1 wBfr mx Jf fl diAic AA We Wish You All A Happy and Prosperous New Year THE BEE HIVE Sudden Death at Wilcox Wilcox Nob Dec 1G Special The citizens of Wilcox were shocked this morning upon learning of the death of Mrs J J Lamborn widow of Capt John Lamborn of the Third Nebraska regiment who died at 3 oclock this morning Just two years ago Mrs Lamborn suffered a paralytic stroke but had seemingly recovered from it and was in her usual good health up until the hour of her death Her daughter Miss Lottie who occupied the same bed with her was aroused at about 2 oclock by her mothers groaning Upon failing to awaken her she at once arose and awoke the remainder of the family who immediately summoned medical assist ance Dr Burford responded but Mrs Lamborn passed away shortly after his arrival without regaining consciousness News of her death has cast a gloom over the entire community as she was a wo man greatly admired by all who knew her Seven children are thus left alone the youngest being about 7 years of age which fact appeals to the sympathy of everyone in the community Funeral arrangements have not yet been com pleted but it has been announced that intorment will take place at Indianola Neb whore the bodies of her husband and son Lincoln Journal Will buy hogs Tuesdays and Sat urdays F S Wilcox RECTOR OF ST LUKES Ashburnham Ontario Testifies to the Good Qualities of Chamberlains Cough Remedy Ashburnham Ont April 18 1903 I think it is only right that I should tell you what a wonderful effect Chamber lains Cough Remedy has produced The day before Easter I was so distress ed with a cold and cough that I did not think to be able to take any duties the next day as my voice was almost choked by the cough Tho same day received an order from you for a bottle of your Cough Remedy I at onco procured a sample bottle and took about 3 doses of the medicine To my great relief the cough and cold had completely disap peared and I was able to preach three times on Easter Day I know that this rapid and effective cure was due to your Cough Remedy I make this testimon ial without solicitation being thankful to have found such a God sent remedy Respectfully yours E A Langfeldt M A Rector of St Lukes Church To Chamberlain Medicine Co This remedy is for sale by all druggists Ballards Horehound Syrup Immediately relieves hoarse croupy cough oppressed rattling rasping and difficult breathing Henry C Stearns druggist Shullsburg Wisconsin writes May 20 1901 I have been selling Ballards Horehound Syrup for two years and have never had a preparation that has given better satisfaction I notice that when I sell a bottle they come back for more I can honestly recommend it 25c 50c and 1 at A McMillens Scale books Typewriter papers The Tribune wegs323fc4wu Tsspart kxv tgr rera3EZ H Bronchitis I praqJCTWJ AJLI ftllmEml I Viotia -Ant ivprc hfrrv Per- toral in my house for a great many vears It is the best medicine in the world for coughs and colds J C Williams Attica N Y All serious lung troubles begin with a tickling in the throat You can stop this at first in a single night with Ayers Cherry Pectoral Use it also for bronchitis consumption hard colds and for coughs oi ail Kinds Three sties 25c 50c AU drcjjlsis Consult your doctor If he says take It g then do as ho says If ho tells you not S to take It then dont tako it He knows H t n l U AlJli lU iH ju jj Time Card McCook Neb CI McCOOK NEBRASKA wssnt MAIN LINE EAHT DEPAHT No 6 Central Time 1115 pm 2 620 am 12 820 am 14 935 1 M No 5 arrives from east at 8 p m MAIN LINE WEST DEPART No 1 Mountain Time 1154 a m 3 U5pm 5 750 pm 13 845AM IMFEKIAIi LINE No 176 arrives Mountain Time 5 40 p m No 175 departs - 700 AM Sleoping dining and reclining chair cars Beats free on through trains Tickets sold and baggage checked to any pointin the United States or Canada For information timo tables maps and tick ets call on or write George Scott Agent Mc Cook Nebraska or J Francis General Passen ger Agent Omaha Nebraska Wedding- John S Modrelis home north of town was the scene of a happy marriage Wednesday evening His daughter Stella May was married to W F Sat chelH Relatives and friends began to gather in the afternoon and quite a company wore present by 6 oclock when the ceremony was said by Rev W E Hardaway assisted by Rev W S Satchell father of the groom The guests were then invited to tho dining room where the long table was spread and were served with a bountiful supper which had been prepared by Mrs Mod rell and daughter Miss Ida Numerous presents useful and beautiful were pres ented the happy pair The time was spent in social converse music sing ing and recitations The joy bells are ringing round a large circle of friends of the bride and groom and good wishes follow them Communicated Junior Normal Schools The Junior Normal schools of Nebras ka will be in session Monday June 13 to Friday August 19 1904 at Alliance Holdrege McCook North Platte and Valentine Tho principals of these schools will be the same as in 1903 with the exception of Holdrege Superin tendent J F Conner prefers to rest next summer The principals and instructors of these schools and all county superintendents in the territory adjacent or naturally tributary theretoare earnestly requested