The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 11, 1903, Image 4

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    fh Mtloolt frikp
Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co
Subscription 1 a Year in Advance
Fraternal Insurance Order Cards
R C I P A Lodge No 012 nieots first nnd
third Thursdays of each month McConnolls
hall 831 p m E 13 Hubeb President W S
Outer Socrotary
lodpo No 307 ments on tocond und fourtli Mon
dny oveuitiKS of ench month nt eiuht oclock in
HcConnnll hall K W Dbvoe Illustrious Pro
tector J C Mitchell Secretary
862 moots second and fourtli Thursday after
noons nfiiM oclock in McConnells hall Mks
Tiiad SiiEiniEKD Oracle Mhs Augusta Anton
Congressman Norris is advised of
favorable action in the pension cases of
Austin Dixon and Madison Osbern of
A Washington dispatch states that
Congressman Norris today Monday
congratulated the entire Nebraska dele
gation in the house upon the excellent
committee assignments received by them
Judge Norris is especially pleased with
his place on the public buildings and
grounds committee
Congressman Nouris has been noti
fied by the secretary of war today that
he would bo expected to nominate a
candidate for the West Point cadetship
next Juno Accordingly Mr Norris an
nounced that ho would hold a competi
tive examination early in the spring to
which young men under 20 residing in
the Fifth congressional district will be
eligible The examination prescribed
by the military academy physical and
mental is most rigid It is outlined in
a circular issued by the war oflice
Wealth has its drawbacks and those
of us who aro poor should remember the
rich have their troubles It is said that
Cornelius Vanderbuilt a short time be
fore his death remarked to a friend 1
dont see what good it does me all this
money that you say is mine I cant eat
it I cant spend it in fact I never saw
it and never had it in rny hands fr a
moment I dress no better than any pri
vute secretary and cannot eat as much
as my coachman I live in a big ser
vants boarding house am bothered to
death by beggars have dyspepsia can
not drink champagne and most of my
money is in the hands of others who use
it mainly for their own benefit
In this world it is pretty difficult to
avoid bearing one anothers burdens
Last year tb3 anthracite miners were
out on a great strike and we of the west
were compelled to put up several addi
tional dollars per ton for our hard coal
The miners finally lost out and the con
sumers got soaked as usual while the
mine owners played oven This year the
soft coal miners in Colorado whence we
g3t our supply of best soft coal feel
called upon to catch the infection and
go out on a strike and we of the west
get soaked again to the extent of two or
more dollars per ton for our soft coal
The miners will lose the consumers will
make the mine owners good The con
sumer and the miner are always in it for
a heavy loss the consumers especially
get it a comin and a goin This whole
strike business is getting to be pretty
unanimously and conspicuously a nuis
ance and the reader can supply such
adjectives as he thinks will express his
feelings in this matter But hard coal
at 81300 per ton and soft coal at 1050
warrant almost any strength of language
A Washington dispatch announces
that Congressman Kinkaid today in
troduced two bills one increasing the
appropriation for the Kearney postoffice
building to 135000 and that of the
North Platte building to S110000
And this reminds us that there is one
reassuring fact in connection with such
instances of buncombe namely that
few bills of this silly character ever see
the light of day The committee on
public buildings and grounds mercifully
and wisely throttles them in committee
and they are not 50000 to S75000
would provide an adequate public build
ing for Kearney for all time North
Platte has no earthly use or prospective
demand for a public building costing
more than 25000 What Nebraska as
well as other western states especially
needs is a number of public buildings in
towns of 3500 to 5000 population and
upwards costing from 10000 to 25000
and not hundreds of thousands of dollars
invested uselessly and extravagantly in
a few buildings buildings all out of
reasonable proportion to the needs of
the towns or of their prospective require
