The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 11, 1903, Image 2

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James Brady lost two head of
cattle Monday
Mike Steltzer is going to work
f for John Kummer
Omer Hale put down a new well
on his farm last week
Miss Rosa Brady gave her schol
ars a treat Thanksgiving
If you are in need of a good
cow doctor ring up John Modrell
Tim Adams and the three Miss
Uhrens visited with Mr Steltzers
folks Sunday
Matt Stewart attended the
Woodman lodge at Spring Creek
Saturday night
Tony Steltzer is hauling wheat
ine steltzer orotners raised a
good crop this year
Charley OBriens little boy
John won the calf that was raffled
off at the Catholic fair
Captain John OBrien and little
nephew were visiting- with Mr
Kennedys folks Sunday
George Henderson is through
threshing for this year He had a
big run and made good money
Corn husking is all the go now
Matt Uhren takes the lead so far
having husked and cribbed 1 1 5
bushels in ten hours
August Droll is still hauling
wheat Mr Droll threshed out
15000 bushels of grain and it
takes a good many loads to haul
it away
The grain buyers of McCook
have paid out over 80000 for
grain since threshing comnenced
and there is still a good balance
of grain yet in the farmers gran
As Fred Carter was bringing
his engine home from McCook
Friday he had his team drawing
the water wagon tied behind the
engine In going down the hill
at William Hammels his team
broke loose and went over the
bank- about 20 feet Fortunately
the team was not hurt but the
wagon and tank were smashed up
quite badly
J H Tracy and wife spent
Sunday at G A Miners
Mrs Snavely of Denver is visit
ing at her fathers John Conner
Mrs A Ashton spent Satujday
and Sunday at her parents in
Mr and Mrs L H Tilton gave
a party in honor of LuSell and
Miss Viva Wright About 20
guests were present and the eve
ing was spent in games and music
Miss Viva played several piano
selections which were enjoyed by
all present Mr and Airs Wright
moves to Lincoln soon so LuSell
and Viva can attend school We
regret to have them leave us but
hope to gain them back some day
Neoma Coffey wife of Charley
Brown of Archillis died Friday
December 4 03 She was taken
ill about a year ago and the doc
tor could do nothing for her Con
sumption was the cause of her
death The funeral was held in
Oberlin Saturday afternoon at 2
60 different -games all new
one in each package of
Lion Coffee
at your Grocers
3f 5iSEJ3SU
rA m
Henry Naden expects soon to
occupy his new house
Christmas festivities are upper
most at b oth churches
J L Sims shipped 3 cars of
hogs to Denver this week
Mrs Mitch Young of the inter
mediate is teaching a fine school
Thomas Musgraves house and
barn are about completed Nice
improvement indeed
Dr DeMay was called to the
head of Dry Creek to see the Hon
Sidney Dodge Blood poison
Nutts elevator engine broke
down and we will have but one
elevator for some time to come
Rev R E Pogue is in
son this week helping Rev
Satchell in his revival services
Our new bar tender reminds us
of a lamb in some lonely dell
surrounded by coyotes mountain
lions and jackals
James Williams who held a sale
of stock implements etc Thurs
day expects to visit relatives and
friends in Missouri and Kansas
Joseph Junker is in Chicago
being summoned to the great lake
city by the serious illness of Her
bert Pauler his brother-in-law
Presiding Elder Mason of the
U B church returned from
Grand Island Tuesday for a
visit over Sunday with his family
G B Morgan our hustling
merchant after failing to find a
hand willing to work for 2 a day
took a fork and is doing his own
hay pitching
The principal and lady are
moving along to satisfaction of all
concerned So Danbury cannot
be excelled for school
Both elevators have been gor
ged the greater part of the last 5
weeks and the end is not yet We
need two more freight trains on
this branch
We hope Roosevelt will soon
recoernize the independence of
Leavenworth county Kan and
Breathit county Kentucky so
they could be the first passengers
on our canal
While Mose Young the night
watch was keeping order about
the saloon and watching for safe
blowers about the bank someone
went to Phil Gliems coal bin and
swiped his coal If Mose gets a
bead on a thief he will swipe no
Nathaniel Hethcot was called
to Iowa by a telegram Sunday to
