The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 25, 1903, Image 4

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xvtsk Jilm
LargestCIrculation in Red Willow Co
Subscription 1 a Year in Advance
Fraternal Insurance Order Cards
R C I P A Lodce NoC12 meets first and
-third Thursdays of each month McConnolls
f hall 830 p m E B Hobeb President W S
TGutbr Secretary
fclodfjo No- 807 meets on socond and fourth fon
1 day ovoninjrs of each month at eight oclock in
McConuoll hall R W Devok Illustrious Pro-
tector J C Mitciiell Secretary
fS62 meets second and fourth Thursday after-
noons atHX oclock in McConnells hall Mbs
i Thau Shepueed Oraclo Mes Augusta Anton
Congressman Nonius has recommend-
ed the appointment of Oren B Ballard
i as postmaster at Ives Dundy county
vice J B Burk resigned
r Catholic Order of services Mass
8 n m Mass and sermon 1030 a m
7 Sunday school 230 p m Every Sun-
day J J Loughran Pastor
BaiTist Sermons 11 a m and 745
r p m Bible school 945 a m Junior
Society S p m E Y P U 645 p m
Excellent music A cordial welcome to
all C R Bett8 Pastor
Congregational Preaching services
both morning and evening at the usual
hours Sunday school at 10 Prayer
meeting on Wednesday evening at 8
Welcome to all
George A Conrad Pastor
Episcopal Services in St Albans
i church as follows Every Sunday in the
month Sunday schooi at 10 oclock a m
i Morning prayer at 11 andeveniug prayer
5 and sermon at 8 The
third Sunday in
the month Holy Communion at 730 a
All are welcome
E R Earle Rector
Methodist Sunday school 10 a m
Sermon at 11 a m and 8 p m Class
meeting at 12 Junior League at 3 p m
Epworth League at 7 p m Prayer
meeting Wednesday night at 730 p m
Watch night service New Year eve as
follows 9 to 10 young peoples rally 10
to 11 sermon and praise service 11 to
1150 love feast 12 altar service I will
preach at South McCook nest Sunday
at 3 p ro M B Carman Pastor
Head About to Burst From Severe
Bilious Attack
I had a severe bilious attack and
felt like my head was about to burst
when I got hold of a free sample of
Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tab
lets I took a dose of them after supper
and the nest day felt like a new man
and have been feeling happyever since
says Mr J W Smith of Juliff Texas
For biliousness stomach troubles and
constipation these Tablets have no equal
Price 25 cents For sale by all druggists
Bilious Colic Prevented
Take a double dose of Chamberlains
Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy
as soon as the first indication of the dis
ease appears and a threatened attack
may be warded off Hundreds of peo
ple use the remedy in this way with per
fect success For sale by all druggists
Dont forget the old man
- with the fish on his back
fJFor nearly thirty years he
Ms been traveling around the
world and is still traveling
bringing health and comfort
wherever he goes
To the k consumptive he
brings the strength and flesh
He so much needs - -
To all weak and sickly
children he gives rich and
fsfajenrthenifl food - -
To thin arid pale persons
fne gives new firm flesh and
Irichred blood
-Children who first saw Hie
fold man with the fisharc now
jgrqwn up -and have children
of Weir own
t He stands for Scotts Emul
sion of pure cod liver
delightful food and a natural
tonicfor children for old folks
and for all wKo need flesh and
r -SCOTT BOWNE Chemists
-409-415 Pearl Street New York
50c and SI OO all druggists
Fifty Years the Standard
Bmprovis ihe flavor and adds to
tha heaithfulness of the food
We are accustomed in our egotism to
think of Persia as a barbarous country
and of its people as lacking in those
qualities that distinguish savage men
from those called civilized Yet a Per
sian has given us a bit of literature that
will stand among the classics and will
live as long as men are endowed with
capacity for appreciation
Omar Khayyam flourished in the latter
part of the 11th and the early part of the
12th centuries of our era He was a
poet and an astronomer one of the
most learned men not only of his own
time but of any time and of any coun
try He was one of a body of sages em
ployed by the Shah of the period to re
form the calendar The result says
Gibbon was computation of time
which surpasses the Julian and ap
proaches the accuracy of the Gregorian
style Ho is also the compiler of some
astronomical tables and the author of
an algebra that is sufficiently modern to
have been deemed worthy of recent
translation into French
At first thought the pursuit of as
tronomy where mathematical accuracy
is essential is J diametrically different
from that of poetry in which the mind
is permitted to wander through illimit
able space and yet who can bo a stu
dent of the stars without being a poet