ments in a century Its peanutty if
not altogether nutty
Its All Over Now
That is the election is over for this
year but the matter of good whole
some juicy meats is still of first and
vital importance to all It will incerest
you to know that Marsh has been elect
ed by an overwhelming majority to con
tinue selling the best meats to the peo
ple all the time Same old location
same prompt service and courteous treat
When you want a pleasant purgative
try Chamberlains Stomach and Liver
Tablets They are easy to take and
produce no nausea griping or other dis
agreeable effect For sale by all drug
Fifty Years the Standard
Improves the flavor and adds to
the healthfulness of the food
McCook Market Quotations
Corrected Friday morains
Good Butter
Creamery Butter
Will buy hogs Tuesdays and Sat
urdays F S Wilcox
Unequaled for twice the price the
great Bachelor cigar
Of all the books that aro written none
is more fascinating than those that re
count the personal experiences of their
authors It is not the lives filled fullest
of adventure nor even those to which
the greatest opportunities have come
that are necessarily most interesting
The humblest man had he but the
skill to tell the story might thrill our
very souls It is not what men do so
much as it is what they think and feel
that is of prime importance The
thought not only controls but explains
the motive
The books that reveal the inmost sec
rets of a mans heart if not the most
valuable are at least the most enter
taining Curiosity or impertinence if
you will prompts minute inquiry into
the ways of other men The knowledge
acquired nowever indefensible tne m
quisitiveness is of worth We are in
clined in our egotism to think that we
are unlike other men that somehow our
beinas run in different courses than
those of others of our species The
reading of books that deal with men
disclose the heresy aid us to better un
derstand our fellow men and help us to
solve apartof the innumerable problems
that confront us Emerson and George
Elliott agreed that the one book by
which they were most profoundly in
fluenced was Kosseaus Confessions a
fact that goes to illustrate the point
Children have impressionable minds
They are inclined to magnify the im
portance of things Many of the inci
dents of their younger days remain as
more vivid memories than subsequent
events Our tendency is to idealize the
past It may be doubted whether any
man can write with absolute verity of
childhood The feat is possible however
and seems to have been accomplished by
Forrest Crissey in The Country Boy a
delightful book that will take every
reader back in the years to the time
when he enjoyed similar pleasures en
dured similar wrongs and suffered simi
lar penalties for his misdeeds
Let any one who will again revel in
the ecstatic joys of boyhood read how
this boy distributed hand bills and earn
ed a ticket to the show Let him if he
wants to remember how keenly the ten
der conscience pricks read how Harlow
hid the ox The hero of the tale was
sensitive and sentimental Without
realizing the depths of his passion he
was in love not only with tne new
teacher but with a little girl of his own
age The chapters that tell of these
phases of a boys life are well done The
boy was moreover a poet and what
country boy is not and gathered from
the woods and skies intangible treasures
more precious even than the worldly
wealth that he like all others of his
kind horded
The book one must believe is auto
biographical No man who had not
lived the life described could have
written it The reader can even imagine
that it is he of whom the author writes
that the author is his biographer Ev
ery page teams with scenes that must
be familiar to all who spent their youth
in the country Realism the fidelity
with which the artist follows his model
was the true test of merit
Ballards Horehound Syrup
Immediately relieves hoarse croupy
cough oppressed rattling rasping and
difficult breathing Henry C Stearns
druggist Shullsburg Wisconsin writes
May 20 1901 I have Been selling
Ballards Horehound Syrup for two
years and have never had a preparation
that has given better satisfaction I
notice that when I sell a bottle they
come back for more I can honestly
recommend it 25c 50c and 1 at A
They are beyond cavil the Bachelor
cigar And they now sell for 5c