to meet one another State Superintend ent Fowler and Deputy State Superin tendent McBrien will be in the state su perintendents office Tuesday afternoon December 29 at 2 oclock or Saturday forenoon January 2 at 9 oclock or both half days for a conference on all matters of interest to the junior normal schools Lincoln Journal Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests all classes of food tones and strengthens the stomach and digestive organs Cures dyspepsia indigestion stomach troubles and makes rich red blood health and strength Kodol Dys pepsia Cure rebuilds wornout tissues purifies strengthens and sweetens the stomach Gov GW Atkinson of WVa says I havo used a number of bottles of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure and have found it to be a very effective and indeed a powerful remedy for stomach ailments I recommend it to my friends Sold by L W McConnell BANKSVILLE Harvey Rowland was to McCook with a load of grain Tuesday Ira Elliott is getting the good of this fine weather by hauling straw home Dennis St German was looking over the fat stock in this vicinity first of tho week The basket picnic at the Banksville school house was a success and netted 1710 for the library O C Lohr tho teacher in district 51 has a vacation so as to spend Christmas at his home at Bartlev A Costly Mistake Blunders are sometimes very expen sive Occasionally life itselfis the price of a mistake but voull never be wronjr if you take Dr Kings New Life Pills for dyspepsia dizziness headache liver or bowel troubles They are gentle yet thorough 25c at L W McConnells drug store Brakeman O A Garner has taken a 10 days lay oil and gone down to Iua vale on a visit W M Campbell is switching in Akron yards in his place The Tribute Only 8100 per year WBWiFwiiii nwu aw wic itij a imi huh IteanonlriK Poirer In- Anlrckl t f Animal JntelHgenctvtliongh not nee essarily higher In degree when they are acting as our servants and not for their own ends Is then very much more easi ly approached and understood by us ihe point Is a curious example of an action in which instinct and reason meet The stopping of the dog howev er It began has by training and heredi ty become instinctive The dog even when quite a puppy slops when it smells the game and remains almost paralyzed its impulse to rush In and seize it being checked by a strong In stinct to stand still Yet the dog after he had accompanied his master and had game shot over him is quite aware that lie is a half controlled me dium and -while still under the domi nating pointing instinct will look round Imploringly to his master to urge him to hurry up if the scent tells him that the birds are moving A border line action of a different kind is the squatting of young birds It is a per fectly reasonable precaution Keeping still and lying low are not characteris tics peculiar only to Brer Rabbit but it is most remarkable to see the way in which tiny peewits or little teal hardly bigger than a fluffy bee lie down put their little chins flat on the ground and remain motionless for min utes to avoid beins seen An lffectlve Telegram When Senator Depew was president of the New York Central Railroad com pany ho received a telegram which he preserved for a number of years and now and then showed to his friends says a reminiscent writer for the Wash ington Star This telegram reached him one fine morning a short time be fore Senator Piatt was elected to the United States senate for the second time It was sent from one of the sta tions of the New York Central and read Please stop the noon express here to take on Mrs Piatt and ME TOO It was a very unusual thing for that train to stop at that particular station but Mr Depew at once gave an order to have it done This telegram was referred to in the presence of Senator Piatt on one occa sion You see said the senator I want ed that train to stop without the least question of doubt I knew that the way to reach Depews heart was with a joke and so I sent that telegram A Persistent Office Seelcer Governor Stanley of Kansas was once so pestered by office seekers re lates the Saturday Evening Post that he found it necessary publicly to make the statement that In view of the ex ceedingly numerous applications for office he had received through the mails he should be unable to give any attention to them mucli less afford any hope of success to the various ap plicants t In the course of a few days f ter making the statement in question the governor received the following note My Dear Governor I understand that you have said that you were go ing to take a week off to destroy the pile of letters asking for jobs If ev erything else is gone then my dear governor I should like the job of tear ing up the letters Gunpowder and Artillery There is abundant evidence that the origin of gunpowder and artillery goes far back in the dim ages of the past The Hindoo code compiled long before the Christian era prohibited the mak ing of war with cannon and guns or any kind of firearms Quintus Curtius informs us that Alexander the Great met with fire weapons in Asia and Philostratus says that Alexanders con quests were arrested by the use of gun powder It is also written that those wise men avIio lived in the