The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 04, 1903, Image 4

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Largest Circulation in Red Willow Co
Subscription 1 a Year in Advance
Fraternal Insurance Order Cards
R C I P A -Lodge No 612 moots first nnd
third Thnrsdnya of onch tnontli McConnells
hall 8ifp in E B IIuber President W S
Guteu Socrotnry
lodgo No- 307 ments on second and fourth Mon
day evoiiines of curh month at oittlit oclock iu
McCounoll mil R V Devoe Illustrious Pro
tector J C Mitchell Secretary
802 moots Recond nnd fourth Tiiursduy nftor
nopns ntUriiO oclock in McConnells hall Mns
Thad ShexHkkd Oraclo Mhs Auoubta Anton
Congressman Noukis has gained the
reputation of being a tireless worker in
the interest of his constituents lie is
especially active in looking after the in
terests of old soldiers in his district It
is entirely safe to bet that he will bo
found on the right side of all the ques
tions of national importance that con
fronts the coming congress Beaver
City Tribune
President Roosevelts attitude in
the general postoflice scandal will
strengthen him hugely with the Ameri
can people Inflexible straightforward
fearless he stands by Mr Bristow in
thelatters effort to cleanse tho depart
ment and to bring to justico tho grafters
who have disgraced themselves and
brought disrepute upon that arm of the
government service Tho presidents
policy is to see that no guilty man
Catholic Order of services Mass
8 a m Mass and sermon 1030 a m
Sunday school 230 p m Every Sun
day J J Loughran Pastor
Episcopal Services in St Albans
church as follows Every Sunday in
the month Sunday school at ton oclock
a m Morning prayer at 11 and evening-prayer
and sermon at 8V The third
Sunday in tho month Holy Communion
at 7 30 a m All are welcome
ER Earle Rector
First Baptist Church Sermons at
11 a m and 745 p m Bible school at
10 a m Junior society at 3 p m B
Y P U at 645 p in Mid week prayer
meeting Wednesday at 745 p m In
the morning the sermon will be one ap
propriate for the hour Evening subject
The Ear Marks of the Fool Our pul
pit stands for a rational practical Chris
tianity If you have no church homo
worship with us Excellent music a
warm heart a warm hand and a living
present Gospel are the attractions You
are invited C R Betts Pastor
Methodist Sunday school at 10 am
lesson Solomons Wise Choice 1
Kings 34 15 Preaching at 11am sub
ject The Christians Badge Class
meeting at 12 oclock Junior League
at 3 p m Mrs H A Beale supt Ep
worth League at 7 p m subject Lost
and Helpless A Man Without Christ
Preaching at 8 p m The Object of
Christs Death Good gospel singing
in connection You will find a welcome
here We expect to begin special reviv
al meetings the second week in January
following the week of prayer Sunday
school at South McCook every Sunday
at 2 p m A visiting brother will preach
there next Sunday at 3 p m We will
have a Christmas tree
M B Carman Pastor
Special meetings are in progress at
Zion Hill and will continue next week
Mrs Allie Laughlin supt of the
Methodist hospital of Omaha was in
tho city Tuesday
Elder J J Schaumburg of tho First
Day Adventist church arrived in the
city first of the week and is arranging
to hold services in the city for a week or
two They expect to secure the court
house that being the only available
The members of the Red willow County
Medical Association arerueeting in regu
lar session in Danbury today
When you want a pleasant purgative
try Chamberlains Stomach and Liver
Tablets They are easy to take and
produce no nausea griping or other dis
agreeable effect For sale by all drug
6o different games all new
one in each package of
Lion Coffee
at your Grocers
Fifty Years fhe Standard
Improves the flavor and adds to
fhe healihfulness of the food
The human mind is so constituted
that it finds deeper interest in what it
knows most about than in what is new
A discovery may arouse tho curiosity or
appeal to tho intelligence but the old
truths stir tho heart strings The In
dian marvels not atlhe works of science
Tho now civilized city dweller too fre
quently sees naught wonderful in the
works of nature
We who are of the west will read
with more than ordinary interest a little
book that has recently como from tho
