The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 04, 1903, Image 3

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When the Game Lagged
To celebrate the twenty first birth
day of a southern gentleman one of
our half penny papers tells us there
have been rejoicings on the line of
1 of everything At 21 minutes
past nine 21 rockets went tip to sum
mon to the house 21 people of the
rge of 21 The guests sat down to 21
dishes and the young gentlemans
father presented him with 21 There
were 21 dances and 21 songs and 21
kisses The party lasted 21 times 21
minutes But 21 papers could not be
found to print this momentous intelli
gence London Punch
Use Red Cross Ball Blue It makes clothes
clean and sweet as when new All grocers
Distance prolongs the life of many
A womans train of thought is often
on her dress
BXother Grays Sweet for Children
Successfully used by Mother Gray nurse
in the Childrens Home in New York cure
Constipation Feverishness Bad Stomach
Teething Disorders move and regulate the
Bowels and Destroy Worms Over 30000 tes
timonials At all Druggists 25c Sample
2TREE Address A S Olmsted LeRoyNY
A Woman Teacher Preached
Rev E B Saunders pastor of the
Seventh Day Baptist church of Shi
loh N J was taken suddenly ill one
Saturday and members of the congre
gation were at a loss for some one to
act as substitute The church was
well filled when Miss Mary Dixon a
popular teacher in the public school
there walked up into the pulpit and
delivered an excellent sermon So ac
ceptable did Miss Dixon preach that
her many friends are advising her to
abandon her profession as school
teacher and enter fiie ministry
more goods brighter colors with less
work than others
Fees cf Popes Physicians
The fees paid by the cardinal cam
erlingo to the physicians who at
tended Leo XIII in his last illness
were 4000 to Dr Lappcni 3000 to
Prof Mazzoni and 2000 to Prof Ros
Drugs to Be Tabooed
One of the dreams of medical men
is likely to be realized in the near
future it is said Few drags will be
swallowed or taken into the stomach
unless needed for the direct treat
ment of that organ itself By the me
dium Df electric currents drugs will
be applied to various organs through
the skin and flesh and the treatment
will be painless
I cm sure Plsos Cure for Consumption saved
my life three years ago Mrs Thos Konncss
ilaple Street Norwich N Y Feb 17 1900
The Popes Quarters
The pope has at last selected a cosv
compartment in the Vatican as his
especial quarters The choice was
made with a view to be safe from the
annoyance and intrusions caused by
tho otherwise too frequent nresenrp
cl guarus and courtiers
3idney Complaints Dia
betes Brights Disease Inflam
mation of tlic iCidneys Dropsy
swelling of the limbs or body
incessant pains in the back or
fill munition of tiie bladder in
limned passages pain in passing
urine incontinence of urine too
luuoiior too little urine
Uiuc Acid Troubles
Rheumatism Gravel Gout
Gall Stones Lumbago
Nehve Troubles Neural
gia Sciatica Nervous Collapse
Sleeplessness Melancholia
-Many other disorders arc
caused directly or indirectly
by faulty kidney action and
can he reached and cured by
Details Kidney Pills This
remedy has cured every com
pliint recorded above and over
50000 testimonials prove its
surprising merit
GO cents per box of all deal
ers or mailed on receipt of
price by addressing Fostcr
Milburn Co Buffalo N Y
She Wrote Negro Dialect
Miss Anne Hobson sister of Cap
tain R P Hobson has written a num
ber of negro dialect stories which are
published under the title of In Old
Alabama Miss Hobson is a south
ern woman who has given consider
able study to the negro dialect and
reproduces it creditably
Worlds Talr
A SrLouis Worlds Fair Informa
tion Bureau has been established at
1G01 Farnam St Onraha Neb in
charge of Harry E Moores where all
information will be cheerfully fur
nished free of charge
The Biggest Bluefish
Nelson P Ewen a member of the
live saving crew at Nantucket Mass
caught the largest bluefish ever hook
ed on the Atlantic coast the other
day It measured three feet nine and
one half inches long and weighed a
trifle over twenty seven pounds
Those Who Have Tried It
will use no other Defiance Cold Water
Starch lias no equal in Quantitv or Quul
ity 16 oz for 10 cents Other brands con
tain only 12 oz
Quiet Reform
Those interested in the fall elec
tions would do well to take a look at
an article in the November Every
bodys if they are at all uncertain
what a reform administration can ac
complish In Reform that Reforms
Alfred Hodder tells specifically some
of the changes for the public good
that have been brought about in New
York during the present administra
tion notably by the commissioners of