Note the astronomical allusions in the
opening verse of this splendid poem
Awake for Morning in the Bowl of
Has flung the Stone that puts the
Stars to Flight
And Lo the Hunter of the East has
The Sultans Turret in a Noose of
Fitzgerald may be said to be the dis
coverer of the poem or if he were not
the first to recognize its beauties he is
at least entitled to gratitude for having
by his translation placed it within
reach of English readers Fitzgerald
himself has given us no less than five
authorized versions differing widely at
times in phraseology It is the most
remarkable translation from a foreign
language into the English One cannot
believe the work has lost much in the
process bo well nas it been done tnat
the translator has earned quite as se
cure a place in literary history as has
the author
The poem is profoundly philosophical
deals with questions of the utmost con-
sequence to every human being the
purpose of existence the probability of
a life beyond themes of universal in
terest None has aroused so much
speculation or so much controversy
Every race of men nearly every mem
ber of society believes in the immortality
of ihe soul It is of no moment then to
what period do we belong or with what
brotherhood of men we claim allegiance
or whether we are believers or disbe
lievers we will find in this poem ex
pression given to thoughts with which
we are in sympathy and accord or views
that will meet with our heartiest disap
probation but in regard to which we
shall in no event stand neutral
Listen to old Omars advise to men
Some for the Glories of This World
and some
Sigh for the Prophets Paradise to
Ah take the Cash and let the Credit
Nor heed the rumble of a distant drum
It is difficult to make selections for
the purpose of quotation All of the
quatrains are so nearly equal in merit
that one dislikes to bo compelled to
choose Further than- that they are so
related to one another that the thread
of the thought is liable to be broken by
reading the verses singly The poem
will repay the carefulest perusal and
Revolution Imminent
A sure sign of approaching revolt and
serious trouble in your system is ner
vousness sleeplessness or stomach up
sets Electric Bitters will quickly dis
member the troublesome causes It
never fails to tone the stonrach regulate
the kidneys and bowels stimulate the
liver and clarify the blood Kun down
systemsbenefit particularly and all the
I usual attending aches vanish under its
searching and thorough effectiveness
Electric Bitters is only 50c and that is
returned if it dont give perfect satisfac
tion Guaranteed by L W McConnoll
druggist -
Will Buy hogs Tuesdays and Sat
urdays F S Wilcox
- fta ivtovii ww1 s wv a -
B Duckworth is on the sick list
Albert Axtell of Danbury was a town
visitor Tuesday
Frank Dolan from Oklahoma is here
visiting home folks
Dr Maston has erected a new hen
house on his land in town
Miss Barr and Delia Andrews were
McCook visitors Sunday
Miss Mabel Porter who has been se
riously ill is on the road to recovery
Miss Delia Andrew spent Monday
with Mrs Joe Carmichael on the farm
Otto Halberslaben is home from
Franklin to spend the holidays with his
Miss Anna Lehn went down to Red
Cloud Tuesday morning for a visit
with friends
Rev Crippen and Jake Kern drove to
Bartley Sunday to attend the funeral
of Mr Catlett
Miss Stevens came in on No 5 Mon
day evening from Minden for a visit
with her sister Nancy
Roy Thomas of near Danbury started
for Oklahoma Monday evening where
he will spend the winter
Frank Lackey cartoonist of one of the
Des Moines papers is here visiting
friends and acquaintances
MissRena Epperley of Bartley visited
the latter part of last week with her
sister Mrs Clarence McCord
Merle Powell went down to Blue Hill
Neb Monday morning to spend Christ
mas with Mr Hostetter and family
Ned Heaton and family departed on
No 2 Tuesday morning for Kokomo
Indiana for a weeks visit with relatives
Gene Wilcox and wife returned to
their home in Cripple Creek Monday
after a few weeks visit with relatives
Mr and Mrs W H Smith started
Tuesday morning for Bison Oklahoma
for a short visit with their daughters
Edith and Mrs I S Walker
The school entertainment given at the
opera house last Friday evening was
largely attended The proceeds which
amounted to about 50 will be used for
buying new books
The Misses Julia and Nellie Kane who
have been working in Denver for some
time stopped off here Tuesday morning
for a short visit with relatives before
returning to their home in Kenesaw
McCook Market Quotations
Corrected Friday morning
Corn 25
Wheat 56
Oats 25
Eye 35
Barley 30
Hogs 3 85
Eggs 25
Good Butter 20
Creamery Butter 25
Cheerfulness is a duty one owes to
oneself as well as to ones neighbors
