1 It P E3iaESESS3i 53S3 Below we quote you prioes on T7 I A PICTURE OF ONE OF YOUR DEAR FRIENDS makes a most suitable present for Xmas Weare giving our customers an opportunity of get ting a large Portrait with eight styles of finish to select from guaranteed by the artist to be perfect and please you absolutely free with 500 worth of trade Samples can now be seen at our store Dont miss this chance if you want a good picture THE BEE H1E l McCOOK NEBRASKA tli - - f - RECTOR OF ST LUKES Ashburnham Ontario Testifies to the Good Qualities of Chamberlains Cough Remedy Ashburnham Ont April 18 1003 I think it is only right that I should tell you what n wonderful effect Chamber lains Cough Remedy has produced The dny beforo Easter I was so distress ed with a cold and cough that I did not think to be able to take any duties tho next day as my voice was almost choked by tho cough Tho same day I received an order from you for a bottle of your Cough Remedy I at once procured a sample bottle and took about 3 doses of tho medicine To my great relief tho cough and cold had completely disap peared and I was able to preach three times on Easter Day I know that this rapid and effectivo euro was duo to your Cough Remedy I make this testimon ial without solicitation being thankful to have found such a God sent remedy Respectfully yours E A Langfeldt M A Rector of St Lukes Church To Chamberlain Medicine Co This remedy is for sale by all druggists Boys Do You Want a Watch The Lincoln Daily Star desires to give away free to tho boys of Nebraska 1000 new watches first class time keepers stem wind and stem sot You dont have to pay any money to get one of these watches Send us your name and address and wo will mail you tho full particulars This is a splendid chance for tho boys to get a watch free and wo would like to hear from all of them Address Watch Department Daily Star Lincoln Neb Revolution Imminent A sure sign of approaching revolt and serious trouble in your system is ner vousness sleeplessness or stomach up sets Electric Bitters will quickly dis member tho troublesome causes It never fails to tone the stomach regulate tho kidneys and bowels stimulato the liver and clarify tho blood Run down systems benefit particularly and all the usual attending aches vanish under its searching and thorough effectiveness Electric Bitters is only 50c and that is returned if it dont give perfect satisfac tion Guaranteed by L W McConnell druggist minrnViMfVVJtft1MitW JirfJlKVI I had a most stubborn cough for many years It deprived me of sleep and I grew very thin I then tried Ayers Cherry Pectoral and was quicklv cured R N Mann Fall Mills Tenn -a oixiv years ui cures and such testimony as the above have taught us what Ayers Cherry Pectoral will do We know its the great- est cough remedy ever made And you will say so too after you try it Theres cure in every drop 1 Three sizes 25c 50c SI All druggists Consult your doctor If he says take it then do as he says If lie tells you not to take it then dont tako it lie knows Leave it with him We are willing J C AYER CO Lowell Mass JdKffl12UAyWbilyLHy7QZ5Z TO OUR MAIL ORDER CUSTOMERS a of overcoats that we will fill orders Gn Special Line or Fifteen Days They are considered the greatest values ever of fered by any legitimate clothing house doing business in America Study each proposition carefully and send for Samples Mens 1000 Overcoats 750 Full long coats of neat all wool fabrics with silk several styles to select from everyone the best S1000 regular way you save 250 velvet collars will buy in a Mens Overcoats Worth 1350 for 1000 Kersey and fancy mixtures all wool latest fall styles satin sleeve lining broad padded shoulders and full back equal to most 81350 to 1500 coats Mens 1850 Overcoats for 1350 Full of warmth style and wear We are glad to be able to offer these because we know it would take from S500 to S750 more to get as fine elsewhere in the city He must be hard to please who cant find his overcoat in this lot at S1350 S 15th Farnam Sts mssag N M Timft Card mvv ijSp MAIN LINE KAHT UEIAUT No 5 Central Time lllir r 2 CWvM 12 820 am 14 955 p m No T nrrivos from oast at 6 p m MAIN IINB WKHT nniAUT No 1 Mountuiu TimB 1154 am 3 11V5p m 5 - 750pM lU 845am IMPKHIAL LINE No 170 urrivpH Mountain Time 540 p m No 175 departs 700am SJeopinp linim and reclining chair cars watM frco on through trains Tickcti sold and bnggiigo chocked to any point in tho United States or Canada For information timo tables maps and tick ets call on or write George Scott Agent Mo Cook Nebraska or J Francis General Pafesen gor Agent Omaha Nebraska Mrs Peter Carty children nnd niece Miss Mabel Fleming were Donver visit ors close of hist week Train second 46 in charge of Conduc tor L King and Engineer F VV Rehder ran into fiist 46 three miles east of Ma son Tuesday morning about 1040 kill ing J E Larkin of Brush Colo and Thomas Dye of Eugene Oregon and in juring R R Kinkaid of Bingham Neb Larkin Dye and Kinkaid were stockmen and were in