K CANADAS ATTITUDE fiO DISPOSITION TO SERVE AS A DUMPING GROUND Invasion of Cut Price Commodltitc from the United States Illustrates to he Dominion Some of tbo Prac tical Disadvantages of Reciprocity It is best to look the situation BqnareJy In the face and to know the truth regarding the prospect of nego tiating a reciprocity dicker with Can ada As a matter of fact there is no prospect whatever of arranging a deal whereby the manufacturers of the United States shall obtain larger priv ileges In the Canadian market Even If it were possible to bring about t reciprocity in natural products even cuproslng fiat tho Republican party should be foolhardy enough to still further arouse the resentment of American farmers by opening up free trade In farm products there Is no rea son to suppose that American manu facturers would be permitted to mon opolize the Canadian market Every das it becomes more and more appar ent that Canada will never consent to become the dumping ground for American surplus production At this moment Canadas iron industry Is suf fering sorely from the Invasion of cut price stuff from this side of tho border American brands of iron are being offered at 2 per ton below the lowest price Canadian iron can be laid down at The Toronto Mail of Nov 9 directs attention to the fact thnt American salesmen in Canada aro quoting cut prices on every kind of iron and steel merchandise They sell pig iron to Canadian foundrymen and tho Canadian steel maker Then they sell stoves and ARTISANS AND THE TARIFF Why Wage Earners Should Support ai Protective Policy Of all people those who depend on their handicraft for a livelihood should be the most loyal supporters of tho policy of protection This has al ways been the contention of protec tion leaders in he United States though the success of this policy has been due to the support given it by the American farmers and business men Now that a tariff campaign is on in England this phase of the ques tion is not being forgotten Tho London Daily Telegraph or Au gust 4 1903 gave an illustration of the effect of free trade on labor that should receive the careful attention of all American artisans that they may more fully realize some of the benefits accruing to them from the operation of tho American policy Under the free trade policy of Great Britain there was a decrease in twelve years of over GOO000 in the value of man ufactured goods the produce of Brit ish labor exported from the United Kingdom Following are the figures 1890 229808743 1902 229212625 Decrease 65G118 In the same years there was an in crease of over 35000000 in the value of manufactured goods imported into the United Kingdom the produce of foreign labor 1890 63218167 1902 9005064S Increase - 35832451 Had the British laboring man been protected by an adequate tariff on the goods he helped produce it is probable that at least one half of the increase In the value of the imports would have WELCOME AND UNWELCOME r 4M I -- I niJl vvNvwrfwJvMvfv every other kind of castings to the foundrymens customers and rails plates bars rods wire beams girders nails etc to the steel makers custom ers So grave a menace to her industrial welfare is not long to be endured by Canada Her tariff will go up not dOTrn She will not commit industrial suicide by opening still wider her gates to the invasion of the American E jrplus The Mail says Our neighbors have an enormous manufacturing capacity and a greatly shrunken home demand Congestion is resulting To relieve the pressure of accumulating stocks upon prices they can afford to dump enough on this market to smash many of our in dustries and turn tens of thousands of our people out of employment The danger is urgent If we are to keep back the tidal wave of depression that threatens us from the United States we must have our tariff wall raised We should have had it raised long ago had there been men of busi ness in the place of the squanderers who are now In charge of the countrys affairs In strong confirmation of this state ment of Canadas growing aversion to any and all schemes of reciprocity in manufactured products the Ottawa correspondent of the Toronto Globe the recognized mouthpiece of the Can adian government writes to that pa per Nov 18 as iollows Reciprocity with Canada appears to bfr a live topic in the United States at present but here nobody is wasting any sleep over the matter Senator Fairbanks has not as far as can be learned communicated with the prime minister since last spring when he was told that the resumption of the Joint High Commission could not be considered until after the close of Parliament If negotiations looking toward reci procity are to be opened it will have to be on the initiative of the United States when any proposition which our neighbors to the south may make will receive fair and hoaest considera tion It Is well however for them to understand that Canada can get along without any favors- from the United States Herein we think the Canadian at titude Is accurately expressed Can ada is not going to wreck her indus trial future by inviting reciprocity in manufactured prodtcls That much seems to be settled It is well that reciprocity promoters