attend the funeral of his son-in-law
Mr Goodwin and to look
after the interests of the estate
Mr Hethcot is 69 years old and
has attended 6 funerals of rela
tives in the last year
County Attorney Eldred was in
Danbury last Friday looking
after legal business A justice of
the peace if so disposed can keep
a community in a continual hub
bub over nothing or could pre
serve peace to the credit of him
self and his neighborhood by wise
counsel -
W Y Johnson has built a new
Rev Crago spent Wednesday
with Rev Carman at McCook
The whooping cough is quite
prevalent in this community at
Mrs Stephen Bolles and Mrs
N Boyce returned last Saturday
from their trip in Kansas
J L Campbell and wife of
Osburn spent Sunday with rela
tives in this neighborhood
J S Modrell had the misfor
tune of losing two of Rev Satch
ells calves and one of his own
Black leg is supposed to be the
H T- VJT S- J ST - Z
-- z zrirz -
Mrs Teel is in Stratton this
Mrs E J Enfield is on the
sick list
Daisy Dean spent Sunday with
friends in Bartley
Miss May Hotze returned from
Denver last week
Frank Howe of Lebanon spent
Sunday with his family
Frank Fritch is reroofing the
Masonic temple this week
Mr Calhoun of McCook visit
ed here Sunday with friends
C Mathews and wife of Bart
ley were city visitors Saturday
Mrs Kessler visited this week
with homefolks near Danbury
Mrs Mitchell Young of Dan
bury was a town visitor Monday
Misses Flora and Angie Quick
were McCook visitors Saturday
H S Ough had his hotel fur
niture auctioned off last Saturday
Mr Gotschall and son Clyde
of Danbury were in town Mon
Luke Havden of McCook was
in town Monday on railroad busi
Milo Ough arrived home Mon
day morning from his trip to
Azulah McDonald who has
been very ill is on the road to
Nancy Stevens visited on the
Willow Saturday and Sunday
with relatives
Mamie Mann visited Saturday
and Sunday with Maggie Vonce
north of town
Miss Edna Gamsby entertained
a Miss McLaughlin of Denver two
days of last week
Carl Korns returned to Leban
on Wednesday after a weeks
visit with homefolks
Mrs Lawritson and son Glenn
visited the latter part of last week
with relatives in McCook
Mrs W D Williams and
daughter Pearl of Bartley were
on our streets last Saturday
James McClurig Sr who has
been in Denver for some time
returned home Wednesday morn
Clarence McCord wife and
baby went to Bartley Sunday
and spent the day with home
Nettie Ough arrived home from
California last Saturday morning
where she has been for the past
Charles Dunton and family
moved here from Greeley Colo
this week and will live south of
Ethel Middleton of McCook
visited last week with Bertha
Hedges returning home Sunday
Dr Mackechnie returned home
Wednesday evening from a busi
ness trip to the eastern part of
the state
I S Hall manager of Ne
braska telephone company was
in town Friday repairing some
The night operator of this
place left Thursday morning for
Bird City Kansas where he has
been transferred
The band will give a concert
at the hall Saturday evening
The proceeds are to be used to
ward getting new uniforms
Will Thompson and wife came
in on No 5 last Sunday evening
from Lincoln for a visit with her
parents Arch Mann and family
Joe Vering returned home Sun
day morning from Des Moines
Iowa where he has been attend-
Stf f
ing the school of pharmacy the
past year
Landlord Cosgro is having the
interior of the Leland hotel re
cently vacated by H S Ough
remodeled and renovated and
will soon be ready to accommo
date the hungry public
The Misses Delia and Grace
Andrews entertained quite a num
ber of their young friends Friday
evening The evening was spent
in playing flinch after which a
3 course luncheon was served
Bert McCarty has gone to his
home near Herndon Kansas
George and A C Abbott are
visiting at the old home at Afton
The library fund was enriched
about 4000 by the late basket
John W Jolly last week pur
chased the Smith Lake farm for
William Koons arrived last
week from Monroe Iowa with a
carload of effects
Among the ailing ones are Post
master Ralsten Grandma Ralsten
Mollie Nichols and Miss Beda
A two story brick business
block is a possibility of the near
future if Harvey Burgess doesnt
change his mind
We got a carload of coal first
of last week but it didnt last
much longer than a snowball in
hades and not a few were disap
pointed in not getting any