tho way car of first 4G First 46 was in charge of Conductor C D Conn and Engineer II J Southwell A strange thing in connection with tho accident is tho slightness of it as far as damage to rolling stock is concerned to prove so fatally First 46 when struck was running about 25 miles per hour and second 46 ran into them going about 35 miles per hour The engine on sec ond 46 was but slightly damaged and the way car of first 46 was only broken in at the end Tho killed and injured were caught in the rear end of tho way car while trying to get off After tho wreck the trains weie able to proceed with slight delay It is not known who will be held responsible for the accident Alliance Grip Thomas Harris son of Our Jeems has just arrived at Pueblo Colorado having completed a trip around the earth Tom went to the Philippines by way of San Francisco and returned by way of New York Will S Guyer formerly with CLDe Groff Co now employed in Sheridan Wyo is in the city this week visiting particular and oldtime friends 5c will now buy a 10c Bachelor cigar Coughing Spell Caused Death Harry Duckwell aged 25 years chokedto death early yesterday morn ing at his home in the presenco of his wife and child He contracted a slight cold a few days ago and paid but little attention to it Yesterday morning he was seized with a fit of coughing which continued for some time His wife sent for a physician but before ho could ar rive another coughing spell came on and Duckwell died from suffocation St Louis Globe Democrat Dec 1 1901 Ballards Horehound Syrup would have saved him 25c 50c and SI at A Mc Millens A Frightened Horse Running like mad down the street dumping the occupants or a hundred other accidents are every day occur rences It behooves everybody to have a reliable salve handy and theres none as good as Bucklens Arnica Salve Burns cuts sores eczema and piles disappear quickly under its soothing effect store 25c at L W McConnells drug Tribune Clubbing List For convenience of readers of The Tribune wo have mado arrangements with tho following newspapers and periodicals whereby we can sup ply them in combination with The Teibune at tho following very low prices with publication trice tribune Detroit Free Press 1 00 51 50 Leslies Weekly 4 00 3 00 Prairie Farmer 1 00 1 25 Chicago Inter Ocean 100 140 Cincinnati Enquire 100 150 New York Tribune 1 00 1 25 Demorests Magazine 1 10 1 75 ToledoBIade 100 125 Nebraska Farmer 1 00 1 65 Iowa Homestead 100 125 Lincoln Journal 100 175 Campbells Soil Culture 1 00 1 50 New York World 1 00 1 65 Cosmopolitan Magazine 100 ISO St Louis Republic 1 00 1 75 Kansas City Star 25 120 FarmandHome 100 120 Word and Works 1 00 1 70 We are prepared to fill orders for any other papers published at reducecfrates The Tribune McCookNob CULBERTSON J C L Wisely and wife visited friends at Trenton Sunday Mrs Frank IIonderKon of McCook vis ited the homefolks last week Matt Ncwlon and sister Goldio were shopping in McCook Saturday Mrs S E Solomon visited with Mc Cook friends Friday and Saturday of last week Mr and Mrs Harvey Ford visited with their daughter Mrs C VV McMil len in McCook Sunday L J Canington left Wednesday night for Pikes Peak Colorado to look after his mining interests at that place The Standard Beet Sugar Co closed down their fetation at this place today In tho neighborhood of 500 car loads were shipped from this point this season Claim Agent Hanson was in town Wednesday adjusting claims against tho Burlington railroad for losses occasioned by prairie fires started by the companys locomotives on tho main line and the Imperial branch John A Moolick departed Tuesday evening for Denver John has been em ployed as chemist for the Standard Beet Sugar Co at this place He is a good natured fellow and has made many friends during his stay hero The case of Mike Kolch vs Jacob Wiggins was up before Squire Knowles Thursday afternoon G V Hunter attorney for plaintiff made the air re verberate with his characteristic brand of eloquence Tho gallery was with Hunter and the law and evidence with the other fellow H G Schnasse left Wednesday morn ing for Lincoln where he has a position with the Lincoln Cold Storage and Trans fer Co Mrs Schnasse and baby will follow him the first of the week and they will make Lincoln their future home We regret very much to lose these esti mable people and wish them success in their new home Sunday evening last between the hours of 5 and 6 oclock Mrs William Kellar was stricken with paralysis and after intense suffering her spirit passed away at 4 oclock Tuesday morning Dr Beach of McCook and Dr Miller were called to the bed side of the strick en woman and everything was done that kind and sympathetic friends and neighbors could think of but she could not bo brought back to consciousness Mrs Rosa Hock and Miss Mary and Minnie of Monson Iowa who had been notified of the illness of their mother arrived on No 1 Tuesday noon too late to see her alive The funeral service was conducted Wednesday forenoon at