on this side of the boundary should know the facts and understand the conditions j been saved to him and the year 1902 would have found him better off by 1572358 In the face of these facts every artisan of the United States should be -thankful that he has the benefit of a protective tariff and should use his best efforts to keep it in force as a national policy Ottum wa Iowa Courier IT IS NOT TRUE American Farmers Are Not Reconciled to the Cuban Reciprocity Scheme Even the selfish interests that have opposed it heretofore have become convinced that no harm will come to them because of its provisions New York Commercial Advertiser This would be pleasant news If only it were true But it is not Not a single interest that has at any time op posed the Cuban treaty excepting of course the beet sugar factories that have been bought up by Havemeyer has become convinced that no harm will come to them because of its pro visions On the contrary they con tinue to assert that great harm will come to them and to protest against the wrong and the injustice of the proposition To assert that Not an American interest is sacrificed that It will do harm to no industry is to assert an opinion that may be hon estly entertained even though based upon a total misconception of fact But to state as the Commercial Ad vertiser does that all interests hereto- fore hostile to the Cuban treaty are reconciled to its adoption is to state a palpable untruth Two Conspicuous Examples It is amusing to know that England is about to discard her policy of free trade to save herself from absolute annihilation in the industrial world It brings the tariff question squarely down to the proposition laid down in the Republican platforms in the past it is better to protect home indus tries by means of a tariff on imports and keep mills and factories busy than to maintain free trade and have industrial stagnation Every period of Democratic low tar iff in American history has been a period of hard times Every period of high protection has seen a great industrial prosperity In the last six years while the United States under a protective tariff has been enjoying un told prosperity England under free trade has been struggling with indus trial paralysis and wilJ try the tariff as a cure Free trade and free silver are the two conspicuous examples of wrong guesses on the part of the Democratic party Ottawa Kan Herald BJXVSfAY MAI L CLEEK ONE OF THE BEST TYPES OF AMERICAN CITIZEN Jpon the Faithful and Proper Per formance of His Duties Depends the Welfare of Millions Too Little Appreciated by the Public The railway mall service has been io excellent the public are prone to eceive it as a matter of course Lit lc heed is given to it and If thought f at all It Is with a limited realiza ion of Its magnitude or its connection vith the public weal Too great rominence Is given the hero behind he gun and too little is said of the nan who give3 the best years of his ife for the mental moral and material levelopment of this kind The duties of the railway postal lerk require a high order of dexter ty and skill which not being gifts 5od given are acquired by years of mtiring effort His work Is for the jenefit of everyone and in his views ill are leveled to the same plane Through his hands pass the mes sages of countless millions and vhether of city or village counting louse or farm whether bearing fail ire or success sorrow or joy they speed to their destination Upon his skill ability and untiring efforts de pend to a great extent the success all social political and commercial snterprises This may seem a broad assertion but can you imagine the condition if the ten thousand postal clerks of this county were to resign in a body Means of communication would then be limited to the telegraph and telephone and that they would prove wholly inadequate is apparent to the most casual observer Chaos would reign in the business world and the shock would be felt to the remotest part of the civilized globe It is pleasing however to be as sured that no such event will take place for while realizing his power he is imbued with the spirit of pa triotism that is the life of every true American The thought of any other action than devotion to duty never enters his mind The railway mail service has kept pace with the needs of advancing times and it is the proud boast of the postal clerk that he is the agency through which this pace is and has been kept but the time has come when in spite of the most heroic ef forts that men can put forth they are overwhelmed And the time is at hand when more attention must be given or we will reap the reward of our neglect The attention of every busi ness man should be called to this branch of the public service for they are directly and intimately concerned Upon the railway postal clerk de pends the success of this important branch of the government and his re moval would destroy in a day what it has taken years to build It is due to his fidelity that the work of this won derful business has been carried on to almost perfection and when we con sider the vast quantity of mail pro duced in this country and the rapidity with which it is transported to its