press The Edge of Things by Elia W
Peattie Tho book has for us indeed a
double interest for not only is it a west
ern tale but it was written by a woman
who was once a Nebraskan a fact that
adds not a little to our pleasure in its
perusal It is rather a series of sketches
than a novelJn which is told the story
of the Californian shepherds It is a
tale of men exiled melancholy as
such tales must needs be but told with
a sweet sympathy such sympathy as
women only feel A man would not
have written as Mrs Peattie wrote be
cause no man is gifted with insight
the natural attribute of women into
the souls of things A man may see
but a woman not only sees but feels
Pathetic the story is yet brightened oc
casionally with the rustle of womans
garments enlivened from time to time
by accounts of thrilling adventures a
good wholesome story clean and pure
as the desert air
It is unfortunate that all readers may
not know the authors of the books they
read All good authors put much of
themselves into their work large part of
which is lost to the reader who does not
know his author The deprivation is
the greater in the case of Mrs Peatties
stories which are instinct with their
authors charming personality
-The Edge of Things how suggestive
the title to such as we for are not we
ourselves children of the desert and do
we n6t live or think we do at times on
the edge of things
Plea for Diversified Farming
Sugar beets have become an estab
lished crop with the farmers in the vi
cinity of McCook the acreage having
increased every year since they were first
introduced there five years ago Many
farmers have made a net earning of over
20 an acre from their beets this year
which was not as favorable as last The
crop is surer of making returns than any
other In some sections the sugar beet
is raised to feed cattle some cattle hav
ing been fattened on them exclusively
In endeavoring to establish diversified
farming why do not some Franklin
county farmers experiment with a few
acres of sugar beets If enough wil
agree to make the experiment the sugar
factory will supply the seed and give di
rections throughout the season concern
ing cultivation etc Franklin Free
Climatic Cures
The influence of climatic conditions
in the cure of consumption is very much
overdrawn The poor patient too can
do much better at home by proper at
tention to food digestion and a regular
use of German Syrup Free expectora
tion in the morning is made certain by
German Syrup so is a good nights rest
and tho absence of that weakening
cough and debilitating night cough
sweat Restless nights and the exhaus
tion due to coughing the greatest dan
ger and dread of the consumptive can
be prevented or stopped by taking Ger
man Syrup liberally and regularly
Should you be able to go to a warmer
clime3ou will find that of the thousands
of consumptives the few who are bene
fited and regain strength are those who
use German Syrup Trial bottles 25c
regular size 75c L W McConnell
A Costly Mistake
Blunders are sometimes very expen
sive Occasionally life itself is the price
of a mistake but youll never be wrong
if you take Dr Kings Now Life Pills
for dyspepsia dizziness headache liver
or bowel troubles They are gentle yet
thorough 25c at L W McConnells
drug store
A specialty of office supplies
The Tribune
iaa tluiiimsi SS - S a-
Harry Wales has a rick of corn about
fifty feet long
Miss Viola Corner is assisting MrsW
M Sharp with her work
J N Smith bought a fine carriage
and now tho whole family can all take
a rido
M H Cole and lady enjoyed some
bodys company some time some place
Bert Wales drove ono team and led
another and in this way two loads of
wheat wont to town Saturday
The Rev Mr Satchell will preach at
the Coleman school houso at 11 oclock
next Sunday Sunday school at 10 and
Epworth League at 4
On last Sabbath the Sunday school at
tho Coleman school house had tho var
ious committees appointed to arrange
for a Christmas tree on Christmas eve
Every ono invited
On Thanksgiving day seven or eight
famines met at the farm home of Mr
and Mrs J W Corner Such a mess of
goodies as our plump pretty rosy
cheeked wives and girls did fix up was
a caution Soon afternoon a whole lot of
fellows looked like they were just fresh