for nothing so unfits one for the or
dinary duties of life or so quickly
brings on premature old age as a mo
rose temper says the Brooklyn Eagle
There are plenty of artificial aids to
cheerfulness within the reach of every
one who has real or imaginary cause
for- ill humor or a congenital tendency
to surliness When things dont go
fight or your liver is guilty of neglect
of duty strive systematically to achieve
good humor bj repeating over and
over the best funny stories or bits of
humorous poetry you know If con
scientiously administered this prescrip
tion is an infallible remedy for the
most acute fit of blue devils If you
doubt it just try the experiment
Survival of a Cnstom
On gateposts you will frequently find
a stone uan wno wouiu ever suppose
that the balls on the gateposts were
the heads of family enemies It was
once the custom to stick your enemys
gory head as a trophy on the gatepost
On the gates of towns were stuck the
heads of traitorous persons In old
London for instance the bridge gate
and Temple Bar were always decorated
with ghastly relics of the kind and the
memory of the custom survives on the
gateposts of modern suburban villas
The Cost of Xefflcet
I need a vacation badly but I cant
take it now said Dr Price Price
Many of my patients are in such con
dition that I cant afford to leave them
They need constant nursing
Ah yes replied the man who
knew I guess there are certain pa
tients who if you quit them get well
the first tiling you know Catholic
Standard and Times
We look fur our feller men to be
consistent anx dats where we am in
consistent ourselves De best speech I
eber deliberated was on de subject of
honesty an yet I had to go out dat
worry eavenin an steal wood miff to
run me ober Sunday Detroit Iree
The Expected
Ernie So Mabel and Jack eloped
Helen Yes and they did just what I
thought they would do
Ernie Wrote home for forgiveness
Helen No wrote home for money
Qnielcly Snbdneil
Yon Blumer roaring with rage
Who told you to put paper on the wall
Decorator Your wife sir
Yon Blumer Pretty isnt it
Many people buy everything on cred
it and never ask the price until they go
to pay Then there is a kick Atchison
BaflMBBStt s a8
r -
t J0 jpH t
Prnnlca of Studentc
A book by Captain Mnrkhnm of the
BriUsh artny tells of experiences In
Westminster school Loudon some
thing over half a century ago He de
scribes the handings of those clays
The back of the hand was extended
while the master standing behind
smote it with a rod which curled over
a little and left a cut and the culprit
facing the school observed the eti
quette of the occasion by wearing an
expression of scornful amusement
Captain Markham also describes tan
ning which was administered with
the butt end of a rod upon the backs of
the boys legs He recalls the code of
honor which was merciless to the boy
who broke his word or allowed another
to suffer for his offense but permitted
any amount of humbugging of a mas
ter When disinclined for school you
said I dont feel very well sir and
before the master inspected jour
tongue you gave the upper surface a
hard pressure with your upper teeth
and out came a tongue white enough to
satisfy any doctor
Underground Waters
The earth contains an abundance of
water even in places like some of our
great western plateaus where the sur
face is comparatively arid The great
est depth at which underground water
can exist is estimated to be about six
miles Below that it is believed the
cavities and pores of the rock are com
pletely closed The amount of water
in the earths crust is reckoned at
nearly a third of that contained in the
oceans so that it would cover the
whole surface of the globe to a depth
of from 3000 to 3500 feet The waters
underground flow horizontally after
sinking below the unsaturated zone of
the rocks but in the sands of the Da
kota formation which supply remark
able artesian wells the motion does
not exceed one or two miles a year
The underflow toward the sea beneath
the great plains may sometimes take
the form of broad streams or moving
sheets of water but the movement is
excessively slow Youths Companion
Indians Have Hard Teeth
I dont care for Indians as patients
said a dentist the other day No it
isnt that they are objectionable per
sonally it is just because there is no
money to be made out of them at regu
lar rates The hardness of an Indians
tooth is something to marvel at and
If I had many of them to treat I should
be forced to have instruments of un
usual strength made to order The
ordinary kind wont stand the pressure
I filled one cavity in a red mans tooth
the other day and before I got through
I had turned the edges of no less than
twenty drills There isnt much money
in that sort of work is there And