health and charities The quiet re
forms of which the public does not
hear are often the most significant
the stopping of a leak acc6mplished
for example by paying fifty cents of
tho public money for a gallon of al
cohol in place of a former 5575 the
rigid inspection of drugs and groceries
to check adulteration Reform may
make its mistakes but one is inclined
to think that these are mistakes in an
uncommonly good direction after con
sidering Mr Hodders facts
Wsr II Neighbors the well
known jeweler of West Main
btreet Wytheville vasays
Some four 3ears ago an attack
of grip settled in my back and
I have suffered off and on ever
since with a dull heavy aching
across the small of my back
always more severe in the
morning It was difficult for
me to stoop or straighten and
if I sat down for anjr length of
time it was hard for me to
nrise I took two boxes of
Doans Kidney Pills and the
dull disagreeable aching left
Best Papa of All
Walking home from school the oth
er day some children were discussing
the perfection and usefulness of their
respective fathers My fathers the
bost man in the world said one lit
tle girl he is a minister He makes
people go to church Mine is the
bst piped another hes a doctor
Ho makes sick people well so they
can go to church Three or four
more enlarged upon the benefit the
world derived from their fathers when
finally a sweet blue eyed little girl
said My papas the best oT all Hes
a poet A poet said another in
sympathetic surprise why a poet
isnt a profession Its a disease
State op Onto Crrr ok Toledo
Lucas Couxty f ff
FavNK i Ciisvsr makes oath that ho Is senior
Eartner of th5 firm of F J Cheney Co doing
iifaes In the City of Toledo County and State
Atorchald and that said firm rlll pay the sum of OXC
HUXDRKD DOLLARS for each and every cano of
Catakhii that cannot bo cured by the use of Halls
Catau ii Cube
Sworn to before me and subscribed In my presence
this ih day of December A 1 1SS6
fi f Xotanj Public
Halls Catarrh Cure Is taken internally and acts
directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of tho
system Send for testimonials free
PoMbyall DrmTKlsts75c
lUUs Family Fills are the best
II E McCarver of 201
Cherry Street Portland Ore
gon inspector of freight cars
for the Transcontinental Com
pany says I used Doans
Kidney Pills for backache and
other symptoms of kidney
trouble which had annoyed me
for months I think a cold
was responsible for the whole
trouble It seemed to settle ia
my kidneys Doans Kidney
Pills rooted it out It is several
months since I used them and
up to date there has been no
recurrence of the trouble
long one Some of the interesting ar
ticles all of which will be splendidly
illustrated will tell of Japanese ath
letics for American boys some queer
mail carriers interesting signs of old
London children in the White House
the Ex peror Hadrians wall a day
with Hudson Maxim how some ani
mals sleep secret alphabets diving
for pearls historic dwarfs and many
other fascinating subjects
Wonderful Flight of Birds
There is conclusive evidence to
show that in one unbroken nocturnal
flight the European bird known as the
northern bluethroat passes from Cen
tral Africa to the German sea a dis
tance of 1600 miles making the
journey in nine hours From its win
ter home in Africa observations have
determined that it starts after sunset
arriving at its far northern summer
haunts before dawn on the next morn
Insist on Getting It
Some grocers say they dont keep De
fiance Starch because they have a stock
in hand of 12 oz brands which they
know cannot he sold to a customer who
has once used the 1C oz package De
fiance Stanch for same money
Anecdote of Hugo
Apropos tf the Hugo museum Le
Gaulois recalls the story of the young
man who at one of the poets recep
tions became engaged in argument
and lost his temper Hugo solemnly
rebuked him and he subsided Pres
ently the guests retired One of them
however had forgotten his umbrella
and returned to get it Looking
throuhg an open door from the vesti
bule he perceived the young man on
his knees before Hugo sobbing out
his apologies for his1 disrespect while
Victor Hugo with almost regal dig
nity extended his hand to him and
bade him rise
3Irs George Wallace Jr
of Elmira N Y wife of
George Wallace broker of
West Water Street and living
at 007 Bold win Street says
In March 1897 I was cured
of kidney and bladder trouble
by Doans Kidney Pills My
physician said at that time that
my life could be saved only
by an operation Night after
night I had been kept awako
for hours at a time with ter
rible pain in my back and the
secretions from the kidneys
were in as bad n state as pos
sible I suffered with hemor
rhages frequently and was in