off an alfalfa patch all bloated up you
know They all got over it and will be
ready for another such mess Christmas
and New Years
Head About to Burst From Severe
Bilious Attack
I had a severe bilious attack and
felt liko my head was about to burst
when I got hold of a free sample of
Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tab
lets I took a dose of them after supper
and the next day felt like a new man
and have been feeling happy ever since
says Mr J W Smith of Juliff Texas
For biliousness stomach troubles and
constipation these Tablets have no equal
Price 25 cents For sale by all druggists
S B Rowe has gone to the country
for a few days visit with his son
Three new town pumps have been in
stalled this week which were much need
The Degreo ofj Honor held a pleasant
social in the fraternal hall Tuesday eve
Madam Rumor says marriage bells
will ring merrily between now and the
new year
There will be an entertainment and
Christmas tree at the Christian church
on Christmas eve
The road south of the river has at last
received a much needed improvement
and is now in very good condition for
Miss Lillie Burton who teaches the
Dry Creek school will give a basket so
cial Saturday evening A large attend
ance is anticipated
Rev Wolford of Kearney an evangeli
cal minister was here Tuesday making
Consumption is a human
weed flourishing best in weak
lungs Like other weeds its
easily destroyed while young
when old sometimes im
Strengthen the lungs as you
would weak land and the
weeds will disappear
The best lung fertilizer is
Scotts Emulsion Salt pork
is good too but it is very hard
to digest
The time to treat consump
tion is when you begin trying
to hide it from yourself
Others see it you wont
Dont wait until you cant
deceive yourself any longer
Begin with the first thought
to take Scotts Emulsion If
it isnt really consumption so
much the better you will soon
forget it and be better for the
treatment If it is consump
tion you cant expect to be
cured at once but if you will
begin in time and will be
rigidly regular in your treat
ment you will win
Scotts Emulsion fresh air
rest all you can eat all you
can thats the treatment and
thats the best treatment
We will send you
a little of the Emul
sion free
Be sure that this picture in
the form of a label is on the
wrapper of eery bottle oi
Emulsion you buy
409 Pearl St N Y
Oc and i all druggists
arrangements to hold a protracted meet
ing in tho near future
Elder Nichols of Indianola lectured
in tho Christian church Monday oven
ing Tho lecture was fine but owing to
tho inclemency of tho weather the aud
ience was not large
John Heagney and his new wife of
Wyoming Illinois wero hero Thanks
giving day Thoy also visited R J
Traphagans family over in Frontier
county They were old neighbors back
in Illinois years ago Mr Heagney and
wife went on to the mountains
Charlie Russell of Liucbln visited his
family this week
Milo Ough went to Denver Sunday
evening on business
Milo Ough was a visitor at Cedar
Bluffs Kansas Sunday
Mrs Stahlcup is here visiting her
daughter Mrs Ola Ilotze
Miss May Moore began teaching last
Monday southwest of McCook
May Hotze has returned from her
visit with her sister near Denver
Pat McDonnell has taken up his du
ties as janitor of tho school hero
Leo Gray of McCook spent Sunday
with his grandmother Mrs C Hoag
Miss Azubah McDonald is lying very
ill with an attack of nervous prostration
Miss May Moore spent Saturday and
Sunday with her friend Nellie Adams at
Floyd Welborn and wife of Denver
visited the latter part of last week with
S F Phillips and wife are enjoying a
visit from their daughter Julia of Lead
villo Colorado
Otto Halberslaben returned to Frank
lin Tliporlnv Tnnrnino nfrnr n phnrt visit
7fTi Vinmofrkl Ira
Miss Nellie Holland started for Cali
fornia last Friday evening to be gone
for an indefinite period
Mrs Harry Letts is enjoying a visit
from her father and mother from the
eastern part of the state
Mrs Ora Mathews and her sister Miss
Pearl Williams of Bartley attended tho
M E church here Sunday evening
The infant child of Mr and Mrs
Guthrie died Saturday evening of
whooping cough and was buried Monday
Miss McLaughlin deaconess of the
hospital at Omaha gave a very interest