cities of the Ganges overthrew their enemies with tempests and thunderbolts shot from the walls Cassells Magazine Tlie Mexican Carrier The eargador or carrier of Mexico is a remarkable individual Nothing seems too bulky nothing too heavy for him to carry and it is quite wonderful how he manages not only to lift but to bain nee his cumbersome load It is nothing for a man to carry a load weighing 400 pounds this being borne either on tin top of the head or on the shoulders and kept in place y a flat braid passing across the forehead Colonies of tlie World The colonies so called of the world occupy two fifths of the land surface of the globe and contain one thirl of the worlds population or about SCO000000 people Of this colonial population of 500000000 only three small groups numbering less than 15000000 pop ulation or 3 per cent of the whole are composed in any considerable degree of the people of the governing country or their descendants An Upstart Teacher What is the meaning of parvenu Tohnnyc An upstart Teacher Give me a sentence in which the word is used Johnny When a man sits down on a bent pin he gives a violent parvenu Bleeding When I was young it was the fash ion to bleed folks fer different com plaints but they say noAv that it was a big mistake the doctors still bleed but they lance the pocket instead o the veins The Substitute Where tlie Worry Comes Are you not worried by your wifes absence No its her return that always wor ries me Smart Set A brave man is sometimes a despera do but a bully is always a coward Haliburton Not All Due to Impure Water The Burlington has built no water purifying plants up to this time and it may not for some timo to come if in deed it ever doo3 That does not mean that the road is having no trouble with its boilers It is having a great deal of it and impuro water is given as a cause for part of it Many of the officials of the road who havo given tho matter much study believe that much damage is done through tho carelessness or tho lack of skill in enginemen in forcing cold watSr into tho boiler at inopportune times That this may bo corrected the Bur lington has a traveling engineer who in structs enginemen in relation to the in jection of water into boilers One of the rules is never to use both injectors un less absolutely necessary and the other is to use no ejector longer than enough to reduce the steam pressure 5 pounds Owing to the difference in specific gravity in hot and cold water cold water forced into the boiler near tho front end travels backward in tho boiler along the bottom thus cooling the bottom shoots until it reaches the part directly over the fire box This causes two tempera tures or to be more precise many tem peratures in the boiler at the same time The water over the crown sheet may be como much cooler than that in other parts of tho boiler thus causing a shrinkage in the metal at one place and an expansion in another This shrink age has a tendency to draw the portion of the boiler nearest tho fire which may be coolest inside away from the flues and cause leakage The purifying plants now in use leave tho water to be used containing much alkali The Burlington has had a great deal of trouble with water in the north west which contains a large percentage of alkali Because of this fact it has been slow to adopt the purifying plant system although it may yet be forced to follow the lead of the other roads Tho traveling engineers instruct the enginemen as to how best to use inject ors causing the least possible harm to the boilers In this way boiler life has been lengthened but whether it will be shown that the benefit derived is as great as expected yet remains to be seen If in the end it is found that it is not some other plan must be worked out and it is said that it is possible water purifying plants will be adopted The step is an expensive one jet were it certain that it would do all that is claimed there would be little hesitancy installing such apparatus at all water stations The life of an engine depends on the life of its boiler That is the one thing that wears out quickest With the big locomotives that cost great sums the de struction of a boiler means a big loss When a boiler begins to leak the engine must go the shop Eventually the shopmen find ijt impossible to repair ex cepting by substituting a new boiler for the old Wo may be wrong says a Burling ton official but we are working on the theory that the great damage to boilers is caused by the manner in which cold water is injected into boilers If we are wrong when wo decide to follow oth er roads in this matter we will have the benefit of their experience and other roads will have the benefit of ours We pay a great deal of attention to the water question and it is not an easy matter to name a solution of a trouble that is worrying a great many operating department officials Work For The Coming Year The Burlington has ordered Foreman Ackerman of the Havelock shops to build S new K4 engines With other work that may be ordered and the regu lar run of repairing this will keep tho shops busy for the coming year The new engines will weigh 10 tons more than the oldKis and their general build will be proportionately heavier Tho boiler will be