a weak state Four boxes of
Doans Kidney Pills cured me
and I now gladly reendorsc the
remedy because during the
time which has since elapsed
nearly seven years I have never
had the slightest sign of a
return of the trouble
St Nicholas
The list of verse writers and artists
some of the very best in the land who
have promised their work to St Nich
olas in the next twelve months is a
A Lucky Railroad Man
Daniel Cooper of Suffern N Y ha3
retired from the service of the Erie
railroad after fifty three years of serv
ice as flagman baggage master sta
tion agent and conductor In all this
time he has never had an accident and
he is still a hearty old man
Russell as a Decliner
John E Russell the prominent Mas
sachusetts democrat who died a few
days ago was a fine type of the pub
lic spirited citizen whose powers are
devoted to the service of his fellow
men without stipulation of reward
Within nine months at the height of
his political importance Mr Russell
is known to have refused a nomina
tion as governor of Massachusetts
the collectorsnip of the port of Bos
ton the Spanish mission the Italian
mission and the post of secretary of
the navy Nor did he decline these
tenders in the expectation of receiv
ing one more agreeable It was his
deliberate determination not to take
public office It would chill my in
fluence with the people he said
More Flexible and Lasting
wont shake out or blow out by using
Defiance Starch you obtain better results
than possible with any other brand and
one third more for same money
The road of prejudice never leads
to the realm of truth
Helen Keller is a Class Officer
Miss Helen Keller the blind deaf
mute has just been elected vice presi
dent of the senior class at Radcliffe
college the womans department of
Harvard She is pursuing four full
courses two in English and two in
Latin She has thus far passed all
her examinations with as much credit
as if she had all her faculties and is
accomplishing more in scholarship
than any other person in the world
sc handicapped
Fame and Geography
John Kendrick Bangs told the fol
lowing story on himself at a recent
dinner Just after my unsuccessful
campaign for mayor of Yonkers a
friend of mine came up to pay me a
visit He inquired my address of a
policeman and I am glad to say the
policeman did not know me My
friend thought that a corner saloon
keeper could surely tell him but I am
glad to say that he also did not know
me A constituent of mine happen
ing to overhear his inquiry asked
Bangs Bangs do you mane that Bangs
tnat was just after runnin fur mayor
iiy friend told him that I was the same
one but explained that that was not
ur Bangs only attribute to fame He
went on to say that Mr Bangs had
written several books one of which a
man out in California had read from
beginning to end ana that a large fam
ilv in Salt Lake City had read an
other of his works In fact he said
Mr Bangs reputation might well be
called national Well broke in the
Irishman his repitation moight be
national all roight but OiIl be dahmn
ed if its local
Some People Are Lucky
Some people make an intelligent
study of food and get on the right
track pure food others are lucky
enough to stumble upon the right
way out of the difficulty just as a
Phila young woman did
Sho says I had suffered terribly
from nervous indigestion everything
seemed to disagree with me and I was
on the point of starvation when one
da I happened to run across a demon
stration of Postum Food Coffee at one
of the big stores here
I took a sample home and a sample
of Grape Nuts as well and there tried
them again and found they agreed
with me perfectly For months I
made them my main diet and as the
result I am restored to ray former per
fect health and can eat everything I
want to
When I spoke to my physician
about Grape Nuts he said It Is a most
excellent food Name given by Pos
tum Co Battle Creek Mich
Theres a reason
Look for the famous little book
The Road to Wellville In every
package of both Postum and Grape
Fourth Assistant Postmaster General J L Bristow Gives Details of tha Fraudulent
Practices Unearthed in the Postoffice Department Memorandum
cf the President
Notifying Congress of the results of
the investigation into corrupt prac
tices obtaining in the Postoffice de
partment President Roosevelt sent the
following memorandum to the legisla
tive body
It appears that In December 1002 Postmaster-General
Payne and Congressman
E F Loud chairman of the Committee
on the Post Office and Post Roads held
various consultations regarding the pos
tal service and as a result of these In
terviews It was determined that as soon
as possible after the necessary appropria
tions could be made by the Congress an
Investigation shouM be made of the ser