talk about the Indians vaunted stoi
cism and imperviousness to pain Why
that fellow yelled every time I touched
him Ive had six-year-old children be
have better in the chair Philadel
phia Record
Sentiment Versus Fact
That the advance preparation of
speeches will not always conform to
circumstances was made evident dur
ing a flag raising at a public school
The young orator had been speaking
for several minutes when he advanced
to the front of the platform raised his
hand with a dramatic gesture to the
flag on the staff above him and shouted
See yon flag throwing its protecting
folds to the breeze of freedom
It was a pretty sentiment but the
breeze didnt bear out the picture
The flag to which all eyes were imme
diately turned hung as limp as if it
had been dipped in water
Every day in the year the average
man has a prrievauee On the last day
in the year he has probably forgotten
the other 3G4
Three hundred and sixty five days in
the year he has poured his particular
grievance into the ears of some poor
devil who has troubles of his own
Whats the use of it
Dont kick Let the other fellow do
the kicking and give him cause
Dont bluff Some day fate is goinji
to deal you a good hand Pittsburg
Pistol Worse Than Svrord
Damocles was viewing the suspended
It doesnt seem to trouble you ob
served Dionysius
No returned his guest Now if
it was only a pistol you didnt know
was loaded
Weakened by the mere thought he
hastily turned to the butter
strength New York Tribune
Over His Patients Head
When the doctor who forgot what
kind of medicine his patient was tak
ing asked was it a uuici medicament
I prescribed for you the last time the
puzzled German patient answered
I dont know vot id vos You said
I shud take fife drobs dree dimes a day
in vater New York Press
Tnst a Hint
How appropriately the words are
arranged here she -remarked as she
idly turned the pages of the dictionary
How do you mean inquired 2Ir
Slowe Polk
Why for instance love comes just
a little before matrimony
linelcy Xamhers
Speaking of lucky numbers they
are the ones with the dollar sign before
them arent they
Well that depends on whether they
represent what is coming to you or
what you owe Chicago Post
Discretion Comes With Tears
So you quarreled with your wife
No sub she quarreled wid me
Dont you ever answer back
Jedce replied the witness Im
forty year old Atlanta Constitution
Turkeys Bucks Geese
and Eggs
Come in and talk with us
One door south of the Tribune Office
i lMHTmWIl
Blue Front
gmSeH9 I
Fine Turnouts
Either Single or Double
Phone 36 Rear Palmer House
McCook Nebraska
-- v i
ir - j
1 PV - it
A - i tfi y
- - - r
- Afrvl v - 5
-- - r - - - fl
is r - - -
To the People of McCook and vi
I desire to express to you my ap
preciation of your patronage during
the year 1903 and to wish to each
and every one you a Happy and
Prosperous New Year
A specialty of office supplies
The Tribune
Mike Walsh
and EGGS
Old Rubber Copper and Brass
Highest Market Price Paid in Cash
Block West of Citizens Bank
flcCook Nebraska j
Sfu U
3Tir reliable tatllcH ask Druggist for
Cold metallic boxes sealed with blue ribbon r5
Take no other Itofuse danserouH ubtiU V
j111 aUoniu Buyof yourJrugi4 X
or send 4c in stamps for Particular Teatl
inonlalH and RcIIer fOP Ladles in Utter
CSnaU OOOTestimonfafs Sold
2100 BZnaUon Square PJIIiA XA
3Ientlun this seper
Confession is Sweet
to the Soul
There are difficulties in the treat-
ment of germ diseases Perhaps you
have been the victim of the inevitable
disappointments of trying so called
guaranteed remodies
Your Hogs Are Full
Of Worms
Try a quart of Liauid Konl inr spa
what it will do Take notice how it
increases the appetite We will tell
you what we want you to do Take
a can of Liquid Koal and give it a
fair impartial trial in the treatment
of hog cholera swine plague pink
eye black leg or any of the other
germ diseases of animals use accord
ing to directions and if it is not sat
isfactory when you have used a can
Come Back and Get
Your Money
Read what others say
Aearney bounty Nursery GAStrand Prop
t t luno UUIMSO
ipden Neb Dec 5 1C02
v -
National Medical Co York Neb
About two weeks nin nmr rr ti r
around Jiere lost very heavily by ho cholera
1 do not wish to write you a lonjj llattering
iwrcmanUaj0urnciicine but will
that 1 boiiRht a quart can of Liquid Koal
and tie improvement was so marked that I
bomdt a gallon can and used it with the
sult that my Imps all recovered and 1 did
not oe one My herd of over 200 are in line
condition and you may put mo down as a
constant user of Liquid Koal
G A Stband
He who hesitates goes back
For Sale by James Cain
Up-lo-Date Flour and Feed Store
Phone Ko 20 McCook Neb
Sheldon Iowa yorfc Xobraska
Oklahoma City O T