ing talk at the M E church Sunday
morning and evening
Mrs Jack Graves who has been
visiting her parents Mr and Mrs Hol
land for a short time returned to her
home in Montana last Friday
The social given at the hall last
Thursday evening by the Degree of
Honor was well attended A fine pro
gram was rendered and a neat sum
realized from the suppar
Mrs Charles Rogers is suffering with
a sore throat
J L Sims shipped two cars of hogs to
Denver Tuesday
Mrs Jacob Corb reported very sick
last week is able to sit up
The 3 months old baby of Richard
Hempess is sick with lung fever
Frank Burbridge and Mr Sexton of
McCook were visitors hero last week
The new butcher shop and packing
plant begins to look like an iron clad
battle ship
Frank Haun was in town Saturday
shaking hands with old time friends
who are legion
A blind showman has been exhibiting
here for a few days to the delight of the
little bojs and girls
Thanksgiving was celebrated in the
usual manner here A big dance at the
hall a few solar plexus jolts caused by
bad whisky brought from other towns
There was a sound of elpinp by night
And whining with pains in their stomachs
Strong men were sighing and women were
While dogs were a falling coflummix
Voorhis Van Pelt pulled in from Ft
Collins Colo with a bride We wish
them smooth sailing but we are ap
prehensive that there will bo a few
little squalls along lifes journey
At the call meeting of the town dads
Moso Young was appointed city marshal
and Mose Young was appointed night
watch A few weeks ago Mose Young
was appointed postmaster and last May
Mose Young was appointed one of the
town trustees and at the Spring elec
tion Mose Young was appointed on the
election board
A Frightened Horse
Running like mad down the street
dumping the occupants or a hundred
other accidents are every day occur
rences It behooves everybody to have
a reliable salve handy and theres none
as good as Bucklens Arnica Salve
Burns cuts sores eczema and piles
disappear quickly under its soothing
effect 25c at L W McConnells drug
Say did you ever try a Bachelor
cigar They are now sold for oc
mi -
i n
liiiiiiii mini i
it j nnmmniT Tiffni titvl
HM UH V M J K 3 HI II II III 1111 I 4 llll
JLJLs JL 9 J J JL 3 j
Turkeys Bucks Geese
and Eggs
Come in and talk with us
One door south of the Tribune Office
Mike Walsh
and EGGS
Old Rubber Copper and Brass
Highest Market Price Paid in Cash
Block West of Citizens Bank
flcCook Nebraska
Blue Front
Fine Turnouts
Either Single or Double
Phone 36 Kear Palmer House
McCook Nebraska
Carry in stock the Famous Mathushek and Story Clark
Pianos and the best makes of organs Also general line of
music goods Come and see Get my prices and terms
McCook Market Quotations
Corroded Friday morning
Corn 25
Whpit 5K
Oats U
Kje S5
Barley 25
Jlogj IJ 75
Egg 2J
Good Butter 20
Creamery Butter 28
Confession is Sweet
to the Soul
There are difficulties in the treat
ment of germ diseases Perhaps yon
have been the victim of the inevitable
disappointments of trying so called
guaranteed rempdies
Your Hogs Are Full
Of Worms
Try a quart of Liquid Koal and see
what it will do Take notice how it
increases the appetite We will tell
you what we want you to do Take
a can of Liquid Koal and give it a
fair impartial trial in the treatment
of hog cholera swine plague pink
eye black leg or any of the other
germ diseases of animals use accord
ing to directions and if it is not sat
isfactory when you have used a can
Come Back and Get
Your Money
Read what others say
Kearney Conntj Nursery G A Strand Prop
Grower of choice nurserv stock
Minden Neb Dec 5 102
National Medical Co ork Neb
About two weeki ato many of the farmers
nround here lost very heavily by hop cholera
I do not wish to write jou a lontf flattering
statement about your medicine but will say
that I bought a quart can of Liquid Koal
and the improvement was so marked that I
bought a gallon can and used it with the re
sult that my boss all recovered and I did
not loe one My herd of over 200 are in fino
condition and you may put mo down as a
constant user of Liquid Koal
G A Strand
He who hesitates goes back
For Sale by James Cain
Up-to-Date Flour and Feed Store
Phone No 20 McCook Neb
S8 XW 9 D
SheldonIowa York Nebraska
Oklahoma City O T
ri l