The Tribune Only 6100 per year
Christian Services both morning
and evening by Elder W C Gorman of
Atwood Kansas
Catholic Order of services Mass
8 a m Mass and sermon 1030 a m
Sunday school 230 p m Every Sun
day J J Loughran Pastor
Congregational Preaching services
both morning and evening at the usual
hours Sunday school at 10 Prayer
meeting on Wednesday evening at 8
Welcome to all
George A Conrad Pa9tor
Episcopal Sorvices in St Albans
church as follows Every Sunday in
the month Sunday school at ten oclock
a m Morning prayer at 11 and evening-prayer
and sermon at 8 The third
Sunday in the month Holy Communion
at 730 a m All are welcome
K R Earle Rector
First Baptist Church Sermons a
11 and 745 p m Bible school at 10 at
m Junior Society 3 p m B Y P U
645 p m Prayer meeting 745 p m
Sermon for Sunday morning Immor
tality text 2 Tim 1 10 Evening
The Value of a Man Our pulpit
stands for a reasonable practical Chris
tianity A warm heart and hand with
an evangelistic gospel all the attraction
Excellent music Welcome
C R Betts Pastor
Methodist Sunday school at 10 am
lesson The Dedication of the Temple
1 Kings 8111 62 63 Sermon on
Works at 11 a m Class meeting at
12 Junior Epworth League at 3 p m
Epworth League at 7 p m subject
Jesus Christ His Saving Power
Act 412 Matt 121 I Tim 225
Preaching at 8 p m subject Naaman
Prayer meeting Wednesday nights at
730 p m Sunday school every Sunday
at South McCook at 3 p m Brother
H H Berry will preach there next Sun
day night To all these services we in
vite you and especially the unsaved
Are we desiring expecting and praying
for a revival of religion May God bless
the church and make it a soul winner
Sinner God loves you We will have a
Christmas tree M B Carman
Rev George Conrad and family arriv
ed from Park City Utah lastFriday
night and he occupied his new pulpit
in the Congregational church both
moraine and eveniner Sunday last The
family moved into the parsonage on
Wednesday The Tribune extends a
warm welcome to the new pastor and
family hoping his efforts together with
the members of the Congregational
church may prove successful and help
ful in this community
Miss Leta Bower entertained the M
O O B society Wednesday evening at
the home of Mrs Roy Zint The even
ing was pleasantly spent at flinch
after which refreshments were served
Most of McCooks merchants have
made generous purchases for the holiday
trade and the announcements of many
of them will be found in this issue of
The Tribune
did you ever try a Bachelor
They are now sold for 5c
He Found a Cure
R H Foster 318 S 2d Street Salt
Lake City writes I have been bother
ed with dyspepsia or indigestion for 21
years have tried many doctors without
relief but I have found a cure in Her
bine 1 recommend it to all my friends
who are afflicted that way and it is cur
ing them too 50c at A McMillens
Scale books
Typewriter papers
The Tribune
IfindThcdforda Black Draught
r good medicine for lh or disease
It cured my f on after ho had speni
5100 with doctors It is all tho med
icine I take SIRS CAROLINE
MARTIN Parkersburg W Va
TI your liver does not act reg
ularly go to your druggist and
rire a package of Thedfords
Biack Draught and take a dose
tonight This great family
medicine frees the constipated
bowels stirs up the torpid liver
and causes a healthy secretion
of bile
Thedfords Black - Draught
will cleanse the bowels of im
purities and strengthen the kid
neys A torpid liver invite3
colds biliousness chills and
fever and all manner of sick
ness and contagion Weak kid
neys result inBrights disease
which claims as many victims
as consumption A 25 cent
Eackage of Thedfords Black-
raught should always be kept
in the house
I used Thedfords Black
Draught for liver anoVkidney com
plaints and found nothine to excel
blehead m
Successful School Entertainment
The pupils of the Fffth and Sixth
grades of the public schools successfully
rendered the following programme last
evening in the East ward Assembly
room Programme will be repeated -tonight
Admission ten cents Proceeds
to be devoted to buying additional pict
ures for these two rooms
Piano Solo Mrs W B Mills
Indian Club Drill Six Girls
Vocal Solo Marjorie Scliobel
Cantata Grandmas Dream
Nino Children
Recitation Alton Washburn
Colored Chorus Eight Boys
Fan Drill Eight Girls
Vocal Solo Elsie Campbell