vice both Messrs Payne and Loud agree
ing as to the need for the Investigation
and the time when it should take place
Accordingly an Increase of 5000 In the
appropriation bill reported in January
was made for the express purpose of car
rying on the investigation In question
The investigation made by Mr Bris
tow discloses a condition of gross cor
ruption in the office of the First Assist
ant Postmaster General and in that of
the Assistant Attorney General for the
Post Office department In the case of
the superintendent of free delivery Mach
en the evidence shows that his miscon
duct began immediately after his appoint
ment in September 1893 In the case of
the general superintendent of salaries
and allowances Beavers it began soon
after he was appointed to that place in
IS In the case of Assistant Attorney
General Tyner ii has gone on for a num
ber of years but it is Impossible to say
exactly when it began The following is
a list of the fourteen Post Office em
ployes in the service at the time this In
vestigation was begun who are appar
ently most seriously implicated in the
wrongdoing together with an account of
the steps that have been taken by the
Government in each case
The case of ex First Assistant Postmaster-General
Heath who had left the
service over three -years before this in
vestigation was begun is set forth in
the report of Mr Bristow
James N Tyner Assistant Attorney
General for the Post Office department
appointed special agent Post Office de
partment March 7 1SG1 with intervals
of a few years has been in the service
ever since and was Postmaster General
under President Grant for several
months he was removed April 22 1903
he has since been indicted three times
A W Machen general superintendent
free delivery system appointed clerk in
post office at Toledo Ohio March 1 1S87
continuously in service ever since save
for three years removed May 27 1903
has since been indicted fourteen times
George W Beavers general superin
tendent of salaries and allowances ap
pointed to clerkship In New York post
office January 1SS1 continuous service
ever since resignation accepted to take
effect March 31 1903 has since been in
dicted eight times
James T Metcalf superintendent money-order
system appointed post office in
spector February 2 1SS2 has been in pos
tal service ever since removed June 17
1903 has been indicted once
Daniel V Miller assistant attorney
Post Oflice department appointed July 1
1902 removed May 25 1903 indicted once
arter one mistrial was retired and ac
Louis Kempner superintendent regis
try system appointed clerk in New York
post office August 1SS6 removed October
21 1S03
Charles Hedges superintendent city
free delivery service appointed assistant
superintendent free delivery service July
1 1S98 removed July 22 1903
James W Erwin assistant superintend
ent free delivery service appointed post
office inspector June 27 18S7 removed Sep
tember 10 1903 indicted once
W Scott Towers superintendent Sta
tion C Washington D C appointed
clerk Washington post office November
1S90 removed October 1903 indicted three
Otto F Weis assistant superintendent
registry division New York post office
appointed clerk New York post office
June 1890 removed October 21 3903
T W McGregor clerk free delivery di
vision in charge of supplies appointed
Post Office department March 11 1891
removed June 5 1903 indicted twice
C E Upton clerk free delivery divis
ion appointed July 1 1900 removed June
5 1903 indicted once
M W Louis superintendent supply di
vision appointed Kansas City post office
April 17 1897 removed October 21 1953
Charles B Terry clerk supply division
appointed September 20 1900 removed Oc
tober 21 1903
The three chief offenders in the Govern
ment service were Tyner Machen and
Beavers As regards Messrs Beavers and
Machen the corruption took the form of
bribery and blackmail in connection with
the purchase of Government supplies In
the office of the Assistant Attorney-General
for the Post Office department under
Tyner and Barrett far greater wrong
was inflicted upon the public than could
be measured by a pecuniary standard
for in this office the corruption of the
Government officials took the form of
favoring get-rich-quick concerns and sim
ilar swindling schemes in other words
the criminals whom it was the sworn
duty of these Government officials to
prosecute paid them for permission to
fleece the public unmolested
I heartily approve of the recommenda
tion of Messrs Conrad and Bonaparte
that the statute of limitations be extend
ed in the case of Government servants
to a period of at least five yeans for the
persons wno in such positions of trust
engage in corrupt practices can ordinarily