four inches larger in diameter it will be longer and the frame work of the engines will be heavier The Kis now in service pro ducts of the Havelock shops are regard ed as the best all purpose machine The run longer without causing j ble audvneeding repairs than any of the others so the enginemen claim They are used in both the freight and passen ger service and in addition tu great power they have speed Indications are for a busy year at the shops The shop3 havo had a great deal of work during the past year and there have been no labor troubles nor friction between the men and the com pany Lincoln Journal Good for Children The pleasant to take and harmless One Minute Cough Cure gives immediate re lief in all cases of cough croup and la grippe because it does not pass imme diately into the stomach It draws out the inflammation heals and sooths and cures permanently by enabling the lungs to contribute pure life giving and life sustaining oxygen to the blood and tis sues Dr Armstrong of Delia Texas prescribes it daily and says there is no hptfar cough remedy made Sold by L W McConnell Low Rates For The Holidays On December 24 25 31 and January 1 the Burlington will sell tickets to points within 200 miles at greatly reduced rates Return limit January 4 1904 For particulars ask the agent - i V KBBnaBBnBHIKnnaoaaaDBaumJI IIjS2S2sj5i A IO immrimwtttt t wr t hi t n r f t - t w jg And now we wish you all A Merry Merry Christmas May you thoroughly enjoy the gifts received We feel grateful to our friends who have favored us with their pat ronage in the past and hope to be worthy of the same in 1904 which we wish will be a very prosperous year for you all i 4A Fight Will Be Bitter Those who will persist in closing their ears against the continual recommenda tion of Dr Kings New Discovery for Consumption will have a long and bit ter light with their troubles if not ended earlier by fatal termination Read what T R Beall of Beall Miss has to say Last fall my wife had every symptom of consumption She took Dr Kings New Discovery after everything else had failed Improvement came at once and four bottles entirely cured her Guar anteed by L W McConnell druggist Price 50c and 81 Trial bottles free digasfasgsgggsasssEEB 1 STOCt and 1 I pal U TPV I tS Stock nnrl poultry have few feS ii troubles which are not bowel and liver irregularities Black Draught Stock and Poultry Medi cine is a bowel and liver remedy for stock It puts the organs of digestion in a perfect condition Prominent American breeders and farmers keep their herds and flocks healthy by giving them an occa sional dose of Black Draught Stock and Poultry Medicine In their food Any stock raiser may buy a 25 cent half pound air tight can o this medicine from his dealer and keep his stock in vigorous health for weeks Dealers gener ally keep Black Draucht Stock and Poultry Medicine If yours does not send 25 cents for a sample can to the manufacturers The Chattanooga Medicine Co Chat tanooga Tenn RocmaLZ Ga Jan SO 1902 Black Draught Stock and Poultry Medicine is the best I ever tried Our stock was looking bad when yon esnt me tho medicine and novy they are getting so fine They are looking 20 per cent better S P BEOCKEfGTON mm4y FF McCook Neb BOX ELDER John Morosic is threshing for J A Modrell Charles Bolles is spending tho holidays at home Bert Hockman has been having one of Jobs comforters Miss Bertha Wolfe is visiting the home folks for a short time Ira Harrison and son George finished threshing Monday evening Miss Maude Wilson is helping Mrs J A Modrell cook for threshers this week Harry Shepherd who is attending school at Franklin is home for the holi days There will be no tree at the church this Xmas on account of whooping cough Miss Gertie Moore departed last Mon day night for her home in Blue Hill Ne braska Mrs Martha Johnson visited with Mrs John Selby and mother of McCook Monday T M Campbell has been having a very bad hand and arm caused by a bruise on his finger from breaking off corn while husking but is much better at present Thi3 is vacation week for the school in this district Miss Chinn gave her school a nice treat last Friday afternoon and left that evening for her home at Indianola to spend her vacation Wben you want a pleasant purgative try Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tablets They are easy to take and produce no nausea griping or other dis agreeable effect For sale by all drug gists Tribune Cluobing List For convenience of readers of The Tbithwz we have made arrangetnents with the following newspapers and periodicals whereby we can sup ply them in combination with The Tsibcke at the following very low prices with rUIJLICATIOX PRICC TKIBOTB Detroit Free Press 100 15 Leslies Weekly 4 00 SOB Prairie Farmer 100 125 Chicago Iuter Ocean ICO 1 OS Cincinnati Enquire 10 I 3ff New York Tribune 19 12 Demorests Magazine 1 A3 115 ToledoBlade 100 123 Nebraska Fanner 100 16b Ipwa Homestead 1 60 12 Lincoln Journal IK 1 2o Campbells Soil Culture 1 00 1 New York World 1 0D 1 S Cosmopolitan Magazine 1 60 XSS St Louis Republic ICO 1 IS Kansas City Star 25 ISA FannandHome 100 12 Word and Works 1 00 1 76 We are prepared to fill orders for any otbe papers published at reduced rates The Teibcm McCook Xcb r t