destination with almost mathematical precision by this remarkable machine of distribution and delivery it is little short of marvelous If each of the eighty millions of people of the United States mail one letter or par cel a day the average is eight thous and packages to the postal clerk and this is conservative and the rec ord shows that he makes one mistake mis sends one piece for every ten thousand handled The business and professional worlds are challenged to show a record that even approaches this In this service there is no place for the sleepy the sluggish or the indif ferent The essential element is manhood in the absolute not the out ward show of manhood but the inner consciousness of physical strength mental capabilities and moral worth These coupled with the unwearied spirit of application make a good citizen and a good postal clerk These are concomitant for he who is a pos tal clerk is and ought to be a good citizen He must practice those vir tues which make men better in order to withstand the strain of unremitting mental and physical hardship and that he does practice them is evi denced by the record he has made Upon such as he rests the destiny of this nation His is a life of duty a life that brings sweet reward a life that ennobles a life that requires en ergy alertness and fidelity a life that molds character that strength ens Individuality and marks him a man separate and distinct from all other men From an address by E J Kern at the annual convention of the Railway Postal Clerks association of the Sixth Division The Lost Path I found It on a summer day A little footpath gone astray And roving where it listed It led me oer a bank of ferns It crossed a brook with eddying turns It doubled clambered twisted Past violet buds and alder blooms Through shadowy nooks and greenland glooms Where Silence lingered dreaming Now hastening under leaf hid skies Or beckoning to the butterflies Athwart the sunshine streaming From sunny morn to twilight pale I followed on its errant trail Till weary of Its rambles It lost Itself amidst the grass Too Indolent to seek to pass The crowding hawthorn brambles Oh little wandering path of mine My fate reems strangly like to thine Mine too the vain endeavor A thought of what I meant to do A hope a doubt a dream or two And now the walls of Never David Young in New Orleans Times Democrat PERUNA PROTECTS THE LITTLE ONES Against Winter Catarrh - Phases Neglected Colds in Children Often Bring Disastrous Results Peruna should be kept in tho house all the time Peruna should be kept in every house where there are children Dont wait until the child is sick then send to a drug store Have Pe runa on hand accept no substitute Protects the Entire Household Against Catarrhal Diseases As soon as the value of Peruna is fully appreciated by every house hold both as a preventive and cure of catarrhal affections tens of thousands of lives will be saved and hundreds of thousands of chronic lingering cases of disease prevented Peruna is a household safeguard I Ill fsWfs hi wsAJ Kept In the House for Five Years Mr Albert Lietzman 1596 Milwaukee Avenue Chicago 111 writes I am only too glad to inform you that I am feeling splendid and have never felt better in my life Through the advice of a friend I tried Peruna and am glad to say it cured me to perfection I began to tell a friend about Peruna the other day and I had no sooner commenced than he told me his folks have kept Peruna in the house for the last five years I am sure I wouldnt be without it Mother also uses it to keep herself in good health LANDS OF Wim Genada Are the STAR ATTRACTIONS for 1904 Millions of acres of magnificent Grain and Graz ing lands to be had as a free tilt or by purchase from Railway Companies Land Corporations etc THE GREAT ATTRACTIONS Good Crops delightful climate splendid school system perfect social conditions exceptional railway advantages and wealth and afflnenee acquired easily The population of Western Canada increased 123000 by immigration during the past year over 50000 being Americans Write to nearest authorized Canadian Govcrment Agent for Canadian Atlas and other information or address Snpt of ImmicrationOttawa Canada W V Bennett 801 New York Life Building Omaha Neb Apology may be made in fear but honest men apologize in deference to their honor The boot and shoe seller doesnt object to slippery customers Stops the Cough and Works Off the Cold Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets Price 25c When a woman finds her fall su duplicated on another woman she condemns herself for lack of judg ment To some men advancing years add mental as well as physical graces If you wish beautiful clear white clothes use Red Cros3 Ball Blue Largo 2 ez package 5 cents Women usually think they know great deal about the peculiarities of men The female dancing team is com posed of step sisters If you dont get the biggest and best its your own fault Defiance Starch is for sale everywhere and there is positively nothing to equal it in quality or quantity Money in the pocket will make more friends than money on the back in Its Many f pM - iii iii mmmmMmmzm mm I MffiiifflTOMMiiffPPyPiliN Tcflr3l3iSl 8 i