conceal their guilt for a longer time than
is covered by the present short statute of
No crime calls for sterner reprobation
than the crime of the corruptionist in
public life and of the man who seeks to
corrupt him The bribe giver and the
bribe taker are equally guilty Both alike
sin against the primary law of the States
safety All questions of difference in par
ty policy sink into insignificance when
the people of this country are brought
face to face with a question like this
which lies at the root of honest and de
cent government On this question and
on all others like it we can afford to
have no division among good citizens
Self government becomes a farce if the
representatives of the people corrupt
others or are themseives corrupted Free
dom is not a gift which will tarry long in
the hands of the dishonest or of those
so foolish or so incompetent as to tolerate
uishonesty in their public servants Un
der our system all power comes from the
Water Supply Important
Many people who build homes in
the country fail to realize until it is
too late that the question of water
supply is the most important problem
face is that an abundant quantity of
water should be provided for before
the location for house or stable or gar
den is chosen Every additional foot
which water has to be carried in
creases the expense and often dimin
ishes the supply Country Life in
people and all punishment rosts ulti
mately with the reopie The toleration of
the wrong not tho exposure of the wrong
is tiie real offense
Astounding Revelations cf
ing Corruption
The report of Fourth Assistant Postmaster-General
J L Bristow on the
postal investigation is substantially as
He first takes up the case of Michael
W Lculs of Cincinnati appointed in 1897
Acting Superintendent of tho Supply Di
vision Hb peculations amounted to
many thousands of dollars He was re
moved in October 1903
The administrative methods of Tyner
and Barrett are clearly lllustiatcd in a
number of cases which were passed upon
by them
Mr Bristow shows how many fraudu
lent schemes wore accorded protection by
Barrett and allowed use of the mails
These include many small swindles in
the shape of lottery inducements land
investment schemes etc
Of the turf investment swindles Mr
Bristow says
E J Arnold Co or St Louis Mo
were conducting what Is known as a
turf investment scheme On Novem
ber 23 1902 the inspectors having inves
tigated the company recommended that
a fraud order be issued against it In
the meantime thecompany had employed
Barrett as its attorney and paid him a
fee of 5000 And instead of issuing a
fraud order Tyner gave the company a
letter of commendation Two days after
Tyner wrote this letter Barrett received
a chock of 1000 as an additional fee
The company failed in February 1903
assets 75000 liabilities 312077G
J J Ryan Co J J Ryan Co of
St Louis was a kindred institution to
Arnold Co In October 1902 the in
spectors recommended a fraud order
against tills company The company was
given a hearing by the Assistant-Attorney
Generals Office and another investi
gation by the inspectors was requested
In the meantime J M Johns an attor
ney at Rockville Ind made a proposition
to Ryan that for a fee of 5000 he could
help him through his friend D V Mil
ler of the Assistant Attorney Generals
Office After some negotiations it was
agreed that 1500 would be paid to Johns
by Ryan if he would give him a clean
bill before the Post Olficu department
This Johns agreed to do and Miller se
cured a favorable ruling for Ryan Co
which he sent to Johns As a result of
this transaction Miller and Johns were
Rifling of the safe On April 21 1903
while the investigation of the Assistant
Attorney Generals Office was in prog
ress Mrs J N Tyner in a clandestine
manner admitted Mrs Barrett and Mr
Hamner a safe expert into a private
room of the Assistant Attorney Generals
Office where he unlocked the safe and
took out all of the contents which Mrs
Tyner carried off What was in the safe
no one knows but the Tyners Mrs
Tyner stated that she went to the office
and secured the contents of the safe un
der the direction of her husband which
statement he confirmed As a result of
this episode Tyner was summarily re
moved from the office of Assistant Attorney-General
and Christiancy resigned
For six years under Tyners adminis
tration certain favored frauds and lotter
ies were given free use of the mails
Barretts scheme to resign and practice
before the Office and Tyners part in
that scheme as set forth in the body of
this report was the climax of official per
fidy more evil in its results and more
demoralizing to the public conscience
than outright embezzlement or open
Tyner and Barrett were indicted on