Harry Cummings who left here
a few weeks ago and went down
into Missouri is reported to have
died with congestion of the brain
at Pomona first of last week
John Wesch is picking corn on
the Hill claim
B W Benjamin made a busi
ness trip to McCook Saturday
Charles Lofton and family
visited relatives in this town Sun
Henry Taylor was distributing
sale bills for the Wright sale first
of the week
Tosh Rowland and wife and
Aunt Sue were visitors at Banks
ville Sunday -
Snow fell early Tuesday the
8th about J inch and the weather
feels much like winter
The wind is all knocked out of
politics but we get enough to
run our windmills yet
There will be a basket supper
at the school house the 18th for
the purpose of starting a school
The ground was covered with
snow Monday night which the
sun and wind soon made short
work of
Don Thompson and his best
girl and a school marm were
buggy riding in the vicinity of
Banksville Sunday
Will buy hogs Tuesdays and Sat
urdays F S Wilcox
Millionaires Poor Stomachs
The worn out stomach of the over fed
millionaire is often paraded in the public
prints as a horrible example of the evils
attendant on the possession of great
wealth But millionaires are not the
only ones who are afflicted with bad
stomachs The proportion is far greater
among the toilers Dyspepsia and in
digestion are rampant among these peo
ple and they suffer far worse tortures
than the millionaire unless they avail
themselves of a standard medicine like
Greens August Flower which has been
a favorite household remedy for all
stomach troubles for over 35 years
August Flower rouses the torpid liver
thus creating appetite and insuring per
fect digestion It tones and vitalizes
the entire system and makes life worth
living no matter what your station
Trial bottles 25c regular size 75c L
W McConnell
5c will now buv a 10c Bachelor cigar
DONT buy useless things theyre N G
DONlHuy unsuitable things theyre not
DONT buy shoddy things theyre disappoint-
We have just received a large stock of
First Class Goods
such as china closets buffets chiffoniers A
Princess dressers combination and sectional A
book cases music cabinets leather and velour
couches and fancy rockers
Full Line of
Childrens Rockers
Just the thing for a Christmas gift
If its coated your stomach
is bad your liver is out of
order Ayers Pills will clean
your tongue cure your dys
pepsia make your liver right
Easy to take easy to operate
25c AH druggists
nnr n h hi i i n n ni i 11 i n i 1 1 1 i ii j
Want your moustache or beird a beautiful J
uiuiui ur iiuii uiuuii t J 11 till usu
UUimmunHHI O U t Whiskers
50 CT3 or DrasSiSTS on R P Halt 4 CoNsmA N H
Turkeys Ducks Geese
and Eggs
Come in and talk with us
One door south of the Tribune Office
Mike Walsh
and EGGS
Old Rubber Copper and Brass
Highest Market Price Paid -in Cash
Block West of Citizens Bank
flcCook Nebraska
Headquarters for
Sewing Machines Carpets and Rugs
First Class Furniture Store
Confession is Sweet
to the Soul
There are difficulties in the treat
ment of germ diseases Perhaps you
have been the victim of the inevitable
disappointments of trying so called
guaranteed rempdies
Your Hogs Are Full
Of Worms
Try a quart of Liquid Koal and see
what it will do Take notice how it
increases the appetite We will tell
you what we want you to do Take
a can of Liquid Koal and give it a
fair impartial trial in the treatment
of hog cholera swine plague pink
eye black leg or any of the other
germ diseases of animals use accord
ing to directions and if it is not sat
isfactory when you have used a can
Come Back and Get
Your Money
Kead what others say
Kearney County Nursery G A Strand Prop
Grower of choice nursery stock
Mnden Neb Dec 5 1902
National Medical Co York Neb
About two weeks ago many of the farmers
around here lost verv hpavilrhrlinfMinin
I do not wish to write you a long flattering
statement about your medicine but will say
that I bought a quart can of Liquid Koal
and the improvement was so marked that I
bought a gallon can and used it with the re
sult that my hogs all recovered and I did
not lose one My herd of over 200 are in fine
condition and you may put me down as a
constant user of Liquid Koal
G A Stband
He who hesitates goes back
For Sale by James Cain
Up-to-Date Flour and Feed Store
Phone No 20 McCook Neb
Sheldon Iowa- York Xhm slm
Oklahoma City O T
i m
J 1