The Marionettes Tho Jolly Jumping Jncks
The Peak Sisters Entertainment A Piece
of Nonsense Thirteen Girls
Grinding Your Teeth
on tough beefsteak is certainly annoy
ing but have you -tried ours Our
meats are selected by careful and com
petent judges of quality and we use
every effort to furnish none but fresh
tender and nutritious meats for our
trade This is the way it is at Marshs
meat market all tho time
Take tho early birds advantage The
best selection and fullest stock is yours
Coleman is ready and anxious to show
Bilious Colic Prevented
Take a double dose of Chamberlains
Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy
as soon as the first indication of the dis
ease appears and a threatened attack
may be warded off Hundreds of peo
ple use the remedy in this way with per
fect success For sale by all druggists
Feed pale girls on Scotts
We do not need to give all
the reasons why Scotts
Emulsion restores the strength
and flesh and color
of good
health to those who suffer
from sick blood
The fact that it is the best
preparation of Cod Liver Oil
rich in nutrition full of healthy
stimulation is a suggestion as
to why it does what it does
Scotts Emulsion presents
Cod Liver Oil at
fullest in strength
its best
Young women in their
teens are permanently cured
of the peculiar disease of the
blood which shows itself in
paleness weakness and nervous
ness by regular treatment
iVth Scotts Emulsion
It is a true blood food and
s naturally adapted to the cure
of the blood sickness from
which so many young women
We will bd gtad to send
a sample to any sufferer
Re sure that this picture in
the form of a label i oi th
wrapper of every bottle ol
Emulsion jou buy
409 Pearl St New York
The Noted Eye Specialist
- feT
McCook December 11 12
Dr Swartz has done more work here
than any other eye specialist comes
oftener than any other specialist and is
too well known to need any introduction
His references are his patients your
neignoors ana irienas Uimcult cases
and school children solicited A large
stock of artificial eyes and glasses on
hand A large portion of headaches
and hysteria St Vitus dance nervous
prostration epilepsy and other nervous
conditions are caused by eye strain
Dont feel discouraged because you have
failed to obtain relief from itinerant spec
tacle venders I guarantee satisfaction
in all cases
Will be at the Commercial Hotel
December lltii and 12th
How you are going to remember your wife your husband
your mother your father your brother your sister your
sweetheart or friend
One Week from Next Friday
IF YOU HAVE and ii is in our line be sure and call
before our stock of the best things is too badly broken If
you have not come and see our many useful and acceptable
articles We are making
the next two weeks but for the lack of space we can quote
you only a few of our many bargains
Read these Over Call on Us Then Decide
For the wife mother sister
or friend
Handsome Table Linen
A regular S200 Damask 150 yard
A regular 150 Damak 125 jard
Other extreme values forlU Wc 73c
GOc aud 00c a jard
Wrist Bags and Purses
Those elegant 250 Hags 213
Thobo fine 225 Hags 200
Those largo 200 Rags 175
Those useful 175 Bags 110
Those colored 100 Uags 85
H 90c 75c and 50c o for 75c fOc 10c each Fancy m I
For the husband father
brother or friend
Fancy suspenders
Wo have a beautiful now lino of these
Suspenders and there is nothing more
serviceable as a gift They range in price
front 1 50 down to 25c a pair
BUI Books and Purses
We Ihae a Hue lino of these much
needed artice
Wool and Kid Gloves
Our assortment in tliisIine is com
We aro showing the best etripciand
Wo are offering our stock of neckwoar
at sprcial reduced prices
Slick Pins and Cuff Buttons
Se our line or these novelties boforo
jou buy
ffl Golf Gloves and Mittens B 1
H For 30c -He 33c and 23c Jj
Belts and WaiSt SetS i
For 00c 73c 50c and 23c
U BrOOCheS PlnS Ribbons M
W and Handkerchiefs at all prices H
n We are showing the newest weaves and the latest trim-
H mmgs lor them
I A WATERLOO UNDERSKIRT is a very acceptable
1 present for any lady See our complete line
I J Phone 16 McCOOK NEB I
in i
i wmwnMniiii i immii ii m i wiw
Carry in stock the Famous Mathushek and Story Clark
Pianos and the best makes of organs Also general line of
music goods Come and see Get my prices and terms