October 5 by the grand jury for the Dis
trict of Columbia for conspiracy to de
The frauds in money order forms in
which James T Metcalf superintendent
of the money order system is involved
and for which he was removed from
office are next taken up
A long list of swindles carried out by
August W Machen of Ohio is enumerat
ed and the charge is made that he has
been guilty of forgery The schemes by
which the government was defrauded in
clude carriers satchels the Groff fasten
ers for letter boxes painting of street
letter boxes carriers Weather cases the
contract for street letter boxes package
boxes the Montague indicator a device
attached to street letter boxes showing
the hours of collection and rural carriers
The report continues
In August 1S97 George W Beavers
was appointed chief of the salary and al
lowance division Beavers methods have
been reckless and without rule or regu
larity Increases of allowances for clerk
hire in post offices were made as mat
ters of favor regardless of the necessities
of the service Promotions were fre
quently made without consideration of
the merits of the clerk promoted Long
time leases for post office premises were
canceled and the rent increased upon the
recommendation of prominent political
leaders sometimes without regard to the
rental value of the premises
In the list of Beavers misdeeds are
included the sale of promotions and the
radding of pay rolls for clerk hire oper
ations which netted Beavers many thou
sands of dollars
The report shows that the government
has been swindled out of a vast amount
of money by fraudulent leases Twenty
cases are cited in all of which Beavers
was implicated and which have been
fully proved The revelations in this
connection and in the case of the pur
chasing of large amounts of Brandt
Automatic Cashiers are astounding
Mr Bristow says
Eliminating from consideration all in
dications of fraud and passing upon the
case wholly as a question of administra
tive judgment it appears to me that this
transaction would have justified the sum
mary removal from office of First Assist
ant Postmaster General Heath and
George W Beavers
But the element of fraud can not be
eliminated Men of ordinary intelligence
rarely waste the public revenues in such
a manner without a personal motive A
bribe of 12500 was paid Congressman
Edmund H Driggs to secure tne order
for 250 machines A part of this money
has been traced to the bank account of
Farmers interest in Roads
It costs the farmers of the United
States nearly three times more to get
their crops to market than it does the
farmers of Europe on an equal ton-
with which they have to grapple The J nage of farm products This is be
cause the roads of Europe are three
times as good as the roads of this
country on an average The enor
mous cost of transporting crops to
market can be reduced only by im
proving the highways over which they
are hauled The better the roads the
less the cost Leavenworth Times
DrlggH Ucavcrn and Miller have been
Indicted by the Federal grand Jury in tho
cjty of Brooklyn N Y
The report continues
In 1SH while John Wrnamnlccr was
Postjritutcr Gereral an effort wan ntmto
to Introduce the Bundy time recorder for
use In the postal service but it failed
Later during tho administration of
WHson upon tho recom
mendation of A W Muchon it was adopt
ed Machen estimated that the ontlro
free delivery service cuulu be supplied for
In ll Ol an effort was made by Vlr Jt
Assistant Postmastor Goncral W M
Johnson and his chief clerk John M Mn
tcn to reduce tho price of these time re
corders but tho effort was aftorwrdi
H J Trueadcll who was agent of the
company at tho tlmo these clocks wcro
first adopted states that he paid Machen
1000 for his services in securing their
Introduction Into tho service Criminal
action on such payment is barred by tho
statute of limitations
By tho purchasing of canceling ma
chines for u e in tho postal service it in
shown that the government has lost over
100000 which sum was divided uniong tho
conspirators interested Here again crim
inal action Is barred by the statute of lim
Says Mr Bristow
The most Important contract for can
celing machines was that for the Dore
mus Its original promoters were W D
Doremus the inventor L T Mlchener
member of the law firm of Dudley
Michener of Washington and II J
Truesdell of Binghainton N Y Tlicr
company was organized August 3 189J
and capitalized for 1C0000 divided into
1000 shares of 100 each Truesdell was on
intimate personal relations with Beavera
and In 189J an order was given for 10
machines at 150 each Long before nil
of the 100 machines had been delivered
the department received numerous com
plaints from postmasters stating that
