance and success it surpassed any ball over given in Har lan county The floor capacity for 16 sets of quadrilles was full of dancers and the gallery packed with spectators Tho many gas jots il luminated a scene of social splendor unsurpass ed in tho Republican Valley Fair daughters of Orleans and adjacent towns vied with dne another in dress excellence It was a social as well as a financial success Miss Carrie Ewan one of tho most accom plished and brilliant of Orleans fair daughters was married at the brides homo at Orleans to Herbert Bailey of Eckley Colo It was a quiet home wedding at the residence of Harry B Ewan tho brides father who has beena resi dent of Orleans from the earliest times Miss Carrie has been for years ono of Harlan coun tys leading teachers highly educated at the stato normal at Peru and other schools- Tho happy pair left for their new home taking with them the best wishes of their many friends and congratulations of thoso who have known tho bride since girlhood dajs Saturday night at the auditorium at Orleans tho Sherry Musical and Comedy Company with J F Sherry and wife as star performers gave a highly enjoyable entertainment consisting of banjo and guitar solos songs and dances com edy sketches and plays The opera house was well filled with a representative gathering of Orleans socioty and everyone was well pleased with the entertainment After the program was finished a social dance was given with tho Sherrys as musicians and 2 hours of social pleasure was enjoyed by tho lover- of the fan tastic step The music was of the highest order and the dance in every way a success Wonderful Nerve Is displayed by many a man enduring pains of accidental cutswoundsbruises burns scalds sore feet or stiff joints But theres no need for it Bucklens Arnica Salve will kill the pain and cure the trouble It is the best salve on earth for piles too 25c at LW McConnells druggist Domestic Troubles It is exceptional to find a family where there are no domestic ruptures occasion ally but these can be lessened by having Dr Kings Now Life Pills around Much trouble they save by their great work in stomach and liver troubles They not only relieve you but cure 25c at L W McConnells drug store Just One Minute One Minute Cough Cure gives relief in one minute because its kills the microbe which tickles the mucous mem brane causing the cough and at the same time clears the phlegm draws out the inflammation and heals and soothes the affected part One Minute Cough Cure strengthens the lungs wards of pneumonia and is a harmless and never failing cure in all curable cases of coughs colds and croup One Minute Cough Cure is pleasant to take harm less and good alike for young and old Sold by L W McConnell The Tribune Only SI 00 per year Will buy hogs Tuesdays and Sat urdays F S Wilcox BARTLEY Harry Paines baby is very sick Master Stanley Keys is quite sick this week Mrs S W Clark and daughter are visiting in Iowa David Eector was a Christinas visitor with friends here Will Hamilton and family of Fairbury visited hero over tho holidays Mr Harts broke tho buggy shafts Christmas eve but did no other dam age Rae Hodgkins came homo from Lin coln to spend the holidays with his par ents Mr and Mrs Will Iliatt of Cambridge visited with Henry Barton and family Christmas A G Keyes and Allio roturned to Mc Cook Tuesday evening after a visit with friends here Mr Farrels received a visit from Mc Cook friends who took Christmas din ner with them Jacob Stenner of Blakeman Kansas with his daughter Gertie and son Jessie are here on a visit Heber Vickery came down from Stoclr ville last week and spent Christmas with his parents returning Monday F G Stilgebouer came over from Dan bury Monday and has taken his posi tion as cashier of the Bank of Bartloy The Christmas trees at both churches were well loaded and both houses had a full attendance standing room being at premium A law suit is in progress before his honor Squire Baker in which Jones Crawmer are plaintiffs and J B Hain ing defendant Lyman Jennings returned from his visit in the eastern states Tuesday even ing hale and hearty He says strikes in the east are paralyzing business BANKSVILLE Johnnie Rowland was over to see his uncle Sunday A Peters had a dance Friday night with 23 numbers out J H Relph is going to Cedar Bluffs to pick corn this week O C Lohr had his holiday outing at Bartley and is back to his school in dis trict 51 Benjamin Brothers have had a serious time pulling their pump and putting it down but they think that they have succeeded today in getting it all right A Vest Pocket Doctor Never in the way no trouble to carry easy to take pleasant and never failing jn results are DeWitts Little Early Risers A vial of these little pills in the vest pocket is a certain guarantee against headache biliousness torpid liver and all of the ills resulting from constipa tion They tonic and strengthen the liver Sold by L W McConnell COLEMAN J U Smith lost his wallet in McCook last week It contained 825 Miss Rosa Bairs eye is improving She can see quite well with it now Uncle Billy Coleman was present at quarterly meeting in the M E church at Kearney last Sabbath Uncle Billy received the following C DeWitt Griffiths Grace M Raw married Tuesday December 2 1 1903 At home after February 1st 1901 at McCook Nebraska Mr Griffiths re cently bought the Traphagan farm The Xmas tree exercises at the Cole man school house were very entertain ing The program was fine and well rendered The tree was loaded with presents and there was something for everybody The house was full Extra seats were provided and every one was happy Simple Colds cease to be simple if at all prolonged The safest way is to put them aside at the very beginning Ballards Horehound Syrup stops a cough and removes the cause of colds 25c 50c and 1 bottles at A McMillens Tribune Clubbing List For convenience of readers of The Tbibune we have made arrangements with the following newspapers and periodicals whereby we can sup ply them in combination with The Tbibune at the following very low prices with PUBLICATION PBICE TBIBUNE Detroit Free Press 1 00 1 50 Prairie Farmer 1 00 1 25 Chicago Inter Ocean 100 105 Cincinnati Enquire 100 150 New York Tribune 1 00 1 25 Demorests Magazine 100 175 Toledo Blade 100 125 Nebraska Farmer 100 165 Iowa Homestead 100 150 Lincoln Journal 100 125 Campbells Soil Culture 100 150 New York World 1 00 1 65 Cosmopolitan Magazine 100 ISO St Louis Republic 1 00 1 75 Kansas City Star 25 120 FarmandHome 1 00 1 20 Word and Works 1 00 1 70 We are prepared to fill orders for any other papers published at reduced rates The Teiboxe McCook Neb i - jitfTAJMAji l T 3E And now we wish you all A Happy New Year We feel grateful to our friends who have favored us with their pat ronage in the past and hope to be worthy of the same in 1904 which we wish will be a very prosperous year for you all m TO SUBSCRIBERS FOR B I We beg to announce that our Boxes have been received and keys will be delivered to patrons any time after this date Call at the Bank and get your receipt and key THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK V FRANKLIN President a b a DIRECTORS flcCook Neb jSuouc 2ufiuuc JJi sSa ificyBuQe zjglzjScjizjxjzizjSxi Iig55 1 SF lvL TBlr Hr- ig1 V F V- -S SI S1 5F THE V FRANKLIN WFMcFARLAND A 0 EBERT W B WOLFE C H WILLARD Tfirifej7ferTfeTfejakLafejifr U f -- - - Jtft f s fgi qf ip ii 7j jq ft- njx jf ji jt jjjt itji35 i i Zr Mb A C EBERT Cashier W 0 I CITIZENS BANKl OF MeCOOK NEB a a a a Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 5000 w ft ft til Chicago Weekly Inter Ocean and McCook Tribune One Year for 105 until January 15th Only y