ALICE SCHAFER Vi A Wk 4fflbW I riVM WM kji ti vm ANNA RBROWN Mrs J M Brown Dnnnc gan Springs Mo writes My little daughter threo years old was troubled with a very bad cough which re mained after an attack of catarrhal fever She has taken one bottle of Peruna through which she has ob tained a complete cure Sha is now as well and happy as a little girl can be When our friends say how well she looks I tell them Peruna did it In a later letter she says Our little daughter con tinues to have goodj health Mrs Schafer 436 Bope Ave St Louis Mo writes In the early part of last year I wrote to you for advice for my daughter Alice four years of age She has been a puny sickly ailing child sine her birth She had convulsions and catarrhal fevers 1 was always doctoring until we commenced to use hcruna She grew strong and well Peruna is a won derful tonic the best medicine I have ever used I was in a very wretched condition when I commenced to take Peruna I had catarrh all through my whole body but thank God your medicine set me all right I would not have any other medicine Peruna cured my baby boy of a very bad srell of cold and fever He is a big healthy boy fifteen months old I have given him Peruna off and on sines he was born I think that Is why he is so well J cannot praise Peruna enough We have not had a doctor since we began to use Peruna all praise to it Mrs Schafer Be Sure to Have on Hand During the Inclement Months of Fall and Winter Croup capillary bronchitis and articu lar rheumatism are the special banes of childhood These all alike resu from catching cold One child catches cold and scares its mother into hysterics by having croup in the dead of night Another child catches cold develops a stubborn cough that will not yield to ordi nary remedies The parents are filled with forbodings Still another child catches cold and de velops that most fatal malady of childhood capillary bronchitis The doctor is called pronounces the case pneumonia and if the child is lucky enough to live it has devel oped weak lungs from which it may never recover And yet another child catches cold and articular rheumatism is the result Ankles knees wrists and elbows become suddenly swollen and painful A long disastrous ill ness follows The child may live and be come convalescent a miserable invalid of valvular disease of the heart All these mishaps are the direct result of neglected cold Peruna is the safeguard of the fam ily If a child catches cold Peruna should be used immediately A few doses of Peruna and a childs cold is gone The apprehension of the parents flee away The household is free from fear once more If you do not receive prompt and satis factory results from the use of Peruna write at once to Dr Hartman giving a full state ment of your case and he will be pleased to give you his valuable advice gratis Address Dr Hartman President of The Hartman Sanitarium Columbus Ohio Ask Your Druggist for free Peruna Almanac for 1904 The FREE Homestead Western People who cannot forgive them selves are good people s Dye Is as easy as washing when PUTNAM FADELESS DYES are used Keep on the Sunny Side isnt the song for a woman who is forty in the shade People with clinging disposition do not always stick to the truth jr GET A GRASP fek p ON OUR TRADE MARK k Jit GET TO KNOW IT WHEN YOU SEE FT k SW AND THEN NEVER BUY STARCH WITHOUT IT m DEFIANCE STARCH IS WITHOUT EQUAL IT IS GOOD m m IT IS BETTER IT IS THE BEST AND MORE OF IT FOR TEN M m CENTS THAN ANY OTHER STARCH IT WILL NOT ROT THE S H CLOTHES YOUR GROCER HAS IT OR WILL GET IT IF YOU M mk ASK FOR IT a n c t t g yfk SATISFACTION OR MONEY BACK ff MANUFACTURED BY J0 The DEFIANCE STARCH CO dr P OMAHA NEB g The man of vindictive spirit rarely shows a lasting feeling of friendship Men who are not in the business for their health will soon need a doctor Some men are so shallow that there is nothing deep about them except debt A bacneior girl feels called upon to pronounce love an arrectatlon until she xalls a victim Ehcnmarsm j Timing- rain Left In quick order after taking 10 doses of Dr- Sklrvlns Rheumatic Cure in tablet form 25 doses 25c postpaid DR SKIRVIN CO LA CROSSE WIS W N U put S3ia pinbij irjiju irsni aqj guld aspect usually has few traits of manliness S 03PSIGUM VASEU8E PUT VP IV COLLAPSIBLE TPB28 A substitntc for and superior to mustard or asjt other plaster and will not blister the most delicate skin The and curative qualities of this article are wonderful If wiitf stop the toothache at once and relieve head ache and sciatica yie recommend it as the best nd safest external counter irritant known alo as an external remedy for pains in the chestg and stomacn ana all rneumauc neuralgic and goaty complaints AtriSl will prove what w claim for it -and it will be found to be in vakr able in the household Many people say it is i the best of all your preparations Price io cents at all dmzsists or other dealers or by sending this amount to ns in postaze stamps we will send yoa a tube by mail No article should be accepted by the public unless the same carries our label as otherwise it is not genuine CHESEBROUGH MFG CO 17 State Street New Yorx Citt BEGGS CHEfiRY COUGH SYRUP cures coughs and colds