they were worthless and on account ot
he great dissatisfaction with this first
100 known as Model No 1 the Doremus
company established a factory of its own
in Washington and created Model No i
and Beavers without testing its efficien
cy on June 30 1900 contracted for 100 o
the new machines at 223 each Model No
2 also proved a failure and Model No 3
was made and Beavers promptly gave an
order for 100 machines of that model at
225 each
Of the 2C0 machines purchased of mod
els Nos 1 and 1 but 39 are now in uje
the remaining- liU being practically a net
Six hundred and seventy one of these
machines have been ordered by the de
partment at a mt cost of 1J3J73 This j
a repetition of the story of automat Is
cashiers and Elliott Hatch typewriters
except that it is on a larger scale
In 1S01 True dell and Green became es
tranged and Truesdell left the employ of
the Bunday company and also sold his
intercut in the Doremus canceling ma
chine When interviewed by the inspec
tors Truesdell stated that before the sec
ond order on June 30 1900 was given for
100 machines Green told hint Ins hud
transferreil to Perry S Heath First As
sistant Postmaster General 20000 vortlx
of his stock in consideration of receiv
ing an order Tor not less than 300 ma
Heath refused to make a written state
ment but said verbally to Inspector Sim
mons that he never received any atocfc
from tho Doremus Canceling Mnchinu
Company or any remuneration -of any
kind directly or indirctlye
On October 5 1903 indictments wero
found against Green Doremu3 and Beav
ers for conspiracy to defraud
The evidence against Heath was also
submitted to the district attorney who
decided that it was not sufficient to war
rant his indictment
The administration of Beavers was if
possible more demoralizing upon the in
tegrity or the service than that of Ma
In conclusion the report says
For tho purposes of this report tin
investigation ordered by you on March
7 has been completed In the preparation
of cases loi trial where indictments have
been found information may be secured
which viJ necessitate further investiga
tion and possibly involve persons not now
The system cf organized corruption
that has been disclosed began in 1893 and
continued until stopped by this investiga
tion The amount of money secured by
the corrupt officials and their confeder
ates is small ar ompared to the totai
loss to the Govi nment To illustrate
Barrett received Lut 0000 from Ar
nold yet that ompany defrauded th
people out of over 3000000 Machen
probably did not receive more than 20
000 from the Groff fastener Yot the gov
ernment has paid approximately 130000
for that device which represents a net
loss since the Department continued
by the terms of the contract for letter
boxes to pay for the original fastenery
Beavers and his associates received Iesr
than 20000 from the automatic cashier
Yet the Department expended 574275 for
this wholly unnecessary machine The
total amount that the perpetrators ot
these frauds themselves received can not
be definitely learned tut it will aggre
gate between 300000 and 400000 while
the loss to the government considering
the unnecessary supplies that liavc been
purchased and the inferior quality of
those furnisned by fraudulent contract
ors can not be estimated with any de
gree of accuracy
As the gross abuses hare been
brought to light they have been prompt
ly corrected by the proper departmental
officers Contracts where fraud has been
discovered have been annulled
The of the investigation dem
onstrate that ail traveling agents of tire
Department such as assistant superin
tendents if fjJaris ard allowances of
the free deh ry service the Railway
Mail Serviee and the registry system
and inspectors should be placed under
one organization
A numbT of changes shouIJ be made
in the ergrrzatii cf the Department in
order to provide a more perfect checfc
on the operations of various divisions and
some restrictive legislation affecting the
divisions of salaries and allowance ot
rural free delivery and possibly otheri
may be What the sen ice
most needs howvcr is honest intelli
gent and vigorous administration Thc
corruption disctosfd is not due to lax
laws but to the dishonesty of those who
have been charged with the responsi
bility of administering them
The Next Necessity
Congressman AIcAndrews cf Chi
cago sent a lot of seed to his consti
tuents a few days ago and very soon
afterward received a reply from one of
them which read After taking out
package of your grass seed Ive oo
ccene a hay seed The corn you sent
has been planted in the vacant -Jot
near the bank building It is nine
inches high now and all the people re
fer to it as McAndrews park Try to
send us a few trees and a watermelon