fecS2r r J T Chance For The Tribune Readers Id order to test TnB Tribcnrs rent circulation and its superior advertising value wo huvo have made arrangements with Cono Bros tho popular druggists to offer one of their best selling medi cines at half price to anyone who will cut tho following coupon and present it at thpir store rZ JL I H Si J COUPON This coupon entitles tho holder to one 50c package of Dr Howards specific for tho euro of constipation and dyspepsia at hnlf priao 25c Wo will refand tho monoy to any dissatisfied purchaser Conk Bbos TWENTY FIVE CENTS Dr Howards specific for the cure of constipation and dyspepsia is not an un- known remedy It has made many re markable cures right here in McCook and so positive are Druggists Cone Bros of its great superiority in curing dyspep sia constipation sick headache and liver troubles that they will in addition to selling is at half price refund tho money to anyone whom it does not cure If you cannot cnll at their store cut out the coupon and mail it with 25 cents and a 50 cents box of tho specific will be sent you by mail charges paid Do not put it off One today is worth two to morrows1 r f TYRONE P H McMahon has his now barn up and enclosed Tho Walnut Grove Sunday school will havo Christmas exorcises on Christmas eve Rural free delivery No 1 is well pat ronized about sixty farmers being served with daily mail J V Logan had his well cleaned out and has put up a new windmill M l Davis also has a new windmill and pump W C McTaggert FVV Borkraan H F McTaggert and some others have lost cattle by the cornstalk disease or black leg Miss Clara Hunt is teaching tho school in the Warner district There are only four pupils but they certainly have a right to school privileges The Lone Star State down in Texas at Yoakum is a big dry goods firm of which Mr J M Hallor is the head Mr Haller on one of his trips east to buy goods said to a friend who was with him in the palace car Here take one of these Little Early Risers up on retiring and you will be up early in the morning feeling good For the dark brown taste headache and that logy feeling DeWitts Little Early Risers are the best pill to use Sold by L W MoConnell I i TO SUBSCRIBERS FOR SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES We beg to announce that our Boxes have been received and keys will be delivered to patrons an time after this date Call at the Bank and get your receipt and key THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK iTlcCook Neb 3 V FRANKLIN PRESIDENT CITIZENS A C EBERT Cashier BANK OF McCOOK NEB H h Paid Up Capital 50000 Surplus 5000 a s DIRECTORS - r FRANKLIN WFkcFARLAND A C EBERT W B WOLFE C H WILLARD BARTLEY AJex Wheeler went to Crete Tuesday morning Miss Minnie Wolfe returned from Lincoln Friday evening Elder Nichols has gone to Lincoln to visit during holidays with his family George Wheeler and wife of Croja are on a visit to his mother Mrs C E Williams Mrs Smith from eastern Nebraska is here on a visit with her daughter Mrs T Ginther Robins brothers who have been here for several months returned to their home in Missouri Tuesday night U G Etherton and familywill visit relatives over Christmas atjBlboniington and be present at the marriage of his sister Ed Curlee bad an auction sale on the street Saturday afternoon disposing of machinery household goods and other articles Clarence McCord wife and baby of Indianola visited heieThursday with A F McCord and family and J M Epper ly anddaughters Ralph Clark who is a second year student at the Grand Island Business College came home Friday evening to visit over holidays with his parents Perry Ginther and wife are here from the eastern part of tho state visiting their parents They will return in two weeks when he will resume his school work J O Catlott from Winona Washing ton who was here during tho last few days before his brothers death went to Danbury Wednesday to visit h i s brother and family and will go from there to visit a brother at Atwood Kan sas who came over Tuesday and re turned Wednesday He had not heard of his brothers death until he arrived at Danbury on his way to Bartloy Robert Catlett who has been sick for about 18 months died last Saturday The whole community are in sorrow be cause of his death He was an upright intelligent Christian loved and honored by all who knew him The funeral ser mon was preached by Elder Evans of Arapahoe Tho sermon was very able repete with Bible truths concerning death and the resurrection and delivered with much pathos A large concourse of friends followed tho remains from the church to the cemetery where the clos ing ceremonies were conducted by the A O TJ W lodge of which order he was a worthy and honored member Millionaires Poor Stomachs The worn out stomach of the over fed millionaire is often paraded in the public prints as a horrible example of the evils attendant on the possession of great wealthy But millionaires are not the only ones who are afflicted with bad stomachs The proportion