the family residence by Father Lough ran of tho Catholic church of McCook of which the deceased was a consistent member Interment was mado in the Catholic cemetery at McCook Mr Kellar and family have the sincere sympathy of tho entire community in their bereavement Obituary Teresu Schmidt was born in Hartheiru Baden Germany January 3rd 1S49 and at the age of three years came to this country with her parents who settled in Ohio In 1870 at Milan Ohio she was united in marriage with William Kellar and 15 years later lo cated with her family at Culbertson where she has since resided The hus band and six daughters Mrs Rosa Hock of Manson Iowa Mrs Jerry Bahn of Culbertson and Minnie EmmaMary and Zita are left behind to mourn the loss of a kind and loving wife and moth er Mrs Kellar was a devout member of the Catholic church which performed the obsequies Fight Will Be Bitter Those who will persist in closing their ears against the continual recommenda tion of Dr Kings New Discovery for Consumption will have a long and bit ter fight with their troubles if not ended earlier by fatal termination Read what T R Beall of Beall Miss has to say Last fall my wife had every symptom of consumption She took Dr Kings New Discovery after everything else had failed Improvement came at once and four bottles entirely cured her Guar anteed by L W McConnell druggist Price 50c and 81 Trial bottles free JUST A WORD ABOUT CHRISTMAS m WIV To Build More K4b Locomotives At the meeting of the railway mens club held Tuesday evening it was offi cially announced that the approval has been received for building 8 new class K4b locomotives at the Havelock shops It will be remembered that one of these machines was built last summer for ex perimental purposes and is being tried out on the Sheridan division where it is giving quite satisfactory account of it self The result of the experiment will be shown in the working plans yet to be made for the new locomotives A rough sketch showing some of the proposed changes was exhibited at the meeting by Chief Draughtsman Fitt The new plans call for six 69 inch drive wheels in stead of the present G2 inch ones It is proposed to do away with tho two fire doors and build one much larger The cab end of the boiler will probably be made straight instead of on the incline as at present thus permitting of a larger crown sheet A decided innovation will be a much larger steam dome and on ac count of this the pop valves will be built out from the boiler Havelock Times A Costly Mistake Blunders are sometimes very expen sive Occasionally life itself is the price of a mistake but youll never be wrong if you take Dr Kings New Life Pills for dyspepsia dizziness headache liver or bowel troubles They are gentle yet thorough 25c at L W McConnells drug store A specialty of office supplies The Tribune Linens We have just opened a new supply Now is the TIME TO BUY We have a special all linen 72 inch wide good pattern at only 48 Cents Per Yard Better grades at 65c 75c 85c 100 and up to 200 per yard We also have Patterns with border around and Napkins to match New goods and sure to please you all have g ood values in Turkey Red Damaskas A COMPARISON IS ALL WE ASK If You Buy Here You Buy Right jy iBHiHnMoiiiiEnniHHimiNnmHmHni McCook Neb Only 5 Cents Extra For Tmk Tribune and The Weekly Inter Ocean of Chicago the leading paper of the West Improved and strengthened by the addition of many new features Enlarged farm de partment forestry and floriculture I care of the horse J Ionic Health Ulub Mine Michauds health and beauty hints new household ideas practical cookery latest styles for all ages best fiction full crop and market reports The Inter Ocean is the only western paper receiving in addition to the Associated Press re- ports the entire telegraphic news service of the New York Sun and 5 special cable of the New York World f besides daily reports from over 2000 31 umi uurruaijuuuunib Ul mis ior only He extra McCook Tribune 81 Weekly Inter Ocean 81 both for 1 vear for 81 01 This nllW nwn nnlv a few weeks And is open to all subscribers who will pay their sub- i scription 1 year in advance as well as to new subscribers to The McCook Tribune I Head About to Burst From Severe Bilious Attack I had a severe bilious attack and felt like my head was about to burst when I got hold of a free sample of Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tab lets I took a dose of them after supper and the next day felt like a new man and have been feeling happy ever since says Mr J W Smith of JulifF Texas For biliousness stomach troubles and constipation these Tablets have no equal Price 25 cents For sale by all druggists 6 An Especially Fine Line for Ladies and Misses in Styles and of the Goods they all want and at Prices that will Surprise you for Reasonableness Quality considered And were strong on Mens Slippers too Call in and see our stock of Gifts suitable for this season sl lettij trop fyfesi v pf Xfie JViodef iSftoe Stor Meoofe t I i i i I I s i