is far greater among the toilers Dyspepsia and in digestion ar rampant among these peo ple and they suffer far worse tortures than the millionaire unless they avail themselves of a standard medicine like Greens August Flower which has been a favorite household remedy for all stomach troubles for over 35 years August Flower rouses the torpid liver thus creating appetite and insuring per fect digestion It tones and vitalizes the entire system and makes life worth living no matter what your station Trial bottles 25c regular size 75c L W McConnell He Found a Cure R H Foster 318 S 2d Street Salt Lake City writes I have been bother ed with dyspepsia or indigestion for 21 years have tried many doctors without relief but I have found a cure in Her bine 1 recommend it to all my friends who are afflicted that way and it is cur ing them too 50c at A McMillens ONLY CENTS EXTftA For THE WEEKLY CHICAGO INTFP JL JL jL JL M t I i r 3 -- jggigSSaesCUgas S TsCgk S 45 EAN The Leading Paper of the West and 1 The Leading Paper of Southwestern Nebraska Improved and strengthened by the addition of many new features Enlarged farm department forestry and floriculture care of the horse Home Health Club Mme Michauds health and beauty hints new household ideas practical cookery latest styles for all ages best fiction full crop and market reports The Inter Ocean is the only western paper receiving in addition to the Associated Press reports the entire telegraph news service of the New York Sun and spec ial cable of the New York World besides daily reports from over 2000 special correspondents ALL THIS FOR ONLY FIVE CENTS EXTRA McCook Tribune 100 Weekly Inter Ocean 100 lt Boll for One Year foriSI THIS OFFER OPEN ONLY A FEW WEEKS And is open to all subscribers who will pay their subscription one year in advance as well as to new subscribers to The McCook Tribune aay A Pea Picture of Qneen Anne Those outside of a palace may feel Shakespeares sentiment Theres such divinity doth hedge a king but it 13 hardly possible to those Inside One of the Scotch commissioners to nego tiate a union between Scotland and England Sir John Clerk could not have felt It dujlng an official Interview with Queen Anne of whom he gives this realistic picture Her majesty was laboring under a flt of the gout and In extream pain and agony and on this occasion everything about her jvas much In the same dis order as uifcut the meanest of her subjects Her face which was red nnd spotted was- rendered something frightful by her negligent dress and the foofnffected was tied up with a cpultls -and some nasty bandages I was much affected at this sight and the more when she had occasion to mention her people of Scotland which she did frequently to the duke What are you poor meanlike Mortal thought I who talks in the style of a Sovcralgn Nature seems to be inverted wrhen a poor inlirm Woman becomes one of the Rulers of the world but asTactus ob serves it is not the first time that Wom en have governed in Britain and in deed they have sometimes done this to better purpose than the Men Sis Follies of Science The six follies of science are 1 The squaring of the circle 2 perpetual motion 3 the philosophers stone 4 the elixir of life 3 magic and G as trology In all ages men of undoubted ability have toiled early and late to unravel the mysteries supposed to be connected with these fascinating problems It is not always remembered that such in tellectual giants as Bacon Sir Robert Boyle and Sir Isaac Newton sought the philosophers stone which strange to say receives some countenance from the modern theory of allotropy In the study of astrology Lilly was for a time even pensioned by parliament Most of these follies conferred in direct benefits upon science for in seeking one thing their devotees dis covered many another The craze for the secret or unknown has still its hold upon men and is seen in palmistry and kindred cults Loudon Standard A JoJie ORell Didnt Appreciate Max ORell was booked to lecture in Hartmans hall in Grand Rapids a number of years ago Carroll Hart man Avas having a serious time in in ducing the people of the valley city to see the merits of lecturers There was a big sale for the ORell lecture and Hartman wandered over to the Morton House In the afternoon to call on the French wit also to pay him his fee of 100 But I have not delivered the lecture yet Suppose I should die before to night said ORell who could not un derstand why a manager should pay for something not yet delivered Oh thats all right Id exhibit your corpse replied Hartman The witty Frenchman never recovered from the shock of Hartmans remark At any rate he refused to lecture in Grand Rapids again Detroit Free Press Tlie Simple Count Folk The Newfoundland coast folk are wreckers as well as fishermen not wreckers in the criminal sense but ex pert workmen in stripping and unload ing the hulls that are tossed up against the frowning cliffs Every fisherman can turn his hand to this labor which frequently pays better than his regular vocation and salvage schooners find permanent employment there with div ers and hoists recovering from the oozy depths the treasures of the sub marine curiosity shop The Newfoundlander of the southern shore counts on a few wrecks every year to help him maintain his family McClures Whats In a Name Canvasser Are you single Man at the Door Yes Why the folks next door told me you were married So I am Yet you told me just now you were single Yes so I did Well what is the matter with you Nothing sir My name is Single and Im married Good day sir The Value of Solitude Solitude the safeguard of mediocrity is to genius the stern friend the old obscure shelter where molt the wings1 which will bear it farther than sun and stars He who would inspire and lead his race must be defended from traveling with the souls of other men from living breathing reading and writing in the daily time worn yoke of their opinion Emerson Better Than Art Yes said DAuber the artist pat ronizingly Im selling my canvases now at my own prices You dont say replied Sharpley whose works had not yet caught on Yes indeed I suppose youd give a good deal to be a great artist No indeed Id rather be you Ex change Qinite a Different Thlnpr Naggsby Would you regard it as im modesty in a man to speak of his own good looks Waggsby Well it depends If it were you I should call it plain lying Exchange Painfully Matter of Fact If a fairy should appear to you and offer you three wishes said the im aginative young woman what would you do Id sign the pledge answered the matter of fact man Washington Star But one eighth of an iceberg is abov8 the water NORTH SIDE Clyde Merriott attended tho Little sale Tuesday JSTick Mitchell is shelling corn this week on the Willow Frank Brady came out from town to spend his vacation on the farm Fred Carter broke his engine quite badly whilo threshing on the Baker ranch Friday We are informed tho Mr Nolms living north of the Willow has bought the Sam McClain ranch We attended the Little sale Tuesday Everything put up bought a fair price IT H Berry was the auctioneer Ben Schamel and Miss Lizzie Myers were married at St Francis Kansas De comber 10th Mr Schamel is the son of Mr and Mrs Henry Schamel of Bond ville and his wife is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Harry Myers also of Bondville Coughing Spell Caused Death Harry DuckWell aged 25 years choked to death early yesterday morn iug at his home in tho presence of his wife and child He contracted a slight cold a few days ago and paid but little attention to it Yesterday morning he was seized with a fit of coughing which continued for some time His wife sent for a physician but before he could ar rive another coughing spell came on and Duckwell died from suffocation St Louis Globe Democrat Dec 1 1901 Ballards Horehound Syrup would have saved him 25c 50c and SI at A Mc Millens A Frightened Horse Running like mad down the street dumping the occupants or a hundred other accidents are every day occur rences It behooves everybody to have a reliable salve handy and theres none as good as Bucklens Arnica Salve Burns cuts sores eczema and piles disappear quickly under its soothing effect 25c at L W McConnells drug store One Hundred Dollars a Box is the value n A Tisdale Summerton S C places on DeWitts Witch Hazel Salve He says I had the piles for 20 years I tried many doctors and medi cines but all failed except DeWitts Witch Hazel Salve It cured mo It is a combination of tho healing proper ties of witch hazel with antiseptics and emollients Relieves and permanently cures blind bleeding itching and pro truding piles sorescuts bruiseseczema salt rheum and all skin diseases Sold bv L W McConnell Favorite Family Remedy Frequently accidents occur in the household which cause burns cuts sprains and bruises for use in such cases Ballards Snow Liniment has for many years been the constant favorite family remedy 25c 50c and 81 at A McMillen s Liver Pills Thats what you need some thing to cure your bilious ness and give you a good digestion Averts Pills are liver pills They cure con stipation and biliousness Gently laxative An deists M11 lll WI rf NM i I II 11 II Want your moustii iie or beira a ueautlitu brown or rich black Then use BUCKINGHAMS DYEI 50 cts of Druggists on p MawPMtH all A Co Nashua n H PUBLICATION OF SUMMONS To Harry R Desmond non resident defendant You are hereby notified that Viretta Des mond plaintiff has filed her petition in the di trict court of Bed Willow county Nebraska the object and prajer of which is to obtain a divorce from ion on the crounds of desertion for more than two years last past without just cause or provocation and failure to support her Plaintiff also asks for the custody of her minor son Harry Desmond You are required to answer said petition on or before Monday January 11 1001 Dated December 3rd 1903 ViitETTA Desmoxd plaintiff By J E Kelley her attorney 124 lts SHERIFFS SALE By virtue of an order of sale issued out of the district court of Red Willow county Nebraska under a decree in an action wherein the Bristol Savings Bank of Bristol New Hampshire i9 plaintiff and Anitistia Holmes et al are defend ants to me directed and delivered I shall offer at public sale and sell to the highest bidder for cash at the front door of the court house in Mc Cook Red Willow county Nebraska on the 28th day of December 1903 at the hour of one oclock pm of said da v the following described real estate to wit The northwest quarter of seccion 27 in township 2 north in range 30 west of the 6th P M in Red Willow county Nebraska Dated this 27th day of November 1903 A C Cbabteee Sheriff W S Moklax Attorney SHERIFFS SALE By virtue of an order of sale issued from the dibtrict court of Red Willow county Nebraska under a decree in an action wherein C H Boyle is plaintiff and Margaret H Heade et al are defendants to me directed and delivered I shall offer at public sale and sell to the highest bid der for cash at the east door of the court house in McCook Red Willow county Nebraska on the 28th daj of December 1103 at the hour of one oclock p m the following described real estate to wit East half southeast quarter of section 23 and south half of the southwest quar ter of section 21 in township 1 range 30 in Red Willow county Nebraska Dated this 27th day of November 1903 A C Cbabteee Sheriff C H Eotle Attorney NOTICE OF SALE In the district court of Frontier county Ne braska In the matter of the estate of Ada G Case de ceased Notice i9 hereby given that in pursuance of an order of Hon R C Orr judge of the district court of Frontier county Nebraska made on the ninth day of September AD 1903 for the sale of the real estate hereinafter described with other lands there will be sold at the front door of the court house in McCook Red Willow coun ty Nebraska on Tuesday the fifth day of Jan uary A D 1904 at ten oclock a m at public vendue to the highest bidder for cash the fol lowing described real estate to wit Tho undi vided one third interest in the northeast quarter of section 31 in township 2 north range 23 west of the Sixth principal meridian in Red Willow county Nebraska Said sale will remain open one hour Dated atStockville Nebraska December 14th 1903 G Burton Case Guardian of Carrol B Case minor By Loyal M Graham his attorney Modern Dentistry HERBERT J PRATT DDS Office over McConnells drug store McCOOK NEBRASKA Office Phone 160 Res Phone 111 Registered Graduate Dentist Formerly located in At lanta Georgia All opera tions pertaining to modern dentistry performed accord ing to the latest scientific methods used in the large cities F D BURGESS Plumber and Steam Fitter Iron Lead and Sewer Pipe Brass Goods Pumps an Boiler Trimmings Agent for Halliday Waupun bclipse Windmills Basement of the Meeker Phillips Building McCOOK NEBRASKA DR H M IRELAND Osteopathic Physician Kelley Office Bldg Phone No 13 McCOOK NEB Consultation free H L PREVOST DRNTIST Graduate of Kansas City Lental College OverJasMcAdams Telephone 43 McCook Nebraska BR R GUNN DENTIST knb 112 Oflico over Grannis store McCook Neb Dr S C BEACH Office Over Ludwicks Store Telephone 126 McCOOK NEBRASKA DR A P WELLES Physician and Surgeon Office over McMillens drug store Residence 702 Main Avenue Residence phone 5J Office phone 28 Calls answered night or day McCOOK NEBRASKA 7 JACOB BETZ AUCTIONEER McCook Nebraska Goes anywhere Specialty of Thorough Bred Stock sales Ono per cent on sales 1000 and JEWELEH MUSICAL GOODS McCOOK - NEBRASKA AMERICAS GREATEST WEEKLY V upward uorresponuonco solicited JOHN E KELLEY ATTORNEY AT LAW and BONDED ABSTRACTER 7 McCook Nebraska - SgcAsont of Lincoln Land Co and of McCook Waterworks Office in Postoffico building C E ELDRED ATTORNEY AT LAW McCook Nebraska Office Id Court House Phone 18 1 C H BOYLE ATTORNEY at LAW McCook Nebraska Telephone 44 p O Building H P SUTTON -v I M 7 TOLEDO OHIO New and Larger Building New Presses New Steretype Plant New and Mdern Appliances n Every Department The Toledo Blade is now installed in its new building with modern plant and equipment f and facilities equal to any publication between s i New York and Chicago It is the only weekl M newspaper edited expressly for every state and territory The news of the world so arranged that busy people can more easily comprehend than by reading cumbersome columns of dailies All current topics made plain in each issue by special editorial matter written from inception down to date Tho only paper published espec ially for people who do not read daily persanuyoimirst lor plain facts Thatthia kind of a newspaper is popular is proven by the fact that the Weekly Blade now has over 1GO000 yearly subscribers and its circulation is in all parts of thaTJ S In addition to the news the Blade publishes short and serial stories and many departments of matter suited to every member of the family Only one dollar a year Write for freo specimen copy Address The Blade Toledo Ohio - 4L f tfvi H 4 AX f The Toledo Blade i A